Da remiziramo...
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Re: Da remiziramo...
24.03. 67 novih ozdravljenih ukupno 382
25.03. 60 - - - 442 rast 15,7 % u od.na p.dan aktivnih
26.03. 53 - - - 495 - 12,0 % - -
27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
51 umrlih
982 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
1.360 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.213
325 hospitaliziranih
12.181 samoizolacija
25.03. 60 - - - 442 rast 15,7 % u od.na p.dan aktivnih
26.03. 53 - - - 495 - 12,0 % - -
27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
51 umrlih
982 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
1.360 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.213
325 hospitaliziranih
12.181 samoizolacija
vili40- Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
Francuska ograničila prodaju nikotinskih proizvoda
FRANCUSKA je ograničila prodaju nikotinskih proizvoda u ljekarnama pošto su znanstvenici najavili ispitivanje o tome mogu li oni biti korisni u borbi protiv novoga koronavirusa.
Uredbom ministra zdravstva Oliviera Verana objavljenom u petak ograničava se prodaja nikotinskih proizvoda za bivše pušače u ljekarnama na količine potrebne za mjesec dana.
U uredbi se kaže da je mjera poduzeta kako bi se smanjio rizik da ljudi zloupotrebljavaju preparate nakon što pročitaju vijesti o istraživanjima te da se osiguraju da preparati ostanu dostupni ljudima koji nastoje prestati pušiti.
Znanstvenici u bolnici Pitié-Salpetriere u Parizu sugeriraju u studiji koja još nije objavljena da receptori za nikotin u tijelu mogu imati ulogu u bolesti covid-19 uzrokovanu koronavirusom.
Oni napominju da se u nedavnom istraživanju, također provedenom u Francuskoj no još ne i stručno ispitanome, sugerira da pušači imaju puno manju vjerojatnost da će patiti od simptomatskih ili teških koronavirusnih infekcija nego šira populacija.
Istraživači u Pitié-Salpetriereu, koji istodobno upozoravaju na teške zdravstvene opasnosti od pušenja, planiraju kliničko ispitivanje nikotina.
U međuvremenu je predsjednik Emmanuel Macron rekao predstavnicima restorana i kafića da će morati čekati do kraja svibnja da bi znali kad se mogu ponovno otvoriti.
Strogi propisi karantene u Francuskoj trebali bi se početi postupno ublažavati od 11. svibnja, no barovima, restoranima i drugim mjestima javnog okupljanja neće biti dopušteno da se odmah ponovno otvore.
FRANCUSKA je ograničila prodaju nikotinskih proizvoda u ljekarnama pošto su znanstvenici najavili ispitivanje o tome mogu li oni biti korisni u borbi protiv novoga koronavirusa.
Uredbom ministra zdravstva Oliviera Verana objavljenom u petak ograničava se prodaja nikotinskih proizvoda za bivše pušače u ljekarnama na količine potrebne za mjesec dana.
U uredbi se kaže da je mjera poduzeta kako bi se smanjio rizik da ljudi zloupotrebljavaju preparate nakon što pročitaju vijesti o istraživanjima te da se osiguraju da preparati ostanu dostupni ljudima koji nastoje prestati pušiti.
Znanstvenici u bolnici Pitié-Salpetriere u Parizu sugeriraju u studiji koja još nije objavljena da receptori za nikotin u tijelu mogu imati ulogu u bolesti covid-19 uzrokovanu koronavirusom.
Oni napominju da se u nedavnom istraživanju, također provedenom u Francuskoj no još ne i stručno ispitanome, sugerira da pušači imaju puno manju vjerojatnost da će patiti od simptomatskih ili teških koronavirusnih infekcija nego šira populacija.
Istraživači u Pitié-Salpetriereu, koji istodobno upozoravaju na teške zdravstvene opasnosti od pušenja, planiraju kliničko ispitivanje nikotina.
U međuvremenu je predsjednik Emmanuel Macron rekao predstavnicima restorana i kafića da će morati čekati do kraja svibnja da bi znali kad se mogu ponovno otvoriti.
Strogi propisi karantene u Francuskoj trebali bi se početi postupno ublažavati od 11. svibnja, no barovima, restoranima i drugim mjestima javnog okupljanja neće biti dopušteno da se odmah ponovno otvore.
Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
vili40 wrote:24.03. 67 novih ozdravljenih ukupno 382
25.03. 60 - - - 442 rast 15,7 % u od.na p.dan aktivnih
26.03. 53 - - - 495 - 12,0 % - -
27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
51 umrlih
982 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
1.360 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.213
325 hospitaliziranih
12.181 samoizolacija
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
SAD plus liga petice(Italija,Španjolska,Francuska,Njemačka i Velika Britanija)imaju skoro dvije trečine zaraženih u svijetu,točnije 63,73%.I to bez Švedske,Kine,Irana,Rusije,Turske,Brazila,Belgije,Australije itd.
Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
vili40 wrote:SAD plus liga petice(Italija,Španjolska,Francuska,Njemačka i Velika Britanija)imaju skoro dvije trečine zaraženih u svijetu,točnije 63,73%.I to bez Švedske,Kine,Irana,Rusije,Turske,Brazila,Belgije,Australije itd.
iran je "priznao" 80 000k zaraženih ,a li zanimljivo ima najmanje smrtnih slučajeva. a kao sankcije i ljudi u problemima.. iran je vjerojatno smanjio broj mrtvih za nekoliko puta..
Kina.. kakava crna Kina.. projecna je nekoliko milijuna registriranih pozitivnih na covid-19, i minimalno 120 000 mrtvih ,
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22273
Re: Da remiziramo...
komentirao sam ono službeno,tu je još Japan,Južna Koreja da sad ne nabrajam.Znamo da je taj broj možda i 20 puta veći ali upalo mi je u oko kako su ipak najviše najebale te zemlje.A za Kinu,ne znam,oni skaču na epidemiju bez kompleksa sad koliko prikrivaju to točno ne znamo.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:
iran je "priznao" 80 000k zaraženih ,a li zanimljivo ima najmanje smrtnih slučajeva. a kao sankcije i ljudi u problemima.. iran je vjerojatno smanjio broj mrtvih za nekoliko puta..
Kina.. kakava crna Kina.. projecna je nekoliko milijuna registriranih pozitivnih na covid-19, i minimalno 120 000 mrtvih ,
Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
vili40 wrote:Dakle u državi New York su proveli veliko serološko testiranje koje je pokazalo da u gradu New Yorku preko 20% ljudi ima protutijela na SARS-CoV-2, tj. da su došli u kontakt s virusom i na njega uspješno razvili protutijela (koja bi ih u većoj ili manjoj mjeri morala štiti od buduće infekcije). Slične rezultate dale su i neke druge studije, no tada smo se svi brinuli da bi ti pozitivni rezultati testova možda mogli biti lažno pozitivni, jer su ljudi imali protutijela na neke druge koronaviruse (koji uzrokuju obične prehlade). Nakon ove studije smo sigurni da to nije tako, budući da je u istoj studiji postotak pozitivnih u nekim drugim dijelovima države New York bio svega nešto preko 3% (a nije za očekivati da drugi koronavirusi koji su tu već godinama, imaju toliko različitu rasprostranjenost)
uh oh. Prvo istraživanje nije uključilo one koji su u samoizolaciji nego su ljudi uzimani s ulice, dakle rezultat je sumnjiv. A osim toga koliko je meni poznato nije 20 posto nego 15. A realno je to 7-8 posto zbog metodologije kojom se testiraju oni koji će ionako prvi doći u dodir s virusom.
Drugo, da bi se govorilo o tzv. "imunitetu krda", koji inače nije baš pouzdana teorija, treba bar 70 posto biti s antitijelima. Bar. Po mogućnosti preko 90 posto.
Dakle čak i da je 20 posto točno, to je doslovce ništa.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Da remiziramo...
Coronavirus: Czechs free to move again
The Czech Republic's ban on free movement, imposed to curb coronavirus, has been lifted.
Czechs will be able to gather outside in groups of up to 10, the health ministry says,
as the Covid-19 situation has improved. The country's lockdown began on 16 March.
The Czech Republic's ban on free movement, imposed to curb coronavirus, has been lifted.
