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Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:aben wrote:a ova je ta prva.kic wrote:aben wrote:For instance, an employer who is incapable or guilty of an offence against his workmen ought to be made to suffer far more, both in the spirit and in the flesh, than a workman who is incapable or guilty of an offence against his employer.
evo, prvo ča se ne složin, o dijelu equality. ni precizirala zoč bi to bilo tako.
ali, opet, ni da morin odbociti celi odjeljak, jer,
Equality is all the greater in proportion as different human conditions are regarded as being, not more nor less than one another, but simply as other. Let us look on the professions of miner and minister simply as two different vocations, like those of poet and mathematician. And let the material hardships attaching to the miner’s condition be counted in honor of those who undergo them. In wartime, if an army is filled with the right spirit, a soldier is proud and happy to be under fire instead of at headquarters; a general is proud and happy to think that the successful outcome of the battle depends on his forethought; and at the same time the soldier admires the general and the general the soldier. Such a balance constitutes an equality.
francuskinje su Jeanne d'Arc il su Belle de Jour, nema između
izgubila me na free speech, i freedom of associations. ipak, došo sun do kraja prvog dela, i morun reći da je sve to resonable. dobro detektiro i definiro aksiome, ili potribe duše, kako ona to zove. ali ni dobra u day-to-day uređenju. čudno, jer je puno veći problijem opisati zoč čovik imo obavezu prema čoviku -There exists an obligation towards every human being for the sole reason that he or she is a human being- nego se zakonski odrediti prema štampi- Protection of freedom of thought requires that no group should be permitted by law to express an opinion. For when a group starts having opinions, it inevitably tends to impose them on its members.
nemoguće se složiti sa svim, da je tako, taj čovjek bi bio Simone Weil^^ čak i u uvodu piše tako nešto..
to je ono religijsko, priznati svakom čovjeku da je čovjek i ne napadati ga, ne ubij (Peterson i njegova biblical serija)
ljudi i samo prihvaćaju šta im mediji serviraju, mediji rade male majmune od svojih pratitelja, evo vidim da je podrška vladinim mjerama preko 90%
ma, jo imun otu predodžbu, da su ljevičari oni ki su zabrinuti za siromahe iz topline svojih salona, nešto ko ebenica iz podsljemenske zone, ali ova je izgljedo real thing. kad se ljudi složu na toj elementarnoj razini, tipa da je čovik čovik, da je bez obzira vridniji od pasa i slično, jo verujen da je pitanje vrimena, i samo tehničko pitanje kako urediti društvo na radost svih.
šimije među nama su sritni ča su šimije, oni žudu za otin ča mediji od njih rodu. ne tribo ih žaliti, njima je bolje nego meni, to je siguro.
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:kic wrote:aben wrote:a ova je ta prva.kic wrote:aben wrote:For instance, an employer who is incapable or guilty of an offence against his workmen ought to be made to suffer far more, both in the spirit and in the flesh, than a workman who is incapable or guilty of an offence against his employer.
evo, prvo ča se ne složin, o dijelu equality. ni precizirala zoč bi to bilo tako.
ali, opet, ni da morin odbociti celi odjeljak, jer,
Equality is all the greater in proportion as different human conditions are regarded as being, not more nor less than one another, but simply as other. Let us look on the professions of miner and minister simply as two different vocations, like those of poet and mathematician. And let the material hardships attaching to the miner’s condition be counted in honor of those who undergo them. In wartime, if an army is filled with the right spirit, a soldier is proud and happy to be under fire instead of at headquarters; a general is proud and happy to think that the successful outcome of the battle depends on his forethought; and at the same time the soldier admires the general and the general the soldier. Such a balance constitutes an equality.
francuskinje su Jeanne d'Arc il su Belle de Jour, nema između
izgubila me na free speech, i freedom of associations. ipak, došo sun do kraja prvog dela, i morun reći da je sve to resonable. dobro detektiro i definiro aksiome, ili potribe duše, kako ona to zove. ali ni dobra u day-to-day uređenju. čudno, jer je puno veći problijem opisati zoč čovik imo obavezu prema čoviku -There exists an obligation towards every human being for the sole reason that he or she is a human being- nego se zakonski odrediti prema štampi- Protection of freedom of thought requires that no group should be permitted by law to express an opinion. For when a group starts having opinions, it inevitably tends to impose them on its members.
