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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Iknar 29/7/2014, 20:38

Yehudi wrote:Jesmo li to sućutni prema žrtvama u Gazi ili samo mrzimo Židove?
Već odavno neki svjetski događaj nije tako senzibilizirao hrvatsku javnost, tabloide i web portale, kao izraelsko kasapljenje i ravnanje Gaze. Nadigla se kuka i motika među anonimnim Facebook komentarima, tamo gdje pojedini novinari i urednici sve češće, kroz usta svojih bezimenih “čitatelja”, plasiraju ono što se sami ne bi odvažili napisati ili reći.
 Naše “analitičare” nikako da zainteresira rat u Ukrajini, mukom su ispratili i rušenje malezijskog putničkog aviona, nije ih briga za ostavkuJacenjukove vlade, za slom američke politike u Iraku i širenje teritorija pod kontrolom islamista; ni za što njih nije ovih dana briga, osim za sudbinu arapskih civila, izloženih politici Benjamina Netaniahua i Avigdora Libermana.
 Tako to svaki put biva, kada Izrael izvrši agresiju na palestinske teritorije, kod hrvatske se publike odjednom probude humanizam i osjećaj solidarnosti s našom dalekom palestinskom braćom i sestricama.

U sridu.
grijesis jako
evo da objasnim,da na mene ispale rakete ja bi to sve potamanio ali samo te ubojice,dakle da sredio bih ih do kraja i to sve,ali ne bih dirao civile
izrael grijesis to ide tenkovima i slicno,,tu stradaju civili,po meni je izrael trebao lijepo vijelom vojskom ako treba napasti te ubojice,ali pjesadijoma ne tenkovima,eventualno helikopterima kao pozadinu gdje se nalaze te rakete i te budale
ali psoto izrael nije bas previse pametan,vjeran Bogu on ide silom kaja ubiaj sve a to je krivo
dakle tu se bore dva zna,blesavi hamasovci i blesavi izraelci,svi ubojice,briga i jedne i druge fda lic e uviti civile,bolnice i slicno,dakle dokazao je izrael da ga boli briga tko ce umrijeti,dakle da je na strani zla kao i taj hamas
dakle izrael se ponasa ovako,oni su nas napali sada cemo mi njih,ali ne psoteno,nego ubi sve na putu,a ako ubijes sa puta koga jos,boli ih briga,a to je lose
ako izrael stvarno hoce rpavdu,onda treba kazniti samo te ubojice koje salju rakete,a ne bolnice i slicno,us tilu ma kao zalutao projektil,ili u bolnicama su oni i slicno

sjeti se Sodome i GOmore kaznjeni su samo krivci,a vi ubijate sve zivo,dakle time samo potvrđujete da ste zli
a ako vec idete kazniti krivce onda bi trebali kazniti krivce dakle te koji ispaljuju rakete i reci nema nuikakvog primirja sa njima dok ne odu,a ako nece sve ih eliminirati
samo je problem puno slozeniji,izrael je naucio nesto od nacista,naucio je muciti i izollirati ljude,dakle visa rasa,takos e ponasaju,zatvorili su gazu kao kokosi u kokosinjac i lose i dobre,i ne mare za te ljude,ali Bog ce im presuditi istom mjerom,a to se zove pravda
dakle ovakav izraekl ne podrzavam,uvijaju nevine sve po redu,ali nsita cudno psoto vecina izraelaca nti nisu izvorni izraelci nego neki koji su si pripisali to kao da su to oni,a nisu
i da mene zanima zasto nije onaj zidovski svijecnjak na zastavi a ne kakos am cuo taj znak koji simbolizira navodno nekog covjeka bogatog koji je imao crveni stit na vratima pa ga prebojali u plavo,a taj covjek je stovao necastivog kakos e prica
pa ti objasni ako znas sto je istina i o tome,jer danasnji izrael nema niti "i" od Bozjeg IZRAELA


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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Yehudi 29/7/2014, 20:39

Danas -150 hamas aktivista se predalo snagama IDF---hamas brutalno tuče ljude koji napuštaju kuće nakon upozorenja da će iste biti uništene jer se iz njih pucalo na IDF ili ispaljivalo  rakete---- Kao propagandu hamas koristi slike djece stradale u Siriji----
In this photo posted to Twitter by The Wall Street Journal's Nick Casey (and since deleted), a Hamas spokesman uses a room in Gaza's Shifa Hospital for a filmed interview, while seated in front of a huge photo of a bomb crater. The Washington Post has also reported on the hospital as "a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Iknar 29/7/2014, 21:13

