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Interview sa igumanom Danielom, opatom pravoslavnog samostana u Njemačkoj

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Interview sa igumanom Danielom, opatom pravoslavnog samostana u Njemačkoj Empty Interview sa igumanom Danielom, opatom pravoslavnog samostana u Njemačkoj

Post by Guest 6/10/2015, 14:12

The arrival of thousands of refugees, migrants and settlers from Africa and Asia to “the Old World” is already being interpreted by many Europeans as a catastrophe, a curse, and a real challenge not only to the culture, economy, and the Christian faith of the continent (which is still alive, though is becoming very weak), but, therefore, to the very existence of the continent and its native inhabitants. Judging by the comments in the social networks and media reports, an undisguised panic, provoked by the new “Great migration of peoples” has begun. Beyond a doubt, there is a cause for fear and concern. But fear is alien to Christianity. It was not in vain that Christ said these words many times to His disciples: “Do not be afraid!” How not to be afraid, how to remain Christians in these disturbing, alarming times? What should Europe do not to be afraid? Igumen Daniel (Irbits), Abbot of the St. George’s Monastery in Götschendorf (Brandenburg state, Germany), who is in charge of relations between the Berlin Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church with the German government and the public and is a member of the integration committee at the Federal Office of the Chancellor of Germany, answers these questions in his interview with Pravoslavie.ru.


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Interview sa igumanom Danielom, opatom pravoslavnog samostana u Njemačkoj Empty Re: Interview sa igumanom Danielom, opatom pravoslavnog samostana u Njemačkoj

Post by Guest 6/10/2015, 14:13

Rev. Mark Tyson:
I do not live in Germany; however, I feel that the good igumen is incorrect. Yes, there is an opportunity to show Christian love. The same opportunity existed for the Syrian Christians at the advent of the rise of ISIS in their country. The result? Beheadings and crusifixions. Seventy five per cent of the "refugees" pouring into Germany are young men. The vast majority of these youths are Moslems. These men constitute a potential islamic army who will be less interested in inculcating the lessons of Christianity than in establishing a new "Germanistan."
What is coming to Germany is cultural and societal destruction. What this signifies for German Christians is martyrdom.

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