Korona novosti i spoznaje
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nek mu je sa srecom i neka sve dobro prodje, ali ono zanima me kako ce se osjecati u okruzenju gdje nema ni 20% cijepljnihNoor wrote:crka interplet na planini :)AssadNaPodmornici wrote:evo prošlo je nekoliko sati onaj luđak nije napisao niti jedan post.. biće stvarno krenuo na pogreb u čapljinu..
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
s covid potvrdom sigurno i superiorno...level, jelnewuser wrote:Nek mu je sa srecom i neka sve dobro prodje, ali ono zanima me kako ce se osjecati u okruzenju gdje nema ni 20% cijepljnihNoor wrote:crka interplet na planini :)AssadNaPodmornici wrote:evo prošlo je nekoliko sati onaj luđak nije napisao niti jedan post.. biće stvarno krenuo na pogreb u čapljinu..
a tim necijepljenima bi bilo pametnije u skafanderima :)
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
u Germania, već 5. dozu primaju..
zakoračili smo u tehnološku etapu povijesti, kad se čovjek puni periodično kao klima plinom..
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Index.yu prenosi kako 1000 ljudi down under protestira da krave manje prdepokerjocker wrote:ebenica wrote:kak to misliš da nema? pa nose natpise: kill the bill (bill je uredba, zakon, akt Dan’s Pandemic Bill 2021). fear is virus (ne treba objašnjenje),. australska zastava koaj se vijori u prvom planu je naopačke što je međunardna oznaka za distress (loše stvari unutar države, broda ili čega već). no forced jabs (jab je injekcija)pokerjocker wrote:T. wrote:Nebitna manjina u australiji traži nekakva prava...mutava baštarda wrote:Amerika bi današnju Australiju prije dvi godine bombardirala da im uvede demokraciju.T. wrote:pa normalno kada cilj nije zaštita ljudi nego vječito pelcovanje, više puta godišnje...Gnječ wrote:Belgium: Recurrence Of The Disease Despite Vaccination
In Belgium, nearly 75 percent of the population is primo-vaccinated. And 65% of the population has a complete vaccination cycle. However, since the end of June 2021, the number of new daily infections has risen from less than 500 to nearly 2000. As RTBF acknowledges, in the face of the Delta variant, current vaccination is far from sufficient to protect the population.
tzv. covid potvrde će vrijediti samo do slijedeće doze...
tko je uzme, produžava se valjanost, tko ne uzme, stoji doma i ne miče...
i sretan je ako ga puste da stoji doma...
tako je već sada u nekim državama tipa tzv. zapadne demokracije...
Nevjerojatno je da još ima onih koji ne vjeruju da im medicinska struka i političari samo žele dobro...
Te da im se prava oduzimaju u njihovom vlastitom interesu...
ovo nema veze s koronom
početak videa prebrutalan, žena ubila
VIŠE od 1000 osoba prosvjedovalo je danas u najvećim australskim gradovima Sydneyju i Melbourneu protiv vladinih klimatskim politika i strategija koje su ponuđene na UN-ovom klimatskom summitu u Glasgowu.
Na prvom legalnom prosvjedu u Sydneyju nakon mjeseci dugačke covid-karantene došlo je 1000 ljudi kako bi se pridružilo globalnom danu akcije za klimatsku pravdu, globalnom pokretu koji je pokrenut tijekom summita COP26.
"Svi smo ovdje došli da bismo pokazali da želimo više od svoje vlade", rekla je Georgia, jedna od prosvjednica.
"Crveni alarm za čovječanstvo"
Prosvjednici su nosili natpise na kojima je pisalo, "Trebamo ljudsku promjenu, a ne klimatsku" "Crveni alarm za čovječanstvo", u slikama koje su pokazali mediji.
Tjedan vladinih govora i prisega na dvotjednom okupljanju u Glasgowu donio je obećanja o ukidanju prakse ugljena, smanjenju emisija stakleničkog plina metana te zaustavljanje deforestacije.
Australija je, međutim, odbacila globalno obećanje o smanjenju metana, a prosvjednici i aktivističke grupe nisu bile impresionirane obvezama drugih svjetskih čelnika.
"COP26 sporazumi su se dogodili i trenutno to ne ispada najbolje za Australiju", dodala je Georgia, prosvjednica u Sydneyju, koja je otkrila samo svoje ime.
U Melbourneu prosvjedovalo nekoliko stotina građana
Prosvjed u Melbourneu bio je manji od prosvjeda u Sydneyju te se pojavilo tek nekoliko stotina ljudi na prosvjedu na kojem se mogla vidjeti divovska koala kako ispuhuje oblake dima, a prosvjednici su bili na biciklima, maskirani u kosture.
