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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Kermit Mon 5 May - 21:33

The following text and photos were sent to Global Research. They indicate a carefully planned agenda to incinerate people inside the Trade Unions building.
The images as well as reports suggest that the death toll was significantly higher than that published by the media.
The Western media has been involved in acts of coverup and distortion, describing the self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi Brown shirts as nationalists and “honest patriots”. Western governments have casually blamed the atrocities in Odessa on “pro-Russian paramilitaries”.
The Neo-Nazi thugs are directly supported by the Right Sector and Svoboda which play a central role in the coalition government. The Right Sector is supported by Washington.
The Neo-Nazi mobs in Odessa bear the hallmarks of  US sponsored terrorism (e.g Syria) trained to commit atrocities against civilians.  America’s Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Confirmed by Germany’s Bild: “Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government”
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research Editor, May 5, 2014
A Great tragedy happened to the port city of Odessa at Friday, May 2nd, 2014.
Supporters of federalism were chased to the Trade Unions House by Right Sector mob. The building caught fire soon afterwards, which resulted (by official reports) in 42 deaths.
Originally posted by Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Userinfo.gif?v=17080?v=114frallik at Как убивали одесситов в Доме Профсоюзов – детали сценария… +18
Уже понятно, что в Доме Профсоюзов в Одессе было убито много более 42 человек. Провокаторы увлекли людей в здание, где их можно было убивать безнаказанно, с наслаждением и без свидетелей. Пожара внутри здания не было – была постановка пожара, чтобы списать на него массовое уничтожение граждан Украины.
It’s clear that the number of casualties in the Trade Unions House is far greater. Provocateurs captivated people into the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, with great relish, and without witnesses. Fire inside the building was directed in order to hide mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.
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Сначала поджог палаток на площади и организация значительного по площади открытого пламени на фоне здания. Людей увлекают под защиту массивных дверей Дома Профсоюзов. У сторонников федерализма на площади не было заранее заготовленных бутылок с зажигательной смесью. Откуда же возник пожар внутри здания?
Firstly, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in appearance of large open fire areas close to the building. People were captivated to hide behind massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov’s cocktails prepared in advance. From where has fire inside the building appeared?

