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Dernek u Slavjansku

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 11/5/2014, 01:31

Last edited by Ero0 on 11/5/2014, 01:34; edited 1 time in total

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 11/5/2014, 01:33

Sad je još vrijeme za ovo ustaviti, sutra može biti kasno...Jba ih Krim, da ih jba.  :S:

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 12/5/2014, 20:29

The village of Andreevka near the Ukrainian city of Slavyansk has come under artillery fire, self-defense forces say. Casualties have been reported in the attack.
The village of Andreevka near Slavyansk has come under artillery fire from Kiev forces, according to the representative of the self-defense forces, as quoted by RIA Novosti.
“There was an artillery attack. Houses have been destroyed. Cars are on fire. There are casualties, but the numbers aren’t known yet,” the representative said.
The assault of Slavyansk itself began around 5am local time (02:00 GMT) by the Kiev forces, ITAR-TASS reported.

"The enemy started the artillery attack on Andreevka using heavy mortars and howitzers. Also we have data on the opposing side using helicopters for covering operations,"
The explosions are at a frequency of once a minute.
The attack is being conducted from the TV tower on Karachun Mountain.

The National Guard is firing at security checkpoints, but reports emerged of mortar shells landing in local residents’ homes.
Šta je to sa helikopterima banderista. Loše održavanje biće. Stalno padaju.

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 12/5/2014, 20:39

Two civilian were killed and several others wounded in eastern Ukraine as the National Guard started shooting at protesters and voters, who had gathered around a seized polling station in Krasnoarmeysk, self-defense forces and witnesses said.
The National Guard entered the city in the Donetsk region earlier on Sunday and occupied several polling stations, the city council building among them. First reports on shooting appeared on Twitter.
I just saw the National Guard kill one and injure several others,” Russian journalist Ilya Azar wrote in his micro-blog. Later this was confirmed by Denis Pushilin, the co-chairman of the self-proclaimed People's Donetsk Republic.
"People were just standing there, unarmed, outside the city council seized by the Guard," Azar tweeted commenting on a photo of the dead young man:
Dernek u Slavjansku BnXpaFNIEAAzKKy

iлля¯\_(ツ)_/¯няшмяш @A3AP

Это убитый в красноармейске. Просто люди безоружные стояли у захваченного нацгвардией горсовета
6:51 PM - 11 May 2014

Atomkitty Sheba [size=12]12.05.2014 14:23

West - the hands of the Ukrainian armed zomby kills today hundred Russian people only what they want to remain Russian. Folk from the west we all remember, will not forget and not forgive. Go away or be sorry! We will refund you for the debts of the blood of our brothers, hellll return to your homes, our soldiers will trample over your streets and make of your daughters something cheap. The choice is yours .. peace or heelllll
Dernek u Slavjansku Picture?type=square

Brian Fields [size=12]12.05.2014 17:48

In the US we have guns.... We would have taken them out once they started firing on Civilians.

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 12/5/2014, 20:41

Yehudi wrote:Two civilian were killed and several others wounded in eastern Ukraine as the National Guard started shooting at protesters and voters, who had gathered around a seized polling station in Krasnoarmeysk, self-defense forces and witnesses said.
The National Guard entered the city in the Donetsk region earlier on Sunday and occupied several polling stations, the city council building among them. First reports on shooting appeared on Twitter.
I just saw the National Guard kill one and injure several others,” Russian journalist Ilya Azar wrote in his micro-blog. Later this was confirmed by Denis Pushilin, the co-chairman of the self-proclaimed People's Donetsk Republic.
"People were just standing there, unarmed, outside the city council seized by the Guard," Azar tweeted commenting on a photo of the dead young man:
Dernek u Slavjansku BnXpaFNIEAAzKKy

iлля¯\_(ツ)_/¯няшмяш @A3AP

Это убитый в красноармейске. Просто люди безоружные стояли у захваченного нацгвардией горсовета
6:51 PM - 11 May 2014

