Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
11:30 am Feb 27
The COVID-19 outbreak first appeared in China, which does not necessarily mean the virus originate in China: Chinese top respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan
0:27 am Feb 27
A woman in North China's Shanxi Province tested positive for coronavirus pneumonia 16 days after she walked past another now confirmed infected patient in a hospital.
Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak:
The COVID-19 outbreak first appeared in China, which does not necessarily mean the virus originate in China: Chinese top respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan
0:27 am Feb 27
A woman in North China's Shanxi Province tested positive for coronavirus pneumonia 16 days after she walked past another now confirmed infected patient in a hospital.
Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak:
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
New Chinese study indicates novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market
A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.
The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market. The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the novel coronavirus collected from 12 countries across four continents.
The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market. The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.
According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year's Day holiday.
An earlier expansion occurred on December 8, implying human-to-human transmission may have started in early December or late November, and then accelerated when it reached the Huanan seafood market.
A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.
The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market. The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the novel coronavirus collected from 12 countries across four continents.
The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market. The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.
According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year's Day holiday.
An earlier expansion occurred on December 8, implying human-to-human transmission may have started in early December or late November, and then accelerated when it reached the Huanan seafood market.
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Jutros kolegica iz zuricha otisla za veneciju i od tamo u rovinj..
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
ebovas koronavirus vise
danas odem u supermarket kupit pivo , bilo par ljudi u redu na kasi i meni vrag nije dao mira nego se iskasljem onak pravo, ko pusac tuberan
koja panika nastala kru te yebo, mogo sam i kasu ocistit, pol sata sam cekao da dojde blagajnica, dosla druga, malo hrabrija sa dvi maske na licu
kad sam platio velim joj da sam malo zesci pusac i da ne briga, jbte kak joj kamen pao sa srca, toliko vidljivo bilo za ne povjerovat
danas odem u supermarket kupit pivo , bilo par ljudi u redu na kasi i meni vrag nije dao mira nego se iskasljem onak pravo, ko pusac tuberan
koja panika nastala kru te yebo, mogo sam i kasu ocistit, pol sata sam cekao da dojde blagajnica, dosla druga, malo hrabrija sa dvi maske na licu
kad sam platio velim joj da sam malo zesci pusac i da ne briga, jbte kak joj kamen pao sa srca, toliko vidljivo bilo za ne povjerovat
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
sta je, podbacili teroristi pa si se sad ihvatio korone a :DRayMabus wrote:620 zaraženih i 17 mrtvih u Italiji.
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
inace traze nultog pacijenta,
ja ga nasao od prve
ja ga nasao od prve
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
HahahaLeviathan2 wrote:inace traze nultog pacijenta,
ja ga nasao od prvr
Guest- Guest
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
ovo je prvi oboljeli od corona virusa a s njim je i prva hrvatica koja je sva izdeformirana od posljedica
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Vratit će se teroristi. Ovo je igrica između dva teroristička napada.Leviathan2 wrote:sta je, podbacili teroristi pa si se sad ihvatio korone a :DRayMabus wrote:620 zaraženih i 17 mrtvih u Italiji.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
U Nizozemskoj potvrđen prvi slučaj. Panika se širi , prazne se police u dućanima , lašte se meci i pištolji po kućama.
Bit će uskoro šou program.
Bit će uskoro šou program.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Ti majke mi ray kao da si novinar :D
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
Guest- Guest
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
RayMabus wrote:Po meni ovo se ne može zaustaviti i ovo je neki početak korona doba. Kad nađu cijepivo ako nađu tko zna koliko će koštat itd a do tada karantene i kontrole. Globalizaciji će kako stvari stoje presudit malo jača gripa.
Korona doba.
Zašto misliš da je ovo loše za globalizaciju? Globalizacija bi bila uspješnije ostvarena u situaciji da na Zemlji ima manje ljudi, a to znači puno manje razlika, manje religija, manje političkih razmimoilaženja...Što misliš, da li je lakše ujediniti svijet ako na Zemlji ima milijun ljudi, ili ako na Zemlji ima sedam milijardi ljudi?
red wolf-
Posts : 15947
Lokacija: : Svemir
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Sutra će Italija i službeno da bude treća. Ne znamo kakvo je stanje u Iranu ,oni ne vode službenu statistiku po pravilima pa nisu nit za broncu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Tupino, globalno je jače ako je nečega više a ne manje.red wolf wrote:Zašto misliš da je ovo loše za globalizaciju? Globalizacija bi bila uspješnije ostvarena u situaciji da na Zemlji ima manje ljudi...
