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Re: Sirija
U Iraku je pogubljena 31 osoba zbog navodne umešanosti u ubistvo stotine vojnih kadeta u vazduhoplovnoj bazi kod Tikrita kada je Islamska država preuzela kontrolu nad tim gradom, saopštila je organizacija za ljudska prava ''Amnesti internešenel'' (AI).
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
I sjeverni dio ponad Mosula se privodi kraju, a onda valjda ide 6. faza - oslobađanje zapadnog dijela.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
[size=40][size=40]Terrorists [size=40]in[/size] [size=40]Syria[/size] [size=40]Launch[/size] [size=40]Offensive[/size] [size=40]Against[/size] [size=40]Groups[/size] [size=40]Taking[/size] [size=40]Part[/size] [size=40]in[/size] [size=40]Astana[/size] [size=40]Talks[/size][/size]
01:09 25.01.2017(updated 03:48 25.01.2017) Get short URL
Reports of US Military Base in Syria's Hasakah 'Inaccurate' - Pentagon Spokesman
The clashes reportedly began after the jihadists, now called Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, attacked a base belonging to the Jaish al-Mujahideen faction, one of the rebel groups fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
According to Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reporting on the conflict, Fateh al-Sham appeared to believe that the rebels were providing coordinates for airstrikes recently launched against the former Al-Qaeda affiliate.
"It's an open war on the Nusra Front," Abdulrahman said, adding that the morning attack triggered further battles that continued Tuesday afternoon along the border between Idlib province, under control of Fateh al-Sham, and northern Aleppo province.
The ongoing conflict, between the jihadist group and other rebel forces, has increased, after Syrian government forces backed by Russian air power liberated Aleppo last month. In a statement, Jaish al-Mujahideen called for other factions to "stand as if they are one man" against Fateh al-Sham.
Astana Talks on Syria Are 'a Step Toward Decent Peaceful Solution'
On the same day the battle began, representatives from the Syrian government and opposition factions wrapped up peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, organized jointly by Russia, Turkey and Iran. The meeting ended with the parties agreeing on a mechanism to lock in a delicate ceasefire that came into effect on December 30, 2016.
The truce has largely held since that time, although both sides have accused each other of violations.
The Nusra Front changed its name to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham after announcing in 2016 that it was severing its ties with al Qaeda. It is still listed internationally as a terrorist group. [/size]
© AFP 2016/ Omar haj kadour
01:09 25.01.2017(updated 03:48 25.01.2017) Get short URL
Heavy fighting broke out on Tuesday in northwestern Syria between a major jihadist organization, formerly known as the Nusra Front, and more moderate rebel groups.
[size]Reports of US Military Base in Syria's Hasakah 'Inaccurate' - Pentagon Spokesman
The clashes reportedly began after the jihadists, now called Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, attacked a base belonging to the Jaish al-Mujahideen faction, one of the rebel groups fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
According to Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reporting on the conflict, Fateh al-Sham appeared to believe that the rebels were providing coordinates for airstrikes recently launched against the former Al-Qaeda affiliate.
"It's an open war on the Nusra Front," Abdulrahman said, adding that the morning attack triggered further battles that continued Tuesday afternoon along the border between Idlib province, under control of Fateh al-Sham, and northern Aleppo province.
The ongoing conflict, between the jihadist group and other rebel forces, has increased, after Syrian government forces backed by Russian air power liberated Aleppo last month. In a statement, Jaish al-Mujahideen called for other factions to "stand as if they are one man" against Fateh al-Sham.
[size]Astana Talks on Syria Are 'a Step Toward Decent Peaceful Solution'
On the same day the battle began, representatives from the Syrian government and opposition factions wrapped up peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, organized jointly by Russia, Turkey and Iran. The meeting ended with the parties agreeing on a mechanism to lock in a delicate ceasefire that came into effect on December 30, 2016.
The truce has largely held since that time, although both sides have accused each other of violations.
The Nusra Front changed its name to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham after announcing in 2016 that it was severing its ties with al Qaeda. It is still listed internationally as a terrorist group. [/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Nemoj zvati nusru jihadističkom organizacijom, yoda juče kaže da su oni ustvari umjereni.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Ko će štititi Trumpove 'sigurne zone' u Siriji
Procjenjuje se da bi uspostavljanje sigurnih zona moglo dodatno zakomplikovati umiješanost SAD-a u sirijskom ratu.
Trump ne želi da SAD prihvatanjem sirijskih izbjeglica napravi grešku kao EvropaAP - Arhiva
Američki predsjednik Donald Trump kazao je da će "uspostaviti sigurne zone u Siriji" za sve izbjeglice koje bježe od nasilja u toj ratom pogođenoj zemlji.
