Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
Pinochet wrote:nije nego ti gledaš samo razliku uvoza i izvoza robom.deda wrote:Pinochet wrote:
jbt priznaj da si pogriješio :D
nisam ti i Piglet ste pomješali porast investicija u odnosu a štednju (current account) sa razlikom izvoza i uvoza (balance of trade)
tema je bila odakle €u hrvatskoj. euri ne dolaze samo izvozom industrije, nego gle čuda postoji turizam kao izvor € , gle čuda postoji to što netko dobija penziju iz njemačke kao izvor € , i postoji da neki strani kapitalist gradi hotel od 10milijuna € na obali, pa unese 10miliuna €, i to je izvor € za RH građane.. naravno djeluje se i u obrnutom smjeru, T-com ostvari 1milijardu kn dobiti, i pretvori i u eure i izvuče iz RH..
sve to ulazi u platnu bilancu.
to je isto sve negativno
Current Account in Croatia averaged -228.73 EUR Million from 1993 until 2016
-228.73 * 24 je koliko? + ili minus?
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
Pinochet wrote:
to je na razini države.
na razini pojedinca.. netko ima puno € , netko je zadužen do grla.
na razini države, odakle građanima € za štednju? jedino moze doći od državnog zaduživanja u inozemstvu
eto, ako želite da se smanji javni dug potrošite ušteđene EURe, 2+2, idemo dalje
ukratko, marcelus i drugi se pozivanjem na smanjenje javnog duga zalažu za smanjenje nominalnog iznosa štednje i općenito financijeske imovine privatnog sektora
Last edited by deda on 13/2/2017, 16:49; edited 2 times in total
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
I sto je bilo sa brannom?To su krivi transformeri,letali oko nje,u unutrasnjosti nesto tresli i drmali..
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
deda wrote:Pinochet wrote:
to je na razini države.
na razini pojedinca.. netko ima puno € , netko je zadužen do grla.
na razini države, odakle građanima € za štednju? jedino moze doći od državnog zaduživanja u inozemstvu
eto, ako želite da se smanji javni dug potrošite ušteđene EURe, 2+2, idemo dalje
ukratko, marcelus se zalaže za smanjenje štednje i općenito financijeske imovine privatnog sektora
ne djeluje baš tako kako pišeš..
može uhljeb koji je dobio € na račun držnog zaduživanja, otići na skijanje i potrošiti tamo € ..
raste BDP austrije smanjuje se Hrvatske.,
ili da troši u RH, kupuje barem 40% uvozne robe(ako gledamo pokrienost uvoza izvozom), dakle država se zaduži za 1000€, 600€ ostaje u ekonomij, a 400€ se vrati švabama kroz uvoz.
a tih 1000€, rh na kraju sa kamatama vrati 1400€ ...
dakle , ako smanjimo državnu potrošnju, nemoraš se brinuti.. raste turizam, raste izvoz, euri dolaze sami od sebe, država samo smeta.. eh da strane banke uvezu svoje € u Hrvatsku
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
jeli tu tema financije i javni dug, ukupni dug RH ili je tema - brana koja se urušava -
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
ja ne zagovaram smanjenje javnog duga, to se vidi i na ovoj i na drugim temama, jer sam ja protiv smanjenja imovine privatnog sektora
smanjenjem potrošnje države smanjio bi se BDP i smanjio bi se broj zaposlenih, privatni sektor se ne zadužuje dovoljno da bi generirao rast
ako vam se ne sviđa uvoz, izađite iz EU, uvedite protekcionizam, carinu, tarife..., zatvorite granice...,
smanjenjem potrošnje države smanjio bi se BDP i smanjio bi se broj zaposlenih, privatni sektor se ne zadužuje dovoljno da bi generirao rast
ako vam se ne sviđa uvoz, izađite iz EU, uvedite protekcionizam, carinu, tarife..., zatvorite granice...,
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
Yehudi wrote:jeli tu tema financije i javni dug, ukupni dug RH ili je tema - brana koja se urušava -
obnova brane je keyenzijanska fiskalna politika, povećanje potrošnje države, prije je to za marcelusa bio socijalizam, a sad kad će Trump ostvarivati mokre snove Keyensa onda je to liberterijansko slobodno tržište
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
i, nihi, kako van odgovaraju na ono pitanje na soc. fakultetu?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
ima čak i na wikiedpiji HR odgovor :D jedan dio je da pustiš preko nevidljive ruke da sama riješi deficit.. najbolje to ide preko tečaja.. veliki deficit na platnoj bilanci, znači velika deprecijacija valute.. deprecijacija valute znači pad uvoza , rast izvoza, sustav se vraća u ravnotežu.. drugi način je država preko svojih mjera od ograničavanja uvoza, do "ručnih" manipulacija sa tečajomaben wrote:i, nihi, kako van odgovaraju na ono pitanje na soc. fakultetu?
