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Kako sajber kriminalci koriste epidemiju Ebole za širenje malvera i krađu lozinki
Istraživači iz kompanije Symantec otkrili su ukupno četiri kampanje, tri kampanje distribucije malvera i jednu fišing kampanju, kojima je zajedničko to što se kao mamac za prevaru korisnika koriste vesti o epidemiji Ebole u Africi.
Prva kampanja koju su uočili stručnjaci Symanteca je jednostavna - napadači šalju emailove sa lažnim vestima o Ebola virusu kako bi privukli žrtve i zarazili njihove računare trojancem Zeus (Zbot).
Druga kampanja je nešto sofisticiranija. Emailovi koje šalju sajber kriminalci navodno dolaze od kompanije Etisalat, najvećeg provajdera telekomunikacijskih usluga u Ujedninjenim Arapskim Emiratima. U emailovima se nalazi pdf dokument za koji se tvrdi da je prezentacija o Ebola virusu. Kada se otvori zip fajl pod nazivom “EBOLA - ETISALAT” pokreće se trojanac Blueso. Ali to nije sve. Taj malver ubacuje malver W32.Spyrat u browser žrtve, omogućavajući tako napadačima da beleže kucanje na tastaturi, snimaju uz pomoć web kamere, prave snimke ekrana, otvaraju web stranice, popisuju fajlove i foldere, brišu fajlove i foldere, preuzimaju i otpremaju fajlove, prikupljaju informacije o instaliranim programima, računaru i operativnom sistemu, ali i da deinstaliraju zlonamerni program.
Treća kampanja se oslanja na neke nove vesti o Ebola virusu i eksperimentalnom leku za bolest koja je do sada ubila više od 1000 ljudi u zapadnoafričkim državama. Kriminalci vestima da je otkriven lek za Ebolu uz napomenu da tu vest treba podeliti i sa drugima, pokušavaju da distribuiraju malver Backdoor.Breut koji se krije u atačmentu.
Četvrta kampanja koju su otkrili u Symantecu je fišing kampanja. Email koji je predstravljen kao najnovija vest CNN-a o Ebola virusu (navodno, virus Ebola je sada u rukama terorista, a u emailu je link za spisak sa 59 zemalja koje će teroristi napasti Ebola virusom). Ako korisnik klikne na neki od linkova u emailu dospeće na web stranicu na kojoj će od njega biti zatraženo da odabere email provajdera i da se prijavi sa svojim korisničkim imenom i lozinkom koji se, kako verovatno pretpostavljate, šalju direktno fišerima, da bi se žrtva potom preusmerila na pravu stranicu CNN-a.
Iz Symanteca upozoravaju korisnike da se čuvaju od ovakvih sumnjivih emailova. Ako niste sigurni u to da su emailovi pravi, nemojte otvarati linkove niti fajlove u njima, kažu stručnjaci.
Trinity- Posts : 12923
Trinity wrote:A mogla bi komotno ! Kao i na onom forumu i na ovom svakakvih budala !
Liječit ćemo ih
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Samsung To Pay $2.3 Million Fine for Deceiving the U.S. Government
The United States division of Samsung has been charged with deceiving the US government into believing that several of its products met the necessary US government policies, resulting in the US government buying unauthorised [url= Mobile]Chinese-made electronics[/url].
The South Korean electronics giant has agreed to pay the Government $2.3 million in fines to settle the charges of violating trade agreements, the Justice Department announced Tuesday.
Under federal contracting rules, Government agencies are only required to purchase products made in the United States or in countries that have a trade agreement with the United States.
Federal agencies purchased products from Samsung through authorised resellers, believing they were manufactured in South Korea or Mexico, comply with government procurement rules — namely the US trade agreement act.
Despite complying with the terms of the contract, Samsung was found to have breached the US government between the year 2005 and 2013 by providing the resellers “inaccurate information” about the country of origin of the products and supplying those products that they claimed to have produced in Mexico or South Korea, but were actually manufactured in China, which is not part of the agreement.