Czechs will be able to gather outside in groups of up to 10, the health ministry says,
as the Covid-19 situation has improved. The country's lockdown began on 16 March.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
Microbiologist claims the coronavirus was man-made in Wuhan lab
A leading microbiologist from Russia has claimed that the novel coronavirus, which originated in Chinas Wuhan city, is the outcome of crazy experiments conducted by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Image courtesy: Reuters
Image courtesy: Reuters
London: In an interview to Russian daily Moskovsky Komsomolets, translated in a report by the UK-based Daily Mail, noted scientist Professor Peter Chumakov said, "They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion."
He said the Chinese scientists created "variants of the virus without malicious intent", possibly aiming for an HIV vaccine.
The statement comes even as Russian President Vladimir Putin's government has been warning against conspiracy theories which claim that coronavirus is laboratory-engineered.
Chief researcher at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow, Chumakov in the interview, however, said that the picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.
Scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory, he said, have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over 10 years.
"Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity," he said.
According to the microbiologist, there are "several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties."
"For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analysed... The Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open (scientific) press," Chumakov said.
However, the academic, who is also connected to Russia's Federal Research Centre for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations, said it was too early to blame anyone.
After an investigation is initiated, new rules will be developed that regulate the work with the genomes of such dangerous viruses, he said.
Earlier, Veronika Skvortsova, head of Russia's Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA), and Putin's ex-health minister, was asked on Russia's Channel One if the pandemic virus could be manmade.
"This question is not that easy. It demands a very thorough study. None of the versions can be ruled out," she had responded, adding, "We can see that a fairly large number of fragments distinguishes this virus from its very close relative, SARS. They are approximately 94 per cent similar, the rest is different. I think that we must conduct a very serious research.
A leading microbiologist from Russia has claimed that the novel coronavirus, which originated in Chinas Wuhan city, is the outcome of crazy experiments conducted by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Image courtesy: Reuters
Image courtesy: Reuters
London: In an interview to Russian daily Moskovsky Komsomolets, translated in a report by the UK-based Daily Mail, noted scientist Professor Peter Chumakov said, "They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion."
He said the Chinese scientists created "variants of the virus without malicious intent", possibly aiming for an HIV vaccine.
The statement comes even as Russian President Vladimir Putin's government has been warning against conspiracy theories which claim that coronavirus is laboratory-engineered.
Chief researcher at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow, Chumakov in the interview, however, said that the picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.
Scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory, he said, have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over 10 years.
"Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity," he said.
According to the microbiologist, there are "several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties."
"For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analysed... The Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open (scientific) press," Chumakov said.
However, the academic, who is also connected to Russia's Federal Research Centre for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations, said it was too early to blame anyone.
After an investigation is initiated, new rules will be developed that regulate the work with the genomes of such dangerous viruses, he said.
Earlier, Veronika Skvortsova, head of Russia's Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA), and Putin's ex-health minister, was asked on Russia's Channel One if the pandemic virus could be manmade.
"This question is not that easy. It demands a very thorough study. None of the versions can be ruled out," she had responded, adding, "We can see that a fairly large number of fragments distinguishes this virus from its very close relative, SARS. They are approximately 94 per cent similar, the rest is different. I think that we must conduct a very serious research.
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Peter Chumakov
the Russian Academy of Sciences
Correspondent Member
the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nov 2019 – Present 6 months
Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides
Head Of Department
Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides
Jul 2016 – Present 3 years 10 months
Moscow, Russian Federation
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Laboratory Head, Professor
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Sep 1974 – Present 45 years 8 months
32 Vavilov Street, 119991 Moscow, Russia
SATOR Therapeutics, L.L.C.
Co-founder and CSO
SATOR Therapeutics, L.L.C.
Aug 2015 – Present 4 years 9 months
Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area
University of Tuebingen
Distinguished Guest Professor
University of Tuebingen
Mar 2011 – 2016 5 years
Novosibirsk State University
Laboratory Head, Professor
Novosibirsk State University
Nov 2010 – 2014 4 years
2 Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lerner Resesarch Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Adjunct Staff
Lerner Resesarch Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Jun 2012 – Dec 2013 1 year 7 months
9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Case Western Reserve University
Professor of Molecular Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Mar 2007 – Jun 2012 5 years 4 months
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
May 2001 – Jun 2012 11 years 2 months
9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland OH 44195
the Russian Academy of Sciences
Correspondent Member
the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nov 2019 – Present 6 months
Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides
Head Of Department
Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides
Jul 2016 – Present 3 years 10 months
Moscow, Russian Federation
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Laboratory Head, Professor
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Sep 1974 – Present 45 years 8 months
32 Vavilov Street, 119991 Moscow, Russia
SATOR Therapeutics, L.L.C.