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
ovako je to reko batistat prije 300 godin,Pinochet wrote:ima čak i na wikiedpiji HR odgovor :D jedan dio je da pustiš preko nevidljive ruke da sama riješi deficit.. najbolje to ide preko tečaja.. veliki deficit na platnoj bilanci, znači velika deprecijacija valute.. deprecijacija valute znači pad uvoza , rast izvoza, sustav se vraća u ravnotežu.. drugi način je država preko svojih mjera od ograničavanja uvoza, do "ručnih" manipulacija sa tečajomaben wrote:i, nihi, kako van odgovaraju na ono pitanje na soc. fakultetu?
The truth is that we should reverse the principle of the balance of trade and calculate the national profit from foreign trade in terms of the excess of imports over exports. This excess, minus expenses, constitutes the real profit. But this theory, which is the correct one, leads directly to the principle of free trade. I present this theory to you, gentlemen, just as I do all the others that have been the subjects of the preceding chapters. Exaggerate it as much as you wish; it has nothing to fear from that test. Assume, if it amuses you, that foreigners flood our shores with all kinds of useful goods, without asking anything from us; even if our imports are infinite and our exports nothing, I defy you to prove to me that we should be the poorer for it.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
ili adam smith
Nothing, however, can be more absurd than this whole doctrine of the balance of trade.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
Pinochet wrote:najbolje to ide preko tečaja
plutajući tečaj + kamata centralne banke na 0%
no Hrvatska ima fiksni tečaj prema EUR (DEM) i donedavno HNB držao visoke kamate kojima je poticao štednju
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
u srbiji je plutajući tečaj, i to sam čitao da ekonomisti napominju da je to jedna od prednosti srbije
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
aben wrote:The truth is that we should reverse the principle of the balance of trade and calculate the national profit from foreign trade in terms of the excess of imports over exports. This excess, minus expenses, constitutes the real profit. But this theory, which is the correct one, leads directly to the principle of free trade. I present this theory to you, gentlemen, just as I do all the others that have been the subjects of the preceding chapters. Exaggerate it as much as you wish; it has nothing to fear from that test. Assume, if it amuses you, that foreigners flood our shores with all kinds of useful goods, without asking anything from us; even if our imports are infiniteand our exports nothing, I defy you to prove to me that we should be the poorer for it.
govori o trampi, o robnoj razmjeni, ako primaš robu a ne izvoziš ništa
u toj cijeloj priči nema nigdje novca
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
ne govorideda wrote:aben wrote:The truth is that we should reverse the principle of the balance of trade and calculate the national profit from foreign trade in terms of the excess of imports over exports. This excess, minus expenses, constitutes the real profit. But this theory, which is the correct one, leads directly to the principle of free trade. I present this theory to you, gentlemen, just as I do all the others that have been the subjects of the preceding chapters. Exaggerate it as much as you wish; it has nothing to fear from that test. Assume, if it amuses you, that foreigners flood our shores with all kinds of useful goods, without asking anything from us; even if our imports are infiniteand our exports nothing, I defy you to prove to me that we should be the poorer for it.
govori o trampi, o robnoj razmjeni, ako primaš robu a ne izvoziš ništa
u toj cijeloj priči nema nigdje novca
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
M. T. despatched a ship from Le Havre to the United States, with a cargo of French goods, chiefly those known as specialties of Parisian fashion, totaling 200,000 francs. This was the amount declared at the customhouse. When the cargo arrived at New Orleans, it had to pay a shipping charge of ten per cent and a tariff of thirty per cent, which brought the total to 280,000 francs. It was sold at a profit of twenty per cent, or 40,000 francs, for a total price of 320,000 francs, which the consignee converted into cotton. This cotton had to pay ten per cent more, for transportation, insurance, commissions, etc.; so that, when the new cargo arrived at Le Havre, its cost amounted to 352,000 francs, and that was the figure entered into the accounts of the customhouse. Finally, M. T. again realized, on this return trip, twenty per cent profit, or 70,400 francs; in other words, the cotton sold for 422,400 francs.
