Korona novosti i spoznaje
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Noor wrote:i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?Gnječ wrote:Noor wrote:koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira.
drugo, na svjetskom nivou zabraniti GOF. brutalne kazne za GOF. manipulaciju virusima da ih se napravi zaraznima za čovjeka najstrože kazniti. sintetiziranje virusa i proizvodnju chimera virusa kao što je ovaj SARS CoV2 koji po mojim saznanjima iskemijan od dijelova RNA virusa MERS, SARS, HIV.
treće uništiti mega multinacionalne korporacije. antitrust zakon.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
jedna koja sa mnom radi ima rođake u USA, kaže da se s njima čuje često i kažu da neka agencija hoda po kućama ljudi u provinciji, koji se bave bilo kakvom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom i nudi lovu 3x veću od procjenjene štete, ako unište usjeveGnječ wrote:Noor wrote:i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?Gnječ wrote:Noor wrote:koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira.
drugo, na svjetskom nivou zabraniti GOF. brutalne kazne za GOF. manipulaciju virusima da ih se napravi zaraznima za čovjeka najstrože kazniti. sintetiziranje virusa i proizvodnju chimera virusa kao što je ovaj SARS CoV2 koji po mojim saznanjima iskemijan od dijelova RNA virusa MERS, SARS, HIV.
treće uništiti mega multinacionalne korporacije. antitrust zakon.
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Noor wrote:jedna koja sa mnom radi ima rođake u USA, kaže da se s njima čuje često i kažu da neka agencija hoda po kućama ljudi u provinciji, koji se bave bilo kakvom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom i nudi lovu 3x veću od procjenjene štete, ako unište usjeveGnječ wrote:Noor wrote:i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?Gnječ wrote:Noor wrote:koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira.
drugo, na svjetskom nivou zabraniti GOF. brutalne kazne za GOF. manipulaciju virusima da ih se napravi zaraznima za čovjeka najstrože kazniti. sintetiziranje virusa i proizvodnju chimera virusa kao što je ovaj SARS CoV2 koji po mojim saznanjima iskemijan od dijelova RNA virusa MERS, SARS, HIV.
treće uništiti mega multinacionalne korporacije. antitrust zakon.
The Biden administration will pay farmers more money not to farm
The goal is to add 4 million acres of farmland to the Conservation Reserve Program, which takes land out of production to blunt agriculture’s environmental impact.
U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops | Farmers must refuse to be part of genocide
U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops
The excuse is to reduce the carbon footprint.
What bullshit. Too many humans who are carbon based so destroy the food to in turn starve humans to reduce the carbon footprint?
This is genocidal madness.
The destruction of crops to district the food supply is an act of genocide and the farmers that participate are part of that genocide.
Farmers must refuse to destroy their crops and feed the people.
Biden’s climate change strategy looks to pay farmers to curb carbon footprint
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Zahvaljujem gnjecu na novim informacijama, dok ne dođu oni average Iq botovi i krenu spamat.. Ali neka ih, sve je bolje do kada nema onoga luđaka koji bi u subotu iza ponoći gdje se normalna osoba ili drogira ili spava pitao gdje su svi
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22272
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Why Are Farmers Destroying Food While Grocery Stores Are Empty?
Why Are Farmers Destroying Food While Grocery Stores Are Empty?
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
For many Americans, grocery shopping has become an intensely stressful experience. To maintain social distancing, people must queue before entering stores. Once inside, they must scramble to find increasingly scarce products, including household staples from milk and eggs to pork and beef. Others can no longer afford to go to grocery stores. Instead, they wait for hours to get goods from food banks that are also running short on supplies.
But in a seeming paradox, farmers are destroying their products—including many of the same goods that stores lack. Dairy Farmers of America, the country’s biggest dairy co-op, has called many of its members and instructed them to dump their milk. The cooperative has estimated that farmers are now dumping up to 3.7 million gallons of milk per day. Sanderson Farms, a chicken processor, smashes 750,000 eggs each week. Farmers have been plowing their produce into the ground.
