Da remiziramo...
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Re: Da remiziramo...
Jesam li rekao da ćemo u narednom razdoblju imati velik broj mrtvih, jesam, jesam li rekao da cjepivo neće doći kako su neki očekivali, niti će ga biti dovoljno, uglavnom mi, svi zajedno, tek ulazimo u fazu sa najvećim problemima... Evo kod nas već sad znaju da ćemo biti zaključani do kraja veljače, ali uz nekog razloga ne žele to podijeliti sa stanovništvom...
michaellcmacha- Posts : 21325
Re: Da remiziramo...
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:iskreno nisam mu prijatelj, samo ga followam,
drugo jedna kineskinja na tucker carlson je govorila da je virus iz labaratorija sintetički.. ja vjerujem da je iz labosa, u to sam siguran 100000000000000% , samo nisam siguran da li je sintetički ili prirodni.. iskreno mislim da je čak prirodni i da je drljavim kinezima uteka..
on ti neće dati odgovor na to pitanje, lik je doktor znanosti iz matematike, dakle njegov posao je raditi matematičke modele.. kako u širenju virusa, tako u financijama i investiranju tako i u umjetnoj inteligenciji..
par stranica iza stavio sam snapshoot mailova koje su si pisali virolozi upleteni u tu priču sa virusom u mailovima je jasno vidljivo da se dogovaraju i jedan drugome daju upute što i kako napisati da se virus pod svaku cijenu prikaže da je prirodan i da nema nikakve veze sa njihovim labosima dakle privremeno su uspjeli zamuljati da virus nisu iskemijali oni. pazi ti mejlovi su od samog početka pandemije a u mailovima pričaju o detaljima koje može znati samo onaj tko je virus iskemijao točno znaju koje djelove virusa treba zamaskirati... imaš par stranica unazad pa pročitaj stavio sam i link na mail.
a ovo je od norveških virologa:
The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus
A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike
To discover exactly how to attack SARS-CoV-2 safely and efficiently, our vaccine candidate Biovacc-19 was designed by first
carefully analysing the biochemistry of the Spike. We ascertained that it is highly unusual in several respects, unlike any
other CoV in its clade. The SARS-CoV-2 general mode of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte. But data shows
that simultaneously it is capable of binding to ACE2 receptors in its receptor binding domain. In short, SARS-CoV-2 is
possessed of dual action capability. In this paper we argue that the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is
very small.
The spike has six inserts which are unique fingerprints with five salient features indicative of purposive
manipulation. We then add to the bio-chemistry a diachronic dimension by analysing a sequence of four linked published
research projects which, we suggest, show by deduction how, where, when and by whom the SARS-CoV-2 Spike acquired
its special characteristics. This reconstructed historical aetiology meets the criteria of means, timing, agent and place to
produce sufficient confidence to reverse the burden of proof.
Henceforth, those who would maintain that the Covid-19
pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before
asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence.
Introduction: Why does this matter?
No-one has ever produced a safe and effective vaccine against a coronavirus.
We have just (2nd June 2020) published Biovacc-19 in QRB-Discovery: a candidate vaccine for this daunting task (Sørensen
et al., 2020). Its mode of action is unique and therefore is not included in the Nature review.
In our paper we gave reasons
why the virus vector or RNA vector based approaches that are the basis of the eight methodologies reviewed in Nature are
unlikely to prove immunogenic and why either, but especially RNA vectored models, may carry significant risk of Antibody
Dependent Enhancement (ADE). As we have detailed in QRB-D, we have seen such a story before over thirty years in the
failure of all three mainstream vaccine approaches to HIV, which we predicted but were disbelieved.
As with our HIV vaccine, the methodology underpinning Biovacc-19 first analysed fully the virus target. In this case we
published the general mode of action for infectivity of SARS-CoV-2. Doing this took us into a fundamental exploration of
the biochemistry and structure of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike which is highly singular, possessed of features that we have not
seen before and which are not present in other SARS viruses of that clade.
We posited that the SARS-CoV-2 general mode
of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte. But unusually, simultaneously, data shows that it is capable of binding
to ACE2 receptors in its receptor binding domain. In short, SARS- CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability. How do we
think this was made possible? That is the subject of this paper. We shall argue from evidence below that the likelihood of
this being the result of natural processes is very small.
To recapitulate Fig 2 from our vaccine paper, there are 6 inserts which make the SARS-CoV-2 Spike structurally special.
They are unique fingerprints of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike which deserve to be highlighted in support of this view; and there are
five salient features that strengthen the case for purposive manipulation in the laboratory.
