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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/4/2021, 13:28

kic wrote:

U Hrvatskoj je prosječna veličina stambene nekretnine tek 82 m2. Za usporedbu, podsjetimo da je prosječna veličina stambene nekretnine u SAD-u 1950. bila 91 m2. Prosječna površina stana po osobi u Hrvatskoj iznosi cca 25 m2. U SAD-u 91 m2, skoro četiri puta više. Konačno, u SAD-u samo 5% ljudi živi u pretrpanim nekretninama, a u Hrvatskoj čak 39%.

Merika, tamnica naroda


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 27/4/2021, 08:32

aben wrote:
kic wrote:
fora to za dostavu!

cini mi se puno proteina a? ajme ja sam slab s tim brojanjem, sad sam pravio carbonaru i stavio toliko paste u lonac da sam se tjerao da to sve prozdrem, bas je bilo puno, al sam uspio! :D vise vjezbam u zadnje vrijeme pa imam vise apetita i snage, osjecam se nikad jaci, nikad vise nisam mogao vjezbati, kako se ti osjecas s tom prehranom?
20% je puno? 

Čuj, ti si mlod i sa moreš trpati ča oćeš, ali telo panti. 
Poisti terinu pašte je bila moja specijalnost, a sa mi se pomalo kaživaju posljedice. Tako da, s naknadnon pameću držin da sun tribo smanjiti s trpanjen, i tretirati takovu hi glycemic index food ko poslasticu, tj počastiti se jednon sedmično, ili misečno. Poslastica koja se dobiva svaki dun ni poslastica.

Pa, jo sun zloupotrebljovo sun sebe predugo, tako da sve ča sa činin je samo damage control.. Okej mi je nojčešće i ni mi teško uvoditi restrikcije, čaviše godi mi jer mi doje osjećaj moći..


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 28/4/2021, 15:37

Well I sometimes call myself a libertarian but that's only because most people don't know what anarchist means. Most people hear you're an anarchist and they think you're getting ready to throw a bomb at a building. They don't understand the concept of voluntary association, the whole concept of replacing force with voluntary cooperation or contractual arrangements and so on. So libertarian is a clearer word that doesn't arouse any immediate anxiety upon the listener. And then again, libertarians, if they were totally consistent with their principles would be anarchists. They take the position which they call minarchy, which is the smallest possible government... The reason I don't believe in the smallest possible government is because we started out with that and it only took us 200 years to arrive at the czarist occupation of government that we have now. I think any government is dangerous no matter how small you make it. Instead of governments we should have contractual associations that you can opt out of if you don't like the way the association is going. Religions fought for hundreds of years over which one should dominate Europe and then they finally gave up and made a truce, and they all agreed to tolerate each other — at least in this part of the world... But I think government should be treated like religion, everyone should be able to pick the kind they like. Only it should be contractual not obligatory. I wouldn't mind paying tax money to a local association to maintain a police force, as long as we need one. But I hate like hell paying taxes to help the US government build more nuclear missiles to blow up more people I don't even know and don't think I'd hate them if I did know them. A lot of anarchists had a major roll in influencing my political thinking, especially the individualist anarchists. Benjamin Tucker and Lysander Spooner especially. But I've also been influenced by Leo Tolstoy's anarcho-pacifism. And I find a lot of Kropotkin compatible even though he was a communist anarchist. Nothing wrong with communist anarchism as long as it remains voluntary. Any one that wants to go make a commune, go ahead, do it. I got nothing against it. As long as there's room to the individualist to do his or her own thing.


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 29/4/2021, 14:12

As civilization has advanced, the pack-bond (the tribe, the extended family) has been broken. This is the root of the widely diagnosed "anomie" or "alienation" or "existential anguish" about which so many social critics have written so eloquently. What has happened is that the conditioning of the bio-survival bond to the gene-pool has been replaced by a conditioning of bio-survival drives to hook onto the peculiar tickets which we call "money".

Concretely, a modern man or woman doesn't look for biosurvival security in the gene-pool, the pack, the extended family. Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets. "You can't live without money," as the Living Theatre troop used to cry out in anguish. If the tickets are withdrawn, acute bio-survival anxiety appears at once. Imagine, as vividly as possible, what you would feel, and what you would do, if all your sources to bio-survival tickets (money) were cut off tomorrow. This is precisely what tribal men and women feel if cut off from the tribe; it is why exile, or even ostracism, were sufficient punishments to enforce tribal conformity throughout most of human history. As recently as Shakespeare's day the threat of exile was an acute terror signal ("Banished!" cries Romeo, "the damned use that word in Hell!") In traditional society, belonging to the tribe was bio-security; exile was terror, and real threat of death. In modern society, having the tickets (money) is bio-security; having the tickets withdrawn is terror.

