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Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:
We humans are the beings of narratives and story lines. From the very moment we gain ability of language and slightest degree of self awareness, we are pushed by our parents, peers, teachers, to tell the story of ourselves. "What do you want to be when you grow up?", a teacher asks, "What is your favorite fruit?", asks your mother and "What is your favorite Disney film?" asks your friend on the playground. Before we are even able to grasp the true meaning of words and before we are even able to understand context, we need to tell the little narrative to others and then eventually to ourselves. Slowly as we grow up and as the amount of stories and narratives we tell increase, we gradually start identifying ourselves with the narrative, incapable of seeing any piece of ourselves, any drop of our own being existing outside of it. The part of our story line or narrative can become absolutely anything, our nation, our religion, our place of birth, our gender identity, our sexuality, the degree we study, type of music we like, it can even be something as small as your zodiac sign, MBTI type, whether you are A or B personality type. As these separate little stories gather over lifetime into a single story we tell of ourselves, it becomes difficult to live outside of anything but the story.
I knew what I would be when I grew up the moment I was struck by lightning.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:tesko mi je bilo izdvojiti manji pasus, jer je dokazivanje iskricu duže, pa je, eto, ispo teaser:)kic wrote:aben wrote:jo ne dojen milostinju iz principa.kic wrote:aben wrote:
a e. eto ukupno 5% u 2014. al ne verujin da to puno osciliro.
top 1% doje ukupno 1/3. to su vlosnici koorporacijov...
imo u svemu tomu nešto ča mi ni drogo. jedun pu sun čito o nekoj glumici ka zarađivo manje od milijuna godišnje. nešto je bila krivo rekla- i unda su je počeli češljati mediji, i našli joj da ne doje dovoljno u čeriti. njima je to given, ako si higher profile citizen...
pa ni meni se ne dopada, društvo ti nameće obvezu šta da činiš sa svojim parama.. pa i na rqzgovorima na posao te znaju to pitati dajes li i koliko sto i nekako razumijem..
bas sam citao clanak o povratu poreza i koliko Hrvati zapravo puno daju i malo koriste cinjenicu doniranja da dobiju povrat poreza (ukljucujuci i mene)poglavlje 18, noncontributor to charity, defending the undefendebleContributing to charity is not in itself evil. When it is a voluntary decision on the part of responsible adults, it does not violate an individual’s rights. Yet there are dangers in charity, and compelling reasons for refusing to contribute to it. In addition, there are serious flaws in the moral philosophy upon which charity is based.
sad pišeš teasere i za knjige...
i šta si dokazao? da na planeti Zemlji vlada socijalizam? osim možda u Sjevernoj Koreji ne.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
ebenica wrote:ljudi ne rade za sebe nego za nagradu, kao i pas kad dobrovoljno donese igračku koju mu ti veliš da bi dobio keks. smrade smrdljivi neuki.aben wrote:ebenica wrote:jesi ti normalan bokte? nitko normalan ne želi raditi za nekoga, nema tu dobrovoljnog odnosa nego je nužda, stvar preživljavanja, stvar dresure kao i pavlovljev pas, kad je hrana jednako zvuk cure sline, u kapitalizmu je posao=hrana, to je čista dresura..nikoga u školi ne uče: radi što god želiš kad odrasteš i radi za sebe, nego od malih nogu; nećeš naći posao ako se ne školuješ..nema tu izbora, jesi stvarno jebeno glup ili si jebeno pokvaren? ako jašiš drugo čovjeka nisi čovjek niti nemoj to pokušavati prikazivati kao normalno i dobrovoljno, niti je normalno niti je dobrovoljno, evolucija kmetstva i ropstva je kapitalizam gdje jedni vrijede sve drugi ne vrijede ništa osim koliko im je dovoljno za hranu i stan. kao osoba si jebeno odvratan, smrade govnarski.aben wrote:
da, kapitalizam je dobar, to znun iako ga nis osobno iskusi, jer je temeljen na dobrovoljnin odnosima.
pa i ne rodi za nekoga; ljudi u kapitalizmu rodu za sebe.
naravski, rodi dobrovoljno za nagradu za sebe.
