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Re: Dankverbot
prebrzo prica, pogotovo kad se krevelji.. uostalom on sam sebe smatra rock zvijezdom danasnjicom, i to je PR prve vrste..
marketing je sam po sebi zlo, podvaljivanje simulakruma..
Re: Dankverbot
Je li bilo tesko to odmah napisati!? Ne smeta mi brzina njegovog pricanja, a za ostalo ne znam jer ga ne pratim. Medjutim, ovaj mi je videozapis odlicno "sjeo" jer sam zamijetila promjenu u prodaji zivotnog stila zadnjih godina. Prvenstveno mnozenje kojekakvih motivacijskih govornika i zivotnih trenera s pricama koje se zrcale i u ovakvim "produhovljenin" reklamama.
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Re: Dankverbot
A vezano uz PR, svi smo mi strucnjaci u tome. Citav se zivot nekome reklamiramo i prodajemo.
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Re: Dankverbot
kic wrote:
taj dio je i normalan, i cvijet se prodaje kukcu..
Ti i Peterson se doista lijepo razumijete. :D
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Re: Dankverbot
covjek se hrani na drugijacnosti, i to se iskoristava..
citao sam na redditu kako su ovi iz VIPa, ili A1 sad, uhvaceni na sastanku kako govore koliko mogu krsit zakon a da im se isplati na kraju ipak..
Re: Dankverbot
ali, ali prije je bilo lepšemetilda wrote:da se vratimo normalnim temama :D
moj prvi susret s politikom bio je u desetoj godini, a rođena sam 1960.
odjednom su oko mene hodala zabrinuta lica i šaputalo se u mojoj prisutnosti.. ali ja ne bih bila ja da nisam uspjela izvući razlog takvom ponašanju..
rekli su mi da se u zagrebu bune studenti a rođak je bio blizak prijatelj s nekim Budišom.. nije bilo ni telefona a kamoli mobitela da učas saznamo što se događa..
onda su uhapsili tog Budišu.. u obitelji je nastao još veći muk pribojavalo se najgorega..
racije su se provodile noću, studenti hapšeni na spavanju.. spletom nevjerojatnih okolnosti rođak te noći nije bio s tim Budišom za vrijeme racije.. kasnije nam je rekao da mnoge studente koji su te noći uhapšeni nikada više nije vidio.. progutao ih mrak bratstva i jedinstva..
Vlado Gotovac je piskarao kasnije nešto o tim vremenima... :P
onda je na zub došao vice vukov.. zabranili mu nastupe.. sjećam se da sam išla na jedan od njegovih možda posljednjih koncerata .. nezaboravno..
tada je nastupila čuvena hrvatska šutnja.. tada su nas ušutkali ali neće više
moj susjed je bio vodeći u KP tog doba.. stražarila sam kad će kući na marendu da mu pustim vicine ploče na najglasnije..
no eto, nije nas prijavio.. savjest ili je bio nagluh, tko zna..
dok ste vi bili u povojima ili tek u Božjem planu ja sam već imala policijski dosje..
i onda da čitam srpsku književnost i učim partizanske ofanzive.. :D
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Dankverbot
samo da dodan na onu temu iz književnosti;
"... sve je razgrabljeno... U odvjetničkoj pisarnici
još ćete teže naći mjesto, pogotovo kao početnik!... Ja bih vas rado okrijepio nadom.
Odvjetničke pisarnice pune su. Sve je navalilo u Zagreb, sve traži pisarije, propali trgovci i umirovljeni činovnici... A sve vrvi u činovnike... - rekao je smrknuvši se i stao zlovoljno
ispijati čašu. - A narod - viknuo je najednom - seli u tuđinu... "
"... sve je razgrabljeno... U odvjetničkoj pisarnici
još ćete teže naći mjesto, pogotovo kao početnik!... Ja bih vas rado okrijepio nadom.
Odvjetničke pisarnice pune su. Sve je navalilo u Zagreb, sve traži pisarije, propali trgovci i umirovljeni činovnici... A sve vrvi u činovnike... - rekao je smrknuvši se i stao zlovoljno
ispijati čašu. - A narod - viknuo je najednom - seli u tuđinu... "
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Dankverbot
Gone: endemic Baikal sponge has died completely in several areas of the vast lake
Vital for making its waters so 'pure', one theory is that rising underwater methane leaks are killing off the sponge, but is there a silver lining?
