Korona novosti i spoznaje
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Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
jesi ti jebem ti mater glupu usranu nenormalan? jesam ti odmah rekao da je postotak pao radi toga što se uvelo da treba cijepiti sve iznad 12 godina? a do tada cijepiva nisu bila preporučljiva mlađima od 18, pa jebem ti mater glupu usranu pokvarenu smrdljivu...pa jel o tome pričamo cijelo vrijeme jebem ti mater usranu? o postocima koji su namješteni i koji veuze namju s ničim, ni sa umrlima ni sa teško bolesnima, jebem ti mater da ti jebem mater.Piglet wrote:Članak iz osmog mjeseca prošle godine sa pola godine starim podacima? Zato kao papak lijepiš, a ne daješ linkove.ebenica wrote:Gnječ wrote:
Budem potrazio pa ti odgovorim. A Izrael vec sada siba 4. dozu cjepiva.
kaj imaš googlat tom usranom debilu? ovo se nađe za dvije i pol sekunde googlanja, al smeće usrano smrdljivo bi da se traži za njega..mater mu jebem usranu razmaženu smrdljivu glupu.
Mislim da ti je vrijeme za log out.
ebenica wrote:od kad je uvedena dobna skupina 13-39 postotak je pao. procijepljenost odraslog stanovništva, bez ovih bajki od 13, im je preko 80%.Piglet wrote:Ne znam otkud vučete podatke da je Izrael potpuno procijepljen?michaellcmacha wrote:
zadnjih 7 dana prosjek im je 91... uz potpunu procijepljenost stanovništva, puno i previše
Svuda gdje sam gledao su na oko 72%, a sa dvije+ doze 65% što je samo 10ak posto više nego u RH. S obzirom koliko stanovnika imaju, ove smrti koje komentirate ne odstupaju od svjetskog prosjeka.
jebem ti mater odvratnu smrdljivu.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
i da ti objasnim kretenu jer tvoj smrdljivi mozak to neće nikad povezat:
Svuda gdje sam gledao su na oko 72%, a sa dvije+ doze 65% što je samo 10ak posto više nego u RH. S obzirom koliko stanovnika imaju, ove smrti koje komentirate ne odstupaju od svjetskog prosjeka.
ako su cijepili populaciju koja umire i koja puni bolnice onu iznad 50, kritičnu, u postotku oko 90% onda njihove smrti odudaraju i od hrvatskog i od svjetskog prosjeka jer jebem ti mater glupu usranu to nitko na svijetu osim njih nije napravio. jel razumiješ jebem ti mater tebi i cjelokupnom pučanstvu i broju stanovnika i malim usranim mačićima koje treba cijepit. razumiješ ti pičku mile materine sa svojim usranim smrdljivim gnjilim mozgom.
Svuda gdje sam gledao su na oko 72%, a sa dvije+ doze 65% što je samo 10ak posto više nego u RH. S obzirom koliko stanovnika imaju, ove smrti koje komentirate ne odstupaju od svjetskog prosjeka.
ako su cijepili populaciju koja umire i koja puni bolnice onu iznad 50, kritičnu, u postotku oko 90% onda njihove smrti odudaraju i od hrvatskog i od svjetskog prosjeka jer jebem ti mater glupu usranu to nitko na svijetu osim njih nije napravio. jel razumiješ jebem ti mater tebi i cjelokupnom pučanstvu i broju stanovnika i malim usranim mačićima koje treba cijepit. razumiješ ti pičku mile materine sa svojim usranim smrdljivim gnjilim mozgom.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Dobro, dakle složit ćemo se da je 66% ukupnog stanovništva Izraela cijepljeno s dvije doze, a 55% s busterom.
Ti si pratio samo 40+ god., nisi znao to iskomunicirati i smeta te što se ne gleda samo ta dobna skupina nego se ponekad uzima kao mjerilo ukupno odnosno odraslo stanovništvo. U 40+ skupini je obuhvat cijepljenja golem.