According to the Justice department, this settlement is not an admission of liability by Samsung. Samsung has yet to comment on the settlement.
“This settlement upholds important trade priorities by ensuring that the United States only uses its buying power to purchase from countries that trade fairly with us,” Stuart F. Delery, the Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Civil Division, said in a statement on Tuesday.
The settlement was a joint effort by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland, the commercial litigation branch of the Justice Department’s civil division and the General Service Administration inspector general.
This matter came to light after a former Samsung employee, Robert Simmons, shared the information with the United States federal agency, under whistleblower provisions in the False Claims Act. The act allows whistleblowers to sue for false claims on behalf of the US and to share in its recovery. Of course, he will be rewarded with a portion of the settlement amount by the US government for alerting them about the issue.
The United States has an increasingly distrustful relationship with both China and with leading Chinese tech firms. Networking giant Huawei has effectively closed down its American presence after scrutiny of US lawmakers and regulators who believe that Huawei’s alleged put backdoors for the Chinese government.
In 2012, US government banned its federal agencies to use chinese products that could pose a threat to US national-security interests.
China hit back, after the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked several documents about the United States world-wide surveillance program and pressured its domestic banks to replace high-end IBM servers with similar equipment manufactured within the country.
The country also banned the procurement of technology from a number of foreign firms, includingMicrosoft, Apple, Symantec and Kaspersky.
Posts : 12923
IS u Rakka---Ovo je velika meta, odmah to bombardirati iz zraka. Ne znam zašto SAA to ne napravi. No i Ameri tvrde da će vrlo brzo oni napadati IS po Siriji čak i bez pristanka Damaska ( ipak smatram da se vode tajni pregovori)
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Hakeri ukrali privatne podatke više od dve trećine stanovnika Južne Koreje
Južnokorejska policija uhapsila je 16 osoba zbog sumnje da su trgovale ukradenim privatnim podacima 27 miliona stanovnika Južne Koreje, što je oko 72% celokupne populacije ove zemlje.
220 miliona fajlova kojima su trgovali uhapšeni, koji sadrže privatne podatke većine stanovnika Južne Koreje starosne dobi između 15 i 65 godina, po svemu sudeći su ukradeni sa sajtova za online igre i drugih online servisa.
Online igre su velika industrija i razonoda u Južnoj Koreji, kažu poznavaoci prilika u ovoj zemlji. Zemlja svoje profesionalne igrače tretira kao rok zvezde, na istom nivou kao profesionalne sportiste. Neki od najboljih igrača u svetu su iz Južne Koreje. Tako da to nije veliko iznenađenje što su igrači bili glavna meta napadača.
Ukradeni podaci sadrže imena, korisnička imena i lozinke i matične brojeve.
Jedan od uhapšenih je i 24-godišnji haker Kim za koga policija tvrdi da je ukradene podatke kupio od kineskog hakera koga je upoznao na internetu 2011. godine. Kineski haker je navodno ove podatke ukrao iz registracija za online igre, filmskih ulaznica i sajtova za preuzimanje melodija za mobilne telefone.
Policija sumnja da je Kim koristio automatski alat, “ekstraktor”, za prijavljivanje na naloge korisnika i krađu valute i virtuelnih predmeta u igrama.
Sam Kim je zaradio skoro 400000 dolara hakujući šest najpopularnijih video igrica u Južnoj Koreji uz pomoć ukradenih informacija, od čega je 130000 dolara dao kineskom hakeru od koga je kupio ukradene podatke.
Ukupna šteta za koju su odgovorni uhapšeni procenjena je na skoro dva miliona dolara.
Kim je osumnjičen i da je ukradene informacije prodavao drugim licima koja u učestvovala u istim kriminalnim aktivnostima kojima se bavio i Kim. Nije jasno da li je reč samo o kupcima iz Južne Koreje ili ih je bilo i iz drugih zemalja.
