"(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
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Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
prckov wrote:ako nije ubrzanje onda cu morat guglatSpeare Shaker wrote:T. wrote:Da nema gravitacije prckov bi ispao sa zemlje...Speare Shaker wrote:veber wrote:
pa četvrta dimenzija je stalno prisutna.
I poznata je kao vrijeme kao posebna dimenzija unutar prostorvremena svemira.
Riječ je o tzv. srodnim varijablama. No, nije riječ o posebnoj prostornoj dimenziji, a postoje i modeli koji o tako nečem govore ne samo u mikro-gabaritima nego barataju i sa dodatnim makro-dimenzijama prostora, da sad ne davim s detaljima.
Ionako ovdje nitko nema pojma o fundamentalnoj fizici, osim prcka i jednim dijelom trknutog Fendera koji mi do danas nije odgovorio na pitanje iz čega proizlazi gravitacija osim iz mase tijela. Jasno je i zašto to nije učinio.
I iz čega proizlazi gravitacija osim iz mase tijela?
Po Einsteinu odnosno Einsteinovoj OTR, jer po Newtonu izlazi samo iz mase što je naravno pogrešno.
Na to mi pitanje na forumu nitko nije odgovorio, niti famozni deda, niti Fender, ali nekako mislim da bi prcko to valjda jedini na ovom forumu znao ili ako sad ne zna da bi brzo izguglao, a vjerujem da ipak zna o čemu treba guglati.
Nije ubrzanje.
Guest- Guest
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
[size=37]GRAVITY IS NOT A FORCE[/size] At the present time we don’t know exactly what Gravity is. However, scientists assume that gravity is the fourth force of Nature. According to the Masters of Light, this is a huge mistake because there are 3 forces only: 1. Electromagnetic Force2. The Strong Force 3. The Weak Force It doesn’t matter if scientists believe in channeling or not, at least they should consider this new paradigm seriously, perhaps they can find the answer. We know that they have the formulas right in front of them although their theories are wrong. SESSION 20/MAR/08 Medium: Jorge OlguinInterlocutor: Manuel M. Entity that came to dialogue: Morganel. Morganel: You think that you are advanced technologically. How much you still lack! How many things you ignore. You have no idea of the anti-gravitational principle. You have no idea of anything. Researches have been made in different countries about time travel and some scientists are already seeing the possibility of those trips; they are no longer denying it, they are already seeing the possibility. But you are far, very far from it. Because I dive in the mind of those incarnated beings and their theories - although they are well-guided - they are wrong. If the decoder of this vessel had a base of knowledge on the topic – Unfortunately he doesn't have it - I could give him some formulas but I can only transmit the concepts. But if the decoder of this vessel doesn't have a conceptual base on that topic, it will be futile and it will be useless. It is about giving the biggest approach to what one has to say. I can only say this: Do not take gravity as a force, like the strong, the weak, and the electromagnetic; don't take it as a fourth force. Do not look for the Theory of Everything (TOE) because that’s your mistake. We have already investigated it with the sublime Johnakan. You will knock your heads against the wall. There are three forces, not four. Study it, deepen it. Gravity is not a force. Not in the way that you are thinking. Interlocutor: Therefore, we should recognize our ignorance about the physical cause of what we have called gravity phenomenon and we should still recognize that we don't know what Gravity is. Morganel: Correct. We could call Gravity as a virtue or a defect that interacts with the mass. Interacts with the matter. That is to say, the same matter itself possesses a gravitational state; we would call it "state" not a "force." A gravitational state. Interlocutor: My question, Morganel, is: Do you know if Einstein's Unified field theory has some scientific validity? Morganel: No. It doesn’t have any scientific validity. First because we cannot speak of antigravity since they ignore what Gravity is. One cannot speak of annulling the gravitational force when we have already revealed that Gravity is not the fourth force. One cannot speak of annulling inertia. One cannot speak of those topics because what some scientists are doing in the practice is mixing the forces. First: Every force has a possibility to be isolated. That is an advance that the scientists have not yet demonstrated. At least not in this planet Sun 3. Every force can be isolated... Interlocutor: Excuse me, Morgan-El. I know that the electromagnetic force can be isolated and we know that since the XIX century, with the Faraday cage. Morganel: Correct. Interlocutor: However if the strong and the weak force can be isolated, that would be a novelty. Morganel: They can be isolated perfectly. Obviously that today in Sun 3 the technological advance is not enough to achieve it. In other worlds they have been achieved. On the contrary, gravity cannot be isolated because it is not a force; then, there is no way to connect it - if you understand the word - with the electromagnetism. Today, still without knowing anything of scientific history, any student of High School -, and any basic student relates the magnetism almost immediately to electricity. However, there is no advanced student that has deepened on gravitational systems. |
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RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
onda cu morat guglat, al malo poslijeSpeare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:ako nije ubrzanje onda cu morat guglatSpeare Shaker wrote:T. wrote:Da nema gravitacije prckov bi ispao sa zemlje...Speare Shaker wrote:
I poznata je kao vrijeme kao posebna dimenzija unutar prostorvremena svemira.