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Люди, спрятавшиеся за дверями на первом этаже, были атакованы боевиками Правого Сектора, которые находились там задолго до начала экзекуции. На первом этаже люди сгорели до костей. Сначала у одного выхода…
People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution has begun. Those people were burned to the bones, first at main entrance…
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… потом у всех трёх.
…Then at rest of them.
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… пожарные прибыли, когда уже сгорели даже массивные входные двери.
Firefighters only appeared when massive entrance doors were burned through.
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В солидном пятиэтажном здании с потолками за 3 метра открытый огонь был ещё только в одном кабинете.
Only in a single room in a five-storey building with ceilings over 3 meters high had fire visible from outside.
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Кто мог пробраться на крышу административного здания федерального значения? Наверно те, кто заранее получил ключи от замков, запирающих стальные решётки, ведущие к дверям на крышу.
Who could get onto the roof of the administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps those who in advance got the keys to locked steel gratings protecting the roof doors.
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Этих боевиков следует найти. Они могли бы рассказать много интересного о том, когда начался осуществляться план по массовому уничтожению одесситов, и как они заранее заготовили запасы горючей смеси в Доме Профсоюзов.
На нижнем фото клоуны из массовки изображают сторонников федерализма. Типичная голливудская (США/Израиль)подстава под “чужим флагом”.
These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the murdering plan implementation has started, and how in advance they brought supplies for Molotov’s cocktails to the Trade Unions House.
On the picture below stunt [above pic] clowns play a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style false flag action.
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Полностью сгоревшие трупы на первом этаже у входных дверей.
Charred bodies on the ground floor, near the entrance doors.
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Откуда обгоревшие трупы оказались выше первого этажа – там где не было открытого огня?
Why charred bodies appeared on higher floors where there was no open fire?
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То же фото с другого ракурса :
- деревянная панель на батарее, деревянные поручни на лестнице и лист дсп не сгорели
- синий овал – баррикада из столов, стульев и тумбочек. Она даже не затронута пламенем, хотя мы видим обгоревшие тела
- откуда баррикада? Скорее всего она была сооружена боевиками ПС, чтобы заблокировать пути к спасению на этажи выше
The same bodies from other viewpoint:
- Wooden battery panel, wooden railings on the stairs and chipboard sheet don’t look burnt;
- Blue oval points to the barricade made of tables, chairs and cabinets. It hadn’t even touched by fire, unlike the charred bodies lying nearby;
- From where has the barricade appeared? It was built by the Right Sector thugs in order to lock people trying to save themselves on the above floors.
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- женский труп тащили по полу с места реальной смерти. Кто и зачем?
Female corpse was dragged across the floor space from the real place of her death. Who and why did it?
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- мужчина убит выстрелом в голову
-ранение навылет – под головой натекло
This man was shot in the head. Judging from clearly visible blood puddle, the murderer fired at point-blank so the bullet passed through the skull.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 876171_original
Вы уже обратили внимание, что у погибших сгорели головы и плечевой пояс? Одежда от груди и ниже огнём не затронута – людей поливали сверху горючей жидкостью и поджигали.  Могли ли сохраниться солнцезащитные очки на лице, когда человек пытается стряхнуть с головы напалм?
От того сгорали кисти рук и запястья до кости.
На этом, как и на предыдущих фото, странная “белая побелка” на полу. Это порошёк из огнетушителей. Их использовали каратели после того, как люди погибали… чтобы самим не сгореть или пострадать от угарного газа.
Have you noticed already that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only? That clothing under chest is not affected by fire? Somebody poured flammable stuff onto upper body of those people and set them ablaze. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? Notice that hands and wrists of those people burned to the bones, too.
On this and previous pictures, a strange “whitewash” can be seen on the floor. That is the powder from extinguishers used by the punishers after people died…in order not to burn themselves or suffer from carbon monoxide.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 871114_original
Юноша и девушка. Они не сгорели и не задохнулись – нет признаков открытого огня на паркете (ему лет 50 и он должен был вспыхнуть как солома) и копоти от дыма на стенах. Их убили другим способом. Скорее всего обоим сломали шеи – профессионалы развлекались.
Young man and young woman. They have neither burned nor suffocated – there are no signs of an open fire on the hardwood floor (it seems to be made 50 years ago so it should have catch fire as a straw) and soot from the smoke on the walls. They were killed by other means. Most likely, somebody broke their necks – “professionals” entertained themselves here.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 877935_original
Баррикады были и на этажах. Кровь на паркете, Сгоревшая голова.
Вполне возможно, что каратели менялись верхней одеждой с убитыми. Знакомая фишка – простая и эффективная.
Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. Burnt head.
The red arrow: it’s possible that the killers were “borrowing” their clothing with victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.
Note: according to one of the main versions of what happened on May 2 in Odessa, the Right Sector thugs performed a false flag operation. They put St. George’s Ribbons (symbols of anti-Maidan federalism supporters) and organized violent provocation against Maidan supporters (i.e. against their own allies), in order to later blame federalism supporters and make them look responsible for death of many people.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 871334_original
Женщина у лифтовой шахты без одежды ниже пояса. Скорее всего её изнасиловали, а потом облили голову горючей смесью и сожгли.
Dead woman near the elevator with clothes absent below her waist. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set aflame.
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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 871720_original
Убитые выстрелами в голову.
People shot in the head.
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Всё та же картина – сожжённые головы, кисти рук и плечевой пояс, нетронутая огнём нижняя часть тела.
The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.
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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 872555_original
Убитый выстрелами в голову.
Man with multiple headshots.
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Самая страшная картина. Скорее всего беременная сотрудница. Есть такие, кто убирают в кабинетах и поливают цветы в дни, когда учреждения не работают. Её задушили электропроводом. Она пыталась сопротивляться – на полу сброшенный цветок…
The scariest picture. Most likely it is a pregnant woman, who was one of the employees working on holidays, cleaning offices and watering flowers. She was strangled by an electric wire. She tried to resist – one can see discarded flower on the floor.
The following video recorded how this woman cried and called for help while being murdered (“HELP ME! HELP ME!” cries start at 0:20).
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… убийца.
…probably, that’s her killer.
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 874668_original