Atomkitty Sheba 12.05.2014 14:23
West - the hands of the Ukrainian armed zomby kills today hundred Russian people only what they want to remain Russian. Folk from the west we all remember, will not forget and not forgive. Go away or be sorry! We will refund you for the debts of the blood of our brothers, hellll return to your homes, our soldiers will trample over your streets and make of your daughters something cheap. The choice is yours .. peace or heelllll
Dernek u Slavjansku Picture?type=square

Brian Fields 12.05.2014 17:48
In the US we have guns.... We would have taken them out once they started firing on Civilians.

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 13/5/2014, 08:21

Ein Runder Tisch soll es richten
Die OSZE will die verfeindeten Parteien in der Ukraine in den kommenden Tagen an einen Tisch bringen. Der Vorschlag hat die Unterstützung von Putin. Doch ob die Regierung in Kiew mit den Separatisten verhandeln will, ist noch nicht sicher.
ch dem umstrittenen Referendum für eine Abspaltung der Ostukraine will die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) die verfeindeten Lager an einem Runden Tisch zusammenbringen. Ein „nationaler Dialog“ unter Leitung des früheren deutschen Botschafters Wolfgang Ischinger könne schon diese Woche beginnen, sagte OSZE-Chef Didier Burkhalter am Montag.
Unterstützt wird die Vermittlerrolle der OSZE von Kremlchef Wladimir Putin. Putin und Burkhalter seien sich bei einem Telefongespräch einig gewesen, wie wichtig die Rolle der OSZE bei Lösungsversuchen im Ukrainekonflikt ist, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Itar-Tass am Montagabend unter Berufung auf den Kreml. Dies schließe die Förderung eines direkten Dialogs zwischen der Übergangsregierung in Kiew und den Vertretern der Regionen im Südosten des Landes ein.

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 21/5/2014, 06:40

No connection with RT stringer after interrogation by Kiev forces
Dernek u Slavjansku Rt-journalist-detain-army-.si

"Our stringer Graham Phillips was arrested at a checkpoint by people who, according to him, when we last spoke, introduced themselves as the National Guard and asked for his papers. After this, the connection with the journalist was lost, we still cannot get in touch with Graham, we are extremely worried what could happen to him. It is even more worrying after the events, which, as we all saw happened to the LifeNews TV correspondents” said Alexey Kuznetsov, deputy head of RT’s English department.

He also said he has been asked about separatism and his working arrangement with RT. 

“I’ve been describing my position on Crimea. I did believe - and I did say and I did state and I stand by position – that the Crimea referendum was legitimate. I do believe referendums held here have a legitimacy, and I had an exchange one day that I do believe the Kiev government isn’t legal and isn’t democratic. I don’t support this current situation in the east of Ukraine or the Donetsk Republic, as it’s now been named. I believe the position of President Turchinov and [PM] Yatsenyuk - not coming here to speak to people, but using military forces to launch assaults against them - is completely wrong.”


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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 21/5/2014, 07:23

MachtdemonstrationRussland testet Interkontinentalrakete
Inmitten der Ukraine-Krise feuert Moskau abermals eine atomar bestückbare Langstreckenrakete ab.
Dernek u Slavjansku Bei-der-parade-anlaesslich-des-sieges-ueber-nazi-deutschland-rollt-am-9-mai-eine-langstreckenrakete-des-typs-topol-m-durch-moskau
Bei der Parade anlässlich des Sieges über Nazi-Deutschland rollt am 9. Mai eine Langstreckenrakete des Typs „Topol-M“ durch Moskau
Inmitten der Ukrainekrise hat die Atommacht Russland eine mit Nuklearsprengköpfen bestückbare Interkontinentalrakete getestet. Die Rakete sei von den strategischen Raketentruppen des Landes vom Übungsgelände Kapustin Jar im südrussischen Gebiet Astrachan in Südrussland gestartet worden, teilte am Dienstag die Pressestelle des Moskauer Verteidigungsministeriums der Agentur Interfax zufolge mit.
Bereits im Dezember und im März hatten die russischen Streitkräfte Topol-Raketen zu Testzwecken abgefeuert. Die Nato führt die Raketen unter dem Codenamen SS-25 „Sickle“. Sie sollen über eine Reichweite von bis zu 10.000 Kilometern verfügen und können mit einem atomaren Sprengkopf bestückt werden. 

