Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
upravo tako kako si naveo POLAKO, ali mi nemamo vremena za polako, nama bi trebalo da danas imamo na znanstvenoj sceni ISTOVREMENO aristotela, arhimeda, galilea, faradaya, alvu, marie cury, pasteura, isaca, alberta i velikog TESLU i da su im na raspolaganju svi resursi ovog aktualnog civilizacijskog znanstvenog trenutka... s tim da nisam mislio da ih imamo sada sve žive na okupu, nego da su svi navedeni sve ovo vrijeme živjeli i filozofski i znanstveno napredovali, plus da je paradigma čovječanstva snošljivost, pacifizam, općenito univerzalna homofilija...Speare Shaker wrote:michaellcmacha wrote:
se tu gravitaciju nikakvom teorijom ne može ujediniti ili objediniti u makrorazmjerima sveprostora i svevremena... to jebe kompletan korpus modernih teoretičara...
Da. Kvantno dešifriranje fenomena gravitacije je valjda glavni problem moderne fizike. Jer se Veliki prasak jednostavno ne može objasniti na kvantnoj razini i samo ostaje opis Einsteinove Opće teorije relativnosti koju se smatra posljednjom velikom teorijom klasične fizike i koja barata beskonačnim vrijednostima u svojim jednadžbama, a koje su jednostavno praktički neupotrebljive. Ne donose precizne veličine, jer beskonačnost nije broj nego koncept.
Ali polako, ako otkrijemo gravitone ili bilo koju drugu česticu nositeljicu gravitacije, to bi mogao biti značajan korak u smjeru o kojem govorim.
michaellcmacha- Posts : 21325
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Speare Shaker wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:kako svemir ne ubrzava širenje? zar to nije postojeća dogma u koju vjeruje cca 90% fizičara astronoma?
onda da li se svemir širi istom brzinom, ili usporava?
U znanosti principijeno nema dogmi. I ne, ta teorija ne uživa nikakvo povjerenje mainstream fizike.
Samo ona koja je odlično potvrđena opažanjima (ekipa je za to dobila Nobela, da sad ne tražim koje godine) da se svemir ubrzano širi.
Dakle, svemir sam po sebi ne ubrzava širenje nego se ubrzano širi. Tamna energija uibrzava širenje svemira.
Moguće da si se tu samo neprecizno izrazio (problemi sa jezikom).
Inače nitko ne zna kojom se točnom brzinom svemir zapravo širi, a tu je moguća i nadsvjetlosna brzina.
How fast is the universe expanding 2019?
The new estimate of the Hubble constant is 74 kilometers (46 miles) per second per megaparsec. This means that for every 3.3 million light-years farther away a galaxy is from us, it appears to be moving 74 kilometers (46 miles) per second faster, as a result of the expansion of the universe.Apr 25, 2019
svemir ubrzava širenje to je postojeća dogma
The accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the expansion of the universe is such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time
to je postojeća dogma, velika većina znanstvenika vjeruje da svemir ubrzava širenje, prvi put da netko tko se kuži u materiju, a to si ti, prvi put čujem da ti osporavaš to.
ako svemir ne ubrzava širenje, a širi se? kako onda? jel se širi sve sporije? i jeli se širi konstantnom brzinom?
Da se konačno vratim na ovo.
Dakle, nije dogma nego opći zaključak mainstream fizike KAKO SE SVEMIR UBRZANO ŠIRI.
Ne da svemir ubrzava širenje nego se zbog djelovanja kvantnih fluktuacija u vakuumu ilitiga tamne enegije UBRZANO ŠIRI.
Ne širi se konstatnom brzinom nego ubrzano.
I da, nitko ne zna koja je to točna brzina, a kako sam već rekao, može biti i nadsvjetlosna (ne, to nije warp, jer je warp sabijanje prostorvremena na putanji svemirske letjelice odnosno skraćivanje puta, a ne nadsvjetlosna brzina).
to je gore procjenjena brzina, znam da je svako par godina mjenjaju
opći zaključak fizike je svemir se ubrzano širi.. ok igra riječi
ali ovo da je to zbog kvatnih fluktuacija u vakumu, to prvi put čujem. obično sam mislio da je postojeća, ajme reći ću "dogma" da širenjem svemira se stvara tamna energija u vakumu a ona sama po sebi potiče širenje, pa je to začarani krug.. što se više svemir širi, više se stvara tamne energije i sve brže se on širi.. aj googla sam zašto? i dobia sam neke odgovore ovdje
zapravo ne zna nitko :_/ :D (nagađaju)
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Legendovich wrote:ali bash zanimljivo kako si ti "uvijek u pravu" i uglavnom Zadnja...malo preidealno zvuci...a usprkos tvojem pocjenjivanju,ima ljudi koji prirodno kuze stvari uz malo podataka...z druge strane,pretrpanih podataka u nekim osobama,pa cis iz tog razloga,zbrkanosti,nekad tako mracno smijesno zvuce...Speare Shaker wrote:Legendovich wrote:KOJI???' Oni,oko cije se definicije "znanstvenici " tuku...da postoje zakoni,mežereni u reali,vec bi imali tehnoloske rezultate u kvantnoj fizici i mehanici...Speare Shaker wrote:Legendovich wrote:
sad ga ti lupetas..OSNOVNA DEFINICIJA ENERGIJE JEST da nije moguce unistiti,samo joj promijeniti oblik..AMEN..
Prvi zakon termodinamike.
Ali to ti kao prvo vrijedi samo za zatvorene sustave i samo za makro stvarnost koju proučava klasična fizika.
Ne vrijedi za kvantnu razinu stvarnosti, za kvantnu fiziku i za otvorene sustave.
Kvantni zakoni su inače temeljni zakoni fizike i nadređeni su zakonima klasične fizike.
Oko toga nema dvojbe i ovdje jako dobro znam o čemu govorim, a mogu to potkrijepiti i citatima iz stručne literature.
Nitko živ ne zna je li svemir otvoren ili zatvoren sustav, a i sam si stavio link na multivesre modele od kojih bi neki mogli kao posljedicu imati otvorenost svemira.
dakle po tebi je nesto josh neizdefinirano do kraja i nerazumljivo vecini znanstvenika,povr klasicne fizike...
To tvoje bi bilo svegeno na najrazumljiviji opis...cigle idu doli,temelji gori...
ajoj,pliz nemoj lupati..
Čuj, kvantna fizika je po definiciji razumljiva svim ozbiljnim znanstvenicima.
Tamo negdje prije skoro 100 godina nije bilo tako, ali se u međuvremenu jako promjenilo.
Kočnicu tu čak nisu u tolikoj mjeri predstavljali znanstvenici koliko filozofi koji se nisu uspjeli natjerati razmišljati izvan konvencionalnih okvira i koji su zbunjivali obični svijet.
Ako tebi ovo o čemu govorim nije razumljivo... grebi ga, nije sve za svakoga.
