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Joj covjece,salji je...ovdje je odvratna klimapuno sunca,puno kisa,puno vlage.Mozda ne znas ali planiram kupiti brvnaru na istoku rusije,tamo gdje je zimi -70 stupnjevadakle,slobodn ozezi i salji sibirsku zimu...Iknar wrote:mogli bi imati ledenu zimubogomdani wrote:ne kontam..sve mi izgleda kao losa trgovina,dakle,nema od toga nista..po prirodi sam šparan,a posto sam i sposoban,ne dijelim lovu amaterima...
sto se tice,net.hajera,svejedno,tjeras mak na konac,a tebi se na kraju bude obilo o glavu,ne bi bio prvi... jesi teski trol,no ne smatram te nekom zlom osobom,ali modovi na net.hajeru imaju drugu perceciju..a protiv njih ne mozes..
Guest- Guest
mozda i hocu ako ce zajebavati i koristiti slabije da ginu za njihbogomdani wrote:Joj covjece,salji je...ovdje je odvratna klimapuno sunca,puno kisa,puno vlage.Mozda ne znas ali planiram kupiti brvnaru na istoku rusije,tamo gdje je zimi -70 stupnjevadakle,slobodn ozezi i salji sibirsku zimu...Iknar wrote:mogli bi imati ledenu zimubogomdani wrote:ne kontam..sve mi izgleda kao losa trgovina,dakle,nema od toga nista..po prirodi sam šparan,a posto sam i sposoban,ne dijelim lovu amaterima...
sto se tice,net.hajera,svejedno,tjeras mak na konac,a tebi se na kraju bude obilo o glavu,ne bi bio prvi... jesi teski trol,no ne smatram te nekom zlom osobom,ali modovi na net.hajeru imaju drugu perceciju..a protiv njih ne mozes..
pazi situaciju tamo,bogata zemlja,posvađa se sa rusijom,rusi u sankcijama,prekinu ilis manje dovod plina u njemacku,a ja njima opalim arkticku zimu
sto onda?
ali ne brinis e to je nista,vratiti cu ja magnetske polove kakvi su bili u doba Atlantide,to pokuvam vec duze vrijeme,dakle vratiti cu kako bi se reklo na staro ako je tako bilo prije ,dakle kako treba.ali to ne mogu ocito,ali cu pokusavati,a iskreno mozda se Atlantida vrati,ne znam iskreno da li bi to mnapraviti kasnije bilo Mudro,volio bi zastititi ljude,ali sam to mejsto prokleo za sva vremena,a mozda mogu ponistiti ne znam iskreno,a da buude veci problem jos sam i smrtnik,koja banana jel tako,ali nema veze,bio mocan ili nemocan vazni su ciljevi
a posto je ovo tema za globalno,da ja duze vrijeme djelujem i globalno dakle izvan granica ove male zemlje
sto mislis da su me na tome forumu jedini provocirali ,muljali,lagali,bilo je svida,sjeti se raznoraznih poplava,tko zna mozda je od mene mozda nije,a ako je krivo podrucje
ali sada sam nadam se malo bolji
dakle tebi sam ja smamer i sluicno da ne kazem gore rijeci,a sto ako sam tos to kazeme onda ste u problemu svi koji mis e zamjere,dakle ti su u problemu,ali i ja psoto ne mogu izbjeci neke lose stvari za mene
nsita se ti ne brini,tlaciti ce mene,mozda i ubiti,ali me zaustaviti ne mogu,jer kada me ubiju recimo dolazi Sud Bozji,dakle isteklo je vrijeme,nema vise sacu biti dobar a bio je netko los,kraj,nadam se da kuzis
a i tko kaze da nisam nesto mozda vec uradio bez obzira sto mis e desi,a moja smrt to aktivira,dakle sada sam prilicno razocaran i ljut,a to znaci da bi moglo biti sranja velikih ako me jos nacnu,a ja cu istjerati pravdu milom ili silom
Posts : 573
Imate li vi pristup -netaeru-??? Meni vrti i vrti i vrti i nikako povezati????????????
