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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 16/4/2016, 21:21

Winter is coming

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 16/4/2016, 21:32

Winter is coming wrote:tu izgleda divljaju ovi iz Al nusra-usra fronta ima ih po nekim podacima oko 8000 i jos 1500 nekih kurtona sjeverno od grada,znaci 9500 nije ni malo ali kad se to ocisti to je to,bolje da su ovako na hrpi nego da su rastrkani

 500 novih " djelomice umjerenih" je serdogan nedavno prebacio iz TR

Sve to triba pobiti

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 16/4/2016, 21:44

dakako,sve su to legitimne mete

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 17/4/2016, 10:45

Sirija - Page 19 1-627


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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 17/4/2016, 13:46

Sirija - Page 19 CgJOBLtW4AA-H7b

Russian Navy BSF Minsk transited Bosphorus

 This is the 6th Syrian deployment in 2016 for Ropucha class LST 


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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 17/4/2016, 18:50

Syrian Truth - English

19 hrs · 

‪#‎Syria‬ wins two gold medals in ‪#‎Triathlon‬ ‪#‎Asian_Cup‬ in the ‪#‎Philippines‬
Syria’s national triathlon team won Saturday two gold medals at 2016 Subic Bay ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup in the Philippines.

The medals were earned by Ahmad Mardanli in junior competitions for men and Wisal Saloukheh in junior competitions for women.

Sirija - Page 19 12987113_1136380893047138_8606532270378311479_n

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 17/4/2016, 19:01

U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda and Co. in Syria

Sirija - Page 19 Screen-Shot-2016-04-08-at-17.38.41-1024x790
Screenshot of Jane’s Report


 Sve za Al usraše i za Al Kaidu.........njih ni za što...........Husejin Ubama

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Ringo10 17/4/2016, 19:07

Yehudi wrote:

U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda and Co. in Syria

Sirija - Page 19 Screen-Shot-2016-04-08-at-17.38.41-1024x790
Screenshot of Jane’s Report
 Sve za Al usraše i za Al Kaidu.........njih ni za što...........Husejin Ubama

AMerička politička elita je najeće ZLO današnjice. Sotonistički monstrumi.

Jebem im sve ...

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Guest 17/4/2016, 19:45

Yehudi wrote:

U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda and Co. in Syria

Sirija - Page 19 Screen-Shot-2016-04-08-at-17.38.41-1024x790
Screenshot of Jane’s Report
 Sve za Al usraše i za Al Kaidu.........njih ni za što...........Husejin Ubama

al nusra nisu ustaše nego više partizani, assad je pavelić, ISIL su četnici(brada i crne zstave) a nusra jer se bore gerilom, antifašisti i partizani

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by AlfaOmega 17/4/2016, 20:08

Yehudi wrote:Sirija - Page 19 1-627

Pokleknut će na kraju. Itekak će pokleknuti u Moskvi.

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Guest 17/4/2016, 20:11

na toj mapi se izrael kao još više širi u teritorij sirije lol..

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 17/4/2016, 20:16

preko_vode_do_slobode wrote:

al nusra nisu ustaše nego više partizani, assad je pavelić, ISIL su četnici(brada i crne zstave) a nusra jer se bore gerilom, antifašisti i partizani


Koji je tebi kurac? Šta si se uhvatio toga i više ne znaš normalno komunicirati bez da u svaki jebani post ubaciš ista sranja.

Daj se malo oslobodi toga momče, počni malo razmišljati i komunicirati izvan te terminologije......ako ti nije kasno već.

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Kermit 17/4/2016, 21:52


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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by AlfaOmega 17/4/2016, 22:17

:^0 :^0

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 18/4/2016, 02:39

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

Posts : 9181

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 18/4/2016, 16:41


И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

Posts : 9181

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by AlfaOmega 18/4/2016, 19:15

Izrael aktivno surađuje sa Al-Qaidom i ISIL-om

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

Posts : 10355

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 18/4/2016, 19:30

[size=40]Sirija - Page 19 1038144625
[size=40]Russian, [size=40]Syrian[/size] [size=40]Bombers[/size] [size=40]Drop[/size] [size=40]Big[/size] [size=40]Surprise[/size] [size=40]on[/size] [size=40]Daesh[/size] [size=40]Supply[/size] [size=40]Line[/size] [size=40]Near[/size] [size=40]Raqqa[/size][/size]

09:37 17.04.2016(updated 13:15 17.04.2016) Get short URL

Russian and Syrian Air Forces have reportedly carried out several coordinated air strikes on Daesh near a strategic military airbase in the northeastern province of Raqqa, west of the de facto capital of the self-proclaimed caliphate.

Sirija - Page 19 1035487403
Kremlin: Russian Aerospace Forces Will Continue Supporting Syrian Army Despite Pullout
Syrian and Russian warplanes conducted a spate of coordinated air strikes against Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) near Tabqa Air Base which resulted in the destruction of many of the terrorists’ military and logistics vehicles, according to the Iranian news agency FARS.

The attacks have impaired Daesh’s ability to supply its forces near the recently-liberated city of Palmyrawith arms, medical equipment and food, FARS reported.
The airstrikes came shortly after sources said that scores of Daesh terrorists had been killed and many more wounded after the pro-government battalions of Raqqa province's tribal forces clashed with the terrorists in the area.