Riječ je o tzv. srodnim varijablama. No, nije riječ o posebnoj prostornoj dimenziji, a postoje i modeli koji o tako nečem govore ne samo u mikro-gabaritima nego barataju i sa dodatnim makro-dimenzijama prostora, da sad ne davim s detaljima.
Ionako ovdje nitko nema pojma o fundamentalnoj fizici, osim prcka i jednim dijelom trknutog Fendera koji mi do danas nije odgovorio na pitanje iz čega proizlazi gravitacija osim iz mase tijela. Jasno je i zašto to nije učinio.
I iz čega proizlazi gravitacija osim iz mase tijela?
Po Einsteinu odnosno Einsteinovoj OTR, jer po Newtonu izlazi samo iz mase što je naravno pogrešno.
Na to mi pitanje na forumu nitko nije odgovorio, niti famozni deda, niti Fender, ali nekako mislim da bi prcko to valjda jedini na ovom forumu znao ili ako sad ne zna da bi brzo izguglao, a vjerujem da ipak zna o čemu treba guglati.
Nije ubrzanje.
ili da nam ti kazes da se ne mucim
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Gravitacija je stanje , privlačenje među masama no masa je samo jedan od čimbenika jakosti gravitacije pošto postoji i sfera pa tako na polovima je gravitacija slabija a na ekvatoru jača a isto je tijelo tj masa.
Nešto kao da sve teži da pređe u ravninu tj iz 3 dimenzije u 2 dimenzije tj pretvori se u plohu. Normalno masa zauzima volumen i rotira se pa se to ne dešava no sustavi su u osnovi sferični.
Nešto kao da sve teži da pređe u ravninu tj iz 3 dimenzije u 2 dimenzije tj pretvori se u plohu. Normalno masa zauzima volumen i rotira se pa se to ne dešava no sustavi su u osnovi sferični.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
ako mislis po ajnstajnovoj otr onda je to zakrivljenost prostor vremena uzrokovana masom objekataprckov wrote:Speare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:ako nije ubrzanje onda cu morat guglatSpeare Shaker wrote:T. wrote:
Da nema gravitacije prckov bi ispao sa zemlje...
I iz čega proizlazi gravitacija osim iz mase tijela?
Po Einsteinu odnosno Einsteinovoj OTR, jer po Newtonu izlazi samo iz mase što je naravno pogrešno.
Na to mi pitanje na forumu nitko nije odgovorio, niti famozni deda, niti Fender, ali nekako mislim da bi prcko to valjda jedini na ovom forumu znao ili ako sad ne zna da bi brzo izguglao, a vjerujem da ipak zna o čemu treba guglati.
Nije ubrzanje.
a posto je masa=energija pretvaranje energije u masu = gravitacija?
