Korona novosti i spoznaje
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Gnječ wrote:epikur37 wrote:Gnječ wrote:
nećemo zaboraviti ovakve male štakore poput tebe. ti i takvi poput tebe imat ćete poseban tretman. vas nema šanse da zaboravimo.
mark my words
Sve u redu.
Ali svi bi trebali biti zadovoljni popuštanjem pandemije i vraćanjem života u normalno.
Msm ako bude gotovo, vjerujemo i nadamo se da jeste.
ti me podsjećaš na one bosance i srbe koji su u vrijeme SFRJ došli iz nekih nepoznatih gudura kojih nema ni u JNA topografskim kartama došli vozom vlakom u Pulu i bauljaju po gradu totalno izgubljeni neki me zaustavtili i pitaju zašto ova zgrada nema prozore??? i pokazuju mi prstom na rimski amfiteatar. za njih je Pula bila kao Kalifornija. tako i ti došao iz prijebine gudure u Zadar i tebi je to Kalifornija, taj osjećaj kad ti je sve jedno i svejedno, hedonizam, živiš na državnoj cici, u totalnoj deluziji i pun sebe još ako je uz to tvoja ekipa iz Mordora poslagana na svim centrima moći pa kažeš samozadovoljno: tko mi šta može? nemože mi nitko ništa jači sam od sudbine.
Mislim da je stvar inteligencije, neke životne filozofije, iskustva a i karaktera u pitanju.
Ta tvoja bolest vezano za bosance, ima vas tu još par oboljelih, je vaša ponajveća slabost bar kad je diskusija sa mnom u pitanju.
Premda vas ne dikvalificiram automatski zbog toga, to je ipak najbolje pustiti da se samo pojede.
Život treba živjeti.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
T. wrote:litar pfizera u žilu i ima da hvata sve satelite u orbiti plus signal voyagera...michaellcmacha wrote:I njemu bi lijepo lisice pristajale...T. wrote:
je li bosanac mora bit šetebandijere iliti 'kako vitar puše'...
ovaj se toliko prosuo u ove 2 godine da je to strašno...
točno ti dođe neugodno koliki je idiot ispao...
T. nije baš tako, ali da sam citius, altius, fortius...a bome :D
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Fašista po defaultu... Inače srbin sa dna kace... Nije nikad bio u zbroju pa nije ni sad... Inače čast i poštovanje po pitanju ove zdtavstvene krize svakom srbinu ali i srbijancu... Onoj gospođi doktorici iz srbije bi trebalo pogotovo iskazati poštovanje dr. Jovana Stojković... Ona one njihove fašiste Stojanoviće i ostale razbacuje ko domina po tv studijimaebenica wrote:pa tko si ti pička ti materina glupa usrana da ja tebi googlam? da ti ponavljam kaj je bilo već sto puta na temi? kaj si ti sebi zabrijao debilu usrani retardirani?Piglet wrote:Joj dijete drago (nadam se da si dijete, a ne stari frustrirani konj), u mladosti je normalno biti radikalan i imati jaki stav oko svega tako da mi je jasno zašto si takav.ebenica wrote:
nađem ti mater doma kretenu, jebem ti mater. imaš porste i goglaj, pošto mozak nemaš i ne pamtiš duže od dvije sekunde.
Na nijedno pitanje mi nisi odgovorio, možeš unaprijed pretpostaviti da ništa ne znam o čemu me pitaš i da mi ne daješ hintove nego napišeš brojke i konkretne primjere. Ako nađeš vremena pičkarati, možeš i napisati dva, tri broja ili zalijepiti koju sliku s podacima.
svakiuh par dana se pojavi neki kreten poput tebe i iz nekog usranog razloga misli da će mu se ponavljat i stavljat linkovi koji su stavljani već milijardu puta.
pa pička ti materina kaj si ti sebi zabrijao? tko si jebote ti jebem ti mater glupu?
"Snažni su duhom, njihova je vojska ustrajna jer brani svoju DOMOVINU"
michaellcmacha- Posts : 21325
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
a sad jedna lijepa vijest. tko god ima obradive zemlje neka počme sijati slatki pelin i bit će bogat zajamčeno. posla i novaca će imati sigurno.
evo kako i zašto:
Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Researchers in the United States have shown that extracts of an aromatic herb called Artemisia annua inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) – the agent responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Also known as “Sweet wormwood,” Artemisia annua (A. annua) is an herb from Asia that produces the antimalarial agent artemisinin.
