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RayMabus- Posts : 184105
e o tome ja pricam...jemeri se pobahatili preko svake mjere..smatraju svaku drzavu i svaki aerodrom u EU svojom domacom prćijom...Pohvala Osterajherima..
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PUTIN: Vi nama sankcije, mi uništavamo vaše
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin potpisao je Dekret o uništavanju proizvoda koji podležu ruskom embargu, koji će važiti od 6. avgusta, saopšteno je iz Kremlja.
„Poljoprivredni proizvodi, sirovine i hrana koja se izvozi na teritoriju Ruske Federacije, a kojoj je zemlja porekla država koja je uvela sankcije ruskim pravnim subjektima i/ili pojedincima ili se pridružila takvoj odluci biće predmet uništavanja od 6. avgusta 2015″“, stoji u dokumentu, koji je objavila pres služba Kremlja, preneo je TAS S.
U dokumentu se navodi i da će se uništiti sva roba kojoj je zabranjen ulazak na teritoriju Ruske Federacije,
Rusija je u avgustu 2014. godine uvela embargo na većinu proizvoda iz članica Evropske unije i SAD koje su uvele sankcije Moskvi zbog ukrajinske krize.
Da se na carini unište poljoprivredni proizvodi koje dolaze iz zemalja Zapada predložio je ruski ministar poljoprivrede Aleksandar Tkačev, a predsednik Putin je odmah dodao da treba razmotriti i usvojiti te mere.
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
hahahahaha..o ebote,ovo se zove sah-mat... ..roba neplacena,jos i unistena...nis,ovo ce samo pogodovati ruskoj industriji hrane da se jos vise razvije...
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bogomdani wrote:zlato je i dalje najvrijedna garancija vrijednosti,i pad moze biti trenutni..bude opet dobilo na vrijednosti..
ovisi, cijena zlata raste u vremenima ekonomske krize a u vremenima globlanog rasta , cijena zlata pada. čitao sam razne komentare po internetu da će Putin gomilanjem zlatnih zaliha poraziti Američki imperijalizam, ali nije se ništa posebno dogodilo osim što je oštetio Rusiju za određenu količinu milijardi $
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Dakle,globalni pad se u biti trenutno dogadja,realno gledajuci..To sto Ameri na umjetne nacine pumpaju vrijednost svojih portfelja,i dolar kao time raste,je samo magla,koja se u trenu moze rasprsiti..Nominalno je ipak ono realno sto mozes ocima vidjeti,rukom opipati,a stiskom osjetiti(ne,ne mislim na zensku guzicu..),nego na prirodne resurse..dakle,mozda si citao i da je Amerima sve veci problem pitka voda,ali i ona neprociscena,a na slikama na onom usahnulom net.hajeru,koje je netko stavio,vide se vodeni prirodni resursi gotovo presuseni...Rusija je ogromna zemlja,sa jako puno plodne povrsine,dok ameri moraju svoju zemlju hraniti svim mogucim sredstvima da im uspije iznici i onaj GMO srot..Dakle,drzava moze bankrotirati,otici kvragu,ali uvijek ostaje ono osnovno za prezivljavanje naroda...Tu su Rusi u dalekomj prednosti..S druge strane,americki dug je oko 16000 milijardi dolara,nedavno cak i neki americki financijski analiticar je rekao da je to neotplativo,s obzirom na americke prihode..Rusi su duzni svega 600 milijardi dolara,i sve i da im sve kolabira,imaju resurse kojima ce namirivati dug i prehraniti narod..Ako cemo bas nmak na konac,ameri imaju mnogo vece zalihe zlata,pa tvojom logikom i oni gube...Na kraju da spomenem sve vise clanica drzava BRICS-a,koje guraju svoje nacionalne valute u razmjeni izmedju sebe,a izguruju dolar,unistavajuci polako ali sigurno americku globalnu hegemoniju..I jos jedan detalj..posto je dolar realno preopterecen,cijena mu nije realna,ali ti ipak moras platiti onu vrijednost koja je cisto prenapuhana,dok razliku,trpas u njihove džepove..E pa CHEERS..neoliberalni_placenik wrote:bogomdani wrote:zlato je i dalje najvrijedna garancija vrijednosti,i pad moze biti trenutni..bude opet dobilo na vrijednosti..
