Da remiziramo...
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Re: Da remiziramo...
Imate još 17 na liječenju, od toga 2 na respiratoru, tako da bih ja na tvojem mjestumutava baštarda wrote:Ne znam kako je kod tebe u Slo, ali ovdje se opet umire po starom.Eroo wrote:Ne prije nego što ja to kažem. Strpite se.debotoijusto wrote:@eroliki tebe nitko nije obavjestio da je gotovo ?
još sačekao u donošenju zaključaka.
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
U Bosni se nešto događa. Pojavila su se im 2 klastera. Za jedan (Teslić) sam pročitao da zaražene
ni prije nisuimali testirane, jer to sami ne čine, a u Zenici su to odbijali učiniti.
Na javnim mjestima sam upitao zašto im to ne urade u kliničkom centru u Sarajevu i dogodilo se.
Rezultate više ne objavljuju na svjetskim platformama. Jedino na ovome a i to je sve upitno...
Velika tuga je ova zemlja, nažalost.
ni prije nisuimali testirane, jer to sami ne čine, a u Zenici su to odbijali učiniti.
Na javnim mjestima sam upitao zašto im to ne urade u kliničkom centru u Sarajevu i dogodilo se.
Rezultate više ne objavljuju na svjetskim platformama. Jedino na ovome a i to je sve upitno...
Velika tuga je ova zemlja, nažalost.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Sad i ovo:
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
{0;0} Hvala mušketirima!
Ako bih se potrudio znao bih s formulom opisati ovaj žuti dio dijagrama.
Ako bih se potrudio znao bih s formulom opisati ovaj žuti dio dijagrama.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
ajd se bosanac potrudi i stavi formulu.
infitezimalan račun je za tebe dobar dan.
daj stavi po tvom odabiru unutar 24 sata.
zaigraj se matematikom. nama neukima pojasni.
infitezimalan račun je za tebe dobar dan.
daj stavi po tvom odabiru unutar 24 sata.
zaigraj se matematikom. nama neukima pojasni.
Posts : 53509
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Ne vama, tebi nepismenom je bez veze išta objašnjavati.veber wrote:zaigraj se matematikom. nama neukima pojasni.
Onima koji su razumjeli o čemu pričam ne treba ništa objašnjavati.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Gledanje šta rade komšije i šire, je u redu, ali vući iste poteze nije u redu.
Opustiti mjere prije nego se epidemija ne zatre je glupost. Primjer Makedonije
je dobar primjer šta se ne smije radit. Politiku treba odstraniti iz ovoga.
PS: HR mora uvesti 14. dnevnu karantenu za srpske, bih i makedonske građane.
SLO je to već najavila.
Gledanje šta rade komšije i šire, je u redu, ali vući iste poteze nije u redu.
Opustiti mjere prije nego se epidemija ne zatre je glupost. Primjer Makedonije
je dobar primjer šta se ne smije radit. Politiku treba odstraniti iz ovoga.
PS: HR mora uvesti 14. dnevnu karantenu za srpske, bih i makedonske građane.
SLO je to već najavila.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Makedonija se muči s drugim valom.
To je sad puno teže nego s prvim.
To je sad puno teže nego s prvim.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
bosanac, ti ni pravac ne znaš odrediti, kamoli infitezimalni račun.Eroo wrote:Ne vama, tebi nepismenom je bez veze išta objašnjavati.veber wrote:zaigraj se matematikom. nama neukima pojasni.
Onima koji su razumjeli o čemu pričam ne treba ništa objašnjavati.
baci formulu.
iz rukava.
Posts : 53509
Re: Da remiziramo...
COVID-19 Long Term Effects: COVID-19 Survivors Could Suffer Chronic Medical Conditions For Years
Source: COVID-19 Long Term Effects Jun 07, 2020 1 day ago
As of 4am, California, Sunday 7th June 2020, the total official number of infected COVID-19 cases in the world has reached more than 7 million (7,001,2180) and total number of individuals who have died have reached 402,578.
These are only conservative figures as the real figures could actually be much more due to under reporting and concealments by government authorities all over the world especially in countries like Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nigeria, Brazil, and even in countries like US, China and India.
As the number of cases continues to rise and governments are focused on treating patients acutely sick with COVID-19, a disturbing issue arising in that a second crisis of long-term disability is looming.
Past research shows that long-term illness and disability can be triggered by viral infections.
Among some of these illnesses include postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and type I diabetes. Some patients in Italy have already developed Guillain-Barré after COVID-19.