Nekoliko sličnih manjih događaja održano je drugdje diljem Australije.
ako ni to nije dovoljno pročitaj komentare ispod ovog videa. niti jedan se ne odnosi na koronu.
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Mogu podnit i punjenje ajvarom, ali čitanje glupi statusa sa čiporanim zimskim gumama ili najnoviji o zimskim kaputima ne mogu. Ako misle nastaviti s tim glupim usporedbama bolje da uvedu prisilno cjepljenjeeeee.kic wrote:
u Germania, već 5. dozu primaju..
zakoračili smo u tehnološku etapu povijesti, kad se čovjek puni periodično kao klima plinom..
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
kic likes this post
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
mutava baštarda wrote:Mogu podnit i punjenje ajvarom, ali čitanje glupi statusa sa čiporanim zimskim gumama ili najnoviji o zimskim kaputima ne mogu. Ako misle nastaviti s tim glupim usporedbama bolje da uvedu prisilno cjepljenjeeeee.kic wrote:
u Germania, već 5. dozu primaju..
zakoračili smo u tehnološku etapu povijesti, kad se čovjek puni periodično kao klima plinom..
Inter faeces et urinam nascimur. (We are born between shit and piss.)
St. Augustine of Hippo
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:evo prošlo je nekoliko sati onaj luđak nije napisao niti jedan post.. biće stvarno krenuo na pogreb u čapljinu..
luđak neće ići nigdje dok se prije ne ufiksa 3 dozom boosterom dabogda ga lavina poklopila da mu samo postoli vire iz snijega.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
ne podržavam takve želje za našeg seniora Eru, makar ga smatrali saveznikom loše politike-
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Kažu nisi pravi Slovenac ak te ni bar jednom zatrpala lavina.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
postoli i nos :)kic wrote:
ne podržavam takve želje za našeg seniora Eru, makar ga smatrali saveznikom loše politike-
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
kic likes this post
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Prati li netko Otvoreno... Ova plavuša, teški fašist, govor tijela Gestapo.
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
uselili su nam se u umove..
nije li lud čovjek koji stalno sanja kartu Mađarske?
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
The great vaccine robbery: Pharmaceutical corporations charge excessive prices for COVID-19 vaccines while rich countries block faster and cheaper route to global vaccination
Vaccine monopolies make cost of vaccinating the world against COVID at least 5 times more expensive than it could be
The cost of vaccinating the world against COVID-19 could be at least five times cheaper if pharmaceutical companies weren’t profiteering from their monopolies on COVID-19 vaccines, campaigners from The People’s Vaccine Alliance said today.
New analysis by the Alliance shows that the firms Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production. Colombia, for example, has potentially overpaid by as much as $375 million for its doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, in comparison to the estimated cost price.
Despite a rapid rise in COVID cases and deaths across the developing world, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have sold over 90 percent of their vaccines so far to rich countries, charging up to 24 times the potential cost of production. Last week Pfizer/BioNTech announced it would licence a South African company to fill and package 100 million doses for use in Africa, but this is a drop in the ocean of need. Neither company have agreed to fully transfer vaccine technology and know-how with any capable producers in developing countries, a move that could increase global supply, drive down prices and save millions of lives.
Anna Marriott, Oxfam’s Health Policy Manager, said: “Pharmaceutical companies are holding the world to ransom at a time of unprecedented global crisis. This is perhaps one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history.
“Precious budgets that could be used for building more health facilities in poorer countries are instead being raided by CEOs and shareholders of these all-powerful corporations.”
Never in history have governments been buying more doses of vaccines for one disease and the large-scale production should drive down costs, enabling companies to charge lower prices. Yet the EU reportedly paid even higher prices for its second order from Pfizer/BioNTech. Dramatic price escalation is predicted to continue in the absence of government action and with the possibility of booster shots being required for years to come. The CEO of Pfizer has suggested potential future prices of as much as $175 per dose ―148 times more than the potential cost of production. And because pharmaceutical companies anticipate charging such high prices for boosters, they will continue to sell doses to rich countries at the expense of protecting lives globally.
Download a copy of the briefing note "The Great Vaccine Robbery".
Vaccine monopolies make cost of vaccinating the world against COVID at least 5 times more expensive than it could be
The cost of vaccinating the world against COVID-19 could be at least five times cheaper if pharmaceutical companies weren’t profiteering from their monopolies on COVID-19 vaccines, campaigners from The People’s Vaccine Alliance said today.
New analysis by the Alliance shows that the firms Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production. Colombia, for example, has potentially overpaid by as much as $375 million for its doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, in comparison to the estimated cost price.