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 22/5/2014, 18:48

[size=32]Ukraine crisis: Donetsk sees deadliest attack on troops[/size]
Dernek u Slavjansku _75028309_022369247-1
A dawn attack on a checkpoint in eastern Ukraine has left at least 14 soldiers dead, in the worst loss of life for government forces to date.

Photographs taken by an Associated Press news agency crew show bodies lying in a field or inside a car outside the village of Blahodatne, which is near the town of Volnovakha.
Three charred armoured infantry vehicles, their turrets blown away by powerful explosions, and several burned lorries could also be seen.
Dernek u Slavjansku _75037730_022369646-1

A pro-Russian gunman shows off weapons reportedly seized from the Ukrainian soldiers during the attack

"We destroyed a checkpoint of the fascist Ukrainian army deployed on the land of the Donetsk Republic,'' said the commander, who wore a balaclava and identified himself by his nom de guerre, Bess.


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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 22/5/2014, 19:43

 Hunta napala svoje ročnike koji odbijaju pucatina sugradjane.
 PS-Pogledati komentare.

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 07:26

Ukraine dangerously interfering with press freedom – Human Rights WatchHuman Rights Watch (HRW) says Ukraine’s military and security services are “dangerously interfering with press freedom” by detaining journalists working with Russian news agencies and denying others entry into the country.
The New-York-based advocacy group called on Ukrainian authorities to “immediately” explain the recent detention of three journalists, one of whom has since been released.

“We’re deeply worried about the fate and whereabouts of these three journalists,” said Rachel Denber, deputy Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Detaining journalists and then failing to provide information on what’s happening to them or to respect their due process rights are serious violations that have to end.”

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 07:36

Dernek u Slavjansku 13.si

While Philips was released, the fate of two other Russian nationals working for LifeNews media outlet remains unknown.
On Sunday, LifeNews reporter Oleg Sidyakin and cameraman Marat Saichenko were detained on Sunday soon after they released a video which allegedly showed a UN-marked helicopter being used by the Ukrainian army in a military operation in the eastern regions.
The same day a video merged showing the Ukrainian troops crudely forcing the Russian journalists to their knees.
Following their detention, an online campaign #SaveOurGuys was launched in a bid to see the journalists set free.

Dernek u Slavjansku BoOKx1dIYAEp6IK

#MillaJovovich, born in #Kiev, at #Cannes: #SaveOurGuys
#FreeOlegSidiakin #MaratSaichenko

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by dabrov_brk 23/5/2014, 12:24

Noah Sneider@NoahSneider 2h
Pro-govt #Donbass Battalion getting hammered near #Krasnoarmeysk. 50% injured. Commander's fb posts sound desperate: https://www.facebook.com/dostali.hvatit

Možda će jednom shvatiti...sa Rusima se ne zajebava..

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by dabrov_brk 23/5/2014, 12:33

NATO will be unable to defend Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania if Russia invades, German news magazine Spiegel reported on May 19, citing German government sources and leaked NATO documents.

NATO, UN sve je to isti kurac

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 13:18

dabrov_brk wrote:http://nosint.blogspot.com/2014/05/nato-cannot-defend-baltic-states.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
NATO will be unable to defend Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania if Russia invades, German news magazine Spiegel reported on May 19, citing German government sources and leaked NATO documents.