Eto, primirje.
Ti si pratio samo 40+ god., nisi znao to iskomunicirati i smeta te što se ne gleda samo ta dobna skupina nego se ponekad uzima kao mjerilo ukupno odnosno odraslo stanovništvo. U 40+ skupini je obuhvat cijepljenja golem.
Eto, primirje.
Piglet- Posts : 1505
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
upravo iz ovog razloga sam ti odmah u startu jebao mater smrdljivu jer se vama smrdljivim kretenima ne može ništa objasnit i uporno ćete trubit nešto kaj veze nema s ničim.Piglet wrote:Dobro, dakle složit ćemo se da je 66% ukupnog stanovništva Izraela cijepljeno s dvije doze, a 55% s busterom.
Ti si pratio samo 40+ god., nisi znao to iskomunicirati i smeta te što se ne gleda samo ta dobna skupina nego se ponekad uzima kao mjerilo ukupno odnosno odraslo stanovništvo. U 40+ skupini je obuhvat cijepljenja golem.
Eto, primirje.
ako umiru oni iznad 50 u nekom postotku i najviše oni iznad 60 kakve onda jebene smrdljive veze ima procjepljenost pačića i mačića? jedino kaj ima veze je procjeljepnost upravo tih skupina, tih o kojima si se ti izrazio: da ne odudaraju od svjetskog prosjeka..a samim time što je izrael upravo takve cijepio najviše od bilo koga na svijetu upravo radi toga jebeno odudaraju od hrvatskog ili svjetskog prosjeka...
i to je jasno k'o jebeni dan al ti ćeš debilu smrdljivi i dalje tupit o pačićima i mačićima i zato ti ja još jednom jebem mater smrdljivu glupu usranu. jebi si ženu doma u mozak sda svojim smrdljivim glupim i usranim razmišljanjem.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Dobro, ajde daj onda konačno te podatke o smrtnosti tih skupina, nisi ih nigdje napisao na temi pa ćemo ih usporediti s RH/svijetom u odnosu na procijepljenost, broj stanovnika i ostalo. Nemoj pisati "neki postotak" nego konkretni broj, ne trebaš čak niti staviti link.
Ja sam ih pratio u odnosu na milijun stanovnika na worldmeters i u odnosu na tjedno kretanje kad sam napisao originalni post, zato sam i pisao o ukupnom stanovništvu.
Ja sam ih pratio u odnosu na milijun stanovnika na worldmeters i u odnosu na tjedno kretanje kad sam napisao originalni post, zato sam i pisao o ukupnom stanovništvu.
Piglet- Posts : 1505
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
evo kreće PSYOP klapa xy.
pripremanje ljudi na masovni pomor od srčanih bolesti uzrokovanih vakcinom.
tko popuši ovu njihovu propagandu nek se ubije odmah sada.
HIDDEN RISK Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years
SOME 300,000 Brits are living with a stealth disease that could kill them within five years, doctors have warned.
A third of those are likely to have no idea they are affected because they do not show clear symptoms.
The symptoms of aortic valve stanosis, when it shows
Aortic valve stenosis, or AS, is a heart condition that often shows no symptoms until it’s already too late.
The condition is when the heart's aortic valve narrows, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart into the main artery to the body (aorta).
This can cause chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, or a rapid, fluttering heartbeat in the more severe and life-threatening cases.
Some people are more prone to getting it, including those of older age, with diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart conditions from birth.
Given the ageing of the UK population, it is thought that there may be a large pool of as yet undiagnosed people.
Researchers in the UK and Australia set out to estimate how many people could be living with the condition now, and of those, how many are at risk of death.
pripremanje ljudi na masovni pomor od srčanih bolesti uzrokovanih vakcinom.
tko popuši ovu njihovu propagandu nek se ubije odmah sada.
HIDDEN RISK Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years
SOME 300,000 Brits are living with a stealth disease that could kill them within five years, doctors have warned.
