Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
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Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
U što se pretvaramo kada svećenik odbija pričestiti dječaka s Downovim sindromom? Ma čemu pričest?! I ja sam pričešćen. Kaže se da je u nas 90% vjernika. To je laž. Mi smo svi nasilno unovačeni. Roditelji su nas kao svežnjeve nosili da nas se polijeva vodicom i upisuje u knjige. To je nasilno novačenje. Nije to svjesno opredjeljenje za katoličku vjeru tako da u nas nema 90% vjernika. Ima ih možda 13%. Ali kada ljudi odrastu i pri popisu stanovništva dobiju priliku izjasniti se, zašto se opet izjašnjavaju kao vjernici? Zato što je ta prisila velike konvencije strašna. Zato što je Crkva spojena s državom pa su mnogi dokumenti uvjetovani. Neke dokumente možeš dobiti samo ako ispostaviš crkveni dokument o krštenju, krizmi... Crkva i država na zajedničkom su poslu vođenja glupog stada. Kolika je krivnja Crkve za državu kakvu sad imamo? Enormna. Crkva je bila desna ruka te komunističko-udbaške tuđmanoidne struje koja je 90-ih upropastila Hrvatsku. Crkva, organizirana religija, najstrašniji je zloduh planeta. Globalni zloduh. Traži se otvaranje svih arhiva. Je li vam u tome išta sporno? Nije, nego mi je smiješno. Pa nisu udbaši bili bedasti pa da su svoje tajne ostavili zapisane. Taman posla. Prvo, to nisu napravili. Drugo, imali su dovoljno vremena da sve to izbrišu, ako je trebalo. I treće, oni su međusobno toliko umreženi da nikada nikakva tajna, osim da je neki Ivan jebao Jovanku i napravio je nezakonito troje djece, neće izaći na javu. Ništa drugo neće izaći. Može li se vjerovati medijima? Treba čitati između medija. U socijalizmu je trebalo čitati između redaka, a u kapitalizmu čitamo između medija. Ne treba im vjerovati, nego čitati između njih ne bi li se našao neki trunak istine. Sad je sve više medija i sve su lošiji i lošiji. Nepismeni su. Nekad su novine bile bezlične, dosadne i suhoparne, a danas su živahne, bleferske, plitke i lažne. Unatoč toj vašoj jezičavosti ispada da ste vi ipak neka sentimentalna, starinska duša. Ja sam umiruća duša. Evo, predao sam za objavu novu knjigu “Predsmrtni dnevnik”. To govori u kakvom sam raspoloženju.
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debotoijusto- Posts : 31651
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Čekaj dok se ne najavi nastup Jandrinog jata ili Bore Drljače u Biovičinom Selu ili Žegaru.
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Igor Mandić je legenda... Svaka mu čast!
Posts : 5404
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
U davnim je vremenima pobjednička vojska imala običajno pravo na trodnevnu pljačku i bezakonje, a u nas je to pravo trajno, ali se ne odnosi na pobjedničku vojsku, koja je svojom hrabrošću i žrtvom stekla pravo na PTSP i suicid, već je neprijeporno pravo trajne pljačke pripalo onima koji su u vremenu gradnje temelja bili negdje drugdje.
U svakome slučaju na pravome mjestu koje se nije zvalo prva crta. No, iscrpe se naftna polja, plodna zemlja, rudokopi, presuše izvori. Ali nema izgleda i nade da bi ovaj naš izvorni hrvatski perpetuum mobile divlje gradnje i divljega rušenja, s pljačkom kao trajnom vrijednošću, ikada mogao okončati. Jer se još uvijek dade iščeprkati i blaga i dragocjenosti.
U svakome slučaju na pravome mjestu koje se nije zvalo prva crta. No, iscrpe se naftna polja, plodna zemlja, rudokopi, presuše izvori. Ali nema izgleda i nade da bi ovaj naš izvorni hrvatski perpetuum mobile divlje gradnje i divljega rušenja, s pljačkom kao trajnom vrijednošću, ikada mogao okončati. Jer se još uvijek dade iščeprkati i blaga i dragocjenosti.
Posts : 5404
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
The results can be summarized as follows:
a) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher Machiavellianism than the
Canadian sample (t = 8.87; p < 0.01).
b) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher narcissism than the Canadian
sample (t = 6.51; p < 0.01).
c) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher psychopathy than the Canadian
sample (t = 4.85; p < 0.01).
It should be noted that there are several cultural-social determinants of the
Croatian sample population which are possible mediators of such results. For example,
a statistically signifi cant high result in a Machiavellianism variable can be explained
in terms of increased competition because of the situation of higher unemployment in
Croatia, where management students perceive that the ends are more important than the
means, so if they want to succeed, they should behave in a Machiavellianism manner.
A possible explanation of the emphasized Machiavellianism values in the Croatian
sample is that such behaviors are rewarded (Pastuovic, 1999), that in Croatian society
successful people have dominant Machiavellianism personal traits. It should be noted
that in Croatia, honesty, justice, integrity and altruism are rarely rewarded in terms of
social success. Also, parents and the external environment of examined students may not
internalize in their pedagogy the value model of integrity, truth, love, correct behavior,
equanimity, nonviolence, integrity (ethical values), but rather the values of “you should
adapt to the current situation”. Also, these days, few Croats are really shocked by
non-ethical and criminal behavior if they result in material wealth and social prestige.
