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Da remiziram...vol II.

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 12:08

Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 8


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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 12:10

Eroo wrote:Neslužbeno: 40 novozaraženih, 1.89% od broja testiranih.  

14 dnevna incidenca : 139.8/100 k stanovnika i pad -62.1%
  7 dnevna incidenca :   52.3/100k stanovnika i pad -40,3%.

Prosjek od 7 proteklih dana : 303/dan, iliti 75/1M st.na dan.

Posts : 78073

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 12:22

Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two — that’s an average of 30 people every day. So, what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23. We don’t have numbers past that, we’re not quite up to date. But we can assume that another 360 people have died in the 12 days since. That is a total of 3,722 deaths. Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.

The data we just cited come from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System — VAERS — which is managed by the CDC and the FDA. VARES has received a lot of criticism over the years, some of it founded. Some critics have argued for a long time that VARES undercounts vaccine injuries. A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 concluded that "fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported" by the VARES system. Fewer than one percent. So what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccine? Well, we don’t know that number. Nobody does, and we’re not going to speculate about it. But it’s clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It’s not even close to what we’ve seen in previous years with previous vaccines.

Most vaccines are not accused of killing large numbers of people. The Menveo vaccine, for example, is given to people around the world, often children, to prevent bacterial meningitis. In this country, only one person died from that vaccine in the entire period between 2010 and 2015. One.

So, compare that to what’s happening now. In just the first four months of this year, the U.S. government has recorded more deaths after COVID vaccinations than from all other vaccines administered in the United States between mid-1997 and the end of 2013.

That’s a period of fifteen and a half years. Again, more people, according to VAERS, have died after getting the shot in four months during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccines combined over more than a decade and a half. Chart that out. It’s a stunning picture. Now, the debate is over what it means. Again, there’s a lot of criticism of the reporting system. Some people say "well, it’s just a coincidence that someone gets the shot and then dies, possibly from other causes." No one really knows, is the truth. We spoke to one physician today who actively treats COVID patients. He described what we’re seeing now as the single deadliest mass-vaccination event in modern history. Whatever is causing it, it is happening as we speak. So you’d think someone in authority might want to know what’s going on.

If the vaccine injury reporting system is flawed — and it clearly is flawed — why hasn’t it been fixed? And more to the point, why has there not been an independent vaccine safety board to assess what’s happening. And reassure people who stumble across official government numbers on the internet. But amazingly, none of that has been done. No one even mentions the numbers. And in fact, you’re not allowed to. You’ll be pulled off the internet if you do. The people in charge do not acknowledge them. Instead, they warn us about what might happen if we don’t take the vaccine.

Some of the side effects defy explanation. Researcher Alex Berenson has noted that coronavirus vaccines now account for almost one-third of all tinnitus reports in the VAERS database. That’s the ringing in your ears. The American Tinnitus Association says it's received "many questions" on the link.

Researchers at Oxford and UCLA have begun tracking coronavirus vaccine side effects across eight separate countries. They found, that "Women aged 18 to 34 years had a higher rate of deep vein thrombosis than men of the same age." They also found that heart attacks were "common" in people aged 85 and older who had taken the vaccine. They found serious potential side effects in some children, "anaphylaxis [and] appendicitis were more common in young people."

Vaccines are complicated medicines, and as with any drug, it can take a long time to get it precisely right. The dosage, for example. And this is not the first time people have been hurt during a vaccination campaign. That is bound to happen. What’s different this time, and so striking, is the reaction to these numbers. Here’s a contrast for you: in 1976, the U.S. government vaccinated 45 million people with a vaccine for the swine flu. Fifty-three people reportedly died after getting that shot. The U.S. government immediately halted the vaccination program. Authorities decided it was too risky, it wasn’t worth it.

Contrast that with what is happening now. This time, our health authorities have reserved their energy for anyone who dares to question vaccines.


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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 13:21

Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

Posts : 78073

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by mutava baštarda 31/5/2021, 13:27

Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...
Politika je cijepljenje eksperimentalnim cijepivom 70/80% ljudi na planetu.