Ali moram te najdobronamjernije upozoriti kako nisam ja taj koji ovdje lupa.
Nisi doduše usamljen u toj praksi na ovoj temi pa te to donekle iskupljuje.
gnječo je prirodno lumen,a podatke samo treba uzeti biloodakle...i ja imam 40TB podataka,pa se ne smatram znalcem,ili necim posebnim na nekom podrucju..@Legendovich wrote:Gnječo jel energija uništiva ili jel svemir beskonacan..?
za svemir se nezna još ali dokazano je da je ljudska glupost beskonačna. količina energije u svemiru se nikad ne mijenja može jedino prijeći iz jednog oblika u drugi.
Proklet će te gnječ jer sam mu tamo morao očitati lekciju.
Ja uvijek u pravu?
So fucking what ako i jesam?
Loše spavaš zbog toga?
Uzmi literaturu pa uči, ako meni ne vjeruješ, ali nemoj ni mene ni publiku zamarati svojim neznanjem, pogotovo kad je ovo područje u pitanju.
Guest- Guest
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
CONTACTS WITH THE CHAOS First part SESSION WITH A PRIMORDIAL BEING INTRODUCTION Jorge Olguin: We are recording. My name is Jorge Olguin and I’m gathered with Manuel Moya. We will try to channel a primordial being, an inhabitant of the Chaos [1], but I wanted to give a short prologue before the session. When we shoot a projectile in the air, this projectile, according to the friction with the atmosphere (air resistance), it loses speed until it completely stops. Now, let's make a hypothesis: If that projectile were shot in a vacuum and that projectile were free from gravitational fields, it wouldn’t lose its speed, nor wouldn’t it accelerate because that would be illogical because the projectile accelerated due to the initial force that gave its momentum, which is the force of the explosion. If we extrapolate this example to the Big Bang, the last Big Bang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago, ever since the universe is expanding. Thousands and thousands of galaxies are expanding at a significantly higher rate. And that’s consistent. What is inconsistent for our limited knowledge is to grasp why the universe not only expands, but also it’s expanding on an accelerated rate. This means that the universe is expanding faster and faster, and that’s absolutely illogical to our understanding. It should be inversely proportional to the gravitational field or a field we don’t know anything about yet. According to the Masters of Light, currently, the dark energy is responsible for the acceleration- expansion and acceleration of the universe, until it reaches an alleged breaking point when the dark matter will start working and the universe will start its contraction until it reaches a future Big Crunch. We ignore the origin or composition of the dark matter and how it causes the contraction of the universe. However, sometimes one thinks that scientists, to whom I applaud and praise, because they have had many advances in different fields, and in other fields they look like…- and the word that I’ll use is- "clueless" in this regard. If the universe is expanding rapidly, it’s a vastly larger universe than it was a million years ago, ten million years ago, and a hundred million years ago. And it will be even a larger universe in a hundred million years or a billion years in the future. Theoretically these alleged (dark energy and dark matter) are interacting by increasing the acceleration and then the future contraction of the universe, the galaxies are being separated from each other at incommensurable distances to our understanding, as the Masters of Light have confirmed, these galaxies are moving away from each other faster than the speed of light. Then, the question would be, and it’s a question that perhaps a very high Entity should answer: Are the dark energy and the dark matter fixed or they come from somewhere? When I say "from somewhere" I'm making a gesture which is not recorded, as though I'm taking something with my other hand. As though that dark energy comes from somewhere into this universe or else - as the Masters say: "How poor is the language!" – it would be like when the gunpowder is over because the universe is expanding so, so much each time more rapidly, then a time comes when the dark energy is static and then it's like the dark energy stretches like a chewing gum -or enters into this universe new dark energy from an "X place" so that this universe continues its expansion. From the Chaos? I don’t know. We know so little, maybe there is something more than the Creation and the Chaos. Something else. Well, the same happens on the other hand. Within billions of years, when the contraction begins, supposedly, there will be an “X amount" of dark matter, which will fulfill the contracting role of the universe, provoking that this universe collapses in the future Big Crunch. What happens to the dark matter? Does the dark matter contract itself? Does it go to the place where it came from? Is it outside of this Creation? Or Will it be also assimilated with regard to the contraction as now the dark energy is theoretically assimilating the expansion? That's what we do not know. At least I don’t know. I've read hundreds of scientific papers and scientists have not approached this topic, not yet. Hopefully they’ll approach this topic after listening to this session; that’s another issue; perhaps other scientists have come up with the same conclusion. Why not? As I said on several occasions, we have just microparticles of truth, tiny fractions of the truth and I believe we are on track, we believe, but we don’t know. Well, we will ask assistance from Entities of Light, wrapping myself up with the Golden Ray of the Christ Energy, and I’ll ask Manuel that he doesn’t lose his patience and has greater calmness, because we’re going to deal with a dark entity that already has that way of being. Just like the turtles have shells, most birds feathers, unlike the platypus, a mammal that has no feathers. I understand that a primordial being has its own personality, or perhaps we are making a bigger problem. Well, I’ll begin. SESSION 12/AUG/2008 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Manuel M. Entity that came to dialogue: Athox (Primordial being) Entity: This is truly a pleasure. This is really something that smacks with pleasure. You have no idea what you have done. You won’t have time to regret it. We have lived permanently with you because your God, who gives you free will, allows us to interact and enter into this Creation and we know your weaknesses, we know your fears. We know what you're afraid of. You are afraid of the dark, losses, loneliness, failure, and we feed on that. We live by feeding on you from your fears, your weaknesses. And that causes us a tremendous pleasure. Besides - this is great news- you will not be here forever. First, you will have a very limited life, you do not know if tomorrow you will be alive, even on this plane, and many of you do not even have reconciled to your friends, your relatives, or loved ones. You all are alone. Nobody understands. Heh heh, no one understands, each one of you is alone, you are betrayed by your partners, your friends despise you. You have been abused since childhood by your parents, who have always despised you. Deep down you know that you are a failure as human beings, and as spirits, you know that you can reincarnate to keep on failing. Once you all disembody, they will remember you for three days and then those who are still alive they’ll continue with their lives, their parties and you will be -again- ignored and I know that you do not like to be ignored because you have a tremendous ego, you would like to be eternal, admired, but you are not. You all are an eternal failure. Each one of you is an eternal failure. You all keep fighting to stand out and we feed on that, we feed on your cruelty, your fears. You're afraid of everything, you are afraid to travel, to stay, to mate, to be in solitude, to be betrayed, to grow up because then you do not know what to do with your success, which will be so small on the other hand. You all will go back to fall into a downward spiral into the darkness, into the depths, heh heh, you are nothing! Nothing! You have idols because you are weak, you have tremendous idols, you all feed on pleasures and all of that is good to us because we feed on your pleasures as well, your joys. You are basic, conceited people, je je je. My colleagues and I are close to you at all times. When you turn off the light and you are on your beds, we