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a common but less well-understood neurological disease with notable effects on cognitive and muscular function. Up to 80% of cases of ME/CFS are initiated by viral infection but may also arise in the wake of a surgery or traumatic injury, similar to Guillain-Barré. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK274235/
Medical researchers and clinician are deeply concerned about the potential for COVID-19 to develop into ME/CFS and other post-infectious diseases and disorders. With an estimated 25% of people with ME/CFS housebound or bedbound, patients suffering from the lowest quality of life of any disease to which it has been compared, including multiple sclerosis, and only about 13% of patients are able to return to full-time work, the potential for many new cases of ME/CFS in the wake of COVID-19 is no small matter. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26147503/
At times a precursor to ME/CFS post-viral fatigue syndrome can occur after virtually any viral infection. Symptoms wax and wane; a person can feel fine one day and terrible the next. Exercise or other usual activities can bring fever and often symptoms rushing back. Although there is no known treatment, these problems often resolve on their own.
Many patients who have experienced post-viral fatigue syndrome advise the newly ill to rest, rest and rest some more, as returning to normal activities can trigger relapses. If symptoms continue for six months or longer, post-viral fatigue syndrome can convert to a diagnosis of ME/CFS, which is usually lifelong and often devastating. Up to 25 percent of ME/CFS patients are housebound or bedbound for years. There are no treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Even the National Institutes of Health is concerned. Dr Walter Koroshetz, Director of the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at NIH, stated that “this idea of a viral infection triggering an immune response that then goes on to initiate] ME/CFS is front and center in researcher’s minds.” The NIH is currently studying post-infectious ME/CFS at their Clinical Center in Maryland. https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/mecfs/nih-me/cfs-advocacy-call-march-17-2020 and https://www.nih.gov/mecfs/nih-me-cfs-clinical-study
Already there is a lot of evidence that when a severe viral infection sweeps through the population, ME/CFS will often follow. The Institute of Medicine’s (NAM) 2015 report concluded that ME/CFS may be triggered by a number of acute viral infections, including herpesviruses such as EBV or HHV-6, enteroviruses, and echoviruses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK274235/
A research on Epstein-Barr virus, Q fever, and Ross River virus showed that about 12% of subjects across the board met ME/CFS criteria at 6 months after clearing the infection; and another study of people with mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) produced identical numbers. 20% of patients with West Nile Virus (n=140) met the criteria for CFS six months after tests first returned negative for West Nile. There are also a handful of highly-publicized outbreaks leading to ME/CFS: some of the biggest ones include the Epstein-Barr Viral outbreaks in New York; the Lake Tahoe outbreak in Nevada; and the Royal Free Outbreak in London. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16950834/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11063953/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25062274/
COVID-19 and SARS-C0V-2 would not be the first coronavirus to result in documented ME/CFS. Studies have shown that long-lasting disabling symptoms commonly occur in people who contracted two other coronaviruses that cause SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). In one study, 27% of SARS survivors were found to meet CFS criteria several years after developing SARS. https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1731 and https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/415378
Source: COVID-19 Long Term Effects Jun 07, 2020 1 day ago
As of 4am, California, Sunday 7th June 2020, the total official number of infected COVID-19 cases in the world has reached more than 7 million (7,001,2180) and total number of individuals who have died have reached 402,578.
These are only conservative figures as the real figures could actually be much more due to under reporting and concealments by government authorities all over the world especially in countries like Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nigeria, Brazil, and even in countries like US, China and India.
As the number of cases continues to rise and governments are focused on treating patients acutely sick with COVID-19, a disturbing issue arising in that a second crisis of long-term disability is looming.
Past research shows that long-term illness and disability can be triggered by viral infections.
Among some of these illnesses include postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and type I diabetes. Some patients in Italy have already developed Guillain-Barré after COVID-19.
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a common but less well-understood neurological disease with notable effects on cognitive and muscular function. Up to 80% of cases of ME/CFS are initiated by viral infection but may also arise in the wake of a surgery or traumatic injury, similar to Guillain-Barré. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK274235/
Medical researchers and clinician are deeply concerned about the potential for COVID-19 to develop into ME/CFS and other post-infectious diseases and disorders. With an estimated 25% of people with ME/CFS housebound or bedbound, patients suffering from the lowest quality of life of any disease to which it has been compared, including multiple sclerosis, and only about 13% of patients are able to return to full-time work, the potential for many new cases of ME/CFS in the wake of COVID-19 is no small matter. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26147503/
At times a precursor to ME/CFS post-viral fatigue syndrome can occur after virtually any viral infection. Symptoms wax and wane; a person can feel fine one day and terrible the next. Exercise or other usual activities can bring fever and often symptoms rushing back. Although there is no known treatment, these problems often resolve on their own.