A third of those are likely to have no idea they are affected because they do not show clear symptoms.
The symptoms of aortic valve stanosis, when it shows
Aortic valve stenosis, or AS, is a heart condition that often shows no symptoms until it’s already too late.
The condition is when the heart's aortic valve narrows, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart into the main artery to the body (aorta).
This can cause chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, or a rapid, fluttering heartbeat in the more severe and life-threatening cases.
Some people are more prone to getting it, including those of older age, with diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart conditions from birth.
Given the ageing of the UK population, it is thought that there may be a large pool of as yet undiagnosed people.
Researchers in the UK and Australia set out to estimate how many people could be living with the condition now, and of those, how many are at risk of death.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nino razvaljuje HDZ propisno i posteno. Uz Most tu je jos i Zoki. Pored njih HDZovce izgledaju ko amateri, sto i jesu osim kad je korupcija i kriminal u pitanju tu su majstori treba priznati.dijagram wrote:
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Gotovo je korona prolazi, motaj kabele, skidaj rukavice.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Nista nije gotovo, sad treba utvrdjivati tko je kriv sto vas je potrovalo u ovolikom broju i sto su postojale Covid potvrde kojima se bolest bez problema prenosila do najugrozenijih.
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Gnječ wrote:evo kreće PSYOP klapa xy.
pripremanje ljudi na masovni pomor od srčanih bolesti uzrokovanih vakcinom.
tko popuši ovu njihovu propagandu nek se ubije odmah sada.
HIDDEN RISK Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years
SOME 300,000 Brits are living with a stealth disease that could kill them within five years, doctors have warned.
A third of those are likely to have no idea they are affected because they do not show clear symptoms.
The symptoms of aortic valve stanosis, when it shows
Aortic valve stenosis, or AS, is a heart condition that often shows no symptoms until it’s already too late.
The condition is when the heart's aortic valve narrows, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart into the main artery to the body (aorta).
This can cause chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, or a rapid, fluttering heartbeat in the more severe and life-threatening cases.
Some people are more prone to getting it, including those of older age, with diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart conditions from birth.
Given the ageing of the UK population, it is thought that there may be a large pool of as yet undiagnosed people.
Researchers in the UK and Australia set out to estimate how many people could be living with the condition now, and of those, how many are at risk of death.
newuser- Posts : 1995
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
newuser wrote:Nista nije gotovo, sad treba utvrdjivati ....
samo naprijed , najjači ste
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
a ovo? takvo brzinsko presvlačenje uniformi nisam vidio još od 91. kada je Vesna Girardi Jurkić i još neke njene kolegice visoko pozicionirane komunističke drolje na moje očiu hipu bacile knjižicu KPJ i SKH kroz prozor i 10 nanosekundi kasnije postale punopravnim članicama HDZ mravinjaka lupeža i kriminalaca svih profila.
Covid vaccine: The worrying side effect that may lead to ‘severe heart failure’
LIKE any medication, the Covid vaccines are also linked to possible side effects. Some people might experience no problems while others report "adverse" symptoms. However, a new study reports that a worrying side effect of the Covid immunisation may lead to "severe heart failure".
The UK is currently seeing a rapid booster rollout, with more than 37 million extra jabs already given out. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”, they can trigger side effects in some people. New research looks into a specific side effect linked to the jab. Here’s who seems to be most at risk and when it’s likely to occur.
do jučer su te iste novine tvrdile da je to sve teorija urote povampirenih antivaksera i da bolesti srca nemaju veze sa vakcinom.
Covid vaccine: The worrying side effect that may lead to ‘severe heart failure’
LIKE any medication, the Covid vaccines are also linked to possible side effects. Some people might experience no problems while others report "adverse" symptoms. However, a new study reports that a worrying side effect of the Covid immunisation may lead to "severe heart failure".