Now, researchers at Columbia University in New York, the University of Washington, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute have demonstrated that hot-water leaf A. annua extracts based on artemisinin, total flavonoids, or dry leaf mass show antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
“This is the first report of anti-SARS-CoV-2 efficacy of hot water extracts of a wide variety of cultivars of A. annua sourced from four continents,” says Pamela Weathers and colleagues. “Further studies will determine in vivo efficacy to assess whether A. annua might provide a cost-effective therapeutic to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.”
Antiviral activity of the herb has been shown before
The medicinal plant A. annua and the artemisinin it produces have been safely used to treat a range of ailments, particularly malaria, for more than 2,000 years.
One study conducted in 2005 also demonstrated that the herb has an antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-1 – the agent responsible for the 2002 to 2003 SARS outbreak.
Furthermore, both the A. annua plant and artemisinin have been shown to reduce levels of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in vivo.
Artemisia annua L. extracts prevent in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2
Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells
In a test tube, a mix of iron and wormwood targets cancer
Medieval as it sounds, scientists are testing a recipe of wormwood and iron on breast cancer cells, and so far the results are encouraging. In a new study, researchers report that artemesinin--a derivative of the wormwood plant--kills iron-enriched breast cancer cells but doesn't harm many healthy ones. Artemesinin's destructive properties are triggered by higher than normal levels of iron in cancer cells.
Many experiments have found that artemesinin turns deadly in the presence of iron. In Asia and Africa, artemesinin tablets are widely and, in many cases, successfully used to treat malaria, because the parasite has a high iron concentration. Cancer cells can also be rich in iron, as they often soak up the mineral to facilitate cell division. The cells bring in extra iron with the help of transferrin receptors, special receiving points that funnel the mineral into the cell. Although normal cells also have transferrin receptors, cancerous ones can have many more.
The discovery of artemisinin and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Professor Youyou Tu for her key contributions to the discovery of artemisinin. Artemisinin has saved millions of lives and represents one of the significant contributions of China to global health. Many scientists were involved in the previously unknown 523 Project, and the Nobel Prize given to a single person has not been without controversy. Here we summarized some key events in the 523 Project and present our views on the Award to help the public better understand the rationale of the Nobel committee’s decision, the significance of the discovery, and current issues related to artimisinin in treating malaria.
Petar Mihić: Zbog mog slatkog pelina koji liječi koronu telefon mi ne prestaje zvoniti
Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja jedini u BiH uzgaja slatki pelin. Nakon objave njemačkih znanstvenika o djelotvornosti u liječenju kontaktirali su ga stručnjaci iz Zagreba i Beograda
Kad je Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja u Hercegovini prije osam godina odlučio zasaditi slatki pelin (Artemisia annua), nije ni slutio da će ta “obična” ljekovita biljka ni desetljeće poslije postati “oružje” u borbi protiv koronavirusa, trenutačno najveće svjetske pošasti.
Danas Petar tu biljku s dokazano višestruko ljekovitim svojstvima uzgaja na plantaži od oko osam duluma (8000 četvornih metara). Otkako se vijest da su istraživanja njemačkih znanstvenika pokazala da su ekstrakti slatkog pelina aktivni protiv SARS-CoV-2 proširila regijom brzinom munje, Petru telefon stalno zvoni. Sve je više onih koji žele naručiti i isprobati pripravke od te ljekovite biljke. Štoviše, pojedini bosanskohercegovački epidemiolozi ističu da su upoznati s djelotvornošću čaja od slatkog pelina kod pozitivnih na koronavirus u svim fazama infekcije.
Sad je i znanstveno potvrđeno: Slatki pelin zaustavlja koronavirus u stanicama
Američki znanstvenici proveli su istraživanje u kojem se pokazalo da ekstrakti aromatičnog slatkog pelina (Artemisia annua) koče razmnožavanje virusa SARS-CoV-2, uzročnika bolesti COVID-19
Slatki pelin biljka je porijeklom iz Azije koja proizvodi antimalarijski agent artemisinin, a znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta Columbia u New Yorku, Sveučilišta Washington i Politehničkog instituta Worchester pokazali su da ekstrakti slatkog pelina bazirani na artemisininu, potpunim flavonoidima ili samo iz suhog lišća te biljke pokazuju antivirusnu aktivnost protiv novog koronavirusa. Vijest donosi zdravstveni portal News Medical, a prenosi je web stranica Nove TV.
evo kako i zašto:
Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Researchers in the United States have shown that extracts of an aromatic herb called Artemisia annua inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) – the agent responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Also known as “Sweet wormwood,” Artemisia annua (A. annua) is an herb from Asia that produces the antimalarial agent artemisinin.