are next to you taking out energy from you, taking each one of you permanently. We will NEVER leave you alone! There is no way to get us out of you. In the morning you feel weak. Haven’t you wondered why you are weak? It’s because of us; we feed on your strength. We! Don’t you wonder why? I will not give you the answer because I have no need to satisfy you, on the contrary, every time you are lonelier , you cannot even trust your neighbor, your friends, because anyone who shakes your hand today, tomorrow will betray you. And so. That loneliness will never be consoled. We feed on your engrams, your roles of ego; you are the right banquet for us. Not only you, most of the races as well. It’s a pleasure to be contacted with this world and other worlds. We are many. More than what you think. More, and we grow stronger while you are weaker. Think about it. Think about it if you don’t feel weak. You speak about love. You do not have the slightest idea of what love is, heh heh heh. True love is joy and you shall be dried off, barren. You are a race which is already beginning to falter. You are a race on the verge of extinction and I don’t feel sorry at all, on the contrary, you have to feel grief. To us it’s a pleasure that you feel grief because we feed on that pain. We feed on your fears, your loneliness, your anxieties, and you have them ever since the beginning of the ages till the end of the ages. You have no idea that when you are asleep, we get into your minds, we dig into your minds, we feed on your memories. Think on how many things you have forgotten in your small, miserable and poor life you have, because we are left with your memories. The bitter memories are a serum of life to us. Every time you have less memory as you get older and those who are young and think they have a long time ahead, they have not so much. The world is changing for the worse and that is a joy for us. Of course, we wander around at night. And many of you have seen us, many of you have perceived us, many of you have written about us. We will never let you rest. We are your nightmares, your worst nightmares. And no matter if you surrender; that won’t stop us, we will continue absorbing your strength. We will keep doing it, we will continue doing it. And this vessel thinks that he doing service, heh…this vessel is WEAK! He is absolutely weak! He thinks he’s not, with his little messages, little messages that are sterile. Nobody listens to them. He is lonelier than everybody else. He is in anguish. This vessel is permanently in anguish, sad, alone! ALONE! Ha, ha, ha... ha, ha, ha...! I enjoy that he is alone. He believes that he is loved ha, ha, ha... ha, ha, ha...! Poor deluded guy! Naive. I'll take care of you all too. You will not escape from me. You have no place to hide. You have no place to run. You believe that you have done a favor by channeling me? Ja ja ja... ja, ja, ja... You have done a favor to me. I spread insecurity and then I will feed on it. I’m sowing and I’ll reap later on. My name Athox. Athox! I’m one of the main Primordials. JA JA JA JA! We'll see each other. Short dialogue after the session Jorge Olguin: I have my eyes... give me two minutes. Interlocutor: Yes, yes. Jorge Olguin: I have red eyes due to the energy. I could not feel anything. Interlocutor: He’s simply wicked directly... Jorge Olguin: Yes, but whenever I channel an entity I perceive something... I couldn’t perceive anything in this case, there was a total darkness and... Interlocutor: Did the Christ Energy protect you? Jorge Olguin: Yes, yes. So, I'm absolutely fine, except for the red eyes, which you can see, and the tears. Interlocutor: Yes, yes, I see. Jorge Olguin: And for the rest, I'm fine. A little befuddled. Interlocutor: But was everything dark, like a void place? Didn’t you see points of light, streaks of light? Jorge Olguin: No. I didn’t see, I didn’t perceive anything, absolutely nothing, nothing. Conceptually nothing either. Only, perhaps in my poor opinion, it was like I channeled a black figure, a black shadow, like those shadows depicted by some cartoonists, those shadows in the dark. That is, darker than the darkness, if you can understand the concept. Interlocutor: But comparatively, when you channeled beings from different planes, Did this entity have some similarity to a plane? Jorge Olguin: No. Interlocutor: Couldn’t we say third plane, fourth plane, fifth plane? Can’t we talk about planes? Jorge Olguin: No, no. What was his name? Interlocutor: Athox. Jorge Olguin: Athox. No, no. He also spoke all at once, like spurting... Interlocutor: Yes, and I was impressed in a way that... I couldn’t talk during the session because this entity seemed not to be willing to answer anything, it was just... Jorge Olguin: Or maybe if you had asked... he would have "attacked" you, looking for a weakest point in you. Well, let’s wait for the comments Second part SESSION WITH THE DEMIURGE SESSION 22/SEPT/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Walter D. Entity that came to dialogue: The Demiurge (The ruler of the Chaos) Jorge Olguin: It’s September 22, 2010, and I’m here with Walter who will be the Interlocutor, I will try to channel the Demiurge of the Chaos that surrounds this creation. Demiurge: I was waiting this for a while. Most of you, since you are naïve, think that only my shaped creatures get into this Creation, however, I get into this Creation permanently as they do it. As I embrace the Chaos, I also embrace all the Creation. And thanks to your beloved Eon, who grants free will, I can interfere in your things. And, unlike my main primordials, I can make a bigger "focus" and play with your ego; I can even hurt you all. For example, you, who are in front of this vessel, what's your name? Interlocutor: Walter. Demiurge: Well, Walter. Let's play a game. Let’s suppose that I am to hurt the mental decoder of either of you. I mean your decoder or this vessel’s decoder, Jorge. Who would you choose to be hurt? Interlocutor: Neither of us. Demiurge: No. That's not an option... One of you two! Interlocutor: I wouldn’t choose anyone. Demiurge: You are not committed. You don’t take risks, then. You are coward! Interlocutor: Maybe... Demiurge: There is no "maybe" it’s YES or NO. If you don’t play, you are a coward, something I already knew... and this vessel is also a coward... Then, since this vessel unconsciously has fears but, it the same time, he is somewhat courageous, I will hurt him. You will ask: - How can you do that, being that he is gently channeling you so that you can convey your concepts? Right? Interlocutor: Yes. Demiurge: I don’t care! Interlocutor: Don’t you want to take advantage of the situation for another reason? Demiurge: I take this situation for my own convenience! Besides, it is not true that Eon is all Love and I’m all cruelty, but sometimes a small lesson is not bad at all. Interlocutor: Could you compete with Eon with regard to Love? Could you give Love? Demiurge: That Eon gives Love because to me Love is weakness. Eon’s Love is permissive and I’m not like him. I feed on your fears! I don’t feed myself because I need it, but because it is a joy for me to weaken the Thetans of embodied beings and spirits 100%... Interlocutor: But, Isn’t that the easier way? Demiurge: That way I love it! I enjoy weakening Angelic Entities! I enjoy it! I love to do that! You are intruders, because when Eon is not manifested, the Chaos is not intrusive. When Eon is manifested, the Creation begins growing and it invades our universe, to which you contemptuously call "Chaos". Then, what I will do is to give a lesson of true humility to this vessel at this moment, a small lesion in the occipital part of his brain. The word lesion maybe doesn’t mean anything to you, but if I say "stroke" you’ll get more afraid. And if I say "cerebrovascular accident", you’ll be even more afraid. That's what I'm doing to this vessel now. I don’t care what he says later on, or the Light that Hohnakan, his Thetan, is sending because the Violet Light doesn’t do anything to me, neither for nor against. Ah! It’s a tremendous pleasure! You, Walter and this vessel have interfered with me. The whole creation has interfered with me by invading our habitat over and over again! Interlocutor: Couldn’t you have a creation, as Eon does? Demiurge: That’s not within my capacity. My capacity is to shape, from this alleged Nothingness, these beautiful creatures that you