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 13:41

mutava baštarda wrote:
Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...
Politika je cijepljenje eksperimentalnim cijepivom 70/80% ljudi na planetu.
Foxnews je Trump-politika, mani se toga.
Cjepivo nije više eksperimentalno. Eksperimentalno je bilo kad se testno cijepilo 50.-ak tisuća dobrovoljaca.
Kad se procjepi 100 milijuna ljudi  to nije više eksperimentalno cijepljenje, sve se uglavnom  zna o cjepivu.
Znamo i o virusu puno više nego što smo znali u početku.

Do danas je u USA zabilježeno 34,035,318 zaraženih. Ako uzmemo i broj "zamračenih" (Bakić) s faktorom  3x,
onda možemo zaključiti da je u USA do sada bilo cca 100,000,000 zaraženih. Sto milijuna - jesi li zapamtio?
Od toga ih je umrlo cca 610,000. Pamti i ovo.
Od 100 milijuna cijepljenih je umrlo samo132 ljudi, ito od  COVID-19.
Sve je jasno.


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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 13:44

Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

bijedniče, jadniče, smrade, lažljivče, seronjo turski ti ćeš meni docirati??? od prvog dana tvrdim da je virus iskemijan umjetnim putem u laboratoriju i ovdje sam prvi stavljao hrpu dokaza koje si ti odbacivao i rugao dok si ti svo vrijeme gutao govna koja su ti servirali stručnjaci iz struke i političari. slijepo i poslušno širiš slušajstruku dezinformacije i laži. to ti je ostalo još od sultana iz bosanskog vilayeta i kasnije udbe. retardiran si i kvaran turčine.

za razliku od tebe ja nisam indoktrinirani zombi.

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 14:11

Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

bijedniče, jadniče, smrade, lažljivče, seronjo turski ti ćeš meni docirati??? od prvog dana tvrdim da je virus iskemijan umjetnim putem u laboratoriju i ovdje sam prvi stavljao hrpu dokaza koje si ti odbacivao i rugao dok si ti svo vrijeme gutao govna koja su ti servirali stručnjaci iz struke i političari. slijepo i poslušno širiš slušajstruku dezinformacije i laži. to ti je ostalo još od sultana iz bosanskog vilayeta i kasnije udbe. retardiran si i kvaran turčine.

za razliku od tebe ja nisam indoktrinirani zombi.
Nisi idoktriran ali si zombi.
Bio iskemijan ili neiskemijan virus je tu među nama.
Nikakve to veze nema s onim o čemu pričamo.

Posts : 78073

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 14:25

Have 1,000s of Americans died from COVID-19 vaccines?
The claim abounds online; evidence doesn’t back it up

Updated May 26, 2021; Posted May 26, 2021

A lot of Americans are afraid of the COVID-19 vaccines. They believe the vaccines are killing people.
The statistics fueling this fear typically come from a 30-year-old database known as VAERS -- the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System -- which can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
You may have heard about VAERS from popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who early this month devoted a segment on his TV show to death results associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
“If you haven’t had your shot, you’re under enormous pressure to get your shot,” Carlson said, arguing that unvaccinated Americans soon might not be allowed to get on an airplane or attend their neighbor’s backyard barbecue.
“Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States,” Carlson said on his prime-time program, citing VAERS.
“Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two -- that’s an average of 30 people every day.”
Carlson added that there is much that VAERS doesn’t tell us, then said: “But it’s clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It’s not even close to what we’ve seen in previous years with previous vaccines.”
The blowback to Carlson’s segment was immediate, with news outlets ranging from Reuters to The Wrap noting that Carlson had, at best, muddied the vaccine-information waters.
The problem, in part, is that VAERS is not the kind of database you might expect to find on the CDC website. It is a self-reporting system.
As Reuters reported, “anyone [in the public] can report events to VAERS,” and so “the database contains unverified information.”


