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Dernek u Slavjansku

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 31/5/2014, 20:33

A on bi bio gradonačelnik  (pazi kurca) Kijeva. aupm,svaka šuša bi u političare.
 Kako je šporak u boksu,tako će i u politici. Govno bio kličko, govno ostao.


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 1/6/2014, 08:40

Ruski avion koji radar uopće ne vidi
Kao mogući dodatni pritisak na vladu u Kijevu može se protumačiti rusko predstavljanje novog “nevidljivog” zrakoplova Suhoj PAK-FA 50 na kojem je bio i predsjednik Putin. Tvrde da je riječ o zrakoplovu koji je u gotovo svim performansama bolji od američkog F-22 Raptora. Nevidljivost ne postiže poznatom tehnologijom, nego je riječ o novim, nanotehnološkim materijalima.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 1/6/2014, 10:59

Штурмовая авиация обстреливает Донецк во время запланированных выпускных вечеров. ВИДЕО

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 292706
"Мы будем вести диалог с киевскими властями только в случае признания независимости Донецкой и Луганской республик и вывода украинских войск с этих территорий", - заявил премьер ДНР Александр Бородай. Также он обратился к родителям выпускников донецких школ, чтобы они не проводили выпускные вечера в течение всей ночи.
Напомним, 12 мая Донецкая и Луганская "народные республики" объявили о своей независимости на основании проведенных в регионах референдумов. Руководство Украины отказало этим плебисцитам в легитимности и пригрозило их организаторам уголовной ответственностью. 24 мая самопровозглашенные республики объединились в единое государство Новороссия.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 1/6/2014, 20:36

GPS sites in Russia can’t be used now for ‘military purposes’Russia has “taken under control” the operation of 11 American GPS sites and ensured they cannot be used for military purposes, as Washington and Moscow show no progress in negotiations on setting up Russian GLONASS stations on US territory.
Russia has “taken under control” the operation of 11 American GPS sites and ensured they cannot be used for military purposes, as Washington and Moscow show no progress in negotiations on setting up Russian GLONASS stations on US territory.

May 31 was the last day when Russia and the US could have reached a deal on the issue.

“In compliance with the Russian government’s instruction, Roscosmos and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations implemented measures on June 1, 2014, which excluded the use of information from global seismographic network stations working on signals from the GPS system and located on the territory of the Russian Federation for purposes not stipulated by the existing agreements, including for military purposes,”Russia’s Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) said on Sunday morning.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 1/6/2014, 20:36

Yehudi wrote:GPS sites in Russia can’t be used now for ‘military purposes’Russia has “taken under control” the operation of 11 American GPS sites and ensured they cannot be used for military purposes, as Washington and Moscow show no progress in negotiations on setting up Russian GLONASS stations on US territory.
Russia has “taken under control” the operation of 11 American GPS sites and ensured they cannot be used for military purposes, as Washington and Moscow show no progress in negotiations on setting up Russian GLONASS stations on US territory.

May 31 was the last day when Russia and the US could have reached a deal on the issue.

“In compliance with the Russian government’s instruction, Roscosmos and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations implemented measures on June 1, 2014, which excluded the use of information from global seismographic network stations working on signals from the GPS system and located on the territory of the Russian Federation for purposes not stipulated by the existing agreements, including for military purposes,”Russia’s Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) said on Sunday morning.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 1/6/2014, 21:27

Parents in Ukraine’s Donetsk rally, demand security for their kids (PHOTOS, VIDEO)Over a thousand people rallied in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday demanding that children be protected from Kiev’s assault, with posters reading "Save Donbass kids from the Ukrainian army!"
Over a thousand people rallied in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday demanding that children be protected from Kiev’s assault, with posters reading "Save Donbass kids from the Ukrainian army!"