But in a seeming paradox, farmers are destroying their products—including many of the same goods that stores lack. Dairy Farmers of America, the country’s biggest dairy co-op, has called many of its members and instructed them to dump their milk. The cooperative has estimated that farmers are now dumping up to 3.7 million gallons of milk per day. Sanderson Farms, a chicken processor, smashes 750,000 eggs each week. Farmers have been plowing their produce into the ground.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Zahvaljujem gnjecu na novim informacijama, dok ne dođu oni average Iq botovi i krenu spamat.. Ali neka ih, sve je bolje do kada nema onoga luđaka koji bi u subotu iza ponoći gdje se normalna osoba ili drogira ili spava pitao gdje su svi
nema na čemu. a vidi sada ekipa stvara umjetnu nestašicu hrane sa kojim ciljem? hoće li hrana ići na bonove ali samo ako si cijepljen? oni koji se ne žele cijepiti neka umru od gladi. a RH uvozi sve prehrambene proizvode jer su državotvorni domoljubi uništili domaću proizvodnju. kako će ta nestašica hrane ovdje izgledati?
oće li meni stožer uletit u vrtal i uništiti sve pomidore salatu i ostalo povrće?
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
eto, znaci ne izmisljajuGnječ wrote:Noor wrote:jedna koja sa mnom radi ima rođake u USA, kaže da se s njima čuje često i kažu da neka agencija hoda po kućama ljudi u provinciji, koji se bave bilo kakvom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom i nudi lovu 3x veću od procjenjene štete, ako unište usjeveGnječ wrote:Noor wrote:i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?Gnječ wrote:Noor wrote:koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira.
drugo, na svjetskom nivou zabraniti GOF. brutalne kazne za GOF. manipulaciju virusima da ih se napravi zaraznima za čovjeka najstrože kazniti. sintetiziranje virusa i proizvodnju chimera virusa kao što je ovaj SARS CoV2 koji po mojim saznanjima iskemijan od dijelova RNA virusa MERS, SARS, HIV.
treće uništiti mega multinacionalne korporacije. antitrust zakon.
The Biden administration will pay farmers more money not to farm
The goal is to add 4 million acres of farmland to the Conservation Reserve Program, which takes land out of production to blunt agriculture’s environmental impact.
U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops | Farmers must refuse to be part of genocide
U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops
The excuse is to reduce the carbon footprint.
What bullshit. Too many humans who are carbon based so destroy the food to in turn starve humans to reduce the carbon footprint?
This is genocidal madness.
The destruction of crops to district the food supply is an act of genocide and the farmers that participate are part of that genocide.
Farmers must refuse to destroy their crops and feed the people.
Biden’s climate change strategy looks to pay farmers to curb carbon footprint
ma, strava!
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
ma tko bi se petljao u ovako visokoumne razgovore high iq ekipe. samo vi derite ne bum vas smetal.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Zahvaljujem gnjecu na novim informacijama, dok ne dođu oni average Iq botovi i krenu spamat.. Ali neka ih, sve je bolje do kada nema onoga luđaka koji bi u subotu iza ponoći gdje se normalna osoba ili drogira ili spava pitao gdje su svi
"ili ih licemjerna bijela europska gamad smatra majmunima, koji se neće usuditi pisnuti, a i ako pisnu, poklopit će ih u trenu
i takav pasji sin se ovdje nametnuo kao neki faktčeker. jeboteled.
koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira."
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
jel ovaj c/p jedino sto imas "reci" na temu omikrona koji je stigao u Botswanu, a ne iz nje?pokerjocker wrote:ma tko bi se petljao u ovako visokoumne razgovore high iq ekipe. samo vi derite ne bum vas smetal.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Zahvaljujem gnjecu na novim informacijama, dok ne dođu oni average Iq botovi i krenu spamat.. Ali neka ih, sve je bolje do kada nema onoga luđaka koji bi u subotu iza ponoći gdje se normalna osoba ili drogira ili spava pitao gdje su svi
"ili ih licemjerna bijela europska gamad smatra majmunima, koji se neće usuditi pisnuti, a i ako pisnu, poklopit će ih u trenu
i takav pasji sin se ovdje nametnuo kao neki faktčeker. jeboteled.
koja je to bestijalna hrpa govana koja vodi ovu igru...