Co-founder and CSO
SATOR Therapeutics, L.L.C.
Aug 2015 – Present 4 years 9 months
Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area
University of Tuebingen
Distinguished Guest Professor
University of Tuebingen
Mar 2011 – 2016 5 years
Novosibirsk State University
Laboratory Head, Professor
Novosibirsk State University
Nov 2010 – 2014 4 years
2 Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lerner Resesarch Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Adjunct Staff
Lerner Resesarch Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Jun 2012 – Dec 2013 1 year 7 months
9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Case Western Reserve University
Professor of Molecular Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Mar 2007 – Jun 2012 5 years 4 months
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
May 2001 – Jun 2012 11 years 2 months
9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland OH 44195
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
uspio sam pronaći izvornik nekako jer niti jedan medij na zapadu nije dao link na izvorni interview na ruskom.
tu ću staviti dio prijevoda i link... po ovom ruskom virologu nije sve tako crno...
"The Chinese have created a coronavirus, trying to make a vaccine against HIV"
The theory of the Nobel laureate Montagnier was confirmed by Professor Chumakov
The world more actively “buzzed” on the topic of artificial origin COVID-19. Arrows of doubt and speculation fly towards China, which conducted strange experiments in the Wuhan laboratory and, possibly, leaked the man-made coronavirus into the world. Last week, Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate for the discovery of the HIV retrovirus, in an interview with another scientist, MD Jean-Francois Lemoine, gave his compelling arguments about the artificial origin of the infection. The words of Montagnier were commented on by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petr Chumakov.
Recall what Luke Montagnier and Jean-Francois Lemoine talked about.
The Nobel laureate stated that the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic was most likely artificially created in search of an AIDS vaccine, but was accidentally released from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan. According to Montagnier, this could happen during the last third of 2019.
The Nobel laureate, who once succeeded in decoding the HIV genome, was very interested in the coronavirus that caused the pandemic. He decided to get to know him better by inviting the assistant mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, a specialist in computational biology.
"Hindus revealed the secret of the virus first"
Luc Montagnier also recalled that even before them, specialists from India understood the smallest details of the RNA sequence: “They analyzed the genome and showed that in the full genome of this coronavirus, there was a sequence of another virus, and - it was a surprise for me - it was a sequence immunodeficiency virus (AIDS). " They (Indians) published, or rather: tried to publish the results of their work. However, they were forced to disavow their analysis, abandon it, tremendous pressure was exerted on them, you know? Nobody wants the truth to see the light. " (Critics of a paper published and then deleted by Indian researchers claimed that they cited such insignificant segments of COVID-19 RNA as an example that similarity could be found in the mass of other viruses - MK).
When Lemoine asked if the HIV sequence could have occurred naturally in the virus, Montagnier categorically shakes his head: “No. If you want the sequence of the immunodeficiency virus to appear in the genome of the coronavirus, you need to have the appropriate tools at the molecular level, this cannot happen naturally. A laboratory employee should be involved in this. Previously, this required a very high qualification, such manipulation was very few on the shoulder. But for several years, this process has been greatly simplified ... The story of the fish market is a beautiful fairy tale, but it does not correspond to reality, it is too unlikely the development of events. Actually, they had a bat virus, they worked on it, they modified it. ”
Montagnier then makes assumptions about why the chimeric coronavirus was created. The most plausible seems to him the hypothesis about the production of a vaccine against infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. “They wanted to make a vaccine using coronavirus. Coronavirus can be weakened so as not to threaten health (life), and in this case it was used as a vector (carrier) for antibodies of the virus that causes AIDS. And so it could eventually become a vaccine. ” But at some point something went wrong, Wuhan scientists "did not quite understand that there is still a factor of nature, and she does not tolerate when they do something that contradicts her logic."
Nature herself will kill COVID-19 sooner or later, but she can be helped.
