Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
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Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
Be that as it may, if we believe the Theory upon which it is now based, the demand for “Equity” becomes hopeless and perpetual. This is because of the fundamentally cynically pessimistic beliefs defining Critical Race Theory. Among these, in particular, is Derrick Bell’s idea of “Interest Convergence,” which has been a core part of Critical Race Theory from the beginning and is currently regarded among its central tenets.
Interest Convergence insists that people in dominant positions in society only give oppressed people opportunities and access to resources when it’s in their own best interests, and thus even anti-discrimination and reparations could be understood as forms of racism—and would be by at least the most aggressive Critical Race agitators.
This means that Critical Race Theory holds, and has held from its beginning, that racism can never go away and never be made up for (without a complete and total remake of the entire system, anyway). Thus, “Equity” is, in some sense, a perpetual demand for more reparations, either in opportunities, power, or direct payments, none of which will ever be good enough.
So, “Equity” understood Critically is a clumsy tool for a power grab.
Interest Convergence insists that people in dominant positions in society only give oppressed people opportunities and access to resources when it’s in their own best interests, and thus even anti-discrimination and reparations could be understood as forms of racism—and would be by at least the most aggressive Critical Race agitators.
This means that Critical Race Theory holds, and has held from its beginning, that racism can never go away and never be made up for (without a complete and total remake of the entire system, anyway). Thus, “Equity” is, in some sense, a perpetual demand for more reparations, either in opportunities, power, or direct payments, none of which will ever be good enough.
So, “Equity” understood Critically is a clumsy tool for a power grab.
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
evo profesor dr. Neal Lester na dr. Phill emisiji objasnjava jedan aspekt woke (kriticke) teorije - kulturna aproprijacija:
Auniversity professor told Dr. Phil's audience Friday that cultural appropriation is about how "White supremacy is embedded in everything."
Lester added, "This is about humanity or the lack of humanity. When we’re putting on someone else’s culture, that is somebody else’s identity. So when you’re talking about being worried about stuff, I’m talking about this in the context of power and history."
"When we talk about systemic racism, which many of us started talking about after George Floyd’s murder, we started seeing the ways in which White supremacy is embedded in everything," he said. "And cultural appropriation is about that. It’s not only about that, but it is about that."
evo profesor dr. Neal Lester na dr. Phill emisiji objasnjava jedan aspekt woke (kriticke) teorije - kulturna aproprijacija:
Auniversity professor told Dr. Phil's audience Friday that cultural appropriation is about how "White supremacy is embedded in everything."
Lester added, "This is about humanity or the lack of humanity. When we’re putting on someone else’s culture, that is somebody else’s identity. So when you’re talking about being worried about stuff, I’m talking about this in the context of power and history."
"When we talk about systemic racism, which many of us started talking about after George Floyd’s murder, we started seeing the ways in which White supremacy is embedded in everything," he said. "And cultural appropriation is about that. It’s not only about that, but it is about that."
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
"in contest of the power and history"
sound familiar?
sound familiar?
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
inace taj profesor sa univerziteta u Arizoni (kao i cijeli univerzitet jer su svi leftardi) je aktivno ukljucen u Schwab-ov odrzivi razvoj (sustainability - sustainable development) koji se temelji na hitnosti rjesavanja klimatskih promjena, a koji je izvanjski okvir wokizma, to jest climate change, susteinable development, wokizam sa svim strujama (rasni, gender, spolni, invalidnost, pretilost itd), transformative social emotional learning, ESG (environmental, social & governance) i stakeholder kapitalizam su dijelovi istog tima koji ima isti ideoloski cilj. Istovremeno WEF aktivno financira i podrzava wokizam sa svim svojim ekspoziturama
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
'I Was Asked To Agree to a "White People Are Racist" Contract at Work' (
da bi dobila poso morala se slozit da su svi bijelci rasisti
[size=64]I[/size]used to be liberal. I still am in the sense that I'm a more classic liberal; I believe in free speech, due process, the Constitution and civil rights. But political liberalism seems to have passed me by and, in my opinion, evolved into a very ideological form of leftism.
Nicole Levitt has filed an EOCC complaint against her employer, after being asked to agree to a a "Full Value Contract" shared over email that included a point saying white employees had to "Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception."
da bi dobila poso morala se slozit da su svi bijelci rasisti
[size=64]I[/size]used to be liberal. I still am in the sense that I'm a more classic liberal; I believe in free speech, due process, the Constitution and civil rights. But political liberalism seems to have passed me by and, in my opinion, evolved into a very ideological form of leftism.
Nicole Levitt has filed an EOCC complaint against her employer, after being asked to agree to a a "Full Value Contract" shared over email that included a point saying white employees had to "Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception."