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by genitalni_herpes Mon 5 May - 23:37

užas. Ma užas kako netko može grozno...valjda ne misle da su sve to ljudi sa svojim prošlostima sjećanjima, životima suradnici, susjedi, netko ovisi o njima, dijeca sama ostala, ma fuj...i onda još može mahat i slavit nešto. Baš me briga na čijoj strani, fuj!!! -beba mi ima 5 mjeseci, sve se smrznem pomislim da je moja žena tamo završila trudna, da je netko davi a da se ona migolji i tako slabašno brani, ma fuj..kako netko može takve stvari radit?? kako malo ne razmisli??

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Iosephvs Tue 6 May - 0:18

jebi ga ... tako sam se mnoge stvari i ja pitao 1991. ... ispočetka. poslije više nisam. homo homini lupus.

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Ukrain10

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 6 May - 4:51

Fašistićka kijevska hunta pustila je pse sa lanca.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 6 May - 5:53

Evidence 06.05.2014 02:09
Look what Ukranian NAZIS do to Russians Innocents...in the Russians home lands...

ht tp : // vvv - ig . livejournal . com / 690116 . html ?

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 6 May - 6:14

Based on the available information today, in the House of Trade Unions have been killed over a hundred people.

Ye sterday I was informed by some news source that about 116 people had been killed in the House of Trade Unions. I just could not believe such appalling death toll at that moment... Oh my...

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Default_profile_5_normal
Алексей Кушнир [size=12]06.05.2014 03:46

And I forgot to say - there were 5 children found dead. 
They were just walking around the townspeople with children, who were trying to escape from an angry mob.

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Default_profile_5_normal
Алексей Кушнир [size=12]06.05.2014 03:40

Based on the available information today, in the House of Trade Unions have been killed over a hundred people. 
Corpses initially counted the ones who had killed people, because that's what they were admitted to the crime scene first, and then the police came.
According to eyewitnesses, people were taken to the basement, and there were finished, and bodies were in fact much more. 
Some survivors are hiding because SBU pick up all medical records of these people from the hospital.
Also, special gas was used to rapidly kill humans - some of which have burned lungs, whereas no skin burns.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Tue 6 May - 6:37

[size=34]Buses and armed guards: Odessa Jews ready for mass evacuation[/size]
The Jewish community of Odessa is prepared for mass evacuation, should violence re-erupt in the Ukrainian city and threaten to spill over them. Anti-Semitism is a painful issue in Ukraine, with radical nationalism on the rise.
Odessa witnessed several instances of clashes between anti-government and pro-government activists in the past weeks. They culminated in the deaths on Friday of dozens of opponents of the new authorities, most of whom burned to death in a building, besieged by armed radicals, who used Molotov cocktails and firearms in a crackdown on the protester’s camp.
The standoff so far hasn’t touched the Jewish community directly, Odessa Jewish leaders told the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post, but they are concerned that this may change. So they have contingency plans for evacuation, possibly out of the country.
“When there is shooting in the streets, the first plan is to take [the children] out of the center of the city,”said Rabbi Refael Kruskal, the head of the Tikva organization. “If it gets worse, then we’ll take them out of the city. We have plans to take them both out of the city and even to a different country if necessary, plans which we prefer not to talk about which we have in place.”
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Odessa-jews-evacuation-plans-.siaOdessa Jews holding a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. Image from chabad.odessa.ua

Rabbi Avraham Wolf, representing the Chabad hassidic community, said they are taking extra security measures, such as posting armed guards, and are prepared for a possible evacuation. Together with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, they have prepared a fleet of 70 buses, fueled and ready to go.

