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Lavrov: Bjeloruska oporba sa zapada želi krvoproliće

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Lavrov: Bjeloruska oporba sa zapada želi krvoproliće Empty Lavrov: Bjeloruska oporba sa zapada želi krvoproliće

Post by Hektorović 25/8/2020, 18:41

Russia's Lavrov says Belarus opposition wants bloodshed
Lavrov: Bjeloruska oporba sa zapada želi krvoproliće Thumbs_b_c_19f2d6037bc0a38822b21f395b33af6c
The Russian foreign minister on Sunday said the Belarusian opposition is not happy over its "waning" support for protests, and wants bloodshed.
Speaking at the Terra Scientia National Youth Educational Forum in Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region, Sergey Lavrov said the law enforcers do not interfere in peaceful demonstrations but "some Belarusian opposition figures who live in the West, and try to influence events in their country from there" are provoking for hostilities.
He compared the protests in Belarus with what happened in Venezuela, saying the Belarusian opposition follows the Venezuelan model, and is asking President Alexander Lukashenko to have talks only to discuss his resignation.
In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition are engaged in a bitter power struggle. Maduro was re-elected to a second six-year term in May 2018 in elections opposition says were rigged.

Lavrov said calls to law enforcers "to come over to the peoples side," are illegitimate, because they urge to break the oath.

The fact that opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskay appeals most often in English rather than Belarusian shows where her interests lie, he said.
Protests broke out after Lukashenko was declared the winner in the Aug. 9 presidential elections. Opposition candidates, however, accused the administration of rigging. 
Tikhanovskaya, who came in second, left for Lithuania "for the sake of her children." 
NATO and European leaders have urged Lukashenko launch a dialogue with the opposition, and respect the fundamental human rights of the citizens.

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