ne zun zbog čega se piniš? poso =hrona, to je realnost našega postojanja, i poslodavcima, i posloprimcima.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
mislin da razumin ča oće reći, želi pomoći ljudima ki su pomišali uzrok i posljedicu, sebe i narativ, pa pušćoju da ih odabrani narativ definiro. ok, i get it, međutin to se ne tribo činiti napadajući narative obćenito. narativ je prozni tekst temeljen na činjenicami (ako imoš točan narativ, naravski), realan je. imati narativ znoči klasificirati se, a to ne more biti loše.kic wrote:
We humans are the beings of narratives and story lines. From the very moment we gain ability of language and slightest degree of self awareness, we are pushed by our parents, peers, teachers, to tell the story of ourselves. "What do you want to be when you grow up?", a teacher asks, "What is your favorite fruit?", asks your mother and "What is your favorite Disney film?" asks your friend on the playground. Before we are even able to grasp the true meaning of words and before we are even able to understand context, we need to tell the little narrative to others and then eventually to ourselves. Slowly as we grow up and as the amount of stories and narratives we tell increase, we gradually start identifying ourselves with the narrative, incapable of seeing any piece of ourselves, any drop of our own being existing outside of it. The part of our story line or narrative can become absolutely anything, our nation, our religion, our place of birth, our gender identity, our sexuality, the degree we study, type of music we like, it can even be something as small as your zodiac sign, MBTI type, whether you are A or B personality type. As these separate little stories gather over lifetime into a single story we tell of ourselves, it becomes difficult to live outside of anything but the story.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
a?Gnječ wrote:aben wrote:tesko mi je bilo izdvojiti manji pasus, jer je dokazivanje iskricu duže, pa je, eto, ispo teaser:)kic wrote:aben wrote:jo ne dojen milostinju iz principa.kic wrote:
pa ni meni se ne dopada, društvo ti nameće obvezu šta da činiš sa svojim parama.. pa i na rqzgovorima na posao te znaju to pitati dajes li i koliko sto i nekako razumijem..
bas sam citao clanak o povratu poreza i koliko Hrvati zapravo puno daju i malo koriste cinjenicu doniranja da dobiju povrat poreza (ukljucujuci i mene)poglavlje 18, noncontributor to charity, defending the undefendebleContributing to charity is not in itself evil. When it is a voluntary decision on the part of responsible adults, it does not violate an individual’s rights. Yet there are dangers in charity, and compelling reasons for refusing to contribute to it. In addition, there are serious flaws in the moral philosophy upon which charity is based.
sad pišeš teasere i za knjige...
i šta si dokazao? da na planeti Zemlji vlada socijalizam? osim možda u Sjevernoj Koreji ne.
kakovo dokazivanje?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:mislin da razumin ča oće reći, želi pomoći ljudima ki su pomišali uzrok i posljedicu, sebe i narativ, pa pušćoju da ih odabrani narativ definiro. ok, i get it, međutin to se ne tribo činiti napadajući narative obćenito. narativ je prozni tekst temeljen na činjenicami (ako imoš točan narativ, naravski), realan je. imati narativ znoči klasificirati se, a to ne more biti loše.kic wrote:
We humans are the beings of narratives and story lines. From the very moment we gain ability of language and slightest degree of self awareness, we are pushed by our parents, peers, teachers, to tell the story of ourselves. "What do you want to be when you grow up?", a teacher asks, "What is your favorite fruit?", asks your mother and "What is your favorite Disney film?" asks your friend on the playground. Before we are even able to grasp the true meaning of words and before we are even able to understand context, we need to tell the little narrative to others and then eventually to ourselves. Slowly as we grow up and as the amount of stories and narratives we tell increase, we gradually start identifying ourselves with the narrative, incapable of seeing any piece of ourselves, any drop of our own being existing outside of it. The part of our story line or narrative can become absolutely anything, our nation, our religion, our place of birth, our gender identity, our sexuality, the degree we study, type of music we like, it can even be something as small as your zodiac sign, MBTI type, whether you are A or B personality type. As these separate little stories gather over lifetime into a single story we tell of ourselves, it becomes difficult to live outside of anything but the story.
Is the narrative a demon we ought to wage a crusade against? No, not at all. The narrative and story is part of human experience, it is a journey of a being that becomes aware and goes towards self-knowledge. However, the storyline can often be so powerful and so strong that individuals do not know to tell a difference between the actor and the character. They become so attached, so involved in this character that they play that they think it is impossible for them to exist outside of the character.