nemoguće se složiti sa svim, da je tako, taj čovjek bi bio Simone Weil^^ čak i u uvodu piše tako nešto..
to je ono religijsko, priznati svakom čovjeku da je čovjek i ne napadati ga, ne ubij (Peterson i njegova biblical serija)
ljudi i samo prihvaćaju šta im mediji serviraju, mediji rade male majmune od svojih pratitelja, evo vidim da je podrška vladinim mjerama preko 90%
ma, jo imun otu predodžbu, da su ljevičari oni ki su zabrinuti za siromahe iz topline svojih salona, nešto ko ebenica iz podsljemenske zone, ali ova je izgljedo real thing. kad se ljudi složu na toj elementarnoj razini, tipa da je čovik čovik, da je bez obzira vridniji od pasa i slično, jo verujen da je pitanje vrimena, i samo tehničko pitanje kako urediti društvo na radost svih.
šimije među nama su sritni ča su šimije, oni žudu za otin ča mediji od njih rodu. ne tribo ih žaliti, njima je bolje nego meni, to je siguro.
da, jasno, kad tebe svaki drugi ovdje želi vješati^^
Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:aben wrote:kic wrote:aben wrote:a ova je ta prva.kic wrote:
francuskinje su Jeanne d'Arc il su Belle de Jour, nema između
izgubila me na free speech, i freedom of associations. ipak, došo sun do kraja prvog dela, i morun reći da je sve to resonable. dobro detektiro i definiro aksiome, ili potribe duše, kako ona to zove. ali ni dobra u day-to-day uređenju. čudno, jer je puno veći problijem opisati zoč čovik imo obavezu prema čoviku -There exists an obligation towards every human being for the sole reason that he or she is a human being- nego se zakonski odrediti prema štampi- Protection of freedom of thought requires that no group should be permitted by law to express an opinion. For when a group starts having opinions, it inevitably tends to impose them on its members.
nemoguće se složiti sa svim, da je tako, taj čovjek bi bio Simone Weil^^ čak i u uvodu piše tako nešto..
to je ono religijsko, priznati svakom čovjeku da je čovjek i ne napadati ga, ne ubij (Peterson i njegova biblical serija)
ljudi i samo prihvaćaju šta im mediji serviraju, mediji rade male majmune od svojih pratitelja, evo vidim da je podrška vladinim mjerama preko 90%
ma, jo imun otu predodžbu, da su ljevičari oni ki su zabrinuti za siromahe iz topline svojih salona, nešto ko ebenica iz podsljemenske zone, ali ova je izgljedo real thing. kad se ljudi složu na toj elementarnoj razini, tipa da je čovik čovik, da je bez obzira vridniji od pasa i slično, jo verujen da je pitanje vrimena, i samo tehničko pitanje kako urediti društvo na radost svih.
šimije među nama su sritni ča su šimije, oni žudu za otin ča mediji od njih rodu. ne tribo ih žaliti, njima je bolje nego meni, to je siguro.
da, jasno, kad tebe svaki drugi ovdje želi vješati^^
ali, to je isto interesantno, obisili bi me radi česa?
ni da sun ko superhik, da želin da se krade siromasima da bi se dolo bogatima, ili da želin getoizirati siromahe, ili biloča drugo;
obisili bi me jer iznosin očiglednu činjenicu, da su siromasi siromašni jer ili ne vridu puno drugima (njihova znanja i vještine) ili in zajednice ne funkcioniraju optimalno (subkapitalističke su).
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
pa interesantno je da, oni koji sade ideje su percipirani kao veće zlo nego netko tko drugog lupi motikom po glavi..
siromaštvo je početno stanje i rješava ga glad for starters, samo kao što i Weil piše: potrebe se prepoznaju po tome što imaju limit i treba ih zadovoljiti u intervalima..