The UK is currently seeing a rapid booster rollout, with more than 37 million extra jabs already given out. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”, they can trigger side effects in some people. New research looks into a specific side effect linked to the jab. Here’s who seems to be most at risk and when it’s likely to occur.
do jučer su te iste novine tvrdile da je to sve teorija urote povampirenih antivaksera i da bolesti srca nemaju veze sa vakcinom.
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
ima još:
Government used 'grossly unethical' fear tactics 'like China' to scare public into following Covid rules, psychologists say
Professional psychologists warn Government used 'unethical' scare tactics
40 co-signatories warned the overarching strategy was 'like totalitarian China'
Televised images of ICU patients and focus on Covid deaths came under fire
MPs to probe conduct of civil servants behind public messaging campaigns
Psychologists have warned the Government manipulated fear tactics in a manner akin to China to coerce a terrified public into following strict Covid rules.
MPs are set to launch a probe into the behaviour of the civil servants behind No 10's Covid messaging campaigns amid fears they employed 'grossly unethical' tactics in a manner similar to those seen in authoritarian states.
40 psychologists co-signed a letter to Parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, warning of amoral adverts that used slogans like: 'Stay home to save lives' and 'if you go out and spread it, people will die'.
The use of televised images that showed 'the acutely unwell in intensive care units' and the 'macabre mono focus on the number of Covid-19 deaths without mention of mortality from other causes' were also singled out for criticism by the group, led by retired clinical psycholoist, Dr Gary Sidley.
A government memo shared in March 2020 that suggested the 'perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent' was also noted in the psychologists' remarks.
The letter added: 'Shaming and scapegoating have emboldened some people to harass those unable or unwilling to wear a face covering.
'More disturbingly, the inflated fear levels will have significantly contributed to the many thousands of excess non-Covid deaths that have occurred in people's homes, the strategically-increased anxieties discouraging many from seeking help for other illnesses.
'Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice that in some respects resembles the tactics used by totalitarian regimes such as China, where the state inflicts pain on a subset of its population in an attempt to eliminate beliefs and behaviour they perceive to be deviant.'
Government used 'grossly unethical' fear tactics 'like China' to scare public into following Covid rules, psychologists say
Professional psychologists warn Government used 'unethical' scare tactics
40 co-signatories warned the overarching strategy was 'like totalitarian China'
Televised images of ICU patients and focus on Covid deaths came under fire
MPs to probe conduct of civil servants behind public messaging campaigns
Psychologists have warned the Government manipulated fear tactics in a manner akin to China to coerce a terrified public into following strict Covid rules.
MPs are set to launch a probe into the behaviour of the civil servants behind No 10's Covid messaging campaigns amid fears they employed 'grossly unethical' tactics in a manner similar to those seen in authoritarian states.
40 psychologists co-signed a letter to Parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, warning of amoral adverts that used slogans like: 'Stay home to save lives' and 'if you go out and spread it, people will die'.
The use of televised images that showed 'the acutely unwell in intensive care units' and the 'macabre mono focus on the number of Covid-19 deaths without mention of mortality from other causes' were also singled out for criticism by the group, led by retired clinical psycholoist, Dr Gary Sidley.
A government memo shared in March 2020 that suggested the 'perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent' was also noted in the psychologists' remarks.
The letter added: 'Shaming and scapegoating have emboldened some people to harass those unable or unwilling to wear a face covering.
'More disturbingly, the inflated fear levels will have significantly contributed to the many thousands of excess non-Covid deaths that have occurred in people's homes, the strategically-increased anxieties discouraging many from seeking help for other illnesses.
'Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice that in some respects resembles the tactics used by totalitarian regimes such as China, where the state inflicts pain on a subset of its population in an attempt to eliminate beliefs and behaviour they perceive to be deviant.'
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Gnječ wrote:a ovo? takvo brzinsko presvlačenje uniformi nisam vidio još od 91. kada je Vesna Girardi Jurkić i još neke njene kolegice visoko pozicionirane komunističke drolje na moje očiu hipu bacile knjižicu KPJ i SKH kroz prozor i 10 nanosekundi kasnije postale punopravnim članicama HDZ mravinjaka lupeža i kriminalaca svih profila.