Many patients who have experienced post-viral fatigue syndrome advise the newly ill to rest, rest and rest some more, as returning to normal activities can trigger relapses. If symptoms continue for six months or longer, post-viral fatigue syndrome can convert to a diagnosis of ME/CFS, which is usually lifelong and often devastating. Up to 25 percent of ME/CFS patients are housebound or bedbound for years. There are no treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Even the National Institutes of Health is concerned. Dr Walter Koroshetz, Director of the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at NIH, stated that “this idea of a viral infection triggering an immune response that then goes on to initiate] ME/CFS is front and center in researcher’s minds.” The NIH is currently studying post-infectious ME/CFS at their Clinical Center in Maryland. https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/mecfs/nih-me/cfs-advocacy-call-march-17-2020 and https://www.nih.gov/mecfs/nih-me-cfs-clinical-study
Already there is a lot of evidence that when a severe viral infection sweeps through the population, ME/CFS will often follow. The Institute of Medicine’s (NAM) 2015 report concluded that ME/CFS may be triggered by a number of acute viral infections, including herpesviruses such as EBV or HHV-6, enteroviruses, and echoviruses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK274235/
A research on Epstein-Barr virus, Q fever, and Ross River virus showed that about 12% of subjects across the board met ME/CFS criteria at 6 months after clearing the infection; and another study of people with mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) produced identical numbers. 20% of patients with West Nile Virus (n=140) met the criteria for CFS six months after tests first returned negative for West Nile. There are also a handful of highly-publicized outbreaks leading to ME/CFS: some of the biggest ones include the Epstein-Barr Viral outbreaks in New York; the Lake Tahoe outbreak in Nevada; and the Royal Free Outbreak in London. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16950834/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11063953/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25062274/
COVID-19 and SARS-C0V-2 would not be the first coronavirus to result in documented ME/CFS. Studies have shown that long-lasting disabling symptoms commonly occur in people who contracted two other coronaviruses that cause SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). In one study, 27% of SARS survivors were found to meet CFS criteria several years after developing SARS. https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1731 and https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/415378
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Re: Da remiziramo...
University Of Birmingham Researchers Warn That Children Infected With COVID-19 Could Develop Kawasaki-Like Syndrome Weeks Or Months Later At Any Time.
Source: Kawasaki-Like Syndrome Jun 08, 2020 1 hour ago
Medical researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed a test that has offered evidence confirming COVID-19 to be the cause of a newly emerged multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, who have tested negative for the virus by the PCR test.
The study findings also raise the possibility that children who may have had the virus in their system, even if they haven't been unwell, could be at risk of developing this new condition. Evidence points that the condition can develop weeks or even months after infection. https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/colleges/mds/news/2020/06/covid-children-kawasaki.aspx
Health authorities in the UK and US have reported in recent weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, of children presenting with symptoms similar to those seen in Kawasaki disease; a rare condition, usually seen in under-fives, that causes a persistently high temperature, rashes and inflammation of the blood vessels.
This emerging medical condition has recently been termed Paediatric Inflammatory Multi-System Syndrome - Temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS) and to date has affected around 100 children in the UK with further reports of cases across Europe and the United States.
This recent research demonstrates the value of an antibody test, developed by a team at the University of Birmingham, to confirm the diagnosis of children hospitalized with symptoms consistent with PIMS-TS.
Interestingly all of the children tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus by PCR.
This new research was the product of a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham Health Partners, Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, the University of Southampton and The Binding Site Group Ltd.
The new blood test, which demonstrates the presence of different types of antibodies to the virus, showed that every child had high levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The pattern of antibodies indicated that the infection most likely occurred weeks or even months previously. This means that antibody testing can be used to help diagnose PIMS-TS, even when virus is not directly detectable in the patient.
Lead researcher and Consultant Immunologist at the University of Birmingham's Institute of Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Dr Alex Richter told Thailand Medical News, "By focusing on assay development using academic principles, our team has designed a sensitive antibody test that can be used to detect exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infections. The test will be used to understand how many individuals have suffered from COVID-19 in our communities but we have found another use identifying PIMS-TS in these sick children".
Source: Kawasaki-Like Syndrome Jun 08, 2020 1 hour ago
Medical researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed a test that has offered evidence confirming COVID-19 to be the cause of a newly emerged multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, who have tested negative for the virus by the PCR test.