Spisak uhapšenih nije konačan. Istraga je još uvek u toku a iz policije kažu da tragaju za još sedam osumnjičenih.
Ovo nije najveće curenje podataka u Severnoj Koreji. Pre tri godine u napadu koji je došao sa kineske IP adrese kompromitovani su podaci 35 miliona korisnika najvećeg južnokorejskog internet provajdera SK Communications.
Isto se dogodilo ove godine i južnokorejskoj telekomunikacijskoj kompaniji KT Corp od koje su ukradeni podaci 12 miliona korisnika. Hakeri nisu primećeni više od godinu dana što im je omogućilo da dnevno izvuku u proseku oko 300000 fajlova.
Posts : 12923
Triny jesu i tebi hakirali račun ili stranicu? Mojoj ženi jesu jedan put, prije par god.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Jesu. Jedan e-mail račun i jednu stranicu više puta na razne načine dok nisam pojačala zaštitu i promijenila hosting provajdera. Od onda je sve u redu. Hura za mene i Avalon !
Posts : 12923
Ta mi se e-mail adresa s mojim punim imenom i prezimenom još uvijek može naći na stranici mada sam tražila brisanje. Inače, na toj stranici se mogu pronaći hakirane i ukradene e-mail adrese i svi ostali podaci vezani uz neki račun, nekih 200 miliona zapisa. Mladi je Portugalac došao na ideju da za brisanje tih podataka traži 1$, onda su ga napali, pa je odustao.
Imaš više na
Imaš više na
Posts : 12923
ma gledajte sto se bunite svi na zemlji su kontrolirani,neki vise neki manje,evidencija o svima postoji da se tako izrazim,evo mene prate mnogi,neki me zele koknuti,neki fetve bi bacali na mene,sa svima sam u ratu skoro i tko ih "jebe"
dakle nema se smisla previse zivcirati sto se tice rpacenja,drzave su to dopustile,a i davale podatke sve s ezna
jedino nikako da skuze mene,misle da sam neki luđak umisljeni,ahha,kako su se zajebali,ja sam oruzje u isto vrijeme koje je samo koristilo Oluje i gromobve za sada,a moze potrese i dosta toga jos
dakle kad ame napadnu saznati cete,posto cu preventivu napraviti da se neki dijelovi aktiviraju,a onda ce biti bum -tres
dakle svi imaju informacije o meni pretezno svi,a ja jos nemam informacije strukture zapovjednistva na planetu Zemlja
moracu nekog demona uhvatiti ocito,od ljudi nikakve koristi,sto blesavo sto ne moze do informacija istinitihma i moze ih srediti se lako tako da to kuzim
ima li koji demon koji zeli mi dati istinite informacije,da ne voli Lucifera bas ,ipak su nekada bili anđeli,a ja ih mogu zastititi od jadnika vjerojatno,mislim od Lucifera
dakle ja hocu sve a ne dajem skoro nista bi se reklo,dakle ovii o nacinu shvacanja stvari
dakle ne zivcirajte se,svi ljud na Zermlji su ajmo reci popisani to nije neki problem,samo nedajte da vasse zigosuje kaos toku,jer onda ste od necastivog,dakle jadnika
dakle nema se smisla previse zivcirati sto se tice rpacenja,drzave su to dopustile,a i davale podatke sve s ezna
jedino nikako da skuze mene,misle da sam neki luđak umisljeni,ahha,kako su se zajebali,ja sam oruzje u isto vrijeme koje je samo koristilo Oluje i gromobve za sada,a moze potrese i dosta toga jos
dakle kad ame napadnu saznati cete,posto cu preventivu napraviti da se neki dijelovi aktiviraju,a onda ce biti bum -tres
dakle svi imaju informacije o meni pretezno svi,a ja jos nemam informacije strukture zapovjednistva na planetu Zemlja
moracu nekog demona uhvatiti ocito,od ljudi nikakve koristi,sto blesavo sto ne moze do informacija istinitihma i moze ih srediti se lako tako da to kuzim
ima li koji demon koji zeli mi dati istinite informacije,da ne voli Lucifera bas ,ipak su nekada bili anđeli,a ja ih mogu zastititi od jadnika vjerojatno,mislim od Lucifera
dakle ja hocu sve a ne dajem skoro nista bi se reklo,dakle ovii o nacinu shvacanja stvari
