Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
jos u staroj Jugi su postojala Americko-Jugoslavenski neki uredi kao koji su promovirali Ameriku kao nes dobro..ono na prvi pogled djelovali su kao turisticki orjentirani..marcus-t wrote:HHO - Čičaknevjestin_razbojnik wrote:pa navedite te nevladine organizacije u Jugi barem
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
osnovan 1993.marcus-t wrote:HHO - Čičaknevjestin_razbojnik wrote:pa navedite te nevladine organizacije u Jugi barem
Posts : 11441
Lokacija: : ObiLand
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
covjece,svi su oni potaknuti implementiranim brini,to ne skida odgovornost sa Srba,ali brat bratu,Nije se ba Mislosevic Niotkuda pojavio odjednom..takve stvari se ne dogadjaju u trenu i slucajno..ebote,pa daj malo prouci Cijinu metodologiju..imas onaj debeli Buh u svakoj knjiznici,jos se mogla naci u njima tijekom 80tih,od nekog Cijinog prebjega,koji je do u detalje napisao sto sve Cija radi..Regoč wrote:Milošević je dio projekta Velike Srbije koji je zasnovala i provela srbska intelektualna elita, kao pojedinac posve nebitan. Jugoslavija se mogla raspasti mirnim putom samo da nije bilo težnje za Velikom Srbijom, a takav plan nisu stvorili Američani.bogomdani wrote:recimo da Cija nije filala lovu u uzdizanje onog smrada Milosevica,da nije bio izabran,vjerovatno bi sve u najgorem slucaju zavrsilo kao izmedju ceske i Slovacke-mirni razlaz..Regoč wrote:Opet on, nitko ne tvrdi da se veliki nisu miešali, ali rat nije došao zbog velikih silah već zbog Velike Srbije.marcus-t wrote:Jasno je vama dvojici kakvu je ulogu CIA imala i u rušenju Istočnog bloka i Berlinskog zida, dešavanju Majdana i Arapskog proljeća. Sve je to vama jasno samo ste toliki ološ da ćete to negirati do zadnjeg dana. Lakše je nešto potisnuti nego priznati da si ispao izmanipulirana budala.nevjestin_razbojnik wrote:To ej Zvonko dogovorio s Amerima, posve je jasno , zna CIA što radi... CIA je predlagala Srebrenicu još '87., kaže ako onda ne uspije povlačimo sevuksadinare wrote:...ih....a tek zvonla busica...ameri nagovorili da otme avion i da robija 30 godina kao nagradu sto se borio brotiv juge
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
CIA se zaista umiješala u raspad juge. Na način da ju vise nije po svaku cijenu i na silu čuvala cjelovitu nego digla ruke od nje pa sto bude. Jasno ona je bez sile bila stabilna kao kula od karata iz koje su htjeli pobjeći svi osim Srba koji su je doživljavali kao veliku Srbiju drugačijeg naziva pa je tako i zavrsila.
kaya- Posts : 31419
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Zapravo ljudi gušteri a CIA im je samo paravan ili možda ljudi u crnomnevjestin_razbojnik wrote:..e a da ne spominjemo ulogu CIA iza Napoleonovih osvajanja , Građanskog rata u juesendej i nestanka Maya...iza svega stoje ovakvi disdineti iz agencijemarcus-t wrote:Jasno je vama dvojici kakvu je ulogu CIA imala i u rušenju Istočnog bloka i Berlinskog zida, dešavanju Majdana i Arapskog proljeća. Sve je to vama jasno samo ste toliki ološ da ćete to negirati do zadnjeg dana. Lakše je nešto potisnuti nego priznati da si ispao izmanipulirana budala.nevjestin_razbojnik wrote:To ej Zvonko dogovorio s Amerima, posve je jasno , zna CIA što radi... CIA je predlagala Srebrenicu još '87., kaže ako onda ne uspije povlačimo sevuksadinare wrote:...ih....a tek zvonla busica...ameri nagovorili da otme avion i da robija 30 godina kao nagradu sto se borio brotiv juge
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Prestali prokleti ameri davati besplatno lovu i mi se odma poklali-prokleti ameri pička im materina :DDkaja_333 wrote:CIA se zaista umiješala u raspad juge. Na način da ju vise nije po svaku cijenu i na silu čuvala cjelovitu nego digla ruke od nje pa sto bude. Jasno ona je bez sile bila stabilna kao kula od karata iz koje su htjeli pobjeći svi osim Srba koji su je doživljavali kao veliku Srbiju drugačijeg naziva pa je tako i zavrsila.