It is in the presence of many mutations of the coronavirus that Montagnier sees evidence of how nature is trying to get rid of it. “Those pieces that were placed artificially in it, pieces of the immunodeficiency virus“ “fall off” from him, it is from them that nature is trying to constantly get rid of it. The virus is transmitted from one patient to another, the pieces inserted into the coronavirus are becoming smaller and smaller. ”
According to the scientist, even if we do not do anything, in the end everything will return to normal. But this normalization will result in many deaths. "We can accelerate the process of returning to normal, using the principle of RNA interference, destroying the RNA sequence of this virus, even if a person is already infected," Montagnier said.
To express our opinion on the speech of Luc Montagnier, we asked the professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology V.A. Engelhardt RAS, an employee of the Federal Research Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations named after M.P. Chumakova. Peter Chumakova.
- In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over 10 years. Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity. They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion, for example: inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analyzed. The picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.
tu ću staviti dio prijevoda i link... po ovom ruskom virologu nije sve tako crno...
"The Chinese have created a coronavirus, trying to make a vaccine against HIV"
The theory of the Nobel laureate Montagnier was confirmed by Professor Chumakov
The world more actively “buzzed” on the topic of artificial origin COVID-19. Arrows of doubt and speculation fly towards China, which conducted strange experiments in the Wuhan laboratory and, possibly, leaked the man-made coronavirus into the world. Last week, Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate for the discovery of the HIV retrovirus, in an interview with another scientist, MD Jean-Francois Lemoine, gave his compelling arguments about the artificial origin of the infection. The words of Montagnier were commented on by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petr Chumakov.
Recall what Luke Montagnier and Jean-Francois Lemoine talked about.
The Nobel laureate stated that the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic was most likely artificially created in search of an AIDS vaccine, but was accidentally released from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan. According to Montagnier, this could happen during the last third of 2019.
The Nobel laureate, who once succeeded in decoding the HIV genome, was very interested in the coronavirus that caused the pandemic. He decided to get to know him better by inviting the assistant mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, a specialist in computational biology.
"Hindus revealed the secret of the virus first"
Luc Montagnier also recalled that even before them, specialists from India understood the smallest details of the RNA sequence: “They analyzed the genome and showed that in the full genome of this coronavirus, there was a sequence of another virus, and - it was a surprise for me - it was a sequence immunodeficiency virus (AIDS). " They (Indians) published, or rather: tried to publish the results of their work. However, they were forced to disavow their analysis, abandon it, tremendous pressure was exerted on them, you know? Nobody wants the truth to see the light. " (Critics of a paper published and then deleted by Indian researchers claimed that they cited such insignificant segments of COVID-19 RNA as an example that similarity could be found in the mass of other viruses - MK).
When Lemoine asked if the HIV sequence could have occurred naturally in the virus, Montagnier categorically shakes his head: “No. If you want the sequence of the immunodeficiency virus to appear in the genome of the coronavirus, you need to have the appropriate tools at the molecular level, this cannot happen naturally. A laboratory employee should be involved in this. Previously, this required a very high qualification, such manipulation was very few on the shoulder. But for several years, this process has been greatly simplified ... The story of the fish market is a beautiful fairy tale, but it does not correspond to reality, it is too unlikely the development of events. Actually, they had a bat virus, they worked on it, they modified it. ”
Montagnier then makes assumptions about why the chimeric coronavirus was created. The most plausible seems to him the hypothesis about the production of a vaccine against infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. “They wanted to make a vaccine using coronavirus. Coronavirus can be weakened so as not to threaten health (life), and in this case it was used as a vector (carrier) for antibodies of the virus that causes AIDS. And so it could eventually become a vaccine. ” But at some point something went wrong, Wuhan scientists "did not quite understand that there is still a factor of nature, and she does not tolerate when they do something that contradicts her logic."
Nature herself will kill COVID-19 sooner or later, but she can be helped.
It is in the presence of many mutations of the coronavirus that Montagnier sees evidence of how nature is trying to get rid of it. “Those pieces that were placed artificially in it, pieces of the immunodeficiency virus“ “fall off” from him, it is from them that nature is trying to constantly get rid of it. The virus is transmitted from one patient to another, the pieces inserted into the coronavirus are becoming smaller and smaller. ”
According to the scientist, even if we do not do anything, in the end everything will return to normal. But this normalization will result in many deaths. "We can accelerate the process of returning to normal, using the principle of RNA interference, destroying the RNA sequence of this virus, even if a person is already infected," Montagnier said.
