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Dernek u Slavjansku

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 16:39

The vehicle is at a field and the men are observing from a distance a woodland belt separating on the field border At least two vans are seen and fire burns among the trees. Sporadic gunfire can be heard, possibly from ammunition detonating in the fire, and then a massive explosion erupts at the camp. The soldiers discuss whether they should fall back.
Then two Mil Mi-24 helicopter gunships start barraging at low altitude over the area. After several passes the aircraft start barraging the burning camp from their cannons.
“What are their doing?” one of the soldiers exclaims in surprise. “Are they ours?” “Who the f*** else?”another replies.
The group hastily flees the scene, but the cameraman continues shooting the footage, cursing and praying as he runs.

A couple of minutes later he gets to another woodland belt. He approaches another Ukrainian military man, who is speaking on a mobile phone.
“Who are they shooting at?” the man says. “There are civilians and our soldiers there. Do you have a line to the army aviation, what the f*** is happening?”
“Two [Mi-]24s and one [Mi-]8 arrived. They are flying over our checkpoint and shooting at our checkpoint,”the report continues. “There are lots of corpses there. We were dousing the burning BMP [infantry combat vehicle], we thought the Mi-8 was going to pick up the bodies. Now they are shooting.”
Ukrainian troops use their helicopters in the fight against the local armed militias opposing Kiev’s rule to destroy hardware damaged in the clashes to prevent it from falling into the hands of the militias. Miscommunication among the troops could have led to the aviation command believing that the checkpoint was taken over by the militias.
The video was uploaded on YouTube on Tuesday, which puts the timing of the video hours after a night attack on the military checkpoint near Volnovakha. The attack may not have been a militia raid, but rather a case of friendly fire, in which one pro-Kiev unit mistakenly attacked another unit.


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 16:44

Zajebana ova tehnika danas, svi imaju kamere na mobitelima, ništa ne možeš sakriti. :P

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 16:48

Ero0 wrote:

This was reported by ATO spokesperson Vladyslav Seleznyov via his Facebook page.

  Imaš li snimku te bitke, barem slike poginulih "terorista" ili ti to javio -frend- na facebook- iebate.

 Pobiše ovi tvoji svoje ročnike jer se druže sa civilima i odbijaju pucati na sugradjane. 

 Jadna majko fašistička.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 23/5/2014, 17:06

Kiev forces have killed at least seven militiamen and injured dozens of people, including civilians, in clashes in the Lugansk Region. Some Kiev troop conscripts reportedly tried to desert and flee to the militia, and were shot at by their commander.

There are claims that at least some of the casualties among Kiev loyalists were not due to the militias. Some 30 of the conscripts wanted to defect, Cherniy said. The militias fed the prisoners and wanted to relocate them, but the other troops opened fire at the entire group, he added.
“After they boarded a bus and drove to the college, the military opened fire at the bus with a heavy machine gun,” said the self-defense force representative.
A militia member told RIA Novosti that it was the commander of the unit which was preparing to desert who opened fire at his own men. The information was confirmed by one of the defectors, who said he and his fellow conscripts decided to defect no to follow an order to fire at the militias and civilians.
“The commander ordered us to open indiscriminate fire,” the soldier said during the same press conference, adding that locals “saved him” from Kiev-controlled soldiers.
Militias said they captured three BMP-2 armored personnel carriers from Kiev’s troops.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 18:57

Žalost i tuga. Međusobno se ubijaju mladi ljudi za račun uvrnutih mozgova. Yehudi, nema tu nikakvih fašista, ali ima mladih ljudi koji se još nisu ni naživili a snađe ih rat. Rat je dio politike, ustvari njen nastavak ratnim sredstvima. Nisu ovi mladi ljudi političari. Čak ni ovi u "Pravom sektoru". Znaju o politici taman toliko koliko i ti-ništa, a nazivaš ih fašistima. Kao fašiste ih crtaju zato da bi lakše ubijali (umirili savjest) i na taj način postaju ono što drugoj strani spočitavaju -krvoloci, ustvari fašisti.Vidiš, ako bi ti netko rekao da su ti helikopteri(bez oznaka), koje gledaš gore, upravo Putinovi, najvjerojatnije im , s obzirom na indoktriniranost, ne bi vjerovao. Uskoro se tamo neće znati tko koga, i zbog čega, ubija. Negativna energija(mržnja) se akumuklirala preko svih granica i sad se toga treba osloboditi - ratom, jer drugačije ne ide. Nažalost.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 19:28

Emergency statement of Rinat Akhmetov on the situation in Donbass

Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov strongly condemns the actions of the so-called “DPR”’s authorities. He called all employees to hold warning protest tomorrow at the place of their work.

