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Re: Sirija
zelena boja u siriji se drasticno smanjila,crna skoro nestala,hijene dobile holesterol
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Sirija
Nakon osvajanja Darae, što mislite koja će biti sljedeća ofenziva?
ISIL džepovi po pustinji, al-Tanf, Idlib? Situacija se kristalizirala, teritoriji su zaokruženi, moguće da su dugotrajno primirje i diplomatske igrice pred nama.
ISIL džepovi po pustinji, al-Tanf, Idlib? Situacija se kristalizirala, teritoriji su zaokruženi, moguće da su dugotrajno primirje i diplomatske igrice pred nama.
Piglet- Posts : 1505
Re: Sirija
Idlib, naravno. Triba se zelenih kanibala rišiti što pri.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Turci su u Idlibu okružili fronte prema SAA s nekim svojim promatračkim postajama (ima ih čak 12), ali slabo kontroliraju džihadiste. Sirija nije potpisala dogovor iz Astane o tome, ali Rusi jesu. Moguće da će biti kao u Darai - SAA će pokrenuti ofenzivu, a Rusi će se pridružiti naknadno ako Turci ne budu pizdili.
Tajm vil tel.
Tajm vil tel.
Piglet- Posts : 1505
Re: Sirija
Već se vode pregovori sa Turcima. A i neke postaje su već povukli pri par dana.
A što se samog Idliba tiče, tam je kaos. Suparničke frakcije ubijaju lidere drugih frakcija, ISIL je sve jači, i al-Qaida je dobila neke nove frakcije... ma ugl. kaos pravi, triba to dovesti u red. A to mogu samo Hezbollah i SAA.
A što se samog Idliba tiče, tam je kaos. Suparničke frakcije ubijaju lidere drugih frakcija, ISIL je sve jači, i al-Qaida je dobila neke nove frakcije... ma ugl. kaos pravi, triba to dovesti u red. A to mogu samo Hezbollah i SAA.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
To su dobre vijest, treba ih sad razbucati kad im je moral na najnižim granama. Inače, ne sjećam se nijednog rata osim Korejskog da je bilo ovoliko velikih preokreta i stranih intervencija na svim stranama.
Ništa, pratimo i dalje. Čitam temu redovito, ali rijetko pišem.
Ništa, pratimo i dalje. Čitam temu redovito, ali rijetko pišem.
Piglet- Posts : 1505
Re: Sirija
7 minprije 7 minuta
#BREAKING: "Wrath of Olives" Operation Room (part of the YPG) hit a vehicle belonging to occupation Turksih army backed Feylak al-Sham Front in #Afrin. Two gangs killed. Name:
1-Ahmad Yaser Al-Ali
2-Tamer Khalid Al-Saeed
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Nijemci Bundestaga odbora: Ruska kampanja Sirije je pravna, SAD treba napustiti Siriju
Vojna intervencija koalicije koju je vodila SAD u Siriji je pod povećanim razinama promatranja, a kritičari tvrde kako koalicija nema mandata za obavljanje vojnih operacija u Siriji jer nema odobrenje Damaska da to učini.
Odbor njemačkog Bundestaga na čelu s političarom Die Linkea Alexander Neu utvrdio je kako je ruska vojna nazočnost u Siriji "smatrana dopuštenim u međunarodnom pravu", kako je sirijska vlada zatražila pomoć od Moskve, priopćila je u utorak služba za novinare Tagesschau javne televizije ARD .
Naime, g. Neu je istaknuo da ruske snage djeluju u Siriji "eksplicitnim odobrenjem sirijske vlade".
Odbor je opisao da je stalna uloga koalicije koju je vodila SAD u krizi u Siriji složeniji, ističući kako je pružanje oružja militanata u zemlji potencijalno kršenje međunarodnog prava.
Nadalje, kazali su kako je interveniranje u Siriji u borbi protiv Daesh * i drugih terorističkih skupina legalno, ali samo ako je Sirija "nesposobna ili neodobrena" da to učini sama.