Yehudi wrote:Danas -150 hamas aktivista se predalo snagama IDF---hamas brutalno tuče ljude koji napuštaju kuće nakon upozorenja da će iste biti uništene jer se iz njih pucalo na IDF ili ispaljivalo  rakete---- Kao propagandu hamas koristi slike djece stradale u Siriji----
In this photo posted to Twitter by The Wall Street Journal's Nick Casey (and since deleted), a Hamas spokesman uses a room in Gaza's Shifa Hospital for a filmed interview, while seated in front of a huge photo of a bomb crater. The Washington Post has also reported on the hospital as "a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.
ma pusti tu propagandu,samo idijoti vjeruju medijima sto se mene tice
pucanje po bolnicama nije propaganda nego cinjenica

to bi   bilo usporedivo kao da netko  tuce po vojsci izraela a onda odluci rokati bolnicu u izraelu,to je zlo i to  nema veze sa propagandom

to bi bilo kao da ja recimo uzrokujem potres,pobijem milijun ljudi i izjavim pobio sam sve ubojice,ali bi u tom slucaju pobio i nevine,e vidis izrael to radi,ubija sve samo da dođe do cilja ,ne bira sredstva,a to je zlo

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Trinity 29/7/2014, 21:15

Kineski hackeri ukrali nacrte izraelskog Iron Dome prouraketnog obrambenog sustava

[url=http://thehackernews.com/search/label/Chinese Hackers]Chinese hackers[/url] infiltrated the databases of three Israeli defense contractors and stole plans for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, according to an investigation by a Maryland-based cyber security firm ‘Cyber Engineering Services Inc. (CyberESI)’.

Not just this, the hackers were also able to nab plans regarding other missile interceptors, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, ballistic rockets and the Arrow III missile interceptor which was designed by Boeing and other U.S.-based companies.

The intrusions were thought to be executed by Beijing's infamous “[url=http://thehackernews.com/search/label/Comment Crew]Comment Crew[/url]” hacking group – a group of cyber warriors linked to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) – into the corporate networks of top Israeli defense technology companies, including Elisra Group, Israel Aerospace Industries, and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, between 10 October 2011 and 13 August 2012.
The three Israeli defense technology companies were responsible for the development of the “Iron Dome” missile shield. The attackers targeted the three companies through email phishing attacks.

Once the companies' security systems had been breached, they exfiltrated all types of documents, from the emails sent by a CEO to the PowerPoint presentations containing all the necessary information about Iron Dome and other sophisticated ballistic projects.

The Beijing-sponsored hacking group came into light earlier this year when the United States Justice Department in May charged five of its alleged members with with various hacking and [url=http://thehackernews.com/search/label/cyber espionage]espionage[/url]offenses. The group allegedly infiltrated United States systems involved in the nuclear power, metals and solar products industries, in order to “steal information that would provide an economic advantage” for Chinese companies.

This serious allegations on the chinese group were detailed by Brian on its blog. CyberESI is not yet prepared to release the report publicly.

Although it is not exactly known that how much data the group was able to obtain, Cyber ESI identified more than 700 documents that were stolen from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) only, amounting to 763 Mbs including Word documents and spreadsheets, PDFs, emails, and executable binaries, Krebs reported. The actual number is believed to be much higher.

Comment Crew hacking group maintained hooks inside IAI for four months during the 2012 raid. It stole administrator credentials, planted trojans and keyloggers, and dumped Active Directory data from at least two domains.

Iron Dome is the most-effective and most-tested missile shield which is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 kilometres to 70 kilometres away.

Subsidised by the US, the anti-missile programme Iron Dome cost a total of US$1 billion, and has been largely used during the ongoing conflict that has seen militants in Gaza firing some 2,500 rockets at Israel that would have landed in populated areas, hailing Iron Dome as world's most effective missile shield.


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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Guest 29/7/2014, 21:22

zanstr wrote:
Yehudi wrote:
Hamas encourages civilians to act as human shields
Hamas tells civilians 
to return to their homes
to act as human shields

Palestinian indoctrination to seek Martyrdom for Allah
fosters willingness to act as human shields

"Answering the occupation's [Israel's] calls will merely aid it in carrying out its plans to weaken the [Palestinian] home front and to destroy property and homes as soon as you leave them. We call on all our people who have left their homes to return to them immediately."