Despite a rapid rise in COVID cases and deaths across the developing world, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have sold over 90 percent of their vaccines so far to rich countries, charging up to 24 times the potential cost of production. Last week Pfizer/BioNTech announced it would licence a South African company to fill and package 100 million doses for use in Africa, but this is a drop in the ocean of need. Neither company have agreed to fully transfer vaccine technology and know-how with any capable producers in developing countries, a move that could increase global supply, drive down prices and save millions of lives.
Anna Marriott, Oxfam’s Health Policy Manager, said: “Pharmaceutical companies are holding the world to ransom at a time of unprecedented global crisis. This is perhaps one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history.
“Precious budgets that could be used for building more health facilities in poorer countries are instead being raided by CEOs and shareholders of these all-powerful corporations.”
Never in history have governments been buying more doses of vaccines for one disease and the large-scale production should drive down costs, enabling companies to charge lower prices. Yet the EU reportedly paid even higher prices for its second order from Pfizer/BioNTech. Dramatic price escalation is predicted to continue in the absence of government action and with the possibility of booster shots being required for years to come. The CEO of Pfizer has suggested potential future prices of as much as $175 per dose ―148 times more than the potential cost of production. And because pharmaceutical companies anticipate charging such high prices for boosters, they will continue to sell doses to rich countries at the expense of protecting lives globally.
Download a copy of the briefing note "The Great Vaccine Robbery".
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Sociopat/psihopat...mutava baštarda wrote:Prati li netko Otvoreno... Ova plavuša, teški fašist, govor tijela Gestapo.
Samo joj gledaj grimase...
Ona vodi emisiju...
Ova kokoš od voditeljice nije ni trebala doć...
T.- Posts : 17557
Age : 83
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Ove dvi iz sindikata se usrale da ne završe u logoru...T. wrote:Sociopat/psihopat...mutava baštarda wrote:Prati li netko Otvoreno... Ova plavuša, teški fašist, govor tijela Gestapo.
Samo joj gledaj grimase...
Ona vodi emisiju...
Ova kokoš od voditeljice nije ni trebala doć...
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives
Oct. 19, 2021
The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on state COVID-19 vaccine incentives developed to increase vaccination rates across the country. Please note that vaccination incentives are a relatively novel topic in public policy, and it is not known to what extent incentives can drive increases in vaccinations, but there are some early indications that the right incentive can help.
State Incentives
The Talladega Superspeedway is offering people aged 16 and older who choose to be tested and/or vaccinated the thrill of driving their car or truck on the 2.66-mile track. Drivers and their riders will take two laps behind a pace car at highway speed, including the 33-degree-high banks.
Alabama Department of Public Health is sponsoring a TikTok Contest for people aged 13-29 who post a video of themselves getting vaccinated between July 16th– August 6th. 4 winners will be awarded a $250 Visa gift card.
Executive branch state agency employees who get at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by July 1 will receive a $100 bonus.
Starting May 26, Arkansans who get a COVID-19 vaccination can receive a $20 Arkansas Game and Fish certificate for fishing/hunting licenses or a $20 lottery ticket that could win a million dollars.
California “Vax for the Win”
10 winners selected on June 15 to win cash prizes of $1.5 million each. Any Californian ages 12 or over who has had at least one dose of the vaccine will be eligible to win — no entry necessary. If a minor wins, the funds will be put into a savings account until they turn 18;
30 winners selected on “$50,000 Fridays. ”Fifteen winners will be selected on June 4 and fifteen more will be chosen on June 11 to win a $50,000 cash prize each. If a minor wins, the funds will be put into a savings account until they turn 18;
The next 2 million Californians who begin and complete their COVID-19 vaccinations, starting Thursday, will be eligible to receive a $50 virtual prepaid card or a $50 grocery gift card for Kroger or Albertsons while supplies last.
Select vaccination sites are giving away free tickets to any Six Flags Park in California
The Colorado Department of Corrections has announced it will provide $500 any of its more than 6,000 staff members who gets fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Colorado Comeback Cash – The Colorado Lottery will conduct a random weekly drawing on behalf of the Colorado Department of Health & Environment to identify one vaccinated Colorado resident each week to win a million-dollar cash prize. All Colorado residents age 18 and older who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, as determined by eligibility rules, are automatically entered into the drawing
Colorado is offering individuals receiving their first or second vaccine dose can receive $100 Walmart gift cards and $50 Colorado Parks and Wildlife vouchers, while supplies last
The Connecticut Restaurant Association is partnering with Governor Ned Lamont and the State of Connecticut to launch the #CTDrinksOnUs campaign, where participating Connecticut restaurants will offer complimentary drinks to vaccinated patrons beginning May 19.