Covid vaccine: The worrying side effect that may lead to ‘severe heart failure’
LIKE any medication, the Covid vaccines are also linked to possible side effects. Some people might experience no problems while others report "adverse" symptoms. However, a new study reports that a worrying side effect of the Covid immunisation may lead to "severe heart failure".
The UK is currently seeing a rapid booster rollout, with more than 37 million extra jabs already given out. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”, they can trigger side effects in some people. New research looks into a specific side effect linked to the jab. Here’s who seems to be most at risk and when it’s likely to occur.
do jučer su te iste novine tvrdile da je to sve teorija urote povampirenih antivaksera i da bolesti srca nemaju veze sa vakcinom.
ahhaah evo i covid fašističke novine koje su vrištale lockdown lockdwon i rugale se sa ljudima koji su poginuli u prometnoj nesreći a našli im u nosu tragove virusa "kako je antivaxer na respiratoru zazivao sve da se cijepe", sada priznaju da covid cijepivo može izazvati myocarditis ono o čemu mi pišemo godinu dana.
haha kakve budale su se izlagale riziku.. aj dok su bile one prve verzije korone, koje su zaista mogle ubiti koju stariju osobu i koju osobu sa komorbiditetima, njima se ispalilo cijepiti, plus nisu se znale još opasnosti(a nadzirale su se već tada)
ovaj omicron ne može ubiti nikoga više, naravno ako umrete od omicrona, onda ste jebiga zaslužili ići na drugi svijet. to nas sve čeka . zdrava osoba pa čak i starija zdravija osoba neće nastradati od omicrona a ovi zahtjevaju da se rokate cijepivima za koje već sada priznaju nuspojave
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22274
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Tko sada krepa od pelca, nije realno ni zaslužio da živi...AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Gnječ wrote:a ovo? takvo brzinsko presvlačenje uniformi nisam vidio još od 91. kada je Vesna Girardi Jurkić i još neke njene kolegice visoko pozicionirane komunističke drolje na moje očiu hipu bacile knjižicu KPJ i SKH kroz prozor i 10 nanosekundi kasnije postale punopravnim članicama HDZ mravinjaka lupeža i kriminalaca svih profila.
Covid vaccine: The worrying side effect that may lead to ‘severe heart failure’
LIKE any medication, the Covid vaccines are also linked to possible side effects. Some people might experience no problems while others report "adverse" symptoms. However, a new study reports that a worrying side effect of the Covid immunisation may lead to "severe heart failure".
The UK is currently seeing a rapid booster rollout, with more than 37 million extra jabs already given out. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”, they can trigger side effects in some people. New research looks into a specific side effect linked to the jab. Here’s who seems to be most at risk and when it’s likely to occur.
do jučer su te iste novine tvrdile da je to sve teorija urote povampirenih antivaksera i da bolesti srca nemaju veze sa vakcinom.
ahhaah evo i covid fašističke novine koje su vrištale lockdown lockdwon i rugale se sa ljudima koji su poginuli u prometnoj nesreći a našli im u nosu tragove virusa "kako je antivaxer na respiratoru zazivao sve da se cijepe", sada priznaju da covid cijepivo može izazvati myocarditis ono o čemu mi pišemo godinu dana.
haha kakve budale su se izlagale riziku.. aj dok su bile one prve verzije korone, koje su zaista mogle ubiti koju stariju osobu i koju osobu sa komorbiditetima, njima se ispalilo cijepiti, plus nisu se znale još opasnosti(a nadzirale su se već tada)
ovaj omicron ne može ubiti nikoga više, naravno ako umrete od omicrona, onda ste jebiga zaslužili ići na drugi svijet. to nas sve čeka . zdrava osoba pa čak i starija zdravija osoba neće nastradati od omicrona a ovi zahtjevaju da se rokate cijepivima za koje već sada priznaju nuspojave
Najbolje da im se dodijeli kakva kolektivna 'darwin award'...