[Hamas' Ministry of Interior spokesman Iyad al-Buzu,
on Ministry's Facebook page, July 13, 2014]

Nije mi jasno kako netko tko odluči ostati doma može biti ljudski štit. Zašto je tu hamas kriv?
Kriv je onaj koji bombardira kuće.
Naravno..tijekom Domovinskog rata,kod mene su starci,zene i djeca sklonjeni na sigurnojer bi mi bili krivi,ako bi ostali na podrucju ratnog djelovanja...

Sto se tice onih u pojasu Guze,starci zene i djeca nisu krivi,a Hamas je kriv,sto je zapoceo ovo shranje...

Probj ici logikom,da ti je kuca,do,u opasnosti iz bilo kojeg razloga,da li bi skloio svoju obitej na sigurno ili ne..

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by zanstr 29/7/2014, 21:50

Ok da su naredili ljudima da stanu na neki strateški važan položaj tipa most ili vojna baza ili nekaj tak. Ali ovo su ipak kuće gdje žive ljudi i nema isprike za bombardiranje takvih lokacija isto kao i za bombardiranje bolnica.

'Eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions god's infinite love.' - Bill Hicks
'God gave you free will so that you have the choice to either worship him or go to hell.' - Ricky Gervais
'Tako i kad molite, ne budite kao licemjeri. Vole moliti stojeći u sinagogama i na raskrižjima ulica da se pokažu ljudima. Zaista, kažem vam, primili su svoju plaću.
6Ti, naprotiv, kad moliš, uđi u svoju sobu, zatvori vrata i pomoli se svomu Ocu, koji je u skrovitosti. I Otac tvoj, koji vidi u skrovitosti, uzvratit će ti.' - Isus   :rofl  

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Guest 29/7/2014, 21:53

Dobro,ti imas unaprijed svoj cvrsti stav i stogod ja rekao,neces ga promijeniti...bolnice,skole,i ostale objekte teroristi cesto koriste za svoje aktivnosti,a ako stigne odgovor,onda ce sa tim stvarima senzibilizirati javnos,koja je sa tvarnim cinjenicama slabo upoznata...no,po podrsci israelu,i to sve vecoj,svijet polako progledava sto se u sustini dogadja..

Napose,to su samo zgrade,a vaznost im cini funkcija...ao se zele fajtati,sto ne krenu sa pustog teritorija,onda ne bi bila jedna kuca taknuta..

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by kic 29/7/2014, 22:16

The Fourth Geneva Convention wrote:
Art. 19. The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit and after such warning has remained unheeded.
The fact that sick or wounded members of the armed forces are nursed in these hospitals, or the presence of small arms and ammunition taken from such combatants which have not yet been handed to the proper service, shall not be considered to be acts harmful to the enemy.

toliko o tome.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Iknar 30/7/2014, 00:49

bogomdani wrote:Dobro,ti imas unaprijed svoj cvrsti stav i stogod ja rekao,neces ga promijeniti...bolnice,skole,i ostale objekte teroristi cesto koriste za svoje aktivnosti,a ako stigne odgovor,onda ce sa tim stvarima senzibilizirati javnos,koja je sa tvarnim cinjenicama slabo upoznata...no,po podrsci israelu,i to sve vecoj,svijet polako progledava sto se u sustini dogadja..

Napose,to su samo zgrade,a vaznost im cini funkcija...ao se zele fajtati,sto ne krenu sa pustog teritorija,onda ne bi bila jedna kuca taknuta..
opravdavas zlo a to nije u redu,ja bi to puno bolje napravio,ok izrael ne moze tako,ali vazna je strategija,trebbalo je bez temkova,samo pjesadija i helikopteri a ne ovako tenkovi,tu taktiku ili je naka budala osmislila pa nije znala da ce stradati nevini ili hje netko smisljeno isao da skrsi sve dakle i prave i krive i teroriste i nevine a ako je tako onda je to zlo

inace malo ovdje testiram moci,jos se igram mogao bi ja poslati oluju na izrael,kuzis?dakle uporaba moci,,a ako me naljute niti necastivi nece spasiti izrael od moga gnjeva,posto sluze necastivog sada,koji je istina jaci od mene sada,ali ja tek rastem