Rinat Akhmetov’s press service states.

Akhmetov reminded that the March for Peace should have been held today in Mariupol, but it was cancelled due to the threats of terrorist shootouts.

“This morning I was informed that machine guns appeared in the streets of Mariupol, that civil people and peaceful rally could have been fusilladed! I immediately called the managers of our enterprises and called to halt the participation in the March of Peace. Because human life is the main value. I will never allow any bloodshed. I called to halt the rally. Halt, not stop. Because if we stop it, Donbas will remain in blood,” he has emphasized.

Businessman strongly condemns the actions of the pro-Russian insurgents.

“Tell me, does anyone know any representative of this “DPR”? What have they done to our region, did they create working places? Walking with assault rifles in the cities of Donbas is defending the rights of the citizens against central government? Looting in the cities and kidnapping civilians is a fight of our regions for the better future? No! This is a fight against our people. This is a fight against Donbas! This is a genocide of Donbas!” he emphasized.

Akhmetov called civilians to fight against armed people.

“Therefore, I call all employees to hold a warning protest at the place of their work. And this protests with start tomorrow with the sound of whistle which would sound at all enterprises of Donbas,” he addressed.

Businessman added that the action will be held daily until peace reigns in Donbas. He also called drivers to join the action.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 23/5/2014, 19:30


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 24/5/2014, 09:24


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by immortal 24/5/2014, 09:35

Ero0 wrote:Žalost i tuga. Međusobno se ubijaju mladi ljudi za račun uvrnutih mozgova. Yehudi, nema tu nikakvih fašista, ali ima mladih ljudi koji se još nisu ni naživili a snađe ih rat. Rat je dio politike, ustvari njen nastavak ratnim sredstvima. Nisu ovi mladi ljudi političari. Čak ni ovi u "Pravom sektoru". Znaju o politici taman toliko koliko i ti-ništa, a nazivaš ih fašistima. Kao fašiste ih crtaju zato da bi  lakše ubijali (umirili savjest) i na taj način postaju ono što drugoj strani spočitavaju -krvoloci, ustvari fašisti.Vidiš, ako bi ti netko rekao da su ti helikopteri(bez oznaka), koje gledaš gore, upravo  Putinovi, najvjerojatnije im , s obzirom na indoktriniranost, ne bi vjerovao. Uskoro se tamo neće znati tko koga, i zbog čega, ubija.  Negativna energija(mržnja) se akumuklirala preko svih granica i sad se toga treba osloboditi - ratom, jer drugačije ne ide. Nažalost.
 :tu  nazvaju nekoga fašistom da bi pred svijetom imali opravdanje

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Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 24/5/2014, 09:59

@Yehudi, ne valjaj gluposti. Trebali bismo povjerovati i da su se Ukrajinci sami se poubijali u Kyivu, da su čak i Krim okupirali...Mislim, ono, moraš biti s mozgom na nivou trogodišnjeg djeteta da povjeruješ u priče, koje obdje prosipaš. Nitko na zapadu u njih ne vjeruje, pa makar bile napisane i na engleskom.  :D

