Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
pa ne bas, mozda u onim prastarim igrama ali ne u ovim novima, ali ajde nek ti i to bude...RayMabus wrote:Ako ti napraviš igricu koja je na mapi i sad ta osoba tj jedinica se okreće oko svoje osi onda da dobije efekt okretaja to je više slika
Tako mogu ubaciti nešto svoje pa će jedna jedinica imat trideset slika kako ti pomičeš đojistik
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
OK to je samo primjerLeteca Pegla wrote:to ti je samo prckanje po korisnickom sucelju nize razine, koje cesto zavrsi i sa kuku lele pa trazi strucnjaka za popravak ili reinstall windowsa, to ti nije programiranje. Ti nemozes programirati windowse, kod za to ti nije dostupan, mozes programirati linuxe jer su open source, ne mozes windowse. Prckanje po korisnickom sucelju =/= programiranje....RayMabus wrote:Ako ti nešto nije u menuu neće ti se pojavit
Ti imaš u Windowsu bojice
Nemoram ja brisat bojice u datoteci bojice
Odem ti na datoteku izbornik ili menu i izbrišem plavu i crvenu boju i kad ti upališ windowse sve radi samo nema plave i crvene boje
Pa nije očito problem meni ni naučit naredbe kad znam šta treba radit sa time
Ja samo učenje jezika preskačem jer mi netreba pošto samo kopiram ono šta ovaj i dodatno razvijam
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
pa ti ne razvijas nista ako ne pises programski kod nego mijenjas samo slike koje neciji kod ucitava iz datoteka sa slikama npr (isto neka vrsta korisnickog sucelja nize razine). Onaj koji pise kod je dobro placeni programer, ovi drugi ne bas. Mnogi misle kao ti pa se na kraju razocaraju sto da ti kazem. Probaj ako mi ne vjerujes pa ces vidjeti...RayMabus wrote:OK to je samo primjerLeteca Pegla wrote:to ti je samo prckanje po korisnickom sucelju nize razine, koje cesto zavrsi i sa kuku lele pa trazi strucnjaka za popravak ili reinstall windowsa, to ti nije programiranje. Ti nemozes programirati windowse, kod za to ti nije dostupan, mozes programirati linuxe jer su open source, ne mozes windowse. Prckanje po korisnickom sucelju =/= programiranje....RayMabus wrote:Ako ti nešto nije u menuu neće ti se pojavit
Ti imaš u Windowsu bojice
Nemoram ja brisat bojice u datoteci bojice
Odem ti na datoteku izbornik ili menu i izbrišem plavu i crvenu boju i kad ti upališ windowse sve radi samo nema plave i crvene boje
Pa nije očito problem meni ni naučit naredbe kad znam šta treba radit sa time
Ja samo učenje jezika preskačem jer mi netreba pošto samo kopiram ono šta ovaj i dodatno razvijam
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Pa i mislio sam na te starije igrice gdje je kamera na polje fiksnaLeteca Pegla wrote:pa ne bas, mozda u onim prastarim igrama ali ne u ovim novima, ali ajde nek ti i to bude...RayMabus wrote:Ako ti napraviš igricu koja je na mapi i sad ta osoba tj jedinica se okreće oko svoje osi onda da dobije efekt okretaja to je više slika
Tako mogu ubaciti nešto svoje pa će jedna jedinica imat trideset slika kako ti pomičeš đojistik
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Odo kositi travu onaj razvedeni se predao
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
A te igrice gdje ti polje nije fiksno rj kamera se miče to je posebna priča
Platforma skroz drukčije napravljena
Platforma skroz drukčije napravljena
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
da, korova i kod mene boli glava, ako nista drugo malo cu mrdnuti svojom debelom programerskom guzicom i nesto fizicki napraviti za promijenu...RayMabus wrote:Odo kositi travu onaj razvedeni se predao
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Te nove igrice su jako složeni programi i platforme su drukčije, nije da se nebi dalo ali morao bih prvo otvoriti pa proučiti no ono ove 3 D igrice sa fiksnom kamerom na polje to znam da mogu
