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Re: Sirija
Hektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:već je Putin u teretani , diže utege i trči, i kuhari mu rade keto dijetu, da se isklesa, jer ako potraje sranje, vraća se putin sa isklesanim torzom kako radi salto iz helikoptera u more.. srbima će se odmah stvrdnit kita i zaboravit će sve ...
Ima da strada kakav tigar :D
Nego jesi vidio kako je ovaj Zolotov popizdio na Navalnog i pozvao ga na duel :D ?
Svakome je jasno, pa i najvećoj budali tu na forumu i općenito da tigar nije ubijen
već uspavan kako bi mu se stavila ogrlica.
Tako da tvoje insinuacije tipa - muda pod bubrege - ne možeš prodati nikome.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
dobro vecer :)
nije me malo biloi vidim da joda postao glavni geostrategi vojskovodja
on da je putin bi objavio rat cjelom svijetu :)
ko prdne a nema dozvolu on bi ga odmah tukao sa s400 i iskanderima a vjerovatno bi i nekog satana2 lansirao, tek da bude uvjerljiviji :)
dobro vecer :)
nije me malo biloi vidim da joda postao glavni geostrategi vojskovodja
on da je putin bi objavio rat cjelom svijetu :)
ko prdne a nema dozvolu on bi ga odmah tukao sa s400 i iskanderima a vjerovatno bi i nekog satana2 lansirao, tek da bude uvjerljiviji :)
Re: Sirija
dakle, vratim se na internet i vidim bruji o rusenju ruskog aviona
izrael malo podlo iskoristio sjenu ruskog aviona i sirijci oborili ruski avion i izginulo 15 vojnika
zakljucak svekolikih strucnjaka za geostratesko planiranje i vodjenje operacija je odmazda protiv izraela, znaci udri sa svim sto imas nek djubrad vide da sam glavni sherif u selu
pa neide to tako bas, jelda ide, izraelci bivec bili sravnati kad su pobili one amerikance
nije izrael tolika sila da ga se itko plasi, jednostavno izrael uziva status da se direktno nije zamjerio ni amerima ni rusima ninekoj vecoj sili a ovakve incidente rjesavaju diplomatskim putem pa cak ko fol malo podviju rep, a susjedne zemlje su im inferiorne i oni to obilato koriste, narocito sirija i jordan,
sirija im je bila cak i superiornija dok im ameri nisu pomogli i sjebali sirijsku vojsku za par koraka nazad u onom ratu kad su im unistili sustav protuzracne odbrane i opskrbili ih suvremenim tehnologijama a sirijci su ostali u debelom zaostatku jer nisu apgrejdali svoje naoruzanje, to se vidi iz ovog rata gdje im je vecina tehnike iz 60tih i 70tih godina i to je ogroman jaz u odnosu na izraelsko naoruzanje koje se apgrejada uredno
dakle da se vratimo na temu iljusina
po izjavama rusa oni su imali dogovor s izraelom o sprecavanju incidenata i bili su obavjestavani na vrijeme i isu se mjesali u izraelske napade, jednostavno su to prepustali sirijskoj odbrani koja nije dorasla sa svojim zastarjelim sistemima,
koliko duboko ide taj odgovor vidi se iz toga da rusi nisu siriji predali ni jedan noviji protuzracni sistem osim ne apgrejdanih pantzira iako je u siriju vec stigao sirijski s300 oni jos uvijek nemaju kontrolu nad njim,
razlog je jednostavan, sirijci bi poceli rokati po svemu sto leti hoda puze il pliva, i sami bi rusi mogli najebati od njih jer vec par puta su oborili vlastite avione
sve ovo ce zavrsiti na malo rezanja i protestnih nota, niti je u cilju netanjahjuu da zaposne rat s rusima niti je putku u cilju da zapocne rat s izraelom,
s druge strane, do sada ukoliko pratite , izraelci ni u cemu nisu slijedili americku politiku prema rusiji nego su izgradili svoje odnose , to isto nesto govori a ameri su im saveznici i pokrovitelji n1
posljedica ce biti, izraelski avioni ce dobiti zabranu leta prema latakiji i vjerojatno ako i budu letjeli ce morati obavjestiti ruse par sati prije sto im ne odgovara bas najbolje jer rusi ce obavjestit sirijce, znaci moze se u biti ocekivat smanjivanje izraelskih napada na siriju, ne i prestanak al na neke djelove ce imat zabranu letenja, isto kao sto turci i americani imaju zabranu ulaska u taj dio zracnog prostora