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Nije to baš tako. Tu nije riječ o manipulaciji nego o obostranoj želji. To ti je kao da ti dođe netko i ponudi ti bolje plačen posao i ti napustiš firmu u kojoj sad radiš i pređeš u drugu za veću plaću. jesili ti sad ispao izmanipulirana budala?marcus-t wrote:Jasno je vama dvojici kakvu je ulogu CIA imala i u rušenju Istočnog bloka i Berlinskog zida, dešavanju Majdana i Arapskog proljeća. Sve je to vama jasno samo ste toliki ološ da ćete to negirati do zadnjeg dana. Lakše je nešto potisnuti nego priznati da si ispao izmanipulirana budala.nevjestin_razbojnik wrote:To ej Zvonko dogovorio s Amerima, posve je jasno , zna CIA što radi... CIA je predlagala Srebrenicu još '87., kaže ako onda ne uspije povlačimo sevuksadinare wrote:...ih....a tek zvonla busica...ameri nagovorili da otme avion i da robija 30 godina kao nagradu sto se borio brotiv juge
Markuse....mržnja između srba i hrvata je duboko ukorjenjena ,postojala je dok su ameri još indijance po preriji naganjali i postojat će dok god bude srba i hrvata.
Ništa tu CIA nije napravila.
Posts : 5159
Age : 53
Lokacija: : Dugo Selo
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
tre911 wrote:Prestali prokleti ameri davati besplatno lovu i mi se odma poklali-prokleti ameri pička im materina :DDkaja_333 wrote:CIA se zaista umiješala u raspad juge. Na način da ju vise nije po svaku cijenu i na silu čuvala cjelovitu nego digla ruke od nje pa sto bude. Jasno ona je bez sile bila stabilna kao kula od karata iz koje su htjeli pobjeći svi osim Srba koji su je doživljavali kao veliku Srbiju drugačijeg naziva pa je tako i zavrsila.
otprilike to, yuga je postojala radi amerike, ali ne zato što je amerika "odlučila uništiti yugu" nego što je amerika održavala yugu dok je bilo interesa..
jednostavno je prestala kreditirati tu "uspješnu gigantsku socijalističku ekonomiju" i ova je prdnula u čabar
Guest- Guest
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
gluposti, uz Slobu, šešelja, Paroškog, generalštab, glavaša, šeksa, Tđmana i njegovu udbašiju Juga nije imala šanse, čak dapače ESade je 1989/90 htio sačuvati Jugu pogotovo adm. Busha seniora te njegv tajnik Baker koji je Slobi i Kadijeviću 3 puta dao zeleno svijetlo da rasčiste irendentiste, ali no...
Posts : 26479
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
In the last few months, with 10,000 asylum seekers arriving a week, the country has reintroduced border controls and the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats has become the second largest party in Sweden, opinion polls show.
Instead Tärnsjö, a relatively small village with a population of 1,200, is a snapshot of those places where bubbling anger has spilled over into violence and arson.
Racial tension has divided the village into two groups; those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone.
Far-right councillor Michael Ohman
Protesters have set fire to 17 immigration centres in the past two months – and the authorities have warned it is only a matter of time before someone is killed in the race-hate arson attacks engulfing this once-peaceful nation.
The problem in Tärnsjö, far-right local councillor Michael Ohman told MailOnline, comes down to the fact many of the villagers never wanted the migrants to move in.
'Racial tension has divided the village into two groups; those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone,' he explained.
