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Re: Denkverbot
Speare Shaker wrote:night sky wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:night sky wrote:
zato jer ljudskost stavljam iznad znanja ,danas ionako dostupno vise nego ikad....
Znanje dostupno više nego ikad?
To malo morgen, što bi rekao Slobodan Milošević
Informacije, ili bolje rečeno podaci, su dostupni više nego ikad.
Znanje se, makar se temelji na informacijama, ipak ne može svesti samo na gole informacije. Potrebna je kontekstualizacija odnosno intepretacija i reintepretacija.
Znaš za onaj Danteov princip po kojem je put u pakao popločan dobrom namjerama?
E, upravo tako završi to stavljanje tzv. ljudskosti ispred znanja, pri čemu naravno ne postoje dvije jednake definicije ljudskosti na svijetu, nego svaki čovjek ima neku svoju.
Dakle, na kraju to o čemu govoriš obavezno završi sa djelovanjem po principu skupilo se zlo i gore da se malo dogovore.
Ali svakome njegovo pa tako i tebi tvoje.
..... ljudska vrsta ipak nije skroz nrsposobna pa da od nekakvih infirmacija, s neta nap. ne dobije ono sto trazi.... i da,danas mnogo brze sazna,nauci nego nekad prije.....
ne moras sve dati, uvijek imati dobre namjere jer to nije ni moguce,nesto ostavi i za sebe tj. ne budi naivan ali nastoj biti pravedan i respektiraj ljude jer sve je ogledalo!....
Istina je, net nam je dao brzinu o kojoj smo prije mogli samo sanjati, ali problem je ovdje da brzina nema samo pozitivan predznak nego i negativan.
Ubrazava se također i širenje predrasuda, generalizacija, laži, propagande svake vrste, a primjera za takvu praksu ima ohoho i lako se sjetiti i samo onih recentnih, da ne idemo puno dalje u prošlost.
Ljudi se pri tome nisu čak niti samo kulturološki bitno promjenili, ali jeste duh vremena, a mi mu se samo prilagođavamo, ionako nemamo drugog izbora.
What's the most-searched thing on the Internet?
According a Study by Business Insider, keywords like sex, porn, free porn and porno are searched in huge number by all around the world. The amount of exact match volume for these 4 terms alone is 22,820,000 searches a month. Individually they are
[porn] 11,100,000
[free porn] 7,480,000
[sex] 2,740,000
[porno] 1,500,000
Source : Business Insider
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Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:aben wrote:Gnječ wrote:aben wrote:mativka wrote:
a netko je skloniji slatkom, a netko slanom.
ne znam što bi to moralo tako snažno djelovati pa da te sklonosti zamijeni.
Koja je bila ideja debate?
ko i kod svake debate, testirati svoje mišljenje
What is the point of debates?
A debate is not about changing your opponents opinion, nothing will change that. The people who are debating each other are already convinced that their opinion is correct.
The point of a debate is convincing the audience that your opinion is correct. You are trying to bring up arguments that will sway a neutral observer to support your opinion instead of your opponent. Logical fallacies can be a good or a bad strategy based on who your audience is. If your audience is experienced with the basic ideas of logical thought, fallacies should be avoided. If your audience is the average person you should rely moderately on fallacies and personal attacks. Personal attacks resonate with average people, while rigorous technical detail can make the average person lose interest. The important thing is to hold the attention of the audience by keeping your statements understandable and exciting. When you become boring and complicated, you will lose.
If you can keep your opponent running in circles trying to counter all of your statements, they can't present their own ideas. This will make them seem like they have a weak opinion because they have nothing to assert their opinion. Witty interruptions are always useful, they keep the audience engaged and open to your opinion.
With a debate, being absolutely correct is less important than being charismatic. The audience will determine who is right and the truth is not anywhere near as important as presence. The audience will agree with the person who is more likable. If the debaters are similarly matched as far as likability, then the facts or statements or rationality of the arguments may determine the winner.
It's all about the audience, that's the most important part of any debate.
gnječ, jesus, fuck,
mi jesmo publika
znači mi smo zreli. to je samo za zrele tj mi zreli odrasli slušamo verbalne masturbacije nezrelih koji nisu ni do puberteta stigli.
jer publika od lat. pubes što znači adult, odrasla zrela muškarac, žena.
zar ne bi bilo ispravnije reći promatrači? bystanderi? mogli bi tako krčiti dalje pa dođemo do zaključka da nitko nikoga ne razumije u biti. ista riječ sakome nešto drugo znači a to je plodno tlo za raznorazne špekulante maliciozne demagoge filozofe i sofiste.
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Re: Denkverbot
Speare Shaker wrote:night sky wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:night sky wrote:
zato jer ljudskost stavljam iznad znanja ,danas ionako dostupno vise nego ikad....
