pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
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pročitao sam
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao wrote:Zbog broja 4, nekakvo objašnjenje vezano uz 4 strane svijeta, uglavnom, ne može biti više od 4 evanđelja. Pa su se stoljećima dogovarali koja 4 će to biti.Starhemberg wrote:
Što misliš zašto su uopće bila izbačena?
Nema nikakve veze sa skrivanjem tajni, ili nečime tajanstvenim.
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Čitao sam djelomice, najviše Tanah i tzv. Novi zavjet.
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Poceo malo proucavati Novi,pa mi sve nes ko kamilica...prilagodjeno...prikladno...njonjavo..
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Nije bilo ni Ivanovo na početku pa je poslije upalo. 4 ih je zbog mističnog značenja brojke 4.Starhemberg wrote:
Nisu bila na dogmatskoj liniji s ovima prihvaćenima
Evo što kaže apostolski otac Irenej iz 2. st.
It is not possible that the Gospels can be either more or fewer in number than they are. For, since there are four zones of the world in which we live, and four principal winds, while the Church is scattered throughout all the world, and the "pillar and ground" 1 Tim. 3:15 of the Church is the Gospel and the spirit of life; it is fitting that she should have four pillars, breathing out immortality on every side, and vivifying men afresh. From which fact, it is evident that the Word, the Artificer of all, He that sits upon the cherubim, and contains all things, He who was manifested to men, has given us the Gospel under four aspects, but bound together by one Spirit. As also David says, when entreating His manifestation, "You that sits between the cherubim, shine forth. "For the cherubim, too, were four-faced, and their faces were images of the dispensation of the Son of God. For, [as the Scripture] says, "The first living creature was like a lion," Rev. 4:7 symbolizing His effectual working, His leadership, and royal power; the second [living creature] was like a calf, signifying [His] sacrificial and sacerdotal order; but "the third had, as it were, the face as of a man,"— an evident description of His advent as a human being; "the fourth was like a flying eagle," pointing out the gift of the Spirit hovering with His wings over the Church. And therefore the Gospels are in accord with these things, among which Christ Jesus is seated. For that according to John relates His original, effectual, and glorious generation from the Father, thus declaring, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Jn. 1:1 Also, "all things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made." For this reason, too, is that Gospel full of all confidence, for such is His person. But that according to Luke, taking up [His] priestly character, commenced with Zacharias the priest offering sacrifice to God. For now was made ready the fatted calf, about to be immolated for the finding again of the younger son. Matthew, again, relates His generation as a man, saying, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham; "and also, "The birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise." This, then, is the Gospel of His humanity; for which reason it is, too, that [the character of] a humble and meek man is kept up through the whole Gospel. Mark, on the other hand, commences with [a reference to] the prophetical spirit coming down from on high to men, saying, "The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it is written in Esaias the prophet,"— pointing to the winged aspect of the Gospel; and on this account he made a compendious and cursory narrative, for such is the prophetical character. And the Word of God Himself used to converse with the ante-Mosaic patriarchs, in accordance with His divinity and glory; but for those under the law He instituted a sacerdotal and liturgical service. Afterwards, being made man for us, He sent the gift of the celestial Spirit over all the earth, protecting us with His wings. Such, then, as was the course followed by the Son of God, so was also the form of the living creatures; and such as was the form of the living creatures, so was also the character of the Gospel. For the living creatures are quadriform, and the Gospel is quadriform, as is also the course followed by the Lord. For this reason were four principal (καθολικαί) covenants given to the human race: one, prior to the deluge, under Adam; the second, that after the deluge, under Noah; the third, the giving of the law, under Moses; the fourth, that which renovates man, and sums up all things in itself by means of the Gospel, raising and bearing men upon its wings into the heavenly kingdom.
Last edited by ostrakon on 11/10/2015, 00:22; edited 1 time in total
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Dobro, ali ti si pistao zašto ih je 4. Četiri ih je iz astrološko mitoloških razloga, a to da su se međusobno ubijali kako bi nečije evanđelje bilo prihvaćeno među tih mogućih 4 je druga stvar.Starhemberg wrote:
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Mentalno zdravi ne plešu goli nasred ulice.Mad_Vlad wrote:Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Evo nes zanimljivo...