'There has been fighting between immigrants and the people living here.
'The village integration works badly because people don't want immigrants in the village. This is no longer a happy community, it's divided and is not a pleasant place to live.'
The councillor continued: 'We have the highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants.
Battle: The problems in Tärnsjö started when migrants, many of them living in this centre, began throwing stones at cars as they passed. Locals retaliated, and threw stones back
Escalation: But then a window at the centre, which is sparsely furnished, was smashed. The next day a refugee family's car was burned. After that, the children were escorted to school by the police
Problem solving: Tärnsjö is not the only village where migrants have been housed. It is becoming more common as accommodation in the city becomes scarce, due to the sheer numbers arriving
Remote: Some don't like living so far out; one asylum seeker described Tärnsjö as 'boring'. Another bus of refugees refused to get off when taken to one isolated village, demanding to be taken elsewhere
Fury: The feeling in some cases is mutual. We didn't want them here, Michael Ohman, one of Tärnsjö far-right councillors, told MailOnline, it is ruining our village. It is no longer a happy place to live
Disappointed: Andreas Pettersson, the local migration officer, had hoped the village would accept the new arrivals, but is now faced with dealing with increasing hostilities between the two sides
'Everyone who comes gets an allowance of 200 Kroner (£20) a week and free housing, and who pays for that? Us, taxpayers.'
Anders Petterson, a migrant liaison officer, admits many were 'outraged' when they began to arrive.
He hoped people he knew in the area would help them to integrate and never anticipated one day police would be called to escort migrants' children to school as locals hurled abuse at them.
Things have disintegrated to such an extent that children aged just five sometimes run the gauntlet of hate and intimidation and sometimes arrive at Tärnsjö Skola too terrified and upset to speak.
Even teachers there are too frightened to walk with them - worried they too will become targets of hate.
Tärnsjö Skola Principal Nina Lundén told MailOnline: 'Children said they were frightened, that they did not feel safe when they were going from their home to the school.
The situation became so fierce the teachers and police had to walk with the children from the centre to the school. But there were teachers who wouldn't walk with the children, because they were afraid of being threatened.
Anders Petterson
'We then did everything we could to help them and arranged for them to be escorted in order to keep them safe.'
The problems are said to have begun in September when migrants started throwing stones at locals' cars, and residents retaliated by throwing them back.
The fires were further stoked on social media - and eventually locals, thought to be teenagers, began organising 'events' where a gang would gather to throw stones at the block of flats which has been turned into a makeshift migrant centre.
Mr Petterson said: 'This went on for about two weeks at a low scale, almost every day. It escalated windows at the centre were smashed.
'This scared the migrants. They had come from Syria - from a war zone - to this.'
The following day a car belonging to a refugee family was set on fire.
Teachers aren't the only ones in the village worried of rising tension, and what it might mean for their own safety.
Rasmus Leng lives just metres from the migrant block, and has witnessed much of the problem first-hand.
'The neighbours living in the apartment nearby have caused all kinds of devilry,' he told MailOnline, pointing to marks on his car, where someone had shot an air gun at it.
'I've heard a lot of noise and disturbance among them. I don't like them.
'They have been throwing stones and they scream a lot during the night.
'And then with the attacks from racists upon that? It does not feel safe here, especially with my wife being pregnant.'
Scared: Rasmus Leng, who lives just a few metres from the refugee centre, has witnessed some of the worst of the behaviour for himself. He complains of noise, and says his car has been damaged by an air gun
Crime: Tobias Willhäll accuses the new arrivals of stealing bicycles and breaking into storage facilities. But he says it is all down to just one family that has caused 'all these troubles'
Fearful: Other villagers (not pictured) told MailOnline how they feared the rising tensions could end with something similar to the attack on migrant pupils in the town of Trollhättan, which left two students dead
Tobias Willhall added: 'The immigrants have caused all kinds of trouble for us. I have friends whose storage spaces have been burgled by immigrants and bicycles have been stolen.