During the #CTSummerOnUS campaign, Connecticut has launched vaccination events with different rewards for individuals who receive a dose. Some of these incentives include: a drawing for concert tickets, free admission to different amusement parks/museums, and $10 gift cards.
Delaware officials are offering to inmates five days of good time credits, a free video visit, snack bag or a special meal, and an opportunity to be scheduled first for in-person visitations when they resume.
DE Wins
Delawareans 12 to 17 who receive a vaccine in Delaware will be entered into a raffle for a full scholarship to a Delaware university.
Delawareans 18 and older vaccinated in Delaware between May 25 and June 29 will have the opportunity to win cash prizes.
Other prizes include tickets to Firefly, four-day vacations at destinations in Delaware, a dart pass for a year, and free tolls within the state of Delaware.
All Delawareans who have been vaccinated in Delaware are eligible to win $302, 000 and two low-number license plates.
Delaware officials are offering to reimburse bars, restaurants, and shops that offer discounts, freebies or other incentives to customers who get vaccinated.
Race to End COVID: Dover International Speedway, hosted with the Delaware Health and Social Services, is allowing individuals to get vaccinated or tested at Dover International Speedway to drive two laps on the race track and be entered in a drawing for NASCAR race tickets.
Illinois will give out 50,000 free Six Flags tickets to anyone who has been vaccinated through a partnership with Six Flags Great America payment.
All in for the Win enters adults with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine into a $7 million cash prize pool, three $1 million jackpots and forty $100k cash prices. Youth aged 12-17 are entered into a $3 million scholarship pool and twenty $150k scholarships awards. All winners have been selected.
All SODC and SOPH employees who have at least one COVID-19 dose by July 12 will be entered into a drawing for the following prizes:
3 drawings for [Winner’s choice of] a lifetime fishing license from IDNR, OR a lifetime hunting license from IDNR, OR ten Lincoln Museum passes (including a $100 gift shop voucher), OR an Illinois State Fair gift pack, OR a DuQuoin State Fair gift pack.
1 drawing for two Round Trip tickets to anywhere American Airlines flies (domestic 1st class or international coach).
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different Chicago Bears home games.
1 drawing for four (4) tickets to the Chicago Cubs 1914 Club, seats in the second row behind home plate, and a parking pass.
2 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 2 different Chicago Cubs home games.
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different Chicago Fire home games.
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different St. Louis Cardinals home games.
State health officials announced that anyone who gets vaccinated at specially designated sites will receive a box of Girl Scout cookies along with the shot.
The Kentucky Lottery announced May 10 that, starting immediately, people 18 or older who get a first or second dose of the vaccine at a Kroger or Walmart location will receive a coupon for a free Cash Ball 225 ticket.
Team Kentucky’s Shot at a Million allows Kentuckians with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination to enter a lottery. 12-17 year olds can win one of fifteen full scholarships to any Kentucky institution and those 18 years of age and older have a chance to win one of three $1 million prizes. The last winner was selected on August 27.
Maine “Your Shot to Get Outdoors”
Any Maine resident age 18 and older who gets their first shot of a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine in Maine will qualify to receive one of the rewards below:
Fishing license: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 year 2021 fishing licenses for Maine residents from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Hunting license: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 year 2021 hunting season licenses for eligible Maine residents from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Eligible Maine residents include those who have completed a hunter safety course, have previously held a license, and are not felons.
Maine Wildlife Park pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 passes to the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, which are good for admission through the 2021 season, from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. One pass allows admission for up to two people.
Maine State Park day pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 day passes for Maine residents to Maine State Parks through the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The passes can be used through June 15, 2021. One pass allows admission for one vehicle.
L.L.Bean gift card: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 10,000 $20 gift cards from L.L.Bean for use at their stores.
Sea Dogs admission ticket: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 tickets from the Portland Sea Dogs, the Double-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, for baseball games at Hadlock Field in Portland for 2021 regular season.
Oxford Plains Speedway pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase from Oxford Plains Speedway up to 5,000 tickets for weekly events in the 2021 racing season.
The state will offer a $100 financial incentive to state employees who elect to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. To receive the incentive, employees must provide their HR office with proof of vaccination, and agree to receive all subsequent CDC-recommended booster vaccinations within 18 months of being fully vaccinated. The incentive is retroactive, so that all state employees who have already been fully vaccinated also will receive the $100 incentive payment.
VaxToWin: A partnership between the Maryland Lottery and the Maryland Health Department to provide $2 million in prize money for Marylanders who get vaccinated.
MI Vacc to Normal: The MI Vacc to Normal challenge outlines steps that Michiganders can take to emerge from the pandemic.