1. A major part of the spike protein has human-like domains with matured transmission adaption. Blasting the
Spike protein with a rolling window of 6 amino acids showed that 78.4% of 6 amino acid windows are human like.
This means that with nearly 80% of the spike protein has a built-in stealth property by having high human
similarity. Therefore, it is remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence. Such high human similarity also
implies a high risk for the development of severe adverse events/toxicity and even Antibody Dependent
Enhancement (ADE) unless specific precautions are taken when using the Spike protein in any vaccine candidate:
precautions that might not suggest themselves to designers employing conventional methodologies and innocent
assumptions about the target virus, lacking our detailed anatomisation of it. Furthermore and significantly, Zhan
et al also note that, surprisingly, this characteristic is present from the very first isolate (Zhan et al, 2020). This is
something that does not sit well with an hypothesis of natural evolution.
2. The Spike displays new amino acid inserts with condensed cumulative charge, all of which are surface exposed
(please refer to the reproduced figure from the vaccine paper, above). This is a most significant finding as we
mentioned in opening. Being physically located on the surface of the Spike protein greatly increases the
infectivity and pathogenicity of the virus, enabling these inserts to participate in binding to coreceptors/negatively
charged attachment receptors or even, as we have discovered, to the negatively charged
phospholipid heads on the cell membrane. Such a result is typically the objective of gain of function experiments
to create chimeric viruses of high potency. Therefore this is a strong indicator of manipulation
3. The concentration of positive charge is on the receptor binding domain near the receptor binding motif at the top
of the Spike protein. As with (2) this is more elegantly explained by an hypothesis of purposive manipulation than
one of natural evolution. As can be seen in Figure 2 (side view) of the Spike trimer, the majority of the positive
charged amino acids are located near or on the top of the spike protein giving the receptor binding domain a
pI=8.906, while the Cov-2 specific Cys538-Cys590 bridge brings in additional charge from 526-560 (with even
higher pI=10.03) via the Cys391-Cys525 to positions right next to the receptor binding motif (where the ACE2
receptor is located). It is this which facilitates the dual mode capability, allowing binding to ACE2 and/or to coreceptors/attachments
receptors. We posit that such ACE2 independent attachment and infectivity is happening
and is evidenced clinically by the Covid-19 disease pattern. It is also reported by Zhou et al (2018). The receptors
that are the most likely to be involved are CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (CD209) – see discussion point (5) below.
4. The Spike is so configured that it can bind to cell tissue without use of the ACE2 receptor.
Clinically it is widely
observed that the Covid-19 virus compromises the functions of olfaction and bitter/sweet receptors,
erythrocytes, t-cells, neurons and various tissues such as intestine epithelia. These different targets do not
engage and use ACE2 receptor binding. The concentration of high positive charge in and around the top of the
Spike protein and the potential to use opposite charged attachment-/co-receptors can facilitate binding and
infection in the general mode of action for infectivity that we published in detail in QRBD. In 2018 Zhou P et.al.
2018 found that a new Corona virus which they named SADS (Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome) could infect the
intestine and kill piglets without use of ACE2, aminopeptidase N (APN) or dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4)
receptors.[9] We have done a blast analysis of the SADS Spike S1 protein and could find no trace of ACE2 RBM.
The significance of this will become clear in the next point and the next section.
cijeli dokument:
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
nisu ti dobri ta nagla presaltavanja sa rezima na rezim ishrane..to je stres za organizam..smanjih malo 5 bijelih smrti i to je to..kulen tu ne spada..
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Iskreno ne da mi se čitati o porijeklu virusa to me ne zanima baš, kao što nekoga ne zanima izborna krađa u usa a mene zanima npr
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22269
Re: Da remiziramo...
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Iskreno ne da mi se čitati o porijeklu virusa to me ne zanima baš, kao što nekoga ne zanima izborna krađa u usa a mene zanima npr
a dobro, tvoj izbor.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
razlog je..njezina svetost - fotelja...ah ta fotelja koja ima magicnu i neodoljivu privlacnost..sto bi oni bez fotelje...michaellcmacha wrote:Jesam li rekao da ćemo u narednom razdoblju imati velik broj mrtvih, jesam, jesam li rekao da cjepivo neće doći kako su neki očekivali, niti će ga biti dovoljno, uglavnom mi, svi zajedno, tek ulazimo u fazu sa najvećim problemima... Evo kod nas već sad znaju da ćemo biti zaključani do kraja veljače, ali uz nekog razloga ne žele to podijeliti sa stanovništvom...
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Da remiziramo...