'It is particularly one family. It is the one which has caused all these troubles.
'There is a really bad tension in the village because of the refugees.'
Others were nervous about how much further the violence might go.
They fear they are on the brink of a similar incident to the one where Anton Lundin Pettersson, 21, walked into a school in Trollhättan in north of Gothenburg, wearing a helmet, a Star Wars mask and used a sword to kill two migrant students.
Back in Tärnsjö, Lillemor, a hairdresser in her mid-fifties who didn't want to give her surname, said: 'I'm concerned about the situation in the village.
'Something like this might explode like happened in Trollhättan.'
The refugees are just as scared. Tamam, who is living in the apartments with his wife Rabaa, son Hamza, 13, and daughter Batoul, 12, is the refugee whose car was torched.
Taman said: 'We have no problems with the vast majority of the people who are living here. We like living here. But there are some people who really seem to hate us.
'We don't feel afraid when we're at home and all we want is peace and quiet.'
The feeling is mutual. Father-of-two Tamam, not pictured, said most of the residents were nice, there was some who seemed to 'really hate' him and his family, as well as the other refugees
Taxes: Anger comes from the benefits given to the migrants. Councillor Mochael Ohman said: 'Everyone who comes gets an allowance of 200 Kroner (£20) a week and free housing, and who pays for that? Us, taxpayers'
Frustration: Ngazi, an Eritrean refugee, arrived in June 2014 after crossing the Mediterranean from Libya. He is yet to be interview by the Migration Board, so that they can assess his claim
Instead Tärnsjö, a relatively small village with a population of 1,200, is a snapshot of those places where bubbling anger has spilled over into violence and arson.
Racial tension has divided the village into two groups; those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone.
Far-right councillor Michael Ohman
Protesters have set fire to 17 immigration centres in the past two months – and the authorities have warned it is only a matter of time before someone is killed in the race-hate arson attacks engulfing this once-peaceful nation.
The problem in Tärnsjö, far-right local councillor Michael Ohman told MailOnline, comes down to the fact many of the villagers never wanted the migrants to move in.
'Racial tension has divided the village into two groups; those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone,' he explained.
'There has been fighting between immigrants and the people living here.
'The village integration works badly because people don't want immigrants in the village. This is no longer a happy community, it's divided and is not a pleasant place to live.'
The councillor continued: 'We have the highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants.
Battle: The problems in Tärnsjö started when migrants, many of them living in this centre, began throwing stones at cars as they passed. Locals retaliated, and threw stones back
Escalation: But then a window at the centre, which is sparsely furnished, was smashed. The next day a refugee family's car was burned. After that, the children were escorted to school by the police
Problem solving: Tärnsjö is not the only village where migrants have been housed. It is becoming more common as accommodation in the city becomes scarce, due to the sheer numbers arriving
Remote: Some don't like living so far out; one asylum seeker described Tärnsjö as 'boring'. Another bus of refugees refused to get off when taken to one isolated village, demanding to be taken elsewhere
Fury: The feeling in some cases is mutual. We didn't want them here, Michael Ohman, one of Tärnsjö far-right councillors, told MailOnline, it is ruining our village. It is no longer a happy place to live
Disappointed: Andreas Pettersson, the local migration officer, had hoped the village would accept the new arrivals, but is now faced with dealing with increasing hostilities between the two sides
'Everyone who comes gets an allowance of 200 Kroner (£20) a week and free housing, and who pays for that? Us, taxpayers.'
Anders Petterson, a migrant liaison officer, admits many were 'outraged' when they began to arrive.
He hoped people he knew in the area would help them to integrate and never anticipated one day police would be called to escort migrants' children to school as locals hurled abuse at them.
Things have disintegrated to such an extent that children aged just five sometimes run the gauntlet of hate and intimidation and sometimes arrive at Tärnsjö Skola too terrified and upset to speak.
Even teachers there are too frightened to walk with them - worried they too will become targets of hate.
Tärnsjö Skola Principal Nina Lundén told MailOnline: 'Children said they were frightened, that they did not feel safe when they were going from their home to the school.