sve ih treba pohvatati šinterskim omčama, ugurati u shuttle i izbaciti iz njega duboko u svemiru
treba ih uhapsiti i suditi za zločine protiv čovječanstva, genocid, democid, bioterorizam itd.
i hranit to smeće u zatvoru? dat mu da diše?
to samo metak u čelo
smrtna kazna ali prije smrtne kazne cijepio bi ih svaki dan Pfizer cjepivom. svaki dan. da vidimo kako to funkcionira."
jel to sve sto imas "reci" na cinjenicu da covid mafija podmece i brise tragove, pokvareno upiruci prstom u africku zemlju?
ajde poki đoki, reci da su antivakseri krivi, znam da ti je na vrh jezika
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
nemam pojma, previše posla pa nisam baš ništa gledao o tome. moguće da ste u pravu, zašto ne? da s hranom manipuliraju, to već odavno znam.
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Tip koji je dao ovaj intervju nema niti najblažeg pojma o čemu priča. Ovo je strašno...pokerjocker wrote:https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/virolog-ivermektin-bi-mozda-pomogao-protiv-djecjih-glista-ne-i-protiv-korone/2322133.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_vijesti_teme_i_komentari_d
sad svi skupa kao na prosvjedu I-VER-ME-KTIN. I-VER-ME-KTIN
trabam li vaditi postove gdje ste vi tupsoni ovo predstavljali kao spasonosan lijek?
Opet se vraćam na ono što sam rekao neki dan za onog našeg imunologa. Nema jedne jedine znanstvene konstatacije u pitanju koje adresira i istupu u kojem glumi "stručnjaka". Na temelju čega on tvrdi da ivermectin neće pomoći? Na temelju toga što je napravio 30 kliničkih studija? Što je točno on napravio, analizirao, shvatio i otkrio da daje takvu izjavu??
Ovdje su tri protokola liječenja koje je još 2020. godine razvila grupa liječnika: (1) prevencija i rani tretman, (2) bolnički tretman, (3) post-covid tretman.
Ovdje sažeto o ivermectinu od te iste grupe.
Repozitorij gomile znanstvenih radova i rezultata kliničkih studija koji jasno i nedvosmisleno govore da je ivermectin izvanredno učinkovit protiv covida.
Inače, u SAD-u je dr. Peter McCollough svjedočio pred kongresnim povjerenstvom upravo o ivermectinu.
Tko želi, pronaći će. Naravno, vlast ne jebe savjesne doktore i znanstvenike s kičmom niti pol posto.
Ja sebi jednostavno ne mogu objasniti sljepilo i hipnozu u kojoj vi ljudi živite.
Posts : 615
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Slovoslagar wrote:
Ja sebi jednostavno ne mogu objasniti sljepilo i hipnozu u kojoj vi ljudi živite.
it's easy
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Kako ljubitelji nepoznate supstance koju zele ubrizgati cijelom pucanstvu komentiraju otvaranje koncentracijskih logora u Australiji i Novom zelandu?
Ima dosta videa o tome takodjer. Za koga se to gradi i otvara?
Ima dosta videa o tome takodjer. Za koga se to gradi i otvara?
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
newuser wrote:Kako ljubitelji nepoznate supstance koju zele ubrizgati cijelom pucanstvu komentiraju otvaranje koncentracijskih logora u Australiji i Novom zelandu?
Ima dosta videa o tome takodjer. Za koga se to gradi i otvara?
za sve necjepiše i cjepiše koji se ne žele više boostati.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Slovoslagar wrote:Tip koji je dao ovaj intervju nema niti najblažeg pojma o čemu priča. Ovo je strašno...pokerjocker wrote:https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/virolog-ivermektin-bi-mozda-pomogao-protiv-djecjih-glista-ne-i-protiv-korone/2322133.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_vijesti_teme_i_komentari_d
sad svi skupa kao na prosvjedu I-VER-ME-KTIN. I-VER-ME-KTIN
trabam li vaditi postove gdje ste vi tupsoni ovo predstavljali kao spasonosan lijek?
