Korona novosti i spoznaje
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nismo najgori.Eroo wrote:Tema je današnja epidemiološka slika u Israelu...smrtnost itd...mutava baštarda wrote:Neosporna činjenica je da imaju višak smrtnosti. Umire ih više nego prijašnjih godina. Ako nema umrlih od korone, onda bi trebalo viditi zbog čega umiru, bar se do te točke možemo složiti.Eroo wrote:Tema je današnja "epidemiološka situacija u Israelu".
Sa mnom možete raspravljati samo o tome, ako ima interesenata.
Ostalo...pa tješite se međusobno, ja nisam (ne više) zbog toga na ovom forumu.
Najprije to , pa onda ostalo.
Evo ti i Danaska ispod, možeš svoju teoriju i na njoj pokazati.
Imaš nekoliko država u EU od kojih bi trebalo učiti...Španjplska, Portugal, Francuska , Švicarska, Italija...
Od uspješnih moramo učiti...
Zašto su navedene države uspješne u ovladavaju epidemijom?
Švicarska je nešto lošija od nas
Ukupna smrtnost u zemlji.
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Vodeći njemački virolozi protiv covid potvrda: Ovo nije samo epidemija necijepljenih, ne uvodite pravilo ‘2G‘!
Schmidt-Chanasit je za radijsku postaju Deutschlandfunk u subotu rekao da se svrhovitost pravila '2G' precjenjuje pojašnjavajući da ono zapravo vlasnicima tako ishođene covid potvrde pruža samo lažnu sigurnost. - Čak i ako znamo da je cijepljenima teže pokupiti virus, i oni se mogu zaraziti i zarazu prenositi. Nama stoga ne treba pravilo '2G' nego pravilo '1G'! Drugim riječima, trebali bismo testirati sve, bez obzira bili cijepljeni ili ne i bez obzira jesu li preboljeli covid, smatra ovaj virolog.
Virolog Hendrik Streeck dijeli njegovu skepsu prema pravili '2G'. U razgovoru za medijsku grupaciju RND rekao je da se cijepljene osobe počinju osjećati kao da više nisu dio pandemije te da ne predstavljaju nikakav rizik. - Drugi su problem necijepljeni, koji su potpuno isključeni iz društva pa je vjerojatnost da će biti testirani još manja. To nas pak može dovesti do novih žarišta zaraze. Ne dopustimo li necijepljenima da budu dio društva, oni će se sami međusobno organizirati pa će, primjerice, imati kućne proslave. U takvim uvjetima bilo kakva mogućnost kontrole kretanja zaraze u potpunosti prestaje, upozorio je Streeck.
Podršku dvojici renomiranih virologa dali su i vodeći liječnici, javlja Bild. Tako je čelnica Savezne udruge liječnika u javnozdravstvenom sustavu Ute Teichert u izjavi za medijsku grupaciju Funke rekla da što incidencija više raste, to raste i potreba za testiranjem cijepljenih uz necijepljene osobe na, primjerice, ulasku u domove umirovljenika ili zdravstvene ustanove. U tom je smislu pozdravila odluku ministara zdravstva saveznih pokrajina da se upravo to i učini u dijelu ustanova, ali ona zahtijeva da to bude sveobuhvatna odluka.
- Prijašnja jednakost cijepljenih, necijepljenih i oporavljenih mora se ponovno razmotriti, rekla je.
Upozorila je da cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida. - To treba više isticati u javnosti.
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
11x manje od necijepljenih.Noor wrote:
Upozorila je da cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
koja si ti usrana pička, prije pola sata si na noorkino dijeljenje iskustva s covidom nabacio usrani smajl k'o da je ispričala ne znam kai smiješno.Eroo wrote:Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
smeće jedno usrano.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
- covid potvrde pružaju samo lažnu sigurnost
- cijepljene osobe počinju osjećati kao da više nisu dio pandemije te da ne predstavljaju nikakav rizik
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
znači, svakih 48 h štapiće u nos, pa ako si negativan vozi dalje, ako si pozitivan, stoj doma i ne klatari se okolo
- cijepljene osobe počinju osjećati kao da više nisu dio pandemije te da ne predstavljaju nikakav rizik
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
znači, svakih 48 h štapiće u nos, pa ako si negativan vozi dalje, ako si pozitivan, stoj doma i ne klatari se okolo
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
mutava baštarda wrote:Nismo najgori.