Odessa once had a considerable Jewish minority, with about a third of the city’s population being Jewish. As Nazi Germany and its allies were advancing into Ukraine, many Jews fled east, but hundreds of thousands still remained by the time Odessa was taken by Romanian and German troops.
In mid-October 1941, the occupation forces started mass executions of everyone they deemed enemies, including between 25,000 and 34,000 Odessa Jews. The site of one of the worst massacres, where thousands were shot or burned alive in old gunpowder warehouses, is now a Holocaust memorial.

The memorial was desecrated in mid-April along with a Jewish cemetery, as unidentified attackers painted them with swastikas, death threats against Jews and radical Right Sector symbols. The nationalist movement denied any links to the desecration, offering its protection to Odessa Jews and sending its representative to remove the writings together with Rabbi Wolf.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Baron Tue 6 May - 16:30

Yehudi wrote:[size=34]Buses and armed guards: Odessa Jews ready for mass evacuation[/size]
The Jewish community of Odessa is prepared for mass evacuation, should violence re-erupt in the Ukrainian city and threaten to spill over them. Anti-Semitism is a painful issue in Ukraine, with radical nationalism on the rise.
Odessa witnessed several instances of clashes between anti-government and pro-government activists in the past weeks. They culminated in the deaths on Friday of dozens of opponents of the new authorities, most of whom burned to death in a building, besieged by armed radicals, who used Molotov cocktails and firearms in a crackdown on the protester’s camp.
The standoff so far hasn’t touched the Jewish community directly, Odessa Jewish leaders told the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post, but they are concerned that this may change. So they have contingency plans for evacuation, possibly out of the country.
“When there is shooting in the streets, the first plan is to take [the children] out of the center of the city,”said Rabbi Refael Kruskal, the head of the Tikva organization. “If it gets worse, then we’ll take them out of the city. We have plans to take them both out of the city and even to a different country if necessary, plans which we prefer not to talk about which we have in place.”
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Odessa-jews-evacuation-plans-.siaOdessa Jews holding a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. Image from chabad.odessa.ua

Rabbi Avraham Wolf, representing the Chabad hassidic community, said they are taking extra security measures, such as posting armed guards, and are prepared for a possible evacuation. Together with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, they have prepared a fleet of 70 buses, fueled and ready to go.

Odessa once had a considerable Jewish minority, with about a third of the city’s population being Jewish. As Nazi Germany and its allies were advancing into Ukraine, many Jews fled east, but hundreds of thousands still remained by the time Odessa was taken by Romanian and German troops.
In mid-October 1941, the occupation forces started mass executions of everyone they deemed enemies, including between 25,000 and 34,000 Odessa Jews. The site of one of the worst massacres, where thousands were shot or burned alive in old gunpowder warehouses, is now a Holocaust memorial.

The memorial was desecrated in mid-April along with a Jewish cemetery, as unidentified attackers painted them with swastikas, death threats against Jews and radical Right Sector symbols. The nationalist movement denied any links to the desecration, offering its protection to Odessa Jews and sending its representative to remove the writings together with Rabbi Wolf.
hehe..su se usrali, a?
kako vi Palestince, tako vas Ukrajinci

Heil! Le Pen!

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Marine-le-pen-fond-bleu

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Guest Tue 6 May - 16:38

Pa i tvoji su se usrali pa te za Kanadu poslali,a možda i oni zapucali.Dakako,tako se brani Domovina.. Basketball

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by shaby Tue 6 May - 21:49

–The “pro-Russian” activists had no weapons, only sticks or bats.

– The molotov cocktails came from outside the building.
–The (pro-Kiev or anti-Russian) radicals (later identified as mainly Pravy Sektor-w.e.) stormed the Trade Union house, and in a short time managed to break in.

– The woman in the video said she, along with three other women, and around twelve men, also with two dead men who were already dead (suffocated from the fire of the Molotov cocktails and the smoke), were in another room. The men had brought the two dead men to the women for first aid but it was too late… They then managed to blockade the entry to their room with cabinets and boxes and managed to hold the door for about 15 minutes.
–In this time all 16 barricaded people heard shots in the hallway.