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Iknar 30/7/2014, 00:52

inace treba vidjeti kakos e izrael ponasa sto dopusta,bas sam gledao vijesti i oni ludi ekstremi u izraelu pjevaju pjesmice o mrtvoj djeci u Izraelu,jeli i to iluzija,ili je stvarno tako?
ajde neka mi odgovori netko,ako ima muda
dakle izrael ili     ide da unsiti i nevine ili ima jako loseg stratega da pravilno vodi akciju unistavanja samo tih teororista,dakel koji ispaljuju rakete

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Mad_Vlad 30/7/2014, 06:46

[quote="kic"][quote="The Fourth Geneva Convention"][justify]Art. 19. The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit and after such warning has remained unheeded.[/justify]
[justify]The fact that sick or wounded members of the armed forces are nursed in these hospitals, or the presence of small arms and ammunition taken from such combatants which have not yet been handed to the proper service, shall not be considered to be acts harmful to the enemy.[/justify]

toliko o tome.[/quote]
A e. Evo još malo:
[size=15]1. An errant Hamas rockets hit Gaza’s Shifa Hospital and the Al Shati refugee camp. An IDF spokesman told [url=http://news.sky.com/story/1308990/israel-blames-hamas-for-gaza-childrens-deaths]Sky News[/url]:[/size]
[quote][size=15][size=14]However, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) denied responsibility for the attacks and said it had not been operating in the area.[/size]
[size=14] [/size]
[size=14]Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, an Israeli army spokesman, rubbished the claims as “ridiculous” and told Sky News: “[b]The Israeli Defence Forces did not carry out any strikes in that area[/b]. Shifa Hospital was not a [url=http://honestreporting.com/idns-07292014-shifa-hospital/#]target[/url], nor was the Shati Beach camp.[/size]
[size=14] [/size]
[size=14]“[b]Both of those locations were struck by terrorist rockets that were launched towards Israel and fell short[/b].”[/size]
[size=14] [/size]
[size=14]The IDF also [url=https://twitter.com/LTCPeterLerner/status/493784868954701824]tweeted[/url]: “Since the beginning of the operation #IDF has documented approximately 200 rockets & mortars that landed short within #Gaza.”[/size][/size][/quote]

Posts : 1954

Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Yehudi 30/7/2014, 06:48

Djeca, na žalost, ginu i na drugim ratištima ali nisam vidio da se itko pobunio. Tako je samo juče u Novorusiji, ukro vojska ubila troje dice. Medjutim nitko ništa ne komentira......licemjeri. Hamas , islamski jihad itd, pendrecima napadaju ljude koji napuštaju kuće u ugroženim područjima i vraćaju ih nazad, hamas na svojoj TV postaji -al aksa- otvoreno poziva obitelji da ne napuštaju kuće (kad ih IDF nazove i upozori da se evakuiraju) Po medjunarodnom pravu, ako vojskaupozori civile o opasnosti a ovaj to ignorira, sam snosi posljedice.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Mad_Vlad 30/7/2014, 06:54

Najviše ih je poginulo u dobi od 18-28, skoro oko polovice ukupnog broja, prime time for terrorists.
Tako da nisu baš svi civili. jer i ti što ispucavaju rakete obučeni su kao civili, kad ih rukne nazad, pomješaju se među ostalima- to novinari ne vide tamo.

Posts : 1954

Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Mad_Vlad 30/7/2014, 07:01

Palestinski zastupnik u UN viče-nevini civili. Ma koji? Tko je nevin osim djece, drugi su svi dopustili i dopuštaju da im ovi koriste kuće i javne zgrade za skladišta raketa i ispod nogu im kopaju tunele.
kad ispucavaju rakete to je k'o da se okupe oko gledanja nogometa. Na njima je sva krivica, Izrael se brani od gamadi.

Posts : 1954

Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Mad_Vlad 30/7/2014, 07:04

Who is Responsible for the Suffering in Gaza? Who is Responsible for the Suffering in Gaza?
Who is Responsible for the Suffering in Gaza?
A short video that puts the conflict in proper context.