despise because you fear them. I know people on this tiny planet that you call Sun 3, people who previously felt protected by Eon and now they know that Eon doesn’t protect them because they know I’m here. Before I leave I'll tell you that you were saved from my energy focus, but I have caused a minor damage to this vessel. Do you know why I did? Because I don’t like that no one excels. He has revealed 43 paradigms and he has brought to light things that may not be revealed in centuries in your world. Perfect! Interlocutor: Do you think he did it for ego? Demiurge: Of course he didn’t do it for ego, but to give you the Good, but Evil offsets Good. Interlocutor: If he had done it for ego would you be more satisfied? Demiurge: Of course, I would be more satisfied, but since he didn’t do it for ego now he has his "reward". That’s his problem with the medical part. I’m absolutely satisfied that you have contacted me. I think he'll be discouraged to contact me again! And I hope you don’t be filled with conceit, but I thank you for talking with me. Argh! You don’t know a hundredth part of what I am capable of. Short dialogue after the session Interlocutor: How do you feel? Jorge: I'm very tired. How are my eyes? Interlocutor: Red. Jorge: Red? And tears? Interlocutor: Yes, not much, but... Jorge: As if I had a hemorrhage or something? Interlocutor: Yes, a little. Jorge: Okay. That’s for the record... Interlocutor: Are your eyes irritated? Jorge: Yes. And burst blood vessels in the eyes? Interlocutor: No. Jorge: But my eyes are irritated... Interlocutor: Yes Jorge: Before we start with the session. We agreed that this session would be just for ten minutes and the Demiurge left my eyes completely red... Interlocutor: Did you feel anything? Jorge: I remember everything he said. At this moment I feel a very strong headache. Tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor, just for a topic I've already said to the public. Ever since I started channeling in 1997, I had some problems of vertigo, which I consulted with many ENT doctors and they told me that it was a problem of Menière's disease. I know that it's the same channeling that causes me vertigo. They applied Transtympanic Gentamicin therapy and they "destroyed" the vestibular labyrinth in order to keep me free from vertigo, but since I send Healing Christ Energy, somehow it's like... Interlocutor: It’s restoring itself... Jorge: It’s restored, but not with cells of the labyrinth, but with hair cells in the cochlea and other cells. And the vertigo returns... Now I have a strong headache and I’ll take an aspirin. Interlocutor: What about ibuprofen? Jorge: Not In this case, because I take seriously what the Demiurge conceptualized. And now, by causality, because I don’t believe in coincidences, I have to go through a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to see if the vertigo is caused by something else aside from the ear... We'll see what appears in the MRI. That's it. Thank you, Walter, for your help. I hope you have not being scared by this experience, he he! Interlocutor: I imagined that he would try to scare me, to challenge me or threaten me... Jorge: Some time ago I channeled a primordial being who seemed more dramatic and grim than the Demiurge himself. If you listen to the session you will find a more threatening language. However, the Demiurge was more "to-the-point" because he wanted to hurt. He even tried to trick you by asking: "Who would you choose to be hurt? And if you said "I" -to safeguard me- he could tell you that you were doing it by the ego. And if you said "no, hurt the professor" you would have ratified the cowardice of which he accused you. And if you had refrained for an option it would have been the same thing. It was a tricky question... Interlocutor: Yes. Jorge: Johnakan does not pull back surrending, but he’s always safeguarding, even though the Transmuting Violet Energy couldn’t stop a bigger focus from an eternal entity, such as the Demiurge. Je! I laugh ironically because many people will tell me: - Be careful, Master! Just for the record, as I said before the session, I wanted to “know”, somehow, the Demiurge’s power in order to learn how to counteract its energy against the Thetans because if there is a Thetan who has an engram and it’s conditioned, perhaps the same Demiurge or a primordial will try to "knock it down” in some way... Interlocutor: It seems to me that the Demiurge can’t enter into the Creation as much as he wants. Jorge: Yes, in fact there is Divine Free Will... Interlocutor: But, Isn’t Eon protecting us from the Demiurge? Jorge: Yes and no, because... Interlocutor: So, it's like everything is Eon, and he protects his Creation... Jorge: Eon protects his Creation but, paradoxically, He allows evilness, because He grants Free Will. Free will is a precious treasure, Walter. However, the same free will allows wars, plagues, etc... He spoke about Sun 3, but in other worlds that will happen. There are worlds that orbit around a star that turns into supernova and entire civilizations die, becoming spirits, figuratively speaking like "castaways adrift" because they were all incarnated and millions died physically pulverized by the explosion of the star. The spirit does not die but it remains like "homeless" of planet at the moment, but in seconds the spirit can conceptualize and incarnate in another world. We're not helpless; somehow there is a Christ energy that protects us and the transmuting Violet energy. But we're talking about a negative energy that has neither beginning nor end, like Eon and the Whole, who is ABBA. Just out of curiosity, my intention was to know a little about his thinking, and although he said little, I highlight what he said, it mattered more to him to be against us than to express his ideas... perhaps there will be a next opportunity, or maybe not. Interlocutor: Maybe sometimes it’s difficult to focus on what we should ask, so that the entity explains on something else... Jorge: Each question, even if it’s harmonious, the Demiurge's going to distort it in his own convenience, and he’s going to manipulate always, because aside from shaper, he is manipulative. And he can even "play" with a negative placebo effect saying that somehow he hurt me causing a stroke. I have all my lucidity and I have no problem moving myself, I’m with my whole concept 100%, but I understand that there are different types of injuries. Interlocutor: And why can’t the Demiurge have a Creation? Jorge: I don’t know, but he said that it’s out of his reach. Interlocutor: So, it's a very different entity from Eon... Jorge: Absolutely different. I wouldn’t say the opposite like the Ying / Yang, as many have told me. I would say different, and it may be opposite with regard to feelings. Eon can be Love and the Demiurge can be hatred... I don’t know if it is indifference or hate, but I believe it’s not indifference because the Demiurge feels that we are "outsiders" in this Creation each time that Eon is manifested. Then it’s not indifference, but certainly hate. That's all for the moment. MRI Results On September 23, 2010. An MRI test confirmed the presence of a brain injury (stroke). The professor is sure that it didn’t affect his cognitive part. (Brain and Petrous portion of the temporal bone MRI) Cerebral Angiography Cisterna basalis, cortical subarachnoid space and ventricular system as a whole were observed, without alteration or displacement. In the temporal region extending to the right temporo-parietal-occipital region, a stroke lesion was observed with ill-defined limits, cortico-subcortical, isotense inT1 and hypertensive in T2, without edema or mass effect. No other abnormal signs were observed in the brain parenchyma. No morphological or structural alterations were observed in the facio-acoustic ganglion complex. No other alterations were observed in the intracranial blood vessel images nor significant alterations in diameter or signal flow. Dr. Damian Consalvo - Dr. Gustavo Schuster M.N. 80223 M.N. 17236 Related Pages: [1] The Chaos Theory Journey to the edge of the Universe |
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Last edited by RayMabus on 13/6/2020, 23:15; edited 1 time in total
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:kako svemir ne ubrzava širenje? zar to nije postojeća dogma u koju vjeruje cca 90% fizičara astronoma?
onda da li se svemir širi istom brzinom, ili usporava?
