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Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Sjeverna mjesta ponad Mosula, padaju jedno za drugim
Jasno da je sada nastupila bežanija, nisu ni oni ludi da ostanu na istočnoj obali koja je 90% islamistenfrei
Očito im nisu ostavili dovoljno droge, captagona ..........a sva 4 mosta srušeno
Pogleda sam onu noćnu smimku sa obale Eufrata di su grupu isis ialamista raketirali............u sridu
Isto moram biti sarkastičan pa upitati koliko je bolnica ostalo čitavo te ima li civilnih žrtava.............očito - ne
Šta javlja mala osmogodišnja twiterashitza .........veli li - samo naprid husejine ubamo ili slini sa - stop bombing us -
ne uništavajte nam - stotu zadnju bolnicu - ( inače u Alepu je navodno uništeno 689 posljednjih koliko
ih je tek unišzeno u duplo većem gradu ?
Mada su i zdravi borci i civili transpotrirani ka Deir Zoor a tamo su ostali ostaci ostataka islamista i stranaca
koje na silu tentaju da izvrše samoubilačke sada već oko 1000 autobombaša se raznilo
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
US-led air strikes wipe out 90 boats carrying ISIS members in Mosul
Paul Antonopoulos
The US-led international coalition announced on Saturday destructing 90 boats and three ships belonging to ISIS group in eastern Mosul, IraqiNews reported.
“We thought terminating the members and leaders of ISIS is hard,” The spokesman for the Joint Task Force, Colonel John Dorian said in a press statement.
“These boats were used to transport ISIS members from eastern Mosul to its Western side, to flee from Iraqi security forces,” Dorian added.
It is unknown how many ISIS members were neutralized in the attack.
ISIS are virtually eliminated from eastern Mosul but still control all of western Mosul. East and west Mosul are divided by the Tigris river.
Paul Antonopoulos
The US-led international coalition announced on Saturday destructing 90 boats and three ships belonging to ISIS group in eastern Mosul, IraqiNews reported.
“We thought terminating the members and leaders of ISIS is hard,” The spokesman for the Joint Task Force, Colonel John Dorian said in a press statement.
“These boats were used to transport ISIS members from eastern Mosul to its Western side, to flee from Iraqi security forces,” Dorian added.
It is unknown how many ISIS members were neutralized in the attack.
ISIS are virtually eliminated from eastern Mosul but still control all of western Mosul. East and west Mosul are divided by the Tigris river.
Eroo- Posts : 78947
Re: Sirija
Video of Iraqi forces neutralizing a group of ISIS fighters near Mosul
Eroo- Posts : 78947
Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:US-led air strikes wipe out 90 boats carrying ISIS members in Mosul
Paul Antonopoulos
The US-led international coalition announced on Saturday destructing 90 boats and three ships belonging to ISIS group in eastern Mosul, IraqiNews reported.
“We thought terminating the members and leaders of ISIS is hard,” The spokesman for the Joint Task Force, Colonel John Dorian said in a press statement.
“These boats were used to transport ISIS members from eastern Mosul to its Western side, to flee from Iraqi security forces,” Dorian added.
It is unknown how many ISIS members were neutralized in the attack.
ISIS are virtually eliminated from eastern Mosul but still control all of western Mosul. East and west Mosul are divided by the Tigris river.
U P S - 90 x 5 - 450 ..........................biti će somova u Tigrisu
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Video of Iraqi forces neutralizing a group of ISIS fighters near Mosul
Ma šta je ovo kolega Ero Prije mi sliči na jako lošu videoigricu u režiji Pjongjanga
nego na snimku modernom američkom opremom za noćno snimanje, infracrvenu termoviziju
Jako, jako neuvjerljivo. Pa isis ima bolje noćne snimke
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
ISILovci uništili T-90 tenk navodno Ruskim Kornetom
p.s idem vidit po redditu jel ovo zaista t-90, nisam dovoljno stručan(a niste niti vi) da znam razlike između svih t-72 derivata.. P.S , T-90 je ima ova dva "oka" ali opet nisam siguran da li neki T-72 ima te "oči"(inače tu su valjda neki laseri za onesposobiti ATGM )
p.s idem vidit po redditu jel ovo zaista t-90, nisam dovoljno stručan(a niste niti vi) da znam razlike između svih t-72 derivata.. P.S , T-90 je ima ova dva "oka" ali opet nisam siguran da li neki T-72 ima te "oči"(inače tu su valjda neki laseri za onesposobiti ATGM )
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
[size=42]Rusija od SAD prvi put dobila koordinate položaja DAEŠ-a
20:50 23.01.2017.
1 коментар
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[url= od SAD prvi put dobila koordinate polo%C5%BEaja dae%c5%a0-a&][/url]
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[url= od SAD prvi put dobila koordinate polo%C5%BEaja dae%c5%a0-a&][/url]
Rusija je od SAD dobila koordinate pozicija terorističke organizacije DAEŠ u blizini grada Baba u sirijskoj provinciji Alep, nakon čega je ruska avijacija u saradnji sa međunarodnom koalicijom predvođenom SAD izvršila vazdušne napade, saopštilo je rusko Ministarstvo odbrane.
Министарство одбране РФ
У бомбардовању су поред два руска авиона учествовали и два авиона међународне коалиције, а гађани су објекти који припадају терористима.
Агенција АП наводи да уколико ову тврдњу потврди званични Вашингтон, ова мисија представљаће прву координисану акцију Русија и коалиције на челу са САД против ДАЕШ-а.
Министарство је навело да је том приликом уништено неколико складишта муниције и војне технике, као и депоа са горивом, а оцењено је да је сарадња са међународном коалицијом дала изузетно ефикасне резултате.