In just two years, since the sponge was last surveyed, it has entirely vanished in the area around popular tourist resort Listvyanka and Cape Tolsty, in Irkutsk region, and over a wide area in the north of the crescent-shaped lake which contains around 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater.
One theory is that the lesion of the sponge in coastal areas is caused by the impact of tourists, and the pollution that accompanies them, and the consequent growth of harmful foul-smelling algae.
Igor Khanaev, of the Limnological Institute, in Irkutsk, said referring to the Listvyanka area: 'It is clear that the waste discharged by boats have seriously changed the ecosystem of the lake in this area.'
Vital for making its waters so 'pure', one theory is that rising underwater methane leaks are killing off the sponge, but is there a silver lining?
In just two years, since the sponge was last surveyed, it has entirely vanished in the area around popular tourist resort Listvyanka and Cape Tolsty, in Irkutsk region, and over a wide area in the north of the crescent-shaped lake which contains around 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater.
One theory is that the lesion of the sponge in coastal areas is caused by the impact of tourists, and the pollution that accompanies them, and the consequent growth of harmful foul-smelling algae.
Igor Khanaev, of the Limnological Institute, in Irkutsk, said referring to the Listvyanka area: 'It is clear that the waste discharged by boats have seriously changed the ecosystem of the lake in this area.'
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Re: Dankverbot
Methane hydrates
In the Arctic, the amounts of methane are equally vast. Shakhova et al. (2010) estimate the accumulated methane potential for the Eastern Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS, image 7. on the right) alone as follows:
organic carbon in permafrost of about 500 Gt
about 1000 Gt in hydrate deposits
about 700 Gt in free gas beneath the gas hydrate stability zone.
Shakhova et al. (2008) consider release of up to 50 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage as highly possible for abrupt release at any time.
By comparison, the total amount of methane currently in the atmosphere is about 5 Gt.
3. Methane's potency as a greenhouse gas
Releases of methane into the atmosphere are very worrying, given methane's high potency as a greenhouse gas.
In the Arctic, the amounts of methane are equally vast. Shakhova et al. (2010) estimate the accumulated methane potential for the Eastern Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS, image 7. on the right) alone as follows:
organic carbon in permafrost of about 500 Gt
about 1000 Gt in hydrate deposits
about 700 Gt in free gas beneath the gas hydrate stability zone.
Shakhova et al. (2008) consider release of up to 50 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage as highly possible for abrupt release at any time.
By comparison, the total amount of methane currently in the atmosphere is about 5 Gt.
3. Methane's potency as a greenhouse gas
Releases of methane into the atmosphere are very worrying, given methane's high potency as a greenhouse gas.
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Re: Dankverbot
svi mediji pišu o požarima u kaliforniji a niti jedan medij ne piše o ogromnim požarima u sibiru. amerikanizacija? neinformiranost? to je Rusija pa koga boli kurac?
evo ja ću ako neće nitko:
Concern over raging wildfires as smoke from Siberia crosses Alaska and Canada, reaching New England
By The Siberian Times reporter13 July 2018
‘Taiga burning’ - as scared bears are driven out of their natural habitat towards settlements where they are shot as danger to people.
graphic infra-red picture from a Sentinel 2 satellite image taken more than two months ago.
Dramatic new pictures show the latest forest infernos as reports come from the US that wildfire smoke from Siberia has blown some 5,000 miles to New England.
This comes as clouds are being spiked with chemicals in Yakutia to provoke rain to extinguish flames - and amid claims from environmentalists that the scale of forest fires has been hidden by the authorities.
In the US, Storm Center 7 Chief Meteorologist Eric Elwell was quoted saying: ‘Strong winds aloft in the polar jet stream carried some of the smoke from the fires across the Bering Strait and into northern Alaska, then southeastward into central Canada and eventually across the Great Lakes and eastward into southern New England.’
The Weather Channel illustrated a report on the problem with a graphic infra-red picture from a Sentinel 2 satellite image taken more than two months ago - on 9 May - over Zeya Reservoir in Amur region.
Presumably the smoke reaching the US is from more recent blazes, but the trail to North America highlights the problems of wildfires - some engulfing ancient boreal forests - in Siberia and the Russian Far East.