U biti ja uopće neznam programirati nit me zanima ali da dođem u firmu i ako ima tu program a da su datoteke tu i to ono mogu radit sa tim programom šta god mušterija hoće ako ta operacija postoji u njemu
Usavršiti, dodat nešto, ukloniti nešto, pojednostavniti , promjenit parametre
A jbga kad ovo pogledaš nije baš da puno to ljudi zna
U biti ja uopće neznam programirati nit me zanima ali da dođem u firmu i ako ima tu program a da su datoteke tu i to ono mogu radit sa tim programom šta god mušterija hoće ako ta operacija postoji u njemu
Usavršiti, dodat nešto, ukloniti nešto, pojednostavniti , promjenit parametre
A jbga kad ovo pogledaš nije baš da puno to ljudi zna
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Igrice su danas ko filmovi, ono netko jaše konja onda on na konja i jajača postavi one elektrode i hrpu njih i onda ovaj jaše i onda oni od tih elektroda po tijelu jahača i konja dobiju točke na ekranu i tako naprave kompjuterski skroz realno sliku jahaća i konja
Tako da je to već Holiwood
Tako da je to već Holiwood
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Serbinho-3- Posts : 27664
Lokacija: : Italy
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Pa zavisi koja je ali u svakom slučaju nije baš lako treba truda i vremena evo recimo igra šah, to nije grafički zahtjevno ali unutra su ogromni programi koji kad ti napraviš jedan potez kompjuter unutra na tvoj potez s obzirom na trenutni položaj ostalih figura povlači svoj i očito tu je puno programiranja u stilu ako je ovaj položaj figura a igrač napravi taj potez kompjuter mora točno tajSerbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Igra šah je tipična programerska igračka gdje je grafika jednostavna ali zato je unutra sve puno naredbi u stilu Na ovakvi položaj figura na ploči i taj njegov potez ti tj program napravi to
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
ovisi koja igra i koliko znas programirati. Ako je nesto jednostavno tipa tetris, invaders, pacman ili tako nesto to ti je vrlo jednostavno, napravis za 1-2 dana kao vjezbu iz nekog tamo predmeta na FERu. Ako mislis ovo nesto slozenije, a trebas imati ekipu i tako, nije bas jednostavo. Za mobitele igru isto ovisi, moze biti komplicirano, moze biti jednostavno ovisi sto radis...Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
dobro receno..kao i slozenost posla koji obavljaju..u Svabiji su trazeni trenutno SAP programeri..Pinochet wrote:da ali najbolje su plaćeni opet vrhunski programeri.. nije to više bauk.. recimo svatko danas može biti automehaničar, ali malo je vrhunskih mehaničara.. programiranje je doslovno došlo na tu razinu, ali uvijek će biti malo vrhunskih programera.. prosječni programer će biti prosječno plaćem i neće se nagutat love, kao vrhunski programer
znam jednu Piciju u Kajuflandu st oto radi..ima oko 8 tajuzenki ojra mjesecno..vrlo trazeno vrlo unikatno..
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Pa dobro, ja volim da se zezam u zivotu, mrzim da radim uvek istu stvar i zanimljivo mi je da probam i nesto drugo.
Recimo sah, kako rece Longie ili tako neka jednostavna igra, kreiras svoj sajt, stavis Google reklame i neka para moze da kapne iz zezanja.
Recimo sah, kako rece Longie ili tako neka jednostavna igra, kreiras svoj sajt, stavis Google reklame i neka para moze da kapne iz zezanja.
Serbinho-3- Posts : 27664
Lokacija: : Italy
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Poanta jest sto u programiranju bas mozes radit irazlicite stvari,a mashta ti je granica..
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Gnječ wrote:Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Pa ako si programer, dizajner, animator, scenarist, level designer u jednoj osobi onda nije teško.
