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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Guest Sat 10 May - 0:58

bolesno ukratko... jebiga bolesnici sa obje strane(da obje strane) hoće se mlatit, a u sranju najebu nedužni i to je tako.


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sat 10 May - 6:12

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 A-11

Residents of the city of Poltava, Ukraine, looking at bodies of partisans, who were burnt alive by the Nazi. 23.09.1943. Photo by Yakov Ryumkin.

Povijest se ponavlja

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Iosephvs Sat 10 May - 9:22

Yehudi wrote:Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 873896_original

 Zamisli da ti je to žena, sestra, mater----@ avatar-@ero...............i prekinite sa timfašističkim sranjima više. Za ovakvo šta -NEMA OPRAVDANJA-  a tosu učinilipriopadnici-desnog sektora- 
 medjutim vi to očito podržavate. E pa ako je tako, želim da se i vama dogodi isto.

odjebi.  gdje je ero rekao da to davljenje žene podupire?

svatko od nas može u određenoj mjeri zauzeti stranu u ovom sukobu pozivajući se na svoje argumente.
ovo oko požara u sindikalcu će se raspetljavati malo dulje ... od svih sudionika, počinitelja do žrtava.
ima tu sranja svakakvoga .... na par slika i kadrova se vidi da su požari započeli i iznutra na višim katovima?
tko je to napravio ako je zgrada bila zauzeta od ruskih separatista? proukrajinci se samo ušetali u zgradu koju su zauzeli prorusi?
prepoznaje se tipove koji su i prije na ulicama marširali sa separatistima i imali molotovce i tvrdi se da su oni ubačeni od desnog sektora.
ne kažem da nije moguće .... ali ako to apriori počne tvrditi ruski fsb .... onda postajem sumnjičav tko su i tko iz pozadine upravlja s tim tipovima. istinu ćemo vjerojatno doznati kad se otvore neki spisi za nekih 10 ili 20 godina ili više godina.

na isti način je sada u hrvatskoj kampanja s frljićevom predstavom o aleksandri zec .... koja veze s tom tragedijom nema. čak se a.z. stavlja u kontekst holokausta. drugim riječima - tuđman nacist, mi dragovoljci nacisti.

već viđeno znamo od koga.

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Lokacija: : Res Pvblica Corrvptia

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sat 10 May - 12:42

Onaj tko postavlja grozne fotografije puno priča i o samom sebi. On ih ne postavlja zbog empatije do žrtava već da podhranjuje svoju mržnju. Isto bi on učinio drugoj strani ako bi bio u prilici. Samo usput, bez namjere išta objašnjavati, moj pokojni otac je izgorio na vrtu ispred vlastite kuće, paleći travu...Trava visoka, vjetar s vatrom ga zaokružio...Nije mogao pobvjeći, ali ni dozvati koga u pomoć....:(( ...........Vatra je vrag, posebno u višim zgradama gdje imate i utjecaje "dimnjaka". Onda je tu još i dim, CO2...Nema spasa, ako se na vrijeme ne izvučeš na krov, na primjer, i tamo dobiješ pomoć vatrogasaca.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sat 10 May - 19:08

Aj ne pravite se mutavi. Na krovu su bili -desni sektor- (ds) i zaključalisu izlaz gori. Tko je skočio kroz prozor bio je umlaćen. A unutra su ljude upucaliili imizlili benzin po glavi i zapalili. Vidi se na snimkama da su im samo glave i šake izgorile. Stoga ne serite. SBU je iz bolnice odnio sve lječničke nalaze i kartone sa obdukcija.I sad kao ne znate tko je počinitelj. Isto kao za snajperiste sa majdana.
 Inače moja je empatija neupitna za razliku od tvojeg izrugivanja žrtvama.
  Kažeš sami se zapalili ....ma srami se.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sat 10 May - 19:29

Rat nije dernek. Tko si ga želio, imao ga u kući.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Iosephvs Sat 10 May - 19:36

Yehudi wrote:Aj ne pravite se mutavi. Na krovu su bili -desni sektor- (ds) i zaključalisu izlaz gori. Tko je skočio kroz prozor bio je umlaćen. A unutra su ljude upucaliili imizlili benzin po glavi i zapalili. Vidi se na snimkama da su im samo glave i šake izgorile. Stoga ne serite. SBU je iz bolnice odnio sve lječničke nalaze i kartone sa obdukcija.I sad kao ne znate tko je počinitelj. Isto kao za snajperiste sa majdana.
 Inače moja je empatija neupitna za razliku od tvojeg izrugivanja žrtvama.
  Kažeš sami se zapalili ....ma srami se.

tvoja empatija se svodi na ''ubij ukrajinca'' jer je ''fašist''.