Last edited by Speare Shaker on 31/5/2021, 14:27; edited 1 time in total

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 14:26

Eroo wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

bijedniče, jadniče, smrade, lažljivče, seronjo turski ti ćeš meni docirati??? od prvog dana tvrdim da je virus iskemijan umjetnim putem u laboratoriju i ovdje sam prvi stavljao hrpu dokaza koje si ti odbacivao i rugao dok si ti svo vrijeme gutao govna koja su ti servirali stručnjaci iz struke i političari. slijepo i poslušno širiš slušajstruku dezinformacije i laži. to ti je ostalo još od sultana iz bosanskog vilayeta i kasnije udbe. retardiran si i kvaran turčine.

za razliku od tebe ja nisam indoktrinirani zombi.
Nisi idoktriran ali si zombi.
Bio iskemijan ili neiskemijan virus je tu među nama.
Nikakve to veze nema s onim o čemu pričamo.

za tebe nikakve veze nema što je virus sintetički? jel si ti normalan? ček, ti ovako olako pređeš preko informacije da je virus sintetiziran u laboratoriju i meni govoriš da sam zombi?

i još si toliko bezobrazan i kvaran da mene pokušavaš uvjeravati da je to apsolutno nebitno????


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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 14:32

Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

bijedniče, jadniče, smrade, lažljivče, seronjo turski ti ćeš meni docirati??? od prvog dana tvrdim da je virus iskemijan umjetnim putem u laboratoriju i ovdje sam prvi stavljao hrpu dokaza koje si ti odbacivao i rugao dok si ti svo vrijeme gutao govna koja su ti servirali stručnjaci iz struke i političari. slijepo i poslušno širiš slušajstruku dezinformacije i laži. to ti je ostalo još od sultana iz bosanskog vilayeta i kasnije udbe. retardiran si i kvaran turčine.

za razliku od tebe ja nisam indoktrinirani zombi.
Nisi idoktriran ali si zombi.
Bio iskemijan ili neiskemijan virus je tu među nama.
Nikakve to veze nema s onim o čemu pričamo.

za tebe nikakve veze nema što je virus sintetički? jel si ti normalan? ček, ti ovako olako pređeš preko informacije da je virus sintetiziran u laboratoriju i meni govoriš da sam zombi?

i još si toliko bezobrazan i kvaran da mene pokušavaš uvjeravati da je to apsolutno nebitno????

Glede cijepljenja je nebitno.
Virus je sekvencioniran (svi sojevi) i imamo cjepivo koje je učinkovito, Pfizer čak 96%.

Posts : 78073

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 14:34

Speare Shaker wrote:Have 1,000s of Americans died from COVID-19 vaccines?
The claim abounds online; evidence doesn’t back it up

Updated May 26, 2021; Posted May 26, 2021

A lot of Americans are afraid of the COVID-19 vaccines. They believe the vaccines are killing people.
The statistics fueling this fear typically come from a 30-year-old database known as VAERS -- the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System -- which can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
You may have heard about VAERS from popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who early this month devoted a segment on his TV show to death results associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
“If you haven’t had your shot, you’re under enormous pressure to get your shot,” Carlson said, arguing that unvaccinated Americans soon might not be allowed to get on an airplane or attend their neighbor’s backyard barbecue.
“Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States,” Carlson said on his prime-time program, citing VAERS.
“Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two -- that’s an average of 30 people every day.”
Carlson added that there is much that VAERS doesn’t tell us, then said: “But it’s clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It’s not even close to what we’ve seen in previous years with previous vaccines.”
The blowback to Carlson’s segment was immediate, with news outlets ranging from Reuters to The Wrap noting that Carlson had, at best, muddied the vaccine-information waters.
The problem, in part, is that VAERS is not the kind of database you might expect to find on the CDC website. It is a self-reporting system.
As Reuters reported, “anyone [in the public] can report events to VAERS,” and so “the database contains unverified information.”


CDC disclaimers on VAERS point out that the database may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable,” and that “the inclusion of events in VAERS data does not imply causality.”

The national public-health agency also has stated that its review of the medical records of those who died shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths.

In short, maybe some 4,000 Americans have died after receiving COVID-19 vaccines.
Maybe a lot more than that have.
But however many it is, VAERS doesn’t tell us why they died.
People die every day for many different reasons: heart disease, car accident, cancer, accidental choking, and so on.
And some people, logically, are going to die not long after getting a vaccine shot for reasons that have nothing to do with getting that vaccine shot.

VAERS, that is, is a starting point for medical researchers, not an end point. Looking at this raw, unverified data offers very little insight.