To express our opinion on the speech of Luc Montagnier, we asked the professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology V.A. Engelhardt RAS, an employee of the Federal Research Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations named after M.P. Chumakova. Peter Chumakova.
- In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over 10 years. Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity. They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion, for example: inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analyzed. The picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.
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Re: Da remiziramo...
- Have you studied the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence? Are there artificial inserts there?
- There are several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties. It is interesting that the Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open press. I even wonder why this background comes to people very slowly! I think that an investigation will nevertheless be initiated, as a result of which new rules will be developed that regulate the work with the genomes of such dangerous viruses.
So the conclusions of Montagnier are not groundless, they are very serious suspicions. It’s too early to blame anyone. Surely, variants of the virus were created without malicious intent, perhaps, as Montagnier says, in Wuhan they wanted to create a vaccine against HIV. Although no one excludes that behind the scientists stood curators who directed actions in another direction they needed. After all, it is known that the laboratory was partially funded by the notorious George Soros Foundation, which has an ambiguous reputation in the world.
“So how could a virus break out?”
- Who knows? Maybe they infected the mouse, but it escaped from the vivarium and flew away. Here you can build any number of scenarios.
- Do you think China will allow a commission of inquiry to Wuhan, if one is created?
- They will be forced to admit. Against the background of the fact that votes are already being heard by the US president about possible monetary compensation for what has been done, it will be in the interests of China to prove its innocence in the infection of the whole world with coronavirus. It is possible that only individuals are blamed for everything, but it is possible that American consultants may be among the culprits.
- According to Montagnier, the virus weakens as it spreads, "losing the insertion of HIV." What is the reason for this?
- There are no HIV inserts in fact, these are elements similar to them that make the virus dangerous to humans. When the virus begins to mutate, these inserts become unnecessary, and the virus loses them, gets rid of them.
- Why does the virus not need dangerous inserts?
“Because he must not kill.” Killing the body of its master is contrary to its nature.
- How cute. What does he like?
- The best thing for a virus is to cause an asymptomatic infection, when it can easily multiply, passing from person to person. Therefore, the pathogenic variant of the virus among people is gradually losing its pathogenicity and turns into a harmless version.
- The Nobel laureate remembered such a method of combating dangerous viruses as RNA interference. Can you explain what it is?
- I think that meant the interference of viruses. Interference is suppression, opposition of one another. If you let one virus into the human body that does not cause symptoms of the disease, then there will be no more space for another, even the most "evil" one. In the early 70s, we proposed a similar option during a seasonal epidemic of a new influenza virus. Namely, we immunized the population with a polio vaccine (you probably were given such sweet droplets on a piece of sugar at school). So after it, people did not get the flu for two weeks. The incidence then fell 3-4 times, which is even better than when using influenza vaccines. The same method could be used now.
- A live polio vaccine?
- Yes, as practice has shown, it can withstand a short time against any pathogenic viruses. When we come across new infections for which no drugs or vaccines have been created, this remedy can be used to protect certain populations. For example, those who are on the front flank of the fight against the virus, the same doctors in hospitals.
- And if a person is already infected, just does not know about it yet?
- Our studies have shown that if there are no symptoms, then the polio vaccine will help to overcome the virus that has got but not developed, and the person will not get sick.
- Why, then, is this method being used now?
- We are fighting for this, we are writing letters to the Ministry of Health. The fact is that these studies took place so long ago that today, apparently, the specialists who participated in them, there was no one left besides me. Now I am actively sending out my previous articles to our officials on this subject.
also read: "Scientists have unveiled the results of the autopsy of coronavirus deaths"
- There are several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties. It is interesting that the Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open press. I even wonder why this background comes to people very slowly! I think that an investigation will nevertheless be initiated, as a result of which new rules will be developed that regulate the work with the genomes of such dangerous viruses.