U znanosti principijeno nema dogmi. I ne, ta teorija ne uživa nikakvo povjerenje mainstream fizike.
Samo ona koja je odlično potvrđena opažanjima (ekipa je za to dobila Nobela, da sad ne tražim koje godine) da se svemir ubrzano širi.
Dakle, svemir sam po sebi ne ubrzava širenje nego se ubrzano širi. Tamna energija uibrzava širenje svemira.
Moguće da si se tu samo neprecizno izrazio (problemi sa jezikom).
Inače nitko ne zna kojom se točnom brzinom svemir zapravo širi, a tu je moguća i nadsvjetlosna brzina.
How fast is the universe expanding 2019?
The new estimate of the Hubble constant is 74 kilometers (46 miles) per second per megaparsec. This means that for every 3.3 million light-years farther away a galaxy is from us, it appears to be moving 74 kilometers (46 miles) per second faster, as a result of the expansion of the universe.Apr 25, 2019
svemir ubrzava širenje to je postojeća dogma
The accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the expansion of the universe is such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time
to je postojeća dogma, velika većina znanstvenika vjeruje da svemir ubrzava širenje, prvi put da netko tko se kuži u materiju, a to si ti, prvi put čujem da ti osporavaš to.
ako svemir ne ubrzava širenje, a širi se? kako onda? jel se širi sve sporije? i jeli se širi konstantnom brzinom?
Da se konačno vratim na ovo.
Dakle, nije dogma nego opći zaključak mainstream fizike KAKO SE SVEMIR UBRZANO ŠIRI.
Ne da svemir ubrzava širenje nego se zbog djelovanja kvantnih fluktuacija u vakuumu ilitiga tamne enegije UBRZANO ŠIRI.
Ne širi se konstatnom brzinom nego ubrzano.
I da, nitko ne zna koja je to točna brzina, a kako sam već rekao, može biti i nadsvjetlosna (ne, to nije warp, jer je warp sabijanje prostorvremena na putanji svemirske letjelice odnosno skraćivanje puta, a ne nadsvjetlosna brzina).
to je gore procjenjena brzina, znam da je svako par godina mjenjaju
opći zaključak fizike je svemir se ubrzano širi.. ok igra riječi
ali ovo da je to zbog kvatnih fluktuacija u vakumu, to prvi put čujem. obično sam mislio da je postojeća, ajme reći ću "dogma" da širenjem svemira se stvara tamna energija u vakumu a ona sama po sebi potiče širenje, pa je to začarani krug.. što se više svemir širi, više se stvara tamne energije i sve brže se on širi.. aj googla sam zašto? i dobia sam neke odgovore ovdje
zapravo ne zna nitko :_/ :D (nagađaju)
Nema tu nekih čvrsto potvrđenih znanja, ali nije da baš nagađaju. Postoje opažanja i intepretacije tih opažanja temeljene na logici iz kojih nam dolazi jedini razuman zaključak - da se svemir ubrzano širi.
Svjestan sam da to objašnjenje može nalikovati na perpetuum mobile, ali kvaka je u onom što sam naveo ranije.
Širenjem se svemir također i hladi, a to smenjuje ukupnu energiju potrebnu za stvaranje nove materije, a i entropija odradi svoje pa se tako nered neprestano povećava a tako i održavanje reda postaje teže jer se tako povećava i potreba za novom energijom.
Na kraju se kompletna materija spontano raspadne, crne jame izrače svoj sadržaj u prostor, a ako nema materije nema niti prostorvremena i ćao đaci.
Opet Jovo nanovo.
Druga je priča što nitko ne zna kako i u kojim okolnostima može nastati neki NOVI svemir. Pazi, to nije onaj oscilirajući nastao iz nekog starog koji se uvukao u točku siongularnosti Velikog stiska (Big crunch) nego potpuno novi, a svaki novi svemir nosi sa sobom i novo prostorVRIJEME tog istog svemira.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
"Za inflaciju u ekonomiji načelno se smatra da je loša stvar, ali kod svemira ona je vrlo blagotvorna.
Velik opseg širenja izravnava neravnine kojih je možda bilo u ranom svemiru.
Kako se svemir širi, on posuđuje energiju od gravitacijskog polja da bi pravio novu materiju.
Pozitivna energija materije ima točnu protutežu u negativnoj gravitacijskoj energiji, pa je ukupna energija ravna nuli.
Kada se veličina svemira udvostruči, isto biva i s energijama materije i gravitacije — pa je tako dva puta nula i dalje nula. Kamo sreće da je svijet bankarstva tako jednostavan."
Kraj citata.
"Svemir u orahovoj ljusci"; Stephen Hawking; str. 91.
"Za inflaciju u ekonomiji načelno se smatra da je loša stvar, ali kod svemira ona je vrlo blagotvorna.
Velik opseg širenja izravnava neravnine kojih je možda bilo u ranom svemiru.
Kako se svemir širi, on posuđuje energiju od gravitacijskog polja da bi pravio novu materiju.
Pozitivna energija materije ima točnu protutežu u negativnoj gravitacijskoj energiji, pa je ukupna energija ravna nuli.
Kada se veličina svemira udvostruči, isto biva i s energijama materije i gravitacije — pa je tako dva puta nula i dalje nula. Kamo sreće da je svijet bankarstva tako jednostavan."
Kraj citata.
"Svemir u orahovoj ljusci"; Stephen Hawking; str. 91.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:
ali ovo da je to zbog kvatnih fluktuacija u vakumu, to prvi put čujem.
This led to the theory of dark energy, a mysterious invisible force that is driving the expansion of the cosmos.
Much like dark matter which explained the “missing mass,” it then became necessary to find this elusive energy, or at least provide a coherent theoretical framework for it.