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
ESG (envoronmental, social, governance) je alat koji treba zauzdat kapitalizam i slobodno trziste
za posljedicu ekonomija ce usporit i stvorit krizu koja treba da iznjedri novi globalni sistem
za posljedicu ekonomija ce usporit i stvorit krizu koja treba da iznjedri novi globalni sistem
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
to nisu ljevicari sigurnoprckov wrote:da nema ovih ljevicara koji ukradu izbore ne bi imali nikoga da sacuva demokraciju
jer desničari redovno pobjeđuju u zadnje vrijeme
ustvari , baš ako se mene pita , koji će nam kur izbori
niti demokracije nit politike po njima , samo pusti teror i krađa i laganje
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
ekonomija sama ne funkcionira, osim u tvojoj glaviprckov wrote:ESG (envoronmental, social, governance) je alat koji treba zauzdat kapitalizam i slobodno trziste
za posljedicu ekonomija ce usporit i stvorit krizu koja treba da iznjedri novi globalni sistem
pa jasno je da su političari ti koji vuku poteze i vuku u rat
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
ali moram priznati Prcko je informisisan
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
sore, jesi li mi se podmaldila
trebas mi bit lijepa kad odemo pred oltar
trebas mi bit lijepa kad odemo pred oltar
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
Sora wrote:ali moram priznati Prcko je informisisan
informiran sore
ne znas ni moj jezik, ih
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
prckoprckov wrote:sore, jesi li mi se podmaldila
trebas mi bit lijepa kad odemo pred oltar
dok ja tebe dočekam biti ću kaj fosil mlada
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
ne daj se soreSora wrote:prckoprckov wrote:sore, jesi li mi se podmaldila
trebas mi bit lijepa kad odemo pred oltar
dok ja tebe dočekam biti ću kaj fosil mlada
nedaj se godinama
moja sore
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
ESG je skracenica za (zastitu) okolis, drustvo i upravljanje, a koji utice na raspodjelu kapitala na globalnim trzistu kapitala. To je prvi rodjak sireg pokreta koji se naziva stakeholder kapitalizam, a koji se temelji na ideju da se firme (korporacije) ne bi trebale usredotocit samo na prodaju proizvoda i usluga za dobit (kao dosad shareholder kpitalizam), nego da istovremeno trebaju poboljsat i druge drustvene interese (ekologiju, socijalne probleme ko sto su rasizam, genderizam i slicno, a kroz woke alate - diversity, equity, inclusion itd ). Korporacije trebaju da postanu woke crkve i propovjedaju klimatsku pravdu i wokizam (wokizam treba postat drzavna religija, i sastavni dio svih danasnjih oficijelnih vjerskih institucija, sto znaci da ce one nestat u svom autenticnom obliku i pretvorit se u woke rupe)
Stvar je u tome da ovo ne samo da smanjuje ucinkovitost kapitalizma i uspjesnosti korporacija (sto i jeste cilj), nego i u tome sto ESG pokret i stakeholder kapitalizam zapravo ugrozavaju demokraciju, to jest kompletno je zaobilaze i to uz pomoc tude love, love iz mirovinskih fondova.
u demokraciji se svaciji glas jednako racuna u odnosu na sva politicka pitanja, bilo to pitanja klimatskih promjena ili pitanja rjesavanja navodne rasne nepravde i slicno. To su politicka pitanja koja demokracija rjesava kroz slobodu govora i otvorenu javnu raspravu. Medutim, ESG i stakeholder kapitalizam zahtijevaju kompletno izbacivanje tih pitanja iz politickog procesa, i rjesavanje stvari upotrebom sile kapitala (mirovinskih fondova) u zatvorenim korporacijskim sobama i politickim salonima. To je izdaja demokracije a ne borba za demokraciju, i opcenito izdaja sistema upravljanja slobodnih ljudi u slobodnom drustvu. Ali posto oni uvode inkluzivnu demokraciju onda je to ipak demokratski proces koji ce dovest do uspostave (prave, lenjinove) inkluzivnu demokracije koju biden brani od ove ne-inkluzivne i neprave demokracije kakva je do sad bila
Stvar je u tome da ovo ne samo da smanjuje ucinkovitost kapitalizma i uspjesnosti korporacija (sto i jeste cilj), nego i u tome sto ESG pokret i stakeholder kapitalizam zapravo ugrozavaju demokraciju, to jest kompletno je zaobilaze i to uz pomoc tude love, love iz mirovinskih fondova.
u demokraciji se svaciji glas jednako racuna u odnosu na sva politicka pitanja, bilo to pitanja klimatskih promjena ili pitanja rjesavanja navodne rasne nepravde i slicno. To su politicka pitanja koja demokracija rjesava kroz slobodu govora i otvorenu javnu raspravu. Medutim, ESG i stakeholder kapitalizam zahtijevaju kompletno izbacivanje tih pitanja iz politickog procesa, i rjesavanje stvari upotrebom sile kapitala (mirovinskih fondova) u zatvorenim korporacijskim sobama i politickim salonima. To je izdaja demokracije a ne borba za demokraciju, i opcenito izdaja sistema upravljanja slobodnih ljudi u slobodnom drustvu. Ali posto oni uvode inkluzivnu demokraciju onda je to ipak demokratski proces koji ce dovest do uspostave (prave, lenjinove) inkluzivnu demokracije koju biden brani od ove ne-inkluzivne i neprave demokracije kakva je do sad bila
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
btw pomoc stradalim od tornada na floridi ce se vrsiti na equity principu veli kamala
to jest ispravljace se povjesne nepravde i usput (sto je i cilj) prikupit glasovi pred izbore
to jest ispravljace se povjesne nepravde i usput (sto je i cilj) prikupit glasovi pred izbore
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
in the coming years, measuring ESG performance will be the gold-standard of business adherence to stakeholder value. Many businesses do not have an interest in making the world better, and some will be tempted to engage in green- or woke-washing, but they’ll be forced to commit to ESG and, ultimately, all the commitments will be put to the test by government action and societal pressure.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
The Fed & big banks to test SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES
navodno uvode ESG bodovanje po uzoru na kinu
navodno uvode ESG bodovanje po uzoru na kinu
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
evo malo marksistickog diversity, equity and inclusion
jos sasvim ne kuze sta se krije iza ovog smeca osim da je smece
jos sasvim ne kuze sta se krije iza ovog smeca osim da je smece
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Biden: cuvajte demokreaciju kao zjenicu oka svoga
evo biden veli da je sistemski (strukturalni) rasizam svuda iako niko nikad nije naveo konkretan zakon ili pravilo koje je rastiticno
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
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