Welfare-ism, socialism, totalitarianism, etc. represent attempts, in varying degrees of rationality and hysteria, to re-create the tribal bond by making the State stand-in for the gene-pool. Conservatives who claim that no form of Welfare is tolerable to them are asking that people live with total bio-survival anxiety and anomie combined with terror. The conservatives, of course, vaguely recognize this and ask for "local charity" to replace State Welfare — i.e., they ask for the gene-pool to be restored by magic, among people (denizens of a typical city) who are not genetically related at all. On the other hand, the State is not a gene-pool or a tribe, and cannot really play the bio-survival unit convincingly. Everybody on Welfare becomes paranoid, because they are continually worrying that they are going to get cut off ("exiled") for some minor infraction of the increasingly incomprehensible bureaucratic rules. And in real totalitarianism, in which the bogus identification of the State with the tribe is carried to the point of a new mysticism, the paranoia becomes total.

Real bonding can only occur in face-to-face groups of reasonable size. Hence, the perpetual attempt (however implausible in industrial circumstances) to decentralize, to go back to the tribal ethos, to replace the State with syndicates (as in anarchism) or affinity-groups (Reich's "Consciousness III"). Recall the hippie crash-pad of the sixties, which lives on in many rural communes. Back in the real world, the tickets called "money" are the biosurvival bond for most people. Anti-Semitism is a complex aberration, of many facets and causes, but in its classic form (the "Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy") it simply holds that a hostile gene-pool controls the tickets for bio-security. Such paranoia is inevitable in a money economy; junkies have similar myths about who controls the supply of heroin. Thus, as anti-Semitism has declined in America, the "Bankers' Conspiracy" lives on in a new form. Now the villains are old New England WASP families, the "Yankee Establishment." Some Leftists will even show you charts of the genealogies of these WASP bankers, the way anti-Semites used to show Rothschild genealogies.

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 30/4/2021, 21:41


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 1/5/2021, 09:06


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 1/5/2021, 09:14

kic wrote:
Well I sometimes call myself a libertarian but that's only because most people don't know what anarchist means. Most people hear you're an anarchist and they think you're getting ready to throw a bomb at a building. They don't understand the concept of voluntary association, the whole concept of replacing force with voluntary cooperation or contractual arrangements and so on. So libertarian is a clearer word that doesn't arouse any immediate anxiety upon the listener. And then again, libertarians, if they were totally consistent with their principles would be anarchists. They take the position which they call minarchy, which is the smallest possible government... The reason I don't believe in the smallest possible government is because we started out with that and it only took us 200 years to arrive at the czarist occupation of government that we have now. I think any government is dangerous no matter how small you make it. Instead of governments we should have contractual associations that you can opt out of if you don't like the way the association is going. Religions fought for hundreds of years over which one should dominate Europe and then they finally gave up and made a truce, and they all agreed to tolerate each other — at least in this part of the world... But I think government should be treated like religion, everyone should be able to pick the kind they like. Only it should be contractual not obligatory. I wouldn't mind paying tax money to a local association to maintain a police force, as long as we need one. But I hate like hell paying taxes to help the US government build more nuclear missiles to blow up more people I don't even know and don't think I'd hate them if I did know them. A lot of anarchists had a major roll in influencing my political thinking, especially the individualist anarchists. Benjamin Tucker and Lysander Spooner especially. But I've also been influenced by Leo Tolstoy's anarcho-pacifism. And I find a lot of Kropotkin compatible even though he was a communist anarchist. Nothing wrong with communist anarchism as long as it remains voluntary. Any one that wants to go make a commune, go ahead, do it. I got nothing against it. As long as there's room to the individualist to do his or her own thing.


pa ovo vridi za većinu slobodaraca, držin. naravski da sun anarhist na ideološkoj razini, ali minarhist na praktičnoj, ali to ni tako jer se mislin da sloboda ipak ne funkcijoniro ili ča već, nego zbog logike tranzicije.
i u pravu je da je nami potpuno normalno prihvatiti anarhokomuniste, i anarhopacifiste, nodun se da je njima jednoko tako normalno prihvatiti i nos anarhomilitariste ki bi rado ploćali porez za nuclear missiles..