Re: Denkverbot
i robovi su radili za hranu, to je nagrada robovima, hrana. robovlasnik nije radio za hranu.aben wrote:
naravski, rodi dobrovoljno za nagradu za sebe.
ne zun zbog čega se piniš? poso =hrona, to je realnost našega postojanja, i poslodavcima, i posloprimcima.
nitko dobrovoljno ne radi u staračkom domu i briše starcima guzice nego zato što je tako dresiran i nagrada je tek tolika da se toga en može oslobodit nego da se svaki mjesec vraća iznova da bi ti govorio kako je to normalno jer si smeće usrano parazitsko. smeće koje ne zna drugo nego živjet od tuđeg rada i srat da vrijedi da bi ti život bio luksuzan i da stvari koje ti se gade možeš kupiti, da kupuješ druge ljude i ne da ima plaćaš rad nego da ih držiš ovisnima i u lancima iz kojih se ne mogu solobodit. to je sranje od kapitalizma, a najveće sranje ste vi debili i jebeni paraziti.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
nisu ti jasne neke osnovne stvori..ali, ok, gremo pomalo..ebenica wrote:i robovi su radili za hranu, to je nagrada robovima, hrana. robovlasnik nije radio za hranu.aben wrote:
naravski, rodi dobrovoljno za nagradu za sebe.
ne zun zbog čega se piniš? poso =hrona, to je realnost našega postojanja, i poslodavcima, i posloprimcima.
nitko dobrovoljno ne radi u staračkom domu i briše starcima guzice nego zato što je tako dresiran i nagrada je tek tolika da se toga en može oslobodit nego da se svaki mjesec vraća iznova da bi ti govorio kako je to normalno jer si smeće usrano parazitsko. smeće koje ne zna drugo nego živjet od tuđeg rada i srat da vrijedi da bi ti život bio luksuzan i da stvari koje ti se gade možeš kupiti, da kupuješ druge ljude i ne da ima plaćaš rad nego da ih držiš ovisnima i u lancima iz kojih se ne mogu solobodit. to je sranje od kapitalizma, a najveće sranje ste vi debili i jebeni paraziti.
robovi nisu rodili za hronu, nego za kaznu.
njih ne moreš uzimati u obzir jer nemaju slobodu, ne odlučuju somi.
robovlosnik most certanly did work for food. koliki de njegovog angažmana je otpado na hronu je drugi poar postolov.
rad u staračkon domu je potpuno dobrovoljan. ako su neke ljude dresirali za takov rad, ok. ljudi se vraćaju zoto ča moraju generirati nove vridnosti za sebe.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
alikic wrote:aben wrote:mislin da razumin ča oće reći, želi pomoći ljudima ki su pomišali uzrok i posljedicu, sebe i narativ, pa pušćoju da ih odabrani narativ definiro. ok, i get it, međutin to se ne tribo činiti napadajući narative obćenito. narativ je prozni tekst temeljen na činjenicami (ako imoš točan narativ, naravski), realan je. imati narativ znoči klasificirati se, a to ne more biti loše.kic wrote:
We humans are the beings of narratives and story lines. From the very moment we gain ability of language and slightest degree of self awareness, we are pushed by our parents, peers, teachers, to tell the story of ourselves. "What do you want to be when you grow up?", a teacher asks, "What is your favorite fruit?", asks your mother and "What is your favorite Disney film?" asks your friend on the playground. Before we are even able to grasp the true meaning of words and before we are even able to understand context, we need to tell the little narrative to others and then eventually to ourselves. Slowly as we grow up and as the amount of stories and narratives we tell increase, we gradually start identifying ourselves with the narrative, incapable of seeing any piece of ourselves, any drop of our own being existing outside of it. The part of our story line or narrative can become absolutely anything, our nation, our religion, our place of birth, our gender identity, our sexuality, the degree we study, type of music we like, it can even be something as small as your zodiac sign, MBTI type, whether you are A or B personality type. As these separate little stories gather over lifetime into a single story we tell of ourselves, it becomes difficult to live outside of anything but the story.
Is the narrative a demon we ought to wage a crusade against? No, not at all. The narrative and story is part of human experience, it is a journey of a being that becomes aware and goes towards self-knowledge. However, the storyline can often be so powerful and so strong that individuals do not know to tell a difference between the actor and the character. They become so attached, so involved in this character that they play that they think it is impossible for them to exist outside of the character.