I.6.13If M. Lestiboudois requires it, I shall send him some figures taken from the books of M. T. There he will see, in the credit column of the profit-and-loss account—that is to say, as profit—two entries, one for 40,000 francs and the other for 70,400 francs; and M. T. is fully satisfied that in this respect his accounting is not in error.I.6.14And yet, what do the figures in the account books of the customhouse tell M. Lestiboudois regarding this transaction? They tell him that France has exported 200,000 francs, and that it has imported 352,000 francs; whence the honorable deputy concludes "that it has consumed and dissipated the proceeds of previous savings, that it has impoverished and is on the way to ruining itself, that it has given away 152,000 francs of its capital to foreigners."
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
http://www.econlib.org/library/Bastiat/basSoph2.html#S.1, Ch.6, The Balance of Trade
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
aben wrote:ne govorideda wrote:govori o trampi, o robnoj razmjeni, ako primaš robu a ne izvoziš ništaaben wrote:The truth is that we should reverse the principle of the balance of trade and calculate the national profit from foreign trade in terms of the excess of imports over exports. This excess, minus expenses, constitutes the real profit. But this theory, which is the correct one, leads directly to the principle of free trade. I present this theory to you, gentlemen, just as I do all the others that have been the subjects of the preceding chapters. Exaggerate it as much as you wish; it has nothing to fear from that test. Assume, if it amuses you, that foreigners flood our shores with all kinds of useful goods, without asking anything from us; even if our imports are infiniteand our exports nothing, I defy you to prove to me that we should be the poorer for it.
u toj cijeloj priči nema nigdje novca
da govori, kada bi imao npr čvrstu valutu vezanu na zlato, ako uvoziš njemačke automobile izvozio bi zlato
izvoz je nekoć bio važna komponenta jer si zapravo izvozeći robu uvozio zlato, danas kad imaš fiat novac uvozim slabiš svoju valutu
Smith priča o trampi, o sustavu robne razmjene bez novca
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
nije smith nego batistat,deda wrote:aben wrote:ne govorideda wrote:govori o trampi, o robnoj razmjeni, ako primaš robu a ne izvoziš ništaaben wrote:The truth is that we should reverse the principle of the balance of trade and calculate the national profit from foreign trade in terms of the excess of imports over exports. This excess, minus expenses, constitutes the real profit. But this theory, which is the correct one, leads directly to the principle of free trade. I present this theory to you, gentlemen, just as I do all the others that have been the subjects of the preceding chapters. Exaggerate it as much as you wish; it has nothing to fear from that test. Assume, if it amuses you, that foreigners flood our shores with all kinds of useful goods, without asking anything from us; even if our imports are infiniteand our exports nothing, I defy you to prove to me that we should be the poorer for it.
u toj cijeloj priči nema nigdje novca
da govori, kada bi imao npr čvrstu valutu vezanu na zlato, ako uvoziš njemačke automobile izvozio bi zlato
izvoz je nekoć bio važna komponenta jer si zapravo izvozeći robu uvozio zlato, danas kad imaš fiat novac uvozim slabiš svoju valutu
Smith priča o trampi, o sustavu robne razmjene bez novca
i poanta je, osim štetnosti protekcionizma, da balance of trade nije važan, ni unda, ni danas.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
važan je ako imaš zlato kao valutu, ako koristiš Hard currency, jer ćeš trgovinskim deficitom ostati bez zlataaben wrote:
i poanta je, osim štetnosti protekcionizma, da balance of trade nije važan, ni unda, ni danas.
nije važno ako imaš samo robnu razmjenu bez novca, ako se baviš trampom
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Re: Popušta najveća brana u SAD-u
primjer knjige iz ekonomije
nakon 12. poglavlja piše
nakon 12. poglavlja piše
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