Švicarska je nešto lošija od nas
Ukupna smrtnost u zemlji.
Opet ti....Švicarska 8.74 milijuna stanovnika, prosječno umrlih u zadnjih 7 dana 6.
Samo nastavi.
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
je, lik je baš smeće, full odvratan ljigavac. on bi pristao da pokrepa 10000 ljudi samo da njegov izračun bude točan i da se može ovdje nadmeno šepirit. kreten totalni
pokerjocker- Posts : 899
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
ovi bosanski teroristi ministri...najbolje bi bilo da su još otvarali kakvo bolničko krilo, školu ili starački dom...imamo sreće kaj nije doba izbora, opći pomor bi ta trojica napravila.Noor wrote:
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Proziran si...Eroo wrote:Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
Nema dana da ne spomeneš brenda...
Zašto ga pokušavaš uvući u svoju propagandnu igru mimo njegove volje?
T.- Posts : 17600
Age : 83
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nisam te provao, ali si se sam javio. Znaš ti i zašto.ebenica wrote:koja si ti usrana pička, prije pola sata si na noorkino dijeljenje iskustva s covidom nabacio usrani smajl k'o da je ispričala ne znam kai smiješno.Eroo wrote:Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
smeće jedno usrano.
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
tko ti jebe ženu dok si ti u podrumu?Eroo wrote:Nisam te provao, ali si se sam javio. Znaš ti i zašto.ebenica wrote:koja si ti usrana pička, prije pola sata si na noorkino dijeljenje iskustva s covidom nabacio usrani smajl k'o da je ispričala ne znam kai smiješno.Eroo wrote:Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
smeće jedno usrano.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
da i jest tako, što to znači....na nosu im piše da su divizori?Eroo wrote:11x manje od necijepljenih.Noor wrote:
Upozorila je da cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene
nema simptome, dobro se osjeća, a virusi lete...
te vaše potvrde ćete uskoro koristiti ko wc papir
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
a stalno se klatare duž i poprijeko, tko zna gdje su sve posijaliebenica wrote:ovi bosanski teroristi ministri...najbolje bi bilo da su još otvarali kakvo bolničko krilo, školu ili starački dom...imamo sreće kaj nije doba izbora, opći pomor bi ta trojica napravila.Noor wrote:
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
bitno da oni mašu covid usranim potvrdama
Last edited by Noor on 8/11/2021, 19:47; edited 1 time in total
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
to je još dobro, nedavno je isto napravio i kad sam u post stavila link na vijest o smrti djevojke Katje iz SLO :(ebenica wrote:koja si ti usrana pička, prije pola sata si na noorkino dijeljenje iskustva s covidom nabacio usrani smajl k'o da je ispričala ne znam kai smiješno.Eroo wrote:Nešto ću vam još reći, bama u balonu...
Kolega jasambrend je vaša generacija i prebolio je težak covid.
Ovdje se je javio s par komentara u kojima je sve objasnio,
s namjerom da o svemu razmislite, zbog sebe prije svega.
Na ružan način je bio dočekan u jednom komentaru(da ne spominjem ime)
i svi ste na to odšutili kao "pičkice"...Sram vas bilo.
Šta se to događa s vama, to se ja pitam? Gdje vam je nestala empatija?
U mnogo čemu se ne slažem s brendom, ali mi je s druge strane kao moj rođeni.
Nadam se i to mu želim iz svega srca, da će se izboriti s posljedicama
i da ćemo i dalje čitati njegove britke
komentare na račun HDZ-a i "mafijske vlasti", kako ih on naziva.
smeće jedno usrano.