–Then someone banged on the door and pleaded they let them get out of the hall. They said they were also pro-autonomy (i.e. anti-Kiev) activists.
–After a brief reflection and discussion, the men inside the room wanted to move the cabinets blocking the door, leaving only a small crack of the door open, to see what the situation was. Then the young thugs (they had lied) began immediately to shoot through the tiny door opening into the room where the 16 were.

–The woman (in the video) looked one of the thugs in the eye. He wore a black mask and, laughing, shot her with his pistol, but thank God, missing, and then shouted to his buddies, “I killed a Koloradin!”, slang for those seeking federal autonomy for the regional provinces.

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 871968_original-320x240
Bodies everywhere
-Then the thugs threw maybe 4 aerosol ballons with some sort of gas, into our room and 2-3 minutes later after the gas affected our men, they managed to break open the door and enter our room.

–And then immediately they shot all the men; and those who still were alive, they beat to death with hard bats. This with their words, “Let’s save the bullets and kill them so…” These beasts also beat the two dead men, despite the fact the women cried out that they were already dead…

–Then the thugs discussed that they wanted to bring the dead into the cellar.
-The four women begged them for mercy… and this woman (in the video-w.e.) told them that she had a small child and so…

- The four women were taken into the hallway and there was a real Hell. Many dead bodies lay everywhere, even on the stairway. Many of the terrorist thugs with dirty jokes, dragged the dead together, to be thrown into the cellar.

- Then the thugs grabbed one of the four women and shoved her somewhere. The witness (in the video) only heard her screams… then no more from the woman.
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A young woman and man…unarmed, as all the others were
- The woman (in the video) was then interrogated for about fifteen minutes. The terrorist thugs demanded that she tell them the truth that she was a Russian. But she had a Ukrainian passport with her residence listed in Odessa.

- In the midst of all the chaos, she managed to flee the house where, by then, firemen and police stood. The firemen came after 1-hour 20-minutes, even though a fire station was directly across the street from the trade union house. They claimed they had been blocked from acting by the terrorist thugs.
All Ukrainian politicians in Kiev had praise for the massacre of the innocent civilians. And the terrorist thugs got bonus money.
In the basement of the house afterwards, many more dead bodies were found. Many others simply vanished.
Those who had been taken to hospitals soon fled from their beds because the Ukraine SBU security police were siezing all personal data from them, in order later to get further revenge.”



"Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal"

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 8 May - 20:43

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi BmtyMemCEAAftFb
Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi OUmGlOFq_normalGrahamWPhillips @GrahamWP_UK

Close-up look at those who attend pro-Russia demos in #Odessa. To call them 'thugs', as @carlbildt did, is not human.
The ex-governor of the region, deputy Nikolay Skorik, compared the attackers who burnt the -unarmed civilians- alive to Nazis during World War II.
They were killed just because they had a different point of view,” said Skorik, who initiated the special session.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Thu 8 May - 20:48

03.05. 2014. Dan nakon fašističke klaonice u Odesi.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Thu 8 May - 20:53

Yehudi wrote:Fašistićka kijevska hunta pustila je pse sa lanca.

Ono je bila tragedija, to svi znamo i tako je razumijemo. Međutim, bedasto je  reći , da ne kažem zlobno,  da je bila  planirana i namjerna. Nasilje rodi nasilje i niklad ne znamo kako će se završiti, posebno kad je rulja u pitanju.
PS: One foto gore nisam ni gledao, a da si pametan (koliko nisi) ne bi ih ni ti postavio.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Sora Thu 8 May - 20:58

Ero0 wrote:
Yehudi wrote:Fašistićka kijevska hunta pustila je pse sa lanca.

