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Ostaria Siciliana

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/10/2021, 20:47

S Indilom si me baš ono u srce pogodio, obožavam je...

Evo jedan baš simpa video, vidi je kako je slatka..


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/10/2021, 20:50

Legenda..sjećam se svog zaprepaštenja kad je ušao u jedan tršćanski restoran na Miramareu. On iznenada uđe, svi uzbuđeno plješću. Senzacija od momenta.


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/10/2021, 20:51

Evo meni najdraža iz njegovog opusa..


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/10/2021, 21:29

Venus wrote:S Indilom si me baš ono u srce pogodio, obožavam je...

evo još jedne u živo


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/10/2021, 22:16


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 23/10/2021, 15:17

Gnječ wrote:
Venus wrote:S Indilom si me baš ono u srce pogodio, obožavam je...

evo još jedne u živo

Divna, naklonila se kolegama. Ono kad po jednoj gesti vidiš karakter.

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 24/10/2021, 09:14

Rijetko mi oči baš jako polete za hranom, ali kad ovo vidim... mmm...nom-nom-nom

Njihovo veličanstvo Cannoli <3

Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Cannoli_siciliani-1536x1021


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 14/11/2021, 10:11

Prošlu nedilju sam bila u jednom restaču blizu Rijeke. Pun ko šipak, hrana senzacionalna, no što je bilo fenomenalno za vidjeti da niko osim osoblja nije nosio masku, svaki stol je bio pun, restač je bio ko mravinjak. Pravi podsjetnik na neka dobra vremena, kad je bilo normalnije živit.

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 13/12/2021, 21:25

našao sam zašto je svinjska mast proglašena nezdravom.


Chances are the vast majority of people reading the title and looking at this bottle of lard will have a negative reaction. What will follow is the pronouncement of a string of health conditions that through decades of medical myths have come to be associated with eating lard. In the meantime our ancestors are shaking their heads, “our average lifespan was as long as yours and we didn’t have nearly the number of health conditions as you do today.”

So what happened? What caused us to so vehemently reject one of our ancestors’ most basic food staples?

I won’t attempt to give you all the reasons but I’ll provide a really good starting point. Where: The USA. When: Early 1900’s. Who: Proctor & Gamble.

They had a booming business producing cotton. Which, by the way, is not considered a food crop by the FDA. (That’s important. Keep reading.) But there was this unwanted portion of the cotton plant – cottonseed – that they couldn’t do anything with. And they had lots and lots of it. So they put their heads together to come up with something they could do with cottonseed in order to profit from it. Drumroll…They discovered a method of intense processing that enabled them to extract oil from the cottonseed – and at virtually zero expense to them! But they found the oil was unstable at room temperature and turned easily rancid. Enter Hydrogenation. They figured out that hydrogenating the stuff made it stable and last a long time. And here comes the “What”: The end result was an oil that looked like lard. They called it Crisco.

An issue of Popular Science summed it up this way: “What was garbage in 1860 was fertilizer in 1870, cattle feed in 1880, and table food and many things else in 1890.” And it changed the way we thought about food and the way we ate for generations. The legacy of the anti-lard and butter mindset it established still continues today.

Did you know that more marketing dollars were spent on making Crisco a success than any other marketing endeavor up to that point in history? What ensued from that point on can only be summed up as one of the greatest, most widespread and most misfortunate health scandals of all time with health consequences were are still reaping.

On the one hand, while Crisco was being marketed as cheaper and “healthier” than lard or butter, simultaneously marketing dollars were spent labelling butter and lard as intrinsically “bad.” They even gave away free cookbooks with every purchase of Crisco. And of course you can guess which ingredient replaced everything that normally would have called for butter or lard.

With so much marketing wealth and power behind the effort, it took only a few years to turn an entire nation away from the source of fat that had been used for centuries by their ancestors. And it was successfully labeled as hazardous to our health. Oh, the sad irony.

Decades later, when illnesses began mounting to the point where the statistics could no longer be ignored, the statement was finally released that hydrogenated oils are bad for you. But the fat phobia continued as did the manufacturing of substitute oils.