T.- Posts : 17560
Age : 83
veber and AssadNaPodmornici like this post
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
ja sam prije govorio , dok su bile delta i one prije verzije, da se sve rizične skupine trebaju cijepiti, cijepivo jest bilo rizik, a nudilo je nekakvu zaštitu. ako si rizična skupina , cijepivo je tada, nudilo veću zaštitu od rizika, dakle isplatilo se.T. wrote:Tko sada krepa od pelca, nije realno ni zaslužio da živi...AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Gnječ wrote:a ovo? takvo brzinsko presvlačenje uniformi nisam vidio još od 91. kada je Vesna Girardi Jurkić i još neke njene kolegice visoko pozicionirane komunističke drolje na moje očiu hipu bacile knjižicu KPJ i SKH kroz prozor i 10 nanosekundi kasnije postale punopravnim članicama HDZ mravinjaka lupeža i kriminalaca svih profila.
Covid vaccine: The worrying side effect that may lead to ‘severe heart failure’
LIKE any medication, the Covid vaccines are also linked to possible side effects. Some people might experience no problems while others report "adverse" symptoms. However, a new study reports that a worrying side effect of the Covid immunisation may lead to "severe heart failure".
The UK is currently seeing a rapid booster rollout, with more than 37 million extra jabs already given out. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”, they can trigger side effects in some people. New research looks into a specific side effect linked to the jab. Here’s who seems to be most at risk and when it’s likely to occur.
do jučer su te iste novine tvrdile da je to sve teorija urote povampirenih antivaksera i da bolesti srca nemaju veze sa vakcinom.
ahhaah evo i covid fašističke novine koje su vrištale lockdown lockdwon i rugale se sa ljudima koji su poginuli u prometnoj nesreći a našli im u nosu tragove virusa "kako je antivaxer na respiratoru zazivao sve da se cijepe", sada priznaju da covid cijepivo može izazvati myocarditis ono o čemu mi pišemo godinu dana.
haha kakve budale su se izlagale riziku.. aj dok su bile one prve verzije korone, koje su zaista mogle ubiti koju stariju osobu i koju osobu sa komorbiditetima, njima se ispalilo cijepiti, plus nisu se znale još opasnosti(a nadzirale su se već tada)
ovaj omicron ne može ubiti nikoga više, naravno ako umrete od omicrona, onda ste jebiga zaslužili ići na drugi svijet. to nas sve čeka . zdrava osoba pa čak i starija zdravija osoba neće nastradati od omicrona a ovi zahtjevaju da se rokate cijepivima za koje već sada priznaju nuspojave
Najbolje da im se dodijeli kakva kolektivna 'darwin award'...
međutim sada - cijepivo je puno opasnije, jer šteta koju ti nanosi je kumulativna - treća doza je puno opasnija od dvije doze itd.. a četvrta da ne pričam
drugo virus je totalno slab, doslovno prehlada je, nemaš se čega bojati. ako te to ubije, onda si zaista zreo za drugi svijet. čak i starija osoba koja još hoda i nema teške bolesti preživi i prehladu pa i gripu, a omicron je puno slabiji od gripe u razini prehladu.
a bogami treća doza koja te neštiti od prehlade, u isto vrijeme je opasna, a virus više nije opasan - inače španjolska gripa(koja je ubijala 50-100x više ljudi od ove gripe(sada prehlade)) , je isto evoluirala u prehladu - koju mi imamo svake godine
za neke osobe se iskreno nadam da će uzeti četvrtu dozu
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22274
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
evo novih vijesti iz tvornice virusa u Wuhanu
New Coronavirus Strain NeoCov Is Only 1 Mutation Away From Infecting Humans: Wuhan Scientists Warn
Should you be worried? Well, experts say NeoCov's impact on humans is yet to be ascertained. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), whether NeoCov coronavirus poses a threat to humans requires further study.
