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Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu

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Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu Empty Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu

Post by Kermit 15/12/2015, 08:06


[ltr]"Wie alt bist Du? Wo ist Deine Familie?"
"Meine Mutter lebt in Amerika, mein Vater ist schon lange tot. Meine Schwester lebt in Syrien."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Bist Du mit Deiner Mutter geflohen? Warum ist deine Schwester nicht mitgekommen?"
"Nein, ich bin nicht geflohen. Keiner von uns muss fliehen. Das Assad-Regime ist zwar grausam und ungerecht, aber man kann in Syrien leben, wenn man sich nicht mit ihm anlegt."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Und der IS?"
"Ich komme aus Damaskus, wie die meisten, die ich im Camp getroffen habe. Da gibt es keinen IS, das ist in anderen Regionen, zum Beispiel Richtung Irak."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Willst Du damit sagen, die meisten Syrer fliehen nicht vor Krieg und Verfolgung?"
"Ja. Meine Freunde und ich sind gegangen, weil wir nicht nur Armee wollten. Und weil es eben in Europa leichter ist, einen guten Beruf zu bekommen und Geld zu verdienen."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Und warum kommen gerade jetzt so viele? Ist das Assad-Regime schlimmer geworden?"
"Nein. Er ist ja schon einige Jahre an der Macht. Er ist grausam und lässt Regime-Gegner umbringen, aber meine Familie und ich hat das nicht betroffen. Auch nicht meine Freunde."[/ltr]

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Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu Empty Re: Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu

Post by Kermit 15/12/2015, 08:07

No one in Syria had to flee the war and they all have come to Europe just to seek money and take up jobs supposedly offered to them by Angela Merkel, an “asylum seeker” Syrian in Germany has admitted to theHuffington Post.
The confession is contained in an article prepared by a well-known Iranian-born writer living in Germany, Ramin Peymani, and published in that newspaper’s German edition.
Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu HP-Syrian-swindle
The article, titled Der Syrer—eine Flüchtlingsgeschichte (“The Syrians—a Refugee Story,” Dec. 2, 2015), starts off by Peymani explaining that he met up with the Syrian refugee by chance in the checkout line at a local grocery store in Germany.
Being Iranian, Peymani could speak fluently with the “refugee,” who freely admitted that he, and all the others claiming to be refugees, were not fleeing war, but had merely come in search of jobs and money.
The Syrian told Peymani that his mother lived in America, that that his sister was still in Syria.
“Did you escape with your mother? Why your sister has not come?” Peymani asked.
“No, I did not flee. None of us had to flee,” the Syrian freely admitted.
“The Assad regime is cruel and unjust, but you can live in Syria, if you just don’t mess with it.”
Peymani then asked if the Syrian had then fled from the Islamic State terrorists. The Syrian’s answer in this regard was revealing as well:
“I come from Damascus, like most of us [refugees] do that I’ve met in the camp. There is no IS [in Damascus]; it is in other regions, for example, towards Iraq.”
Peymani then asked him the logical next question: “Are you saying that most Syrians do not flee from war and persecution?”

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Post by Kermit 15/12/2015, 08:08

The Syrian answered: “Yes. My friends and I went because we didn’t want to go to the army. And because it is easier to get a good job and earn money in Europe.”

Peymani then wanted to know why so many Syrians had come so suddenly. “Why now are so many coming? Is it because the Assad regime has become worse?”

The Syrian replied: “No. He [Assad] has been in power many years already. The regime is cruel and can kill opponents, but my family and I have not been touched, and none of my friends either.”

So why had they all now come to Europe, Peymani asked, to which the Syrian replied:

“In the summer we saw on the Internet that Germany wanted people to live there. We were invited to come here. And it was said that the state would take care of us and we would be given jobs. But I cannot find one…”

Peymani also asked him what route he had followed to Germany.

“I lived in Turkey for some time after my mother had emigrated to the United States to be with relatives. But I could not get a visa for the USA, even though my mother has a green card.”

Peymani asked him if he had “fled” to Turkey “because of the war in Syria?”

Laughing, the Syrian replied: “No (laughs). My friends and I are here because we thought we’d find work. We did not like Turkey.”

He was then asked if his “story is typical of the people who leave Syria?”

The Syrian replied: “I think most go for the same reason as I did. All men of my age, who want to just live better elsewhere.”

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Post by Kermit 15/12/2015, 08:12

hahahah you have been lied to

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Post by jastreb 15/12/2015, 08:13

Baš sam nešto razmišljao o tim emigrantima i došao do jedinstvenog zaključka.

Ruski emigranti prije Oktobarske revolucije,bili su opasnost za carsku Rusiju (iz koje su pobjegli)a ne za Francusku,Njemačku ili Švicarsku.

Jugoslavenski emigranti nakon 2.svj.rata koji su pobjegli iz Jugoslavije,bili su opasnost za Jugoslaviju,a ne za Australiju,Njemačku,SAD ili Švedsku.

Kubanski emigranti bili su opasni za Kubu iz koje su pobjegli (i još su),ali ne za SAD.

Sirijski emigranti nisu opasni za Siriju iz koje su izbjegli,već za zemlje u koje su izbjegli (Švedska,Francuska,Ljemačka...)

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Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu Empty Re: Sirijski emigranti: nitko nij emorao pobjeći u Evropu

Post by Guest 15/12/2015, 08:41

asilovski wrote:http://www.huffingtonpost.de/ramin-peymani/syrer-fluechtling-supermarkt_b_8689306.html

[ltr]"Wie alt bist Du? Wo ist Deine Familie?"
"Meine Mutter lebt in Amerika, mein Vater ist schon lange tot. Meine Schwester lebt in Syrien."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Bist Du mit Deiner Mutter geflohen? Warum ist deine Schwester nicht mitgekommen?"
"Nein, ich bin nicht geflohen. Keiner von uns muss fliehen. Das Assad-Regime ist zwar grausam und ungerecht, aber man kann in Syrien leben, wenn man sich nicht mit ihm anlegt."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Und der IS?"
"Ich komme aus Damaskus, wie die meisten, die ich im Camp getroffen habe. Da gibt es keinen IS, das ist in anderen Regionen, zum Beispiel Richtung Irak."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Willst Du damit sagen, die meisten Syrer fliehen nicht vor Krieg und Verfolgung?"
"Ja. Meine Freunde und ich sind gegangen, weil wir nicht nur Armee wollten. Und weil es eben in Europa leichter ist, einen guten Beruf zu bekommen und Geld zu verdienen."[/ltr]

[ltr]"Und warum kommen gerade jetzt so viele? Ist das Assad-Regime schlimmer geworden?"
"Nein. Er ist ja schon einige Jahre an der Macht. Er ist grausam und lässt Regime-Gegner umbringen, aber meine Familie und ich hat das nicht betroffen. Auch nicht meine Freunde."[/ltr]

A još lakše je dobit socijalnu pomoć i ležat dok drugi šljakaju za tebe.

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Post by Regoč 15/12/2015, 12:00

E, a lipo sam reko, žicu na granicu, iza nje šarce pa šaraj čim se netko žice takne. Na moru sve potopit.

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