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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by neva 4/1/2016, 02:00

'My job is to serve and sleep with my man': Submissive wives lift the lid on their unique marriages - and reveal why they believe female submission is the key to a happy life

Three women who believe the key to a successful marriage is always being subservient to their husbands' needs are doling out relationship advice as the stars of a new television special exploring the world of submissive wives.
The hour-long TLC special Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage, which airs on Sunday, chronicles the lives of three couples - two who are already in successful submissive marriages and one hoping adapting to the lifestyle will save their shaky relationship as they sleep in separate rooms. These woman step aside and allow their husbands to be the leaders of their households because they believe it proves their trust in them - and in God.  
'Submission is one of the greatest gifts God has given to a woman,' Tara Furman explains in a preview clip from the episode. 'I have a joyful home because I am a submissive wife.'

Tara, from Cary, North Carolina, has been married to her husband Tim for 20 years, but the Furmans' will be the first to admit that the first half of their marriage was far from perfect.

The two, who were inspired by their Bible study, entered into a submissive marriage approximately ten years into their marriage after they realized they were merely cohabiting and needed to make a drastic change in order to save their relationship.

And Tara is perfectly content dedicating all of her energy to her husband and his well-being.
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty. 


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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by neva 4/1/2016, 02:01

znači, dečki --> Sjeverna Karolina :)

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 04:02

Madonna–whore complex wrote:
The "Madonna–whore complex" is said to occur when a male desires sexual encounters only with women whom he sees as degraded ("whores") while he cannot desire sexually a respectable woman ("the Madonna")

Control of female sexuality wrote:
Historically, many cultures have viewed female sexuality as being subordinate to male sexuality, and as something to be controlled through restrictions on female behavior. Traditional cultural practices, such as enforced modesty and chastity, have historically tended to place restrictions principally on women, without imposing similar restrictions on men.

Some controversial traditional cultural practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), have been described as attempts at nullifying women's sexuality altogether. FGM continues to be practised in some parts of Africa and the Middle East, as well as in some immigrant communities in Western countries, though it is widely outlawed. The procedure is typically carried out on young girls, before the age of 15.

Methods employed to control female sexuality and behavior include the threat of death, such as honor killings. The reason for such a killing may include refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their relatives, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, or dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate.

Another historical device used to control female sexual behavior was the chastity belt, which is a locking item of clothing designed to prevent sexual intercourse. The belts were worn by women to protect their chastity, which included preventing masturbation or sexual access by unauthorized males.

Sperm Competition wrote:
What is Sperm Competition?

Sperm competition is the physical competition between the sperm of two separate males to fertilize the eggs of a lone female. A male's fitness is usually measured as a function of the number of females inseminated, however in many animal species fertile females mate with many male partners. When this happens, whose sperm will fertilize her eggs?

Multiple mates for a female means an individual male has decreased chances of producing offspring. Sperm competition is an evolutionary pressure on males, and has led to the development of adaptations to increase males' chance of reproductive success.

Mali penis + slaba proizvodnja sperme + niske razeine testosterona = sexualna agresivnost i kontrola ponašanja ženke.

Velik penis + proizvodnja velikih količina sperme + puno testosterona = boli me briga, jebem sve po redu.

Koja je evolucijska prilagdoba uspješnija strategija, agresivnost i kontrola ponašanja ili veći penis i veći testisi?

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by prckov 4/1/2016, 07:58

konacno dobra vijest :nb :20 :no1 :10 :evilgrin drink handshake yes :kamin :confetti :wine

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by prckov 4/1/2016, 08:04

deda, ne kvari zabavu crno bijelim komentarima  snapoutofit

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 12:48

U većini brakova (ali ne u svim) se treba znati tko je taj koji nosi hlače. A u većini takvih slučajeva je bolje da je to muškarac. Ali ni tu nije sve crno bijelo.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 12:50

r_nevjesta wrote:
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty.

To je to, hvala bozima. :tu

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 12:53

Neve, jel to priručnik iz 1955?

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 13:05

Le Roi Soleil wrote:
r_nevjesta wrote:
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty.