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Energiju moš posmatrat kao tekuću masu dakle to je opet oko nekog tijela njegova masa.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
nista dvodimenzionalno ne moze objektivno postojatRayMabus wrote:Energiju moš posmatrat kao tekuću masu dakle to je opet oko nekog tijela njegova masa.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
to su matematicko teoretski koncepti
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
sfera je šuplja lopta.RayMabus wrote:Energiju moš posmatrat kao tekuću masu dakle to je opet oko nekog tijela njegova masa.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
ono kaj ti bulazniš je gravitacijski tanjur koji i u beskonačnosti ima Z os
Posts : 53509
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Znam da ne može kad je 3 D svemir samo postoji ta težnja da budu ploha ili u plohi. To je ta sferičnost sustava i tu se očitava da gravitacija također ovisi i o položaju jer je u sferi ona najjača. Sama materija kao da želi u jednu ravninu
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Ok gravitacijski tanjur al on se očito pojavljuje kao prostorna veličina i utječe na gravitaciju znači nije samo masa nego je i položaj.veber wrote:sfera je šuplja lopta.RayMabus wrote:Energiju moš posmatrat kao tekuću masu dakle to je opet oko nekog tijela njegova masa.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
ono kaj ti bulazniš je gravitacijski tanjur koji i u beskonačnosti ima Z os
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
[ltr] to explain question of space-time fabric distortion, you have to know thinternal structure of spacetime and the associate of its component building block with energy that is proportional to c^0. This energy proportional to c^0 is not yet recognized in current physics theory.[/ltr]
[ltr]The energy of spacetime must remain independent of the energy of the particles that exist “in” spacetime. The energy of the particles “in” spacetime is represented mathematically as proportional to c^2 (particles of matter and anti-matter that contain mass) and proportional to c^1 which is the energy of photons.[/ltr]
[ltr]The E0 energy of spacetime cannot become the E1 energy of light and the E1 energy of light cannot become the E0 energy of spacetime. This is the basis for the law of conservation of energy and independent energy states.[/ltr]
[ltr]A particle that contains mass existing in the E0 energy of spacetime has an E2 energy field that extends outward infinitely. If another E2 energy particle exists in the first particle’s E2 energy field (without spacetime), then the particles would repel. That is because a particle will not move towards higher E2 energy levels. Newton’s equation basically shows that E2 energy gradients exist with the term m/r extending outward infinitely and the slope of that curve as (-m/r^2).[/ltr]
[ltr]Although Newton’s equation for gravity is very good - at its heart it creates a model where the force of gravity is predicted to repel, not attract. The E2 energy gradients sloped away from the particles that create them. That is quite amazing that the “fix” was to just adjust the gravity’s force vector to the direction of attraction to correct the flaw in his model.[/ltr]
[ltr]Einstein’s theory proposes that the mass in the particle exists within a boundary and that the mass somehow distorts the spacetime around it. It is very successful but the most important aspect is that it creates a gradient in spacetime that puts the force vector of gravity in the correct direction for gravity! But his theory and model leaves us with two questions: 1) What is the mechanism by which the mass of a particle bends spacetime? and 2) What is spacetime composed of if it is said to be able to bend?[/ltr]
[ltr]Gordon’s Theory of Everything and the hierarchy of energy tells us that spacetime is an energy medium of E0 energy which must remain independent of the E2 energy of particles. Both these energies will occupy the same region —- that has consequences… it is not the amount of each energy in a region that is important - it is the existence of each energy in relation to the total energy content in the region. Therefore is a region has 80% E2 energy, then the amount of E0 energy in the same region is 20%. As the E2 energy decreases as 1/r along the radial distance, it will get to 50% and the E0 energy in the region will be 50%. When the E2 energy gets to 20 %, the E0 energy will become 80%.[/ltr]
[ltr]Note that this sets up equal and opposite energy gradients of these two energys despite the notion that the E0 energy of spacetime is equal in all directions before the presence of an E2 energy particle. The issue now is - we see that the E2 energy gradient acts to repel the E2 particles and the E0 energy gradient acts to attract the two E2 particles and these gradients are equal and opposite. That means that there should not be a force of gravity at all![/ltr]
[ltr]The reason why gravity exists is because while we know that the E0 energy of spacetime creates distance, we also need to realize that the E2 energy of a particle also creates distance. The addition of E2 distance into spacetime occurs very close to the particle’s vicinity. This creates a small differential between the two energy gradients. We know this differential as Newton’s gravitational constant which is actually an asymptotic value as a result of most of the distance added very close to the particle’s center. The asymptotic value is essentially reached at 10 -15 meters which is still 100 times smaller than the closest measurement of G.[/ltr]
[ltr]Now here is the kicker… The energy associated with spacetime is dark energy. It plays a huge role in the creation of the gravitational field yet we had two theories that had no clue of its existence. General Relativity remains valid every time it was put to the test. The reason why dark energy was never recognized is because the energy gradient of spacetime mimics the E2 energy gradient of mass which is experimentally accessible. We did not need to know to E0 energy or its gradient as a result of this relationship![/ltr]