ovisi, cijena zlata raste u vremenima ekonomske krize a u vremenima globlanog rasta , cijena zlata pada. čitao sam razne komentare po internetu da će Putin gomilanjem zlatnih zaliha poraziti Američki imperijalizam, ali nije se ništa posebno dogodilo osim što je oštetio Rusiju za određenu količinu milijardi $
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bogomdani wrote:Dakle,globalni pad se u biti trenutno dogadja,realno gledajuci..To sto Ameri na umjetne nacine pumpaju vrijednost svojih portfelja,i dolar kao time raste,je samo magla,koja se u trenu moze rasprsiti..Nominalno je ipak ono realno sto mozes ocima vidjeti,rukom opipati,a stiskom osjetiti(ne,ne mislim na zensku guzicu..),nego na prirodne resurse..dakle,mozda si citao i da je Amerima sve veci problem pitka voda,ali i ona neprociscena,a na slikama na onom usahnulom net.hajeru,koje je netko stavio,vide se vodeni prirodni resursi gotovo presuseni...Rusija je ogromna zemlja,sa jako puno plodne povrsine,dok ameri moraju svoju zemlju hraniti svim mogucim sredstvima da im uspije iznici i onaj GMO srot..Dakle,drzava moze bankrotirati,otici kvragu,ali uvijek ostaje ono osnovno za prezivljavanje naroda...Tu su Rusi u dalekomj prednosti..S druge strane,americki dug je oko 16000 milijardi dolara,nedavno cak i neki americki financijski analiticar je rekao da je to neotplativo,s obzirom na americke prihode..Rusi su duzni svega 600 milijardi dolara,i sve i da im sve kolabira,imaju resurse kojima ce namirivati dug i prehraniti narod..Ako cemo bas nmak na konac,ameri imaju mnogo vece zalihe zlata,pa tvojom logikom i oni gube...Na kraju da spomenem sve vise clanica drzava BRICS-a,koje guraju svoje nacionalne valute u razmjeni izmedju sebe,a izguruju dolar,unistavajuci polako ali sigurno americku globalnu hegemoniju..I jos jedan detalj..posto je dolar realno preopterecen,cijena mu nije realna,ali ti ipak moras platiti onu vrijednost koja je cisto prenapuhana,dok razliku,trpas u njihove džepove..E pa CHEERS..neoliberalni_placenik wrote:bogomdani wrote:zlato je i dalje najvrijedna garancija vrijednosti,i pad moze biti trenutni..bude opet dobilo na vrijednosti..
ovisi, cijena zlata raste u vremenima ekonomske krize a u vremenima globlanog rasta , cijena zlata pada. čitao sam razne komentare po internetu da će Putin gomilanjem zlatnih zaliha poraziti Američki imperijalizam, ali nije se ništa posebno dogodilo osim što je oštetio Rusiju za određenu količinu milijardi $
sve ti ovisi.. Da Ameri imaju problema sa vodom radi rastuće populacije i širenja pustinja. Isto tako Amerika ima firme tipa google, microsoft, facebook, apple, i još takve.. svaka ta pojedinačna firma više vrijedi nego cijela ruska burza.
Rusija se nikako ne može mjeriti sa Amerima ta vremena su prošla 1990 godine. Rusija je regionalni igrač, nešto poput Irana, Turske, itd. Amerika je jedini globalni igrač te naravno Kina.
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И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Svjetski prvak u MMA (mješoviti borilačke vještine) Vitalij Minakov porazio poljaka Adam Maciejewski na posljednjem turniru u Sočiju Fight Night. Vojnik iz Rusije pobijedio u 20 sekundi.
20 cec.
