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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 8:16

Yehudi wrote:Prekini lagati.
 Slika govori više od tisuću riječi.    
To i ja tvrdim.


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 8:17

Sora wrote:Ma to ero samo provjerava bi li on tako nešto mogao primjeniti kod nas
Ma volim i ja tebe.  :aw 

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Sora Sun 18 May - 8:32

To je zsnimljiva to je zanimljiva izjava od čovjeka koji podržava masovne zločincezločince


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sun 18 May - 18:01

'No to the Nazi coup d'etat in Ukraine!' Rome protesters rally against fascism

A few hundred protesters gathered outside the Ukrainian embassy in Rome on Saturday to protest against the rise of fascism in Ukraine and Europe. The event was organized by well-known journalist Julietto Kieza.
Kieza told Ruptly that he maintains that the "so-called revolution in Euromaidan has been paid straightly by the United States” and that for the first time since World War II, “Nazism reappears in the center of Europe with the aid of the United States.”
Demonstrators came out to express a similar view. Protesters held up signs depicting Ukraine’s former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko as Hitler, and telling NATO to "go away.”
One of the banners said: "No to the Nazi coup d'etat in Ukraine" in Italian.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sun 18 May - 20:32

Ukrainian ultranationalist leader calls for guerilla war against pro-federalists
Television debates with three nationalist presidential candidates ended up in calls to pursue a guerilla war against pro-federalist Ukrainian citizens and conduct targeted assassinations of their leaders.
The leader of the radical Right Sector movement, Dmitry Yarosh, and his no less nationalist opponents, former chief of foreign intelligence service, Nikolay Malomuzh, and chairman of People’s Rukh nationalist party, Vasily Skubiyda, presented their vision of Ukraine on Saturday after the presidential election set for May 25.
Because their positions are really close, they represent the far-right body of electors. The extremist views of Dmitry Yarosh stood out against a background of total antagonism towards everything non-Ukrainian, in the first place the Russian-speaking citizens of the country’s southeast who are demanding federalization.
The leader of the militants, who now make up the backbone of the newly created National Guards, currently conducting military operations against federalization activists in eastern Ukraine, has called for “extensive guerilla war” against the protesting federalist forces in Donetsk and Lugansk.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Y-2
The Right Sector, which last month formed a special detachment, Donbass-1, for waging war against the federalists in eastern Ukraine, is now busy forming the Donbass-2 unit and plans to recruit militants for a third one, said Yarosh.
The Right Sector leader also shared new tactics to be used against federalists in the East, saying that there should be no more attempts to storm the rebel cities, but rather “knock out” the activist leaders. It means that they should be physically eliminated, he specified.
Odnio te vrag, smeće fašističko.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Mon 19 May - 17:37

Chloroform found in Odesa’s Trade Union building, chief of Police Office states16:28

At the scene of Odesa’s tragedy, where 48 people died and over 200 were wounded on May 2, the investigation team has found chloroform which is used in medicine.

Chief of Central Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Sakal states.

In dirt and soot, extracted from the Trade Union's building, we found such substance as chloroform. It is well known for everyone: the substance is used during surgeries, and we are investigating how it has ended up in the building, he has informed at the briefing on Monday.

Sakal has pointed out that inhaling the fumes of chloroform leads to respiratory arrest, and that is what has happened in Odesa. According to him, 32 people died not from high temperatures, but because of reaction to an unknown substance, cardiac arrest and suffocation.

Chief of Central Investigation Department has also informed that in order to thoroughly carry out an expert evaluation, Ukrainian law enforcers addressed Israeli embassy in Ukraine requesting qualified experts to help Ukrainian  specialists.

The Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaichenko has stated that the unknown people could have used the toxin which caused the death of the people in Odesa Trade Unions building during the fire on May 2.
Source:  TV channel "24"

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 7:30

Ma kakav kloroform. 
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 876171_original

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 871334_original

  PODLE LAŽI KIJEVSKE HUNTE-Sta žele reći sa tom podvalom....da pobijeni ljudi nisu patili? Kao uspavani su,nije ništa bolilo i tako, sve pet. Pa to je samo kloroform , ništa strašno, pa nije to ciclon -b.
Vidi se jasno da su ljudi masakrirani. I to na način da je akcija isplanirana. Kako napad,tako i način na koji su ljudi ubijani je isplaniran i proveden od obučenih razbojnika iz -desnog sektora-. 
 Neki muškarci su ubijeni vatrenim oružjem, ciljano im je pucano i glavu. I to su listom jači ljudi, koje banditi nisu smijeli napasti fizički. Većina ostalih je, očito, bila svladana a nakon čega  bi im 
- PO GLAVI POSULI BENZIN I ZAPALILI. To je tako očito da nikakve laži ne mogu iskriviti istinu.
 I nije stradalo 48 ljudi nego duplo više. Podrum zgrade je bio prepun leševa. Masakrirano je više od 100 ljudi. Samo u naredna tri dana je ubijeno još 16 koji su preživjeli napadna zgradu. Neki su ubijeni u bolnicama a svi dokumenti, lječnički nalazi sa obdukcija su oduzeti od strane ukrajinske tajne policije (gestapo) SBU.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 7:46

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 871968_original

The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.

 Jedino podlac može negirati ovako očite stvari. 

Ovi ljudi su planski pobijeni,većinom bi ih polili benzinom po glavi i zapalili.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 7:50

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 874668_original


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ragnarok Tue 20 May - 12:06

Slava Ukrajini!

Invaders must die!

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 14:07


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 14:14

Hes Russian in Germany..

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 14:32


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 20 May - 14:34


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Wed 25 Jun - 21:54

Игорь Стрелков назвал три условия соблюдения перемирия (видео)
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Strelkov_poster_1
Только в случае соблюдения ряда условий главнокомандующий антифашистской армией будет готов сесть за стол переговоров с представителями киевских властей.
— Первое — отвод украинских войск на 10 километров от основных гарнизонов армий ДНР и ЛНР.
Второе — прекращение полетов военной украинской авиации над зонами, контролируемыми ополченцами.
Третье — прекращение любых артобстрелов населенных пунктов и позиций ополчения, — заявил Игорь Стрелков.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Wed 25 Jun - 22:38

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Ya-vatnik-raznoe-novorossiya-1172860

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 27 Jun - 11:13

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 27 Jun - 11:55

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 27 Jun - 16:35

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 27 Jun - 16:36

Kaže ovaj Kery -Nešto mi se vrti u glavi - a Lavrov mu odgovara - To je zato jer te vrtim na kurcu-

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 3 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sat 28 Jun - 12:26

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