[ltr]In addition, we also found out the reason why the gravitational field is so weak. Gravity is the resultant force of two nearly equal and opposite energy gradients![/ltr]
[ltr]What we call the distortion of spacetime is merely a result of independent energy states co-existing in the same region. Distortion is the change of what is considered “straight” within spacetime. The energy along a path determines what “straight” is and it does not matter which energy state that exists along a path that determines “straight”.[/ltr]
ovdje je problem sto tamna energija nije eksperimentalno dokazana
a inace vrlo zanimljiv pogled na gravitaciju
[ltr]The energy of spacetime must remain independent of the energy of the particles that exist “in” spacetime. The energy of the particles “in” spacetime is represented mathematically as proportional to c^2 (particles of matter and anti-matter that contain mass) and proportional to c^1 which is the energy of photons.[/ltr]
[ltr]The E0 energy of spacetime cannot become the E1 energy of light and the E1 energy of light cannot become the E0 energy of spacetime. This is the basis for the law of conservation of energy and independent energy states.[/ltr]
[ltr]A particle that contains mass existing in the E0 energy of spacetime has an E2 energy field that extends outward infinitely. If another E2 energy particle exists in the first particle’s E2 energy field (without spacetime), then the particles would repel. That is because a particle will not move towards higher E2 energy levels. Newton’s equation basically shows that E2 energy gradients exist with the term m/r extending outward infinitely and the slope of that curve as (-m/r^2).[/ltr]
[ltr]Although Newton’s equation for gravity is very good - at its heart it creates a model where the force of gravity is predicted to repel, not attract. The E2 energy gradients sloped away from the particles that create them. That is quite amazing that the “fix” was to just adjust the gravity’s force vector to the direction of attraction to correct the flaw in his model.[/ltr]
[ltr]Einstein’s theory proposes that the mass in the particle exists within a boundary and that the mass somehow distorts the spacetime around it. It is very successful but the most important aspect is that it creates a gradient in spacetime that puts the force vector of gravity in the correct direction for gravity! But his theory and model leaves us with two questions: 1) What is the mechanism by which the mass of a particle bends spacetime? and 2) What is spacetime composed of if it is said to be able to bend?[/ltr]
[ltr]Gordon’s Theory of Everything and the hierarchy of energy tells us that spacetime is an energy medium of E0 energy which must remain independent of the E2 energy of particles. Both these energies will occupy the same region —- that has consequences… it is not the amount of each energy in a region that is important - it is the existence of each energy in relation to the total energy content in the region. Therefore is a region has 80% E2 energy, then the amount of E0 energy in the same region is 20%. As the E2 energy decreases as 1/r along the radial distance, it will get to 50% and the E0 energy in the region will be 50%. When the E2 energy gets to 20 %, the E0 energy will become 80%.[/ltr]
[ltr]Note that this sets up equal and opposite energy gradients of these two energys despite the notion that the E0 energy of spacetime is equal in all directions before the presence of an E2 energy particle. The issue now is - we see that the E2 energy gradient acts to repel the E2 particles and the E0 energy gradient acts to attract the two E2 particles and these gradients are equal and opposite. That means that there should not be a force of gravity at all![/ltr]
[ltr]The reason why gravity exists is because while we know that the E0 energy of spacetime creates distance, we also need to realize that the E2 energy of a particle also creates distance. The addition of E2 distance into spacetime occurs very close to the particle’s vicinity. This creates a small differential between the two energy gradients. We know this differential as Newton’s gravitational constant which is actually an asymptotic value as a result of most of the distance added very close to the particle’s center. The asymptotic value is essentially reached at 10 -15 meters which is still 100 times smaller than the closest measurement of G.[/ltr]
[ltr]Now here is the kicker… The energy associated with spacetime is dark energy. It plays a huge role in the creation of the gravitational field yet we had two theories that had no clue of its existence. General Relativity remains valid every time it was put to the test. The reason why dark energy was never recognized is because the energy gradient of spacetime mimics the E2 energy gradient of mass which is experimentally accessible. We did not need to know to E0 energy or its gradient as a result of this relationship![/ltr]
[ltr]In addition, we also found out the reason why the gravitational field is so weak. Gravity is the resultant force of two nearly equal and opposite energy gradients![/ltr]
[ltr]What we call the distortion of spacetime is merely a result of independent energy states co-existing in the same region. Distortion is the change of what is considered “straight” within spacetime. The energy along a path determines what “straight” is and it does not matter which energy state that exists along a path that determines “straight”.[/ltr]
ovdje je problem sto tamna energija nije eksperimentalno dokazana
a inace vrlo zanimljiv pogled na gravitaciju
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Unimatrix_Zero wrote:nemora odmah znaciti da su vanzemaljci
možda se ti Zero pokazao
oni misle vanzemaljci
a neki dan si se meni išao porugati .. hh
Posts : 23285
Lokacija: : CROATIA
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
halooooo!RayMabus wrote:Ok gravitacijski tanjur al on se očito pojavljuje kao prostorna veličina i utječe na gravitaciju znači nije samo masa nego je i položaj.veber wrote:sfera je šuplja lopta.RayMabus wrote:Energiju moš posmatrat kao tekuću masu dakle to je opet oko nekog tijela njegova masa.
