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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 17:50

Hektorović wrote:Konstantin Kalachev: Many, by the way, do not know that Belarus has been very active in the African direction for many years. Minsk attaches great importance to cooperation with African countries, and this is bearing fruit. Belarus needs markets, because it is not enough just to produce, you also need to sell it. Well, African resources are also not lying on the road. Friends at the Russian Foreign Ministry told me a few years ago that Belarus would be more active in Africa than the Russian Federation. With incomparable possibilities. So, Prigozhin found himself the right place and the right partner.
Prodaju trakotre doli.


Al to je taj dobro primjetija da je Lukašenko puno aktivniji u Africi nego sam Putin. Putin sebe gleda kao velikog igrača pa mu se ne da šetat naokolo ( a sad mu je i otežano kad ima hašku optužnicu ) i bavit sitnom boranijom i onda se on ne bačka s tom sirotinjom dole dok je Lukašenku svaki partner bitan.


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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 17:57

Uzmimo Sudan npr, vidimo da je ovdje riječ o bjeloruskom transportnom zrakoplovu uništenom na pisti :

Sudanska paravojska: ‘Zauzeli smo predsjedničku palaču‘

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Lastpo10 by RayMabus Thu 20 Apr - 15:19

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 FuJa5UTWcAAOXz_-848x478

Bjeloruski teretni avion Iljušin Il-76TD bjeloruskog Belcanto Airlinesa podignut je u zrak u zračnoj luci u Kartumu, glavnom gradu Sudana. Pokazale su to nove satelitske fotografije tvrtke Maxar.

Satelitske fotografije su od 17. travnja. To je samo dva dana nakon što su u Sudanu izbili oružani sukobi zbog sukoba unutar vojnog Vijeća generala, koje upravlja zemljom do izbora. Sukob je između prvog i drugog višeg časnika koji vode Vijeće generala i to su general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan i general Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo.

Bjeloruski avion, prema ruskim izvorima, ima serijski broj EW-576TH. Prema različitim izvorima, do sada je ukupno uništeno između 7 i 14 zrakoplova u zračnoj luci. Međutim, nije jasno jesu li uništeni i svi egipatski MiG-ovi 29. Najmanje jedan MiG-29 je potpuno uništen, a najmanje dva MiG-29 su oštećena. Također, ostaje nejasna sudbina dva MiG-a 29 parkirana u hangaru egipatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva. Prema satelitskim snimcima, hangar je pogođen bombom upravo na mjestu gdje su MiG-ovi trebali biti parkirani.

Bjeloruski avion o kojem je riječ stigao je u Sudan samo dva dana prije sukoba. Još uvijek nema informacija o tome kako je bjeloruski teretni zrakoplov uništen. Podsjetimo, sudanska vojska je jučer izjavila da vojsci RSF-a pomažu dvije druge zemlje koje su joj dopremile oružje s dva aviona.

Uskoro se očekuje komentar Belcanto Airlinesa. Komentar o ovom avionu očekuje se i od sudanskih vlasti. Bjeloruski Belcanto Airlines je transportna tvrtka s teretnim zrakoplovima. Njihova ciljna odredišta su gotovo po cijelom svijetu. Tvrtka obavlja međunarodne letove gotovo svaki tjedan. Glavni dio flote se sastoji upravo od modela zrakoplova Il-76TD. Njima tvrtka prevozi razne vrste tereta i uglavnom teret koji je prevelik, glomazan ili težak za većinu drugih aviona. Belcanto Airlines ispunjava narudžbe javnih i privatnih klijenata.

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Z

Bjeloruski avion Il-76TD uništen u ratu u Sudanu

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 18:02

Ovo šta san reka da prodaju traktore doli to uzmite s rezerverom jer da oni imaju razvijenu industriju taktora i poljoprivredne mehanizacije itd pa gnojivo i drugo al u ove transportne avione se pod traktore šta piše da prodaju pa tako stave u službenim papirima da je to teret u osnovi mogu stavit i nekakva oklopna vozila tj vojna industrija itd.