15 zivota je izgubljeno, mozda netko izgubi kakav cin na epoletama i to ce se sleci,
ja bih preporucio jodi da manje svrsava na takve pogibije
i da smanji zlobu u upisima jer ce i sam postati takav
a forumski ratnici over internet bi vec odavno istrijebili covjecanstvo, cak bi zapoceli ratove i ako im netko pokaze srednji prst, vecina klinci od 15.16 godina koji previse igraju CGI igrice i misle da je realni rat ono sto oni igraju
izrael malo podlo iskoristio sjenu ruskog aviona i sirijci oborili ruski avion i izginulo 15 vojnika
zakljucak svekolikih strucnjaka za geostratesko planiranje i vodjenje operacija je odmazda protiv izraela, znaci udri sa svim sto imas nek djubrad vide da sam glavni sherif u selu
pa neide to tako bas, jelda ide, izraelci bivec bili sravnati kad su pobili one amerikance
nije izrael tolika sila da ga se itko plasi, jednostavno izrael uziva status da se direktno nije zamjerio ni amerima ni rusima ninekoj vecoj sili a ovakve incidente rjesavaju diplomatskim putem pa cak ko fol malo podviju rep, a susjedne zemlje su im inferiorne i oni to obilato koriste, narocito sirija i jordan,
sirija im je bila cak i superiornija dok im ameri nisu pomogli i sjebali sirijsku vojsku za par koraka nazad u onom ratu kad su im unistili sustav protuzracne odbrane i opskrbili ih suvremenim tehnologijama a sirijci su ostali u debelom zaostatku jer nisu apgrejdali svoje naoruzanje, to se vidi iz ovog rata gdje im je vecina tehnike iz 60tih i 70tih godina i to je ogroman jaz u odnosu na izraelsko naoruzanje koje se apgrejada uredno
dakle da se vratimo na temu iljusina
po izjavama rusa oni su imali dogovor s izraelom o sprecavanju incidenata i bili su obavjestavani na vrijeme i isu se mjesali u izraelske napade, jednostavno su to prepustali sirijskoj odbrani koja nije dorasla sa svojim zastarjelim sistemima,
koliko duboko ide taj odgovor vidi se iz toga da rusi nisu siriji predali ni jedan noviji protuzracni sistem osim ne apgrejdanih pantzira iako je u siriju vec stigao sirijski s300 oni jos uvijek nemaju kontrolu nad njim,
razlog je jednostavan, sirijci bi poceli rokati po svemu sto leti hoda puze il pliva, i sami bi rusi mogli najebati od njih jer vec par puta su oborili vlastite avione
sve ovo ce zavrsiti na malo rezanja i protestnih nota, niti je u cilju netanjahjuu da zaposne rat s rusima niti je putku u cilju da zapocne rat s izraelom,
s druge strane, do sada ukoliko pratite , izraelci ni u cemu nisu slijedili americku politiku prema rusiji nego su izgradili svoje odnose , to isto nesto govori a ameri su im saveznici i pokrovitelji n1
posljedica ce biti, izraelski avioni ce dobiti zabranu leta prema latakiji i vjerojatno ako i budu letjeli ce morati obavjestiti ruse par sati prije sto im ne odgovara bas najbolje jer rusi ce obavjestit sirijce, znaci moze se u biti ocekivat smanjivanje izraelskih napada na siriju, ne i prestanak al na neke djelove ce imat zabranu letenja, isto kao sto turci i americani imaju zabranu ulaska u taj dio zracnog prostora
15 zivota je izgubljeno, mozda netko izgubi kakav cin na epoletama i to ce se sleci,
ja bih preporucio jodi da manje svrsava na takve pogibije
i da smanji zlobu u upisima jer ce i sam postati takav
a forumski ratnici over internet bi vec odavno istrijebili covjecanstvo, cak bi zapoceli ratove i ako im netko pokaze srednji prst, vecina klinci od 15.16 godina koji previse igraju CGI igrice i misle da je realni rat ono sto oni igraju
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Ne može se reći da nije dobro osmišljena akcija.