Posts : 1954

Age : 59
Lokacija: : Calgary, Canada

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Yehudi 30/7/2014, 07:21

Mad_Vlad wrote:Palestinski zastupnik u UN viče-nevini civili. Ma koji? Tko je nevin osim djece, drugi su svi dopustili i dopuštaju da im ovi koriste kuće i javne zgrade za skladišta raketa i ispod nogu im kopaju tunele.
kad ispucavaju rakete to je k'o da se okupe oko gledanja nogometa. Na njima je sva krivica, Izrael se brani od gamadi.
 Postoji više klipova na youtube di se vidi kako seiz kuća, djamija i zgrada puca ili ispaljuju rakete. Kad se ta teroriastička gnjezda unište, onda kukaju da su stradali civili. Jasno je kao dan da je ispod one škole skladište streljiva a ona famozna bolnica je ustvari bio jedan od štabova hamasa. Bili su upozoreni da evakuiraju civile. Tuneli izbetonirani,  elektrificirani, sa klimom........ma koja bi druga država to trpila.
 Ništa oni nisu različiti od drugih Arapa jer i jesu Arapi.....hamas-isis-al kaida, mb- ista bratija.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Yehudi 30/7/2014, 08:50

Israel on high alert after more than 85 rockets fired in 24 hours
Hamas claims responsibility for the launches; for the first time in the current fighting, alarms go off in central Israel and Jerusalem.

Informacija za one koji to ne znaju.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Guest 30/7/2014, 14:22

Yehudi wrote:Djeca, na žalost, ginu i na drugim ratištima ali nisam vidio da se itko pobunio. Tako je samo juče u Novorusiji, ukro vojska ubila troje dice. Medjutim nitko ništa ne komentira......licemjeri. Hamas , islamski jihad itd, pendrecima napadaju ljude koji napuštaju kuće u ugroženim područjima i vraćaju ih nazad, hamas na svojoj TV postaji -al aksa- otvoreno poziva obitelji da ne napuštaju kuće (kad ih IDF nazove i upozori da se evakuiraju) Po medjunarodnom pravu, ako vojskaupozori civile o opasnosti a ovaj to ignorira, sam snosi posljedice.
Da se na boldano referiram..JEBENI NITKO NIJE digao glaspokrenuo antiratne proteste za ovo...

[size=40]30,000 Children Killed by Drought as Somalia Islamic Extremists Resist Aid[/size]

The drought and famine in Somalia have killed more than 29,000 children under the age of 5, according to U.S. estimates, the first time such a precise death toll has been released related to the Horn of Africa crisis.</p>\n<p>The United Nations has said previously that tens of thousands of people have died in the drought, the worst in Somalia in 60 years. The U.N. says 640,000 Somali children are acutely malnourished, a statistic that suggests the death toll of small children will rise.</p>\n<p>Nancy Lindborg, an official with the U.S. government aid arm, told a congressional committee in Washington on Wednesday that the U.S. estimates that more than 29,000 children under the age of 5 have died in the last 90 days in southern Somalia. That number is based on nutrition and mortality surveys verified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.</p>\n<p>The U.N. on Wednesday declared three new regions in Somalia famine zones, bringing the total number to five. Out of a population of roughly 7.5 million, the U.N. says 3.2 million Somalis are in need of immediate lifesaving assistance.</p>\n<p>Getting aid to Somalia has been made more difficult because al-Qaida-linked militants control much of the country\'s most desperate areas. Al-Shabab has denied that a famine is taking place, and won\'t give access to the World Food Program, the world\'s biggest provider of food aid.</p>\n<p>Tens of thousands of refugees have fled south-central Somalia in hopes of finding food at camps in Ethiopia, Kenya and in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.</p>\n<p>Hundreds of millions of dollars have been donated to fight the hunger crisis, but the U.N. says it needs hundreds of millions more.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Source: Associated Press

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The drought and famine in Somalia have killed more than 29,000 children under the age of 5, according to U.S. estimates, the first time such a precise death toll has been released related to the Horn of Africa crisis.

The United Nations has said previously that tens of thousands of people have died in the drought, the worst in Somalia in 60 years. The U.N. says 640,000 Somali children are acutely malnourished, a statistic that suggests the death toll of small children will rise.

Nancy Lindborg, an official with the U.S. government aid arm, told a congressional committee in Washington on Wednesday that the U.S. estimates that more than 29,000 children under the age of 5 have died in the last 90 days in southern Somalia. That number is based on nutrition and mortality surveys verified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The U.N. on Wednesday declared three new regions in Somalia famine zones, bringing the total number to five. Out of a population of roughly 7.5 million, the U.N. says 3.2 million Somalis are in need of immediate lifesaving assistance.

