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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by Hektorović 3/9/2018, 12:45


Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Mgr-ma10

Bishop Eleganti also noted in the interview that the Pope has surrounded himself with a network of pro-homosexual counselors, adding that he cannot see how any bishop involved with the cover-up of abuse cases could remain in his office. 
When asked whether bishops who themselves were involved in the cover-up of abuse cases should resign, Eleganti said: “It is hard to imagine that they would remain in their offices.”
Eleganti also spoke about the “homosexual network within the Catholic Church.” 
Asked whether he sees signs of this network also in the German-speaking realm, the bishop responded: “Striking are the attempts to re-write the traditional teaching which regards homosexual acts as intrinsically disordered and which therefore forbids their practice.” 
“Pope Francis is surrounded by cardinals and counselors who go into this direction,” he added. 
These papal counselors “openly support James Martin, the most prominent promoter of a change of the traditional teaching with regard to homosexuality.” Some of these “cardinals and counselors,” explained Eleganti, “were in part appointed by Pope Francis, for example, Cupich, Tobin, Farrell. The latter [Farrell] then invited James Martin to Dublin [to the World Meeting of Families].”
Speaking about the consequences of these papal decisions, the Swiss prelate said: “What happens at the top of the Church, is being multiplied in her body, of course also in our German-speaking countries. As we have seen, Cardinal Marx and other German bishops thought in public already about the blessing of homosexual unions.” 
LifeSiteNews has reported in detail on the German episcopal proposal of “liturgical” blessings of homosexual unions, as presented by both Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Munich, and Bishop Franz-Josef Bode.

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by Hektorović 3/9/2018, 13:37

Nedavni istup nadbiskupa Vigana i ovaj sad Elegantija pokazuje kako se konzervativnije krilo crkve ipak počelo snažnije odupirati pokušajima određenih lobija za izmjenom crkvenog nauka.

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by dijagram 3/9/2018, 13:47

nema biskupa dok ne dodje na gej paradu il barem stavi traku duginih boja:)

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by Hektorović 3/9/2018, 13:53

dijagram wrote:nema biskupa dok ne dodje na gej paradu il barem stavi traku duginih boja:)

Taj se film neće gledat...

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by Guest 3/9/2018, 14:40

Crkva je prošlo svršeno vrijeme, zahvaljujući njim samima.

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by Guest 3/9/2018, 16:07

Founding Father wrote:Crkva je prošlo svršeno vrijeme, zahvaljujući njim samima.

ni slučajno


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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by immortal 3/9/2018, 22:44

Last edited by mortal on 3/9/2018, 22:48; edited 1 time in total

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Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem Empty Re: Švicarski Biskup Eleganti: Papa Franjo okružen progej lobijem

Post by immortal 3/9/2018, 22:46

Founding Father wrote:Crkva je prošlo svršeno vrijeme, zahvaljujući njim samima.
crkva je zaglibila prilicno radi probijanja masona u njene dubine i sam vrh
cim se procisti od zlioh na cemu rade, sve ce opet biti idealno
svo zlo koje se desava crkvi provode masoni svojim razornim  naumima i djelovanjem

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