Ne može se reći da nije dobro osmišljena akcija.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 79090
Re: Sirija
ojYehudim wrote:
Kolega Lewi, falio si na forumu
skoro pa sam ti posla upit na pp
eo bio malo u plemenskom okruzju, rusio neka drva, brao vrganje (oko 60 kg) iskopao oko 120 rupa za vocke, pomogao pradedi oko branja sljiva jabuka i ostalog voca, obe zenke se ubile kuvajuc pekmez i slatko,
, cak smo skupili oko 200 kila oraha i nesto malo vise ljesnjaka, ispekli oko 700 litara rakije, ma milina, naradio se ko konj al mozak odmorio usput okrenuli cetiri praseta
sta ima dobrog kod tebe
Re: Sirija
akcija je dobro osmisljena al je moglo i bez uvlacenje u pogibiju drugihEroo wrote:
Ne može se reći da nije dobro osmišljena akcija.
Re: Sirija
Yehudim wrote: Svakome je jasno, pa i najvećoj budali tu na forumu i općenito da tigar nije ubijen
već uspavan kako bi mu se stavila ogrlica.
Tako da tvoje insinuacije tipa - muda pod bubrege - ne možeš prodati nikome.
Pa naravno da je sve namještaljka, onako kao što su i Titu puštali nadrogirane veprove...
Aj, barem je botox pravi...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Sirija
a mozda se coek samo udebljaoHektorović wrote:Yehudim wrote: Svakome je jasno, pa i najvećoj budali tu na forumu i općenito da tigar nije ubijen
već uspavan kako bi mu se stavila ogrlica.
Tako da tvoje insinuacije tipa - muda pod bubrege - ne možeš prodati nikome.
Pa naravno da je sve namještaljka, onako kao što su i Titu puštali nadrogirane veprove...
Aj, barem je botox pravi...
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
Re: Sirija
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Putin što stariji to mlađe izgleda
Botox, vjerojatno juvederm fileri, plus fejslift, definiranje brade, uklanjanje podočnjaka,...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Sirija
jebemuseHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Putin što stariji to mlađe izgleda
Botox, vjerojatno juvederm fileri, plus fejslift, definiranje brade, uklanjanje podočnjaka,...
ima para za skuplju plastiku od silvija :D
Re: Sirija
eo citam nesto da su se ruje nesto razletili s iljusinima, non stop slijecu i odlijecu, sta li svercaju u picku materinu, votku?
Re: Sirija
Leviathan2 wrote:ojYehudim wrote:
Kolega Lewi, falio si na forumu
skoro pa sam ti posla upit na pp
eo bio malo u plemenskom okruzju, rusio neka drva, brao vrganje (oko 60 kg) iskopao oko 120 rupa za vocke, pomogao pradedi oko branja sljiva jabuka i ostalog voca, obe zenke se ubile kuvajuc pekmez i slatko,
, cak smo skupili oko 200 kila oraha i nesto malo vise ljesnjaka, ispekli oko 700 litara rakije, ma milina, naradio se ko konj al mozak odmorio usput okrenuli cetiri praseta
sta ima dobrog kod tebe
O blago tebi. Kod mene po starom, nastojim si učiniti dane šta ugodnijim.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Dobra analiza iz Haaretza
Russia's Claims on Downed Plane Over Syria Are Dubious, but Will Usher in New Reality for Israel
Sep 23, 2018 7:09 PM
Russia's presentation of its investigation into the downing of its plane, September 23, 2018.
The Russian Defense Ministry's scathing report, which placed the full responsibility for the downing of the Ilyushin plane over Syria last week on Israel, should not surprise anyone in Israel – except maybe for a few foolish supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. No matter how good his relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin may be, Netanyahu cannot make the problem disappear. Russia suffered an embarrassing blow when Assad's anti-aircraft fire shot down the plane, and it still has widespread interests to promote in Syria. It was rather clear that the affair would lead to a Russian condemnation of Israel and to certain demands, even though the bottom line still depends on Putin’s decision.