One such oil: Canola. Guess where canola oil comes from? (Hint: No, it’s not the canola plant. There’s no such thing per se. The “canola” plant was developed in the 1970’s and is nothing more than a modified, cross-bred version of the rapeseed plant.) The name is the shortened version of “Canada oil low acid” and comes from rapeseed. Another non-food crop. Here’s a little history on rapeseed oil: During WWII, rapeseed oil was used on naval ships as a lubricant. When the war ended, there was so much farmland in Canada already dedicated to growing rapeseed that they wanted to find other uses for it so they could continue pulling a profit. The problem with rapeseed oil: It’s such a terribly foul-tasting and rancid-smelling oil that it isn’t fit for human consumption. And so they spent the next few decades until the 1970’s working out a way to make it edible. That process requires heavy refining, bleaching and deodorizing using harsh chemicals (as far from “natural” as it gets) to finally yield the neutral-tasting, odorless oil that now sits on grocery store shelves bearing the American Heart Association’s seal of approval.

Fast forward to today: Almost all processed and pre-packaged foods – everything from chips and breakfast cereal to canned soups and salad dressings – are made with either canola, cottonseed, soybean/vegetable or corn oil. Why? Because they’re cheap to produce. And because we’re still in this mindset that they’re somehow better for you than lard or butter. (For more info on why soybean/vegetable and corn oil (and several others) are so bad for you, see this article for an explanation).

Well, we’ve come full circle. Medical research over the past several years has continued to confirm that fat is not the devil it’s been made out to be and that it is not the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Medical literature is finally starting to reflect this as are many health professionals in their medical advice. However, the notion that fat is bad has been so deeply engrained in our culture and medical philosophy for so long that it’s going to take some time before we’ve all caught up to the facts. Even many health professionals are still stuck in that archaic mindset, though we’re slowly starting to see the rhetoric change.

Our ancestors had it right after all.

My philosophy and approach to diet is a simple one and echoes centuries of wisdom: 1) Eat real, whole foods as close to their natural state as possible and 2) eat things in moderation.

So that brings us back to lard. It’s a fully natural, whole food. It can be made in your own kitchen without any special equipment and the process couldn’t be simpler: Melt it. Strain it. Use it.


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 13/12/2021, 22:37

Gnječ wrote:našao sam zašto je svinjska mast proglašena nezdravom.


Chances are the vast majority of people reading the title and looking at this bottle of lard will have a negative reaction.  What will follow is the pronouncement of a string of health conditions that through decades of medical myths have come to be associated with eating lard.  In the meantime our ancestors are shaking their heads, “our average lifespan was as long as yours and we didn’t have nearly the number of health conditions as you do today.”

So what happened?  What caused us to so vehemently reject one of our ancestors’ most basic food staples?

I won’t attempt to give you all the reasons but I’ll provide a really good starting point.  Where:  The USA.  When:  Early 1900’s. Who:  Proctor & Gamble.

They had a booming business producing cotton.  Which, by the way, is not considered a food crop by the FDA.  (That’s important.  Keep reading.)  But there was this unwanted portion of the cotton plant – cottonseed – that they couldn’t do anything with.  And they had lots and lots of it.  So they put their heads together to come up with something they could do with cottonseed in order to profit from it.   Drumroll…They discovered a method of intense processing that enabled them to extract oil from the cottonseed – and at virtually zero expense to them!  But they found the oil was unstable at room temperature and turned easily rancid.  Enter Hydrogenation.  They figured out that hydrogenating the stuff made it stable and last a long time.   And here comes the “What”: The end result was an oil that looked like lard.  They called it Crisco.

An issue of Popular Science summed it up this way: “What was garbage in 1860 was fertilizer in 1870, cattle feed in 1880, and table food and many things else in 1890.”  And it changed the way we thought about food and the way we ate for generations.  The legacy of the anti-lard and butter mindset it established still continues today.

Did you know that more marketing dollars were spent on making Crisco a success than any other marketing endeavor up to that point in history?  What ensued from that point on can only be summed up as one of the greatest, most widespread and most misfortunate health scandals of all time with health consequences were are still reaping.

On the one hand, while Crisco was being marketed as cheaper and “healthier” than lard or butter, simultaneously marketing dollars were spent labelling butter and lard as intrinsically “bad.”  They even gave away free cookbooks with every purchase of Crisco.  And of course you can guess which ingredient replaced everything that normally would have called for butter or lard.

With so much marketing wealth and power behind the effort, it took only a few years to turn an entire nation away from the source of fat that had been used for centuries by their ancestors.  And it was successfully labeled as hazardous to our health.  Oh, the sad irony.

Decades later, when illnesses began mounting to the point where the statistics could no longer be ignored, the statement was finally released that hydrogenated oils are bad for you.  But the fat phobia continued as did the manufacturing of substitute oils.

