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Dernek u Slavjansku

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 15:58



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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 18:23

Izbori ukrajinski
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Ukraine
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Tsarev
 Oleg Tzarev (kandidat oporbe)
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Tymoshenko
 Djuli (poznatija kao-pobit ćemo 8 Milijuna)
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Poroshenko
 Pere, vjerojatni predcednik krnje zemlje,tzv-čokoladica- (multimilijunaš,tajkun-pošteni poduzetnik:)

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 25/5/2014, 19:57

Exit poll of "Savik Shuster Studio": Poroshenko — 55.7%,
Tymoshenko — 12.9%, Lyashko — 8.8%20:10

According to the exit poll, conducted by the sociologists of "Savik Shuster Studio", 55.7% of voters have cast their votes for Petro Poroshenko, 12.9% for Yuliya Tymoshenko and 8.8% for Oleh Lyashko.

The results of exit poll were announced live on Sunday.

The results of the polls in Donetsk and Luhansk regions were included in the total results.

According to the exit poll, Anatoliy Hrytsenko has got 6% of votes, 4.6% of people have voted for Serhiy Tihipko and 2.7% for Mykhailo Dobkin.

Besides them, people have voted for: Vadym Rabinovych and Olha Bohomolets (both 2.1%), Oleh Tyahnybok (1.3%), Petro Symonenko (1.2%).

Dmytro Yarosh has gathered 1.1% of votes and Valeriy Konovalyuk has got 0.3%.

Interviewers of "Savik Shuster Studio" worked starting from 8.00 am at 350 polling stations in all regions of Ukraine, including Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Pravna država je s ovim dobila legalnog i legitimnog predsjednika i sad može djelovati u punom kapacitetu.  geek 


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 25/5/2014, 20:50

Minor action near Novoaidar has calmed down, blogger says

Poroshenko has already called himself a new President
Poroshenko: 85% of Ukrainians have supported European choise of Ukraine
Hrytsenko promises to support Poroshenko
According to the information, provided by Luhansk blogger Serhiy Ivanov, the shooting in Novoaidar, Luhansk region, has calmed down. The servicemen have apprehended the terrorists, who shot at civil people and killed a man.

Earlier today Luhansk blogger Serhiy Ivanov has informed about two cars with terrorists entered Novoaidar at about 4.00 pm. "We have the information about one man been killed, there a lots of wounded. Despite this, our soldiers apprehended and disarmed the murderers, in total amount of 7-8 persons," he added.

Later Deputy Interior Minister Serhiy Yarovyi has reported that one man has been killed in a shooting in Novoaidar, Luhansk region. Another one was wounded.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 06:53

'Vote at gunpoint,' anyone? US keen to legitimize 'good' election in Ukraine
Previously - under different circumstances - American officials could say how unacceptable voting at gunpoint is.
That is not something that can be done with the barrel of a gun pointed at you,” President Obama and said earlier this year, at a meeting with Ukraine’s acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
Kiev has unleashed the army against those in the east of Ukraine who don’t want to be under its control.
It was calm in the port city of Odessa on May 2, before pro-Kiev activists chased their opponents into a building, the Trade Unions House and set it on fire, killing over 40 people and injuring dozens more. To this day, no one has been held responsible.
Similarly, no one was held responsible for the violence on the streets of Kiev in February which resulted in a coup that ousted President Viktor Yanukovich and propelled to power those whom the US wanted to see.
Reportedly, a column of Ukrainian National Guard armored vehicles managed to break through the protesters’ defense and was heading to Lugansk. The Kiev forces opened fire at civilians in a café in the town, an authority from the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Lugansk told RIA Novosti. “A man and a woman were killed,” the source said, adding that several people were wounded.
But the West seems to feel ok with part of Ukraine being under gunpoint.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 06:56


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 07:30

In Slawjansk herrscht jetzt Krieg
Das Vorgehen der ukrainischen Soldaten löste einen Sturm der Empörung gegen Kiew aus. „Die schicken die Armee gegen unsere Leute!“, hörte ich in der ersten Woche der Kampfhandlungen immer wieder. Wie auch immer man vorher zu den Separatisten stand: Das Auftauchen der Nationalgarde in ihren schwarzen Uniformen, die „Blockade“ der Stadt, die ersten Toten unter den Selbstverteidigungskräften – all das sorgte für spontane Solidarität mit denjenigen, die zuvor oft als Bedrohung empfunden worden waren.
„Ich glaube daran, dass die ukrainische Volksbefreiungsarmee Kiew einnimmt und es zu einem Nürnberger Prozess kommt“

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 20:07

Koliko je ovih smećara oboreno?
Donetsk self-defense forces claim on Twitter to have regained control over the international airport in the eastern city after Ukrainian troops launched a military operation there, deploying fighter jets and helicopters.
The people’s army has the airport in Donetsk back under control. We are rooting out the remaining Kiev’s remaining troops. Airstrikes have stopped for now,” said the tweet from the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 20:22