Истовремено, Русија је у сарадњи са Турском у два наврата реализовала заједничку операцију бомбардовања терориста, такође у близини Баба. У првој тури, 18. јануара, уништено је 36 циљева терориста, док су у јучерашњој операцији уништена додатна 22 објекта. Укупно је учествовало по 12 авиона руске и турске авијације.
Претходно је саопштено да је руска авијација бомбардовала и положаје ДАЕШ-а у провинцији Дејр ел Зор.
Izvor: sputnik[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
ISIS Leader Captured By Trump Administration On First Day Of Office
[size=16]ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi , has been wounded and captured following a series of airstrikes according to reports from Iraq. President Donald Trump devised a solid plan with top generals to completely eradicate ISIS was one of Trump’s key promises before he took office. According to reports, the implemented plan had instant success.
According to YNW: Secretary of Defense James Mattis spent his first full day at the Pentagon by overseeing 31 strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. A variety of fighters, bombers and remotely piloted aircraft engaged in the bombing run, which saw 25 strikes in Syria and six in Iraq.
In Syria, two strikes destroyed ISIL units and artillery near the town of Bab. Daesh forces in Raqqa, the terrorist group’s stronghold, took a heavy beating, as 22 strikes destroyed 12 tactical units, nine fighting positions, two underground improvised explosive bomb factories and an ISIS headquarters. The final strike targeted two IS oil wells in Deir ez Zour.
The account was backed up by the Iraq Oil Report, a respected source that gathers daily updates on security developments inside Mosul and surrounding ISIS-held areas from a network of local reporters, residents and fighters.
View image on Twitter
“Increased coalition air activity spotted around Ba’aj fuels rumors of IS “Caliph” being surrounded“.
As the dust settles on the fiercest bombardment ISIS have ever received, the word on the street in Iraq is that the new US administration have done what Obama could not, or would not, do – take out ISIS mastermind Al-Baghdadi.
View image on Twitter
A cornerstone of President Trump’s campaign was the promise that he would destroy ISIS as quickly as possible. He convened his top generals on his first day in office and ordered them to provide a plan to eradicate ISIS once and for all within 30 days.
As the new head of the Pentagon, Mattis would be expected to act on Trump’s plans and make them happen. The former Marine general, who once referred to Obama’s ISIS policy as full of “half measures” seems to have the plan on track.[/size]
[size=16]ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi , has been wounded and captured following a series of airstrikes according to reports from Iraq. President Donald Trump devised a solid plan with top generals to completely eradicate ISIS was one of Trump’s key promises before he took office. According to reports, the implemented plan had instant success.
According to YNW: Secretary of Defense James Mattis spent his first full day at the Pentagon by overseeing 31 strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. A variety of fighters, bombers and remotely piloted aircraft engaged in the bombing run, which saw 25 strikes in Syria and six in Iraq.
In Syria, two strikes destroyed ISIL units and artillery near the town of Bab. Daesh forces in Raqqa, the terrorist group’s stronghold, took a heavy beating, as 22 strikes destroyed 12 tactical units, nine fighting positions, two underground improvised explosive bomb factories and an ISIS headquarters. The final strike targeted two IS oil wells in Deir ez Zour.
The account was backed up by the Iraq Oil Report, a respected source that gathers daily updates on security developments inside Mosul and surrounding ISIS-held areas from a network of local reporters, residents and fighters.
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Daniele Raineri @DanieleRaineri
[ltr]Amid so many junk-rumors, this note is interesting, Ba'aj being a well known seat of power for Abu Bakr al Baghdadi – via @Iraqoilreport[/ltr]
7:34 PM - 22 Jan 2017
“Increased coalition air activity spotted around Ba’aj fuels rumors of IS “Caliph” being surrounded“.
As the dust settles on the fiercest bombardment ISIS have ever received, the word on the street in Iraq is that the new US administration have done what Obama could not, or would not, do – take out ISIS mastermind Al-Baghdadi.
View image on Twitter
A cornerstone of President Trump’s campaign was the promise that he would destroy ISIS as quickly as possible. He convened his top generals on his first day in office and ordered them to provide a plan to eradicate ISIS once and for all within 30 days.
As the new head of the Pentagon, Mattis would be expected to act on Trump’s plans and make them happen. The former Marine general, who once referred to Obama’s ISIS policy as full of “half measures” seems to have the plan on track.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Rusi konačno izvrbovali Erdu da kanibale okrene jedne protiv drugih. Majstorski odrađeno.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
to kompilacija prastarih snimaka pa cak i snimaka iz zaljevskog rataEroo wrote:Nešto za rusofile...
Re: Sirija
Propala islamska revolucija.. umjereni kanibali(nusra) se zaratili sa ostatkom FSA.. Assad trlja ruke od zadovoljstva..
sada ide ona poslovica američkog generala
"ne ometaj neprijatelja dok radi greške" :D
sada ide ona poslovica američkog generala
"ne ometaj neprijatelja dok radi greške" :D
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Nusra umjereni? Zar nije FSA umjereni?
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Ili su možda diplomate iz zemalja "prijatelja Sirije" napravile novu kategoriju - najumjereniji.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Yusha Yuseef Verified account @MIG29_
Dier Ezor | Video BY ISIS shows when SAA killed most of then during the Battle one of them got Sniped .
3:01 PM - 23 Jan 2017
26 replies 187 retweets 260 likes
Yusha Yuseef Verified account
Dier Ezor | Video BY ISIS shows when SAA killed most of then during the Battle one of them got Sniped .
- Retweets 187
- Likes 260
3:01 PM - 23 Jan 2017
26 replies 187 retweets 260 likes
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