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

Posts : 35490

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 1/5/2021, 09:44

kic wrote:
As civilization has advanced, the pack-bond (the tribe, the extended family) has been broken. This is the root of the widely diagnosed "anomie" or "alienation" or "existential anguish" about which so many social critics have written so eloquently. What has happened is that the conditioning of the bio-survival bond to the gene-pool has been replaced by a conditioning of bio-survival drives to hook onto the peculiar tickets which we call "money".

Concretely, a modern man or woman doesn't look for biosurvival security in the gene-pool, the pack, the extended family. Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets. "You can't live without money," as the Living Theatre troop used to cry out in anguish. If the tickets are withdrawn, acute bio-survival anxiety appears at once. Imagine, as vividly as possible, what you would feel, and what you would do, if all your sources to bio-survival tickets (money) were cut off tomorrow. This is precisely what tribal men and women feel if cut off from the tribe; it is why exile, or even ostracism, were sufficient punishments to enforce tribal conformity throughout most of human history. As recently as Shakespeare's day the threat of exile was an acute terror signal ("Banished!" cries Romeo, "the damned use that word in Hell!") In traditional society, belonging to the tribe was bio-security; exile was terror, and real threat of death. In modern society, having the tickets (money) is bio-security; having the tickets withdrawn is terror.

Welfare-ism, socialism, totalitarianism, etc. represent attempts, in varying degrees of rationality and hysteria, to re-create the tribal bond by making the State stand-in for the gene-pool. Conservatives who claim that no form of Welfare is tolerable to them are asking that people live with total bio-survival anxiety and anomie combined with terror. The conservatives, of course, vaguely recognize this and ask for "local charity" to replace State Welfare — i.e., they ask for the gene-pool to be restored by magic, among people (denizens of a typical city) who are not genetically related at all. On the other hand, the State is not a gene-pool or a tribe, and cannot really play the bio-survival unit convincingly. Everybody on Welfare becomes paranoid, because they are continually worrying that they are going to get cut off ("exiled") for some minor infraction of the increasingly incomprehensible bureaucratic rules. And in real totalitarianism, in which the bogus identification of the State with the tribe is carried to the point of a new mysticism, the paranoia becomes total.

Real bonding can only occur in face-to-face groups of reasonable size. Hence, the perpetual attempt (however implausible in industrial circumstances) to decentralize, to go back to the tribal ethos, to replace the State with syndicates (as in anarchism) or affinity-groups (Reich's "Consciousness III"). Recall the hippie crash-pad of the sixties, which lives on in many rural communes. Back in the real world, the tickets called "money" are the biosurvival bond for most people. Anti-Semitism is a complex aberration, of many facets and causes, but in its classic form (the "Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy") it simply holds that a hostile gene-pool controls the tickets for bio-security. Such paranoia is inevitable in a money economy; junkies have similar myths about who controls the supply of heroin. Thus, as anti-Semitism has declined in America, the "Bankers' Conspiracy" lives on in a new form. Now the villains are old New England WASP families, the "Yankee Establishment." Some Leftists will even show you charts of the genealogies of these WASP bankers, the way anti-Semites used to show Rothschild genealogies.

imoš li još ovoga? mislin, jel ovo kroj teksta?

seems about right, samo autor ne uzimo u obzir da su šoldi ipak dobra treta opcija između plemena i države- ali privatni šoldi. un vjerojatno i ni svjestan potojanja takove opcije.

jer, imati miru usluga ka transcendentiro pleme i državu je neprocjenjivo, doje ljudima puno veći manevarski prostor. činjenica da "Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets" je dobra činjenica. to znoči da si nekome učini uslugu, i moreš očekivati vraćanje usluge. misliti suprotno znoči želiti da ti neko jamči bio survival bez da si to zasluži. u plemenu to zaslužiš, između ostalog, odanošću, u totalitarnoj državi poslušnošću, a kod šoldi isključivo preko recipročnosti usluga.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 1/5/2021, 11:29