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Ukrain10

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 15 May - 16:48

“Besides, it was he [Kolomoisky] who hired the guys in the Odessa [massacre]… the situation went out of control. Their task was to beat them [anti-government protesters] so they would be taken to hospital and to destroy the camp [on Kulikovo Pole Square] completely,” he said.
Kolomoisky is still in Odessa and the result of his actions is that 16 of those who survived the House of Trade Unions bloodshed in Odessa were killed during the next three days, the man who is believed to be Noginsky accuses the Dnepropetrovsk governor.
Podjetimo se-  U -masakru- koji su proveli profašisti u Odesi, pobijeno je 48 nevinih ljudi. Još 47 se smatraju "nestalima" a 16 ozljedjenih je odvedeno iz bolnice i takodjer ubijeno.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 15 May - 16:51

Yehudi wrote:“Besides, it was he [Kolomoisky] who hired the guys in the Odessa [massacre]… the situation went out of control. Their task was to beat them [anti-government protesters] so they would be taken to hospital and to destroy the camp [on Kulikovo Pole Square] completely,” he said.
Kolomoisky is still in Odessa and the result of his actions is that 16 of those who survived the House of Trade Unions bloodshed in Odessa were killed during the next three days, the man who is believed to be Noginsky accuses the Dnepropetrovsk governor.
Podjetimo se-  U -masakru- koji su proveli profašisti u Odesi, pobijeno je 48 nevinih ljudi. Još 47 se smatraju "nestalima"  U sljedeća tri dana, 16 ozljedjenih je odvedeno iz bolnice i takodjer ubijeno.

Nalogodavac je vjerojatno oligarh  i  governer  Dnepropetrovska  Igor Kolomoisky

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 15 May - 16:56

[size=34]Kiev protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa massacres – leaked tapes[/size]

 Jedan je video već blokiran na -youtube- a moždaćei ovaj. triba ga presnimiti na dvd.
The second leaked conversation, which also emerged on May 14, was between Oleg Noginsky, the president of the Suppliers of Customs Union, an organization which aims at increasing the turnover between Ukraine and the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, and someone whom he called Yan Borisovich. Noginsky said that Kolomoisky’s actions are mad.
“Besides, it was he [Kolomoisky] who hired the guys in the Odessa [massacre]… the situation went out of control. Their task was to beat them [anti-government protesters] so they would be taken to hospital and to destroy the camp [on Kulikovo Pole Square] completely,” he said.
Kolomoisky is still in Odessa and the result of his actions is that 16 of those who survived the House of Trade Unions bloodshed in Odessa were killed during the next three days, the man who is believed to be Noginsky accuses the Dnepropetrovsk governor.
In Odessa violent clashes erupted on May 2 between anti-government protesters and radicals supporting the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev. The confrontation led to a tragedy that left 48 people dead and over 200 injured as nationalists burnt the protester camp and then set fire to the Trade Unions House with anti-Kiev activists trapped inside. According to witnesses, many of those who managed to escape the flames were then strangled or beaten with bats by radicals. Several victims reportedly died of gunshots, while others burnt alive or jumped out of windows in a desperate attempt to escape the deadly flames.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 15 May - 16:59

Two leaked tapes have emerged on the internet where Kiev-appointed governor allegedly threatens an ex-presidential candidate who called for a referendum. The official may also be behind the Odessa massacre and Mariupol shootings, the leak adds.
On the first tape, which appeared on May 14, an oligarch and governor of the city of Dnepropetrovsk in southeastern Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky, allegedly called ex-presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev and started threatening him. He told Tsarev to leave Ukraine immediately, saying it was in connection with the killing of Bogdan Shlemkevich, a soldier from Ukraine’s National Guard on May 9 in Mariupol, southeastern Ukraine. He was shot in clashes between anti-government protesters and soldiers sent by Kiev in an ‘antiterrorist’ operation in eastern Ukraine.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 16 May - 18:21

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 876171_original
Have you noticed already that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only? That clothing under chest is not affected by fire? Somebody poured flammable stuff onto upper body of those people and set them ablaze. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? Notice that hands and wrists of those people burned to the bones, too.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 871334_original

Dead woman near the elevator with clothes absent below her waist. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set aflame.

Moscow has accused a UN report on violence in Ukraine’s Odessa of being purposefully blind to hard facts and simply “carrying out a political order to whitewash” the actions of the coup-appointed government in Kiev.
The Russian foreign ministry believes that the report presented by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is marked by a systematic and routine ignorance of any Kiev involvement in sparking the Odessa carnage, while placing all the blame unequivocally with the pro-Russian self-defense forces. The ministry statement remarks that not a single word was said about neo-Nazi elements who engaged in setting buildings on fire with people inside, shooting dead anyone who opposed them and finishing off the wounded in plain sight.
The foreign ministry found it peculiar that “in some 30 pages of text, there is not one mention of any manifestation of aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism in Ukraine.”

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 16 May - 18:22

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 12.si

Training in hand combat among opposition fighters from the nationalist organization "Right sector" in a camp on Independence Square in Kiev.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sat 17 May - 20:41

Gunmen attempt to enter Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant
Ukrainian police stopped a group of armed men from entering Europe's largest nuclear power plant, located in southeastern Ukraine. In video footage allegedly showing the attempted break-in, the men say they are members of the Right Sector group.
The gunmen were stopped Thursday at the entrance of the city of Energodar, near Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, the facility's press service said in a Friday statement on its website. 