Sferičnost. Ta težnja da sve bude u ravnini kao da trodimenzionalni svemir ima intenciju da postane dvodimenzionalni.
Položaj u prostoru. To ti je drugi čimbenik uz masu.
ono kaj ti bulazniš je gravitacijski tanjur koji i u beskonačnosti ima Z os
papir je tanak, folija za zamatanje došla na 0,02mm
folija ima x300mm, y=10000mm i z=ostaje debljina
druga dimenzija postoji samo kao pripadnica, član treće.
kada dodamo četvrtu koja je isto dimenzija, ošli u pm na ovom forumu, gdje 80% ne zna kaj je apcisa, a kaj koordinata..
Posts : 53509
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Veberu cijepidlačiš. Rekao sam da kao da materija ima želju preći u 2d dimenziju šta oče reč u ravan a ne da će postati jer očito neće.
Olabavi malo. Shvati poantu.
Olabavi malo. Shvati poantu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
ne svaćam
ako nešto ima debljinu atoma, a prostire se kroz koordinatnisustav, znači da je poprimilo tri dimenzije. zanemarimo vrijeme.
ako nešto ima debljinu atoma, a prostire se kroz koordinatnisustav, znači da je poprimilo tri dimenzije. zanemarimo vrijeme.
Posts : 53509
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Zaboravi Isusa ti. Ja sam izraz 2 D upotrijebio da izrazim ravan.veber wrote:ne svaćam
ako nešto ima debljinu atoma, a prostire se kroz koordinatnisustav, znači da je poprimilo tri dimenzije. zanemarimo vrijeme.
Masa i položaj u prostoru i vjerovatno još neke stvari daju jačinu gravitacije.
Masa i prostor tj položaj i to u odnosu na gravitacijski tanjur koji je fizikalna konstanta.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
Pitanje je šta je gravitacija. To je stanje između masa. To stanje očito ne uvjetuje samo masa tijela nego i položaji između njih pri čemu imamo udaljenost al i kut u odnosu na gravitacijski tanjur pri čemu je gravitacijski tanjur poznata fizička veličina u prostoru.
Sinus kosinus pitagora i dobit ćeš tablicu.
Sinus kosinus pitagora i dobit ćeš tablicu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
i ja sam neka druga vrsta kao wolf samo malo drugaciji genetski.ma nisam se rugao nego ti nerazumijes humor i zajebanciju,previse si ozbiljna i opterecena nebitnim stvarima,rijesi se tog balasta,inace vanzemaljci itekako postoje samo su ih razlicite institucije drugacije nazivale,crkva npr ih naziva,demoni,neke grane nauke imaju razlicite teorije,david icke npr govori o tome da oni manipuliraju politickim dogadjajima na zemlji,kao i ratovimamortal wrote:Unimatrix_Zero wrote:nemora odmah znaciti da su vanzemaljci
možda se ti Zero pokazao
oni misle vanzemaljci
a neki dan si se meni išao porugati .. hh
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
prckov wrote:onda cu morat guglat, al malo poslijeSpeare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:
ako nije ubrzanje onda cu morat guglat
Nije ubrzanje.
ili da nam ti kazes da se ne mucim
Ajde dobro.
"U Newtonovoj teoriji gravitacija proizlazi isključivo iz mase tijela.
Što je veća masa, veće je i gravitacijsko privlačenje tog tijela.
U Einsteinovoj teoriji gravitacija proizlazi iz mase (i energije) tijela, ali i iz njegova tlaka.
Izvažite zatvorenu vrećicu čipsa. Onda je izvažite ponovo, samo ovaj puta napušite vrećicu što će za posljedicu imati veći tlak zraka u njezinoj unutrašnjosti.