So the conclusions of Montagnier are not groundless, they are very serious suspicions. It’s too early to blame anyone. Surely, variants of the virus were created without malicious intent, perhaps, as Montagnier says, in Wuhan they wanted to create a vaccine against HIV. Although no one excludes that behind the scientists stood curators who directed actions in another direction they needed. After all, it is known that the laboratory was partially funded by the notorious George Soros Foundation, which has an ambiguous reputation in the world.
“So how could a virus break out?”
- Who knows? Maybe they infected the mouse, but it escaped from the vivarium and flew away. Here you can build any number of scenarios.
- Do you think China will allow a commission of inquiry to Wuhan, if one is created?
- They will be forced to admit. Against the background of the fact that votes are already being heard by the US president about possible monetary compensation for what has been done, it will be in the interests of China to prove its innocence in the infection of the whole world with coronavirus. It is possible that only individuals are blamed for everything, but it is possible that American consultants may be among the culprits.
- According to Montagnier, the virus weakens as it spreads, "losing the insertion of HIV." What is the reason for this?
- There are no HIV inserts in fact, these are elements similar to them that make the virus dangerous to humans. When the virus begins to mutate, these inserts become unnecessary, and the virus loses them, gets rid of them.
- Why does the virus not need dangerous inserts?
“Because he must not kill.” Killing the body of its master is contrary to its nature.
- How cute. What does he like?
- The best thing for a virus is to cause an asymptomatic infection, when it can easily multiply, passing from person to person. Therefore, the pathogenic variant of the virus among people is gradually losing its pathogenicity and turns into a harmless version.
- The Nobel laureate remembered such a method of combating dangerous viruses as RNA interference. Can you explain what it is?
- I think that meant the interference of viruses. Interference is suppression, opposition of one another. If you let one virus into the human body that does not cause symptoms of the disease, then there will be no more space for another, even the most "evil" one. In the early 70s, we proposed a similar option during a seasonal epidemic of a new influenza virus. Namely, we immunized the population with a polio vaccine (you probably were given such sweet droplets on a piece of sugar at school). So after it, people did not get the flu for two weeks. The incidence then fell 3-4 times, which is even better than when using influenza vaccines. The same method could be used now.
- A live polio vaccine?
- Yes, as practice has shown, it can withstand a short time against any pathogenic viruses. When we come across new infections for which no drugs or vaccines have been created, this remedy can be used to protect certain populations. For example, those who are on the front flank of the fight against the virus, the same doctors in hospitals.
- And if a person is already infected, just does not know about it yet?
- Our studies have shown that if there are no symptoms, then the polio vaccine will help to overcome the virus that has got but not developed, and the person will not get sick.
- Why, then, is this method being used now?
- We are fighting for this, we are writing letters to the Ministry of Health. The fact is that these studies took place so long ago that today, apparently, the specialists who participated in them, there was no one left besides me. Now I am actively sending out my previous articles to our officials on this subject.
also read: "Scientists have unveiled the results of the autopsy of coronavirus deaths"
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
Gnječ wrote:
According to the microbiologist, there are "several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties."
"For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells..."
Pa eto, neka sad razviju drugi virus sa novom sekvencom, koju ubaci u RNA virusa, koji bi nosio naredbu da poždere corona19.
Nakon što to učini jednostavno izvrši hara-kiri i stvar riješena.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
24.03. 67 novih ozdravljenih ukupno 382
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27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
25.04. 7 - 52 - 2.016 - 0,4 % - 928
54 umrlih
1.034 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
700 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.913
316 hospitaliziranih
25.03. 60 - - - 442 rast 15,7 % u od.na p.dan aktivnih
26.03. 53 - - - 495 - 12,0 % - -
27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
25.04. 7 - 52 - 2.016 - 0,4 % - 928
54 umrlih
1.034 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
700 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.913
316 hospitaliziranih
Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
Eroo wrote:Gnječ wrote:
According to the microbiologist, there are "several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties."
"For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells..."
Pa eto, neka sad razviju drugi virus sa novom sekvencom, koju ubaci u RNA virusa, koji bi nosio naredbu da poždere corona19.
Nakon što to učini jednostavno izvrši hara-kiri i stvar riješena.
jel si ti stvarno završio fakultet???