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
čisti fašizam u 21. st.
- covid potvrde pružaju samo lažnu sigurnost
- cijepljene osobe počinju osjećati kao da više nisu dio pandemije te da ne predstavljaju nikakav rizik
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
- covid potvrde pružaju samo lažnu sigurnost
- cijepljene osobe počinju osjećati kao da više nisu dio pandemije te da ne predstavljaju nikakav rizik
- cijepljene osobe virus mogu prenositi a da nisu ni svjesne da su zaražene, budući da cjepivo uspješno suzbija samu bolest pa imunizirani često nemaju nikakav simptom covida
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Eroo- Posts : 79089
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Ero, a vidi ovo (stavi u translator), kopiram od Gnječa
Covid Vaccine Adverse Events
Updated: November 2021
An overview of severe covid vaccine adverse events.
Please note: SPR only covers vaccine-related issues that are of global importance. To study verified case reports of vaccine-related injuries and deaths, see Covid Vaccine Injuries (18+).
A) Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune neurological disease causing muscle weakness and paralysis, usually starting in the feet and hands, with about 20% of people still unable to walk at 6 months, and a fatality rate of about 5% (due to respiratory failure). Back in 1976, the US swine flu vaccination campaign was stopped due to an increased risk of GBS.
In the UK, about 500 cases of post-vaccination GBS have already been reported (due to under-reporting, the true figure is likely higher); in the US, there are already more than 5000 reported cases of post-vaccination GBS. As with many other covid vaccine adverse events, GBS may affect people at low risk of severe covid (e.g. students), or even people who already had covid.
In addition, covid vaccines may also cause other neurological disorders, including neuro-inflammatory and demyelinating conditions that induce tremors, seizures and convulsions, as shown in the following video (see section M below for further details).
B) Menstrual disorders, miscarriages, birth defects
US authorities have argued that covid vaccines “appear to be completely safe for pregnant women” (NIH) and “are thought not to be a risk to lactating people or their breastfeeding babies” (CDC). However, the US VAERS system counts already more than 2,000 post-vaccination miscarriages, and it has been known since March that covid vaccines, or the spike protein they produce, may get into breast milk and sicken or kill a baby (e.g. by causing internal bleeding or allergic reactions).
In addition, by September 2021, more than 30,000 British women had reported post-vaccination menstrual disorders, such as excessive bleeding, and some first cases of possible post-vaccination birth defects (such as cardiac anomalies or pulmonary hemorrhage) have also been reported. Regarding female fertility, it is too early to know if covid vaccines might have any impact. Of note, the Pfizer vaccine trial in pregnant women continues to be delayed for “lack of participants”.
C) Heart inflammation, heart attacks, cardiac arrest
In March 2021, Israel first reported a “murky wave of heart attacks” and an increase in post-vaccination all-cause mortality. In June, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that covid mRNA vaccines may cause heart inflammation (myocarditis) and heart attacks, especially in young people. In September, a US study showed that in healthy male adolescents the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis is about five times higher than the risk of covid hospitalization.
In young males, the risk of post-vacccination myocarditis may reach up to 1 in 1000 (including subclinical cases). In October, several Nordic countries partially or fully halted the use of the high-dosed Moderna mRNA vaccine due to the elevated risk of myocarditis.
Post-vaccination myocarditis may also affect athletes and may lead to sudden cardiac arrest. For instance, the cardiac arrest of Danish soccer player Christian Eriksen in June 2021 may have been due to vaccination (Eriksen and his physicians refused to disclose his vaccination status). In the meantime, dozens of other young athletes collapsed shortly after vaccination.
A study in mice found that if mRNA vaccine gets into a vein, the heart muscle absorbs the mRNA, starts producing coronavirus spike protein, gets attacked by the immune system, and develops inflammation and cell damage (i.e. myocarditis). This is likely what happens in humans, too, if the vaccine accidentally gets injected into a blood vessel instead of muscle cells.