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
opet je puko forum. Jbt ili neka ga poprave ili neka ga ugase, jebo ih forum više
Posts : 7484
Lokacija: : West Mostar
Ah ...........opet. Pa lipo sam govorio neka dojdu na ovaj forum,sve ima i normalno slike i videa i smajliće ......sve normalno stavljati, a ne na onu crkotinu. Svejedno, ljudi su kao stoka, naviknu na nešto i nikako se popraviti. I onda se pitamo zašto je država u banani.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Pa ako nema nekih planova oko renoviranja starog foruma, onda nema smisla više tamo ić. Jer samo je pitanje vremena kad će puknut totalno
Posts : 7484
Lokacija: : West Mostar
ma ne trulis u tamo a i adminicu sam kaznio na neki nacin.,pecat na dusu ,a i mdoerator ce dobiti nesto,niej vaznos toTrinity wrote:A? To Iki nešto muljao, garant...
nego mislim upotrijebiti potrese na sve zlotvore,dakle u stilu neka ih zemlja proguta,malo uluje itd,zastita postenih ljudi,eliminacija ubojica
dakle na ISIL i ostale zlocince
Posts : 573
A vidi, ako možeš te svoje moći selektivno upotrijebiti, dakle samo na zločeste, palac gore !
Posts : 12923
da sotonist agaliarept je tamo pokrenuo to ali ne kao tu temu,nego kao prijetnje i slicnoTrinity wrote:A vidim i peticija za tebe tamo pokrenuta...
ne brinis e moja je zadnja na ovome planetu uz Bozju dozvolu
dakle ne znam hoces li shvatiti ali je tako nekako,a ond aide Sud Bozji, tamo ce biti pred Kristom sto da ti kazem,mnogi koji su lagali ,bili losi,nisu se pokajali ce ici tamo gdje zasluzuju
a da ne govorim o moderatorima i adminima tamo,evo Buffy ima i teret koji nosi i nakon svoje smrti,dakle to sam jos stavio na dusu na neki nacin za sva zla koja je radila mjesecima,godinama a nije se pokajala,iskrenonece mi biti zao ako zavrsi u paklu,ako abs to hcoe raditi neka i trune,ionako to ne ovisi o meni nego o Kristu,a ako ce Njega lagati,sto fda ti kazem onda,ne mozes Boga lagati Bog sve zna
Posts : 573
Anonymous Hackers Claim to Identify the Cop Who killed Mike Brown in Ferguson
Members of the international hacker collective [url= Hacker]Anonymous[/url] have claimed they have identified theFerguson, Missouri law enforcement officer involved in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager killed on Saturday, which sparked days of protest and raised racial tensions.
The hacktivist collective said Wednesday in a tweet that it was holding back the name of police officer until it confirmed the name of the police officer with a second source before releasing it publicly.
"We have the name of the shooter," the Anonymous group member tweeted under the Twitter name Operation Ferguson. "We just can't verify. We need to either talk to witnesses or get a second leak source."
Michael Brown, 18-year-old, was shot multiple times by a local police officer on Saturday, which happened around 1:40 p.m. Brown's body was then left on the sidewalk for hours. He was killed following an alleged altercation with the Ferguson police. Since then, the police have been accused of racism and become the focus of retribution by an angry public.
However on Thursday morning, the hacktivist group announced that it has named the officer who killed Brown over the weekend, and have posted Facebook profile photograph purported to be of the man.
The group claimed that the name of the police officer is Bryan Willman, but the St. Louis County Police department denied the claims and said that the group has identified the wrong guy and that officer is not an officer from Ferguson or St. Louis."Do not release more info on this random citizen," the Police Department tweeted. "We only release suspect information after the investigation is complete and charges have been issued."
“St. Louis County PD claims Bryan Willman doesn't work for them or #Ferguson PD. We'll see about that,” TheAnonMessage Twitter account tweeted early Thursday.
On the other side, the Ferguson Police Department has declined releasing the name of the officer who actually shot Brown, citing safety concerns for the officer. This prompted Anonymous to vow in order to dismiss the police involved in the incident.
Since Anonymous hacktivists made the claim and unveiled the name of the officer, his name has been shared more than 3,000 times in the first hour.
The Anonymous hacktivists have also added that it will release more details about the police officer in the coming hours if the St Louis County police department will not take an action against the shooter. The department is still investigating the matter."The things that are happening in #Ferguson disgust me," one Twitter user wrote."[Redacted] you will be killed soon enough #RIPMikeBrown."
The group claims it has video of his body loaded into a police SUV. It have also released the officer's full address at 12pm local time and if there is no response from the police department, it will release a full cache of information on him at 2pm local time.