Now, researchers at Columbia University in New York, the University of Washington, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute have demonstrated that hot-water leaf A. annua extracts based on artemisinin, total flavonoids, or dry leaf mass show antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
“This is the first report of anti-SARS-CoV-2 efficacy of hot water extracts of a wide variety of cultivars of A. annua sourced from four continents,” says Pamela Weathers and colleagues. “Further studies will determine in vivo efficacy to assess whether A. annua might provide a cost-effective therapeutic to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.”
Antiviral activity of the herb has been shown before
The medicinal plant A. annua and the artemisinin it produces have been safely used to treat a range of ailments, particularly malaria, for more than 2,000 years.
One study conducted in 2005 also demonstrated that the herb has an antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-1 – the agent responsible for the 2002 to 2003 SARS outbreak.
Furthermore, both the A. annua plant and artemisinin have been shown to reduce levels of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in vivo.
Artemisia annua L. extracts prevent in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2
Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells
In a test tube, a mix of iron and wormwood targets cancer
Medieval as it sounds, scientists are testing a recipe of wormwood and iron on breast cancer cells, and so far the results are encouraging. In a new study, researchers report that artemesinin--a derivative of the wormwood plant--kills iron-enriched breast cancer cells but doesn't harm many healthy ones. Artemesinin's destructive properties are triggered by higher than normal levels of iron in cancer cells.
Many experiments have found that artemesinin turns deadly in the presence of iron. In Asia and Africa, artemesinin tablets are widely and, in many cases, successfully used to treat malaria, because the parasite has a high iron concentration. Cancer cells can also be rich in iron, as they often soak up the mineral to facilitate cell division. The cells bring in extra iron with the help of transferrin receptors, special receiving points that funnel the mineral into the cell. Although normal cells also have transferrin receptors, cancerous ones can have many more.
The discovery of artemisinin and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Professor Youyou Tu for her key contributions to the discovery of artemisinin. Artemisinin has saved millions of lives and represents one of the significant contributions of China to global health. Many scientists were involved in the previously unknown 523 Project, and the Nobel Prize given to a single person has not been without controversy. Here we summarized some key events in the 523 Project and present our views on the Award to help the public better understand the rationale of the Nobel committee’s decision, the significance of the discovery, and current issues related to artimisinin in treating malaria.
Petar Mihić: Zbog mog slatkog pelina koji liječi koronu telefon mi ne prestaje zvoniti
Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja jedini u BiH uzgaja slatki pelin. Nakon objave njemačkih znanstvenika o djelotvornosti u liječenju kontaktirali su ga stručnjaci iz Zagreba i Beograda
Kad je Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja u Hercegovini prije osam godina odlučio zasaditi slatki pelin (Artemisia annua), nije ni slutio da će ta “obična” ljekovita biljka ni desetljeće poslije postati “oružje” u borbi protiv koronavirusa, trenutačno najveće svjetske pošasti.
Danas Petar tu biljku s dokazano višestruko ljekovitim svojstvima uzgaja na plantaži od oko osam duluma (8000 četvornih metara). Otkako se vijest da su istraživanja njemačkih znanstvenika pokazala da su ekstrakti slatkog pelina aktivni protiv SARS-CoV-2 proširila regijom brzinom munje, Petru telefon stalno zvoni. Sve je više onih koji žele naručiti i isprobati pripravke od te ljekovite biljke. Štoviše, pojedini bosanskohercegovački epidemiolozi ističu da su upoznati s djelotvornošću čaja od slatkog pelina kod pozitivnih na koronavirus u svim fazama infekcije.
Sad je i znanstveno potvrđeno: Slatki pelin zaustavlja koronavirus u stanicama
Američki znanstvenici proveli su istraživanje u kojem se pokazalo da ekstrakti aromatičnog slatkog pelina (Artemisia annua) koče razmnožavanje virusa SARS-CoV-2, uzročnika bolesti COVID-19
Slatki pelin biljka je porijeklom iz Azije koja proizvodi antimalarijski agent artemisinin, a znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta Columbia u New Yorku, Sveučilišta Washington i Politehničkog instituta Worchester pokazali su da ekstrakti slatkog pelina bazirani na artemisininu, potpunim flavonoidima ili samo iz suhog lišća te biljke pokazuju antivirusnu aktivnost protiv novog koronavirusa. Vijest donosi zdravstveni portal News Medical, a prenosi je web stranica Nove TV.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Croatian Politician Compares Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination to “Death Penalty”
In response to French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent declaration that the unvaccinated are “irresponsible” and “no longer a citizen,” Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušic warned that mandatory injections are a type of death penalty.