Posts : 12437
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
catabbath wrote:Gnječ wrote:Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Pa ako si programer, dizajner, animator, scenarist, level designer u jednoj osobi onda nije teško.
teško da ćeš naći sve to u jednoj osobi. znači teško je i komplicirano. ti možeš biti dobar scenarist ali si shit u programiranju ili obratno. rijetki su oni jako rijetki koji posjeduju sve te talente ima ih ali su rijetki. programiranje igre je time consuming posao zahtijeva jako puno vremena i odricanja koje rijetko tko pristane. script tj, scenario i gameplay mora biti dobar inače džabe si krečio nitko ti neće kupit igru. moraš naći beta testere koji će ti otkrivati pronalaziti bugove u igri dakle vrlo zahtjevan i kompliciran posao čak i kad imaš koder tj. game engine već gotov out of the box instaliraj i radi kao Unity engine ili Unreal engine a da ne pričamo kad moraš sve from scratch ( to je isto naziv programskog jezika ).
recimo Tomb Raider 4 je radila cijela armija ljudi 2 DVIJE! godine posla. toliko su bili umorni i razjebani da su tu Laru Croft htjeli ubiti što su na kraju igre i napravili. dakle njih recimo stotinu trebalo im je dvije godine rada da naprave igru. da ju radiš sam treba ti dva života.
evo tu je jedan primjer
Fan Game Tomb Raider 2 Remake by Nicobass (PC only) radilo je na tom projektu 18 ljudi. 20 minuta igre give or take.
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
Ha ha hacatabbath wrote:Gnječ wrote:Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Pa ako si programer, dizajner, animator, scenarist, level designer u jednoj osobi onda nije teško.
U mene samo bujna mašta i ogroman talent uspješnog prčkanja po tuđim programima bez da uopće išta prije znam o tome
Recimo one Tetris, ja već imam ideju šta bi usavršio i uopće nesumnjam da nebi to iskemija na kraju kako to izvest
Uglavnom igra nakon xy objekata koji padnu ubrzava slobodni pad istih i na kraju nemoš pratit pa zamara pa onda kad dva reda pogodiš pa nestanu da je gratis 20 sekundi usporenog padanja objekata
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
evo za tebe počni s ovim za početak:
Scratch (programming language)
Scratch is a visual programming language and online community targeted primarily at children. Using Scratch, users create their own interactive stories, games and animations, then share and discuss their creations with one another. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab[1], the service is designed to help children (ages 8 and up) learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively.
Scratch is translated into 70+ languages and is used in homes, schools, and after-school clubs in every country in the world[2]. Scratch is often used in teaching coding, computer science, and computational thinking. Teachers also use it as a creative tool across many other subjects including math, science, history, geography, and art.
As of late 2017, there were more than 22 million registered members of the Scratch online community and more than 26 million shared projects, with roughly 25,000 new members and 30,000 new projects every day. The blocks-based grammar of Scratch has influenced many other programming environments and is now considered a standard for introductory coding experiences for children.
Scratch encourages the sharing, reuse and combination of code. Users are encouraged to create “remixes” of another user’s project[5]. Projects created and remixed with Scratch are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License[6]. Scratch automatically gives credit to the participant who built on the original work and to the participant who created the original program.[3]
It is part of a research to design new technologies to enhance learning in after-school centers and other informal education settings, and broaden opportunities for youth from under-represented groups who can become designers and inventors. Scratch was developed based on ongoing interaction with youth and staff at Computer Clubhouses. The use of Scratch at Computer Clubhouses served as a model for other after-school centers demonstrating how informal learning settings can support the development of technological fluency, enabling young people to design and program projects that are meaningful to themselves and their communities.
Scratch was made popular in the United Kingdom through Code Clubs. Scratch is used as the introductory language because creation of interesting programs is relatively easy, and skills learned can be applied to other basic programming languages such as Python and Java.