Re: Denkverbot
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
čitam ovo, i sjetio sam se Hoppea, on je rekao da je mir u Europi većim svojim dijelom posljedica Američke dominacije, u smislu da je NATO njihova proširena igračka kako se to gleda površno, a dublje gledajući: zapadna europa je američka kolonija, i imperiji nije u interesu da se njene kolonije sukobljavaju..
možemo pričati o velikom francusko-njemačkom prijateljstvu danas i sve je to točno isto, ali da se SAD zaista u cijelosti povuče (hipotetski pričam naravno), mislim da bi Francuzi ubrzo opet osjetili neku sjenu kroz Ardensku šumu.. (parafraziram)
danas kad vidimo da je ekonomija tako nepredvidiva treba se sjetiti i kako je krhak taj mir-
Re: Denkverbot
ok, ali ni ni kolonijami to u interesu. globalizacija je nojveća prepreka ratu, a ne nekakovo prijateljstvo. mi se ne moromo voliti uopće. jo ne morin podniti srbe, pa ipak kupujin slatkiše za ženu od nekog njihovog proizvođača. ako negdi ne nojdin, ne uzimun kraš, nego grin u drugu butigu.kic wrote:
čitam ovo, i sjetio sam se Hoppea, on je rekao da je mir u Europi većim svojim dijelom posljedica Američke dominacije, u smislu da je NATO njihova proširena igračka kako se to gleda površno, a dublje gledajući: zapadna europa je američka kolonija, i imperiji nije u interesu da se njene kolonije sukobljavaju..
možemo pričati o velikom francusko-njemačkom prijateljstvu danas i sve je to točno isto, ali da se SAD zaista u cijelosti povuče (hipotetski pričam naravno), mislim da bi Francuzi ubrzo opet osjetili neku sjenu kroz Ardensku šumu.. (parafraziram)
danas kad vidimo da je ekonomija tako nepredvidiva treba se sjetiti i kako je krhak taj mir-
meni je žo ča ljevičari ne čitaju. zanimo me ča bi oni rekli na ovakov tekst.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
globalizacija i dominacija amerike su faktori mira, top kek
dobro, prereducirao sam argument stvarno.
bilo bi tu sukoba među kolonijama, i unutarnji raspadi (španjolska-katalonija, srbija-kosovo, albanija-makedonija, grčka-turska itd)
Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:
globalizacija i dominacija amerike su faktori mira, top kek
dobro, prereducirao sam argument stvarno.
bilo bi tu sukoba među kolonijama, i unutarnji raspadi (španjolska-katalonija, srbija-kosovo, albanija-makedonija, grčka-turska itd)
jesi ti prečito un članak?
svi ti sukobi su socijalistički. španjolska katalonija pogotovo. srbija kosovo, albanija i turska, to su još plemenski sukobi.
recimo, plan z4 bi zapravo bi dobar plan, eto van teritorij, i smirite se, jebovas.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
ovo sun jo već bi posto na exiskon:)kic wrote:
pročitao, i pogledao i ovo još^^
kako se išće video na našoj tražilici?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:
jesi? pa HHH tu i govori to za kolonije :D
ne znam, tražilica je katastrofa ovdje
imaš li minut na kin to reče?
je, evropljani su kolonija u smislu merikunske ekonomske crne rupe; oni konzumiraju sve redon, i izvozu sve redon. oni su idealni susid
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
ok, verujin da je un ovo paraboliziro argument pljucajući na teoriju o tomu da demokracije ne napadaju demokracije, jer veliki je skok od postojanja trupa na tujen teritoriju do kolonije. i u kini imaju vojnike, pa niko ne će reći da je riječ o koloniji.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
dobro ajd, nećemo ga hvatati za riječ svaku
ionak je to rečeno 2006. u sred Amerike kad je Bush bio najveći postojeći vrag na svijetu, iako su svi poslije njega samo nastavili istu politiku sprovodit..