The situation became so fierce the teachers and police had to walk with the children from the centre to the school. But there were teachers who wouldn't walk with the children, because they were afraid of being threatened.
Anders Petterson
'We then did everything we could to help them and arranged for them to be escorted in order to keep them safe.'
The problems are said to have begun in September when migrants started throwing stones at locals' cars, and residents retaliated by throwing them back.
The fires were further stoked on social media - and eventually locals, thought to be teenagers, began organising 'events' where a gang would gather to throw stones at the block of flats which has been turned into a makeshift migrant centre.
Mr Petterson said: 'This went on for about two weeks at a low scale, almost every day. It escalated windows at the centre were smashed.
'This scared the migrants. They had come from Syria - from a war zone - to this.'
The following day a car belonging to a refugee family was set on fire.
Teachers aren't the only ones in the village worried of rising tension, and what it might mean for their own safety.
Rasmus Leng lives just metres from the migrant block, and has witnessed much of the problem first-hand.
'The neighbours living in the apartment nearby have caused all kinds of devilry,' he told MailOnline, pointing to marks on his car, where someone had shot an air gun at it.
'I've heard a lot of noise and disturbance among them. I don't like them.
'They have been throwing stones and they scream a lot during the night.
'And then with the attacks from racists upon that? It does not feel safe here, especially with my wife being pregnant.'
Scared: Rasmus Leng, who lives just a few metres from the refugee centre, has witnessed some of the worst of the behaviour for himself. He complains of noise, and says his car has been damaged by an air gun
Crime: Tobias Willhäll accuses the new arrivals of stealing bicycles and breaking into storage facilities. But he says it is all down to just one family that has caused 'all these troubles'
Fearful: Other villagers (not pictured) told MailOnline how they feared the rising tensions could end with something similar to the attack on migrant pupils in the town of Trollhättan, which left two students dead
Tobias Willhall added: 'The immigrants have caused all kinds of trouble for us. I have friends whose storage spaces have been burgled by immigrants and bicycles have been stolen.
'It is particularly one family. It is the one which has caused all these troubles.
'There is a really bad tension in the village because of the refugees.'
Others were nervous about how much further the violence might go.
They fear they are on the brink of a similar incident to the one where Anton Lundin Pettersson, 21, walked into a school in Trollhättan in north of Gothenburg, wearing a helmet, a Star Wars mask and used a sword to kill two migrant students.
Back in Tärnsjö, Lillemor, a hairdresser in her mid-fifties who didn't want to give her surname, said: 'I'm concerned about the situation in the village.
'Something like this might explode like happened in Trollhättan.'
The refugees are just as scared. Tamam, who is living in the apartments with his wife Rabaa, son Hamza, 13, and daughter Batoul, 12, is the refugee whose car was torched.
Taman said: 'We have no problems with the vast majority of the people who are living here. We like living here. But there are some people who really seem to hate us.
'We don't feel afraid when we're at home and all we want is peace and quiet.'