Znači prodaju trakotre dole al nekad je to u nekim situacijama paravan za prodaju oružja dakle u papirima je traktor a u stvarnosti BMP il tako nešto.

Uglavnom točno je to da je Bjelorusija i Lukašenko sam dole puno aktivniji od Putina jer Putin sebe gleda kao velikog igrača dok je ovaj ipak mali i svaki mu je partner bitan pa i ovi mali i manji igrači po Africi i zemljama trećeg svijeta.

Također i Srbija.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 18:30

Now the consensus position of experts is that it is highly likely that Alexei Dyumin will become Minister of Defense, and General Surovikin will become Chief of the General Staff. But this will not happen immediately, so that there are no thoughts that Shoigu and Gerasimov were removed at the request of the rebel.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 18:34

Hektorović wrote:Now the consensus position of experts is that it is highly likely that Alexei Dyumin will become Minister of Defense, and General Surovikin will become Chief of the General Staff. But this will not happen immediately, so that there are no thoughts that Shoigu and Gerasimov were removed at the request of the rebel.
Ne može ih sad minjat ni da oće jer bi ispalo kao da su oni to napravili na zahtjev Prigožina tj da im tamo nekakvi kriminalac upravlja s time šta će i kako će oni. Iza zavjese javnosti ta smjena se već vrši al ovako službeno ostaju tu di jesu. Uostalom i rat je dole u tijeku tako da i radi Ukra i anglosasa ne mogu samo jednostavno maknit u par dana ovu dvojicu nego moraju drugi postepeno preuzimati od njih vođenje tih operacija. U svakom slučaju to ne može biti danas nit narednih par dana. Možda kasnije za tjedan dva moguće i više. Mislim na službenu objavu da su ova dvojica smjenjena s tih rukovodečih pozicija a netko drugi ih preuzeo.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 18:57

Below is a brief description of Prigozhin's mutiny and the factors that contributed to its outcome. We, as observers, initially missed important details due to the scarcity of information and lack of time for in-depth analysis. Here's the perspective that currently seems most plausible:

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 31-20e3 Prigozhin's rebellion wasn't a bid for power or an attempt to overtake the Kremlin. It arose from a sense of desperation; Prigozhin was forced out of Ukraine and found himself unable to sustain Wagner the way he did before, while the state machinery was turning against him. To top it off, Putin was ignoring him and publicly supporting his most dangerous adversaries.

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 32-20e3 Prigozhin's objective was to draw Putin's attention and to impose a discussion about conditions to preserve his activities - a defined role, security, and funding. These weren't demands for a governmental overthrow; they were a desperate bid to save the enterprise, hoping that Prigozhin's merits in taking Bakhmut (that's why he needed it!) would be taken into account and the concerns would catch Putin's serious attention. Now it appears that these merits helped Prigozhin to get out of this crisis alive, but without a political future in Russia (at least while Putin is in power).

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 33-20e3 Prigozhin was caught off-guard by Putin's reaction and found himself unprepared to assume the role of a revolutionary. He also wasn't prepared for the fact that Wagner was about to reach Moscow where his only option remained - to "take the Kremlin" - an action that would inevitably result in him and his fighters being eradicated.

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 34-20e3 Those in the elites who were able reached out to Prigozhin with offers to surrender. This likely added to his sense of impending doom. However, I don't believe any high-level negotiations took place. Lukashenko presented Prigozhin with a Putin-endorsed offer to retreat on the condition that Prigozhin would leave Russia and Wagner would be dissolved.

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 35-20e3 I don't think Prigozhin was in a position to make demands (such as the resignation of Shoigu or Gerasimov - something many observers expect today. If that happens, it will be due to another reason.) After Putin's address in the morning of June 24th, Prigozhin's primary concern was to find an off-ramp. The situation would have led to inevitable death in merely a few hours. It is possible that Putin has promised him safety on the condition that Prigozhin remains quietly in Belarus.

I stand by my previous assertion that Putin and the state have been dealt a severe blow (which will have significant repercussions for the regime). However, I want to emphasize that image has always been a secondary concern for Putin. Setting optics aside, Putin objectively resolved the Wagner and Prigozhin problem by dissolving the former and expelling the latter. The situation would have been far worse if it had culminated in a bloody mess in the outskirts of Moscow.