First detected in 2019, the deadly coronavirus variant has a new strain - NeoCov.
Even as the world battles COVID-19 and its variants, scientists from China's Wuhan have reported that there is a new type of coronavirus which has been detected in samples from South Africa. This is not a variant of coronavirus, but a new strain of the virus just like SARS-CoV-2. The Wuhan researchers have warned that this lethal variant called 'NeoCov' requires only one mutation to infiltrate human cells and carries the combination of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS)-CoV mortality rate (where one in every three infected persons may die) and the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus high transmission rate.
NeoCov Can Penetrate Human Cells
NeoCov, the new strain of coronavirus was first found in 2012-2015 in the bats' community in South Africa. So far the virus was only found to be infecting the animals, however, the recent warning from the Wuhan researchers has bought new worries for the humans as well. According to the scientists from Wuhan University in China, NeoCov can penetrate human cells in the same way as the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In a research paper posted on preprint website bioRxiv which has not been peer-reviewed yet, the scientists wrote, "NeoCov is only one mutation away from becoming dangerous for humans". According to the researchers, the MERS-CoV and several bat coronaviruses employ 'DPP4' as their functional receptors. However, the receptor for NeoCoV, the closest MERS-CoV relative yet discovered in bats, remains "enigmatic"
ja uopće ne sumnjam da će marljivi kineski stručnjaci predvođeni Xi Jinpingom u svom komunističkom revolucionarnom zanosu uspjeti začavlati na taj virus i tu jednu mutaciju. i taman kad virusu začavlaju tu jednu zadnju mutaciju iz nekih svima nepoznatih razloga pokvariti će se ventilacija u wuhanskom labu i virus će uteć ponovo na tržnicu. što će se dešavati dalje već smo naučili...
New Coronavirus Strain NeoCov Is Only 1 Mutation Away From Infecting Humans: Wuhan Scientists Warn
Should you be worried? Well, experts say NeoCov's impact on humans is yet to be ascertained. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), whether NeoCov coronavirus poses a threat to humans requires further study.
First detected in 2019, the deadly coronavirus variant has a new strain - NeoCov.
Even as the world battles COVID-19 and its variants, scientists from China's Wuhan have reported that there is a new type of coronavirus which has been detected in samples from South Africa. This is not a variant of coronavirus, but a new strain of the virus just like SARS-CoV-2. The Wuhan researchers have warned that this lethal variant called 'NeoCov' requires only one mutation to infiltrate human cells and carries the combination of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS)-CoV mortality rate (where one in every three infected persons may die) and the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus high transmission rate.
NeoCov Can Penetrate Human Cells
NeoCov, the new strain of coronavirus was first found in 2012-2015 in the bats' community in South Africa. So far the virus was only found to be infecting the animals, however, the recent warning from the Wuhan researchers has bought new worries for the humans as well. According to the scientists from Wuhan University in China, NeoCov can penetrate human cells in the same way as the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In a research paper posted on preprint website bioRxiv which has not been peer-reviewed yet, the scientists wrote, "NeoCov is only one mutation away from becoming dangerous for humans". According to the researchers, the MERS-CoV and several bat coronaviruses employ 'DPP4' as their functional receptors. However, the receptor for NeoCoV, the closest MERS-CoV relative yet discovered in bats, remains "enigmatic"
ja uopće ne sumnjam da će marljivi kineski stručnjaci predvođeni Xi Jinpingom u svom komunističkom revolucionarnom zanosu uspjeti začavlati na taj virus i tu jednu mutaciju. i taman kad virusu začavlaju tu jednu zadnju mutaciju iz nekih svima nepoznatih razloga pokvariti će se ventilacija u wuhanskom labu i virus će uteć ponovo na tržnicu. što će se dešavati dalje već smo naučili...