The feeling is mutual. Father-of-two Tamam, not pictured, said most of the residents were nice, there was some who seemed to 'really hate' him and his family, as well as the other refugees
Taxes: Anger comes from the benefits given to the migrants. Councillor Mochael Ohman said: 'Everyone who comes gets an allowance of 200 Kroner (£20) a week and free housing, and who pays for that? Us, taxpayers'
Frustration: Ngazi, an Eritrean refugee, arrived in June 2014 after crossing the Mediterranean from Libya. He is yet to be interview by the Migration Board, so that they can assess his claim
Posts : 26479
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
To nije postojalo u Jugi prije svibnja 1990., to je smišljeno da se potkopava hrvatska neovisnost.marcus-t wrote:HHO - Čičaknevjestin_razbojnik wrote:pa navedite te nevladine organizacije u Jugi barem
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Ma da, svi su isti, tako su i cionisti dogovorili holokaust s Hitlerom da bi dobili Izrael. Nego, kako baš Alija izostade?asilovski wrote:gluposti, uz Slobu, šešelja, Paroškog, generalštab, glavaša, šeksa, Tđmana i njegovu udbašiju Juga nije imala šanse
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Implementiranim idejama? Kao, do 90. živjelo se u ljubavi i slozi, a onda je došao netko zao i posvađao nas? Ne trabunjaj. Raspad Jugoslavije uzrokovan je prirodnom težnjom nacijah za neovisnošću, a razlog krvavom raspadu je pokušaj stvaranja Velike Srbije. Da su velesile vidjele mogućnost za sebe istina je, ali nitko nije htio rušiti Jugoslaviju, čak ni Njemačka nije bila otvoreno za to.bogomdani wrote:covjece,svi su oni potaknuti implementiranim brini,to ne skida odgovornost sa Srba,ali brat bratu,Nije se ba Mislosevic Niotkuda pojavio odjednom..takve stvari se ne dogadjaju u trenu i slucajno..ebote,pa daj malo prouci Cijinu metodologiju..imas onaj debeli Buh u svakoj knjiznici,jos se mogla naci u njima tijekom 80tih,od nekog Cijinog prebjega,koji je do u detalje napisao sto sve Cija radi..
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
koliko ja znam poznavajući ekonomiju , USA je čak htjela i spasiti Jugu, em su predlagali ekonomske reforme(da ovi pređu na kapitalizam kao kinezi 80tih) ne samo to, nego su u Jugu ubacili i hrpu para(poklonili) i opet to nije bilo dovoljno da spasi socijalizam.Regoč wrote:Implementiranim idejama? Kao, do 90. živjelo se u ljubavi i slozi, a onda je došao netko zao i posvađao nas? Ne trabunjaj. Raspad Jugoslavije uzrokovan je prirodnom težnjom nacijah za neovisnošću, a razlog krvavom raspadu je pokušaj stvaranja Velike Srbije. Da su velesile vidjele mogućnost za sebe istina je, ali nitko nije htio rušiti Jugoslaviju, čak ni Njemačka nije bila otvoreno za to.bogomdani wrote:covjece,svi su oni potaknuti implementiranim brini,to ne skida odgovornost sa Srba,ali brat bratu,Nije se ba Mislosevic Niotkuda pojavio odjednom..takve stvari se ne dogadjaju u trenu i slucajno..ebote,pa daj malo prouci Cijinu metodologiju..imas onaj debeli Buh u svakoj knjiznici,jos se mogla naci u njima tijekom 80tih,od nekog Cijinog prebjega,koji je do u detalje napisao sto sve Cija radi..
jednostavno vodstvo juge je bilo trulo i nesposobno, odgojeni u socijalizmu i antifašizmu nisu mogli vidjeti što se dešava u svijetu. Milošević ih je namaza dobro
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Nema to veze sa sposobnošću, jednostavno su nacionalni interesi bili prerazličiti da bi se država očuvala. Da ne spominjemo da je federacija bila nedjelotvorna i da nije mogla natjerati ni jednu republiku i pokrajinu na provedbu zajedničkih odlukah ili savezne politike (a koja se i opet zasnivala na dogovoru republikah i pokrajinah, osim vanjske i obrambene politike). Eunija prema Jugoslaviji djeluje kao centralizirana unitarna država.EmberSpirit wrote:jednostavno vodstvo juge je bilo trulo i nesposobno, odgojeni u socijalizmu i antifašizmu nisu mogli vidjeti što se dešava u svijetu.