20 cec.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Kad onaj šupak kličko treba boksati opet? onaj ludi brigs se napalio da ga napegla
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Первые два российских ракетных двигателя РД-181 поставлены в США
Prva dva ( sdelano v Rossija) raketna motora
(od 60 ugovorenih) isporučena kupcu (Amerika)
РД-181 motore će Ameri koristiti da bi raketu Antares
poslali u Svemir. LOL ( šta bi bez toga)
Jer još NASA plaća 490 000 000 $ da im Rusi
prevezu astronauta na MSP
NASA заплатит Роскосмосу еще $490 млн за доставку астронавтов на МКС
Prva dva ( sdelano v Rossija) raketna motora
(od 60 ugovorenih) isporučena kupcu (Amerika)
РД-181 motore će Ameri koristiti da bi raketu Antares
poslali u Svemir. LOL ( šta bi bez toga)
Jer još NASA plaća 490 000 000 $ da im Rusi
prevezu astronauta na MSP
NASA заплатит Роскосмосу еще $490 млн за доставку астронавтов на МКС
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
© Flickr/ Stephen Downes
21:35 08.08.2015Get short URL
Never in its wildest dreams did the Obama administration expect it would face a financial disaster after it conspired with Riyadh to drop oil prices and flood the market with cheap petroleum, rerunning the highly successful US-Saudi deal of 1986 that resulted in the collapse of the USSR, F. William Engdahl notes.
[size]New Missile Race: US, Gulf States Conspiring Behind Iran's Back?
Although it was not made public, on September 11, 2014 US Secretary of State John Kerry and King Abdullah concluded a secret deal to use the Saudi "oil muscle" in order to bring Russia and the Kremlin to its knees, rerunning the highly successful Washington-Riyadh deal of 1986, American-German economic researcher and historian F. William Engdahl pointed out.
Remarkably, on the very next day, the US Treasury's aptly-named Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, headed by Treasury Under-Secretary David S. Cohen imposed new sanctions on Russia's energy companies Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Lukoil, Surgutneftgas and Rosneft and prohibited US oil corporations from participating in Russia's offshore oil projects in the Arctic.
"Then, just as the ruble was rapidly falling and Russian major corporations were scrambling for dollars for their year-end settlements, a collapse of world oil prices would end Putin's reign. That was clearly the thinking of the hollowed-out souls who pass for statesmen in Washington today. Victoria Nuland was jubilant, praising the precision new financial warfare weapon at David Cohen's Treasury financial terrorism unit," Engdahl narrated with a touch of irony.
[size]Who is Lining Up for the Mistrals? Egypt, Saudi Arabia Rumored to Be Interested
Meanwhile, nothing hinted at any trouble in July, 2014: West Texas Intermediate traded at $101 a barrel, and "the shale oil bonanza was booming, making the US into a major oil player for the first time since the 1970's," the historian noted.
However, when WTI slid to $46 per barrel in January, 2015, the US strategists have suddenly realized that they had cut their own throat. Indeed, "the over-indebted US shale oil industry" was about to breathe its last because of the plummeting oil price.
Although Washington and Wall Street have made every effort to artificially stabilize the dire situation (that resulted in a slowly rising oil price since February to May, when it hit $62 per barrel), the US political and financial elite have underestimated the importance of the Saudi factor.
"It was al-Naimi [the Saudi Oil Minister] who reportedly saw the golden opportunity in the Kerry proposal to use the chance to, at the same time, kill off the growing market challenge from the rising output of the unconventional USA shale oil industry. Al-Naimi has said repeatedly that he is determined to eliminate the US shale oil "disturbance" to Saudi domination of world oil markets," Engdahl said.
Alas, the Saudi are very unhappy with Washington's shale oil advance and the Iranian nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration with Tehran. "In fact the Saudis are beside themselves with rage against Washington," the historian stressed.
"This has all added up to an iron Saudi determination, aided by close Gulf Arab allies, to further crash oil prices until the expected wave of shale oil company bankruptcies," Engdahl noted, adding that on July 29, 2015, WTI fell to $49.
"We anticipated that OPEC would not cut, but we didn't foresee such a sharp increase," Morgan Stanly, the Wall Street bank, reported in panic.