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
gnjeco, i ti siris ruznu sliku o bratu kimuGnječ wrote:North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
nie lijepo od tebe
jos ce bit da sve koji zakaslju spale bacacem plamena skupa s kucom , zenom djecom psom i kokosima
samo nekim cudom ti strijeljani od strane brata kima uskrsnu pa se opet pojave u javnosti
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Leviathan2 wrote:gnjeco, i ti siris ruznu sliku o bratu kimuGnječ wrote:North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
nie lijepo od tebe
jos ce bit da sve koji zakaslju spale bacacem plamena skupa s kucom , zenom djecom psom i kokosima
samo nekim cudom ti strijeljani od strane brata kima uskrsnu pa se opet pojave u javnosti
kad se pročiste od virusa i ako ne kašlju i ne kihnu onda im brat Kim naredi da ožive. ako ne uskrsnu brat Kim ih ponovo strelja zbog veleizdaje.
Guest- Guest
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
ma zilavi ti korejci u picku materinuGnječ wrote:Leviathan2 wrote:gnjeco, i ti siris ruznu sliku o bratu kimuGnječ wrote:North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
nie lijepo od tebe
jos ce bit da sve koji zakaslju spale bacacem plamena skupa s kucom , zenom djecom psom i kokosima
samo nekim cudom ti strijeljani od strane brata kima uskrsnu pa se opet pojave u javnosti
kad se pročiste od virusa i ako ne kašlju i ne kihnu onda im brat Kim naredi da ožive. ako ne uskrsnu brat Kim ih ponovo strelja zbog veleizdaje.
kim streljao onog svog ujaka, on ozivio, onda ga bacio gladnim psima da ga rastrgaju, on opet ozivio, onda ga ostavio u tunelu kad su ispitivali podzemnu eksloziju nukearke i ovaj se neko iskopao van
tako da sam dosao do zakljucka da brat kim stvara superljude u sjevernoj koreji i bez genetskih eksperimenata nego cisto malo starim shaolin metodama
Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Leviathan2 wrote:ma zilavi ti korejci u picku materinuGnječ wrote:Leviathan2 wrote:gnjeco, i ti siris ruznu sliku o bratu kimuGnječ wrote:North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead
To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem."
For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department.
For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers.
A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating criminals by shooting them with an anti-aircraft slug.
Now, IB Times, a shady English-language news website with a reputation for occasionally scooping its more cautious competitors, is reporting that Kim Jong Un allegedly ordered the execution of the country's first coronavirus patient. IBT cited an anonymous twitter account called "Secret Beijing", claiming it has a history of reporting accurately.
According to Secret Beijing, an anonymous social media commentator, who terms himself as an analyst on China affairs, the patient was shot dead. The story is still developing and there is still no clarity on the details of the patient executed by North Korea.
The account points out that such brutal tactics are in line with the regime's reputation.
kod Kima je sve pod kontrolom. kakve karantene i ostale pizdarje. tko zakašlje ide na streljanje.
nie lijepo od tebe
jos ce bit da sve koji zakaslju spale bacacem plamena skupa s kucom , zenom djecom psom i kokosima
samo nekim cudom ti strijeljani od strane brata kima uskrsnu pa se opet pojave u javnosti
kad se pročiste od virusa i ako ne kašlju i ne kihnu onda im brat Kim naredi da ožive. ako ne uskrsnu brat Kim ih ponovo strelja zbog veleizdaje.
kim streljao onog svog ujaka, on ozivio, onda ga bacio gladnim psima da ga rastrgaju, on opet ozivio, onda ga ostavio u tunelu kad su ispitivali podzemnu eksloziju nukearke i ovaj se neko iskopao van
tako da sam dosao do zakljucka da brat kim stvara superljude u sjevernoj koreji i bez genetskih eksperimenata nego cisto malo starim shaolin metodama
da, brat Kim je dobrotvorac čak je svom polubratu Kim-Jong-nam-u poklonio parfem naziva VX koji se nemože naći u niti jednoj parfumeriji i kad su kimovog polubrata posprejali tim parfemom odma mu je bilo jasno da se nalazi u raju.
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Re: Oporavljeni pacijenti opet pozitivni na koronavirus
Plus sto iza globalizacije stoji jeftina i potrosna radna snaga sto je i cilj same globalizacije. Vise koristi od milijardi koji se mnoze i brzo trose nego od par miliona individua.cassanowa wrote:Tupino, globalno je jače ako je nečega više a ne manje.red wolf wrote:Zašto misliš da je ovo loše za globalizaciju? Globalizacija bi bila uspješnije ostvarena u situaciji da na Zemlji ima manje ljudi...
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