“You said today that you are proud that there is no death penalty in Europe,” Kolakušic said. “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”
Macron previously told Le Parisien newspaper that his desire is to make life as miserable as possible for unvaccinated citizens. Macron actually said that his goal is to “piss off” the unvaccinated by denying them access to restaurants, theatres, and cinemas.
Many have spoken out against Macron and his tyrannical plans and statements. After all, Macron’s ultimate goal appears to completely segregate the unvaccinated in society.
“Murder is murder,” he stated about Macron’s agenda, adding that injections of all kinds should always be voluntary. Kolakušic also pointed to official data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) showing that covid jabs are not “safe and effective” as claimed.
Kolakušic infamously called out European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s human rights abuses during an address to her at a Parliamentary session back in September 2021.
He says that Von der Leyen’s covid policies are dividing citizens while violating both their rights and the scientific advice of independent scientists who have been warning that the injections are not the miracle cure that they have been made out to be.
Kolakuši? spoke at length about von der Leyen’s left-wing policies, which are violating the “social rights” of E.U. citizens, not to mention the fact that they stand in stark contrast to reality.
“Fundamental human rights have never been more seriously violated in the past 80 years since Nazism: freedom to travel, the right to work, health care, and the right to ban medical experiments performed on more than 500 million people,” reported the RAIR Foundation.
“Furthermore, every citizen has the right to self-determination, emphasized the MEP.”
Kolakušic is calling for an immediate end to all the division. People should be allowed to make their own health decisions without threat or persecution from the government, he says.
“Corona certificates that only allow the vaccinated to travel freely – while spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated – are insane,” he added about the E.U.’s “vaccine passport” scheme.
“Nobody knows what will happen if we don’t put an end to it,” he added about von der Leyen’s fascist impositions.
Croatian MEP: 'Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty - Murder is Murder' (Video)
In response to French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent declaration that the unvaccinated are “irresponsible” and “no longer a citizen,” Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušic warned that mandatory injections are a type of death penalty.
“You said today that you are proud that there is no death penalty in Europe,” Kolakušic said. “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”
Macron previously told Le Parisien newspaper that his desire is to make life as miserable as possible for unvaccinated citizens. Macron actually said that his goal is to “piss off” the unvaccinated by denying them access to restaurants, theatres, and cinemas.
Many have spoken out against Macron and his tyrannical plans and statements. After all, Macron’s ultimate goal appears to completely segregate the unvaccinated in society.
“Murder is murder,” he stated about Macron’s agenda, adding that injections of all kinds should always be voluntary. Kolakušic also pointed to official data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) showing that covid jabs are not “safe and effective” as claimed.
Kolakušic infamously called out European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s human rights abuses during an address to her at a Parliamentary session back in September 2021.
He says that Von der Leyen’s covid policies are dividing citizens while violating both their rights and the scientific advice of independent scientists who have been warning that the injections are not the miracle cure that they have been made out to be.
Kolakuši? spoke at length about von der Leyen’s left-wing policies, which are violating the “social rights” of E.U. citizens, not to mention the fact that they stand in stark contrast to reality.
“Fundamental human rights have never been more seriously violated in the past 80 years since Nazism: freedom to travel, the right to work, health care, and the right to ban medical experiments performed on more than 500 million people,” reported the RAIR Foundation.
“Furthermore, every citizen has the right to self-determination, emphasized the MEP.”
Kolakušic is calling for an immediate end to all the division. People should be allowed to make their own health decisions without threat or persecution from the government, he says.
“Corona certificates that only allow the vaccinated to travel freely – while spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated – are insane,” he added about the E.U.’s “vaccine passport” scheme.
“Nobody knows what will happen if we don’t put an end to it,” he added about von der Leyen’s fascist impositions.
Croatian MEP: 'Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty - Murder is Murder' (Video)
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)
Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.
How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?
The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.