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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 14:38

Speare Shaker wrote: 
The problem, in part, is that VAERS is not the kind of database you might expect to find on the CDC website. It is a self-reporting system.
As Reuters reported, “anyone [in the public] can report events to VAERS,” and so “the database contains unverified information.”
Tako sam i mislio.

Posts : 78073

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 14:46

Eroo wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:Gnječo,  ne čitaj fake news, a još manje im vjeruj.
Ta tekst, koji si postao, je totalni bućkuriš, s više politike nego istine.
Američki CDC je objavio službene podatke, da je od 100,000,000 cijepljenih 
umrlo 132 ljudi. To znači nešto malo više od 1 na milijun cijepljenih.
Umrli su  zato  što su bili okuženi i zbog COVID-19. 
Pfiizer cjepivo ima učinkovitost 95%, a Moderna 94%. Znači da 5-6 % ljudi
ne razvije imunost, a kreće se među zaraženima i oboli. 
To je sva istina. 
Koga još zanima trenutna američka politika? Sve im je politika, virus je dugo
vremena bio čak i smiješan (Trump) itd...

bijedniče, jadniče, smrade, lažljivče, seronjo turski ti ćeš meni docirati??? od prvog dana tvrdim da je virus iskemijan umjetnim putem u laboratoriju i ovdje sam prvi stavljao hrpu dokaza koje si ti odbacivao i rugao dok si ti svo vrijeme gutao govna koja su ti servirali stručnjaci iz struke i političari. slijepo i poslušno širiš slušajstruku dezinformacije i laži. to ti je ostalo još od sultana iz bosanskog vilayeta i kasnije udbe. retardiran si i kvaran turčine.

za razliku od tebe ja nisam indoktrinirani zombi.
Nisi idoktriran ali si zombi.
Bio iskemijan ili neiskemijan virus je tu među nama.
Nikakve to veze nema s onim o čemu pričamo.

za tebe nikakve veze nema što je virus sintetički? jel si ti normalan? ček, ti ovako olako pređeš preko informacije da je virus sintetiziran u laboratoriju i meni govoriš da sam zombi?

i još si toliko bezobrazan i kvaran da mene pokušavaš uvjeravati da je to apsolutno nebitno????

Glede cijepljenja je nebitno.
Virus je sekvencioniran (svi sojevi) i imamo cjepivo koje je učinkovito, Pfizer čak 96%.

tebi fali nešto. ti nisi svjestan svog neznanja. takvi polupismeni idioti poput tebe su najopasnija pasmina koja postoji na kugli zemaljskoj.

sad moramo razjasniti dvije opcije: ili si plaćen da budeš bot troll ili si ono što sam napisao iznad.

SARS-CoV2 je highly variable RNA virus. još se ekipa virologa koji su sudjelovali u kemijanju hvalila u jednom mailu: At last we have a highly variable virus.

znaš što je to? HVV: These viruses are capable of constantly changing the genes coding for their surface proteins as well as for their nonsurface proteins.

da ti olakšam, za takav tip virusa ne postoji cjepivo. jer čak i da se cjepiš kao sada virus će se još brže adaptirati i mutirati. na jesen očekuj kataklizmu. vi cjepljeni imate velike šanse da ćete prvi kihnuti.

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Da remiziram...vol II.  - Page 23 Empty Re: Da remiziram...vol II.

Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 15:28

U Bruxellesu predložili nove mjere za slobodu kretanja unutar EU, sada je konačno sve jasno!


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Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 15:33

U Bruxellesu predložili nove mjere za slobodu kretanja unutar EU, sada je konačno sve jasno!


i? nema kovid putovnica na koje si toliko svršavao.

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Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 16:56

CDC Data Shows Over 200,000 Adverse VAERS Reports After COVID Vaccines, Including 943 Among 12 to 17 Year-Olds
May 28, 2021 By NEWS WIRE

VAERS data released today showed 227,805 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,201 deaths and 18,528 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021.

The number of reported adverse events following COVID vaccines surpassed 200,000 according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 14, a total of 227,805 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 4,201 deaths — an increase of 144 over the previous week — and 18,528 serious injuries, up 1,338 since last week.

This week’s data showed 943 total adverse events, including 23 rated as serious, among 12- to -17-year-olds.