One such oil:  Canola.  Guess where canola oil comes from?  (Hint:  No, it’s not the canola plant.  There’s no such thing per se.  The “canola” plant was developed in the 1970’s and is nothing more than a modified, cross-bred version of the rapeseed plant.)  The name is the shortened version of “Canada oil low acid” and comes from rapeseed.  Another non-food crop.  Here’s a little history on rapeseed oil: During WWII, rapeseed oil was used on naval ships as a lubricant.  When the war ended, there was so much farmland in Canada already dedicated to growing rapeseed that they wanted to find other uses for it so they could continue pulling a profit.  The problem with rapeseed oil:  It’s such a terribly foul-tasting and rancid-smelling oil that it isn’t fit for human consumption.  And so they spent the next few decades until the 1970’s working out a way to make it edible.  That process requires heavy refining, bleaching and deodorizing using harsh chemicals (as far from “natural” as it gets) to finally yield the neutral-tasting, odorless oil that now sits on grocery store shelves bearing the American Heart Association’s seal of approval.  

Fast forward to today:  Almost all processed and pre-packaged foods – everything from chips and breakfast cereal to canned soups and salad dressings – are made with either canola, cottonseed, soybean/vegetable or corn oil.  Why?  Because they’re cheap to produce.  And because we’re still in this mindset that they’re somehow better for you than lard or butter.  (For more info on why soybean/vegetable and corn oil (and several others) are so bad for you, see this article for an explanation).

Well, we’ve come full circle.  Medical research over the past several years has continued to confirm that fat is not the devil it’s been made out to be and that it is not the root cause of cardiovascular disease.  Medical literature is finally starting to reflect this as are many health professionals in their medical advice.  However, the notion that fat is bad has been so deeply engrained in our culture and medical philosophy for so long that it’s going to take some time before we’ve all caught up to the facts.  Even many health professionals are still stuck in that archaic mindset, though we’re slowly starting to see the rhetoric change.

Our ancestors had it right after all.

My philosophy and approach to diet is a simple one and echoes centuries of wisdom:  1) Eat real, whole foods as close to their natural state as possible and 2) eat things in moderation.

So that brings us back to lard.  It’s a fully natural, whole food.  It can be made in your own kitchen without any special equipment and the process couldn’t be simpler:  Melt it.  Strain it.  Use it.


Sve jasno, interesni lobiji prehrambene kvarne (trovačke) industrije.
Ne jedem meso niti mesne produkte, mast bih odmah osjetila u hrani, nisam je nikad voljela, izuzev ako je moja baka slovenka kuhala, ta bi od zidnih pločica valjda mogla napravit nešto jestivo, bila je spretna za poludit. Još od djetinjstva sam teško podnosila svinjetinu,osim pršuta koji je stvarno nešto posebno. Veggie sam postala u 36-oj godini, dugo nisam ni ribu jela, sad ribu samo povremeno (sanjam gradele  :P :P).
Slažem se u potpunosti s time da treba jesti što prirodniju i sezonsku hranu, što manje ovih rafiniranih gluposti (ponekad, za radost života).

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 13/12/2021, 22:44

Otkrila sam nekidan u Zg fantastičnu pizzu, Franko's pizzeria:

Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Franko-s-pizza-bar

Jaooooo kakvo hrskavo tijestoo:

Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRk921hsAFYnsVpzXX6nXnwLX3yf_8i27Kkw2geglQa1hcJTHxAsEazfP-P4OqSWvZvREo&usqp=CAU

Vrijedi probati, ako vas put tamo nanese, javite kako vam se svidjela. :)

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 13/12/2021, 22:49

I jedna iz džuboksa..divan video <3


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 15/12/2021, 06:46

Dobro jutro..

Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Coffee-cookies-breakfast-cup-drink-food-brown-espresso-beverage

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 01:29

neka ponašanja nikako da izumru...

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 01:31

a muzika je tako opuštajuća....i šamar

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 01:35


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 07:00

Gnječ wrote:

neka ponašanja nikako da izumru...

Uhh..moji su bili dosta strogi sa mnom..znala sam i prilično dobre batine popit.. :W

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 07:01

Adrianova meni najdraža..


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 16/12/2021, 07:17

Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Awesome-good-morning-wishes

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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 19/12/2021, 22:57

Sve češće sam svjedok burnoutu oko sebe, a bome sam se i ja u zadnje vrijeme preopteretila poslom. Kad sam postala napeta zbog toga jer fizički više ne stižem, pa radim vikendom, shvatila sam da se moram resetirati. Naletila sam na jedan dobar članak u kojem se nalazim u nekim segmentima, pa ako nekog zanima, izvol'te.