Prema Newtonu, težina vrećice bit će ista jer nema promjene u njezinoj masi.
Prema Einsteinu, napuhana vrećica bit će nešto teža zbog povećanja njezina tlaka, unatoč tome što je težina ostala ista.
U svakodnevnim situacijama toga nismo svjesni jer je učinak te promjene na običnim stvarima jedva zamjetan.
No unatoč tome, opća teorija relativnosti i eksperimenti koji dokazuju njezinu točnost jasno potvrđuju da tlak utječe na gravitaciju.
To je odstupanje od Newtonove teorije presudno. Tlak zraka - bez obzira na to je li riječ o vrećici čipsa, napuhanom balonu ili prostoriji u kojoj upravo čitate - jest pozitivan, što znači da zrak djeluje prema van.
U općoj teoriji relativnosti pozitivni tlak, kao i pozitivna masa, pozitivno utječe na gravitaciju, što za posljedicu ima povećanje težine."
Kraj citata.
"Skrivena stvarnost"; Brian Greene; str. 70.
Guest- Guest
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
onako zdravorazumski, s obzirom da otr prilicno precizno predvida odnose u svemiru od lokalnih ko sto je merkurova putanja do galaktickih klastera. Tako da ako bi bi se sacuvala otr i objasnilo ubrzano udaljavanje nebeskih tijela potrebna je teorija koja ce objasnit ubrzavanje sirenja svemira, Ako bi sirenje svemira usporavalo to bi znacilo da ga gravitacija usporava i privlaci nazad u stanje prije sirenja, a ako je udaljavanje konstantno, tj ne mijenja brzinu onda bi to znacilo da gravitacija privlaci k sebi nebeska tijela ali da nema dovoljno mase u svemiru da je vrati nazad, a ako sirenje svemira ubrzava onda to znaci da ga nesto gura, tj odbija. Tako da bi teorija koja ne rusi otr morala bit ili tamna energija ili da gravitacija odguruje na velikim skalama a na maloj skali taj proces kolabira. gravitacijski valovi imaju odbijajucu energiju I nedavno su detektirani. E sad predpostavljam da je tesko izradit matematicki model koji bi ovo podrzoprckov wrote:
[ltr] to explain question of space-time fabric distortion, you have to know thinternal structure of spacetime and the associate of its component building block with energy that is proportional to c^0. This energy proportional to c^0 is not yet recognized in current physics theory.[/ltr]
[ltr]The energy of spacetime must remain independent of the energy of the particles that exist “in” spacetime. The energy of the particles “in” spacetime is represented mathematically as proportional to c^2 (particles of matter and anti-matter that contain mass) and proportional to c^1 which is the energy of photons.[/ltr]
[ltr]The E0 energy of spacetime cannot become the E1 energy of light and the E1 energy of light cannot become the E0 energy of spacetime. This is the basis for the law of conservation of energy and independent energy states.[/ltr]
[ltr]A particle that contains mass existing in the E0 energy of spacetime has an E2 energy field that extends outward infinitely. If another E2 energy particle exists in the first particle’s E2 energy field (without spacetime), then the particles would repel. That is because a particle will not move towards higher E2 energy levels. Newton’s equation basically shows that E2 energy gradients exist with the term m/r extending outward infinitely and the slope of that curve as (-m/r^2).[/ltr]
[ltr]Although Newton’s equation for gravity is very good - at its heart it creates a model where the force of gravity is predicted to repel, not attract. The E2 energy gradients sloped away from the particles that create them. That is quite amazing that the “fix” was to just adjust the gravity’s force vector to the direction of attraction to correct the flaw in his model.[/ltr]
[ltr]Einstein’s theory proposes that the mass in the particle exists within a boundary and that the mass somehow distorts the spacetime around it. It is very successful but the most important aspect is that it creates a gradient in spacetime that puts the force vector of gravity in the correct direction for gravity! But his theory and model leaves us with two questions: 1) What is the mechanism by which the mass of a particle bends spacetime? and 2) What is spacetime composed of if it is said to be able to bend?[/ltr]
[ltr]Gordon’s Theory of Everything and the hierarchy of energy tells us that spacetime is an energy medium of E0 energy which must remain independent of the E2 energy of particles. Both these energies will occupy the same region —- that has consequences… it is not the amount of each energy in a region that is important - it is the existence of each energy in relation to the total energy content in the region. Therefore is a region has 80% E2 energy, then the amount of E0 energy in the same region is 20%. As the E2 energy decreases as 1/r along the radial distance, it will get to 50% and the E0 energy in the region will be 50%. When the E2 energy gets to 20 %, the E0 energy will become 80%.[/ltr]