A new study from the University of British Columbia (UBC) seeks to do just that by postulating the Universe is expanding due to fluctuations in space and time.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
[size=37]UNIVERSAL CYCLICITY*[/size] SESSION 05/FEB/08 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Manuel M. Entity that came to dialogue: Master Morganel, assisted by Johnakan Ur-El. Morganel: I have a lot of pleasure to be once again communicated with you. My name is Morganel and this ocassion is one of the few times that I communicate combined because I’m in parallel concept with Johnakan-Ur-El. Parallel Concept means that we have a combined lucubration with regard to a topic. As I already said in previous sessions, I am a researcher and many of my incarnated 10%s - in several ages and in different worlds- they have absorbed that eagerness of investigation based every time in order to excel more as human beings on Sun 3 or as another type of beings in other worlds. Always in terms of being able to offer the best thing to each civilization so that they can accept or not what one is going to offer. And why did I request the conceptual help from Johnakan? Because in this time we were lucubrating on the topic of “Chaos”[1]. On this terrestrial world (Sun 3,) most of the people have a confusing concept of what Chaos means, they represent it like a whirlpool, like completed entropy, like everything that is destroyed, the opposite of order, destruction. I base myself on some sentences, for example: He sowed chaos. This Room looks like chaos. Then, most of the people relate chaos with disorder, with destruction. -The battlefield was chaotic-. They relate it to death. In our humble opinion, lucubrating on the “Whole”, we reached the conclusion that Chaos is simply related to the “Nothingness”, related to what vacuum means. When each universe ends there is Chaos. A total lack of Everything. Not only lack of knowledge, but also lack of life, lack of light, lack of expansion, etc. there is a total lack of everything. There is no horizon of events, because there is no horizon. Everything is in a small point that for many it is even virtual, something that we totally deny. There is a tremendous energy condensation in each Big Crunch, but that doesn't end up being a nonexistent point as some physicists have believed to see. And it is not true that it is a point with infinite matter, infinite mass and zero space. One would be so naïve if one believes something like that. Firstly, it is not infinite matter. Secondly it’s not infinite mass either. And thirdly it’s not zero space. It occupies space. Anyway it is Chaos what surrounds that point. Most of the physicists, Johnakan-Ur-El is telling me, believe erroneously that when the universe is shrunk in that Big Crunch, Everything is shrunk. The Nothingness doesn't shrink. And now we will explain the reason. Because when that universe in the end of the cycle contracts (there is an expansion and then a contraction), that contraction includes matter and energy, but not Chaos. That is to say, the Nothingness. What there is beyond because when there is a new cycle, there is a new Big Bang and that matter is manifested over something. When the physicists study the first minutes of this universe, they are meaning that the universe was expanding. What they never have said it -because they didn't know it- is that it was expanding over... And not over something, but over the Nothingness, over the same Chaos. That leads us to think as humble researchers -although Johnakan denies he is a researcher- that today this gigantic universe still continues expanding over the Nothingness, which is what there is beyond the end of the same universe. …And why do I say the end? Because when something is expanding since that expansion, it began with a limit. It doesn’t matter the number of thousands and thousands of light years that this expanded universe has, or rather in expansion, it still continues having limits and beyond, the Nothingness still exists. There is a lot more to discover for the quantum physicist, the mathematician, the astronomer and all those who are fond of everything that has not been unveiled. It was also been said that at the beginning of the universe, not only space didn't exist, but rather time didn't exist either. There is a Mistake with this phrase! Error! And I can affirm it because time always kept existing. And I will explain it because I’m not interested in mysteries! At the moment that the universe is an eternal heartbeat of Big Bangs and Big Crunchs, time always accompanied those heartbeats and in each stop of those heartbeats, time continued existing. Then with the sublime Johnakan we wondered the following question: -And How far the Chaos- that is to say, the Nothingness is extended? And there is the infinite. That is the infinite. A real infinite that mathematicians have approached theoretically, the same as the physicists have lucubrated it. It is an eternal infinite. Then we wondered the following question with this dear Master Johnakan because each answer brought the next question, always trying to ascend one step more in knowledge. God is neither outside nor inside of the universe, in the sense of this same universe, we as Spiritual Entities are manifestation of God, the same as the alternative universes, the parallel universes, and the superphysical universes. We are part of God; that is to say, the universe doesn't contain God. The universe is part of God. …And that led us to more questions. First: Is God also outside of the universe? And the other question: Where? And the second question: Is the Nothingness also part of God? Then I had an illumination simultaneously with Johnakan because with nanoseconds of difference we both received the information, - The answer can be wrong because we are spirits and we are fallible! - God is in the universe and God is beyond the universe and He is contained in the same one. The second question was: Is the Nothingness also part of God? God is Love; it would be one of the answers. The Nothingness doesn't contain Love. The Nothingness, literally speaking, doesn't contain anything. Then is it outside of God? Isn’t a contradicition? An absurdity because God is the Absolute, the same word says it, He is synonymous of Infinity. Beyond the Infinite there is nothing. But the same sentence is saying it! Because most of the beings don't know how to lucubrate between lines. Beyond the Infinite there is nothing. What if the Nothingness is something? And we will object such a paradoxical sentence. Beyond the infinite there is nothing. Perfect, then beyond God there is Nothingness, the thing the universe is expanding over. When the universe contracts, the Nothingness is there once again; that is to say, the Chaos. What reigns in the Chaos? Disorder like most of the people say? Why would there be disorder if there is nothing? Then our answer for the time being is, and it is a temporary answer because we are investigating, or at least I have that nucleus that makes me investigate. It doesn't prevent me from being helpful to others, but each spirit has a characteristic, and since I have the humility to realize that a conceptual single nucleus sometimes is not capable to lucubrate everything, I united my concept to Johnakan’s concept at least for this research and we reached the conclusion that God is manifested in this universe, in all the alternate universes, in the 22 parallel universes, in the superphysical universes and at the same time is outside of Everything contained in himself. But beyond God there is Nothingness because I repeat it: God is Infinite, because he embraces Everything. Beyond the Infinite there is nothing. And I apologize for the pun that I take it as an advantage in order to transmit our conceptual language to the spoken language in the physical plane. If there is nothing, it means that the Nothingness exists beyond the Infinite. A Nothingness still dark, not dark from light, but dark from knowledge, dark from investigation, unexplored… We as spirits and you as incarnated beings have the habit of calling dark to what you ignore, to the vague things, to the distant things, to the cloudy things, and that is the Nothingness. That is the true Chaos. A Chaos on which it is necessary a lot more for us to investigate. A Chaos