"This downturn would be more severe than that in 1986. As there was no sharp downturn in the 15 years before that, the current downturn could be the worst of the last 45+ years. If this were to be the case, there would be nothing in our experience that would be a guide to the next phases of this cycle…In fact, there may be nothing in analyzable history," Morgan Stanley's report admitted as quoted by the historian.
[size]End of Wealth: Raw Materials Crisis Hits Saudi Arabia, Rich OPEC Countries
What makes matters even worse for Washington, Saudi Arabia, its longstanding and subservient ally, has begun to play its own geopolitical games. On June 18, 2015 Muhammad bin Salman, the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister and son of King Salman visited Russia and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The parties discussed up to $10 billion trade deals.
"Saudi Arabia today is the world's largest oil producer and Russia a close second. A Saudi-Russian alliance on whatever level was hardly in the strategy book of the Washington State Department planners," the historian remarked.
F. William Engdahl underscored that October, 2015 is the next key point for American shale companies: banks will decide whether to keep funding US' fading shale production or roll-over their loans. At the same time, if the Federal Reserve will raise US interest rates in September, the highly-indebted US shale oil manufacturers will face "disaster of a new scale." Unfortunately, such a "doomsday" scenario may be accompanied with further unintended consequences for American and global financial system.
Indeed, as a proverb says "curses, like chickens, come home to roost."[/size]
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
That Awkward Moment: Obama Officially Recognizes Donbass Independence
© Sputnik/ Gennady Dubovoy
17:01 09.08.2015(updated 17:08 09.08.2015) Get short URL
The resolution, also known as Public Law 86-90 from July 17, 1959, was then re-issued every year for the last 56 years, thus officially recognizing the independence of the Don region, where the present-day Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) are located, from the Soviet Union.
"Whereas the imperialistic policies of Communist Russia have led, through direct and indirect aggression, to the subjugation of the national independence of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia… Cossackia," the text of the US resolution said.
A text fragment from US Public Law 86-90 passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives on July 17, 1969
Amusingly, the US government recognized Ukraine and Cossackia (the region, which consists of Donbass and Zaporozhye) as separate countries and separate peoples. According to the resolution, both nations have a right to exist.
Now, since the resolution is the current US law, the US government must recognize Cossackia, which now consists of DPR, LPR and Ukraine's Zaporozhye Region, as an independent nation.
Things got even more comical when the current US President Barack Obama, who hadn't even been born when the law was passed, officially recognized the 1959 resolution and continued the great American tradition of holding Captive Nations Week every year in July in his Presidential Proclamation.
"Now, therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 19 through July 25, 2015, as Captive Nations Week. I call upon the people of the United States to reaffirm our deep ties to all governments and people committed to freedom, dignity, and opportunity for all."
© Sputnik/ Gennady Dubovoy
17:01 09.08.2015(updated 17:08 09.08.2015) Get short URL
Turns out the United States officially recognized territories of the present-day Donbass independent republics back in 1959, when the US Senate and House of Representatives passed the Captive Nations Week Resolution.
The resolution, also known as Public Law 86-90 from July 17, 1959, was then re-issued every year for the last 56 years, thus officially recognizing the independence of the Don region, where the present-day Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) are located, from the Soviet Union.
"Whereas the imperialistic policies of Communist Russia have led, through direct and indirect aggression, to the subjugation of the national independence of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia… Cossackia," the text of the US resolution said.
A text fragment from US Public Law 86-90 passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives on July 17, 1969
Amusingly, the US government recognized Ukraine and Cossackia (the region, which consists of Donbass and Zaporozhye) as separate countries and separate peoples. According to the resolution, both nations have a right to exist.
Now, since the resolution is the current US law, the US government must recognize Cossackia, which now consists of DPR, LPR and Ukraine's Zaporozhye Region, as an independent nation.
Things got even more comical when the current US President Barack Obama, who hadn't even been born when the law was passed, officially recognized the 1959 resolution and continued the great American tradition of holding Captive Nations Week every year in July in his Presidential Proclamation.
"Now, therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 19 through July 25, 2015, as Captive Nations Week. I call upon the people of the United States to reaffirm our deep ties to all governments and people committed to freedom, dignity, and opportunity for all."
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