The "Protect Donbass Children" rally saw several hundreds come out on Sunday to the city center, many holding banners reading "No to the Ukrainian army," "Slavic world without fascism" and "We are for peace". Mothers with their kids, some injured women among them, demanded an end to the offensive in the region. 

The military operation has not stopped after the Ukrainian elections, but has, in fact, intensified. Several children were reported injured in Slavyansk on May 30, after the Ukrainian military shelled the town’s residential area, with one of the shells hitting a children’s hospital. A couple of days earlier a school and a kindergarten were damaged by Kiev's fire in Slavyansk. 

Women rallying in the region say they want to attract the international community's attention to the fact that civilians are being targeted by the Ukrainian army. 

"Snipers shoot at our children. We don't have words to express it any more, just emotions, tears and pain," one woman told Mir24 journalists at the rally

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 BpC8NVzCAAAPbNa

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 2/6/2014, 06:32

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 BpCuT9HIEAEt1Lw
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Z_qKENGs_normalДонецкая Республика @dnrpress

REPOST!Нас убивают!Спасите детей Донбасса от украинской армии.They are killing us

1:52 PM - 1 Jun 2014

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ragnarok 2/6/2014, 09:58

Yehudi wrote:Jebu klička majdanci HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
A on bi bio gradonačelnik  (pazi kurca) Kijeva. aupm,svaka šuša bi u političare.
 Kako je šporak u boksu,tako će i u politici. Govno bio kličko, govno ostao.
Zašto je on govno? I kako je to bio šporak u boksu?

P.S. Ma ne Putin bi tribo vladat Ukrajinom, šta imaju ti ukrajinci vladati u svojoj zemlji! Ja ne znam kako imaju obraza

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 2/6/2014, 17:16

Pogledaj malo njegove mečeve. Naslanja se na protivnike svom težinom (sudac ga upozorava na to), stopalom staje na stopalo protivnika, nakon naslanjanja odguruje protivnika hrvačkom tehnikom. Da ne govorim o tome kako bira suparnike, isključivo one koje će moći lako dobiti. 
Zar mu nije zadnji put došao lik na službeno vaganje i glasno ga prozvao za kukavičluk. Tražio je da njega izabere za suparnika. Medjutim pičkica ništa ne odgovara na to.
Pogrešno to rade u savezu. Zašto bi on imao pravo birati suparnika? Ima se boriti protivu onoga koga mu odredi savez, udruga, a ne da on bira tko će mu biti suparnik. Lako tako.
 Šta se tiče politike. Pa neka oni sami biraju tko će im biti na vlasti ALI NE OVAKO- Ne pučem, ne 
 fašističkim divljanjem, batinanjima,  klanjima i spaljivanjima neistomišljenika. Oligarsi su formirali svoje privatne vojske i plaćaju "demonstrante za demokraciju". Siroti narodje spreman danimabauljeti po ulicama samo kako bi dobili 20 Eura. Banditi -desnog sektora- su plaćeni toliko da dnevno dobiju 1000 -grinja- a radnik mjesečno 600- pa ti gledaj. I još je toj paravojsci dopuštenoubijati neistomišljenike, maltretirati narod i granatirati stambene četvrti.......................HALLO

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ragnarok 2/6/2014, 21:41

Yehudi wrote:Pogledaj malo njegove mečeve. Naslanja se na protivnike svom težinom (sudac ga upozorava na to), stopalom staje na stopalo protivnika, nakon naslanjanja odguruje protivnika hrvačkom tehnikom. Da ne govorim o tome kako bira suparnike, isključivo one koje će moći lako dobiti. 
Zar mu nije zadnji put došao lik na službeno vaganje i glasno ga prozvao za kukavičluk. Tražio je da njega izabere za suparnika. Medjutim pičkica ništa ne odgovara na to.
Pogrešno to rade u savezu. Zašto bi on imao pravo birati suparnika? Ima se boriti protivu onoga koga mu odredi savez, udruga, a ne da on bira tko će mu biti suparnik. Lako tako.
 Šta se tiče politike. Pa neka oni sami biraju tko će im biti na vlasti ALI NE OVAKO- Ne pučem, ne 
 fašističkim divljanjem, batinanjima,  klanjima i spaljivanjima neistomišljenika. Oligarsi su formirali svoje privatne vojske i plaćaju "demonstrante za demokraciju". Siroti narodje spreman danimabauljeti po ulicama samo kako bi dobili 20 Eura. Banditi -desnog sektora- su plaćeni toliko da dnevno dobiju 1000 -grinja- a radnik mjesečno 600- pa ti gledaj. I još je toj paravojsci dopuštenoubijati neistomišljenike, maltretirati narod i granatirati stambene četvrti.......................HALLO