Posts : 12923
amerika je odavno vec policijsko-vojna drzava,nije vide niti republika niti demokracjija,dakle te jedine dvije stransku su se dogovorile da stvore nesto sto su imali nacisti,potpunu kontrolu svega zele,a bice tamo jos i gore
kada ljudi polude na gay zakone,jedni za a drugi protiv,a svi imaju oruzje,dakle novi građanskir at ce tamo buknuti,a profitirati ocito proizviđaci oruzja kao i do sada
kada ljudi polude na gay zakone,jedni za a drugi protiv,a svi imaju oruzje,dakle novi građanskir at ce tamo buknuti,a profitirati ocito proizviđaci oruzja kao i do sada
Posts : 573
Sick Facebook Scammers Exploit Robin Williams' Suicide
Scammers spare no incident to target as many victims as possible, and this time they are exploiting the tragic death of comic actor Robin Williams by offering the fake Facebook videos proclaiming a Goodbye video message that Williams made before his death.
According to Symantec, this fake Facebook post, which you may see on your walls shared by your Facebook friends, was created by scammers looking to profit on the actor’s death. The bogus post claims to be a Goodbye video of Robin Williams making his last phone call before committing suicide earlier this week.
Scammers and cyber criminals often use major headline news stories to lure in victims. You may fall victim to this video as the news claims to have come from the most popular and reputed BBC News website.
Once clicked on the link, users are asked to share the fake video link and either fill out a survey – or install a fake Facebook media plugin – before they can watch the video. The video states:“There is no video. Users that click on the link to the supposed video are taken to a fake BBC News website. As with many social scams, users are required to perform actions before they can view the content. In this case, users are instructed to share the video on Facebook before watching,” Symantec security response manager Satnam Narang said in a blog post.
When you fill out the survey, it generates revenue for the scammers for every answered surveys and file downloads. According to Symantec, the scam started within 48 hours after the news broke out about Williams’ death and the video has been shared over 24 million times on Facebook.EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: ROBIN WILLIAMS SAYS GOODBYE WITH HIS CELL PHONE BEFORE HANGING HIMSELF WITH A BELT AND CUTTING HIMSELF WITH A POCKET KNIFE. HE CAN STILL MAKE EVERYONE LAUGH WITH THIS VIDEO BUT IT WILL MAKE EVERYONE CRY A RIVER AT THE END.
Scammers have used simple social engineering trick – the technical term for manipulating people into clicking malicious links – in order to infect large Facebook users.
One example of it is the incident when the former “Saturday Night Live” and “30 Rock” star Tracy Morgan was critically hurt in a six-vehicle fatal accident on the New Jersey Turnpike, that was announced dead by the scammers.“Over the years, scammers have used both real and fake celebrity deaths as a way to convince users to click on links and perform actions. From Amy Winehouse and Paul Walker to the fake deaths of Miley Cyrus and Will Smith, scammers are opportunistic and always looking for ways to capitalize,” Narang said.
Symantec advised the Internet users to be “vigilant and skeptical” when reading sensational stories on social media websites. They have also alerted Facebook about the scam campaign and they are taking steps to block it.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has also issued a warning about the similar scam. ”Basically someone clicks on a link to view information or video about Williams, but instead it tells you to download a player, which is really a virus,” it said.
BBB also suggested some useful steps in order to protect yourself from scams shared through email and social media:
- Don’t take the bait. Stay away from promotions of ‘exclusive,’ ‘shocking’ or ‘sensational’ footage. If it sounds too outlandish to be true, it is probably a scam.
- Hover over a link to see its true destination. Before you click, mouse over the link to see where it will take you. Don’t click on links leading to unfamiliar websites.
- Don’t trust your friends online. It might not actually be your friends who are liking or sharing scam links to photos. Their account may have been hacked and scammers could be using another tactic called clickjacking. Clickjacking is a technique that scammers use to trick you into clicking on social media links that you would not usually click on.
Posts : 12923
Ispričavam se, mora sam ovo staviti negdi. Ne odnosi se ni na koga tu.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
A mogla bi komotno ! Kao i na onom forumu i na ovom svakakvih budala !
Posts : 12923
Google Is Worse Than the NSA' — Rupert Murdoch
The United States National Intelligence Agency (NSA) or the largest Internet giant Google - According to you, Which one is the more worse?