The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.
kako je sve to počelo?
koga zanimaju svi detalji ima zanimljivo štivo na linku:
Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.
How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?
The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.
The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.
kako je sve to počelo?
koga zanimaju svi detalji ima zanimljivo štivo na linku:
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
bad news
Pathologist Sends Covid 'Vaccine' Warning: 'Cancers Are Taking Off Like Wildfire' (Video)
The corona vaccines are ineffective and responsible for the increased number of cancer cases, warns pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. Data from his vaccinated patients and data sent to him by oncologists show that the vaccines disrupt the immune system. Cole also said that the all-cause mortality rate is higher in vaccinated people.
When the vaccine was rolled out, the pathologist began to see “this virus that causes this little bump in kids, starting to appear in adults.” In addition, he noticed that cancer rates among women were starting to rise. For example, the number of endometrial and cervical cancer cases was higher than usual.
After Dr. Cole spoke out about the risks of the covid vaccine, ‘numerous’ oncologists contacted him. The doctors reported they are “seeing the weirdest cancers, and cancers that we have been able to keep in check and treat, taking off like wildfire – going stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, just like that.”
“That’s because of the immune dysregulation that these shots cause,” emphasized Dr. Cole. An immune system that becomes compromised cannot keep in check cancer growth.
Pathologist Sends Covid 'Vaccine' Warning: 'Cancers Are Taking Off Like Wildfire' (Video)
The corona vaccines are ineffective and responsible for the increased number of cancer cases, warns pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. Data from his vaccinated patients and data sent to him by oncologists show that the vaccines disrupt the immune system. Cole also said that the all-cause mortality rate is higher in vaccinated people.
When the vaccine was rolled out, the pathologist began to see “this virus that causes this little bump in kids, starting to appear in adults.” In addition, he noticed that cancer rates among women were starting to rise. For example, the number of endometrial and cervical cancer cases was higher than usual.
After Dr. Cole spoke out about the risks of the covid vaccine, ‘numerous’ oncologists contacted him. The doctors reported they are “seeing the weirdest cancers, and cancers that we have been able to keep in check and treat, taking off like wildfire – going stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, just like that.”
“That’s because of the immune dysregulation that these shots cause,” emphasized Dr. Cole. An immune system that becomes compromised cannot keep in check cancer growth.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
bella Italia pezzi di merda coglioni italiani stronzi
Italian Police Hunt Rome For the Unvaccinated Who Are No Longer Allowed To Use Public Transportation
Italian Police Hunt Rome For the Unvaccinated Who Are No Longer Allowed To Use Public Transportation
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
KLOŠARI bi da se pređe prek svega i nikom ništa...newuser wrote:Nista nije gotovo, sad treba utvrdjivati tko je kriv sto vas je potrovalo u ovolikom broju i sto su postojale Covid potvrde kojima se bolest bez problema prenosila do najugrozenijih.
"Snažni su duhom, njihova je vojska ustrajna jer brani svoju DOMOVINU"
michaellcmacha- Posts : 21325
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Da,da, sada je sve bistro. Ko' Sava trenutnoepikur37 wrote:kaya wrote:Ovi još u borbi?
tek sad počinje sve izlaziti na vidjelo :D
kaya- Posts : 31419
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
nakon veterinarskog lobija lijek preuzeo badel s pelinom
kad se prekomjerno izganatiram s 6-7 pelina corona bjezi zajedno sa zenom od par odgojno-obrazovnih udaraca
kad se prekomjerno izganatiram s 6-7 pelina corona bjezi zajedno sa zenom od par odgojno-obrazovnih udaraca
debotoijusto- Posts : 31574
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Bila je prije pola godine, godinu...Gnječ wrote:a sad jedna lijepa vijest. tko god ima obradive zemlje neka počme sijati slatki pelin i bit će bogat zajamčeno. posla i novaca će imati sigurno.
evo kako i zašto:
Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Researchers in the United States have shown that extracts of an aromatic herb called Artemisia annua inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) – the agent responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Also known as “Sweet wormwood,” Artemisia annua (A. annua) is an herb from Asia that produces the antimalarial agent artemisinin.
Now, researchers at Columbia University in New York, the University of Washington, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute have demonstrated that hot-water leaf A. annua extracts based on artemisinin, total flavonoids, or dry leaf mass show antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
“This is the first report of anti-SARS-CoV-2 efficacy of hot water extracts of a wide variety of cultivars of A. annua sourced from four continents,” says Pamela Weathers and colleagues. “Further studies will determine in vivo efficacy to assess whether A. annua might provide a cost-effective therapeutic to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.”