The study findings also raise the possibility that children who may have had the virus in their system, even if they haven't been unwell, could be at risk of developing this new condition. Evidence points that the condition can develop weeks or even months after infection. https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/colleges/mds/news/2020/06/covid-children-kawasaki.aspx
Health authorities in the UK and US have reported in recent weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, of children presenting with symptoms similar to those seen in Kawasaki disease; a rare condition, usually seen in under-fives, that causes a persistently high temperature, rashes and inflammation of the blood vessels.
This emerging medical condition has recently been termed Paediatric Inflammatory Multi-System Syndrome - Temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS) and to date has affected around 100 children in the UK with further reports of cases across Europe and the United States.
This recent research demonstrates the value of an antibody test, developed by a team at the University of Birmingham, to confirm the diagnosis of children hospitalized with symptoms consistent with PIMS-TS.
Interestingly all of the children tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus by PCR.
This new research was the product of a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham Health Partners, Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, the University of Southampton and The Binding Site Group Ltd.
The new blood test, which demonstrates the presence of different types of antibodies to the virus, showed that every child had high levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The pattern of antibodies indicated that the infection most likely occurred weeks or even months previously. This means that antibody testing can be used to help diagnose PIMS-TS, even when virus is not directly detectable in the patient.
Lead researcher and Consultant Immunologist at the University of Birmingham's Institute of Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Dr Alex Richter told Thailand Medical News, "By focusing on assay development using academic principles, our team has designed a sensitive antibody test that can be used to detect exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infections. The test will be used to understand how many individuals have suffered from COVID-19 in our communities but we have found another use identifying PIMS-TS in these sick children".
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
ma, prolazna viroza, malo šmrcaš i kišeš i ništa
aha, eto!
aha, eto!
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Da remiziramo...
Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Noor wrote:ma, prolazna viroza, malo šmrcaš i kišeš i ništa
aha, eto!
nažalost svih forumskih i neforumskih debila taj virus nije samo prolazna viroza kako ga pokušavaju prikazati nego nešto puno morbidnije.
pobijedili su virus? yes malo morgen.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Eroo wrote:Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
aha. ćeš se načekati...
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Re: Da remiziramo...
Gnječ wrote:Eroo wrote:Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
aha. ćeš se načekati...
Do rujna mjeseca. Dobro, možda i do listopada. Najkasnije do početka studenog. I to je tada gotova priča.
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Re: Da remiziramo...
Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:Eroo wrote:Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
aha. ćeš se načekati...
Do rujna mjeseca. Dobro, možda i do listopada. Najkasnije do početka studenog. I to je tada gotova priča.
mda. čime jamčiš ta je to gotova priča? jamčiš li svojim životom? mogu li ti doć i prosut mozak komadićem olova ako ta priča tada ne bude gotova?
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Re: Da remiziramo...
Tko je to rekao? Ja do sada nešto slično čuo od hrvatskog stožera. Osim od Ane Brnabić, naravno.Gnječ wrote:Noor wrote:ma, prolazna viroza, malo šmrcaš i kišeš i ništa
aha, eto!
nažalost svih forumskih i neforumskih debila taj virus nije samo prolazna viroza kako ga pokušavaju prikazati nego nešto puno morbidnije.
pobijedili su virus? yes malo morgen.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78960
Re: Da remiziramo...
Gnječ wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:Eroo wrote:Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
aha. ćeš se načekati...
Do rujna mjeseca. Dobro, možda i do listopada. Najkasnije do početka studenog. I to je tada gotova priča.
mda. čime jamčiš ta je to gotova priča? jamčiš li svojim životom? mogu li ti doć i prosut mozak komadićem olova ako ta priča tada ne bude gotova?
Ničim ne jamčim.
Da, možeš to slobodno učiniti. Ali neće biti potrebe jer će ta priča biti gotova do najkasnije prvog studenog.
I do sada sam točno predvidio dinamiku Covida-19 u Hrvatskoj, pa nemam sad namjeru promašiti u slijedećim prognozama.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:Eroo wrote:Treba samo preživjeti dok se ne pronađe cjepivo. Ovo je gore od svakog rata.
aha. ćeš se načekati...
Do rujna mjeseca. Dobro, možda i do listopada. Najkasnije do početka studenog. I to je tada gotova priča.
mda. čime jamčiš ta je to gotova priča? jamčiš li svojim životom? mogu li ti doć i prosut mozak komadićem olova ako ta priča tada ne bude gotova?
Ničim ne jamčim.
Da, možeš to slobodno učiniti. Ali neće biti potrebe jer će ta priča biti gotova do najkasnije prvog studenog.
I do sada sam točno predvidio dinamiku Covida-19 u Hrvatskoj, pa nemam sad namjeru promašiti u slijedećim prognozama.
blago tebi. ignorance is bliss.
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