Scratch is not exclusively for creating games. With the provided visuals, programmers can create animated stories, informational texts, and more. There are already many programs which students can use to learn topics in math, history, and even photography. Scratch flexibility allows teachers to create conceptual and visual lessons and science lab assignments, as Scratch is a useful tool to create animations that help visualize difficult concepts such as plant cell mitosis, the water cycle, Galileo Thermometer or Hooke's Law Experiment. Within the social sciences, instructors can create quizzes, games, and tutorials that stimulate the mind and interact with the student.[15] Using Scratch allows young people to understand the logic of programming and how to creatively build and collaborate.[16] Scratch lets students create "meaningful personal as well as educational projects" which gives students a "practical tool" to express themselves after learning to use the language.[3]
Harvard University lecturer Dr. David J. Malan prefers using Scratch over commonly used introductory programming languages, such as Java or C, in his introductory computer science course. However, there is a limited benefit in a college level education. Malan switches his course's language to C after the first week.
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Scratch (programming language)
Scratch is a visual programming language and online community targeted primarily at children. Using Scratch, users create their own interactive stories, games and animations, then share and discuss their creations with one another. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab[1], the service is designed to help children (ages 8 and up) learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively.
Scratch is translated into 70+ languages and is used in homes, schools, and after-school clubs in every country in the world[2]. Scratch is often used in teaching coding, computer science, and computational thinking. Teachers also use it as a creative tool across many other subjects including math, science, history, geography, and art.
As of late 2017, there were more than 22 million registered members of the Scratch online community and more than 26 million shared projects, with roughly 25,000 new members and 30,000 new projects every day. The blocks-based grammar of Scratch has influenced many other programming environments and is now considered a standard for introductory coding experiences for children.
Scratch encourages the sharing, reuse and combination of code. Users are encouraged to create “remixes” of another user’s project[5]. Projects created and remixed with Scratch are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License[6]. Scratch automatically gives credit to the participant who built on the original work and to the participant who created the original program.[3]
It is part of a research to design new technologies to enhance learning in after-school centers and other informal education settings, and broaden opportunities for youth from under-represented groups who can become designers and inventors. Scratch was developed based on ongoing interaction with youth and staff at Computer Clubhouses. The use of Scratch at Computer Clubhouses served as a model for other after-school centers demonstrating how informal learning settings can support the development of technological fluency, enabling young people to design and program projects that are meaningful to themselves and their communities.
Scratch was made popular in the United Kingdom through Code Clubs. Scratch is used as the introductory language because creation of interesting programs is relatively easy, and skills learned can be applied to other basic programming languages such as Python and Java.
Scratch is not exclusively for creating games. With the provided visuals, programmers can create animated stories, informational texts, and more. There are already many programs which students can use to learn topics in math, history, and even photography. Scratch flexibility allows teachers to create conceptual and visual lessons and science lab assignments, as Scratch is a useful tool to create animations that help visualize difficult concepts such as plant cell mitosis, the water cycle, Galileo Thermometer or Hooke's Law Experiment. Within the social sciences, instructors can create quizzes, games, and tutorials that stimulate the mind and interact with the student.[15] Using Scratch allows young people to understand the logic of programming and how to creatively build and collaborate.[16] Scratch lets students create "meaningful personal as well as educational projects" which gives students a "practical tool" to express themselves after learning to use the language.[3]
Harvard University lecturer Dr. David J. Malan prefers using Scratch over commonly used introductory programming languages, such as Java or C, in his introductory computer science course. However, there is a limited benefit in a college level education. Malan switches his course's language to C after the first week.
offline install download
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Re: Koliko je zaista teško postati programer?
catabbath wrote:Gnječ wrote:Serbinho-3 wrote:Jel komplikovano napraviti igricu?
Pa ako si programer, dizajner, animator, scenarist, level designer u jednoj osobi onda nije teško.
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