Moscow cannot accuse the main culprit responsible for the incident – its ally, the Assad regime (although it is amazing to see that blame for the Syrian anti-aircraft forces does not even appear in the Defense Ministry's official statement). It was therefore clear from the beginning that the responsibility would be placed on Israel. It is also interesting that all the blame is directed at the Israel Defense Forces, which the Russians accuse of being unprofessional or “criminally negligent, at the very least.” The Israeli political leadership is not mentioned, except for one general claim regarding Israel's dangerous offensive police in Syria.
The Russian inquiry's credibility is rather dubious. Some of the claims included in its announcement are strange. For instance, the Russians claim Israel gave them a warning of only one minute, and it is surprising that Israel has not stated the real number, a much longer period of time. According to experienced Israeli pilots, the claim that the Israeli warplanes hid behind the Russian intelligence gathering plane is unreasonable and does not fit in with accepted operational conduct.
The accusation that Israel supposedly deceived the Russians about the location of the planned attack also seems illogical. According to Russia, the Israeli air force informed it about an attack in northern Syria, while the attack occurred in western Syria. In reality, Latakia is located in north-west Syria, as even a quick glance at a map of the country will reveal. And because the military coordination has been working successfully for three years now, during which hundreds of Israeli attacks have taken place, it is hard to believe that the two sides have yet to make clear between them some basic terminology.
The Russian announcement focuses mostly on the tactical level and does not include imposing any sanctions against Israel. Russia accuses Israel of ungratefulness in light of the steps it has taken on behalf of Israeli interests, such as distancing Iranian forces from the Israeli border on the Golan Heights (the Russians say they succeeded in distancing them to a far point, 140 kilometers away, while in reality it is 85 to 100 kilometers, a buffer zone that does not include Damascus, where Iranian soldiers still remain).
On the strategic level, it is likely that Putin – who has the final word on the Russian side – will leverage these serious claims in the Defense Ministry report to demand increased diplomatic coordination with Israel in Syria, and to impose stricter rules for the joint military coordination mechanism between the two countries.
Brig. Gen. Assaf Orion of the Institute for National Security Studies estimates that the price Putin will demand from Israel may come from another direction: Insisting on selling advanced anti-aircraft systems to Syria, despite Israel's opposition. Alternatively, he could also pressure Netanyahu to help ease tensions between Russia and the United States. In the meantime, the IDF Spokesperson issued a statement Sunday rejecting the main points of the Russian investigation but promising to maintain security coordination between Israel and Russia.
The practical test for the relations between the two countries is sure to come soon, when a new intelligence warning pops up about an Iranian attempt to smuggle arms into Lebanon on a route near the Russian bases in northwestern Syria, or to establish a new military site. Because Iran is determined to continue with its arms shipments to Hezbollah, and Israel has stated publicly that it stands on its right to attack such shipments, Jerusalem is bound to face a dilemma: Should it attack once again near the Russians and risk increased tensions with them?
This is not the end of an era for Israel’s military operations in Syria, where it has conducted hundreds of attacks in the north over the past six years. But for now, it looks as if the situation on the northern front will also not return fully to the conditions that existed there before the Russian plane was shot down.
Israel has operated freely in northern Syria for years thanks to the combination of offensive actions and good diplomatic relations with the Russians. Mostly, Israel acted with strategic acumen, achieving a large part of the goals it set for itself.
But Israel is not a superpower and is not invincible. It will have to take into account Russian considerations and maybe even adapt its offensive operational model. From conversations I conducted with senior defense officials, it seems they ascribe great importance to the implications of the latest incident. Those who continue to claim that this is just a mild bump to the wing must be so busy defending Netanyahu’s image that they are simply no longer capable of analyzing reality objectively.
Russia's Claims on Downed Plane Over Syria Are Dubious, but Will Usher in New Reality for Israel
With Israel insisting on its right to attack Iranian arms shipments to Hezbollah, Jerusalem is bound to face a dilemma soon
[url=safari-reader://]Amos Harel [/url]Sep 23, 2018 7:09 PM
Russia's presentation of its investigation into the downing of its plane, September 23, 2018.