porez na dobit se unaprijed plaća

what xD

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 1/5/2021, 12:08


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 1/5/2021, 17:50

aben wrote:
kic wrote:
Well I sometimes call myself a libertarian but that's only because most people don't know what anarchist means. Most people hear you're an anarchist and they think you're getting ready to throw a bomb at a building. They don't understand the concept of voluntary association, the whole concept of replacing force with voluntary cooperation or contractual arrangements and so on. So libertarian is a clearer word that doesn't arouse any immediate anxiety upon the listener. And then again, libertarians, if they were totally consistent with their principles would be anarchists. They take the position which they call minarchy, which is the smallest possible government... The reason I don't believe in the smallest possible government is because we started out with that and it only took us 200 years to arrive at the czarist occupation of government that we have now. I think any government is dangerous no matter how small you make it. Instead of governments we should have contractual associations that you can opt out of if you don't like the way the association is going. Religions fought for hundreds of years over which one should dominate Europe and then they finally gave up and made a truce, and they all agreed to tolerate each other — at least in this part of the world... But I think government should be treated like religion, everyone should be able to pick the kind they like. Only it should be contractual not obligatory. I wouldn't mind paying tax money to a local association to maintain a police force, as long as we need one. But I hate like hell paying taxes to help the US government build more nuclear missiles to blow up more people I don't even know and don't think I'd hate them if I did know them. A lot of anarchists had a major roll in influencing my political thinking, especially the individualist anarchists. Benjamin Tucker and Lysander Spooner especially. But I've also been influenced by Leo Tolstoy's anarcho-pacifism. And I find a lot of Kropotkin compatible even though he was a communist anarchist. Nothing wrong with communist anarchism as long as it remains voluntary. Any one that wants to go make a commune, go ahead, do it. I got nothing against it. As long as there's room to the individualist to do his or her own thing.


pa ovo vridi za većinu slobodaraca, držin. naravski da sun anarhist na ideološkoj razini, ali minarhist na praktičnoj, ali to ni tako jer se mislin da sloboda ipak ne funkcijoniro ili ča već, nego zbog logike tranzicije.  
i u pravu je da je nami potpuno normalno prihvatiti anarhokomuniste, i anarhopacifiste, nodun se da je njima jednoko tako normalno prihvatiti i nos anarhomilitariste ki bi rado ploćali porez za nuclear missiles..

opet je poslije rekao da ne vjeruje ni ljudima, kao ni državi, pa je ipak za minimalnu državu

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 1/5/2021, 17:52

aben wrote:
kic wrote:
As civilization has advanced, the pack-bond (the tribe, the extended family) has been broken. This is the root of the widely diagnosed "anomie" or "alienation" or "existential anguish" about which so many social critics have written so eloquently. What has happened is that the conditioning of the bio-survival bond to the gene-pool has been replaced by a conditioning of bio-survival drives to hook onto the peculiar tickets which we call "money".

Concretely, a modern man or woman doesn't look for biosurvival security in the gene-pool, the pack, the extended family. Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets. "You can't live without money," as the Living Theatre troop used to cry out in anguish. If the tickets are withdrawn, acute bio-survival anxiety appears at once. Imagine, as vividly as possible, what you would feel, and what you would do, if all your sources to bio-survival tickets (money) were cut off tomorrow. This is precisely what tribal men and women feel if cut off from the tribe; it is why exile, or even ostracism, were sufficient punishments to enforce tribal conformity throughout most of human history. As recently as Shakespeare's day the threat of exile was an acute terror signal ("Banished!" cries Romeo, "the damned use that word in Hell!") In traditional society, belonging to the tribe was bio-security; exile was terror, and real threat of death. In modern society, having the tickets (money) is bio-security; having the tickets withdrawn is terror.

Welfare-ism, socialism, totalitarianism, etc. represent attempts, in varying degrees of rationality and hysteria, to re-create the tribal bond by making the State stand-in for the gene-pool. Conservatives who claim that no form of Welfare is tolerable to them are asking that people live with total bio-survival anxiety and anomie combined with terror. The conservatives, of course, vaguely recognize this and ask for "local charity" to replace State Welfare — i.e., they ask for the gene-pool to be restored by magic, among people (denizens of a typical city) who are not genetically related at all. On the other hand, the State is not a gene-pool or a tribe, and cannot really play the bio-survival unit convincingly. Everybody on Welfare becomes paranoid, because they are continually worrying that they are going to get cut off ("exiled") for some minor infraction of the increasingly incomprehensible bureaucratic rules. And in real totalitarianism, in which the bogus identification of the State with the tribe is carried to the point of a new mysticism, the paranoia becomes total.