Once the state documents that 70 percent of the eligible population received at least one dose, its orders on masks and limitations for public and private gatherings would be dropped.
Michiganders that bring their friends and neighbors to their COVID-19 vaccine appointments can receive $50 per shot for each appointment.
Fully vaccinated students can win one of 100 $75 gift cards and one student will win a full-ride scholarship. All participants will receive a 20% discount at the CMU bookstore.
Your Shot to Summer: Minnesotans who get vaccinated between Memorial Day weekend through of June 30th will be eligible to choose a reward from nine different options. The incentives are state park passes, fishing licenses, and tickets to fairs and amusement parks. There is also the possibility to receive a $25 Visa card.
Cheers to the Vaccine: Minnesotans 21 years of age and older who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose will be eligible for a free or discounted drink at participating establishments starting May 28 through June 30.
Minnesotans who receive their first shot before August 19 will receive $100.
New Jersey
Shot and a Beer: In partnership with the Brewer’s Guild of New Jersey, the Governor’s Office and the Department of Health have launched the “Shot and a Beer” program to encourage eligible New Jerseyans ages 21 and over to get vaccinated. Any New Jerseyan who gets their first vaccine dose in the month of May and takes their vaccination card to a participating brewery as proof of vaccination will receive a free beer, courtesy of the participating brewery. This program will end May 31.
Vax and Visit: Beginning May 27th through July 4th, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection will offer a State Parks Vax Pass – allowing free access to State parks, including Island Beach State Park – good through December 31st, 2021.
New Jerseyans aged 21 and older who receive their first shot before the end of May can visit a participating winery for a free glass of wine.
New Jerseyans who receive a shot before May 31 can enter to win dinner with Governor Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy.
New York
A promotion provided free tickets to Mets games from May 24 through June 17 and to Yankee games from May 7 through June 6 for newly vaccinated people, along with another promotion that gave residents free weekly subway passes.
Vaccination program that will provide free NYS Lottery scratch-off tickets to individuals 18 and over with a grand prize of $5 million.
Every person who receives the COVID-19 vaccine, either a first dose or single dose of Johnson & Johnson, anywhere in New York State this week is eligible to receive a free two-day pass to any state park.
“Get a Shot to Make Your Future”: New Yorkers ages 12 to 17 can win of 50 four year full ride scholarships to any New York State public college or university. Drawings began June 1 and ended June 30.
Ohioans aged 18 and older will be entered into “Ohio Vax-a-Million,” a weekly drawing with a prize of up to $1 million. A total of five weekly drawings for each prize will take place, with the first winners being announced May 26. Winners must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the date of their respective drawing.
Ohioans 17 and under who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination will be entered into a drawing for a full, four-year scholarship to any of Ohio’s state colleges and universities, including full tuition, room and board, and books. A total of five weekly drawings for a full, four-year scholarship will take place, with the first winner being announced May 26.
Ohioans aged 12-25 who have received at least their first dose of Pfizer of Moderna vaccine or one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine can register for Ohio Vax-2-School for 150 scholarships of $10,000 or $100,000 to an Ohio college or university.
Oregonians 18 and older will have the chance to win $1 million or one of 36 $10,000 prizes–with one winner in each county in Oregon. Oregonians age 12 to 17 will have a chance to win one of five $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships. All Oregonians who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the draw date will be entered to win.
West Virginia
West Virginia is offering $100 savings bond or $100 gift card to anyone between the ages of 16 to 35 who receives, or has already received, a COVID-19 vaccine. Money for this incentive will come from federal CARES Act funding.
Starting June 20th, West Virginia residents who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible to enter to in a lottery-style drawing. The first round of prizes to be given away include:
(2) Full four-year scholarships to any West Virginia institution for kids ages 12 to 25-years-old
(2) Brand-new, custom-outfitted trucks
(25) Weekend getaways” to West Virginia State Parks
(5) Lifetime hunting and fishing licenses
(5) Custom hunting rifles
(5) Custom hunting shotguns
$1 million
West Virginia is offering a second round of Do It For Babydog Vaccine Sweepstakes that will run for 6 weeks. Prizes include:
Full four-year scholarships to any West Virginia institution for kids ages 12 to 25-years-old
Luxury High-End Sports Car
Custom Fishing or Pontoon Boat
$150,000 towards the Wedding of your Dreams
Free Gas for 10 years
WVU Football or Basketball Season Ticket Package for two
Marshall Football or Basketball Season Ticket Package for two
2021-2022 Season Passes for two to a Ski Resort in West Virginia
Premium ATV or Side by Side
Top of the Line Zero Turn Lawn Mower
ode sve u totalno ludilo...