D) Blood clots and strokes
Blood clots, stroke and pulmonary embolism continue to be major vaccine adverse events, especially after adenovector covid vaccines (AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson). In April 2021, AstraZeneca warned that thrombocytopenia (i.e. low blood platelet count) affects 1% to 10% of vaccinees and may, in severe cases, cause bleeding or thrombosis (TTS). Several countries have already suspended the use of adenovector vaccines altogether or in non-senior citizens.
Life-threatening blood clots have also affected athletes, such as a US elite runner (pulmonary embolism) and a German basketball player who required emergency brain surgery. A 44-year-old BBC moderator died due to blood clots and cerebral bleeding caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. Several cases of leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots have also been reported.
Of note, the risk of blood clots may increase during air travel. British Airways confirmed the death of three of their pilots, aged 30 to 55, without disclosing their cause of death or vaccination status. A German Lufthansa First Officer collapsed during a flight from Spain to Germany. There are also reports of unusual cardiovascular complications several months after vaccination.
The following figure shows a brain MRI of a vaccine-induced cerebral sinus venous thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage (brain bleed) in a 32-year-old woman (more):
na linku ispod
E) Severe skin reactions
Severe skin reactions have been reported quite frequently after covid vaccinations. Such reactions may be due to an immune response affecting blood vessels in the skin (eryhtema multiforme), or due to a vaccine-induced bleeding disorder (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura).
More: See another example of a severe auto-immune skin reaction (bullous Pemphigoid).
F) Eye disorders and blindness
Covid vaccines may lead to bleeding or inflammation in the eyes and, in severe cases, to blindness. In the UK, several hundred cases of post-vaccination blindness have been reported. In the US, about 1,500 reports to the VAERS system mention post-vaccination blindness.
G) Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis)
Bell’s palsy is a unilateral facial paralysis that may last for up to six months. By September 2021, about 8,000 cases of post-vaccination Bell’s palsy had been reported to the US VAERS system, but the real number of cases is likely in the tens of thousands.
Video of a woman affected by post-vaccination Bell’s palsy (more):
H) Shingles and other virus reactivations
Reports of post-vaccination shingles (i.e. varicella zoster virus reactivation) have been quite frequent: by August 2021, about 8,000 cases of post-vaccination shingles had been reported to the US VAERS system (the true figure may be close to 100,000).
Varicella zoster virus reactivation may occur due to temporary vaccine-induced immune suppression (lymphocytopenia); about 20% of shingles patients develop a type of long-lasting neurological pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).
The vaccine-induced reactivation of other latent virus infections, including human papilloma virus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), has also been reported.
J) Tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness and vertigo
New onset of tinnitus is a rather frequently reported adverse event of covid vaccines: by August 2021, more than 10,000 cases of post-vaccination tinnitus had been reported to the US VAERS system. In addition, several thousand cases of deafness or sudden hearing loss have been reported.
Of note, the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine clinical trial had already included six cases of post-vaccination tinnitus, but the US FDA later ruled that they were ‘unrelated to the shot’.
In general, tinnitus may be caused by neuro-inflammation or blood vessel disorders, such as endothelial dysfunction. This may explain how covid vaccines, which produce the coronavirus spike protein, can trigger temporary or even permanent tinnitus.
In addition to tinnitus, there are also numerous reports of post-vaccination dizziness and vertigo, which may be due to immune reactions affecting the vestibular system in the inner ear.
K) Anaphylactic shock
Covid vaccinations can cause a potentially life-threatening anaphylactic (allergic) shock. People affected by an anaphylactic shock typically collapse shortly after vaccination. According to some estimates, anaphylactic shocks after covid vaccines are about 100 times more frequent than after other vaccines (one in ten thousand versus one in a million).
L) Tumor growth and cancer
While there is no evidence that covid vaccines themselves are carcinogenic (i.e. cancer-causing), it has been shown that covid vaccines can cause a temporary immune suppression (lymphocytopenia) in up to 50% of people, which in turn might, in some cases, influence tumor growth (similar to the reactivation of varicella zoster virus, described above).