The power plant’s authorities said the incident did not affect the station’s operations. However, security at the plant and throughout Energodar has been heightened. 

Several cars full of men who introduced themselves as members of the notorious neo-Nazi group Right Sector were stopped at a checkpoint near Energodar, Ukraine’s Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported. The men were wearing masks, had guns, and said that they were headed to“protect the nuclear power plant and the city from possible seizures,” according to the paper. 

“We moved out to protect the city, but we were stopped and circled by police,” a Right Sector member told RBK Ukraine. 

Local police said they confiscated the men’s weapons and launched a criminal investigation. 

Footage posted on Svoboda TV's YouTube account on Thursday – allegedly shot during the attempted break-in – shows a group of masked men preparing to enter Energodar. 

In the footage, the men say they are members of the Right Sector in Zaporizhia (Zaporozhye) region, adding that they came to protect Energodar from activists who wanted to “hoist Russian flags” in the city. 

Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear power plant (NPP) not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe, according to the operator of Ukrainian NPPs. It is situated in the steppe zone of Ukraine, on the bank of the Kakhovka water reservoir. The plant generates 40-42 billion kWh per year, which accounts for one-fifth of the average annual electricity production in Ukraine and almost 47 percent of electricity generated at Ukrainian nuclear power plants. 

Previously, Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh threatened to destroy Russian pipelines supplying gas to Europe through Ukrainian territory. Moscow put Yarosh on the international wanted list and charged him with inciting terrorism after he urged Chechen terrorist leader Doku Umarov to launch attacks on Russia. 

Right Sector group members were very active in the violence which triggered the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovich in February. The group’s fighters used clubs, petrol bombs, and firearms against Ukrainian police and have been wearing Nazi insignia. 

The group has adopted an extreme, anti-Russian stance and moved its headquarters from Kiev to the eastern city of Dnepropetrovsk in April. 

Right Sector members have been identified among the National Guard forces, which were formed after the coup and are loyal to Kiev authorities. National Guard battalions have been involved in the punitive military operation against pro-federalization activists in southeastern Ukraine, in which many have been killed or wounded. 

Among the latest violence was the massacre in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa on May 2, when clashes erupted between anti-government protesters and radicals supporting the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev. Forty-eight people were killed and over 200 injured as nationalists burnt the protester camp and set fire to the Trade Unions House with anti-Kiev activists trapped inside. Many of those who managed to escape the flames were then beaten to death by nationalists, according to witnesses.


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sat 17 May - 20:44


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 3:04

Yehudi wrote:
Kako znaš da je istina? A to da ima povezane oči? To je za mene upravo suprotni dokaz...obična propaganda.
Svjedoka ne treba skrivat, već otkriti karte do kraja. To kao prvo. Kao drugo, pet para ne dam na nikakvo ispitivanje pred TV kamerama, jer pravno gledano ne vrijedi ni pišljiva boba (iskaz pod prisilom). Mi zapadnjaci poštujemo Rimsko pravo, u kojem je točno propisano kako se ispituje okrivljenog. Uz odvjetnika, naravno. Zavezane oči i uperen automat zasigurno ne spada u ponašanje civiliziranog svijeta.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 7:08

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 877935_original

Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. Burnt head.

The red arrow: it’s possible that the killers were “borrowing” their clothing with victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.

...Da.Još mu je i rukavice gore dao. Sad samo treba naći nekog tko bi mogao u ovo povjerovati. Ja imam potpuno drugačije zaključke.I ona fografija krov-tla...isti ljudi i na krovu i oni s molotovkama. Da li su ono uopće bile molotovke? Ukrajinski ministra ima drugačije podatke o uzrocima za smrt ovih mladih nesretnika. Kaže da je smrt nastupila trenutno i prije nego što je prostore zahvatila vatra. Sačekajmo da istraga kaže svoje.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 7:24

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 875995_original

Hahaaa...bit će zanimljivo saznati tko su ovi sa vrpcama. Očigledno isti na krovu i na tlu. Odakle ovi na krovu? Samo dvojica?

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Sun 18 May - 7:51

Prekini lagati. T sa vrpcama su  -desni sektor- onikoji su proveli masakr u Odesi. Jedni su na krovu,drugi na tlu.
 Slika govori više od tisuću riječi.    
 A o kakvoj to istrazi govoriš,tkoistražuje dogadjajeu Odesi? Isti oni koji su istražili snajperiste iz Kijeva.
U tri dana nakon masakra još je 20 ljudi ubijeno (koji su uspjeli pobjeći iz zgrade) a ukrajinska tajna služba je pokupilasve lječničke kartone i nalaze autopsije.
I ne pravi se mutav,kao da prvi put vidiš da se uhićeniku stavlja povez na oči.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Sora Sun 18 May - 7:55

Ma to ero samo provjerava bi li on tako nešto mogao primjeniti kod nas


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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi - Page 2 Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Sun 18 May - 8:16

Yehudi wrote:Prekini lagati.
 Slika govori više od tisuću riječi.    
To i ja tvrdim.

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