In awareness, this relation to our own being as an "it" ceases, and we begin to see ourselves as "thou", not just an object, not even as a person, but rather as a being, as a life taking this specific place and this specific time. Our experience as characters, as humans, is limited and we have to live to experience life within this specific limited existence, but freedom from the story line also means that we do not place our identity in this limited human experience but see ourselves as a part of Divine, God, Universe, World Soul,
nemo slobode od narativa, divine, god, universe i world soul je narativ.
nika ne bižati od biti čovik, samo se kontrolirati da to bivanje ne eskaliro.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aimo oinda najpolaganije kaj se može smeće usrano smrdljivo: kad radiš nešto iz nužde da bi preživio i bio živ to nije dobrovoljno, nužda i dobrovoljno nije jedno te isto.aben wrote:nisu ti jasne neke osnovne stvori..ali, ok, gremo pomalo..ebenica wrote:i robovi su radili za hranu, to je nagrada robovima, hrana. robovlasnik nije radio za hranu.aben wrote:
naravski, rodi dobrovoljno za nagradu za sebe.
ne zun zbog čega se piniš? poso =hrona, to je realnost našega postojanja, i poslodavcima, i posloprimcima.
nitko dobrovoljno ne radi u staračkom domu i briše starcima guzice nego zato što je tako dresiran i nagrada je tek tolika da se toga en može oslobodit nego da se svaki mjesec vraća iznova da bi ti govorio kako je to normalno jer si smeće usrano parazitsko. smeće koje ne zna drugo nego živjet od tuđeg rada i srat da vrijedi da bi ti život bio luksuzan i da stvari koje ti se gade možeš kupiti, da kupuješ druge ljude i ne da ima plaćaš rad nego da ih držiš ovisnima i u lancima iz kojih se ne mogu solobodit. to je sranje od kapitalizma, a najveće sranje ste vi debili i jebeni paraziti.
robovi nisu rodili za hronu, nego za kaznu.
njih ne moreš uzimati u obzir jer nemaju slobodu, ne odlučuju somi.
robovlosnik most certanly did work for food. koliki de njegovog angažmana je otpado na hronu je drugi poar postolov.
rad u staračkon domu je potpuno dobrovoljan. ako su neke ljude dresirali za takov rad, ok. ljudi se vraćaju zoto ča moraju generirati nove vridnosti za sebe.
ljudi sa povratkom na posao sebi ne generiraju ništa, većina na kraju mjeseca nema za hranu (za razliku od poslodavca), ljudi si produžuju agoniju koju zovu život, na kraju svog života umru izborani k'o stare cipele u nekom negrijanom sobićku jer si osobno ne mogu priuštit da netko briše njihove guzice kad ostare i takve ljude ja viđam skoro svaki dan oko zagrebačkih kontejnera, koji su se jebeno krvavo naradili a nisu generirali ništa jer su radili za jebenu hranu a na kraju svog života niti to nemaju i sve radi govana poput tebe, ljudskih smeća kojima je to normalno i koji taj jebeni kapitalizam zagovaraju..dabogda se svi vi ugušili u vlastitim govnima smeća usrana.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
dobro, ali velika je rozlika između nuždi na ku te tiro vlastita priroda, i nuždi na ku te tiro neki čovik.ebenica wrote:aimo oinda najpolaganije kaj se može smeće usrano smrdljivo: kad radiš nešto iz nužde da bi preživio i bio živ to nije dobrovoljno, nužda i dobrovoljno nije jedno te isto.aben wrote:nisu ti jasne neke osnovne stvori..ali, ok, gremo pomalo..ebenica wrote:i robovi su radili za hranu, to je nagrada robovima, hrana. robovlasnik nije radio za hranu.aben wrote:
naravski, rodi dobrovoljno za nagradu za sebe.
ne zun zbog čega se piniš? poso =hrona, to je realnost našega postojanja, i poslodavcima, i posloprimcima.
nitko dobrovoljno ne radi u staračkom domu i briše starcima guzice nego zato što je tako dresiran i nagrada je tek tolika da se toga en može oslobodit nego da se svaki mjesec vraća iznova da bi ti govorio kako je to normalno jer si smeće usrano parazitsko. smeće koje ne zna drugo nego živjet od tuđeg rada i srat da vrijedi da bi ti život bio luksuzan i da stvari koje ti se gade možeš kupiti, da kupuješ druge ljude i ne da ima plaćaš rad nego da ih držiš ovisnima i u lancima iz kojih se ne mogu solobodit. to je sranje od kapitalizma, a najveće sranje ste vi debili i jebeni paraziti.
robovi nisu rodili za hronu, nego za kaznu.
njih ne moreš uzimati u obzir jer nemaju slobodu, ne odlučuju somi.