Znanje dostupno više nego ikad?
To malo morgen, što bi rekao Slobodan Milošević
Informacije, ili bolje rečeno podaci, su dostupni više nego ikad.
Znanje se, makar se temelji na informacijama, ipak ne može svesti samo na gole informacije. Potrebna je kontekstualizacija odnosno intepretacija i reintepretacija.
Znaš za onaj Danteov princip po kojem je put u pakao popločan dobrom namjerama?
E, upravo tako završi to stavljanje tzv. ljudskosti ispred znanja, pri čemu naravno ne postoje dvije jednake definicije ljudskosti na svijetu, nego svaki čovjek ima neku svoju.
Dakle, na kraju to o čemu govoriš obavezno završi sa djelovanjem po principu skupilo se zlo i gore da se malo dogovore.
Ali svakome njegovo pa tako i tebi tvoje.
..... ljudska vrsta ipak nije skroz nrsposobna pa da od nekakvih infirmacija, s neta nap. ne dobije ono sto trazi.... i da,danas mnogo brze sazna,nauci nego nekad prije.....
ne moras sve dati, uvijek imati dobre namjere jer to nije ni moguce,nesto ostavi i za sebe tj. ne budi naivan ali nastoj biti pravedan i respektiraj ljude jer sve je ogledalo!....
Istina je, net nam je dao brzinu o kojoj smo prije mogli samo sanjati, ali problem je ovdje da brzina nema samo pozitivan predznak nego i negativan.
Ubrazava se također i širenje predrasuda, generalizacija, laži, propagande svake vrste, a primjera za takvu praksu ima ohoho i lako se sjetiti i samo onih recentnih, da ne idemo puno dalje u prošlost.
Ljudi se pri tome nisu čak niti samo kulturološki bitno promjenili, ali jeste duh vremena, a mi mu se samo prilagođavamo, ionako nemamo drugog izbora.
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Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:čemu služi titula PhD? NIČEMU kao i apendix tj. slijepo crijevo.
What is the function of the human appendix?
Loren G. Martin, professor of physiology at Oklahoma State University, replies: "For years, the appendix was credited with very little physiological function.
We now know, however, that the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults.
Endocrine cells appear in the appendix of the human fetus at around the 11th week of development.
These endocrine cells of the fetal appendix have been shown to produce various biogenic amines and peptide hormones, compounds that assist with various biological control (homeostatic) mechanisms.
There had been little prior evidence of this or any other role of the appendix in animal research, because the appendix does not exist in domestic mammals.
"Among adult humans, the appendix is now thought to be involved primarily in immune functions.
Lymphoid tissue begins to accumulate in the appendix shortly after birth and reaches a peak between the second and third decades of life, decreasing rapidly thereafter and practically disappearing after the age of 60.
During the early years of development, however, the appendix has been shown to function as a lymphoid organ, assisting with the maturation of B lymphocytes (one variety of white blood cell) and in the production of the class of antibodies known as immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies.
Researchers have also shown that the appendix is involved in the production of molecules that help to direct the movement of lymphocytes to various other locations in the body.
"In this context, the function of the appendix appears to be to expose white blood cells to the wide variety of antigens, or foreign substances, present in the gastrointestinal tract.
Thus, the appendix probably helps to suppress potentially destructive humoral (blood- and lymph-borne) antibody responses while promoting local immunity.
The appendix--like the tiny structures called Peyer's patches in other areas of the gastrointestinal tract--takes up antigens from the contents of the intestines and reacts to these contents.
This local immune system plays a vital role in the physiological immune response and in the control of food, drug, microbial or viral antigens.
The connection between these local immune reactions and inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as autoimmune reactions in which the individual's own tissues are attacked by the immune system, is currently under investigation.
"In the past, the appendix was often routinely removed and discarded during other abdominal surgeries to prevent any possibility of a later attack of appendicitis; the appendix is now spared in case it is needed later for reconstructive surgery if the urinary bladder is removed.
In such surgery, a section of the intestine is formed into a replacement bladder, and the appendix is used to re-create a 'sphincter muscle' so that the patient remains continent (able to retain urine).
In addition, the appendix has been successfully fashioned into a makeshift replacement for a diseased ureter, allowing urine to flow from the kidneys to the bladder.
As a result, the appendix, once regarded as a nonfunctional tissue, is now regarded as an important 'back-up' that can be used in a variety of reconstructive surgical techniques.
It is no longer routinely removed and discarded if it is healthy.
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Re: Denkverbot
....Solving My Moral Dilemma
An owl-eyed philosopher with a fancy name, Immanuel Kant, says in a hundred torturous pages never lie. Grandma’s eagle eyes, Italian salutes, and my never-forgotten Judas shame roar through my brain, body, and being like red-hot lava.