Legendovich wrote:Gnječo,odakle izvor tih mailova?stranica je onak...nicija..cudno
to ti nemogu reći točno. da li je to uopće bitno ili je bitnije što u tim mailovima piše? ne razumijem takve naopake prioritete. zanima te izvor. jer šta bi ti sada napravio da znaš koji je izvor tih mailova? jel sumnjaš da su fake? pa ja imam na serveru folder sa 18GB tih mailova. 18GB !!!
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Da remiziramo...
tak je to na balkanu..ili si u fotelji u udobnom uredu ili driftas ko kmet za sitnis..zato je prije u jugi bio masovan odlazak na studije besplatne..znam jednog srbina Đorđević,moje godiste,13 godina je studirao....legenda..vuksadinare wrote:razlog je..njezina svetost - fotelja...ah ta fotelja koja ima magicnu i neodoljivu privlacnost..sto bi oni bez fotelje...michaellcmacha wrote:Jesam li rekao da ćemo u narednom razdoblju imati velik broj mrtvih, jesam, jesam li rekao da cjepivo neće doći kako su neki očekivali, niti će ga biti dovoljno, uglavnom mi, svi zajedno, tek ulazimo u fazu sa najvećim problemima... Evo kod nas već sad znaju da ćemo biti zaključani do kraja veljače, ali uz nekog razloga ne žele to podijeliti sa stanovništvom...
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Gnječ je oke čovjek,i lijepo me je zamolio..tko prema meni fino i s respektom,tako mu i vraćam..a ti si Fuk,preveč proziran,ko i josh par likova sa foruma..vuksadinare wrote:kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Coronavirus: Daily record 952 deaths as Germany enters lockdown
The record death toll for a single day coincided with the country beginning new, tougher COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Reinforced measures are expected to run at least until January 10, affecting stores and schools.
With infections rising sharply, German hospitals in certain regions have been approaching capacity
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a record 952 deaths in Germany on Wednesday, the country's highest daily death toll since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The previous record, set less than a week ago, was 598.
Germany also recorded 27,728 new infections as the country entered a stricter lockdown which closed schools and most shops nationwide.
One reason for the surge in deaths could be down to delayed reporting of data from earlier in the week from Saxony — one of the worst-hit regions.
The total number of deaths from coronavirus-related problems has reached 23,427. The total number of infections reported by the Robert Koch Institute, the country's national agency for disease control, since the beginning of the pandemic stands at 1,379,238. Just over 1 million of those cases have since registered as having recovered from the virus.
The number of new infections per 100,000 people in the last seven days stood at 179.8 as an average across Germany, according to the RKI. In some parts of the country, the figure is much higher. The government is aiming to bring this number down to 50, the level at which it says it's still possible to reliably trace the contacts of those infected.
The current infection rate is reported to be stable or slightly falling among younger age groups, but it's still rising among older people who are more likely to suffer more serious health problems.
dalje na linku,da ne pretrpavam tekstom..
The record death toll for a single day coincided with the country beginning new, tougher COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Reinforced measures are expected to run at least until January 10, affecting stores and schools.
With infections rising sharply, German hospitals in certain regions have been approaching capacity
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a record 952 deaths in Germany on Wednesday, the country's highest daily death toll since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The previous record, set less than a week ago, was 598.
Germany also recorded 27,728 new infections as the country entered a stricter lockdown which closed schools and most shops nationwide.
One reason for the surge in deaths could be down to delayed reporting of data from earlier in the week from Saxony — one of the worst-hit regions.
The total number of deaths from coronavirus-related problems has reached 23,427. The total number of infections reported by the Robert Koch Institute, the country's national agency for disease control, since the beginning of the pandemic stands at 1,379,238. Just over 1 million of those cases have since registered as having recovered from the virus.
The number of new infections per 100,000 people in the last seven days stood at 179.8 as an average across Germany, according to the RKI. In some parts of the country, the figure is much higher. The government is aiming to bring this number down to 50, the level at which it says it's still possible to reliably trace the contacts of those infected.
The current infection rate is reported to be stable or slightly falling among younger age groups, but it's still rising among older people who are more likely to suffer more serious health problems.
Which services may remain open during the lockdown?
- Supermarkets / grocery stores / weekly markets
- Gas stations / post offices / newspaper stands
- Food pickup and delivery services
- Shops selling drinks, health foods, baby-related goods, medical supplies and pet and animal supplies
- Chemists / pharmacies / drug stores
- Laundromats
- Opticians and hearing care services
- Christmas tree vendors
dalje na linku,da ne pretrpavam tekstom..
Last edited by Legendovich on 16/12/2020, 22:44; edited 1 time in total
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
daj majke ti mile..covjek te direktno ootuzi za spijanje i agenturu i da se otkacis od njega..a ti da je ok..'lijepo me zamolio'..jebote nenadjebivo od svetojaLegendovich wrote:Gnječ je oke čovjek,i lijepo me je zamolio..tko prema meni fino i s respektom,tako mu i vraćam..a ti si Fuk,preveč proziran,ko i josh par likova sa foruma..vuksadinare wrote:kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Da remiziramo...