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Sve ovisi o prilici i situaciji..sad padam u napast da stavim opet sliku gole Mrkelice u nekim sretnijim danima,ali ce Kic opet pobrisati..dobro,za nju se slazem da je pukla..,ostrakon wrote:Mentalno zdravi ne plešu goli nasred ulice.Mad_Vlad wrote:Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
bogomdani wrote:Mene su uvijek intrigirali oni sveti spisi,koji su bili izbaceni iz Novog zavjeta,smatrani nepocudnima
Secrets from the Lost Bible: Kenneth Hanson PhD ...
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Davidova djevojka je sigurno bila oduševljena kad je vidjela 200 komada penisa koje je donio kao vjenčani dar njoj i njenom ocu. To su oni romantični trenuci koje nikad ne zaboravljaš u životu.bogomdani wrote:Sve ovisi o prilici i situaciji..sad padam u napast da stavim opet sliku gole Mrkelice u nekim sretnijim danima,ali ce Kic opet pobrisati..dobro,za nju se slazem da je pukla..,ostrakon wrote:Mentalno zdravi ne plešu goli nasred ulice.Mad_Vlad wrote:Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Irenej je bio najveći neprijatelj gnostika i svega što je bilo vezanog uz njih, pa je tako i osudio sva djela koja su pisali kao heretička. Zato je i ispisao ovu apologiju takve klasifikacije kanonskih evanđelja. "Apostolski oci" su ga u tome slijedili i na isti način odbacivali sve što se nije slagalo s njihovom interpretacijom kršćanstva. Evo što još kaže "otac" Irenej:ostrakon wrote:Nije bilo ni Ivanovo na početku pa je poslije upalo. 4 ih je zbog mističnog značenja brojke 4.Starhemberg wrote:
Nisu bila na dogmatskoj liniji s ovima prihvaćenima
Evo što kaže apostolski otac Irenej iz 2. st.
Against Heresies (Book I, Chapter 22)
Deviations of heretics from the truth.
1. The rule of truth which we hold, is, that there is one God Almighty, who made all things by His Word, and fashioned and formed, out of that which had no existence, all things which exist. Thus says the Scripture, to that effect By the Word of the Lord were the heavens established, and all the might of them, by the spirit of His mouth. And again, All things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made. John 1:3 There is no exception or deduction stated; but the Father made all things by Him, whether visible or invisible, objects of sense or of intelligence, temporal, on account of a certain character given them, or eternal; and these eternal things He did not make by angels, or by any powers separated from His Ennœa. For God needs none of all these things, but is He who, by His Word and Spirit, makes, and disposes, and governs all things, and commands all things into existence—He who formed the world (for the world is of all)—He who fashioned man—He [who] is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, above whom there is no other God, nor initial principle, nor power, nor pleroma,— He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we shall prove. Holding, therefore, this rule, we shall easily show, notwithstanding the great variety and multitude of their opinions, that these men have deviated from the truth; for almost all the different sects of heretics admit that there is one God; but then, by their pernicious doctrines, they change [this truth into error], even as the Gentiles do through idolatry—thus proving themselves ungrateful to Him that created them. Moreover, they despise the workmanship of God, speaking against their own salvation, becoming their own bitterest accusers, and being false witnesses [against themselves]. Yet, reluctant as they may be, these men shall one day rise again in the flesh, to confess the power of Him who raises them from the dead; but they shall not be numbered among the righteous on account of their unbelief.
2. Since, therefore, it is a complex and multiform task to detect and convict all the heretics, and since our design is to reply to them all according to their special characters, we have judged it necessary, first of all, to give an account of their source and root, in order that, by getting a knowledge of their most exalted Bythus, you may understand the nature of the tree which has produced such fruits.