Real bonding can only occur in face-to-face groups of reasonable size. Hence, the perpetual attempt (however implausible in industrial circumstances) to decentralize, to go back to the tribal ethos, to replace the State with syndicates (as in anarchism) or affinity-groups (Reich's "Consciousness III"). Recall the hippie crash-pad of the sixties, which lives on in many rural communes. Back in the real world, the tickets called "money" are the biosurvival bond for most people. Anti-Semitism is a complex aberration, of many facets and causes, but in its classic form (the "Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy") it simply holds that a hostile gene-pool controls the tickets for bio-security. Such paranoia is inevitable in a money economy; junkies have similar myths about who controls the supply of heroin. Thus, as anti-Semitism has declined in America, the "Bankers' Conspiracy" lives on in a new form. Now the villains are old New England WASP families, the "Yankee Establishment." Some Leftists will even show you charts of the genealogies of these WASP bankers, the way anti-Semites used to show Rothschild genealogies.

imoš li još ovoga? mislin, jel ovo kroj teksta?

seems about right, samo autor ne uzimo u obzir da su šoldi ipak dobra treta opcija između plemena i države- ali privatni šoldi. un vjerojatno i ni svjestan potojanja takove opcije.

jer, imati miru usluga ka transcendentiro pleme i državu je neprocjenjivo, doje ljudima puno veći manevarski prostor. činjenica da "Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets" je dobra činjenica. to znoči da si nekome učini uslugu, i moreš očekivati vraćanje usluge. misliti suprotno znoči želiti da ti neko jamči bio survival bez da si to zasluži. u plemenu to zaslužiš, između ostalog, odanošću, u totalitarnoj državi poslušnošću, a kod šoldi isključivo preko recipročnosti usluga.

to je iz knjige ovog RAW-a da.. Prometheus rising

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 2/5/2021, 23:02

kic wrote:


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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 5/5/2021, 07:29

Denkverbot - Page 29 20210510
Denkverbot - Page 29 20210511
Denkverbot - Page 29 20210512
Denkverbot - Page 29 20210513

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 5/5/2021, 07:40

nešto slično se dogođo i nami danas; lažemo somi sebi kako smo kapitalističko društvo i održavamo farsu izborov na kima se nišće ne more preminiti.
to ne more projti bez posljedicov, i one su očite- raspadanje institucija i raspadanje vjere u institucije. je, dijelon je za to kriv specijalni rat, srbi i jugosloveni i masoni, agentura kako je zove vuksdinare, ali nojvećin dijelon kriv je hdz. parafraziro sun vojkija v, ali istina je.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 5/5/2021, 08:04

aben wrote:nešto slično se dogođo i nami danas; lažemo somi sebi kako smo kapitalističko društvo i održavamo farsu izborov na kima se nišće ne more preminiti.
to ne more projti bez posljedicov, i one su očite- raspadanje institucija i raspadanje vjere u institucije. je, dijelon je za to kriv specijalni rat, srbi i jugosloveni i masoni, agentura kako je zove vuksdinare, ali nojvećin dijelon kriv je hdz. parafraziro sun vojkija v, ali istina je.

dobro da, ali ipak postoji teoretska i izvediva mogućnost, da neki drugi pokret bude izabran na izborima i da onda taj pokret-stranka promijeni stvari, što se događa na lokalnim razinama povremeno, Sv. Nedjelja, Bjelovar itd npr-

te opcije nije bilo u prijašnjim režimima baš..

više sam za monarhizam u biti ovdje bio, bar se znala hijerarhija i poredak..

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 5/5/2021, 10:05

kic wrote:

više sam za monarhizam u biti ovdje bio, bar se znala hijerarhija i poredak..

"Ja sam car i hoću knedle!"

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by metilda 5/5/2021, 10:22

Kic, izgled foruma na mobitelu se sasvim promijenio, nema više opcije za unos YouTube videa. Kako to učiniti?

Reče im Isus: »Djeca se ovog svijeta žene i udaju. No oni koji se nađoše dostojni onog svijeta i uskrsnuća od mrtvih niti se žene niti udaju. Zaista, ni umrijeti više ne mogu: anđelima su jednaki i sinovi su Božji jer su sinovi uskrsnuća.«

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Age : 64

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by metilda 5/5/2021, 10:46

Našla. Svejedno hvala.

Reče im Isus: »Djeca se ovog svijeta žene i udaju. No oni koji se nađoše dostojni onog svijeta i uskrsnuća od mrtvih niti se žene niti udaju. Zaista, ni umrijeti više ne mogu: anđelima su jednaki i sinovi su Božji jer su sinovi uskrsnuća.«

Posts : 5119

Age : 64

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 5/5/2021, 10:52

Speare Shaker wrote:
kic wrote:

više sam za monarhizam u biti ovdje bio, bar se znala hijerarhija i poredak..

"Ja sam car i hoću knedle!"

dajte mu knedle i mir, easy price

now the costs are indefinite..

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Denkverbot - Page 29 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 5/5/2021, 13:58

set them on fire!

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Sponsored content

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