In dramatic aerial pictures from civil aviation pilot Vitalij Boykov over Vanavara and Tura as well as Boguchansky district in Krasnoyarsk region - currently one of the hotspots.
He posted: ‘The taiga is burning. This is Vanavara, Tura, (and) Boguchansky district. The wind carries all this towards the city, so don’t blame authorities or factories.
‘No rain is expected, so we’ll keep breathing this smoke in.’
His comments sparked a backlash with one complaint that Russia was hosting ‘the most expensive World Cup in history’ but that fire fighting was not being undertaken due to lack of funds.
Viktor Yatsutsenko, head of the National Crisis Management Centre, admitted: ‘The forest fire situation is most difficult in Siberia and the Far East, in the Sakha region.
‘Aircraft, including Be-200 planes, are being used to extinguish the fires. Special attention is given to protection of the population and communities from fires.” he said.
Yatsutsenko reported complaints of smoke fumes in some areas but claimed the ‘environmental situation is normal’.
One report said that 65% of Russian summer wildfires are currently in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions.
Meanwhile, Alexey Yaroshenko of Greenpeace estimated the overall area covered by wildfires in Russia since beginning of 2018 as being more than ten million hectares.
evo ja ću ako neće nitko:
Concern over raging wildfires as smoke from Siberia crosses Alaska and Canada, reaching New England
By The Siberian Times reporter13 July 2018
‘Taiga burning’ - as scared bears are driven out of their natural habitat towards settlements where they are shot as danger to people.
graphic infra-red picture from a Sentinel 2 satellite image taken more than two months ago.
Dramatic new pictures show the latest forest infernos as reports come from the US that wildfire smoke from Siberia has blown some 5,000 miles to New England.
This comes as clouds are being spiked with chemicals in Yakutia to provoke rain to extinguish flames - and amid claims from environmentalists that the scale of forest fires has been hidden by the authorities.
In the US, Storm Center 7 Chief Meteorologist Eric Elwell was quoted saying: ‘Strong winds aloft in the polar jet stream carried some of the smoke from the fires across the Bering Strait and into northern Alaska, then southeastward into central Canada and eventually across the Great Lakes and eastward into southern New England.’
The Weather Channel illustrated a report on the problem with a graphic infra-red picture from a Sentinel 2 satellite image taken more than two months ago - on 9 May - over Zeya Reservoir in Amur region.
Presumably the smoke reaching the US is from more recent blazes, but the trail to North America highlights the problems of wildfires - some engulfing ancient boreal forests - in Siberia and the Russian Far East.
In dramatic aerial pictures from civil aviation pilot Vitalij Boykov over Vanavara and Tura as well as Boguchansky district in Krasnoyarsk region - currently one of the hotspots.
He posted: ‘The taiga is burning. This is Vanavara, Tura, (and) Boguchansky district. The wind carries all this towards the city, so don’t blame authorities or factories.
‘No rain is expected, so we’ll keep breathing this smoke in.’
His comments sparked a backlash with one complaint that Russia was hosting ‘the most expensive World Cup in history’ but that fire fighting was not being undertaken due to lack of funds.
Viktor Yatsutsenko, head of the National Crisis Management Centre, admitted: ‘The forest fire situation is most difficult in Siberia and the Far East, in the Sakha region.
‘Aircraft, including Be-200 planes, are being used to extinguish the fires. Special attention is given to protection of the population and communities from fires.” he said.
Yatsutsenko reported complaints of smoke fumes in some areas but claimed the ‘environmental situation is normal’.
One report said that 65% of Russian summer wildfires are currently in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions.
Meanwhile, Alexey Yaroshenko of Greenpeace estimated the overall area covered by wildfires in Russia since beginning of 2018 as being more than ten million hectares.
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Re: Dankverbot
aben wrote:samo da dodan na onu temu iz književnosti;
"... sve je razgrabljeno... U odvjetničkoj pisarnici
još ćete teže naći mjesto, pogotovo kao početnik!... Ja bih vas rado okrijepio nadom.