Pandemija nas je naučila da moramo biti produktivni cijelo vrijeme, inače se doimamo neambicioznima i lijenčinama. No, toksična produktivnost postojala je i prije pandemije, ona ju je samo povećala. Kako vas ovo nezdravo ponašanje ne bi koštalo zdravlja, vrijeme je da ga pod hitno promijenite. Evo i kako.

Jeste li ikada osjećali grižnju savjesti ako tijekom radnog dana niste napravili dovoljno (niste imali vremena ili niste bili motivirani) pa ste posao nosili doma? Da, to se često znalo događati mojim prijateljima, poznanicima, a i meni, a nekima od njih događa se i danas. Jedna se moja vrlo bliska prijateljica konstantno kori ako u danu ne obavi točno određen broj zadataka koji si je zadala i malo-malo pa osjeća krivicu ako nije dovoljno produktivna (barem misli da nije).

Svaki put joj pokušavam objasniti da se ne treba osjećati krivom ako radi nešto za svoj gušt, da posao neće pobjeći, no onda se sjetim sebe u jednom periodu života kada sam smatrala da što više radim (čak i ono što ne bih trebala), što se više dokazujem, što sam više u radoholičarskom mentalnom sklopu, to će me se više cijeniti i odavat ću dojam ambiciozne, marljive osobe koja može apsolutno sve, čak i ako doslovce padam s nogu od umora. Sve što sam dobila bilo je jedno lagano tapšanje po ramenu. Samo to.

Ne moram vam ni reći da mi se to obilo o glavu jer tada nisam imala pojma da sam u začaranom krugu koji moram prekinuti, već sam samo trpjela zdravstvene posljedice bolesti modernog doba - 'burnouta' ili, kako mi to kažemo, 'izgaranja'.
Prezaposlenost vas može koštati zdravlja.

Moja tadašnja sklonost jurcanju i prezaposlenosti ostavila mi je trajan, fizički podsjetnik na nešto što je moglo biti izbjegnuto, samo da sam tada bila svjesna da moram povući granicu između poslovnog i privatnog vremena. Nisam bila svjesna da sam u nastojanju da budem produktivna, bila produktivna na nezdrav, toksičan način.

Što je zapravo toksična produktivnost?

Sada kada je moje stanje, i stanje mnogih ljudi na svijetu, dobilo ime, hajmo ga i objasniti. Naime, toksična produktivnost nije ništa drugo nego osjećaj da nismo dovoljno napravili na poslu pa radimo prekovremeno i potreba za stalnim dokazivanjem s ciljem da se osjećamo vrjedniji u svojim i tuđim očima.

Na početku pandemije, kada nas je mnogo radilo od doma i kada granica između privatnog i poslovnog gotovo nije ni postojala, toksična produktivnost uzela je svog maha. Paralelno smo radili ručak i poslovne zadatke, jeli na brzinu za radnim stolom i nismo izlazili iz pidžama i trenirki. Jer, zašto bismo se sređivali, za koga?

U svoj toj gunguli nismo se sjetili stati, duboko udahnuti, razbistriti um i zagasiti računalo na neko vrijeme. Nismo se sjetili pobrinuti o svom mentalnom zdravlju koje je itekako dio općeg zdravlja nas kao individua.

Šokirala sam se kada sam čula kako je jedna moja poznanica završila u bolnici jer je radila čak po 12 sati dnevno. Kada čujem takve priče, a sigurno ste ih čuli i vi, zapitam se: "Pa zar nam to stvarno treba? Da riskiramo zdravlje zato što ne znamo reći "ne" i ne znamo stati kada je stvarno dosta?". Prepoznajte simptome na vrijeme.

Simptomi toksične produktivnosti

Vrlo lukava, otrovna zamka toksične produktivnosti jest ta što može učiniti da se osjećamo neuspješno, bezvrijedno i nedovoljno dobro ako ne radimo kao Borgovske radilice (fanovi Zvjezdanih staza će razumjeti). No, sagledajmo jednu neospornu činjenicu: mi nismo radilice ni roboti - zaslužujemo odmor, hobije i privatno vrijeme te ga imamo pravo iskoristiti kako god želimo.