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
ne mogu da oprostim s.m. cinjenicu da je cinio sve ono
sto je tudjamnu fasovalo, politicki, pre svega. ko da je
pratio njegove zelje. yugu je trebal transfomisati u
svakom pravcu, po vertikali i horizontali, ali da opstane,
u nekom obliku, politicki i ekonomski. najgore su prosli
šiptari, bosnjaci i makedonci. šiptar : pa, ovo sad, na kosovu,
gore je od milosevica !?
nisu placali nista, samo su zezali. a sad sve placaju,
a ne dobijaju nista. s.m. im je dao struju,
cesto i drzavni posao, a nisu placali nista. glumili
su zivot u aparhedu. sad imaju sve )
ovaj, sta sam ono hteo,
da: ja i dalje smatram da je najoptimalnija yuga
sastavljena od srbije, hrvatkse, bih i c.gore.
ne po uzoru na avnoj, protekli 29.11. ili 1.12. nesto poput svajcarske.
sto je tudjamnu fasovalo, politicki, pre svega. ko da je
pratio njegove zelje. yugu je trebal transfomisati u
svakom pravcu, po vertikali i horizontali, ali da opstane,
u nekom obliku, politicki i ekonomski. najgore su prosli
šiptari, bosnjaci i makedonci. šiptar : pa, ovo sad, na kosovu,
gore je od milosevica !?
nisu placali nista, samo su zezali. a sad sve placaju,
a ne dobijaju nista. s.m. im je dao struju,
cesto i drzavni posao, a nisu placali nista. glumili
su zivot u aparhedu. sad imaju sve )
ovaj, sta sam ono hteo,
da: ja i dalje smatram da je najoptimalnija yuga
sastavljena od srbije, hrvatkse, bih i c.gore.
ne po uzoru na avnoj, protekli 29.11. ili 1.12. nesto poput svajcarske.
Last edited by pizzon on 1/12/2015, 13:05; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Jugo ,tugo vidi ko ti se rugo
a sad bi vlast....
a sad bi vlast....
v_vlado- Posts : 3077
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
Pričaš gluposti. Država koja se raspukla ko kokica uz mali poticaj Zapada nije ni zaslužila da opstane. A ono što jednom pukne, više se ne krpa.pizzon wrote:ne mogu da oprostim s.m. cinjenicu da je cinio sve ono
sto je tudjamni fasovalo, politicki, pre svega. ko da je
pratio njegove zelje. yugu je trebal transfomisati u
svakom pravcu, po vertikali i horizontali, ali da opstane,
u nekom obliku, politicki i ekonomski. najgore su prosli
šiptari, bosnjaci i makedonci. šiptar : pa, ovo sad, na kosovu,
gore je od milosevica !?
nisu placali nista, samo su zezali. a sad sve placaju,
a ne dobijaju nista. s.m. im je dao
struju, cesto i drzavni posao, a nisu placali nista. glumili
su zivot u aparhedu. sad imaju sve ) ovaj, sta sam
ono hte, da: ja i dalje smatram da je najoptimalnija yuga
sastavljena od srbije, hrvatkse, bih i c.gore. ne po uzoru
na avnoj, i protekli 29.11. ili 1.12. nesto poput svajcarske.
Balkanski narodi su stoka koja jedna drugoj kopa oči i najbolje za njih je da nestanu i utope se u globalizaciji.
marcus-t- Posts : 1720
Re: Milione smo potrošili da razbijemo Jugoslaviju
tre911 wrote:Prestali prokleti ameri davati besplatno lovu i mi se odma poklali-prokleti ameri pička im materina :DDkaja_333 wrote:CIA se zaista umiješala u raspad juge. Na način da ju vise nije po svaku cijenu i na silu čuvala cjelovitu nego digla ruke od nje pa sto bude. Jasno ona je bez sile bila stabilna kao kula od karata iz koje su htjeli pobjeći svi osim Srba koji su je doživljavali kao veliku Srbiju drugačijeg naziva pa je tako i zavrsila.
zato je cela bivsa juga dugovala ogromnih 11 milijardi dolara, a hrvatska danas sama duguje ,,samo'' 50, slovenija ,,samo'' 35, a srbija ,,samo'' 25 milijardi dolara...
causesku je od sedamdesetih sve vreme saradjivao sa zapadom, bio van okvira sovjetske sape, ali je napravio kardinalnu gresku, ne sto je izgladnjivao narod i vrsio represiju, vec sto je javni dug rumunije '89 bio 0$.
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