Odvjetničke pisarnice pune su. Sve je navalilo u Zagreb, sve traži pisarije, propali trgovci i umirovljeni činovnici... A sve vrvi u činovnike... - rekao je smrknuvši se i stao zlovoljno
ispijati čašu. - A narod - viknuo je najednom - seli u tuđinu... "
drugo vrijeme - ista sudbina.. u glibu smo
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Re: Dankverbot
za sve koji vole putovati pa makar i virtualno mjesta koja vjerojatno nikada nećete posjetiti: Rusija uzduž i poprijeko...vrijedi pogledati i spasiti na hard disk ja sam već počeo dok su fotke još na internetu.
stavit ću nekoliko random fotki ostalih nekoliko stotina stranica fotografija na linku ispod
Lena River, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.
Moscow metro
Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Saint Petersburg
Dodö, Sevastianov House
"Lenskie Stolby" National Nature Park In Lena River Sakha (Yakutia) Republic
Mount Sunduk "dower chest" Republic of Khakassia
Kargopol is a town in Arkhangelsk Oblast
Ulan Ude Buryatia
Buddhist Temple Ivolginsky Datsan
Kunashir Island is the southernmost island of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Oblast
Russia - one photo per post
stavit ću nekoliko random fotki ostalih nekoliko stotina stranica fotografija na linku ispod
Lena River, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.
Moscow metro
Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Saint Petersburg
Dodö, Sevastianov House
"Lenskie Stolby" National Nature Park In Lena River Sakha (Yakutia) Republic
Mount Sunduk "dower chest" Republic of Khakassia
Kargopol is a town in Arkhangelsk Oblast
Ulan Ude Buryatia
Buddhist Temple Ivolginsky Datsan
Kunashir Island is the southernmost island of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Oblast
Russia - one photo per post
Guest- Guest
Re: Dankverbot
Lev the lost swan goes home to its flock for Christmas
The lost whooper swan chose the wrong place in the Altai Mountains for winter after losing its flock.
Finskoye Lake in Kosh-Agach is famed for its thick ice and severe winters.
The lone swan tried to settle but with temperatures at minus 40C this was never going to be comfortable.
Worse, the local dogs kept trying to chase the stray bird.
Local firefighters took pity on the swan, which they named Lev (Lion in Russian) in recognition of the animal’s fierce appetite, strong wings, and desire to escape humans and fly away.
The firemen passed their unusual fosterling to rangers at Saylyugem Nature Reserve who in turn handed on the lost bird to their colleagues at Lebediniy (literally Swan) Nature Reserve.
The lost whooper swan chose the wrong place in the Altai Mountains for winter after losing its flock.
Finskoye Lake in Kosh-Agach is famed for its thick ice and severe winters.
The lone swan tried to settle but with temperatures at minus 40C this was never going to be comfortable.
Worse, the local dogs kept trying to chase the stray bird.
Local firefighters took pity on the swan, which they named Lev (Lion in Russian) in recognition of the animal’s fierce appetite, strong wings, and desire to escape humans and fly away.
The firemen passed their unusual fosterling to rangers at Saylyugem Nature Reserve who in turn handed on the lost bird to their colleagues at Lebediniy (literally Swan) Nature Reserve.
Guest- Guest
Re: Dankverbot
kic wrote:
fucking methane..
that's it. kad budu shvatili što se dešava biti će kasno. ispod permafrosta su enormne količine metana. taj se proces oslobađanja metana zove pozitivna povratna sprega ili positive feedback. e elektronici je to jako dobro poznati fenomen odnosno nije fenomen nego prirodna pojava. Zemlja je prošla kroz takve cikluse jako puno puta i još će sa ili bez ljudske vrste. ljudska vrsta je samo produkt tih ciklusa nije produkt nikakvih bogova. samo... svemirsko vrijeme nije isto kao i ljudsko vrijeme. frekvencija svemira je vrlo vrlo niska recimo 0.0000000000000000000001Hz pričam napamet znači periode su vrlo dugačke toliko dugačke da se u tim periodama mogu razviti oblici frekvencija (života) koji su kraći jer inače života nikad ne bi bilo. ali kozmički evolucijski za nastanak svega potrebni su točno određeni uvijeti! mi sada radimo uvijete za neku buduću vrstu koja sada ne postoji jer nemože postojati u ovim uvjetima. ali mi smo samo jedan kotačić u svemu velikom. ali i taj kotačić ima moć. to se zove buterfly effect.