To je to, hvala bozima. :tu
Tko voli čitav život jebat sluškinju/sobaricu/kuharicu/dadilju, bog mu pomogao :P Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by L'âme 4/1/2016, 13:08

ostap.phender wrote:
Le Roi Soleil wrote:
r_nevjesta wrote:
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty.

To je to, hvala bozima. :tu
Tko voli čitav život jebat sluškinju/sobaricu/kuharicu/dadilju, bog mu pomogao :P Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.
ovakvu sam izjavu,vrlo slicnu,dakako,uzivo cula...smislena ;-)

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 13:09

ostap.phender wrote:
Le Roi Soleil wrote:
r_nevjesta wrote:
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty.

To je to, hvala bozima. :tu
Tko voli čitav život jebat sluškinju/sobaricu/kuharicu/dadilju, bog mu pomogao :P Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.
Pa da, ak nema otpora i borbe, dosadi.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 13:11

ostap.phender wrote:
Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.

Ha, sretno. Tko traži više razmetat će se s tugom.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:23

Le Roi Soleil wrote:
ostap.phender wrote:
Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.

Ha, sretno. Tko traži više razmetat će se s tugom.
Pa sad, ako se napališ na ženu koja ima za 20 bodova veći IQ od tebe, sigurno je da ćeš tugovati...ovako ili onako.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:24

Eva wrote:
ostap.phender wrote:
Le Roi Soleil wrote:
r_nevjesta wrote:
'Her job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man and sleep with her man,' Tara says of a wife's duty.

To je to, hvala bozima. :tu
Tko voli čitav život jebat sluškinju/sobaricu/kuharicu/dadilju, bog mu pomogao :P Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.
Pa da, ak nema otpora i borbe, dosadi.
Žena koja nije bar malo kučka je bljutava. A ženama je također bezukusan i muškarac koji nije bar malo muška šovinistička svinja ;P

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Ero 4/1/2016, 14:25

Zašto Sjeverna Carolina, kad su arapske zemlje bliže? Ili još bolje i bliže-Bosna.

Jedan je Hase...

Posts : 13866

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:26

Ne treba život shvaćat preozbiljno, a ni sebe, pa je onda sve zabavnije.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:27

ostap.phender wrote:
Le Roi Soleil wrote:
ostap.phender wrote:
Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.

Ha, sretno. Tko traži više razmetat će se s tugom.
Pa sad, ako se napališ na ženu koja ima za 20 bodova veći IQ od tebe, sigurno je da ćeš tugovati...ovako ili onako.

Vjerujem da je dotična Tara vrhunski inteligentna žena jer zna kako usrećiti muškarca.

Istinski visprena i mudra žena ne može biti zla i samoljubiva: ona služi muškarcu u radosti i veselju.

Bog je žabi dao sposobnost skakanja, a ona voli skakati.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:28

Eva wrote:
Ne treba život shvaćat preozbiljno, a ni sebe, pa je onda sve zabavnije.

Potpis, evo i forum služi povećanju sreće, poput slatkiša je kada nam ih donese Sveti Božić-bata.

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:32

Le Roi Soleil wrote:
ostap.phender wrote:
Le Roi Soleil wrote:
ostap.phender wrote:
Neki su pak, a tko im je kriv, tu ipak malo prohtjevniji.

Ha, sretno. Tko traži više razmetat će se s tugom.
Pa sad, ako se napališ na ženu koja ima za 20 bodova veći IQ od tebe, sigurno je da ćeš tugovati...ovako ili onako.

Bog je žabi dao sposobnost skakanja, a ona voli skakati.
Pravo zboriš. Da je bog htio da čovjek leti, dao bi mu krila. Ali kako nije želi da čovjek leti, nije mu dao krila i čovjek stoga ne leti. Usprkos Grunfu :D

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My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives Empty Re: My job is to serve and sleep with my man: Submissive wives

Post by Guest 4/1/2016, 14:35

U tvojoj filozofiji nema istine, jer žena nije čovjek a čovjek je pak stvoren na sliku Božju. Stoga jer vrijedi, leti.

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