In the U.S., 268.4 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of May 14. This includes 115 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 144 million doses of Pfizer and 9 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 4,201 deaths reported as of May 14, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s VAERS data show:

   20% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
   54% of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
   The average age of death was 74.7 and the youngest deaths reported include two 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918 and 1242573 ) and a 16-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1225942). There were other reported deaths in children under 16 that could not be confirmed or contained obvious errors.
   As of May 14, 1,140 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 351 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
   Of the 2,275 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 51% were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations, 42% following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine and 192 cases, or 10%, of Bell’s Palsy cases were reported in conjunction with J&J.
   There were 195 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome with 40% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 38% to Moderna and 26% to J&J.
   There were 65,854 reports of anaphylaxis with 38% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 51% to Moderna and 11% to J&J.
   There were 3,758 reports of clotting disorders and other related conditions. Of those, 1,468 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 1,093 reports to Moderna and 1,093 reports to J&J.

COVID vaccines may not work for millions with underlying conditions

As The Defender reported May 19, some experts are questioning the CDC’s recommendation that immunocompromised people get vaccinated after new research showed 15% to 80% of people with underlying health disorders and those on immunosuppressive medications mount few, if any, antibodies to COVID vaccines.

Yet, current CDC guidelines indicate those with compromised immune systems should be vaccinated for COVID even though “no data are available to establish COVID vaccine safety and efficacy in these groups” as people with compromised immune systems or those who take immunosuppressants for a medical condition were largely excluded from vaccine clinical trials.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internal medicine physician, said it’s the responsibility of the CDC to determine the risks and benefits of every vaccine for different groups of people. For COVID vaccines, Nass said, the CDC has failed to publish that information, or tell the public which groups might be at a higher risk of suffering an adverse reaction that far outweighs any potential benefit.

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Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 17:41

REVEALED: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose Global Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns
May 27, 2021 By NEWS WIRE

A recent report published by Project Veritas in New York details how multiple Facebook whistleblowers have exposed leaked internal documents detailing the tech monopoly’s new effort to secretly censor its platform’s users who express any vaccine concerns or legitimate skepticism. Not surprisingly, the program goes all the way up to the level of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Worse yet, this censorship effort – being done on behalf of a deeply corrupt pharmaceutical industry – appears to be conducted on a global scale.

Facebook has responded: “We proactively announced this policy on our company blog and also updated our help center with this information.” -Facebook company spokesperson

Two Facebook Insiders have come forward with internal company documents detailing a plan to curb “vaccine hesitancy” (VH) on a global scale.
The stated goal of this feature is to “drastically reduce user exposure” to VH comments. Another aim of the program is to force a “decrease in other engagement of VH comments including create, likes, reports [and] replies.”
It was such a shocking revelation, that it moved not just one — but two whistleblowers to come forward to Project Veritas, so the public could be made aware of this plan to stifle free speech.
One Facebook whistleblower said the company uses a tier system to determine how a comment should be censored or buried.
Comments that include “shocking stories” describing potentially or actually true events, or facts that can raise safety concerns” — are demoted.
“True events or facts” that raise concern about Covid vaccinations are fair game to be demoted and hidden — according to our source — despite their authenticity or capacity to contribute to the public good.
“I have to do something,” one of the Facebook insiders said.
Project Veritas reached out to a top Facebook Spokesperson about these documents and received only a brief and broad statement in reply, that failed to address our biggest questions regarding transparency.
They’re trying to control this content before it even makes it onto your page before you even see it,” the other Facebook insider added. “If I lose my job, it’s like, what do I do? But that’s less of a concern to me.”

[Westchester, NY – May 24, 2021] Two Facebook Insiders have come forward to Project Veritas with leaked internal documents, showing the Big Tech giant’s plan to police “Vaccine Hesitancy” (VH) through surreptitious “comment demotion.”

The company has set up a tier system to rank comments on various scales, based on how much the statement questions or cautions against the Covid-19 vaccination. Watch:

ier 2, for instance, represents “Indirect Discouragement” of getting vaccinated and according to PV’s sources, user comments such as these would be heavily “suppressed.”

It doesn’t matter if the comments are true, factual or represent reality. The comment is demoted, buried and hidden from view of the public if it clashes with this system.