Getting aid to Somalia has been made more difficult because al-Qaida-linked militants control much of the country's most desperate areas. Al-Shabab has denied that a famine is taking place, and won't give access to the World Food Program, the world's biggest provider of food aid.

Tens of thousands of refugees have fled south-central Somalia in hopes of finding food at camps in Ethiopia, Kenya and in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been donated to fight the hunger crisis, but the U.N. says it needs hundreds of millions more.

Tako da..oni koji si ebu mtr,radi zginulih terorista koji sile narod da ostaje u ratnoj zoni,malo razmisle o svojem licemjerstvu....

i link naravno....


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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Guest 30/7/2014, 14:29

Evo jos malo...

Killers Head South! Al-Qaeda Threatens to Spread Jihad Across West African Nations

On December 12, a previously unknown organisation calling itself Jamat Tawhid wal Jihad fi Garbi Afriqqiya (Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa - MOJWA) released a video of the abducted aid workers.


The three -- who include two women -- were taken on October 23 in the western Algerian region of Tindouf from a refugee camp run by the Polisario Front, a group which seeks the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco.


Until MOJWA\'s claim, the attack was presumed to have been carried out by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) which has claimed a number of other kidnappings this year and has been very active in Niger, Mali, Algeria and Mauritania since 2007.


Until then, Nigeria\'s Boko Haram sect was the only other known and active jihadi group in sub-Saharan Africa.


In another video seen by a reporter in which six dark-skinned, turbaned men speak of their ideological references, Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar are mentioned but more emphasis is put on historical figures of west African Islam.


\"We are the ideological descendants of Ousman Dan Fodio, El Hadj Omar Tall and Amadou Cheikhou, who all fought colonial invaders\" from Europe, one of the group\'s leaders said in Arabic.


Dan Fodio was the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate in 1809 in what is now northern Nigeria and is also considered a source of inspiration for Boko Haram.


El Hadj Omar Tall was a Senegalese scholar and military leader who created a short-lived empire in the mid-19th century that encompassed most of what are now Guinea, Senegal and Mali.


Amadou Cheikhou founded the Fula Empire in what is now the Mopti region in Mali and ruled for almost three decades in the first half of the 19th century.


\"Today, we are inaugurating jihad in West Africa,\" the militant said in the video before reeling off verses from the Koran.


Speaking English and Hausa -- a language spoken in Niger, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, among other countries -- other men then came in front of the camera to praise \"all the African heroes who fought the settlers\" and vowing to fight \"to the last man... against the infidels.\"


In a statement, MOJWA said it had broken away from AQIM but stressed it was not at war with \"our Muslim brothers from other katibas (battalions)... We have the same goal: jihad.\"


\"This dissidence is a protest against AQIM\'s Algeria leadership by members from Mali and Mauritania, whose numbers have been growing within the organisation,\" Mohamed Mokeddem, an Algerian analyst, said.


The Al-Qaeda expert also argued the break was a result of \"suspicions that the group\'s Algerian leadership... is infiltrated by the Algerian security services.\"


He argued that the timing of the splinter group\'s birth could also be explained by the new availability of weapons caused by the scattering of slain Libyan leader Moamer Gathafi\'s considerable arsenal and the return of West Africans who fought alongside him.


This movement \"will attempt to take advantage of the influx of weapons and men coming from Libya and establish a foothold in southern Sahel, and maybe move further south into countries such as Senegal, Guinea or even Burkina Faso,\" Mokeddem said.


In Nouakchott however, Mauritanian military sources deny the very existence of an AQIM dissidence.


\"Fragmenting is not in the interest of the terrorists, even though we know there are two branches in AQIM, including a hardline faction, who work together well,\" one official said on condition of anonymity.


\"AQIM found itself in a bit of a pickle after foreigners were abducted on the Polisario\'s patch,\" another official said, claiming that the two movements work hand in glove to run trafficking networks in the region.


\"Announcing a dissidence is a way of deflecting responsibility but it is a completely imaginary dissidence that will not last long.