NATO, UN sve je to isti kurac

NATO može sve i sve će sprovesti što zamisli. Naše su granice jasne-teritorijalne i one od strpljenja.  B-) 
Nitko se danas  ne može mjeriti s NATOm. Tako će biti i u budućnosti.
Pogledaš GDP, broj stanovnika, tehnologiju, naoružanje itd i sve je jasno.Omjer je 10:1 u našu korist. ;) 

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 13:36

Kiev troops reportedly shoot at deserting conscripts as eastern military op escalates
Kiev forces have killed at least seven militiamen and injured dozens of people, including civilians, in clashes in the Lugansk Region. Some Kiev troop conscripts reportedly tried to desert and flee to the militia, and were shot at by their commander.
A militia member told RIA Novosti that it was the commander of the unit which was preparing to desert who opened fire at his own men. The information was confirmed by one of the defectors, who said he and his fellow conscripts decided to defect no to follow an order to fire at the militias and civilians.
“The commander ordered us to open indiscriminate fire,” the soldier said during the same press conference, adding that locals “saved him” from Kiev-controlled soldiers.
Veselo. Fašistička hunta ubijaju svoje ročnike jer ne žele pucati na svoje sunarodnjake. 

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 14:11

Ako tako piše Raša Tudej, pa još na engleskom, onda je to gola...g*na.  B-) 

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 16:24

20 terrorists and two Ukrainian servicemen killed in minor action near Rubizhne11:10
Ukrainian law enforcement officers repelled another attempt of insurgents to break ATO encirclement in the north and have destroyed the terrorists' unit near Rubizhne, Luhansk region.

This was reported by ATO spokesperson Vladyslav Seleznyov via his Facebook page.

I mean the insurgent unit form Luhansk, Russian mercenaries, who were situated in Antratsyt town recently. The insurgents have lost up to 20 people and about 30 more were wounded. According to the sources, the mortuaries of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk are full of bandits' corpses,
- Seleznyov noticed.

According to the ATO spokesperson, the Ukrainian Army also suffered casualties. Two Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and 7 more wounded during the operation.
Source: TV channel "24"


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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 16:36

Sve snimljeno a na kraju snimke jedan na telefon govori da su svojepobili dok se snimatelj moli - .....oprostinamgrijeha naše.....- LOL

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Dernek u Slavjansku Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 16:39

The vehicle is at a field and the men are observing from a distance a woodland belt separating on the field border At least two vans are seen and fire burns among the trees. Sporadic gunfire can be heard, possibly from ammunition detonating in the fire, and then a massive explosion erupts at the camp. The soldiers discuss whether they should fall back.
Then two Mil Mi-24 helicopter gunships start barraging at low altitude over the area. After several passes the aircraft start barraging the burning camp from their cannons.
“What are their doing?” one of the soldiers exclaims in surprise. “Are they ours?” “Who the f*** else?”another replies.
The group hastily flees the scene, but the cameraman continues shooting the footage, cursing and praying as he runs.

A couple of minutes later he gets to another woodland belt. He approaches another Ukrainian military man, who is speaking on a mobile phone.
“Who are they shooting at?” the man says. “There are civilians and our soldiers there. Do you have a line to the army aviation, what the f*** is happening?”
“Two [Mi-]24s and one [Mi-]8 arrived. They are flying over our checkpoint and shooting at our checkpoint,”the report continues. “There are lots of corpses there. We were dousing the burning BMP [infantry combat vehicle], we thought the Mi-8 was going to pick up the bodies. Now they are shooting.”
Ukrainian troops use their helicopters in the fight against the local armed militias opposing Kiev’s rule to destroy hardware damaged in the clashes to prevent it from falling into the hands of the militias. Miscommunication among the troops could have led to the aviation command believing that the checkpoint was taken over by the militias.
The video was uploaded on YouTube on Tuesday, which puts the timing of the video hours after a night attack on the military checkpoint near Volnovakha. The attack may not have been a militia raid, but rather a case of friendly fire, in which one pro-Kiev unit mistakenly attacked another unit.

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