To su obično primjedbe za Vladimira, a ovdi je rič o Vitaliju. No nebitno boks sada, mislim da nisi tu baš potkovan.

A bogati normalno da ne triba ubijat bez razloga, ali bogamo kako stat na noge kad ti prvi susjed radi sve da te sjebe u zdrav  mozak!

Kada krene rat nema tu puno priče, i ja sam iz moralni razloga na strani Ukrajine bez obzira što mislili svi o njima. Oni brane svoj dom, i kao takve nikad ih rusi neće pobijediti

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 08:25

Po meni je stvar drugačija jer oni upravo napadaju opkoljene gradove. Na zapadu zemlje se ne vodi rat već se na istoku granatiraju i bombardiraju gradovi .

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ragnarok 3/6/2014, 09:16

Yehudi wrote:Po meni je stvar drugačija jer oni upravo napadaju opkoljene gradove. Na zapadu zemlje se ne vodi rat već se na istoku granatiraju i bombardiraju gradovi .

Tako je i u Hrvatskoj bilo. Ideš se riješiti terorista. Ruje seru previše.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 22:27

Ragnarok wrote:
Yehudi wrote:Po meni je stvar drugačija jer oni upravo napadaju opkoljene gradove. Na zapadu zemlje se ne vodi rat već se na istoku granatiraju i bombardiraju gradovi .

Tako je i u Hrvatskoj bilo. 
Da bilo je slično kad je JNA napadala Vukovar.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 22:31

Confirmed: Ukrainian air force fired over 150 missiles at Lugansk, bombed admin HQKiev has admitted showering the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk with dozens of missiles from the air, saying that its Air Force helicopters and jets “fired more than 150 missiles” in Monday’s military actionDernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Ukraine-bombs-lugansk-missiles.n
[size=14]181 people killed, 293 injured in Kiev military op in eastern UkraineKiev’s military operation in eastern Ukraine has left 181 people killed, including 59 of ruling regime troops, and 293 injured, according to the country’s Prosecutor General.[/size]

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 22:41

4yo among seven Ukrainian kids wounded in clashes – UN
The UN children’s rights body has raised the alarm over seven children injured since Kiev intensified its military operation in the east of Ukraine a month ago, as residential areas have increasingly come under fire.
Shells hit school, kindergarten in Slavyansk amid Ukraine military op (VIDEO)
The seven children UNICEF talks about were not looking for trouble when they received their gunshot or shrapnel wounds. The UN Children's Fund gives a couple of examples of what can happen to a child in Ukraine, while the military operation is in full swing there. 

In one case, a 15- year-old boy was wounded while in a car at a checkpoint,” UNICEF says. “Currently a kid, who got shot in the stomach and had his intestines damaged, is in serious condition.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 22:44

Devastation: Ukraine army shells hit another hospital (VIDEO)
Published time: June 03, 2014 16:45 
Edited time: June 03, 2014 19:20Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Hospital-school-shelled-ukraine-.si

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The village of Krasny Liman near Slavyansk in the Donetsk region was heavily shelled by the Ukrainian army during Kiev’s military operation Tuesday. Residents were killed and injured as shells hit a hospital, school and train station, locals told RT.
Read RT's live updates on the violence in Ukraine
There are reports of killed and injured.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 3/6/2014, 23:33

 Ukrajinski fašisti granatiraju civile.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ragnarok 4/6/2014, 10:27

Yehudi wrote:
Ragnarok wrote:
Yehudi wrote:Po meni je stvar drugačija jer oni upravo napadaju opkoljene gradove. Na zapadu zemlje se ne vodi rat već se na istoku granatiraju i bombardiraju gradovi .