Oct. 19, 2021
The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on state COVID-19 vaccine incentives developed to increase vaccination rates across the country. Please note that vaccination incentives are a relatively novel topic in public policy, and it is not known to what extent incentives can drive increases in vaccinations, but there are some early indications that the right incentive can help.
State Incentives
The Talladega Superspeedway is offering people aged 16 and older who choose to be tested and/or vaccinated the thrill of driving their car or truck on the 2.66-mile track. Drivers and their riders will take two laps behind a pace car at highway speed, including the 33-degree-high banks.
Alabama Department of Public Health is sponsoring a TikTok Contest for people aged 13-29 who post a video of themselves getting vaccinated between July 16th– August 6th. 4 winners will be awarded a $250 Visa gift card.
Executive branch state agency employees who get at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by July 1 will receive a $100 bonus.
Starting May 26, Arkansans who get a COVID-19 vaccination can receive a $20 Arkansas Game and Fish certificate for fishing/hunting licenses or a $20 lottery ticket that could win a million dollars.
California “Vax for the Win”
10 winners selected on June 15 to win cash prizes of $1.5 million each. Any Californian ages 12 or over who has had at least one dose of the vaccine will be eligible to win — no entry necessary. If a minor wins, the funds will be put into a savings account until they turn 18;
30 winners selected on “$50,000 Fridays. ”Fifteen winners will be selected on June 4 and fifteen more will be chosen on June 11 to win a $50,000 cash prize each. If a minor wins, the funds will be put into a savings account until they turn 18;
The next 2 million Californians who begin and complete their COVID-19 vaccinations, starting Thursday, will be eligible to receive a $50 virtual prepaid card or a $50 grocery gift card for Kroger or Albertsons while supplies last.
Select vaccination sites are giving away free tickets to any Six Flags Park in California
The Colorado Department of Corrections has announced it will provide $500 any of its more than 6,000 staff members who gets fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Colorado Comeback Cash – The Colorado Lottery will conduct a random weekly drawing on behalf of the Colorado Department of Health & Environment to identify one vaccinated Colorado resident each week to win a million-dollar cash prize. All Colorado residents age 18 and older who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, as determined by eligibility rules, are automatically entered into the drawing
Colorado is offering individuals receiving their first or second vaccine dose can receive $100 Walmart gift cards and $50 Colorado Parks and Wildlife vouchers, while supplies last
The Connecticut Restaurant Association is partnering with Governor Ned Lamont and the State of Connecticut to launch the #CTDrinksOnUs campaign, where participating Connecticut restaurants will offer complimentary drinks to vaccinated patrons beginning May 19.
During the #CTSummerOnUS campaign, Connecticut has launched vaccination events with different rewards for individuals who receive a dose. Some of these incentives include: a drawing for concert tickets, free admission to different amusement parks/museums, and $10 gift cards.
Delaware officials are offering to inmates five days of good time credits, a free video visit, snack bag or a special meal, and an opportunity to be scheduled first for in-person visitations when they resume.
DE Wins
Delawareans 12 to 17 who receive a vaccine in Delaware will be entered into a raffle for a full scholarship to a Delaware university.
Delawareans 18 and older vaccinated in Delaware between May 25 and June 29 will have the opportunity to win cash prizes.
Other prizes include tickets to Firefly, four-day vacations at destinations in Delaware, a dart pass for a year, and free tolls within the state of Delaware.
All Delawareans who have been vaccinated in Delaware are eligible to win $302, 000 and two low-number license plates.
Delaware officials are offering to reimburse bars, restaurants, and shops that offer discounts, freebies or other incentives to customers who get vaccinated.
Race to End COVID: Dover International Speedway, hosted with the Delaware Health and Social Services, is allowing individuals to get vaccinated or tested at Dover International Speedway to drive two laps on the race track and be entered in a drawing for NASCAR race tickets.
Illinois will give out 50,000 free Six Flags tickets to anyone who has been vaccinated through a partnership with Six Flags Great America payment.
All in for the Win enters adults with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine into a $7 million cash prize pool, three $1 million jackpots and forty $100k cash prices. Youth aged 12-17 are entered into a $3 million scholarship pool and twenty $150k scholarships awards. All winners have been selected.
All SODC and SOPH employees who have at least one COVID-19 dose by July 12 will be entered into a drawing for the following prizes:
3 drawings for [Winner’s choice of] a lifetime fishing license from IDNR, OR a lifetime hunting license from IDNR, OR ten Lincoln Museum passes (including a $100 gift shop voucher), OR an Illinois State Fair gift pack, OR a DuQuoin State Fair gift pack.
1 drawing for two Round Trip tickets to anywhere American Airlines flies (domestic 1st class or international coach).