In official adverse event reporting systems and in vaccine-related online patient groups, there are already several thousand case reports of sudden post-vaccination tumor growth and cancer diagnoses, even in young people, although some of these cases may certainly be coincidental.
M) Multiple sclerosis and other neuro-inflammatory diseases
Medical case studies and reports by doctors suggest that covid vaccines may trigger new-onset multiple sclerosis or an acute multiple sclerosis relapse, as well as other neuro-inflammatory conditions, such as transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), typically within days or weeks of vaccination. Neurological auto-immune reactions may be due to antigenic cross-reactivity. Some cases of post-vaccination epilepsy have also been described in the literature.
Video: A man affected by post-vaccination acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.
Image: Post-vaccination MS brain lesions in a previously healthy 26-year-old woman (more):
N) Appendicitis
By August 2021, post-vaccination appendicitis has been mentioned in about 1,000 reports to the US VAERS system. According to the US CDC, “the most common serious adverse events in the vaccine [trial] group which were numerically higher than in the placebo group were appendicitis, acute myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular accident.” Appendicitis might occur due to vaccine-induced immune suppression or due to vaccine-induced mesenteric venous micro-thrombosis.
O) Inflammatory syndrome in children (PIMS)
Covid vaccination was thought to prevent pediatric inflammatory multi-system syndrome (PIMS), a rare condition associated with covid in children. Instead, it turned out that covid vaccines may themselves trigger PIMS, which is most likely caused by an immune reaction to the spike protein. Vaccine-induced PIMS was first noticed in Israel and was later confirmed by EMA.
P) Diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis
In October 2021, a Chinese study published in Nature Cell Discovery first reported a “consistent increase” in post-vaccination blood sugar levels (HbA1c) lasting several months. Blood sugar levels peaked about one month after vaccination and reached prediabetic levels in about 30% of previously healthy participants. In addition, the study also found consistent alterations in serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions.
Long-term health issues after covid vaccination
People with long-term health issues after covid vaccination (see Covid Vaccine Reactions). On Facebook, a group called “Covid Vaccine Victims” had 120,000 members before it got shut down.
Covid Vaccine Adverse Events
Updated: November 2021
An overview of severe covid vaccine adverse events.
Please note: SPR only covers vaccine-related issues that are of global importance. To study verified case reports of vaccine-related injuries and deaths, see Covid Vaccine Injuries (18+).
A) Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune neurological disease causing muscle weakness and paralysis, usually starting in the feet and hands, with about 20% of people still unable to walk at 6 months, and a fatality rate of about 5% (due to respiratory failure). Back in 1976, the US swine flu vaccination campaign was stopped due to an increased risk of GBS.
In the UK, about 500 cases of post-vaccination GBS have already been reported (due to under-reporting, the true figure is likely higher); in the US, there are already more than 5000 reported cases of post-vaccination GBS. As with many other covid vaccine adverse events, GBS may affect people at low risk of severe covid (e.g. students), or even people who already had covid.
In addition, covid vaccines may also cause other neurological disorders, including neuro-inflammatory and demyelinating conditions that induce tremors, seizures and convulsions, as shown in the following video (see section M below for further details).
B) Menstrual disorders, miscarriages, birth defects
US authorities have argued that covid vaccines “appear to be completely safe for pregnant women” (NIH) and “are thought not to be a risk to lactating people or their breastfeeding babies” (CDC). However, the US VAERS system counts already more than 2,000 post-vaccination miscarriages, and it has been known since March that covid vaccines, or the spike protein they produce, may get into breast milk and sicken or kill a baby (e.g. by causing internal bleeding or allergic reactions).