dakle ne zivcirajte se,svi ljud na Zermlji su ajmo reci popisani to nije neki problem,samo nedajte da vasse zigosuje kaos toku,jer onda ste od necastivog,dakle jadnika
Posts : 573
zamisli si situaciju,ja sam od nekih navodnih kontakata preko neta mozda mogoa dobiti neke informacije,ali pazi ovo,ti ljudi su enstali,e sada jel su im zaprijetili ili su eliminirani to ne znamTrinity wrote:Ta mi se e-mail adresa s mojim punim imenom i prezimenom još uvijek može naći na stranici mada sam tražila brisanje. Inače, na toj stranici se mogu pronaći hakirane i ukradene e-mail adrese i svi ostali podaci vezani uz neki račun, nekih 200 miliona zapisa. Mladi je Portugalac došao na ideju da za brisanje tih podataka traži 1$, onda su ga napali, pa je odustao.
Imaš više na
ali znam da ne mogu doci do informacija,te da skro svatko tko mi se javi nestane na neki nacin
dakle ne moze se brisati,brise se sa jednog mjesta a u biti ti si na drugom mjestu evidentirana kuzis
Posts : 573
Reported Apple iCloud Hack Leaked Hundreds of Nude Celebrity Photos
Monday, September 01, 2014 Swati Khandelwal3458 563 Reddit79 18 4175
Now this gonna be the height of Privacy Breach! Nude images of several high-profile persona including actors, models, singers and presenters have been made available online in a blatant hacking leak linked to the Apple iCloud service.
The recent privacy breach appears to be one of the biggest celebrity privacy breaches in history and represents a serious offense and violation of privacy. A hacker allegedly breached Apple’s iCloud service and copied the personal photos of at least 100 high-profile stars.
The anonymous hacker, using the name Tristan, sparked the scandal on Sunday after dumping a large cache of female celebrities' alleged naked photographs onto the 4chan online forum, an online message board used for sharing pictures.
The list of those celebrities allegedly affected, whose nudes photographs are supposedly in this cache, is very long that includes Jenny McCarthy, Rihanna, Kristin Dunst, Kate Upton, the American actress Mary E Winstead, and the Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence.
As a result of the leak, the nude photographs and videos of female celebrities are apparently being widely circulated on the internet. took to the ‘deep web’ where the images are thought to have first been posted a week ago to say he had to ‘move location’.
The anonymous hacker behind the leaked images scandal posted a brief statement saying that they were going to bed because "s*** was getting real."
On Sunday evening, the anonymous user began posting the nude images of dozens of celebrities on 4chan website. It is still unclear how the photographs ended up online, but the anonymous hacker may have obtained more than 423 nude images of over a 100 celebrities without their permission.
Within hours Twitter was awash with hundreds of thousands of tweets about the photographs which are also alleged to include Brits Michelle Keegan, Cara Delevigne, Cat Deeley and Kelly Brook.
The the 24-year-old Hunger Games and X-Men actress Jennifer Lawrence icluding several others have confirmed that the leaked photographs are genuine, while some celebrities have disputed the authenticity of the images.
The superstar Jennifer Lawrence's representative previously reported that Lawrence’s photographs were stolen, calling the hacking act as “a flagrant violation of privacy.” The spokesperson also added, “The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.”
Mary Elizabeth Winstead from Final Destination 3 was also been victim of the hack. The actress took to Twitter to react to having her images exposed.