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different Chicago Bears home games.
1 drawing for four (4) tickets to the Chicago Cubs 1914 Club, seats in the second row behind home plate, and a parking pass.
2 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 2 different Chicago Cubs home games.
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different Chicago Fire home games.
3 drawings for a pair of game tickets to 3 different St. Louis Cardinals home games.
State health officials announced that anyone who gets vaccinated at specially designated sites will receive a box of Girl Scout cookies along with the shot.
The Kentucky Lottery announced May 10 that, starting immediately, people 18 or older who get a first or second dose of the vaccine at a Kroger or Walmart location will receive a coupon for a free Cash Ball 225 ticket.
Team Kentucky’s Shot at a Million allows Kentuckians with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination to enter a lottery. 12-17 year olds can win one of fifteen full scholarships to any Kentucky institution and those 18 years of age and older have a chance to win one of three $1 million prizes. The last winner was selected on August 27.
Maine “Your Shot to Get Outdoors”
Any Maine resident age 18 and older who gets their first shot of a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine in Maine will qualify to receive one of the rewards below:
Fishing license: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 year 2021 fishing licenses for Maine residents from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Hunting license: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 year 2021 hunting season licenses for eligible Maine residents from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Eligible Maine residents include those who have completed a hunter safety course, have previously held a license, and are not felons.
Maine Wildlife Park pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 passes to the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, which are good for admission through the 2021 season, from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. One pass allows admission for up to two people.
Maine State Park day pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 day passes for Maine residents to Maine State Parks through the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The passes can be used through June 15, 2021. One pass allows admission for one vehicle.
L.L.Bean gift card: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 10,000 $20 gift cards from L.L.Bean for use at their stores.
Sea Dogs admission ticket: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase up to 5,000 tickets from the Portland Sea Dogs, the Double-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, for baseball games at Hadlock Field in Portland for 2021 regular season.
Oxford Plains Speedway pass: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services will purchase from Oxford Plains Speedway up to 5,000 tickets for weekly events in the 2021 racing season.
The state will offer a $100 financial incentive to state employees who elect to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. To receive the incentive, employees must provide their HR office with proof of vaccination, and agree to receive all subsequent CDC-recommended booster vaccinations within 18 months of being fully vaccinated. The incentive is retroactive, so that all state employees who have already been fully vaccinated also will receive the $100 incentive payment.
VaxToWin: A partnership between the Maryland Lottery and the Maryland Health Department to provide $2 million in prize money for Marylanders who get vaccinated.
MI Vacc to Normal: The MI Vacc to Normal challenge outlines steps that Michiganders can take to emerge from the pandemic.
Once the state documents that 70 percent of the eligible population received at least one dose, its orders on masks and limitations for public and private gatherings would be dropped.
Michiganders that bring their friends and neighbors to their COVID-19 vaccine appointments can receive $50 per shot for each appointment.
Fully vaccinated students can win one of 100 $75 gift cards and one student will win a full-ride scholarship. All participants will receive a 20% discount at the CMU bookstore.
Your Shot to Summer: Minnesotans who get vaccinated between Memorial Day weekend through of June 30th will be eligible to choose a reward from nine different options. The incentives are state park passes, fishing licenses, and tickets to fairs and amusement parks. There is also the possibility to receive a $25 Visa card.
Cheers to the Vaccine: Minnesotans 21 years of age and older who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose will be eligible for a free or discounted drink at participating establishments starting May 28 through June 30.
Minnesotans who receive their first shot before August 19 will receive $100.
New Jersey
Shot and a Beer: In partnership with the Brewer’s Guild of New Jersey, the Governor’s Office and the Department of Health have launched the “Shot and a Beer” program to encourage eligible New Jerseyans ages 21 and over to get vaccinated. Any New Jerseyan who gets their first vaccine dose in the month of May and takes their vaccination card to a participating brewery as proof of vaccination will receive a free beer, courtesy of the participating brewery. This program will end May 31.
Vax and Visit: Beginning May 27th through July 4th, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection will offer a State Parks Vax Pass – allowing free access to State parks, including Island Beach State Park – good through December 31st, 2021.
New Jerseyans aged 21 and older who receive their first shot before the end of May can visit a participating winery for a free glass of wine.
New Jerseyans who receive a shot before May 31 can enter to win dinner with Governor Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy.
New York
A promotion provided free tickets to Mets games from May 24 through June 17 and to Yankee games from May 7 through June 6 for newly vaccinated people, along with another promotion that gave residents free weekly subway passes.
Vaccination program that will provide free NYS Lottery scratch-off tickets to individuals 18 and over with a grand prize of $5 million.