Guest- Guest
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Inače ekipa se sprdala sa onim prosvjednicima sa "kamionima".
ne pratim vijesti detaljno što se događa..
koliko znam , onaj ilegalni castrov sin premijer kanade, je i dalje skriven u podrumu od straha , kao safet zbog ovih virusa
sa druge strane ekipa koja vozi kamione ne popuštaju, nego ih još više dolazi.
ovako iz glave, što sam pročita par naslova na par slobodnih medija (prvo su ih mediji ismijavali, pa ih sada ignoriraju pa se pokušavaju boriti pa će ovi pobjediti)
first they laugh at you then they ignore you then they fight you then you win
ostvarili su sljedeće pobjede
1)cijela kanada odustaje od "dodatnih poreza i troškova zdravstva" za ne cijepljene
2)premijer jedne regije koja ima više stanovnika nego RH - ukinuo sve mjere
onaj šupak od šefa države je i dalje skriven u podrumu
ekipa je rekla da ne odustaje dok se ne ukinu sve mjere i restrikcije
navodno im dolazi pojačanje
ne pratim vijesti detaljno što se događa..
koliko znam , onaj ilegalni castrov sin premijer kanade, je i dalje skriven u podrumu od straha , kao safet zbog ovih virusa
sa druge strane ekipa koja vozi kamione ne popuštaju, nego ih još više dolazi.
ovako iz glave, što sam pročita par naslova na par slobodnih medija (prvo su ih mediji ismijavali, pa ih sada ignoriraju pa se pokušavaju boriti pa će ovi pobjediti)
first they laugh at you then they ignore you then they fight you then you win
ostvarili su sljedeće pobjede
1)cijela kanada odustaje od "dodatnih poreza i troškova zdravstva" za ne cijepljene
2)premijer jedne regije koja ima više stanovnika nego RH - ukinuo sve mjere
onaj šupak od šefa države je i dalje skriven u podrumu
ekipa je rekla da ne odustaje dok se ne ukinu sve mjere i restrikcije
navodno im dolazi pojačanje
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22274
Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje
Gnječ wrote:evo kreće PSYOP klapa xy.
pripremanje ljudi na masovni pomor od srčanih bolesti uzrokovanih vakcinom.
tko popuši ovu njihovu propagandu nek se ubije odmah sada.
HIDDEN RISK Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years
SOME 300,000 Brits are living with a stealth disease that could kill them within five years, doctors have warned.
A third of those are likely to have no idea they are affected because they do not show clear symptoms.
The symptoms of aortic valve stanosis, when it shows
Aortic valve stenosis, or AS, is a heart condition that often shows no symptoms until it’s already too late.
The condition is when the heart's aortic valve narrows, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart into the main artery to the body (aorta).
This can cause chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, or a rapid, fluttering heartbeat in the more severe and life-threatening cases.
Some people are more prone to getting it, including those of older age, with diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart conditions from birth.
Given the ageing of the UK population, it is thought that there may be a large pool of as yet undiagnosed people.
Researchers in the UK and Australia set out to estimate how many people could be living with the condition now, and of those, how many are at risk of death.
Poskupljenje računa za energiju može uzrokovati srčani i moždani udar
Liječnik je upozorio da bi veliko povećanje cijena plina i struje za 22 milijuna domova diljem Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva moglo značiti porast srčanih i moždanih udara.
Dr. Amir Khan govoreći za ITV izrazio je zabrinutost da će veliki novi računi imati razoran učinak na zdravlje ljudi. Kao liječnik, rekao je da zna da će vidjeti učinke na pacijente koji posjećuju njegovu ordinaciju opće prakse.
"Sve ovo dolazi u isto vrijeme s povećanjem nacionalnog osiguranja za mnoge ljude, čak i za one s niskim plaćama, tako da će ljudi donositi teške odluke između grijanja svojih domova, prehrane obitelji, mogućnosti plaćanja svojih recepti – sve to utječe na njihovo zdravlje”.
Pridodajmo tome globalno zatopljenje...
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
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