Ono je bila tragedija, to svi znamo i tako je razumijemo. Međutim, bedasto je  reći , da ne kažem zlobno,  da je bila  planirana i namjerna. Nasilje rodi nasilje i niklad ne znamo kako će se završiti, posebno kad je rulja u pitanju.
PS: One foto gore nisam ni gledao, a da si pametan (koliko nisi) ne bi ih ni ti postavio.
Da si ti čovjek koliko nisi 
Ne bi stalno srao 
Nije ni bitnomjel akcija planirana ili ne nego po tebi je  bitno

Da je osvetnicka

Teško nama dok se ovom zemljom kreću takvi moralno ljigavi i podmuklo tipovi

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Ero0 Thu 8 May - 21:08

Yehudi wrote:
03.05. 2014. Dan nakon fašističke klaonice u Odesi.

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Image
photo upload sites

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 9 May - 18:24

Ero0 wrote:
Yehudi wrote:Fašistićka kijevska hunta pustila je pse sa lanca.

Ono je bila tragedija, to svi znamo i tako je razumijemo. Međutim, bedasto je  reći , da ne kažem zlobno,  da je bila  planirana i namjerna. Nasilje rodi nasilje i niklad ne znamo kako će se završiti, posebno kad je rulja u pitanju.
PS: One foto gore nisam ni gledao, a da si pametan (koliko nisi) ne bi ih ni ti postavio.

 ERO-ja nisam otvorio ovu temu.Pogledao sam snimke A PREPORUČAM I TEBI da pogledaš te snimke.
 Sve u nadi da ćeš , barem malo, doći pameti tj. da će ČINJENICE  utjecati na formiranje tvoga mišljenja i stava o situaciji.
 Tko god pogledao snimke, jasno će mu biti da ti civili nisu stradali u požaru. Naprotiv, sistematično su masakrirani, muškarci u snazi su upucani u glavu, cure silovane pa spaljene a trudnica zadavljena.
 Srami se ako sve to ignoriraš ili opravdavaš bilo čime. Eto toliko.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Avatar Fri 9 May - 18:30

Ero0 wrote:
Yehudi wrote:Fašistićka kijevska hunta pustila je pse sa lanca.

Ono je bila tragedija, to svi znamo i tako je razumijemo. Međutim, bedasto je  reći , da ne kažem zlobno,  da je bila  planirana i namjerna. Nasilje rodi nasilje i niklad ne znamo kako će se završiti, posebno kad je rulja u pitanju.
PS: One foto gore nisam ni gledao, a da si pametan (koliko nisi) ne bi ih ni ti postavio.

Ove slike ništa drugo ne govore osim što si napisao da nasilje rodi nasilje, već viđeno ...
I da... da su kojim slučajem upravo Rusi to napravili Ukrajicima, isti oni koji se ovdje kao zgražaju bi pravdali time da se radilo o fašistima...bolest totalna!  :blj

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Yehudi Fri 9 May - 19:07

Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi 873896_original

 Zamisli da ti je to žena, sestra, mater----@ avatar-@ero...............i prekinite sa timfašističkim sranjima više. Za ovakvo šta -NEMA OPRAVDANJA-  a tosu učinilipriopadnici-desnog sektora- 
 medjutim vi to očito podržavate. E pa ako je tako, želim da se i vama dogodi isto.

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Avatar Fri 9 May - 20:19

Je to ne podržavam, ali isto tako ne podržavam huškanje od strane Putina ruske manjine na rat. Rusi nisu bili ugroženi od nikoga, ali su prvi počeli dizati barikade i naoružavat se, te su iz čista mira počeli mlatiti ljude po ulicama samo zbog svoje nacionalnosti. Velim, da nije bilo huškanja ruska manjina je mogla dobit još veća prava nego što je imala do sada.  

Oni koji su ovo na slici učinili su zvijeri koje treba objesit na bandere, to je svima jasno...ali ne vidi se na slikama da su prisutni Ukrajinci van zgrade pokušali pomoć ljudima koji su bili unutra zatečeni, ali uzalud...

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Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi Empty Re: Kako su pučisti pobili ljude u Odessi

Post by Guest Sat 10 May - 0:58

bolesno ukratko... jebiga bolesnici sa obje strane(da obje strane) hoće se mlatit, a u sranju najebu nedužni i to je tako.

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