Another balding-head philosopher with an equally fancy name, Jeremy Bentham, says in plainer English that Kant misses the target; it’s not the lie but its consequence that matters. Sounds like my Dad arguing for the well-being of the schoolyard kids. My sense of honor reappears and, as suddenly, disappears like a frightened rabbit.
What about Grandma’s consequences; destroyed vine, ruined tomatoes, chickens scared out of laying eggs. I ponder with my newly acquired philosophical skills; solve the moral dilemma. The school should have paid Grandma for the damage done to her garden in exchange for her return of the baseballs.
Ahh, come Christmas vacation, I’ll top Dad with my newly secured, sophisticated knowledge.
We sit at the same supper table, revisit the baseball incident, this time man-to-man over a couple of beers. I launch into a technical Kant-versus-Bentham discussion, present my resolution of the moral dilemma as compensation for Grandma; note a bemused look in Dad’s eye.
Suddenly my confidence plummets like a rocket out of fuel as I recollect how my old man, despite his limited grade school education is a fountain of facts, a well of wisdom.
Dad chuckles, says, “Your fancy college education solves our moral dilemma by ignoring the facts. Nobody had money! Your impractical solution kicks our moral dilemma down the road like a rusty can.
“Fifteen years ago, you solved the moral dilemma with a hard choice. I predict you’ll continue to make the hard choices assuming you don’t get too tangled up in your brand new intellectual underwear.”
Joe Masi is 88 years young and is the author of a chapbook, “Poetica de Poetica” (Prolific Press). His work appears in Anti-Aging Articles, Baseball Bard, Evening Street, Poet’s Haven, Trajectory, and WestWard. Joe teaches ethics and political history at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Denver.
Moral Dilemma: 1935 Philosophy 101
By Joe Masi · Sep 12, 2018
....Solving My Moral Dilemma
An owl-eyed philosopher with a fancy name, Immanuel Kant, says in a hundred torturous pages never lie. Grandma’s eagle eyes, Italian salutes, and my never-forgotten Judas shame roar through my brain, body, and being like red-hot lava.
Another balding-head philosopher with an equally fancy name, Jeremy Bentham, says in plainer English that Kant misses the target; it’s not the lie but its consequence that matters. Sounds like my Dad arguing for the well-being of the schoolyard kids. My sense of honor reappears and, as suddenly, disappears like a frightened rabbit.
What about Grandma’s consequences; destroyed vine, ruined tomatoes, chickens scared out of laying eggs. I ponder with my newly acquired philosophical skills; solve the moral dilemma. The school should have paid Grandma for the damage done to her garden in exchange for her return of the baseballs.
Ahh, come Christmas vacation, I’ll top Dad with my newly secured, sophisticated knowledge.
We sit at the same supper table, revisit the baseball incident, this time man-to-man over a couple of beers. I launch into a technical Kant-versus-Bentham discussion, present my resolution of the moral dilemma as compensation for Grandma; note a bemused look in Dad’s eye.
Suddenly my confidence plummets like a rocket out of fuel as I recollect how my old man, despite his limited grade school education is a fountain of facts, a well of wisdom.
Dad chuckles, says, “Your fancy college education solves our moral dilemma by ignoring the facts. Nobody had money! Your impractical solution kicks our moral dilemma down the road like a rusty can.
“Fifteen years ago, you solved the moral dilemma with a hard choice. I predict you’ll continue to make the hard choices assuming you don’t get too tangled up in your brand new intellectual underwear.”
Joe Masi is 88 years young and is the author of a chapbook, “Poetica de Poetica” (Prolific Press). His work appears in Anti-Aging Articles, Baseball Bard, Evening Street, Poet’s Haven, Trajectory, and WestWard. Joe teaches ethics and political history at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Denver.
Moral Dilemma: 1935 Philosophy 101
By Joe Masi · Sep 12, 2018
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:čemu služi titula PhD? NIČEMU kao i apendix tj. slijepo crijevo.
What is the function of the human appendix?
Loren G. Martin, professor of physiology at Oklahoma State University, replies: "For years, the appendix was credited with very little physiological function.
We now know, however, that the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults.
Endocrine cells appear in the appendix of the human fetus at around the 11th week of development.
These endocrine cells of the fetal appendix have been shown to produce various biogenic amines and peptide hormones, compounds that assist with various biological control (homeostatic) mechanisms.
There had been little prior evidence of this or any other role of the appendix in animal research, because the appendix does not exist in domestic mammals.
"Among adult humans, the appendix is now thought to be involved primarily in immune functions.