In addition, by September 2021, more than 30,000 British women had reported post-vaccination menstrual disorders, such as excessive bleeding, and some first cases of possible post-vaccination birth defects (such as cardiac anomalies or pulmonary hemorrhage) have also been reported. Regarding female fertility, it is too early to know if covid vaccines might have any impact. Of note, the Pfizer vaccine trial in pregnant women continues to be delayed for “lack of participants”.
C) Heart inflammation, heart attacks, cardiac arrest
In March 2021, Israel first reported a “murky wave of heart attacks” and an increase in post-vaccination all-cause mortality. In June, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that covid mRNA vaccines may cause heart inflammation (myocarditis) and heart attacks, especially in young people. In September, a US study showed that in healthy male adolescents the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis is about five times higher than the risk of covid hospitalization.
In young males, the risk of post-vacccination myocarditis may reach up to 1 in 1000 (including subclinical cases). In October, several Nordic countries partially or fully halted the use of the high-dosed Moderna mRNA vaccine due to the elevated risk of myocarditis.
Post-vaccination myocarditis may also affect athletes and may lead to sudden cardiac arrest. For instance, the cardiac arrest of Danish soccer player Christian Eriksen in June 2021 may have been due to vaccination (Eriksen and his physicians refused to disclose his vaccination status). In the meantime, dozens of other young athletes collapsed shortly after vaccination.
A study in mice found that if mRNA vaccine gets into a vein, the heart muscle absorbs the mRNA, starts producing coronavirus spike protein, gets attacked by the immune system, and develops inflammation and cell damage (i.e. myocarditis). This is likely what happens in humans, too, if the vaccine accidentally gets injected into a blood vessel instead of muscle cells.
D) Blood clots and strokes
Blood clots, stroke and pulmonary embolism continue to be major vaccine adverse events, especially after adenovector covid vaccines (AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson). In April 2021, AstraZeneca warned that thrombocytopenia (i.e. low blood platelet count) affects 1% to 10% of vaccinees and may, in severe cases, cause bleeding or thrombosis (TTS). Several countries have already suspended the use of adenovector vaccines altogether or in non-senior citizens.
Life-threatening blood clots have also affected athletes, such as a US elite runner (pulmonary embolism) and a German basketball player who required emergency brain surgery. A 44-year-old BBC moderator died due to blood clots and cerebral bleeding caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. Several cases of leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots have also been reported.
Of note, the risk of blood clots may increase during air travel. British Airways confirmed the death of three of their pilots, aged 30 to 55, without disclosing their cause of death or vaccination status. A German Lufthansa First Officer collapsed during a flight from Spain to Germany. There are also reports of unusual cardiovascular complications several months after vaccination.
The following figure shows a brain MRI of a vaccine-induced cerebral sinus venous thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage (brain bleed) in a 32-year-old woman (more):
na linku ispod
E) Severe skin reactions
Severe skin reactions have been reported quite frequently after covid vaccinations. Such reactions may be due to an immune response affecting blood vessels in the skin (eryhtema multiforme), or due to a vaccine-induced bleeding disorder (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura).
More: See another example of a severe auto-immune skin reaction (bullous Pemphigoid).
F) Eye disorders and blindness
Covid vaccines may lead to bleeding or inflammation in the eyes and, in severe cases, to blindness. In the UK, several hundred cases of post-vaccination blindness have been reported. In the US, about 1,500 reports to the VAERS system mention post-vaccination blindness.
G) Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis)
Bell’s palsy is a unilateral facial paralysis that may last for up to six months. By September 2021, about 8,000 cases of post-vaccination Bell’s palsy had been reported to the US VAERS system, but the real number of cases is likely in the tens of thousands.
Video of a woman affected by post-vaccination Bell’s palsy (more):
H) Shingles and other virus reactivations
Reports of post-vaccination shingles (i.e. varicella zoster virus reactivation) have been quite frequent: by August 2021, about 8,000 cases of post-vaccination shingles had been reported to the US VAERS system (the true figure may be close to 100,000).