Re: Denkverbot
pokušavan nojdi di sun i zoč stavi ot video..sli sun našo jedun njegov citat iz 2015, na temi društveno ekonomski sustavi;
Second, once it is realized that the Industrial Revolution was fi rst and foremost the outcome of the evolutionary growth of human intelligence (rather than the mere removal of institutional barriers to growth), the role of the State can be recognized as fundamentally diff erent under Malthusian vs. post-Malthusian conditions. Under Malthusian conditions the State doesn’t matter much, at least as far as macroeff ects are concerned. A more exploitative State will simply lead to a lower population number (much like a pest would), but it does not aff ect per capita income. In fact, in lowering the population density, income per capita may even rise, as it did after the great pestilence in the mid-fourteenth century. And in reverse: a “good,” less-exploitative State will allow for a growing number of people, but per capita incomes will not rise or may even fall, because land per capita is reduced. All this changes with the Industrial Revolution. For if productivity gains continuously outstrip population increases and allow for a steady increase in per capita incomes, then an exploitative institution such as the State can continuously grow without lowering per capita income and reducing the population number. Th e State then becomes a permanent drag on the economy and per capita incomes. T h ird, whereas under Malthusian conditions positive eugenic eff ects reign: the economically successful produce more surviving off spring and the population stock is thus gradually bettered (cognitively improved). Under post-Malthusian conditions the existence and the growth of the State produces a two-fold dysgenic eff ect, especially under democratic welfare-state conditions.15 For one, the “economically challenged,” as the principal “clients” of the welfare State,produce more surviving off spring, and the economically successful less. Second, the steady growth of a parasitic State, made possible by a growing underlying economy, systematically aff ects the requirements of economic success. Economic success becomes increasingly dependent on politics and political talent, i.e., the talent of using the State to enrich oneself at others’ expense. In any case, the population stock becomes increasingly worse (as far as the cognitive requirements of prosperity and economic growth are concerned), rather than better. Finally, it is important to note in conclusion, then, that just as the Industrial Revolution and the attendant escape from the Malthusian trap was by no means a necessary development in human history so its success and achievements are also not irreversible.
Second, once it is realized that the Industrial Revolution was fi rst and foremost the outcome of the evolutionary growth of human intelligence (rather than the mere removal of institutional barriers to growth), the role of the State can be recognized as fundamentally diff erent under Malthusian vs. post-Malthusian conditions. Under Malthusian conditions the State doesn’t matter much, at least as far as macroeff ects are concerned. A more exploitative State will simply lead to a lower population number (much like a pest would), but it does not aff ect per capita income. In fact, in lowering the population density, income per capita may even rise, as it did after the great pestilence in the mid-fourteenth century. And in reverse: a “good,” less-exploitative State will allow for a growing number of people, but per capita incomes will not rise or may even fall, because land per capita is reduced. All this changes with the Industrial Revolution. For if productivity gains continuously outstrip population increases and allow for a steady increase in per capita incomes, then an exploitative institution such as the State can continuously grow without lowering per capita income and reducing the population number. Th e State then becomes a permanent drag on the economy and per capita incomes. T h ird, whereas under Malthusian conditions positive eugenic eff ects reign: the economically successful produce more surviving off spring and the population stock is thus gradually bettered (cognitively improved). Under post-Malthusian conditions the existence and the growth of the State produces a two-fold dysgenic eff ect, especially under democratic welfare-state conditions.15 For one, the “economically challenged,” as the principal “clients” of the welfare State,produce more surviving off spring, and the economically successful less. Second, the steady growth of a parasitic State, made possible by a growing underlying economy, systematically aff ects the requirements of economic success. Economic success becomes increasingly dependent on politics and political talent, i.e., the talent of using the State to enrich oneself at others’ expense. In any case, the population stock becomes increasingly worse (as far as the cognitive requirements of prosperity and economic growth are concerned), rather than better. Finally, it is important to note in conclusion, then, that just as the Industrial Revolution and the attendant escape from the Malthusian trap was by no means a necessary development in human history so its success and achievements are also not irreversible.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
Kako komentirate događanja u Americi s obzirom na virus?
Država New York.
Država New York.
On & On
mativka- Posts : 5957
Re: Denkverbot
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