Opet se vraćam na ono što sam rekao neki dan za onog našeg imunologa. Nema jedne jedine znanstvene konstatacije u pitanju koje adresira i istupu u kojem glumi "stručnjaka". Na temelju čega on tvrdi da ivermectin neće pomoći? Na temelju toga što je napravio 30 kliničkih studija? Što je točno on napravio, analizirao, shvatio i otkrio da daje takvu izjavu??
Ovdje su tri protokola liječenja koje je još 2020. godine razvila grupa liječnika: (1) prevencija i rani tretman, (2) bolnički tretman, (3) post-covid tretman.
Ovdje sažeto o ivermectinu od te iste grupe.
Repozitorij gomile znanstvenih radova i rezultata kliničkih studija koji jasno i nedvosmisleno govore da je ivermectin izvanredno učinkovit protiv covida.
Inače, u SAD-u je dr. Peter McCollough svjedočio pred kongresnim povjerenstvom upravo o ivermectinu.
Tko želi, pronaći će. Naravno, vlast ne jebe savjesne doktore i znanstvenike s kičmom niti pol posto.
Ja sebi jednostavno ne mogu objasniti sljepilo i hipnozu u kojoj vi ljudi živite.
ipak ima i ovdje dosta pitanja nja koja još nema odgovora, zamjerke su i prema zemljama gdje je to rađeno. (iran,egipad,indija itd , no nemam sad vremena detaljnije, vidi sam objektivno što čovjek na kraju kaže.
namjeravao sam pročitati cijeli tekst ali me traži neku registraciju, nemam vremena za to
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nije mi uopce jasno kako smo kao covjecanstvo uspjeli doci u ovakvu situaciju. Ovako olako sve ovo prihvatiti i dopustiti.Gnječ wrote:newuser wrote:Kako ljubitelji nepoznate supstance koju zele ubrizgati cijelom pucanstvu komentiraju otvaranje koncentracijskih logora u Australiji i Novom zelandu?
Ima dosta videa o tome takodjer. Za koga se to gradi i otvara?
za sve necjepiše i cjepiše koji se ne žele više boostati.
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Large Ivermectin Study Retracted
— Preprint publisher finds evidence of plagiarism, problems with raw data
A large Egyptian study of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients has been retracted over concerns of plagiarism and serious problems with their raw data, the publisher confirmed to MedPage Today.
Michele Avissar-Whiting, PhD, editor-in-chief of the preprint server Research Square, said in an emailed statement that the study was withdrawn on July 14 "because we were presented with evidence of both plagiarism and anomalies in the dataset associated with the study, neither of which could reasonably be addressed by the author issuing a revised version of the paper."
Avissar-Whiting noted that the concerns were first raised by Jack Lawrence, a British medical student, according to The Guardian.
"Based on what Jack found, we have reason to believe the preprint's conclusions are compromised, so the withdrawal was done to stop its propagation as sound science," she said. "This is the strategy employed by a number of preprint servers, per best practice guidance."
The study was one of the largest ivermectin trials in the world, and has been included in two recent meta-analyses (Bryant et al. and Hill et al.) that received much attention for their positive results -- particularly the Hill review, which had been anticipated by a U.S. group that has long promoted ivermectin.
Some have questioned whether the positive conclusions of those meta-analyses would still stand when the Egyptian study is removed.
David Boulware, MD, MPH, of the University of Minnesota, told MedPage Today that the 400-patient Egyptian trial -- from Ahmed Elgazzar, MD, of Benha University, and colleagues -- was the largest study included in the Hill review and accounted for 20% of the total data.
Lead author Andrew Hill, PhD, of the University of Liverpool in England, said in an email to MedPage Today that his team will be "re-running our analysis with the Elgazzar trial removed."
Hill added that his team will also include a recently published 500-patient randomized controlled trial from Argentina, published in BMC Infectious Diseases, which found no effect for ivermectin in terms of preventing hospitalization in patients with COVID-19. It also found that those who received ivermectin required invasive ventilation sooner than those on placebo.
"In our published paper, we emphasized the preliminary nature of our results and the need to continue more definitive studies," Hill noted in the email.
Boulware echoed Hill's comments: "One problem with meta-analyses is that it is dependent on the underlying data," he tweeted. "Phase 3 double-blind randomized clinical trials are needed to provide definitive data." (Boulware is currently conducting a COVID-19 outpatient trial, randomizing patients to ivermectin, fluvoxamine, metformin [or a combination of two of those], or standard care within 3 days of diagnosis.)