Ako sumnjate da ste toksično produktivni u zadnje vrijeme, to ćete prepoznati po sljedećim znakovima:

stalno razmišljate o tome što još morate napraviti
hvata vas panika pri pomisli na posao
prezaposlenošću bježite od problema u drugim aspektima vašeg života
često vas boli glava ili ste boležljivi, iscrpljeni i umorni
ne možete se smiriti, na miru jesti, popiti kavu, pročitati knjigu
zatrpavate se prevelikom količinom posla
stalno svima govorite da 'tooooliko' radite pa nemate vremena za ništa drugo
Kada je riječ o ovoj zadnjoj stavki, sigurno se možete sjetiti barem nekoliko osoba koje odgovaraju opisu, uključujući i vas. Hvaljenje prezaposlenošću postala je navika baš kao ujutro oprati zube. Jer, ako svima ne nabijamo nas nos koliko radimo, to automatski znači da "ništa ne radimo" i da smo lijenčine, zar ne?

Pa i ne baš. Dajemo si premalo zasluga te smo svoji najstroži kritičari. A i sami znate da se dovoljno trudite, no nije vaš problem ako to ne vidi onaj koji bi trebao. Čak i onda kada žarko želite povišicu i očekujete da vam ju druga strana jednostavno da jer vidi koliko se trudite i radite, nemojte živjeti u zabludi. Nećete dobiti ništa ako to sami ne zatražite, već samo jedno lijepo tapšanje po ramenu. A od tapšanja se ne živi.

Kako se othrvati potrebi da stalno moramo biti produktivni?

Dakle, kako se boriti protiv toksične produktivnosti? Rješenje nekada nije jednostavno, ali je provedivo i to odmah. Prvo morate osvijestiti da imate problem i odlučiti da ne želite završiti u bolnici zbog posla. Pod ovim mislimo i na majke koje često zbog djeteta u potpunosti zanemare svoje interese, čak i onda kada im dijete poraste i kada više zaista nemaju dovoljno dobar izgovor zašto nemaju vremena opustiti se u kadi na sat, dva ili pogledati omiljenu seriju.
Uvijek je važno stati i predahnuti.

Uvedite granicu

Za stanje toksične produktivnosti nije kriv nitko nego vi sami jer ne znate reći "ne" - bilo sebi, bilo drugima, neovisno kome, koji misle da morate biti dostupni 24 sata na dan. Pokažite im i recite da ne morate. Jednostavno je, a kada zauzmete taj stav, ljudi će vas više cijeniti i neće im pasti na pamet uzurpirati vaše slobodno vrijeme. Ako to ne uvide, onda je jedno jedino rješenje - maknuti se i sačuvati mentalno zdravlje.

Također, uvođenje granica dovodi ravnotežu u život koja nam je u ovo nesigurno vrijeme itekako potrebna. Isključite notifikacije o porukama, e-mailovima i ostalim smetalima koji se mogu pogledati i sljedeći dan. I ne razmišljajte o poslu van radnog vremena; sačuvat ćete živce.

Čitajte i: Sve o usredotočenoj svjesnosti: Mindfullness blagotvorno djeluje i na stres, anksioznost, depresiju te tjeskobu

Pronađite hobi i nađite vrijeme za njega

Nešto najgore za čovjeka jest kada se nađe u beskonačnoj petlji "posao-kuća-posao", što se može dogoditi i čak ako radimo od doma. Ako se ne možete riješiti osjećaja da sve što radite u svom životu jest - radite, pod hitno si nađite nešto drugo u čemu možete uživati.

To može biti slikanje, lončarstvo, kreativno pisanje, sport, briga o biljkama, ples...bilo što što ne podrazumijeva pasivne aktivnosti (ležanje i gledanje serija primjerice). Tako ćete ponovno osjetiti da imate svrhu u životu, nešto svoje, i sve će se činiti ljepše. Probajte! Ako ste, s druge strane, od hobija napravili posao, veliki ste sretnik/sretnica.

Ne poistovjećujte se s poslom

Drugim riječima, toksičnu produktivnost zamijenite za profesionalnu nevezanost. To znači da ćete i dalje biti predani poslu i kvalitetno obavljati zadatke, ali da shvaćate da uloga zaposlenika nije vaš jedini identitet. Kada počnete tako razmišljati, uvidjet ćete da ste se puno puta bespotrebno živcirali zbog posla i stvarali si veliku količinu stresa. Zapamtite - život je jedan i na smrtnoj postelji sigurno nećete zavapiti: "Oh, da sam barem više radio/la!"."


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Ostaria Siciliana  - Page 45 Empty Re: Ostaria Siciliana

Post by Guest 22/12/2021, 23:38


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