Antiviral activity of the herb has been shown before
The medicinal plant A. annua and the artemisinin it produces have been safely used to treat a range of ailments, particularly malaria, for more than 2,000 years.
One study conducted in 2005 also demonstrated that the herb has an antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-1 – the agent responsible for the 2002 to 2003 SARS outbreak.
Furthermore, both the A. annua plant and artemisinin have been shown to reduce levels of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in vivo.
Artemisia annua L. extracts prevent in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2
Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells
In a test tube, a mix of iron and wormwood targets cancer
Medieval as it sounds, scientists are testing a recipe of wormwood and iron on breast cancer cells, and so far the results are encouraging. In a new study, researchers report that artemesinin--a derivative of the wormwood plant--kills iron-enriched breast cancer cells but doesn't harm many healthy ones. Artemesinin's destructive properties are triggered by higher than normal levels of iron in cancer cells.
Many experiments have found that artemesinin turns deadly in the presence of iron. In Asia and Africa, artemesinin tablets are widely and, in many cases, successfully used to treat malaria, because the parasite has a high iron concentration. Cancer cells can also be rich in iron, as they often soak up the mineral to facilitate cell division. The cells bring in extra iron with the help of transferrin receptors, special receiving points that funnel the mineral into the cell. Although normal cells also have transferrin receptors, cancerous ones can have many more.
The discovery of artemisinin and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Professor Youyou Tu for her key contributions to the discovery of artemisinin. Artemisinin has saved millions of lives and represents one of the significant contributions of China to global health. Many scientists were involved in the previously unknown 523 Project, and the Nobel Prize given to a single person has not been without controversy. Here we summarized some key events in the 523 Project and present our views on the Award to help the public better understand the rationale of the Nobel committee’s decision, the significance of the discovery, and current issues related to artimisinin in treating malaria.
Petar Mihić: Zbog mog slatkog pelina koji liječi koronu telefon mi ne prestaje zvoniti
Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja jedini u BiH uzgaja slatki pelin. Nakon objave njemačkih znanstvenika o djelotvornosti u liječenju kontaktirali su ga stručnjaci iz Zagreba i Beograda
Kad je Petar Mihić iz Ljubinja u Hercegovini prije osam godina odlučio zasaditi slatki pelin (Artemisia annua), nije ni slutio da će ta “obična” ljekovita biljka ni desetljeće poslije postati “oružje” u borbi protiv koronavirusa, trenutačno najveće svjetske pošasti.
Danas Petar tu biljku s dokazano višestruko ljekovitim svojstvima uzgaja na plantaži od oko osam duluma (8000 četvornih metara). Otkako se vijest da su istraživanja njemačkih znanstvenika pokazala da su ekstrakti slatkog pelina aktivni protiv SARS-CoV-2 proširila regijom brzinom munje, Petru telefon stalno zvoni. Sve je više onih koji žele naručiti i isprobati pripravke od te ljekovite biljke. Štoviše, pojedini bosanskohercegovački epidemiolozi ističu da su upoznati s djelotvornošću čaja od slatkog pelina kod pozitivnih na koronavirus u svim fazama infekcije.
Sad je i znanstveno potvrđeno: Slatki pelin zaustavlja koronavirus u stanicama
Američki znanstvenici proveli su istraživanje u kojem se pokazalo da ekstrakti aromatičnog slatkog pelina (Artemisia annua) koče razmnožavanje virusa SARS-CoV-2, uzročnika bolesti COVID-19
Slatki pelin biljka je porijeklom iz Azije koja proizvodi antimalarijski agent artemisinin, a znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta Columbia u New Yorku, Sveučilišta Washington i Politehničkog instituta Worchester pokazali su da ekstrakti slatkog pelina bazirani na artemisininu, potpunim flavonoidima ili samo iz suhog lišća te biljke pokazuju antivirusnu aktivnost protiv novog koronavirusa. Vijest donosi zdravstveni portal News Medical, a prenosi je web stranica Nove TV.
I zašto saditi nešto protiv prehlade...
Triba saditi krumpire,
Kabala će uništiti ekonomiju...
Ide inflacija, konc logori se grade, fašisti zauzeli strateška mjesta, još samo slom ekonomije i da nam uvale rješenje...