Though the Elgazzar study is no longer available online, other publications have cited its main findings: Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who were treated with ivermectin were 90% less likely to die than those who didn't receive the drug.
That conclusion started to fall apart when Lawrence took on a medical school assignment that had him look deeper into the paper. First, he found evidence of plagiarism, with entire paragraphs lifted from press releases and websites, according to The Guardian.
Lawrence also found that the raw data, which are available online for purchase, contradicted the study on several occasions. Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist from the University of Wollongong in Australia, also highlighted some of those discrepancies in a Medium post.
"For example, the study reports getting ethical approval and beginning on the 8th of June, 2020, but in the data file uploaded by the authors onto the website of the preprint fully 1/3 of the people who died from COVID-19 were already dead when the researchers started to recruit their patients," Meyerowitz-Katz wrote.
"Moreover, about 25% of the entire group of patients who were recruited for this supposedly prospective randomized trial appear to have been hospitalized before the study even started, which is either a mind-boggling breach of ethics or a very bad sign of potential fraud," he continued.
Elgazzar did not respond to a MedPage Today request for comment.
There are multiple ongoing phase III randomized controlled trials that will likely provide more definitive results on ivermectin, including Boulware's study and the U.K.'s PRINCIPLE outpatient trial that is aiming to enroll about 1,500 patients in its ivermectin arm.
Large Ivermectin Study Retracted
— Preprint publisher finds evidence of plagiarism, problems with raw data
A large Egyptian study of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients has been retracted over concerns of plagiarism and serious problems with their raw data, the publisher confirmed to MedPage Today.
Michele Avissar-Whiting, PhD, editor-in-chief of the preprint server Research Square, said in an emailed statement that the study was withdrawn on July 14 "because we were presented with evidence of both plagiarism and anomalies in the dataset associated with the study, neither of which could reasonably be addressed by the author issuing a revised version of the paper."
Avissar-Whiting noted that the concerns were first raised by Jack Lawrence, a British medical student, according to The Guardian.
"Based on what Jack found, we have reason to believe the preprint's conclusions are compromised, so the withdrawal was done to stop its propagation as sound science," she said. "This is the strategy employed by a number of preprint servers, per best practice guidance."
The study was one of the largest ivermectin trials in the world, and has been included in two recent meta-analyses (Bryant et al. and Hill et al.) that received much attention for their positive results -- particularly the Hill review, which had been anticipated by a U.S. group that has long promoted ivermectin.
Some have questioned whether the positive conclusions of those meta-analyses would still stand when the Egyptian study is removed.
David Boulware, MD, MPH, of the University of Minnesota, told MedPage Today that the 400-patient Egyptian trial -- from Ahmed Elgazzar, MD, of Benha University, and colleagues -- was the largest study included in the Hill review and accounted for 20% of the total data.
Lead author Andrew Hill, PhD, of the University of Liverpool in England, said in an email to MedPage Today that his team will be "re-running our analysis with the Elgazzar trial removed."
Hill added that his team will also include a recently published 500-patient randomized controlled trial from Argentina, published in BMC Infectious Diseases, which found no effect for ivermectin in terms of preventing hospitalization in patients with COVID-19. It also found that those who received ivermectin required invasive ventilation sooner than those on placebo.
"In our published paper, we emphasized the preliminary nature of our results and the need to continue more definitive studies," Hill noted in the email.
Boulware echoed Hill's comments: "One problem with meta-analyses is that it is dependent on the underlying data," he tweeted. "Phase 3 double-blind randomized clinical trials are needed to provide definitive data." (Boulware is currently conducting a COVID-19 outpatient trial, randomizing patients to ivermectin, fluvoxamine, metformin [or a combination of two of those], or standard care within 3 days of diagnosis.)
Though the Elgazzar study is no longer available online, other publications have cited its main findings: Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who were treated with ivermectin were 90% less likely to die than those who didn't receive the drug.
That conclusion started to fall apart when Lawrence took on a medical school assignment that had him look deeper into the paper. First, he found evidence of plagiarism, with entire paragraphs lifted from press releases and websites, according to The Guardian.