Kako se siranska vojska već godinama neumorno bori s navedenim skupinama, od kojih su neki dobili vojnu pomoć iz Washingtona, parlamentarni odbor je naglasio da mnogi međunarodni pravni stručnjaci misle kako intervencija SAD-a u Siriji nije opravdana.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Padaju proxy ćifuti u Quneitri ka kula od karata.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Militants in Daraa governorate decide to fight ISIL alongside Syrian army - Russian general
MOSCOW. July 18 (Interfax-AVN) - Militants in the town of Bosra al-Sham in the Syrian province of Daraa have decided to join Syrian government forces, according to the Russian military.
"The militants did not just surrender arms. Former militants decided to join the Syrian army and fight against the terrorists of ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra [both banned in Russia]," the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, said on the television channel Rossiya-24 (VGTRK).
"Talks with militants and the efforts of our Center for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides have resulted in the triumph of reason. It was decided that the town will peacefully join the close-knit family of Syrian towns," Tsygankov said.
In Bosra al-Sham, hundreds of militants gave up their weapons, and a Syrian flag now flies above the town, the television channel reported. Security is being provided by Syrian government forces, and Russian military police are also present.
MOSCOW. July 18 (Interfax-AVN) - Militants in the town of Bosra al-Sham in the Syrian province of Daraa have decided to join Syrian government forces, according to the Russian military.
"The militants did not just surrender arms. Former militants decided to join the Syrian army and fight against the terrorists of ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra [both banned in Russia]," the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, said on the television channel Rossiya-24 (VGTRK).
"Talks with militants and the efforts of our Center for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides have resulted in the triumph of reason. It was decided that the town will peacefully join the close-knit family of Syrian towns," Tsygankov said.
In Bosra al-Sham, hundreds of militants gave up their weapons, and a Syrian flag now flies above the town, the television channel reported. Security is being provided by Syrian government forces, and Russian military police are also present.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Sirija
AlfaOmega wrote:Padaju proxy ćifuti u Quneitri ka kula od karata.
Krajnje podlo od tebe mučki provokatoru balijsko-šiptarski.
U videu se spominju američki plaćenici.
No tvoji jadni komentari se svode isključivo na -ćifutski - ovo ono.
Ništa ti pametno a kamoli konstruktivno ne znaš napisati..............stvarno jadno ood tebe.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Ma to su oni proxy koje su ćifuti ličili u svojim bolnicama i davali im municiju. Oni padaju. ;)
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
US Report:
- Only 20,000 "palestinian" ‘Refugees’ in the World, not 5.1 Million -
[url=http://members of congress demand that the state department reveal the actual number of %E2%80%9Crefugees%E2%80%9D after israel%E2%80%99s 1948 war of independence%2C a figure that sharply contrasts with the palestinian %E2%80%9Crefugee%E2%80%9D estimates promoted by the un. by: Hayom Members of the U.S. Congress are demanding the State Department make public a key report that includes precise figures on the number of people who became refugees in the 1948 War of Independence. The existence of the State Department assessment, compiled and classified under the Obama administration, was first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon six months ago. Lawmakers say the report could impact how the United States views the refugee issue when the actual number of refugees is made public and is significantly smaller than the number of Palestinian refugees according to the United Nations. Once the largest donor to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which provides assistance to Palestinian refugees and their descendants, in January the United States cut %2465 million of a planned %24125 million in aid funds to agency. The agency, which asserts that there are 5.1 million Palestinian refugees worldwide, focuses exclusively on providing aid to Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, while all other refugee in the world receive services from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, told the Free Beacon that access to the report was necessary for Congress to provide oversight for American taxpayers. %E2%80%9CUNRWA lashes out against America and engages in anti-Semitic incitement. Hamas terrorists use UNRWA facilities to target Israeli civilians,%E2%80%9D Cruz was reported as saying. %E2%80%9CThe American people deserve to see this reported State Department assessment, so Congress and the administration can have a transparent and productive debate about America%E2%80%99s role in the organization.%E2%80%9D Sources who have seen the report say that the State Department%E2%80%99s assessment was that only 20,000 of the 700,000 Arab refugees who fled Palestine during the War of Independence are still alive and displaced from their homes. Special status for Palestinian %E2%80%98refugees%E2%80%99 While researching material for her 1984 book From Time Immemorial, American journalist Joan Peters learned that the United Nations made the conscious decision to differentiate Palestinian refugees from all other refugees. Refugees are generally defined as people who fled a permanent home, while in the Palestinians%E2%80%99 case, someone who lived in Palestine for as little as two years prior to Israel%E2%80%99s establishment in 1948 could be considered a refugee. In addition, unlike all other refugees, Palestinians refugees pass their status on to their descendants. As a result, Palestinian refugees are said to number in the millions. Israel has begun to raise the issue in the international arena, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that UN funds should be transferred to Palestinians through the UN refugee agency and that UNRWA should be abolished. Doing so, however, would require the UN General Assembly to pass a resolution in favor of the move, which is unlikely given the international forum%E2%80%99s anti-Israel bias.]Israel World News,[/url] July 18, 208:
Members of Congress demand that the State Department reveal the actual number of “refugees” after Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, a figure that sharply contrasts with the Palestinian “refugee” estimates promoted by the UN.