The Russian Defense Ministry's scathing report, which placed the full responsibility for the downing of the Ilyushin plane over Syria last week on Israel, should not surprise anyone in Israel – except maybe for a few foolish supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. No matter how good his relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin may be, Netanyahu cannot make the problem disappear. Russia suffered an embarrassing blow when Assad's anti-aircraft fire shot down the plane, and it still has widespread interests to promote in Syria. It was rather clear that the affair would lead to a Russian condemnation of Israel and to certain demands, even though the bottom line still depends on Putin’s decision.
Moscow cannot accuse the main culprit responsible for the incident – its ally, the Assad regime (although it is amazing to see that blame for the Syrian anti-aircraft forces does not even appear in the Defense Ministry's official statement). It was therefore clear from the beginning that the responsibility would be placed on Israel. It is also interesting that all the blame is directed at the Israel Defense Forces, which the Russians accuse of being unprofessional or “criminally negligent, at the very least.” The Israeli political leadership is not mentioned, except for one general claim regarding Israel's dangerous offensive police in Syria.
The Russian inquiry's credibility is rather dubious. Some of the claims included in its announcement are strange. For instance, the Russians claim Israel gave them a warning of only one minute, and it is surprising that Israel has not stated the real number, a much longer period of time. According to experienced Israeli pilots, the claim that the Israeli warplanes hid behind the Russian intelligence gathering plane is unreasonable and does not fit in with accepted operational conduct.
The accusation that Israel supposedly deceived the Russians about the location of the planned attack also seems illogical. According to Russia, the Israeli air force informed it about an attack in northern Syria, while the attack occurred in western Syria. In reality, Latakia is located in north-west Syria, as even a quick glance at a map of the country will reveal. And because the military coordination has been working successfully for three years now, during which hundreds of Israeli attacks have taken place, it is hard to believe that the two sides have yet to make clear between them some basic terminology.
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The Russian announcement focuses mostly on the tactical level and does not include imposing any sanctions against Israel. Russia accuses Israel of ungratefulness in light of the steps it has taken on behalf of Israeli interests, such as distancing Iranian forces from the Israeli border on the Golan Heights (the Russians say they succeeded in distancing them to a far point, 140 kilometers away, while in reality it is 85 to 100 kilometers, a buffer zone that does not include Damascus, where Iranian soldiers still remain).
On the strategic level, it is likely that Putin – who has the final word on the Russian side – will leverage these serious claims in the Defense Ministry report to demand increased diplomatic coordination with Israel in Syria, and to impose stricter rules for the joint military coordination mechanism between the two countries.
Brig. Gen. Assaf Orion of the Institute for National Security Studies estimates that the price Putin will demand from Israel may come from another direction: Insisting on selling advanced anti-aircraft systems to Syria, despite Israel's opposition. Alternatively, he could also pressure Netanyahu to help ease tensions between Russia and the United States. In the meantime, the IDF Spokesperson issued a statement Sunday rejecting the main points of the Russian investigation but promising to maintain security coordination between Israel and Russia.
The practical test for the relations between the two countries is sure to come soon, when a new intelligence warning pops up about an Iranian attempt to smuggle arms into Lebanon on a route near the Russian bases in northwestern Syria, or to establish a new military site. Because Iran is determined to continue with its arms shipments to Hezbollah, and Israel has stated publicly that it stands on its right to attack such shipments, Jerusalem is bound to face a dilemma: Should it attack once again near the Russians and risk increased tensions with them?
This is not the end of an era for Israel’s military operations in Syria, where it has conducted hundreds of attacks in the north over the past six years. But for now, it looks as if the situation on the northern front will also not return fully to the conditions that existed there before the Russian plane was shot down.
Israel has operated freely in northern Syria for years thanks to the combination of offensive actions and good diplomatic relations with the Russians. Mostly, Israel acted with strategic acumen, achieving a large part of the goals it set for itself.
But Israel is not a superpower and is not invincible. It will have to take into account Russian considerations and maybe even adapt its offensive operational model. From conversations I conducted with senior defense officials, it seems they ascribe great importance to the implications of the latest incident. Those who continue to claim that this is just a mild bump to the wing must be so busy defending Netanyahu’s image that they are simply no longer capable of analyzing reality objectively.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Sirija
zanima me kada će biti idući židovski napad na siriju, da vidimo sve to..
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
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