Is that NSA ? But, according to the popular Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch), Google is worse than the NSA.
Murdoch, founder of global media holding company News Corporation - the world's second-largest media conglomerate, currently lives in Australia and is once more making the sort of news he'd prefer to be remembered for.
The 83-year old tweeted on Sunday, in which he labeled Google worse than the National Security Agency (NSA). The missive was as follows: “NSA privacy invasion bad, but nothing compared to Google.”
In past, Murdoch accused Google of stealing the content of his newspapers (yet never putting in place a robots.txt file that would prevent search engines crawling it) and has always criticised Google as allowing the theft of movies by indexing torrent sites.
In 2012, he was all riled up about piracy and said Google - the Piracy leader: “Piracy leader is Google who streams movies free, sells [advertisements] around them. No wonder pouring millions into lobbying.”
As usual, Murdoch's preferred Twitter style is to fire up something nasty and then disappear himself for few days.Back in April, he also tweeted: “Google attack on NSA extreme nerve. Google has more data on all of us and uses it. No evidence of NSA doing this. Ethical company?”
So we don't have any idea about his complaint with the Internet giant, and also why he thinks Google is worse than the US spying agency NSA, which collects data on individuals it has no reason to suspect deserve any investigation whatsoever.
As of now, Rupert Murdoch is chief executive of News Corp. and 21st Century Fox, who closed a newspaper in Britain due to hacking of people’s phones and other controversies, to go after Google. He faces FBI and US government investigations into bribery and corruption and on 21 July 2012, resigned as a director of News International.
Posts : 12923
Kako sajber kriminalci koriste epidemiju Ebole za širenje malvera i krađu lozinki
Istraživači iz kompanije Symantec otkrili su ukupno četiri kampanje, tri kampanje distribucije malvera i jednu fišing kampanju, kojima je zajedničko to što se kao mamac za prevaru korisnika koriste vesti o epidemiji Ebole u Africi.
Prva kampanja koju su uočili stručnjaci Symanteca je jednostavna - napadači šalju emailove sa lažnim vestima o Ebola virusu kako bi privukli žrtve i zarazili njihove računare trojancem Zeus (Zbot).
Druga kampanja je nešto sofisticiranija. Emailovi koje šalju sajber kriminalci navodno dolaze od kompanije Etisalat, najvećeg provajdera telekomunikacijskih usluga u Ujedninjenim Arapskim Emiratima. U emailovima se nalazi pdf dokument za koji se tvrdi da je prezentacija o Ebola virusu. Kada se otvori zip fajl pod nazivom “EBOLA - ETISALAT” pokreće se trojanac Blueso. Ali to nije sve. Taj malver ubacuje malver W32.Spyrat u browser žrtve, omogućavajući tako napadačima da beleže kucanje na tastaturi, snimaju uz pomoć web kamere, prave snimke ekrana, otvaraju web stranice, popisuju fajlove i foldere, brišu fajlove i foldere, preuzimaju i otpremaju fajlove, prikupljaju informacije o instaliranim programima, računaru i operativnom sistemu, ali i da deinstaliraju zlonamerni program.
Treća kampanja se oslanja na neke nove vesti o Ebola virusu i eksperimentalnom leku za bolest koja je do sada ubila više od 1000 ljudi u zapadnoafričkim državama. Kriminalci vestima da je otkriven lek za Ebolu uz napomenu da tu vest treba podeliti i sa drugima, pokušavaju da distribuiraju malver Backdoor.Breut koji se krije u atačmentu.
Četvrta kampanja koju su otkrili u Symantecu je fišing kampanja. Email koji je predstravljen kao najnovija vest CNN-a o Ebola virusu (navodno, virus Ebola je sada u rukama terorista, a u emailu je link za spisak sa 59 zemalja koje će teroristi napasti Ebola virusom). Ako korisnik klikne na neki od linkova u emailu dospeće na web stranicu na kojoj će od njega biti zatraženo da odabere email provajdera i da se prijavi sa svojim korisničkim imenom i lozinkom koji se, kako verovatno pretpostavljate, šalju direktno fišerima, da bi se žrtva potom preusmerila na pravu stranicu CNN-a.
Iz Symanteca upozoravaju korisnike da se čuvaju od ovakvih sumnjivih emailova. Ako niste sigurni u to da su emailovi pravi, nemojte otvarati linkove niti fajlove u njima, kažu stručnjaci.
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