that was there from the origin. Then there is another question. Everything is cyclical and you developed a strip, which is a hypothetical strip that twisted and bounded has hypothetically infinite surface - I say hypothetically because it is not like that -, it is a tricky surface, the well-known Möbius strip or (Moebius band). Infinite in the sense that one can travel over it all the time and one never reaches the end. Time is like the Möbius strip, some "sages" explain, researchers, physicists, mathematicians... Will there be a moment throughout billions and billions of years when that last Big Bang fits, as if it were a cog, with the first Big Bang? Because if it is so, there would not be Creation. And if there is no Creation, When was God manifested? In which moment did God appear? Johnakan and I lucubrated the following thing: God is manifested in this universe with all the alternatives. Parallel universes, alternate universes, superphysical universes. He created Elohim, they created spirits, elves, goblins, angels, etc. Then a Creation exists. Then, there was a beginning, there was an origin. Then the famous theory that the universe doesn't have a beginning and an end is false! It is not real! There was a beginning! The issue is to know how to interpret the thought of God well and a lot of people don't know how to interpret it on this world and surely in other worlds don’t know it as well. Otherwise, He would not be Creator and He would be limited because He would be always along at the universe. Then there was an origin, there was an initial Creation, and here the question arises because to every intrigue, to every doubt, the question is mandatory. What was it before? Or was God alone? That is one of the unresolved questions, because Johnakan himself said a long time ago that at the beginning There was the Nothingness and the Whole. And that was translated into spoken language by his vessel, the 10% incarnated as Jorge Olguin, in his book Heaven Responds. At the beginning there was the Nothingness and the Whole. And being in parallel with Johnakan’s thinking, the same Johnakan affirms that he ratifies what was said. At the beginning there was the Nothingness (The Chaos) and the Whole (God). That is to say that God was there and the Nothingness also. In a certain moment for some reason that we still ignore, when I say that we still ignore, I mean that we will not always ignore it - I Hope so -, God decided to show himself over the Nothingness, expanding himself over the Nothingness, becoming Infinite over the Nothingness. But to conclude with this class that we have lectured, beyond the Infinite there is nothing. Thank you on my behalf and on behalf of the sublime Master Johnakan. Interlocutor: Thank you Morganel. Thank you Johnkan-Ur-El. Conversation between Jorge Olguín and Manuel M. Jorge Olguin: I can only say that I’m overwhelmed. Manuel M.: Yes, it is incredible. (Laughing). Jorge Olguin: I can only say that. Manuel M.: Joining efforts. Jorge Olguin: I am proud of our Thetans, but healthily proud. Manuel M.: Yes, sure! Jorge Olguin: It’s not ego. It’s not vanity, but not saying I was proud, it would be hypocrisy. Manuel M.: Sure not recognizing that! Not recognizing the combined effort in order to lucubrate a huge problem like this, directly the problem of the origin of the universe. Jorge Olguin: God! Manuel M.: The cyclicity* that exists where God is. I had never heard such thing! Jorge Olguin: Well, I’m thankful to my decoder that has allowed Morganel to be expressed along with Johnakan, obviously, without doubts, without hesitations, during almost half an hour without doubts. Well as I always say in English every morning when I cross the avenue. Thanks God! Manuel M. Jorge Olguín: (Laughing) *The word cyclicity (n.) used on this topic is related to a state of being cyclic or that moves in cycles Transcriber’s note: [1] From now on, the word "Chaos" with capital letter will be used to mention what is beyond of the Creation of Eon. The word "chaos" with lower-case will be used when the meaning is related (disorder or confusion). The words "Whole" and “Everything” with capital letter will be used when they are referred to the (Creation of Eon) which includes the physical universe manifested, the 22 parallel universes, the alternate universes and the superphysical universes along with all the superphysical entities. The words "whole" and ”everything” with lower-case will be used to refer only to the physical universe as all, totality or continuum, since the scientists only mention the physical universe in this way, therefore, these terms will be used when they are related to the entire physical universe without keeping in mind the rest. The word "Nothingness" will be used with capital letter with the same meaning given by the word "Chaos" with capital letter. In reference to what is beyond the Creation of Eon. The word "nothing" will be used when the meaning is related to the absence of elements in the physical plane. |
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RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Speare Shaker wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:
ali ovo da je to zbog kvatnih fluktuacija u vakumu, to prvi put čujem.
This led to the theory of dark energy, a mysterious invisible force that is driving the expansion of the cosmos.
Much like dark matter which explained the “missing mass,” it then became necessary to find this elusive energy, or at least provide a coherent theoretical framework for it.
A new study from the University of British Columbia (UBC) seeks to do just that by postulating the Universe is expanding due to fluctuations in space and time.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
aj bolje i to nego da se tukuLegendovich wrote:nemaju pametnija posla nego vilozovirati..Leviathan2 wrote:a zasto se zamarate s necim vama nedokucivim?
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
zahvaljujem speakeru na objašnjenjima.
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
ti dokucio?Speare Shaker wrote:Leviathan2 wrote:a zasto se zamarate s necim vama nedokucivim?
Kako za koga.
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
michaellcmacha wrote:jebeš te teorije... hominini postoje cca 10 milijuna godina, prvi hominin koji je koristio kamen u svojstvu oruđa 2,3 milijuna godina iuglavnom u najboljoj opciji moderan čovjek će postojati još koju tisuću godina, jer zadnjih 5-6 tisuća godina evolucijski tijek je sam čovjek usmjerio bez mogućnosti da ga nadzire ili predviđa... a svemir je tu 13,7 milijardi godina i minimalno će postojati još toliko... ljudi kao svemirski bitna činjenica su red veličine 0,pa bezbroj nula i onda stavite bilo koji broj... e sad sa tolikom bitnošću čovjek, analizira i pokušava razumjeti gravitaciju makro sveprostora i kvantnu mehaniku mikro prostora, a toga u svem preostalom vremenu će biti dok samog čovjeka neće. ili netko ovdje misli da će čovjek svjedočiti kraju svega... od svega
tu si potpuno u pravu. sve ovo ostalo je kao da uzmeš dve cigle lupaš se po jajima i osjećaš kako se svemir širi.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Speare Shaker wrote:Tamna energija su kvantne fluktuacije koje se prirodno događaju u vakuumu.
Infantilnim blebetavi ignorantu. Kako ti nije neugodno toliko blebetati o nečemu o čemu nemaš blage veze? Srami se.
NITKO NE ZNA ŠTO JE TAMNA ENERGIJA. Nitko ju nikad nije vidio, ni opazio, a kamo li objasnio.
Izmislili su je zato što ne znaju objasniti zašto se u svemiru događa to što se događa.
Posts : 29707
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:zahvaljujem speakeru na objašnjenjima.
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
ja nisam pratio temu neznam o čemu je točno riječ.
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Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Svemir je jaje.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:zahvaljujem speakeru na objašnjenjima.
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
Crna materija je dio ovog svemira i nekako utjeće na ubrzavanje širenja a svemir koji je kreacija Kreatora širi se PREKO ništavila. Ništavilo je odsutnost ničega. Crna tvar je samo tvar koju ne percepiramo dakle nije ništavilo nego ju nevidimo.
Galaksijama treba prosotra i zato je rub svemira širi od starosti svemira.