And no, Putin doesn't need Wagner or Prigozhin. He can manage with his own forces. He's now certainly convinced of that.
I will disclose many more details in my bulletin to be issued tomorrow evening.


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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 19:17

Predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin je 16. maja potpisao dekret kojim se uprošćava procedura dobijanja ruskog državljanstva za stance koji pristupe ruskoj vojsci. Ta ponuda izuzetno je privlačna mladićima iz Nepala, gde je stopa nezaposlenosti izuzetno visoka.

Rusija strancima omogućava da potpišu ugovor na godinu dana kako bi mogli da učestvuju u Specijalnoj vojnoj operaciji. Jedna od pogodnosti tog ugovora je i mogućnost dobijanja ruskog državljanstva za borca i njegovu porodicu.

Jedan od mladića sa kojim je "Nepal Pres" razgovarao je iz regiona Koši. On je rekao da je studirao na Ruskom državnom univerzitetu, ali da je njegova viza bila blizu isteka. Objašnjava da je nakon završetka studija imao dve opcije – ili da se vrati u Nepal i ostane nezaposlen ili da se zaposli u ruskoj vojsci.

- Oni nas uče kako da koristimo savremeno oružje. Obuka traje tokom čitavog dana, a nekad i noću. Čak i tokom obuke dobijamo platu od oko 50.000 nepalskih rupija (oko 350 evra), kao i osiguranje. Nakon godinu dana dobijamo i državljanstvo. Ako ne poginem, planiram da živim ovde - rekao je taj nepalski regrut.

Nepalski general u penziji Binož Basniat rekao je za "Jurejžan tajms" da "nakon završetka školovanja, veliki broj mladih traži posao, ali ne uspeva da ga pronađe u Nepalu".

PUTINU STIŽE POJAČANJE: Ovi ratnici u sve većem broju dolaze u rusku vojsku

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 19:21

Sad će slat Nepalce doli jer na ovima iz Wagnera se opeka pa ih ne želi više u Rusiji a ni u Ukrajini odakle mu mogu uletit u Rusiju kao što su to napravili jučer i preključer i krenuli put Moskve.

:^0 lol! lol! Usro se ko grlica. :^0 :^0  lol!

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 19:28

The week was strange, but no one canceled the section #красавчики_и_лузеры . The entire rating is dedicated to the rebellion and its consequences. And although it now seems that many survived the last days without much loss, this is not so - they have lost authority, influence and future. Others, on the contrary, have acquired the keys to the Kremlin and the right to punish and pardon. Details in our weekly rating.


 4. The governor of the Kursk region, Roman Starovoit , unexpectedly turned out to be almost the only one of the governors who showed at least a modicum of independence. And when everyone, following Putin, began to stigmatize the "Wagners" as traitors, he said that he would not do this, because he greatly respects them, although he condemns the rebellion. As a result, he turned out to be the most subjective of the governors.

3. The Real Colonel Igor Strelkov - By doing absolutely nothing, Strelkov got rid of his most dangerous competitor for the status of "most angry patriot". Because the previous leader dropped out of the race, having received full satisfaction and having ceased to be angry. Now Strelkov-Girkin is demanding that Putin hand over power and is enjoying his monopoly on "aggressive patriotism." But there is a feeling that soon his joy will dry up when the authorities come to their senses and take on the remaining "angry patriots."

2. The head of the PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin - a thug, a bandit and just a bad person in two days made himself the image of a national hero, who is admired if not by the whole country, then by the whole of Rostov-on-Don for sure. He drove the whole minister of defense, all law enforcement agencies into a far corner, intimidated the brutal president of the Russian Federation, forced the whole state to fulfill its conditions and, as a result, got away with it. Whether for a long time he left and how far now no one will say, but at the moment there is a clear winner.