Zaključkom da je Evropa napravila veliku grešku prihvativši milione izbjeglica iz Sirije i drugih bliskoistočnih kriznih žarišta, Trump je u razgovoru za NBC News rekao: "Ne želim da se to dogodi ovdje".
"Apsolutno ću uspostaviti sigurne zone u Siriji za ljude", dodao je Trump, ne pojašnjavajući svoju izjavu.
Prema dokumentu koji je Reuters dobio na uvid, očekuje se da će Trump zatražiti od Pentagona i State Departmenta da sastavi plan uspostave "sigurnih zona", a taj bi potez mogao dodatno zakomplikovati umiješanost SAD-a u ratu u Siriji.
Taj nacrt koji čeka Trumpov potpis pokazuje da je nova administracija već pripremala korak koji je Trumpov prethodnih Barack Obama izbjegavao strahujući od potencijalnog uvlačenja SAD-a dublje u krvavi sirijski sukob, kao i od mogućeg sukoba američkih i ruskih aviona na nebu iznad Sirije.
Stvaranje sigurnih zona značilo bi znatno jačanje angažmana SAD-a u Siriji i veliki odmak od oprezne Obamine politike. Ako Trump odluči nametnuti zonu zabrane letenja, to bi zahtjevalo veliki angažman američke avijacije, a zaštita civila na terenu mogla bi uključivati i angažman kopnenih snaga.
U dokumentu se međutim ne navode pojedinosti o tome kakve bi to bile sigurne zone, gdje bi se nalazile i tko bi ih štitio.
Izvor: Agencije
Procjenjuje se da bi uspostavljanje sigurnih zona moglo dodatno zakomplikovati umiješanost SAD-a u sirijskom ratu.
Trump ne želi da SAD prihvatanjem sirijskih izbjeglica napravi grešku kao EvropaAP - Arhiva
Zaključkom da je Evropa napravila veliku grešku prihvativši milione izbjeglica iz Sirije i drugih bliskoistočnih kriznih žarišta, Trump je u razgovoru za NBC News rekao: "Ne želim da se to dogodi ovdje".
"Apsolutno ću uspostaviti sigurne zone u Siriji za ljude", dodao je Trump, ne pojašnjavajući svoju izjavu.
Prema dokumentu koji je Reuters dobio na uvid, očekuje se da će Trump zatražiti od Pentagona i State Departmenta da sastavi plan uspostave "sigurnih zona", a taj bi potez mogao dodatno zakomplikovati umiješanost SAD-a u ratu u Siriji.
Taj nacrt koji čeka Trumpov potpis pokazuje da je nova administracija već pripremala korak koji je Trumpov prethodnih Barack Obama izbjegavao strahujući od potencijalnog uvlačenja SAD-a dublje u krvavi sirijski sukob, kao i od mogućeg sukoba američkih i ruskih aviona na nebu iznad Sirije.
Usvajanje plana u 90 dana
"State Department, zajedno sa Ministarstvom odbrane, mora u roku od 90 dana sastaviti plan kojim bi se osigurale sigurne zone u Siriji i obližnjim regijama u kojima bi sirijski državljani izbjegli iz svoje domovine mogli čekati na sigurno zbrinjavanje, bilo povratkom u svoje domove ili potencijalnim odlaskom u treće zemlje", stoji u nacrtu.Stvaranje sigurnih zona značilo bi znatno jačanje angažmana SAD-a u Siriji i veliki odmak od oprezne Obamine politike. Ako Trump odluči nametnuti zonu zabrane letenja, to bi zahtjevalo veliki angažman američke avijacije, a zaštita civila na terenu mogla bi uključivati i angažman kopnenih snaga.
U dokumentu se međutim ne navode pojedinosti o tome kakve bi to bile sigurne zone, gdje bi se nalazile i tko bi ih štitio.
Izvor: Agencije
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
Nek pravi svoje sigurne zone kod bliskoistočnih šiptara, ili ti ga Kurda. I onda nek ih ogradi zidom. Ha ja.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Ko će štititi Trumpove 'sigurne zone' u Siriji
Procjenjuje se da bi uspostavljanje sigurnih zona moglo dodatno zakomplikovati umiješanost SAD-a u sirijskom ratu.
Naravno da Ameri ozbiljno kasne, kaskaju za Rusijom po pitanju rata u Siriji.
Uz dozvolu Rusije, Turska već uspostavlja tzv sigurnosnu zonu di će moći boraviti " izbjeglice "
Rusija je već uspostavila jednu takvu zonu za "umjerene " islamiste - a to je Idlib pokrajina
( al- usra je nekeko jedva uspostavila svoju dominaciju tano ( labavu ) ali ne zaboravimo da
je - nusra - izuzeta iz primirja.