The anonymous 4Chan user confirmed that the current privacy breach was a conspiracy which involved more than one individual and “the result of several months of long and hard work.”
“Guys, just to let you know I didn't do this by myself,” wrote the anonymous hacker in the post thread just after midnight on Monday. “There are several other people who were in on it and I needed to count on to make this happened (sic). This is the result of several months of long and hard work by all involved. We appreciate your donations and applaud your excitement. I will soon be moving to another location from which I will continue to post.”
In a statement issued on Monday afternoon, the FBI said that it had begun investigating the whole matter.
“The FBI is aware of the allegations concerning computer intrusions and the unlawful release of material involving high profile individuals, and is addressing the matter. Any further comment would be inappropriate at this time.”
It is believed that the leaked photographs of high-profile celebs were apparently obtained by the hackers via a massive hack of Apple's iCloud. The nude images then posted on 4chan websites by its users offering more explicit material in exchange for bitcoin payments.
The hacker on 4chan is also claiming to have over 60 nude selfies and an explicit sex film of the Oscar-winning actress, Jennifer Lawrence, which is available for a fee in Bitcoins.
Apple has declined to comment. It has not yet confirmed that its iCloud service was involved in the alleged leak.
The encryption of Apple on general data is considered to be robust, but access to it could be gained if an attacker is able to guess a users' passwords, which can be have obtained by using ‘brute force’ attack or ‘social engineering’ trick.
An account can alternatively be easily accessed by resetting a user's account by finding their email address and then answering traditional ‘security questions.’
Posts : 12923
Black Hat Hackers na djelu...
A trebalo bi i paziti kako se slika i di se slike lijepe...
A trebalo bi i paziti kako se slika i di se slike lijepe...
Posts : 12923
Apple Patches 'Find My iPhone' Vulnerability Which May Caused Celebrities Photo Leak
Thursday, September 04, 2014 Mohit Kumar270 77 Reddit0 4 404
Apple has patched the security flaw in its [url= my iPhone]Find My iPhone[/url] online service that may have allowed hackers to get access to a number of celebrities' private pictures leaked online.
So far, I hope everybody have heard about probably the biggest digital exposure of personal nude photographs belonging to as many as 100 high-profile celebrities, including Jenny McCarthy, Kristin Dunst, Mary E Winstead, and the Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton.
Initial reports suggested that the privacy breach of the celebrities’ iCloud accounts was made possible by a vulnerability in Find My iPhone feature that allowed hackers to allegedly take nude photographs of celebrities from their Apple iCloud backups.
Anonymous 4chan users who claims to have grabbed images, posted some of the images to the “b” forum on notorious bulletin-board 4chan, where the owners demanded Bitcoin in exchange for a peek of the images.
The anonymous 4chan user sparked the scandal on Sunday after dumping a large cache of female celebrities' alleged naked photographs onto the 4chan online forum, an online message board used for sharing pictures. As a result of the leak, the nude photographs and videos of female celebrities are apparently being widely circulated on the internet.
After the story broke by the mainstream media, the affected celebrities including Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence and model Kate Upton came forward to react on the matter. Within 12 hours, the web has been awash with private and some very personal photographs of celebrities.
On August 30, just a day before the massive leak, proof-of-concept code for an AppleID password bruteforce was uploaded to the GitHub by a mobile security team HackApp. What a coincident! Isn’t it?
The proof-of-concept code for the exploit is known as iBrute. The code exploited a vulnerability in Apple’s Find My iPhone application sign in page. The flaw let hackers to flood the site with multiple number of password attempts without being locked out and by using brute-force techniques, hackers could guess the password used to protect those celebrities accounts. Apple patched the vulnerability early on September 1.
Apple has acknowledged the attack, but did not address the vulnerability discussed here. The company issued a press release stating that iCloud or Find my iPhone had not been responsible for the leak of several private and personal photos of celebrities.