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Boj0ehiCAAAi6ns

Ukrainian warplane & helicopter attack leaves Donetsk Intl Airport smoking http://on.rt.com/zobn0v 

1:55 PM - 26 May 2014
 Tetkice nemaju muda doći sa pješačkim postrojbama.
Samo mi nije jasno zašto im ne obaraju ove niskoleteće helikoptere.
 Biće nemaju  baš neku pzo- ili jače teške strojnice..........šteta. 
Bila je odlična prilika -OPET-skiniti 4-5 helikoptera.
 Aj, biće ovih dana.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 26/5/2014, 20:47

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Don-2
Donbass people's volunteer corps members have established control over Donetsk International Airport
 Sta je i normalno.

Arthur James Dramis 26.05.2014 17:58
[quote name='Cyborg' time='26.05.2014

T he americans had better watch out with their murderous meddling in Ukraine WHICH IS A RUSSIAN STATE because they (americans) are truly playing with a gigantic fire; what next? the americans are going to pour hundreds of thousands of Blackwater mercenaries into Ukraine to try and subdue the so-called "East"???


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 27/5/2014, 09:45


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 08:26

Arsen Avakov. "Protivnici su pretrpjeli teške gubitke. Na našoj strani nema gubitaka", dodao je.

 Aha, da. Biće ovi drže puške naopako. Garant ima isto toliko stradalih i nastrani "nac. garde".

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 28/5/2014, 09:10

Po riječima župana Donjecka (?) nastradali su uglavnom Čečeni. Samo 8 stradalnika je domaćih. Znam da je Yehudi jako pogođen smrću Čečena, ali štaš, rat je rat... geek

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 17:06

Meni je žao svakoga civila,domoljuba ili vojnika koji je ubijen od strane kijevske naci.garde (nacionalna garda (tako sebe nazivaju, zar ne)). Kijevska paravojska raspolaže zrakoplovstvom kojima bombardira stambene četvrti. 
To je naravno za svaku osudu (kad je to radio Tripoli ili Damask onda su se svi digli na noge) i tu vidimo duple standarde , licemjerje"zapada" koji vrši zamjenu teza tako da zločince sa majdana i krvnike iz Odese ne osudjuje kako bi tribalo već im se gleda kroz prste. 
 Samo pomalo...............mrtvi se broje na kraju balade. Bič puca na kraju.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 17:37

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 BopBO3AIUAEmu47

In the Donetsk Region city of Slavyansk, at least three civilians were also killed in Ukrainian army shelling of several apartment blocks.
A Twitter campaign against the Ukrainian military operation in Donetsk has been launched under the hashtag #SaveDonbassPeople. Hundreds of Twitter posts with tagged selfies together with a combination of photos showing civilians killed in eastern Ukraine have appeared since early Tuesday.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 17:38

  1. Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Tw52l0lK_biggerГлеб Казначеев ‏[ltr]@GlebKaznacheev[/ltr]  1h
    #SaveDonbassPeople pic.twitter.com/7dTLUb2nRb
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Tw52l0lK_biggerГлеб Казначеев ‏[ltr]@GlebKaznacheev[/ltr]  1h
    #SaveDonbassPeople pic.twitter.com/hc5ltmhnb7
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Xyzy0pqW_biggerValentina Lisitsa ‏[ltr]@ValLisitsa[/ltr]  1h
    Worried about bad PR, Ukrainian propaganda machine asks to counter #SaveDonbassPeople with happy images of kids. OK. pic.twitter.com/vDPgXF6Qcp
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Buvxa4u3_biggerRussian Summer - DNR ‏[ltr]@ygfront[/ltr]  1h
    The boy was killed during the shelling of Slavyansk by the Ukrainian gunmen.

    #SaveDonbassPeople... http://fb.me/7pkx3pHrs 

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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Tw52l0lK_biggerГлеб Казначеев ‏[ltr]@GlebKaznacheev[/ltr]  1h
    #SaveDonbassPeople pic.twitter.com/uVmWguItoI
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 IMG_3408_-_Copy_biggerArtem Sibgatullin ‏[ltr]@ArtSibgatullin[/ltr]  1h
    RT @Owniver: Under fire #Slavyansk Ukrainian army killed a child. #SaveDonbassPeople from the Ukrainian occupants. pic.twitter.com/LSMqZ3a0DW
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 FXisVSq-_biggerBabay ‏[ltr]@Truth_Seeker_11[/ltr]  3h
    When shelling #Slavyansk ukr. army hit the school and kindergarten. People take cover in shelters. #Savedonbasspeople pic.twitter.com/jaxBZIovzc
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 4dd567a54b5815c18c9704bb9b7a73d1_biggerDahlia777 ‏[ltr]@apelsinkaX[/ltr]  4h
    @Airinkaa: “@PogrebnyakAA: #SaveDonbassPeople pic.twitter.com/3KZ8RHERjD””
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  • Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 HIzSyZ19_biggerAlex V ‏[ltr]@wmk2u[/ltr]  4h
    Ukrainian military shelled the school in Slavyansk #SaveDonbassPeople #StopUkranianArmy pic.twitter.com/dHb5N3peX6
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  • Yehudi