Ameri utvrdjuju bazu na SZ Sirije ( u kurdskom području ) a to je vjerojatno to na šta Tramp misli
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Yehudi, kad će se i tko će riješiti problem sa ISIL-om?
U Iraku ide dobro, u Siriji baš i ne...
U Iraku ide dobro, u Siriji baš i ne...
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Yehudi, kad će se i tko će riješiti problem sa ISIL-om?
U Iraku ide dobro, u Siriji baš i ne...
Nikada kolega, samo će se zvati drugim imenom.
Niti u Iraku ne ide dobro ( od tamo je i krenila ideja ) jer sitimo se Faluje samo
koja je već treći put " oslobodjena " uz ukupne žrtve od oko 1 Milijun ljudi
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Russian choppers transport Syrian paratroopers to besieged Deir Ezzor
Leith Fadel
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:50 P.M.) - On the night of January 23rd, the Russian Air Force reportedly transported dozens of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers to the Deir Ezzor Governorate after the road to the military airport was close by the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).
According to the Russian news outlet "Izvestia", Ilyushin-76 transport carriers and Mi-17 choppers made their way across the vast Syrian Desert to the Deir Ezzor Governorate in order to transport a large number reinforcements from the Syrian Arab Army's 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard and 1st Armored Division.
It was necessary for the Russian Air Force to complete this transport of reinforcements because most aircraft were unable to land in the province due to the Islamic State's proximity to their landing zones.
The Syrian military's high command reportedly thanked the Russians yesterday for allowing them to use their technology in the fierce fight against the Islamic State.
Leith Fadel
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:50 P.M.) - On the night of January 23rd, the Russian Air Force reportedly transported dozens of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers to the Deir Ezzor Governorate after the road to the military airport was close by the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).
According to the Russian news outlet "Izvestia", Ilyushin-76 transport carriers and Mi-17 choppers made their way across the vast Syrian Desert to the Deir Ezzor Governorate in order to transport a large number reinforcements from the Syrian Arab Army's 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard and 1st Armored Division.
It was necessary for the Russian Air Force to complete this transport of reinforcements because most aircraft were unable to land in the province due to the Islamic State's proximity to their landing zones.
The Syrian military's high command reportedly thanked the Russians yesterday for allowing them to use their technology in the fierce fight against the Islamic State.
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
Israel to take in 100 Syrian refugee Children for the first time
Ibrahim Joudeh
For the first time since the outbreak of the six-year-old Syrian conflict, Israel announced on Wednesday that it will accept refugee children from neighbouring Syria.
Israeli Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri, has reportedly approved a plan under which Israel will take in 100 children who have been orphaned due to the Syrian civil war.
According to the Nanu10 Hebrew news agency, the children will be housed during the first three months of their stay in Israel at a boarding school.
“They will then attend institutions provided by the Education Ministry, and the state will attempt to place them with foster families in Israel,” the source reported.
“They will remain in Israel under the status of temporary residents. They will receive identity cards, passports, and be treated as citizens in every way.”
The plan also points out that close relatives of the children may be absorbed as well.
“The Israeli government intends to ensure to the UN that after four years the children can have their temporary resident status upgraded to full citizenship and be allowed to live in Israel their entire lives,” the local source said.
Ibrahim Joudeh
For the first time since the outbreak of the six-year-old Syrian conflict, Israel announced on Wednesday that it will accept refugee children from neighbouring Syria.
Israeli Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri, has reportedly approved a plan under which Israel will take in 100 children who have been orphaned due to the Syrian civil war.
According to the Nanu10 Hebrew news agency, the children will be housed during the first three months of their stay in Israel at a boarding school.
“They will then attend institutions provided by the Education Ministry, and the state will attempt to place them with foster families in Israel,” the source reported.
“They will remain in Israel under the status of temporary residents. They will receive identity cards, passports, and be treated as citizens in every way.”
The plan also points out that close relatives of the children may be absorbed as well.
“The Israeli government intends to ensure to the UN that after four years the children can have their temporary resident status upgraded to full citizenship and be allowed to live in Israel their entire lives,” the local source said.
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
Ssjeverni i istočni dio Mosula, do rijeke Tigris je u cijelosti oslobođen.
Sad ite tkzv. 6. faza - oslobađanje zapadnog dijela. Datum početka nepoznat.
Sad ite tkzv. 6. faza - oslobađanje zapadnog dijela. Datum početka nepoznat.
Eroo- Posts : 78956
Re: Sirija
stiskaju ih , neka neka, treba tu bagru potaracatEroo wrote:Ssjeverni i istočni dio Mosula, do rijeke Tigris je u cijelosti oslobođen.
Sad ite tkzv. 6. faza - oslobađanje zapadnog dijela. Datum početka nepoznat.
Re: Sirija
Astana pregovori doveli do navedenih točki
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
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