By: Hayom
Members of the U.S. Congress are demanding the State Department make public a key report that includes precise figures on the number of people who became refugees in the 1948 War of Independence.
The existence of the State Department assessment, compiled and classified under the Obama administration, was first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon six months ago.
Lawmakers say the report could impact how the United States views the refugee issue when the actual number of refugees is made public and is significantly smaller than the number of Palestinian refugees according to the United Nations.
Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people are reading Geller Report for news they won't get anywhere else.
Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), editor-in-chief of Geller Report and Amazon best selling author of the here FATWA: Hunted in America , The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.
Follow Pamela Geller on Facebook here and Twitter here.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
AlfaOmega wrote:Ma to su oni proxy koje su ćifuti ličili u svojim bolnicama i davali im municiju. Oni padaju. ;)
Ove sa juga su pomagali Jrdanci, SA, i svi ostali.
Izrael je pomagao, liječio ( znaš za lječničku zakletvu da se svakome pomogne)
ali najviše su pomagali - Druze - A ne Arape i svu bagru sakuljenu sa kolca i konopca, iz 80 zemalja.
Pa mrzio ti Izrael koliko voliš ali barem ISTINU govori.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Sirija
Sve te koje ćifuti podržavaju, dakle islamski militantni (prvi link) i HTS militantni povezani sa al-Qaidom (koji se spominju u drugom linku) nisu Druze. Sirijske Druze su ugl. na strani SAA i Hezbollaha.
Pa jbt. valda je moje pravo da ne volim te islamiste i jihadiste. Assada cijenim jer je sekularni predsjednik koji nikad nije ništa nažao učinio ni Kršćanima, ni Druzima niti jednoj drugoj religijskoj manjini.
Ovi proxy ćifuti koje vi volite odsjecaju glave. Ja to ne volim. Ali ne ulazim u vaše razloga zakaj ih vi gotivite. Svakom njegovo, jel.
Prema tome, ne se ljutiti.
Sve te koje ćifuti podržavaju, dakle islamski militantni (prvi link) i HTS militantni povezani sa al-Qaidom (koji se spominju u drugom linku) nisu Druze. Sirijske Druze su ugl. na strani SAA i Hezbollaha.
Pa jbt. valda je moje pravo da ne volim te islamiste i jihadiste. Assada cijenim jer je sekularni predsjednik koji nikad nije ništa nažao učinio ni Kršćanima, ni Druzima niti jednoj drugoj religijskoj manjini.
Ovi proxy ćifuti koje vi volite odsjecaju glave. Ja to ne volim. Ali ne ulazim u vaše razloga zakaj ih vi gotivite. Svakom njegovo, jel.
Prema tome, ne se ljutiti.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Završena evakuacija šiita iz Kefraje i Fuaha. Sad nema bojazni da će kanibali počiniti masakr na njima jednom kad krene tabanje Idliba.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
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