Grome zgromi me..gnjeco je ok..lijepo me zamolio da otkacim od njega jer ga hocu spijat zato sto ga trazim povjerljive podatke
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Da remiziramo...
Aha..dobro..pa lijepo je zamolio..sto to balkanjerosu nije jasno kod toga..??..Ono,nesh ti Gnjeco ne paše pa bi ti uposlio tesku proxy artiljeriju,jer si ti nedostatan za taj zadatak? nece ici..svakom puknu zivci,treba to razumjeti..Kskogod,Gnječo je čestit i posten,za razliku od gmizavaca poput tebea..no fany,ispicavam se..vuksadinare wrote:daj majke ti mile..covjek te direktno ootuzi za spijanje i agenturu i da se otkacis od njega..a ti da je ok..'lijepo me zamolio'..jebote nenadjebivo od svetojaLegendovich wrote:Gnječ je oke čovjek,i lijepo me je zamolio..tko prema meni fino i s respektom,tako mu i vraćam..a ti si Fuk,preveč proziran,ko i josh par likova sa foruma..vuksadinare wrote:kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
pa da lijepo izgleda kad te odjebe na finjaka no ugrubo...ipak na kraju ucinak je isti..odjebLegendovich wrote:Aha..dobro..pa lijepo je zamolio..sto to balkanjerosu nije jasno kod toga..??..Ono,nesh ti Gnjeco ne paše pa bi ti uposlio tesku proxy artiljeriju,jer si ti nedostatan za taj zadatak? nece ici..svakom puknu zivci,treba to razumjeti..Kskogod,Gnječo je čestit i posten,za razliku od gmizavaca poput tebea..no fany,ispicavam se..vuksadinare wrote:daj majke ti mile..covjek te direktno ootuzi za spijanje i agenturu i da se otkacis od njega..a ti da je ok..'lijepo me zamolio'..jebote nenadjebivo od svetojaLegendovich wrote:Gnječ je oke čovjek,i lijepo me je zamolio..tko prema meni fino i s respektom,tako mu i vraćam..a ti si Fuk,preveč proziran,ko i josh par likova sa foruma..vuksadinare wrote:kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Da remiziramo...
vuksadinare wrote:pa da lijepo izgleda kad te odjebe na finjaka no ugrubo...ipak na kraju ucinak je isti..odjebLegendovich wrote:Aha..dobro..pa lijepo je zamolio..sto to balkanjerosu nije jasno kod toga..??..Ono,nesh ti Gnjeco ne paše pa bi ti uposlio tesku proxy artiljeriju,jer si ti nedostatan za taj zadatak? nece ici..svakom puknu zivci,treba to razumjeti..Kskogod,Gnječo je čestit i posten,za razliku od gmizavaca poput tebea..no fany,ispicavam se..vuksadinare wrote:daj majke ti mile..covjek te direktno ootuzi za spijanje i agenturu i da se otkacis od njega..a ti da je ok..'lijepo me zamolio'..jebote nenadjebivo od svetojaLegendovich wrote:Gnječ je oke čovjek,i lijepo me je zamolio..tko prema meni fino i s respektom,tako mu i vraćam..a ti si Fuk,preveč proziran,ko i josh par likova sa foruma..vuksadinare wrote:kaj se ti bojis gnjeca?..kad te god opere..ti joj oprosti..nije bed...nisi fer...Legendovich wrote:ne trolam..odusevio se pa zelim da podjelim sa forumskom bratijom..nije bed..mozemo nastaviti sa temijom...Gnječ wrote:Legendovich wrote:ovaj link zlata vrijedi..
ma vrijedi samo si pogriješio forum kompa. ili to namjerno trolaš? imaš na forumu bezbroj tema za spamanje i trolanje ali ti baš našao ovu temu. daj se suzdrži malo jer ovo nema smisla.
da i ?'..Mislis zasto me ne boli Ego??..Pa nisam Egotrip,ne sumnjam u sebe,imam brutalno samopouzdanje,a jedna rijec izmedju ljudi na nivou,ne moze biti razlog neprijateljstva..ja znam da bi ti cjelivao rane,brizno ih motao zavojem,ali jebiga,nismo svi isti..
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
vuksadinare wrote:Grome zgromi me..gnjeco je ok..lijepo me zamolio da otkacim od njega jer ga hocu spijat zato sto ga trazim povjerljive podatke
ajd u pičku materinu!
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