Every person who receives the COVID-19 vaccine, either a first dose or single dose of Johnson & Johnson, anywhere in New York State this week is eligible to receive a free two-day pass to any state park.
“Get a Shot to Make Your Future”: New Yorkers ages 12 to 17 can win of 50 four year full ride scholarships to any New York State public college or university. Drawings began June 1 and ended June 30.
Ohioans aged 18 and older will be entered into “Ohio Vax-a-Million,” a weekly drawing with a prize of up to $1 million. A total of five weekly drawings for each prize will take place, with the first winners being announced May 26. Winners must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the date of their respective drawing.
Ohioans 17 and under who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination will be entered into a drawing for a full, four-year scholarship to any of Ohio’s state colleges and universities, including full tuition, room and board, and books. A total of five weekly drawings for a full, four-year scholarship will take place, with the first winner being announced May 26.
Ohioans aged 12-25 who have received at least their first dose of Pfizer of Moderna vaccine or one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine can register for Ohio Vax-2-School for 150 scholarships of $10,000 or $100,000 to an Ohio college or university.
Oregonians 18 and older will have the chance to win $1 million or one of 36 $10,000 prizes–with one winner in each county in Oregon. Oregonians age 12 to 17 will have a chance to win one of five $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships. All Oregonians who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the draw date will be entered to win.
West Virginia
West Virginia is offering $100 savings bond or $100 gift card to anyone between the ages of 16 to 35 who receives, or has already received, a COVID-19 vaccine. Money for this incentive will come from federal CARES Act funding.
Starting June 20th, West Virginia residents who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible to enter to in a lottery-style drawing. The first round of prizes to be given away include:
(2) Full four-year scholarships to any West Virginia institution for kids ages 12 to 25-years-old
(2) Brand-new, custom-outfitted trucks
(25) Weekend getaways” to West Virginia State Parks
(5) Lifetime hunting and fishing licenses
(5) Custom hunting rifles
(5) Custom hunting shotguns
$1 million
West Virginia is offering a second round of Do It For Babydog Vaccine Sweepstakes that will run for 6 weeks. Prizes include:
Full four-year scholarships to any West Virginia institution for kids ages 12 to 25-years-old
Luxury High-End Sports Car
Custom Fishing or Pontoon Boat
$150,000 towards the Wedding of your Dreams
Free Gas for 10 years
WVU Football or Basketball Season Ticket Package for two
Marshall Football or Basketball Season Ticket Package for two
2021-2022 Season Passes for two to a Ski Resort in West Virginia
Premium ATV or Side by Side
Top of the Line Zero Turn Lawn Mower
ode sve u totalno ludilo...
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Cities, states offer incentives – including gift cards – for children to get COVID vaccine
Children ages 5 to 11 are now eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and cities like New York City and Chicago are incentivizing kids to get vaccinated.
Children in New York City can either get $100 if they receive their first dose of the vaccine within the city or tickets to city attractions.
"We really want kids to take advantage, families take advantage of that," Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday. "Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays. But, most importantly, we want our kids and our families to be safe."
Meanwhile, Louisiana also is offering $100 to children who get vaccinated, and in Texas, San Antonio officials announced parents can claim a $100 gift card for H-E-B grocery stores.
Children ages 5 to 11 are now eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and cities like New York City and Chicago are incentivizing kids to get vaccinated.
Children in New York City can either get $100 if they receive their first dose of the vaccine within the city or tickets to city attractions.
"We really want kids to take advantage, families take advantage of that," Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday. "Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays. But, most importantly, we want our kids and our families to be safe."
Meanwhile, Louisiana also is offering $100 to children who get vaccinated, and in Texas, San Antonio officials announced parents can claim a $100 gift card for H-E-B grocery stores.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Why you should vaccinate your 5-to-11-year-old
'It would be a good idea to vaccinate the children': Fauci on vaccines for kids 03:30
'It would be a good idea to vaccinate the children': Fauci on vaccines for kids 03:30
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
pa to je otišlo još ljetos kad je izašla ona luda vijest da su dionice pale i da su investitori zabrinuti pa su dobili garanciju da se nemaju čega brinut...Gnječ wrote:
ode sve u totalno ludilo...
pa to su bilijarde a glupani uporno mantraju cjepivo je džabe. 7 biliona doza je džabe. što je onda čudno u nekoj lutiji di daju audi ili bmw...jebote kikiriki.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
'Vaccinate, Educate, Graduate'
Enter your vaccinated 5-11-year-old for a chance to win a full scholarship to a SUNY or CUNY school.
'Vaccinate, Educate, Graduate'
Enter your vaccinated 5-11-year-old for a chance to win a full scholarship to a SUNY or CUNY school.
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