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    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

    Post by Ero0 28/5/2014, 19:38


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    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

    Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 20:39

    Shells hit school, kindergarten in Slavyansk amid Ukraine military op (VIDEO)
    A school and a kindergarten have been shelled in Slavyansk as the city becomes increasingly unsafe in the intensified Kiev military campaign. At least 9 civilians were injured in Wednesday’s shelling incidents, including a child.
    Ukrainian mortar shells have for weeks been raining down on the checkpoints and positions of the Slavyansk self-defense, but much of the shelling occurred outside the city. Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli and his Russian interpreter, veteran human rights activist Andrey Mironov, were almost torn to pieces in one such shelling. 

    However, this week the battleground apparently moved right into civilian quarters of Slavyansk, as shells started hitting residential blocks and nearby buildings, killing three people on Monday.

    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Bot1mk0CYAATxLc

    PHOTO: Shelled school in #Slavyansk, E.#Ukraine http://on.rt.com/1q9y34 

    12:32 после полудня - 28 мая 2014
    “Around midday there was a loud explosion in the school, and I fell to the floor, taking cover,” the teacher told.
    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Bop-rfjIAAA9bD4


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    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

    Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 20:42

    While the Kiev authorities keep asserting that the military action in the southeast is meant to protect the people against “terrorists,” many people on the ground in Slavyansk have a directly opposite opinion on the issue. 

    “We are simply horrified – you see? Horrified that our 'brave (JNA)army,' which we pay taxes to maintain, is [doing] nothing else but destroying us. And our president, who must protect the civilian population – he is determined to exterminate us,” a woman working at the damaged school no. 13 told RT’s Ruptly news agency. 
    Nirbijan Lastone 28.05.2014 18:29
    Poroshenko and Kiev nazi will resolve nothing by killing people. The question is how many should die before these morons realize that. Looks like they are just blindly following CIA orders.Western media is full of filth and lies.

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    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

    Post by Yehudi 28/5/2014, 20:43

    Yehudi wrote:While the Kiev authorities keep asserting that the military action in the southeast is meant to protect the people against “terrorists,” many people on the ground in Slavyansk have a directly opposite opinion on the issue. 

    “We are simply horrified – you see? Horrified that our 'brave (JNA)army,' which we pay taxes to maintain, is [doing] nothing else but destroying us. And our president, who must protect the civilian population – he is determined to exterminate us,” a woman working at the damaged school no. 13 told RT’s Ruptly news agency. 
    Nirbijan Lastone 28.05.2014 18:29
    Poroshenko and Kiev nazi will resolve nothing by killing people. The question is how many should die before these morons realize that. Looks like they are just blindly following CIA orders.Western media is full of filth and lies.

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    Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 3 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

    Post by Yehudi 29/5/2014, 13:18

    'War is a plague': Donetsk students’ pacifist song leaves TV anchor in tears on air (VIDEO)

    “Our central message is for people who are responsible for the violence, asking them to stop the chaos as soon as possible — so there would be peace and no more war. War is like а plague, it is everywhere, it needs to be eliminated,” Dmitry Vesov, one of the students signing in the video, told Donbass TV.
    “Military operations are everywhere, blasts can be heard all the time. It is very scary for kids. Do we really have to see dead bodies in order to realize that we need to love and understand each other?” said Maria Severilova, another ninth grade student.
    Kiev has intensified its military operation in southeastern Ukraine, increasing artillery strikes and bombings in the troubled regions.
    On Wednesday, around 3,000 miners marched through the streets of Donetsk, protesting against Kiev's ongoing military operation in the country's east. The demonstrators, who then gathered at a central square for a rally, chanted “Fascism won’t pass!” and “Donbass will not forgive!”
    Anthony Noonan 29.05.2014 10:50
    I applaud those who seek peace in Ukraine, but you cannot talk peace with the Kiev war criminals, or indeed the seasoned war criminals of the EU/US who sponsor them, and remember that peace can only come about when it is accompanyed with justice. Does anyone out there seriously think that the Psycopaths in Kiev want Peace with Justice?
    John Douglas [size=12]29.05.2014 09:40

    Assessing blame is one of the most useless of human activities. The question is how do you stop hostilities. Poroshenko could offer a truce, could stop troops from advancing on a Ukrainian city. He could be a peacemaker. Instead he calls for crushing the opposition without ever even trying to TALK with them. Everyone must call for calm. Everyone together can affect peace and secur

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