Rather it said that the celebrities photo breach was a "very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the Internet. None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple’s systems including iCloud or Find my iPhone."
Apple is encouraging its users to make use of its two-factor authentication service in an effort to prevent security-question based attacks on their accounts.
There is no doubt that two-factor verification makes it more difficult for hackers to obtain a user's login credentials in the first place, thereby preventing many attacks. But an iCloud backup can be installed with just a user name and a password, making two-factor authentication process incomplete.
Unfortunately, Apple’s two-factor authentication currently doesn’t protect against the kind of attack that was used in this case. It does not cover many other iCloud services, including backups. As noted by TechCrunch, the only three things two-factor secures in iCloud are:
- Signing in to My Apple ID to manage their Apple account
- Making iTunes, App Store, or iBookstore purchases from a new device
- Receiving Apple ID-related support from Apple
In fact, it doesn’t make you enter a verification code if you restore a new device from an iCloud backup. And this security hole is what the hackers are taking advantage of.
Using an application like ElcomSoft's software to download an [url= hacking]iPhone[/url]'s backup successfully, one can circumvent two-factor verification mechanism, because of the fact that the two-factor authentication system does not cover iCloud backups or Photo Stream.
For users to protect against upcoming threats, follow these advices:
- Whatever be the case with two-factor verification process, you have to enabled it because doing this will definitely add an extra layer of security to your account.
- Try using different passwords for different accounts so that if one breached, you are not all lost.
- Use a complex password and do not share it with anyone.
- Same applies in case of email, use a private email for your ID — one that you don’t share with anyone.
- Don’t click on links provided in emails, visit the given website directly from web.
- Don’t share your personal information over social networks at any cost.
- Most importantly, use completely incorrect or random answers to password reset questions, so that nobody could guess it right.
Posts : 12923
Large US tech firms plan 'go slow' day in protest over net neutrality rules
On 10 September, Etsy, Foursquare, Kickstarter, Reddit and others will alter websites to show potential impact of FCC decision
Several other large internet companies are expected to back the day of action, which is being coordinated by Silicon Valley lobby group Engine. Photograph: Alamy
Some of the world’s largest tech firms are planning a “go slow” day next week in protest of proposals that could create fast lanes on the internet for some companies.
On 10 September, tech firms including Etsy, FourSquare, KickStarter, Mozilla, Reddit and Vimeo will install a widget on their sites to show how they believe the internet would look if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) overturns “net neutrality” rules.
The FCC is currently redrawing its rules after a series of legal challenges from cable and telecoms companies undermined its authority to regulate the internet. One proposal could allow internet service providers to offer fast lanes to higher paying customers, a move critics charge would break net neutrality – the principle that all traffic is treated equally online.
Evan Greer, co-founder of Fight for the Future, a pressure group helping to organise the protest day, said in an email: “Net neutrality is tough to explain to people, so we wanted to organize an action that actually shows the world what’s at stake. I think the three most hated words on the internet right now are ‘Please wait, loading ... ’ Unless internet users unite in defense of net neutrality, we could be seeing those dreaded ‘loading’ wheels a lot more often on some of our favorite websites, while monopolistic companies get to decide which content gets seen by the most people.”
Several other large internet companies are expected to back the day of action, which is being coordinated by Silicon Valley lobby group Engine. Engine will direct people to call or email policymakers with their concerns.
A similar campaign led to the FCC being flooded with comments on the net neutrality legislation – so many that at one point its systems collapsed under the strain.
“With over one million public comments already filed with the FCC, much has been written about why the FCC’s proposed rules would damage the internet, but the FCC needs to see firsthand how Internet fast lanes would devastate startups,” Engine said in a blogpost.
The FCC is redrafting its rules at the same time as it assesses the proposed merger of Comcast, the largest cable company, with Time Warner, the second largest. The FCC is also reviewing a proposal to overturn state laws that ban some local municipalities from expanding their own high speed internet service to compete with the cable companies.