robovlosnik most certanly did work for food. koliki de njegovog angažmana je otpado na hronu je drugi poar postolov.
rad u staračkon domu je potpuno dobrovoljan. ako su neke ljude dresirali za takov rad, ok. ljudi se vraćaju zoto ča moraju generirati nove vridnosti za sebe.
ljudi sa povratkom na posao sebi ne generiraju ništa, većina na kraju mjeseca nema za hranu (za razliku od poslodavca), ljudi si produžuju agoniju koju zovu život, na kraju svog života umru izborani k'o stare cipele u nekom negrijanom sobićku jer si osobno ne mogu priuštit da netko briše njihove guzice kad ostare i takve ljude ja viđam skoro svaki dan oko zagrebačkih kontejnera, koji su se jebeno krvavo naradili a nisu generirali ništa jer su radili za jebenu hranu a na kraju svog života niti to nemaju i sve radi govana poput tebe, ljudskih smeća kojima je to normalno i koji taj jebeni kapitalizam zagovaraju..dabogda se svi vi ugušili u vlastitim govnima smeća usrana.
kad se govori o slobodi, unda se ne misli na slobodu od prirodnih zakovov, misli se isključivo na slobodu ljudi od ljudi.
glodan čovik će iz nužde popušiti poslodavcu kurac, ali to nikako ni isto ko i kad rob iz nužde popuši poslodavcu kurac. ote dvi nužde nisu iste.
to koliko ljudima ostane šoldov na kraju miseca ovisi o njihovoj produktivnosti. neki posli su fizički zahtjevni, ali nisu produktivni. ljudima je obćenito poznato ki posli su produktivni, pa ipak, ne odlučuju se za takove posle jer su i takovi posli zapravo puno zahtjevniji. ono ča je siguro to je da je kapitalizam otključao potencijo čovječanstva, i da se svit izdiže iz siromašćine nikad bržin tempon.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
ono ča je siguro to je da je kapitalizam otključao potencijo čovječanstva, i da se svit izdiže iz siromašćine nikad bržin tempon
Abene, sreco, ti si definitivno jedan od najgore vrsta kapitalista. Kakas prazne fraze laznog optimizma.. I ne crvenis se od srama niti trenutka. :)
Osobno, slazem se s jednim drugom koji veli da samo puske mogu donijeti sustinsku promjenu. Dakle, revolucija jer institucionalna ljevica unutar kapitalisticke drzave nije nista drugo nego iluzija.
Kapitalizam ce pasti samo oruzanom borbom. Ako ne padne, degenerirat cemo na razinu abenovstine.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
reci mi direktno, ne razumin ča oćeš reći;violator wrote:
ono ča je siguro to je da je kapitalizam otključao potencijo čovječanstva, i da se svit izdiže iz siromašćine nikad bržin tempon
Abene, sreco, ti si definitivno jedan od najgore vrsta kapitalista. Kakas prazne fraze laznog optimizma.. I ne crvenis se od srama niti trenutka. :)
da ni istina da se svit izdiže iz siromašćine nikad bržin tempon?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
Study Shows Income Gap Between Rich and Poor Keeps Growing, With Deadly Effects
WASHINGTON — The expanding gap between rich and poor is not only widening the gulf in incomes and wealth in America. It is helping the rich lead longer lives, while cutting short the lives of those who are struggling, according to a study released this week by the Government Accountability Office.
Almost three-quarters of rich Americans who were in their 50s and 60s in 1992 were still alive in 2014. Just over half of poor Americans in their 50s and 60s in 1992 made it to 2014.
“It’s not only that rich people are living longer but some people’s life expectancy is actually shrinking compared to their parents, for some groups of people,” said Kathleen Romig, a senior policy analyst at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
But even though Americans may live a long time, they are struggling. The portion of Americans aged 55 or older who are still working increased from 30 percent in 1989 to 40 percent in 2018, in part because stagnating wages are hindering savings and wealth accumulation.
When older Americans do finally retire, most are depending on Social Security and other safety net programs. This is alarming because Social Security is “facing financial difficulties that, if not addressed, will affect its long-term stability,” the study said.
“If no changes are made, current projections indicate that by 2034, the retirement program trust fund will only be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits,” the study said.
“We must put an end to the obscene income and wealth inequality in our country, and ensure living wages, quality health care and retirement security for our seniors as human rights,” Mr. Sanders said.
“If we do not urgently act to solve the economic distress of millions of Americans,” he added, “a whole generation will be condemned to early death.”