[ltr]Note that this sets up equal and opposite energy gradients of these two energys despite the notion that the E0 energy of spacetime is equal in all directions before the presence of an E2 energy particle. The issue now is - we see that the E2 energy gradient acts to repel the E2 particles and the E0 energy gradient acts to attract the two E2 particles and these gradients are equal and opposite. That means that there should not be a force of gravity at all![/ltr]
[ltr]The reason why gravity exists is because while we know that the E0 energy of spacetime creates distance, we also need to realize that the E2 energy of a particle also creates distance. The addition of E2 distance into spacetime occurs very close to the particle’s vicinity. This creates a small differential between the two energy gradients. We know this differential as Newton’s gravitational constant which is actually an asymptotic value as a result of most of the distance added very close to the particle’s center. The asymptotic value is essentially reached at 10 -15 meters which is still 100 times smaller than the closest measurement of G.[/ltr]
[ltr]Now here is the kicker… The energy associated with spacetime is dark energy. It plays a huge role in the creation of the gravitational field yet we had two theories that had no clue of its existence. General Relativity remains valid every time it was put to the test. The reason why dark energy was never recognized is because the energy gradient of spacetime mimics the E2 energy gradient of mass which is experimentally accessible. We did not need to know to E0 energy or its gradient as a result of this relationship![/ltr]
[ltr]In addition, we also found out the reason why the gravitational field is so weak. Gravity is the resultant force of two nearly equal and opposite energy gradients![/ltr]
[ltr]What we call the distortion of spacetime is merely a result of independent energy states co-existing in the same region. Distortion is the change of what is considered “straight” within spacetime. The energy along a path determines what “straight” is and it does not matter which energy state that exists along a path that determines “straight”.[/ltr]
ovdje je problem sto tamna energija nije eksperimentalno dokazana
a inace vrlo zanimljiv pogled na gravitaciju
Btw nisam znao da ima teorija gravitacije koja je opceprihvacena a da ne narusava otr.
ne znam kolko ovo ima smisla ali ponasanje svemira upucuje na odbijajucu silu pa bilo to ta teorijska tamna energija ili gravitacija kao odbijajuca sila koja pada na malim udaljenostima
elem cekam odgovor
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: "(VIDEO) Par svjetlećih kugli uznemirio stanovnike: ‘Jesu li ovo izvanzemaljci’ "
a tu siSpeare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:onda cu morat guglat, al malo poslijeSpeare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:
ako nije ubrzanje onda cu morat guglat
Nije ubrzanje.
ili da nam ti kazes da se ne mucim
Ajde dobro.
"U Newtonovoj teoriji gravitacija proizlazi isključivo iz mase tijela.
Što je veća masa, veće je i gravitacijsko privlačenje tog tijela.
U Einsteinovoj teoriji gravitacija proizlazi iz mase (i energije) tijela, ali i iz njegova tlaka.
Izvažite zatvorenu vrećicu čipsa. Onda je izvažite ponovo, samo ovaj puta napušite vrećicu što će za posljedicu imati veći tlak zraka u njezinoj unutrašnjosti.
Prema Newtonu, težina vrećice bit će ista jer nema promjene u njezinoj masi.
Prema Einsteinu, napuhana vrećica bit će nešto teža zbog povećanja njezina tlaka, unatoč tome što je težina ostala ista.
U svakodnevnim situacijama toga nismo svjesni jer je učinak te promjene na običnim stvarima jedva zamjetan.
No unatoč tome, opća teorija relativnosti i eksperimenti koji dokazuju njezinu točnost jasno potvrđuju da tlak utječe na gravitaciju.
To je odstupanje od Newtonove teorije presudno. Tlak zraka - bez obzira na to je li riječ o vrećici čipsa, napuhanom balonu ili prostoriji u kojoj upravo čitate - jest pozitivan, što znači da zrak djeluje prema van.
U općoj teoriji relativnosti pozitivni tlak, kao i pozitivna masa, pozitivno utječe na gravitaciju, što za posljedicu ima povećanje težine."
Kraj citata.
"Skrivena stvarnost"; Brian Greene; str. 70.
prckov- Posts : 34555
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