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
e ovako sam nes trazio..bukmarkano,a tu svatko nes svojerjeci unjkavo..THX Vlad..Mad_Vlad wrote:bogomdani wrote:Mene su uvijek intrigirali oni sveti spisi,koji su bili izbaceni iz Novog zavjeta,smatrani nepocudnimaSecrets from the Lost Bible: Kenneth Hanson PhD ...
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Nije bio gol, imao je lanenu pregaču. Plesao je pred Bogom dok se unosio zavjetni kovčeg.ostrakon wrote:Mentalno zdravi ne plešu goli nasred ulice.Mad_Vlad wrote:Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
You're welcome. Pročitao cijelu prije 5,6 godina.bogomdani wrote:e ovako sam nes trazio..bukmarkano,a tu svatko nes svojerjeci unjkavo..THX Vlad..Mad_Vlad wrote:bogomdani wrote:Mene su uvijek intrigirali oni sveti spisi,koji su bili izbaceni iz Novog zavjeta,smatrani nepocudnimaSecrets from the Lost Bible: Kenneth Hanson PhD ...
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Aleksandrijski patrijarh Atanazije dao je 367. (kao nekim ediktom) popis kanonskih knjiga, one koje su prihvatljive i koje mogu biti uvrštene u Novi Zavjet. Taj popis vrijedi više-manje i danas. Njega sigurno nisu zabrinjavali mitološki i astrološki razlozi, jer je revno i nemilosrdno gušio sve hereze i iskorjenjivao poganske kultove.ostrakon wrote:Dobro, ali ti si pistao zašto ih je 4. Četiri ih je iz astrološko mitoloških razloga, a to da su se međusobno ubijali kako bi nečije evanđelje bilo prihvaćeno među tih mogućih 4 je druga stvar.Starhemberg wrote:
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Prepuciji, ne penisi. Pa bila je, David je bio veliki ratnik. Nije se bojao Filistejaca.ostrakon wrote:Davidova djevojka je sigurno bila oduševljena kad je vidjela 200 komada penisa koje je donio kao vjenčani dar njoj i njenom ocu. To su oni romantični trenuci koje nikad ne zaboravljaš u životu.bogomdani wrote:Sve ovisi o prilici i situaciji..sad padam u napast da stavim opet sliku gole Mrkelice u nekim sretnijim danima,ali ce Kic opet pobrisati..dobro,za nju se slazem da je pukla..,ostrakon wrote:Mentalno zdravi ne plešu goli nasred ulice.Mad_Vlad wrote:Nije, donio ih je kralju Šaulu za dar kad je tražio njegovu kći za ženu.ostrakon wrote:dobro, onda ih je natakao na štap ili tako nešto, nosio ih je poslije pokazati, no eto za malu djecu možda nije najbolje da čitaju o mentalno poremećenom izraelskom kralju koji obilazi leševe i reže im genitalijeMad_Vlad wrote:
Nije rezao penise nego prepucije i nije ih vješao na nikakvu užad.
Mentalno poremećeni ne pišu onakve pslamove kakve je on pisao. Niti sviraju liru.
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
pa NZ je prepun astrologije, 3 mudraca i zvijezda s istoka, isus kao solarno božanstvo i njegovih 12 pratitelja, znakova zodijaka, sukob svijetla i tame, dana i noći, uskrs kao najava proljeća... itd.Starhemberg wrote: Taj popis vrijedi više-manje i danas. Njega sigurno nisu zabrinjavali mitološki i astrološki razlozi
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Treba Ostrakonu objasniti da je PENIS nesto nemamo svi Prepucije od Penisa u gacama..
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Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
Sikstinska kapela u Vatikanu.ostrakon wrote:kao što npr.?kic wrote:a toliko stvari je nastalo i nastaje iz tih knjiga..ostrakon wrote:Ja bih rekao da čitajući te knjige nećeš naučiti ništa pametno ni korisno. Dobiješ uvid u poremećenost uma onih koji su te gluposti pisali.
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
Re: pročitao sam, nisam pročitao
A skroz mu nešto penisi na ustima.bogomdani wrote:Treba Ostrakonu objasniti da je PENIS nesto nemamo svi Prepucije od Penisa u gacama..
Posts : 1954
Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada
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