WASHINGTON — The expanding gap between rich and poor is not only widening the gulf in incomes and wealth in America. It is helping the rich lead longer lives, while cutting short the lives of those who are struggling, according to a study released this week by the Government Accountability Office.
Almost three-quarters of rich Americans who were in their 50s and 60s in 1992 were still alive in 2014. Just over half of poor Americans in their 50s and 60s in 1992 made it to 2014.
“It’s not only that rich people are living longer but some people’s life expectancy is actually shrinking compared to their parents, for some groups of people,” said Kathleen Romig, a senior policy analyst at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
But even though Americans may live a long time, they are struggling. The portion of Americans aged 55 or older who are still working increased from 30 percent in 1989 to 40 percent in 2018, in part because stagnating wages are hindering savings and wealth accumulation.
When older Americans do finally retire, most are depending on Social Security and other safety net programs. This is alarming because Social Security is “facing financial difficulties that, if not addressed, will affect its long-term stability,” the study said.
“If no changes are made, current projections indicate that by 2034, the retirement program trust fund will only be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits,” the study said.
“We must put an end to the obscene income and wealth inequality in our country, and ensure living wages, quality health care and retirement security for our seniors as human rights,” Mr. Sanders said.
“If we do not urgently act to solve the economic distress of millions of Americans,” he added, “a whole generation will be condemned to early death.”
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
In 2018, the Oxfam report said that the wealth gap continued to widen in 2017, with 82% of global wealth generated going to the wealthiest 1%. The 2019 Oxfam report said that the poorest half of the human population has been losing wealth (around 11%) at the same time that a billionaire is minted every two days.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:gap...yawn
Gap between rich and poor a $247 billion drag on our wellbeing
The income gap between rich and poor is a bigger drag on the wellbeing of the Australian community than previously estimated, a broad measure of national welfare shows.
The Sydney Morning Herald/Age-Lateral Economics Wellbeing Index has lifted it estimate of the wellbeing cost of income inequality in 2018 by nearly $8 billion.
The upward revision was triggered by the release this month of data from the Bureau of Statistics’ 2017-18 survey of household income and wealth which revealed a modest increase in income inequality compared with the previous survey.
The index’s authors calculate it would have required a half a percent increase in Australia’s gross domestic product last year to make up for the decline in community wellbeing caused by less equitable income distribution.
During the past five years the annual wellbeing cost of income disparities across the economy has grown by a hefty $48 billion.
“Our analysis shows that inequality is an important factor for wellbeing and even small changes in the level of inequality – which the new numbers show – have substantial impacts on Australia's wellbeing overall,” he said.
But Gruen says that despite the huge wellbeing cost of income inequality the issue often goes unnoticed.
“When these numbers come out the silence is thundering,” he said.
“Here we have very simply clear evidence that our economy became less efficient at converting dollars into economic wellbeing, but no-one says boo.”
The ABS's 2017-18 survey of household income and wealth, released on July 12, showed the wealthiest 20 per cent of Australian households received around 40 per cent of all household income and held more than 60 per cent of all household wealth.
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Re: Denkverbot
to je gap, gnječ, irelevantan podatak
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:to je gap, gnječ, irelevantan podatak
ti si stoput gori od islamskih fundamentalista talibana ki se raznesu bumbom da bi mogli muhte jebavat djevice u raju pička ti materina.
iden ća uživaj u svojoj praznini.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:aben wrote:to je gap, gnječ, irelevantan podatak
ti si stoput gori od islamskih fundamentalista talibana ki se raznesu bumbom da bi mogli muhte jebavat djevice u raju pička ti materina.
iden ća uživaj u svojoj praznini.
you d rather have poor poorer, i know.
uglovnomu, sutra apsolutno nišće ne ću činiti na poslu, pa ću se posvetiti siromaštvu, tj temi kako se siromaštvo smanjivo. bit će veselo :)
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:Gnječ wrote:aben wrote:to je gap, gnječ, irelevantan podatak
ti si stoput gori od islamskih fundamentalista talibana ki se raznesu bumbom da bi mogli muhte jebavat djevice u raju pička ti materina.
iden ća uživaj u svojoj praznini.
you d rather have poor poorer, i know.
uglovnomu, sutra apsolutno nišće ne ću činiti na poslu, pa ću se posvetiti siromaštvu, tj temi kako se siromaštvo smanjivo. bit će veselo :)
dabogda te ćapa koruna uhljeb pa kašlja kako brek.
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