THE SIZE OF THE UNIVERSE The universe we live in is finite, not only is it expanding, but its rate of expansion is increasing. According to the Masters of Light, the edge of the universe is at more than 13.7 billion light-years away. How big is our universe? Session 02/JUL/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Javier M. Entity that came to dialogue: Rovanor, Rovanor: I’m glad to be here. I want to express a brief introduction. We, as superphysical entities, permanently incorporate knowledge, but there is a somewhat trivial statement that says: "there is knowledge and knowledge." For example: I can be a century incorporating knowledge and experience, and that adds. However, suddenly, one incorporate unthinkable concepts and everything changes. The fact of conceiving with other Masters of Light and assimilate that there are other Creations makes one feel like -and this is not ego, but a way of defining- insignificant. The embodied human being, at least in this tiny planet, has a very little idea of what the universe is. It’s true that you can find books and talk about the measure of galaxies, but they are only numbers like 100.000 (hundred thousand) light years, 1,000,000 (one million) light years, etc. As a sublime teacher said: Your mental decoder (brain) don’t grasp the real idea of what you are conceptualizing, I mean, you all do not understand that with the current terrestrial technology, you would take around 40,000 (forty thousand) and 60,000 (sixty thousand) years to travel 4 (four) light-years of distance. Then, imagine what would be to travel 2,000,000 light years in order to reach a nearby galaxy... With the Masters I'm learning that the universe, right now, surpasses more than 81 billion (eighty-one billion) light years... And the greatest scientists of the twentieth-century said that it was not possible to exceed the speed of light. So the question is - and I’m not going to answer it, but I’ll leave it as an open question- How can you explain, then, that if the universe is 13.7 billion years old today, has 81 billion (eighty one billion) light-years of extension? It’s expanded nearly six times the speed of light? Yes, and it’s accelerating even for billions of light years away. And these concepts that the exalted Masters have investigated, leave us marveled. You all will ask: Isn’t the same that an embodied being- who can live 70, 80 or 90 years- compared to a spirit that can be thousands, or tens of thousands of years? It has nothing to do with it because we sometimes embody on “savage” planets - as you all would call them- or planets where the inhabitants are working with solid light, but they don’t delve into astronomy. For example, there are worlds that have mastered time travel, but they didn’t go deep on space trips. Moreover, there are worlds that have become extinct with their star without having contact with other races... Interlocutor: Okay. That’s the vastness of the universe, right? It’s unreachable for our understanding. And I presume that at a spiritual level, it also has understanding, right? Rovanor: Absolutely. Interlocutor: I’m sure of it. Rovanor, I don’t know if you have something more to say... Rovanor: One more thing about the Chaos (1): Many Masters have put forward whether a spirit can die- in accordance with the knowledge you all have about death- and it was said that not until we merge with the Creator and we all be one with him again. And instead of our consciousness disappears, we all will add it in a total Unit, which is the Creator. Sometimes we run the risk that if a biological unit, as it has happened more than once, enters into the Chaos with an artificial artifact -what you’d call a "spacecraft"- can be caught by that magnetic force of the Chaos and stay there; you all know the case about DoAsh (2) , being hard to come back to the Creation. Let’s suppose that meanwhile the Creation stops expanding and starts contracting and once the Big Crunch comes the Creator does not extend his pseudopod and catch that spirit who was left stranded by going out of the Creation... Interlocutor: Is this a new concept? Rovanor: This concept is new. The beloved Master Johnakan Ur-El dictated to me. Although a spirit does not die in the way you understand, that spirits is out of the Father’s presence. Interlocutor: Perhaps as if the spirit were trapped in a different habitat? Rovanor: Exactly. It is not easy to convey that. I send all my Love to you. So long. Interlocutor: So long, thank you very much for all your concepts, Rovanor. Related Pages: (1) The Chaos Theory. (2) Journey to the edge of the universe. Quantum insights. |
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RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Crna materija je dio ovog svemira i nekako utjeće na ubrzavanje širenja a svemir koji je kreacija Kreatora širi se PREKO ništavila. Ništavilo je odsutnost ničega. Crna tvar je samo tvar koju ne percepiramo dakle nije ništavilo nego ju nevidimo.
Galaksijama treba prosotra i zato je rub svemira širi od starosti svemira.
jebote kru sa kobasicama
Svemir je jaje.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:zahvaljujem speakeru na objašnjenjima.
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
Crna materija je dio ovog svemira i nekako utjeće na ubrzavanje širenja a svemir koji je kreacija Kreatora širi se PREKO ništavila. Ništavilo je odsutnost ničega. Crna tvar je samo tvar koju ne percepiramo dakle nije ništavilo nego ju nevidimo.
Galaksijama treba prosotra i zato je rub svemira širi od starosti svemira.
jebote kru sa kobasicama
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
i koji vam ja zakljucak
jel se svemir siri il skuplja
kad nastupa giB gneB
jel se svemir siri il skuplja
kad nastupa giB gneB
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Iz istog razloga je izmišljen i tamna tvar, iako se nju indirektno vide, tipa efekt gravitacijske leće, ili rotacije galaktike, nisu mogu objasniti zašto se galaksije pri tim brzinama ne raspadnu, pa eto postoji nevidljiva materija. Koja je zapravo velika većina materije. A nije uhvaćena niti jedna čestica.crvenkasti wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:Tamna energija su kvantne fluktuacije koje se prirodno događaju u vakuumu.
Infantilnim blebetavi ignorantu. Kako ti nije neugodno toliko blebetati o nečemu o čemu nemaš blage veze? Srami se.
NITKO NE ZNA ŠTO JE TAMNA ENERGIJA. Nitko ju nikad nije vidio, ni opazio, a kamo li objasnio.
Izmislili su je zato što ne znaju objasniti zašto se u svemiru događa to što se događa.
Aj ti budi pametan.
Jedan je znanstvenik rekao da je to "gravity which is leaking from other dimensions
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
Radi se o kreaciji jednog pametnog lika koji je skužija da ako se žumanjce u jajetu širi jednakom brzinom kao i bjelance da će na kraju prostor unutar žumanjca u odnosu na bjelance u omjerima bit je napracija šemu da se širenje ubrzava tako da se taj omjer ne poremeti ( svemir je kugla a kad se centar kugle širi onda vanjski omotač mora brze ).AssadNaPodmornici wrote:zahvaljujem speakeru na objašnjenjima.
gnječ imaš li ti dodati šta svoje. zanima me mišljenje ljudi što se razumiju
i da ne zapostavimo ray mabusa, -- aj u par rečenica sažmi tu kobasicu od texta
I tu sad upada crna materija koja regulira to širenje tj ubrzava ga.
Ovo je dječjim rječnikom rečeno a fizičari nek traže detalje tj fizikalne zakone no ovo je ideja onog koji je kreira svemir i zašto se ubrzava širenje.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Seattle: policija napustila centar grada, proglašena autonomna narodna republika, Trump prijeti intervencijom
U svemirskom prostoru i vremenu vlada opća inteligencija koja iz kaosa stvara red, pravila i zakonitosti.
Međutim, svemir se širi i ima sve prostora koji nastanjuju glupani. Oni mlataraju naokolo bezveze i i prave sranja.
Glupani na kraju pobijeđuju. Jebeš svemir.
Međutim, svemir se širi i ima sve prostora koji nastanjuju glupani. Oni mlataraju naokolo bezveze i i prave sranja.
Glupani na kraju pobijeđuju. Jebeš svemir.
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