Last edited by mutava baštarda on Sat 5 Feb - 9:14; edited 1 time in total
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
debotoijusto wrote:nakon veterinarskog lobija lijek preuzeo badel s pelinom
kad se prekomjerno izganatiram s 6-7 pelina corona bjezi zajedno sa zenom od par odgojno-obrazovnih udaraca
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35490
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Ti si ono spominjala da ne postoji pprirodni imunitet... E pa traje 2 godine koliko se i mogao istražiti.kaya wrote:Da,da, sada je sve bistro. Ko' Sava trenutnoepikur37 wrote:kaya wrote:Ovi još u borbi?
tek sad počinje sve izlaziti na vidjelo :D
Oni koji su ti rekli da ne postoji, tim istim ćeš biti antivakserica ako ne uzmeš pojačivač, a rekla si da ga nećeš. Jedva čekam da primiš tijelo pfizerovo, awomen.
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
baka zora i njen unuk lijece se od korone kao ja , lancun rizla i dobro izmrvit , pelin je out"Nakon sedam dana u bolnici uzrokovanih Covidom-19, baba Zora je opet na nogama. Ne damo je, a ne da se ni ona."
Status na na Facebook stranici Zorina mast, kojim je potvrđeno da je omiljena baka Zora iz Dugopolja preboljela Covid, izazvao je gotovo 2000 reakcija (lajkovi, srca...) i stotinjak komentara.
- Sve najbolje babi Zori. Upravo ujutro se ide po novu nabavku "Zorine masti" - bio je jedan komentar podrške baki koja je pobijedila koronu nakon što je u bolnici provela sedam dana.
- To je baka Zora koja nima vrimena izležavati se. Sritna i blagoslovljena bila još puno godina - eto i drugi.
debotoijusto- Posts : 31574
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nisam rekla da ne postoji nego da ne znači baš puno jer ima ljudi koji su nekoliko puta dobili i preboljeli koronu u razmaku godine dana. Prema tome to ništa ne znači. Možeš ju dobiti, sve sojeve.mutava baštarda wrote:Ti si ono spominjala da ne postoji pprirodni imunitet... E pa traje 2 godine koliko se i mogao istražiti.kaya wrote:Da,da, sada je sve bistro. Ko' Sava trenutnoepikur37 wrote:
tek sad počinje sve izlaziti na vidjelo :D
Oni koji su ti rekli da ne postoji, tim istim ćeš biti antivakserica ako ne uzmeš pojačivač, a rekla si da ga nećeš. Jedva čekam da primiš tijelo pfizerovo, awomen.
A ima ljudi koji ju ne mogu dobiti.
To sam recimo ja .
I prije cijepljenja i poslje, okružena koronom a ništa.
A booster, ne da mi se. Nije da se ja bojim ili nešto tako, prosto rečeno neda mi se..
kaya- Posts : 31419
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
kaya wrote:Nisam rekla da ne postoji nego da ne znači baš puno jer ima ljudi koji su nekoliko puta dobili i preboljeli koronu u razmaku godine dana. Prema tome to ništa ne znači. Možeš ju dobiti, sve sojeve.mutava baštarda wrote:Ti si ono spominjala da ne postoji pprirodni imunitet... E pa traje 2 godine koliko se i mogao istražiti.kaya wrote:
Da,da, sada je sve bistro. Ko' Sava trenutno
Oni koji su ti rekli da ne postoji, tim istim ćeš biti antivakserica ako ne uzmeš pojačivač, a rekla si da ga nećeš. Jedva čekam da primiš tijelo pfizerovo, awomen.
A ima ljudi koji ju ne mogu dobiti.
To sam recimo ja .
I prije cijepljenja i poslje, okružena koronom a ništa.
A booster, ne da mi se. Nije da se ja bojim ili nešto tako, prosto rečeno neda mi se..
vjerojatno si ju preboljela da nisi skužila, nisam je ni ja skužio.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Pa posumnjala sam ja na to par puta, ali ne. Nemam antitijela..
Last edited by kaya on Sat 5 Feb - 10:02; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : ..)
kaya- Posts : 31419
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Moja frendica je recimo imala tih antitijela na izvoz. Poslje preboljele korone. I opet ju je dobila bez obzira na to. Ona je nešto kao ovi tu, vjeruje u prirodni imunitet a cijepivo je otrov. I svaki soj pobere uredno.
Last edited by kaya on Sat 5 Feb - 10:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : .)
kaya- Posts : 31419
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