1. President Alexander Lukashenko and Tula governor Alexei Dyumin - the first overnight from a miserable and shameful neighbor-beggar who depends on Russia in everything, turned into a savior of Russia from civil war. Even the Kremlin propagandists are trying to convince us of this, not at all caring about the damage they are doing to Putin's image. Well, the second one made a very convincing bid for succession, such that he now has practically no competitors - otherwise Wagner will come to their liking. Moreover, Dyumin and Prigogine have been friends for a long time.


 4. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov - everyone already understood everything about his tik-tok troops, but the past day showed that Kadyrov's men are formidable fighters only against sheep, and against formidable fighters are the sheep themselves. "Putin's faithful infantryman" did absolutely nothing to protect this very Putin, except for two posts in Telegram. Putin will remember this.

3. Foreign revolutionary Mikhail Khodorkovsky - he was almost the first to believe in the seriousness of Prigozhin's intentions and declared "it has begun, guys, it has begun, we are overthrowing Putin!" And when the whole thing ended with an agreement, he sadly admitted that the revolution had failed, the opposition was not ready, you can’t cook porridge with politicians in white coats. And he went to cry in his millions.

2. Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov - he, like Shoigu, was declared the main culprit of the defeats at the front and guilty of starting the Wagner rebellion. He, like Shoigu, is the first candidate to take off from the boat of power.

1. President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu - these two politicians, who once shared the first and second places in popularity among the population, overnight turned into the most unattractive characters in the country. The first delegated the authority to restore order in his country to the president of another country, the second simply disappeared from sight and showed the complete lack of combat effectiveness of the army against mercenaries. And both in the near future may lose their positions - as history has shown, they do not have much strength to protect themselves.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 21:50

Šojgu i Gerasimov su navodno smjenjeni ne zbog zahtjeva Wagnera nego zbog činjenice da su Wegnerovci došli 200km do Moskve.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 21:58

Kartapolov: to disperse Wagner PMC is the best gift for NATO and Ukrainians

 Andrei Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, said that he sees no reason to ban the Wagner private military company (PMC) in Russia because of the mistakes of its leaders.

He called PMC "Wagner" the most combat-ready unit in the country today.

And to take them and disarm and disperse them - you can’t imagine a better gift for NATO and Ukrainians. It does not need to be done ,” the politician added.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 22:09

Hektorović wrote:Šojgu i Gerasimov su navodno smjenjeni ne zbog zahtjeva Wagnera nego zbog činjenice da su Wegnerovci došli 200km do Moskve.
Pa to sam mu ja i reka u petak navečer u devet sati ( usporedbe radi ti si ovu temu otvorio u deset navečer ). Ja sam mu to reka i prije nego šta su ovi krenili na Moskvu. Tek nakon ovog mog upisa su krenili.

Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Lastpo10 by RayMabus Fri 23 Jun - 21:15

Ovo će bit totalni poraz Šojgua na bojnom polju jer je Zapad konačno shvatija i to tek kad im je propao plan brzog slamanja te bojišnice jer su i sami glupi pa krenuli u napad po blatu pa ćemo tu njihovu ofenzivu prozvat: ofenziva valjanja po blatu i sad shvaća ono šta ja cijelo vrijeme tupim a to je da slanje tisuću GPS granata non stop s ciljem meljenja njegove tehnike omogućava pobjedu.


Imam taj luksuz da sad kad san in usra kišom taj pokušaj brzog slamanja te fronte a samim time i Rusije da te se riješim
jer meni je samo trebalo da ne dođe do brzog sloma Rusije i onda samim time brze pobjede anglosasije.

Tako da:


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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 25/6/2023, 22:26

Tako, to smo riješili.