Lawrence also found that the raw data, which are available online for purchase, contradicted the study on several occasions. Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist from the University of Wollongong in Australia, also highlighted some of those discrepancies in a Medium post.
"For example, the study reports getting ethical approval and beginning on the 8th of June, 2020, but in the data file uploaded by the authors onto the website of the preprint fully 1/3 of the people who died from COVID-19 were already dead when the researchers started to recruit their patients," Meyerowitz-Katz wrote.
"Moreover, about 25% of the entire group of patients who were recruited for this supposedly prospective randomized trial appear to have been hospitalized before the study even started, which is either a mind-boggling breach of ethics or a very bad sign of potential fraud," he continued.
Elgazzar did not respond to a MedPage Today request for comment.
There are multiple ongoing phase III randomized controlled trials that will likely provide more definitive results on ivermectin, including Boulware's study and the U.K.'s PRINCIPLE outpatient trial that is aiming to enroll about 1,500 patients in its ivermectin arm.
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
More Dutch over 80-year-olds with Corona in hospital than before vaccination campaign began
A table compiled by data specialist Yorick Bleijenberg showed that more people in their eighties were in hospital with Corona than before the vaccination campaign began. The table is based on data from the NICE Foundation.
The PVV MP Fleur Agema asked Health Minister Hugo de Jonge in parliament about the table. “How does the minister interpret the fact that more people are in their 80s with Corona in hospital today than before the vaccination campaign? Is that because the vaccines are less effective than you want us to believe?”
The MP wanted to know from the Minister what percentage of the eighty-year-olds hospitalized were fully vaccinated.
Professor Emeritus Wouter Keller meanwhile said the total number of nursing homes with Corona cases was the same today as it was before the vaccinations, even though 90 percent of residents had been vaccinated. “These vaccines do a good job,” Keller said sarcastically.
A table compiled by data specialist Yorick Bleijenberg showed that more people in their eighties were in hospital with Corona than before the vaccination campaign began. The table is based on data from the NICE Foundation.
The PVV MP Fleur Agema asked Health Minister Hugo de Jonge in parliament about the table. “How does the minister interpret the fact that more people are in their 80s with Corona in hospital today than before the vaccination campaign? Is that because the vaccines are less effective than you want us to believe?”
The MP wanted to know from the Minister what percentage of the eighty-year-olds hospitalized were fully vaccinated.
Professor Emeritus Wouter Keller meanwhile said the total number of nursing homes with Corona cases was the same today as it was before the vaccinations, even though 90 percent of residents had been vaccinated. “These vaccines do a good job,” Keller said sarcastically.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Ivermektin: priča o „čudesnom lijeku“ protiv COVID-19 koji to nije
Čak je i proizvođač ivermektina, Merck, u saopštenju naglasio da ovo nije lijek za koji ima naučnih dokaza da je efikasan u terapiji COVID-19.
znači, čak i proizvođač to opovrgava, a ti si ovako siguran? malo ti je to naivno...
Ivermektin: priča o „čudesnom lijeku“ protiv COVID-19 koji to nije
Čak je i proizvođač ivermektina, Merck, u saopštenju naglasio da ovo nije lijek za koji ima naučnih dokaza da je efikasan u terapiji COVID-19.
znači, čak i proizvođač to opovrgava, a ti si ovako siguran? malo ti je to naivno...
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
pokerjocker wrote:https://ba.voanews.com/a/ivermerktin-lijek-protiv-covid19-koji-to-nije/5823642.html
Ivermektin: priča o „čudesnom lijeku“ protiv COVID-19 koji to nije
Čak je i proizvođač ivermektina, Merck, u saopštenju naglasio da ovo nije lijek za koji ima naučnih dokaza da je efikasan u terapiji COVID-19.
znači, čak i proizvođač to opovrgava, a ti si ovako siguran? malo ti je to naivno...
jedini koji si naivan si ti. objasni zbog čega si ti tako fanatički siguran da proizvođač govori istinu? možda laže i mulja ali bogtejeba ti i dalje vjeruješ proizvođaču više nego što Papa vjeruje da bog postoji. objasni mi tu tvoju talibansku pamet.
Guest- Guest
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