On 10 September, Etsy, Foursquare, Kickstarter, Reddit and others will alter websites to show potential impact of FCC decision
- Best way to protest net neutrality’s: an Internet slowdown
- Net neutrality: what is it and why does it matter
Several other large internet companies are expected to back the day of action, which is being coordinated by Silicon Valley lobby group Engine. Photograph: Alamy
Some of the world’s largest tech firms are planning a “go slow” day next week in protest of proposals that could create fast lanes on the internet for some companies.
On 10 September, tech firms including Etsy, FourSquare, KickStarter, Mozilla, Reddit and Vimeo will install a widget on their sites to show how they believe the internet would look if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) overturns “net neutrality” rules.
The FCC is currently redrawing its rules after a series of legal challenges from cable and telecoms companies undermined its authority to regulate the internet. One proposal could allow internet service providers to offer fast lanes to higher paying customers, a move critics charge would break net neutrality – the principle that all traffic is treated equally online.
Evan Greer, co-founder of Fight for the Future, a pressure group helping to organise the protest day, said in an email: “Net neutrality is tough to explain to people, so we wanted to organize an action that actually shows the world what’s at stake. I think the three most hated words on the internet right now are ‘Please wait, loading ... ’ Unless internet users unite in defense of net neutrality, we could be seeing those dreaded ‘loading’ wheels a lot more often on some of our favorite websites, while monopolistic companies get to decide which content gets seen by the most people.”
Several other large internet companies are expected to back the day of action, which is being coordinated by Silicon Valley lobby group Engine. Engine will direct people to call or email policymakers with their concerns.
A similar campaign led to the FCC being flooded with comments on the net neutrality legislation – so many that at one point its systems collapsed under the strain.
“With over one million public comments already filed with the FCC, much has been written about why the FCC’s proposed rules would damage the internet, but the FCC needs to see firsthand how Internet fast lanes would devastate startups,” Engine said in a blogpost.
The FCC is redrafting its rules at the same time as it assesses the proposed merger of Comcast, the largest cable company, with Time Warner, the second largest. The FCC is also reviewing a proposal to overturn state laws that ban some local municipalities from expanding their own high speed internet service to compete with the cable companies.
Posts : 12923
How to participate
On September 10th, sites across the web will display an alert with a symbolic "loading" symbol (the proverbial “spinning wheel of death”) and promote a call to action for users to push comments to the FCC, Congress, and the White House. Note: none of these tools actually slow your site down; they tell your visitors about the issue and ask them to contact lawmakers.- Do you have a website or blog? Get the code, and run it all day on September 10th.
- Know anyone with a popular iPhone or Android app? Ask them to send a push notification.
- Is social media your biggest audience? Change your avatar to a spinning wheel of death. Or share these images on Facebook.
Be creative! Grab peoples' attention with a loading symbol, and link to tools for emailing and calling lawmakers (e.g. Whatever you decide, tell us you're participating, announce it publicly, and commit to getting *one* person or company with a *bigger* reach than you to join in as well. Got a question? Contact us.
Posts : 12923
ppertals Polizeipräsidentin Birgitta Radermacher macht ihren Standpunkt klar: „Das Gewaltmonopol liegt ausschließlich beim Staat! Ein Auftreten, das einschüchtert, verunsichert oder provoziert, wird nicht geduldet“, kündigte an. „Wählen Sie 110, wenn Sie diesen Leuten begegnen.“ Sie kündigte an, die Polizei werde ihre Präsenz in der Innenstadt verstärken.
Auch Wuppertals Oberbürgermeister Peter Jung (CDU) äußerte sich unmissverständlich: Er verurteile die Aktion „aufs Schärfste“, das Vorgehen der Islamisten dürfe nicht geduldet werden. „Diese Personen wollen bewusst provozieren und einschüchtern und uns ihre Ideologie aufzwingen. Das lassen wir nicht zu.“
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
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