Sirija - Page 19 1038146264
An aircraft of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Air Force
"The tribal forces and the Syrian Army have advanced against the ISIL terrorists in Qabaqeb and al-Tim oil well and are pushing towards the city of Raqqa," the sources said.
Meanwhile, fighting has erupted between a militant group and Daesh near Damascus, where Jaysh al-Islam (the Brigade of Islam) stormed Daesh positions to the northeast of the capital, according to the sources, which cited a heavy death toll from the fighting.

Sirija - Page 19 1037032964
Palmyra Liberation: Syrian Army Officer Reveals Details of Operation (VIDEO)
Syria has been mired in a civil war since 2011, with forces loyal to the country's President Bashar Assadfighting a number of opposition factions and extremist groups, including Daesh and the Al-Nusra Front, which have been blacklisted as terrorist organizations by many countries, including Russia.

In February 2015, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2268, endorsing a Russia-US agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria; the ceasefire came into force shortly thereafter, on February 27, and fighting throughout much of the country subsided. However, Daesh and the Al-Nusra Front were not included in the truce.
Between September 30, 2015 and March 14, 2016, the Syrian Army's anti-terror efforts were backed by an extensive Russian air campaign. During that period, more than fifty Russian warplanes, including Su-24M, Su-25 and Su-34 jets, conducted precision airstrikes on Daesh and Al-Nusra targets in Syria at the behest of President Assad.

Sirija - Page 19 1034070988
Finding Terrorist Foxholes: Syrian Army 'Smokes Out' Daesh in Deir ez-Zor
However, on March 14 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Russian Aerospace Forces unit had fulfilled its mission in Syria and that its withdrawal would begin the following day. Nonetheless, Russian air power was used by Assad's forces in the liberation of the ancient city of Palmyra.

Moscow will maintain a military presence in Syria, although a deadline for a complete pullout has not yet been announced. Putin also indicated that Russian forces will remain at the port of Tartus and Hmeymim Airbase.[/size]

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160417/1038146368/syria-russia-warplanes-daesh.html#ixzz46CTwOcg8

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 18/4/2016, 19:54

Warren tvrdi da je polovica boraca ISIS-a već mrtva , a grupa može imati manje od 30.000 vojnika. Također, naglašava kako je regrutiranje novih boraca znatno usporeno  zahvaljujući boljem provođenju graničnih kontrola od strane susjedne Turske.

Warren je otkrio kako je sposobnost terorista da svakodnevno zarađuju milijune dolara prodajom nafte na crnom tržištu znatno smanjena nakon stalnim zračnih napada na njihova naftna polja. Kaže i kako se koalicijske snage intenzivno pripremaju za konačni napad na sirijsko uporište ISIS-a u Raki.

Više od 25 tisuća pripadnika terorista tzv. Islamske države ubijeno je u nemilosrdnom ratu koji protiv njih vode saveznici, doznaje Daily Mail.

Kampanja u kojoj sudjeluju zemlje Zapada tako je dovela do toga da se broj džihadističkih boraca u posljednjih 20 mjeseci prepolovio.
Među eliminiranima su i neki od ključnih ljudi ISIS-a.

  Ma komu će ići zasluge za teracanje isis-a nego -koaliciji- zapadnih snaga  Sirija - Page 19 1f604 

Evo dupe poderše dvije godine se isis samo širio dok su ga oni "uništavali" 

a u stvari pomagali i naoružavali.

   Biće su oni oslobodili Palmiru, zaustavili napredovanje isis-a i uništavali im konvoje 

za šverc nafte ka Turčinu serdoganu, šta im je bio glavni izvor financija.

  Gledaj ti djubradi kako lažu i kite se tudjim uspjesima....Ruskim uspjesima.

 A komedije

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 18/4/2016, 19:57

U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda and Co. in Syria

The cargo listed in the document included AK-47 rifles, PKM general-purpose machine guns, DShK heavy machine guns, RPG-7 rocket launchers, and 9K111M Faktoria anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW) systems. The Faktoria is an improved version of the 9K111 Fagot ATGW, the primary difference being that its missile has a tandem warhead for defeating explosive reactive armour (ERA) fitted to some tanks.

 Released on 3 November 2015, the first solicitation sought a contractor to ship 81 containers of cargo that included explosive material from Constanta in Bulgaria to Aqaba.

Sirija - Page 19 Screen-Shot-2016-04-08-at-17.38.41

Evo kako ih uništavaju !!!!!!!!

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 18/4/2016, 20:00

Nakon moskve i praga sirijski kurdi su otvorili diplomatski ured i u švedskoj. 

Osim materijalnih problema kurdi su u švedskoj naišli i na jak otpor turskog lobija, jedan od ministara u švedskoj vladi je porijeklom iz turske a i turska zajednica je tamo dosta utjecajna.

Na površinu su isplivale mnoge stvari i izgleda da je dotični ministar ostao bez fotelje. On kao pripadnik stranke zelenih družio se sa turskim ultranacionalistima i ekstremnim islamistima gdje su svi zajedno iskazivali bolesni antisemitizam (pozdrav „smrt armencima“). Ali priča ide dalje, analizira se članstvo upravo te stranke zelenih koji u svojim redovima ima puno stranaca, pretežno muslimana. Neki novinari idu tako daleko da insinuiraju kako se te manje stranke koriste od pojedinih struktura (u ovom slučaju islamista, naravno prikrivenih) kako bi se ušlo blizu vlasti i u vlast.

 PS - Tekst nije moj već preuzet

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Sirija - Page 19 Empty Re: Sirija

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