Tako je i u Hrvatskoj bilo. 
Da bilo je slično kad je JNA napadala Vukovar.
Kad me citiraj, citiraj sve, zna se tko su bili teroristi u Hrvatskoj.

A tvoj vidio ili više njih o civilima koji pate nema smisla u utvrđivanju tko je upravu, ako itko je.

Ili bi iste 'argumente' koristio i u slučaju Izraela?

Rat je pakao i jebajiga

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 4/6/2014, 21:48

NATO ‘beefing up muscles’ over Ukraine crisis a mistake – Russia
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Chirkin-ukraine-nato-buildup.si

If NATO is using the situation in Ukraine to "beef up its own muscles," it is a “detrimental” policy, said Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s ambassador to the UN and current president of the Security Council, urging a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Obama pledges $1bn for more troops, military drills in Eastern Europe

Ma vidi smradova  američkih.Već je 5 Milijardi $ uloženo samo u državni PUČ, a sada još daju milijune kako bi se održalo ratno stanje.Kako bi inače prodavali oružje?
Churkin warned against attempts to “take advantage of the dramatic situation in Ukraine” at a press conference on Tuesday, when he was asked whether he believed Obama’s visit to Europe could help resolve the crisis or make it worse. 

You know, I used to be Liaison Ambassador to NATO a while ago and I keep following [it],” Churkin said. “From time to time they try to take advantage of certain situations in order to get jump-started. They keep looking for some kind of a new mission to perform. So if this crisis is used for that purpose, I think that is going to be detrimental for overall international interaction.” 
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 B-1

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) confirmed on Tuesday that a fatal explosion at an administrative building in eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk was from an airstrike. Kiev has so far denied the responsibility for the incident, although it admitted showering the same city with 150 missiles from the air in a military action on Monday. 

Kiev's ‘indiscriminate shelling of residential areas’ must be stopped – Russia 

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 5/6/2014, 16:40

NATO troops and bases not welcome in Slovakia and Czech RepublicTwo Eastern European nations, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, have refused to host foreign troops and military bases. The prime ministers of both countries have consecutively spoken against the proposal voiced by US .

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 5 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 7/6/2014, 08:34

Slavyansk blockade: Shelling non-stop, shops closed, no meds, no chance to evacuateThe Ukrainian National Guard continues to shell Slavyansk, completely surrounded by armored vehicles and military checkpoints, locals report. Residents are hiding in cellars without electricity and water and no chance to evacuate from the besieged city.They have destroyed at least 4 houses, schools, daycare have all been destroyed, the pharmacies have all been destroyed. We have no work. We have no water or electricity.

The city has been completely surrounded, Vitaly confirmed. A real war is raging in Slavyansk and the military tactics used by Kiev is more than “disturbing,” he added.

“The children are afraid,” he said. “Two streets in Slavyansk have been completely obliterated.”

“A genocide is underway, they have no clue what they are bombing,” press secretary of the People’s Mayor of Slavyansk, Stella Khorosheva said. “During the shelling of the city, according to preliminary data, Ukrainian security forces used multiple Grad rocket launchers,” she added.

Meanwhile the village of Cherevkovka is also being shelled by artillery – in particular the “Akacia” howitzer and Tyulpan self-propelled mortars. “It seems that without the reconnaissance plane, the artillery has no clue where to fire. They fire everywhere. They have enormous expenditure of ammunition,”the source told Ria Novosti.

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