By Serge Daniel and Hademine Ould Sadi
Killing & oppressing in the name of God

An Al-Qaeda offshoot that claimed the abduction of three Europeans in Algeria is threatening to spread jihad beyond North African deserts and establish a foothold in sub-Saharan West Africa.Â

Some analysts believe the new group is a black African-led splinter group of the existing Algerian-dominated Al-Qaeda franchise in North Africa and is destined to expand southward.

On December 12, a previously unknown organisation calling itself Jamat Tawhid wal Jihad fi Garbi Afriqqiya (Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa - MOJWA) released a video of the abducted aid workers.

The three -- who include two women -- were taken on October 23 in the western Algerian region of Tindouf from a refugee camp run by the Polisario Front, a group which seeks the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco.

Until MOJWA's claim, the attack was presumed to have been carried out by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) which has claimed a number of other kidnappings this year and has been very active in Niger, Mali, Algeria and Mauritania since 2007.

Until then, Nigeria's Boko Haram sect was the only other known and active jihadi group in sub-Saharan Africa.

In another video seen by a reporter in which six dark-skinned, turbaned men speak of their ideological references, Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar are mentioned but more emphasis is put on historical figures of west African Islam.

"We are the ideological descendants of Ousman Dan Fodio, El Hadj Omar Tall and Amadou Cheikhou, who all fought colonial invaders" from Europe, one of the group's leaders said in Arabic.

Dan Fodio was the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate in 1809 in what is now northern Nigeria and is also considered a source of inspiration for Boko Haram.

El Hadj Omar Tall was a Senegalese scholar and military leader who created a short-lived empire in the mid-19th century that encompassed most of what are now Guinea, Senegal and Mali.

Amadou Cheikhou founded the Fula Empire in what is now the Mopti region in Mali and ruled for almost three decades in the first half of the 19th century.

"Today, we are inaugurating jihad in West Africa," the militant said in the video before reeling off verses from the Koran.

Speaking English and Hausa -- a language spoken in Niger, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, among other countries -- other men then came in front of the camera to praise "all the African heroes who fought the settlers" and vowing to fight "to the last man... against the infidels."

In a statement, MOJWA said it had broken away from AQIM but stressed it was not at war with "our Muslim brothers from other katibas (battalions)... We have the same goal: jihad."

"This dissidence is a protest against AQIM's Algeria leadership by members from Mali and Mauritania, whose numbers have been growing within the organisation," Mohamed Mokeddem, an Algerian analyst, said.

The Al-Qaeda expert also argued the break was a result of "suspicions that the group's Algerian leadership... is infiltrated by the Algerian security services."

He argued that the timing of the splinter group's birth could also be explained by the new availability of weapons caused by the scattering of slain Libyan leader Moamer Gathafi's considerable arsenal and the return of West Africans who fought alongside him.

This movement "will attempt to take advantage of the influx of weapons and men coming from Libya and establish a foothold in southern Sahel, and maybe move further south into countries such as Senegal, Guinea or even Burkina Faso," Mokeddem said.

In Nouakchott however, Mauritanian military sources deny the very existence of an AQIM dissidence.

"Fragmenting is not in the interest of the terrorists, even though we know there are two branches in AQIM, including a hardline faction, who work together well," one official said on condition of anonymity.

"AQIM found itself in a bit of a pickle after foreigners were abducted on the Polisario's patch," another official said, claiming that the two movements work hand in glove to run trafficking networks in the region.

"Announcing a dissidence is a way of deflecting responsibility but it is a completely imaginary dissidence that will not last long."

Source: Algiers Post


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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Yehudi 30/7/2014, 15:11

Stavi to tam ali skrati malo i prevedi barem dio jer je ova nacija nepismena. A sve mudrac do mudraca. 
Ništa, stavi tamo pa ih pitaj zašto sada ne demonstriraju.

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ISRAEL - Page 6 Empty Re: ISRAEL

Post by Guest 30/7/2014, 15:49

Ne beri brigu,Yeh..vec podosta Švaba upznajem sa realom,a trazim i adekvatni Forum,gdje cu to fino razviti  uraspravu i argumentirati...
Neki dan su Khozoebi demonstrirali kod mene u gradu,ali sveukupni dojam Svaba za islamiste je da su preagresivni,nametljivi i nasilni..stos bolju antireklamu za njih Basketball ... poslije sam cisto prisao nekim pojedincima i parovima Švaba i pristojno pitao za misjenje o demonstracijama...rekli su vec spomenuto..

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