Lymphoid tissue begins to accumulate in the appendix shortly after birth and reaches a peak between the second and third decades of life, decreasing rapidly thereafter and practically disappearing after the age of 60.
During the early years of development, however, the appendix has been shown to function as a lymphoid organ, assisting with the maturation of B lymphocytes (one variety of white blood cell) and in the production of the class of antibodies known as immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies.
Researchers have also shown that the appendix is involved in the production of molecules that help to direct the movement of lymphocytes to various other locations in the body.
"In this context, the function of the appendix appears to be to expose white blood cells to the wide variety of antigens, or foreign substances, present in the gastrointestinal tract.
Thus, the appendix probably helps to suppress potentially destructive humoral (blood- and lymph-borne) antibody responses while promoting local immunity.
The appendix--like the tiny structures called Peyer's patches in other areas of the gastrointestinal tract--takes up antigens from the contents of the intestines and reacts to these contents.
This local immune system plays a vital role in the physiological immune response and in the control of food, drug, microbial or viral antigens.
The connection between these local immune reactions and inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as autoimmune reactions in which the individual's own tissues are attacked by the immune system, is currently under investigation.
"In the past, the appendix was often routinely removed and discarded during other abdominal surgeries to prevent any possibility of a later attack of appendicitis; the appendix is now spared in case it is needed later for reconstructive surgery if the urinary bladder is removed.
In such surgery, a section of the intestine is formed into a replacement bladder, and the appendix is used to re-create a 'sphincter muscle' so that the patient remains continent (able to retain urine).
In addition, the appendix has been successfully fashioned into a makeshift replacement for a diseased ureter, allowing urine to flow from the kidneys to the bladder.
As a result, the appendix, once regarded as a nonfunctional tissue, is now regarded as an important 'back-up' that can be used in a variety of reconstructive surgical techniques.
It is no longer routinely removed and discarded if it is healthy.
good Lord!
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:Gnječ wrote:čemu služi titula PhD? NIČEMU kao i apendix tj. slijepo crijevo.
What is the function of the human appendix?
Loren G. Martin, professor of physiology at Oklahoma State University, replies: "For years, the appendix was credited with very little physiological function.
We now know, however, that the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults.
Endocrine cells appear in the appendix of the human fetus at around the 11th week of development.
These endocrine cells of the fetal appendix have been shown to produce various biogenic amines and peptide hormones, compounds that assist with various biological control (homeostatic) mechanisms.
There had been little prior evidence of this or any other role of the appendix in animal research, because the appendix does not exist in domestic mammals.
"Among adult humans, the appendix is now thought to be involved primarily in immune functions.
Lymphoid tissue begins to accumulate in the appendix shortly after birth and reaches a peak between the second and third decades of life, decreasing rapidly thereafter and practically disappearing after the age of 60.
During the early years of development, however, the appendix has been shown to function as a lymphoid organ, assisting with the maturation of B lymphocytes (one variety of white blood cell) and in the production of the class of antibodies known as immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies.
Researchers have also shown that the appendix is involved in the production of molecules that help to direct the movement of lymphocytes to various other locations in the body.
"In this context, the function of the appendix appears to be to expose white blood cells to the wide variety of antigens, or foreign substances, present in the gastrointestinal tract.
Thus, the appendix probably helps to suppress potentially destructive humoral (blood- and lymph-borne) antibody responses while promoting local immunity.
The appendix--like the tiny structures called Peyer's patches in other areas of the gastrointestinal tract--takes up antigens from the contents of the intestines and reacts to these contents.
This local immune system plays a vital role in the physiological immune response and in the control of food, drug, microbial or viral antigens.
The connection between these local immune reactions and inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as autoimmune reactions in which the individual's own tissues are attacked by the immune system, is currently under investigation.
"In the past, the appendix was often routinely removed and discarded during other abdominal surgeries to prevent any possibility of a later attack of appendicitis; the appendix is now spared in case it is needed later for reconstructive surgery if the urinary bladder is removed.
In such surgery, a section of the intestine is formed into a replacement bladder, and the appendix is used to re-create a 'sphincter muscle' so that the patient remains continent (able to retain urine).
In addition, the appendix has been successfully fashioned into a makeshift replacement for a diseased ureter, allowing urine to flow from the kidneys to the bladder.
As a result, the appendix, once regarded as a nonfunctional tissue, is now regarded as an important 'back-up' that can be used in a variety of reconstructive surgical techniques.
It is no longer routinely removed and discarded if it is healthy.
good Lord!
E! Tko bi rekao, ali eto.
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Re: Denkverbot
studiozno nema šta. eto da nema mene i tvojeg ega kojeg sam povrijedio ti nikad ne bi znao da taj apendix ičemu služi. ne bi se ti ni sjetio danas za apendix da mene nema.
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