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 24/5/2014, 13:25

Meni se, doista, činilo da si inteligentan (poonome kako si pratio vozila na Marsu) ali sam se razočarao kad si počeo srati glupim upisima u svezi politike.
 U Kijevu su snajperisti odradili posao ali pučistička vlada ne želi medjunarodnu,neovisnu istragu......zašto? Zatojer je netko platio 5 Milijardi $ kako bi došlo do promjene vlasti.
 I onda se pojavljuje -blackwoter-, nacističkaikonografijakod -desnog sektora-itd (tebi to ne smeta vidim, dapače).
 A onda kao nešto spominješ Krim.Pa nije to razlog,nego posljedica neofašističke vlade u Kijevu. Jasno je svima daje ta vlada došla na poziciju -silom-, progonom,prijetnjama i zastrašivanjem. 
 E pa ne može to tako. Tvoji ljubljeni neonacisti su napravili masakr u Odesi. 50 ljudi je masakrirano a još 50"nestalo", samou tri dana nakon masakra u bolnicama je ubijeno još 20-tak ljudi a svi nalazi sa obdukcije su odnešeni od strane -sbu- (ss). KAD ĆE MEDJUNARODNA NEOVISNA ISTRAGA?
 Samo debil ispranog mozgamože tvrditi danije istina da su helikopteri (ukr.vojske) raketirali
 položaje rezervista (ukr). Imaš smimke a i dalje tvrdiš kako to nije istina. A stvarno jadno.
 Zašto smradovi kijevski ne dopuštaju ruskim novinarima da prisustvuju glasovanju u nedilju? 
Jasno jer će ti "izbori"biti farsa.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 24/5/2014, 13:31

Russian journalists being banned entry to Ukraine to cover presidential electionA range of Russian news journalists from different outlets, including RT’s Spanish and Arabic news crews, accredited to cover the upcoming presidential election in Ukraine on May 25, were denied to entry to the country without explanation.  Jasno da će "izbori" biti fingirani. Zašto bi inače nekome branili nadgledanje?
 A zamislimo samo kakvi bi komentari bili kadabi neka država zabranila pristup nekim "zapadnim" novinarima? Sve jasno o kakvoj se gebelsovskoj propagandi radi u UKR.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Ero0 24/5/2014, 14:27

Ispravno. RT je propagandna truba, koja vodi specijalni rat protivu Ukrajine... Trebali su ih pustiti da uđu i sve pohapsiti kao strane špijune, te osuditi na dugogodišnje zatvore. geek 

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 24/5/2014, 20:41

Specijalni rat -protiv-ukr-vode zapadni mediji, samo šta si ti previše glup da bi to skužio.
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 2itjwnc

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 24/5/2014, 20:54

Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Ka-52_620x0

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 07:01

Three foreign journalists caught in violence near Slavyansk, two possibly dead
"Before that we heard Kalashnikov shots,” Roguelon was quoted by the Italian tgcom24. “Then the mortar shells rained down all around," he said claiming to have heard up 60 explosions as they tried to hide in the “middle of a ditch."

The Italian journalist has been identified as Andrea Rocchelli, while the interpreter is believed to be Russian national Andrey Mironov, who was holding an Italian passport. 

Roza Kazan @rozakazancctv

#Roguelon told me gunfire & mortars came from side controlled by Ukr. forces - from southern direction towards north towards #Slavyansk
12:36 AM - 25 May 2014

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 07:11

Yorrick Hunt 25.05.2014 04:02
The Cats can fight the War on Drugs...but I will Fight Nazis and their supporters all day long!

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by immortal 25/5/2014, 07:42

Yehudi wrote:Specijalni rat -protiv-ukr-vode zapadni mediji, samo šta si ti previše glup da bi to skužio.
Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 2itjwnc

znamo da se iza ovakvih djela kriju najsurovije ubojice prozivajući se antifašistima samo kako bi na taj način opravdali svoja djela i da bi još mnogi takva djela činili kao što i sam kažeš
međutim ubojstvo je ubojstvo i samo kao takvo ga treba gledati i suditi počiniteljima

Kod Boga ne vrijede pravila boraci protiv fašizma.
Nešto si nesređen Yeho. 5 postova na 1 stranici gotovo uzastopnih.

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Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 08:40

Taj dripac je dobio šta je zaslužio. Crnokošuljaš, istetovirani neonaci nasilnik je došao na drugi kraj države ubijati ljude. Njegova tetovaža govori dovoljno sama za sebe. Prema takvima nema milosti.
   Isto sam siguran da je cvilio kao pičkica kad je shvatio da će ići ka svome idolu hitleru.

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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 15:53


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Dernek u Slavjansku - Page 2 Empty Re: Dernek u Slavjansku

Post by Yehudi 25/5/2014, 15:58


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