Vidi se tamo u petak u šest popodne kad san se diga i pročita da će on slat tenkovske brigade tamo i sve šta sam mu napisa i nakon toga reka PA PA ŠOJGU a to je onda devet sati navečer....i onda su ovi krenili pa je ispalo da on ne zna ni držat obranu Rusije a to mu je posao a vamo bi i dalje upira tenkovske napade jer se želi pokazati nekakvi baja pred Putinom a vjerovatno i sam Putin i ekipa to upiru, pa je ispalo da ne znaju radit ni obranu same Rusije itd i to smo završili i sad radi obranu jer meni treba pat pozicija a ne da mi ti gubiš ljude koje nemaš ni za obranu a za nekakvi napad za šta je potrebno tri puta više ljudi nego za obranu i uslijed čega bi tj te vaše taktike napada trošili ljude pa bi ovi na kraju negdje probili tu obranu i pobijedili i ne bi bilo više pat pozcije.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 23:10

Iz boljih vremena, ahahahaha

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Šandor Winnetou 25/6/2023, 23:28

Hektorović wrote:Šojgu i Gerasimov su navodno smjenjeni ne zbog zahtjeva Wagnera nego zbog činjenice da su Wegnerovci došli 200km do Moskve.
A valja naći dobar izgovor za smjenu a da to ne izgleda kao ispunjavanje prigožonovih uvjeta.

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Himars10
Šandor Winnetou
Šandor Winnetou

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 23:35

The US expected the attempted armed rebellion in Russia to be more brutal and bloody (c) CNN

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 23:37

Sergei Shoigu will not be removed or demoted, but transferred to an equivalent position.

Izgleda kako će ostati ministar, ali ne obrane.

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by Hektorović 25/6/2023, 23:37

Gerasimov, koji ima 67 godina, ide u mirovinu

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by RayMabus 26/6/2023, 07:12

Jednodnevni rat ruske vojske i Wagnera zadao je Vladimiru Putinu golemu političku štetu, ali u Rusiji se potiho razglaba i o teškom vojnom udarcu koji je Prigožin zadao svojim sunarodnjacima. Prema nekim izvještajima, ruske vojne snage izgubile su čak 39 pilota i zračnog osoblja u samo nekoliko sati. Podsjetimo, Wagner je u prvim satima puča zauzeo zračnu luku u Rostovu, glavni aerodrom odakle su počinjale operacije u Ukrajini.

Prema navodima ruskih vojnih Telegram kanala Rusija je izgubila čak šest helikoptera, ali i sofisticirani avion Il-22 koji se koristio za izvođenje borbenih operacija na velikim visinama. Najvjerojatnije je Iljušin-22 oboren s raketnim sustavom Pancir koji je, gle čuda, ruska vojska dala Wagneru.

Vojni analitičar i političar Viktor Alksnin vjeruje da su u avionu bile vojne 'glavešine' visokog ranga.

- Vjeujem da je broj osoblja u avionu bio između 15 i 20. Svi su umrli. Kada se sve skupa broji, ovo je bio najgori dan ruske avijacije još od početka 'Specijalne operacije' - rekao je Alksnin, kojeg u Rusiji zovu 'Crni pukovnik'.

Šojguovi poslušnici. Basketball

On ih posla na njih a oni ih sve poskidali i odma tako i riješili zauvijek usput. Da ne smetaju. :^0 Riješili ih se dok si reka keks. lol!  :D

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by marcellus 26/6/2023, 08:47

Ruski generalštab idućih dana

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Window-jump

Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 1472536379_l

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Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema - Page 17 Empty Re: Građanski rat u Rusiji - tema

Post by AssadNaPodmornici 26/6/2023, 09:34

Hektorović wrote:Kartapolov: to disperse Wagner PMC is the best gift for NATO and Ukrainians

 Andrei Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, said that he sees no reason to ban the Wagner private military company (PMC) in Russia because of the mistakes of its leaders.

He called PMC "Wagner" the most combat-ready unit in the country today.

And to take them and disarm and disperse them - you can’t imagine a better gift for NATO and Ukrainians. It does not need to be done ,” the politician added.
iskreno bilo me je strah kada su kružile priče da se 1.8 wagner vraća na aktivnu frontu.. tih 25 000 vojnika wagnera je veće sranje ukrajincima nego 200 000 ročnika i mobilizirane sirotinje.

ona sila vojnika koja je okupirala voroženj, rostov na donu, i išla na moskvu, to bi pogazilo i osvojlilo 2/3 europskih država bez problema uključujući i RH

May Allah destroy Australia

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