Varicella zoster virus reactivation may occur due to temporary vaccine-induced immune suppression (lymphocytopenia); about 20% of shingles patients develop a type of long-lasting neurological pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).
The vaccine-induced reactivation of other latent virus infections, including human papilloma virus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), has also been reported.
J) Tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness and vertigo
New onset of tinnitus is a rather frequently reported adverse event of covid vaccines: by August 2021, more than 10,000 cases of post-vaccination tinnitus had been reported to the US VAERS system. In addition, several thousand cases of deafness or sudden hearing loss have been reported.
Of note, the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine clinical trial had already included six cases of post-vaccination tinnitus, but the US FDA later ruled that they were ‘unrelated to the shot’.
In general, tinnitus may be caused by neuro-inflammation or blood vessel disorders, such as endothelial dysfunction. This may explain how covid vaccines, which produce the coronavirus spike protein, can trigger temporary or even permanent tinnitus.
In addition to tinnitus, there are also numerous reports of post-vaccination dizziness and vertigo, which may be due to immune reactions affecting the vestibular system in the inner ear.
K) Anaphylactic shock
Covid vaccinations can cause a potentially life-threatening anaphylactic (allergic) shock. People affected by an anaphylactic shock typically collapse shortly after vaccination. According to some estimates, anaphylactic shocks after covid vaccines are about 100 times more frequent than after other vaccines (one in ten thousand versus one in a million).
L) Tumor growth and cancer
While there is no evidence that covid vaccines themselves are carcinogenic (i.e. cancer-causing), it has been shown that covid vaccines can cause a temporary immune suppression (lymphocytopenia) in up to 50% of people, which in turn might, in some cases, influence tumor growth (similar to the reactivation of varicella zoster virus, described above).
In official adverse event reporting systems and in vaccine-related online patient groups, there are already several thousand case reports of sudden post-vaccination tumor growth and cancer diagnoses, even in young people, although some of these cases may certainly be coincidental.
M) Multiple sclerosis and other neuro-inflammatory diseases
Medical case studies and reports by doctors suggest that covid vaccines may trigger new-onset multiple sclerosis or an acute multiple sclerosis relapse, as well as other neuro-inflammatory conditions, such as transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), typically within days or weeks of vaccination. Neurological auto-immune reactions may be due to antigenic cross-reactivity. Some cases of post-vaccination epilepsy have also been described in the literature.
Video: A man affected by post-vaccination acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.
Image: Post-vaccination MS brain lesions in a previously healthy 26-year-old woman (more):
N) Appendicitis
By August 2021, post-vaccination appendicitis has been mentioned in about 1,000 reports to the US VAERS system. According to the US CDC, “the most common serious adverse events in the vaccine [trial] group which were numerically higher than in the placebo group were appendicitis, acute myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular accident.” Appendicitis might occur due to vaccine-induced immune suppression or due to vaccine-induced mesenteric venous micro-thrombosis.
O) Inflammatory syndrome in children (PIMS)
Covid vaccination was thought to prevent pediatric inflammatory multi-system syndrome (PIMS), a rare condition associated with covid in children. Instead, it turned out that covid vaccines may themselves trigger PIMS, which is most likely caused by an immune reaction to the spike protein. Vaccine-induced PIMS was first noticed in Israel and was later confirmed by EMA.
P) Diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis
In October 2021, a Chinese study published in Nature Cell Discovery first reported a “consistent increase” in post-vaccination blood sugar levels (HbA1c) lasting several months. Blood sugar levels peaked about one month after vaccination and reached prediabetic levels in about 30% of previously healthy participants. In addition, the study also found consistent alterations in serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions.
Long-term health issues after covid vaccination
People with long-term health issues after covid vaccination (see Covid Vaccine Reactions). On Facebook, a group called “Covid Vaccine Victims” had 120,000 members before it got shut down.
It's So Good To Be Bad
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mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
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svi pacijenti, za razliku od prijašnjih tjedana, koji se nalaze na intenzivnoj njezi su cjepljeni.
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