“It doesn’t match the narrative,” one insider explained. “The narrative being, get the vaccine, the vaccine is good for you. Everyone should get it. And if you don’t, you will be singled out,”

One of the insiders, a Data Center Technician, leaked multiple internal documents detailing an algorithm test being run on 1.5 percent of Facebook and Instagram’s nearly 3.8 billion users worldwide.

The goal? To, “drastically reduce user exposure to vaccine hesitancy (VH) in comments.”

“They’re trying to control this content before it even makes it onto your page before you even see it,” one insider said.

1. The authors of the plan are credited as Joo Ho Yeo, Nick Gibian, Hendrick Townley, Amit Bahl and Matt Gilles.

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Facebook also established a “Vaccine Hesitancy” scoring system to establish numerical thresholds for certain content.

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The company instituted tiers to describe the tone of certain posts, with some being categorized as “sensational/alarmist” or “criticizing choice.” The responses range from outright removal to comment demotions.

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An enforcement document obtained by one of the Insiders showed Facebook’s goal of reducing the distribution of comments seemingly skeptical of Covid vaccination.

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Facebook’s Ben Freeman sends internal message to colleagues informing them of data gathering and action to be taken regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

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VAERS data analyzed by Facebook.

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“Vaccine Hesitancy Comment Demotion” Tier 1 and Tier 2 explained.

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Post by Eroo 31/5/2021, 18:46

Gnječo, hvale vrijedan je tvoj trud , ali te plahte  mi ne pada na pamet čitati.
Postavi samo link, uz tvoj karatak rezime i komentar.
Pitaj i ostale kolege, isto će ti reći.

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Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 19:15

Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about new peer-reviewed studies that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT, and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.

Let's get talking.

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Post by Guest 31/5/2021, 19:45

Brain Fog Explained as Study Shows SARS-CoV-2 Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier

A study in Nature Neuroscience shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, likely contributing to symptoms of brain fog and other cognitive effects reported by people infected with the virus.

The spike protein of the virus, which is usually referred to as the S1 protein, is the key driver that helps the virus cross the blood-brain barrier. According to the lead study author William A. Banks, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a Puget Sound Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, binding proteins like S1 typically cause damage by themselves as they sometimes detach from the virus and cause inflammation.

Likewise, the S1 protein in SARS-CoV-2 causes the brain to release cytokines and inflammatory products, he said in an interview.

Researchers studying the SARS-CoV-2 virus often cite the “cytokine storm” as an important marker of disease severity, as cytokines are inflammatory proteins that lead to symptoms of severe disease. When the immune system notices the virus and its proteins, it goes into hyperdrive and produces these cytokines as part of an effort to neutralize the invading virus.

In the study, Banks and colleagues noticed the S1 protein in SARS-CoV2 functions similarly to the gp 120 protein in HIV-1. These are glycoproteins, or proteins that contain sugars. Both the S1 and gp 120 proteins function as the arms and hands of the viruses, which helps them grab onto other receptors. Additionally, both show the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and exhibit potentially toxic behavior in brain tissues.

In April, Banks and fellow researchers put their Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes and HIV research work on hold to study the S1 protein in SARS-CoV-2. Jacob Raber, a professor in the departments of Behavioral Neuroscience, Neurology, and Radiation Medicine, a long-time collaborator with Banks’ lab, joined researchers from Oregon Health & Science University to assist in this laboratory work.

"We know that when you have the COVID infection you have trouble breathing and that's because there's infection in your lung,” said Banks, “but an additional explanation is that the virus enters the respiratory centers of the brain and causes problems there as well.

"You do not want to mess with this virus," said Banks in response to his research findings. "Many of the effects that the COVID virus has could be accentuated or perpetuated or even caused by the virus getting in the brain and those effects could last for a very long time."

While brain fog is a common symptom associated with COVID-19, other neurocognitive effects of infection have been reported. Recently, a study from the University of Oxford published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that COVID-19 was associated with an increased risk of adverse mental health issues. Additionally, these researchers found that having a psychiatric disorder increased the likelihood of receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis. In fact, a COVID-19 diagnosis was associated with an increased incidence of a first diagnosis of insomnia, depression or anxiety approximately 14 to 90 days after diagnosis.


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