recimo samo Bajkalsko jezero na dnu ima depozita metana da u ako se oslobodi u atmosferu može uništiti sav svijet kojeg danas poznamo.
ovako izgleda Baikal danas prozirno da prozirnije nemože čini ti se da čamac levitira a to sve zahvaljujući onoj bajkalskoj spužvi koja počinje izumirati:
Baikal jezero ima 424 Gt gigatona metana na svom dnu koje je tamo zarobljeno samim tlakom vode da se spusti razina vode bajjkalsog jezera ode sav metan u erupciji u atmosferu i to ti je kraj ljudske vrste.
The amount of methane stored in the form of hydrates at the bottom of Lake Baikal in Siberia is an estimated 1 trillion m³, which translates into 424 trillion kg of methane, or 424 Gt of methane. By comparison, the amount of methane in the atmosphere is about 5 Gt.
Methane hydrates remain stable under a combination of sufficiently low temperatures and sufficiently high pressure. The temperature of the water at the bottom of the lake is about 3.5°C. This means that a large amount of water needs to remain present in the lake at any time, in order to keep the methane hydrates stable.
Lake Baikal is the world's deepest lake. Due to its depth, Lake Baikal is also the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing roughly 20% of the world's unfrozen surface fresh water. Lake Baikal has 23,615.39 km³ (5,700 cu mi) of fresh water and a maximum depth of 1,642 m (5,387 ft).
If the water level in Lake Baikal were to fall, the pressure on the methane hydrates would decrease, resulting in huge methane eruptions, dwarfing the amount of methane currently in the atmosphere.
methane combustion:
Methane's heat of combustion is 55.5 MJ/kg. Combustion of methane is a multiple step reaction summarized as follows:
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O
...i opet nakon nekog vremena ciklus se ponavlja....i tako forever. ljudi su malo ubrzali taj proces: buterfly effect.
Natural methane is found both below ground and under the sea floor. When it reaches the surface and the atmosphere, it is known as atmospheric methane. The Earth's atmospheric methane concentration has increased by about 150% since 1750, and it accounts for 20% of the total radiative forcing from all of the long-lived and globally mixed greenhouse gases.
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Re: Dankverbot
sad pitanje je: zašto tako enormni požari u Sibiru? na Aljasci (ma da ameri šute o tome) pa zato jer se permafrost topi i metan ispod permafrosta se oslobađa u atmosferu i dosta je iskra, munja da zapali metan i eto ti požara. odeš u tajgu gdje se topi permafrost pa zarolaj cigaretu probaj zapalit španjulet pa ćeš vidit varomet i čut eksplozije. će ti prisjest španjulet počet ćeš razmišljat da pušenje zaista škodi zdravlju.
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Re: Dankverbot
vratimo se na političku pozornicu koju vode psihopate. čemu LNG terminal na Krku? zašto američki metan a ne ruski kojeg i u Rusiji i u USA ima u izobilju? da, USA je krcata metanom i pokušava monopolizirati svoj izvoz metana zato i proxy rat sa Rusijom preko Sirije i Ukrajina. Ameri su otkrili da imaju enormnu količinu metana ali u kamenu. taj se kamen zove škriljevac ima ga i u RH. uzmeš kamen i možeš ga zapalit upaljačem, šibicom. kako kamen gori? jer škriljevac je saturiran metanom i naftom. ameri su ispraznili svoje podzemne bazene i jezera nafte i sad su počeli crpiti metan i naftu frackingom.
eto toliko o histeriji u medijima da će nestati nafte i metana. neće nestati nikada.
problem je što se neprirodnom eksploatacijom tih goriva (energije) remeti prirodni ciklus tj. prirodni se ciklusi ubrzavaju pa se to osjeti i sa vremenskim metereološkim anomalijama i nestankom godišnjih doba.
nema mativke da postavi pitanje.
eto toliko o histeriji u medijima da će nestati nafte i metana. neće nestati nikada.
problem je što se neprirodnom eksploatacijom tih goriva (energije) remeti prirodni ciklus tj. prirodni se ciklusi ubrzavaju pa se to osjeti i sa vremenskim metereološkim anomalijama i nestankom godišnjih doba.
nema mativke da postavi pitanje.
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