Guest- Guest
Re: Da remiziramo...
vili40 wrote:24.03. 67 novih ozdravljenih ukupno 382
25.03. 60 - - - 442 rast 15,7 % u od.na p.dan aktivnih
26.03. 53 - - - 495 - 12,0 % - -
27.03. 91 - - - 586 - 18,5 % - -
28.03. 71 - - - 657 - 12,2 % - -
29.03. 56 - - - 713 - 8,5 % - -
30.03. 77 - - - 790 - 10,8 % - -
31.03. 77 - - - 867 - 9,8 % - -
01.04. 96 - - - 963 - 11,1 % - -
02.04. 48 - - - 1.011 - 5,0 % - -
03.04. 68 - - - 1.079 - 6,7 % - -
04.04. 47 - - - 1.126 - 4,4 % - -
05.04. 56 - - - 1.182 - 5,0 % - -
06.04. 40 - - - 1.222 - 3,4 % - -
07.04. 60 - - - 1.282 - 4,9 % - -
08.04. 61 - - - 1.343 - 4,8 % - 1.145
09.04. 64 - 40 - 1.407 - 4,8 % - 1.168
10.04. 88 - 12 - 1.495 - 6,3 % - 1.243
11.04. 39 - 92 - 1.534 - 2,6 % - 1.190
12.04. 66 - 50 - 1.600 - 4,3 % - 1.204
13.04. 50 - 27 - 1.650 - 3,1 % - 1.225
14.04. 54 - 15 - 1.704 - 3,3 % - 1.258
15.04. 37 - 58 - 1.741 - 2,2 % - 1.234
16.04. 50 - 56 - 1.791 - 2,9 % - 1.227
17.04. 23 - 71 - 1.814 - 1,3 % - 1.178
18.04. 18 - 15 - 1.832 - 1,0 % - 1.178
19.04. 39 - 94 - 1.871 - 2,1 % - 1.115
20.04. 10 - 62 - 1.881 - 0,5 % - 1.063
21.04. 27 - 30 - 1.908 - 1,4 % - 1.059
22.04. 42 - 68 - 1.950 - 2,2 % - 1.033
23.04. 31 - 14 - 1.981 - 1,6 % - 1.048
24.04. 28 - 99 - 2.009 - 1,4 % - 976
25.04. 7 - 52 - 2.016 - 0,4 % - 928
54 umrlih
1.034 oporavljenih
21 na respiratoru
700 testiranih prethodni dan,ukupno 30.913
316 hospitaliziranih
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
“Onaj dio zdravstveno inspekcijskog nadzora koji se odnosi na funkcioniranje Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i liječnice Doma zdravlja u Splitu je gotov. I tijekom istog nisu nađeni elementi krivog postupanja. Sve je sa zdravstvenog aspekta rađeno u skladu s propisima”, rekao je Beroš.
Posts : 11079
Re: Da remiziramo...
Gnječ wrote:Eroo wrote:Gnječ wrote:
According to the microbiologist, there are "several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties."
"For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells..."
Pa eto, neka sad razviju drugi virus sa novom sekvencom, koju ubaci u RNA virusa, koji bi nosio naredbu da poždere corona19.
Nakon što to učini jednostavno izvrši hara-kiri i stvar riješena.
jel si ti stvarno završio fakultet???
Upravo analiziram jedan promašaj "tvojih" u IGQ.
Već nekoliko puta sam s njima surađivao. Poštuju autoritete.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
vili40 wrote:“Onaj dio zdravstveno inspekcijskog nadzora koji se odnosi na funkcioniranje Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i liječnice Doma zdravlja u Splitu je gotov. I tijekom istog nisu nađeni elementi krivog postupanja. Sve je sa zdravstvenog aspekta rađeno u skladu s propisima”, rekao je Beroš.
Vidim da se i doli stvar stabilizirala.
Sad je u gornjem dijagramu za očekivati diminuendo, ako ne i decrescendo do 28.04. Najkasnije do 1.svibnja.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
Popuštanje epidemioloških mjera i praznični prvomajski dani su opasni.
Disipliniranost u ponašanju nikako ne smije popustiti.
Disipliniranost u ponašanju nikako ne smije popustiti.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78967
Re: Da remiziramo...
ma otiće sve u klinac nakon praznika....đaba smo krečili
It's So Good To Be Bad
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