In everyday small talks, it can be heard that some Croatian people would like to have
the benefi ts which come from unethical or even criminal ways, if only they had a chance
to do so. This can be illustrated by the fact that one of the former Croatian ministers of
fi nance stated “I would steal under certain conditions!”3
The justice system in Croatia does
not function very well, and social success is measured by how much common property
(social property from the former socio-economic formation) is privatized.The culture in
Croatia favors fast wealth making, and Machiavellianism is a good tool to achieve that.
So in a culture where the counter-normal Machiavellianism behavior is normalized, it is
obvious that the Croatian sample displays somewhat higher Machiavellian values.
Also, the statistically significant higher narcissism of Croatian students can be
attributed to the genetic and social factors characteristics of this sample. In this work,
however, we discuss only the social factors. Narcissism and the feeling of some Croatian
people that they are better than others may be internalized by parents’ pedagogy, and it
can also be the consequence of a national narcissism legend that Croats are more capable,
smarter, more beautiful, and stronger (e.g. in sport) than other nations. Narcissism could
be connected with a defensive mechanism in the situation when the desired goals are
not achieved. Psychologically and culturally Croats are likely to be successful, smart
and rich, and the easiest way to achieve it is preferred; i.e. if it is easier to achieve it via
narcissism’s rationalization approach, then it would be more likely to be used in the population.
According to Landes (2003), pride, self-contentment, the paradox of a superiority
complex, disdain and underestimation, lack of clarity and manipulation, i.e. narcissistic
behaviors, are connected with the culture of economic stagnation, so such statistically
significantly higher personality traits in the Croatian sample can be a result of the longterm
stagnation of Croatian enterprises and economy.
Statistically signifi cantly higher psychopathy of the Croatian sample can be explained
by the combination of genetic and social factors of this sample, and can be partially
attributed to the higher Machiavellianism and narcissism, because the concepts of the
dark triad are not totally pure and they are somehow overlapping (see table 2). The great
deal of psychopathy has genetic reasons (Pastuovic, 1999), which are not discussed in
this work.
a) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher Machiavellianism than the
Canadian sample (t = 8.87; p < 0.01).
b) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher narcissism than the Canadian
sample (t = 6.51; p < 0.01).
c) The Croatian sample has statistically signifi cant higher psychopathy than the Canadian
sample (t = 4.85; p < 0.01).
It should be noted that there are several cultural-social determinants of the
Croatian sample population which are possible mediators of such results. For example,
a statistically signifi cant high result in a Machiavellianism variable can be explained
in terms of increased competition because of the situation of higher unemployment in
Croatia, where management students perceive that the ends are more important than the
means, so if they want to succeed, they should behave in a Machiavellianism manner.
A possible explanation of the emphasized Machiavellianism values in the Croatian
sample is that such behaviors are rewarded (Pastuovic, 1999), that in Croatian society
successful people have dominant Machiavellianism personal traits. It should be noted
that in Croatia, honesty, justice, integrity and altruism are rarely rewarded in terms of
social success. Also, parents and the external environment of examined students may not
internalize in their pedagogy the value model of integrity, truth, love, correct behavior,
equanimity, nonviolence, integrity (ethical values), but rather the values of “you should
adapt to the current situation”. Also, these days, few Croats are really shocked by
non-ethical and criminal behavior if they result in material wealth and social prestige.
In everyday small talks, it can be heard that some Croatian people would like to have
the benefi ts which come from unethical or even criminal ways, if only they had a chance
to do so. This can be illustrated by the fact that one of the former Croatian ministers of
fi nance stated “I would steal under certain conditions!”3
The justice system in Croatia does
not function very well, and social success is measured by how much common property
(social property from the former socio-economic formation) is privatized.The culture in
Croatia favors fast wealth making, and Machiavellianism is a good tool to achieve that.
So in a culture where the counter-normal Machiavellianism behavior is normalized, it is
obvious that the Croatian sample displays somewhat higher Machiavellian values.
Also, the statistically significant higher narcissism of Croatian students can be
attributed to the genetic and social factors characteristics of this sample. In this work,
however, we discuss only the social factors. Narcissism and the feeling of some Croatian
people that they are better than others may be internalized by parents’ pedagogy, and it
can also be the consequence of a national narcissism legend that Croats are more capable,
smarter, more beautiful, and stronger (e.g. in sport) than other nations. Narcissism could
be connected with a defensive mechanism in the situation when the desired goals are
not achieved. Psychologically and culturally Croats are likely to be successful, smart
and rich, and the easiest way to achieve it is preferred; i.e. if it is easier to achieve it via
narcissism’s rationalization approach, then it would be more likely to be used in the population.
According to Landes (2003), pride, self-contentment, the paradox of a superiority
complex, disdain and underestimation, lack of clarity and manipulation, i.e. narcissistic
behaviors, are connected with the culture of economic stagnation, so such statistically
significantly higher personality traits in the Croatian sample can be a result of the longterm
stagnation of Croatian enterprises and economy.
Statistically signifi cantly higher psychopathy of the Croatian sample can be explained
by the combination of genetic and social factors of this sample, and can be partially
attributed to the higher Machiavellianism and narcissism, because the concepts of the
dark triad are not totally pure and they are somehow overlapping (see table 2). The great
deal of psychopathy has genetic reasons (Pastuovic, 1999), which are not discussed in
this work.
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Gnječ wrote:
Autori: Bogdanović, Mario Naslov: DEVIANT MANAGEMENT VALUES (DARK TRIAD) BY CROATIAN MANAGEMENT STUDENTS Izvornik: 7th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (ICES 2014) - Conference Proceedings / Mehić, Eldin (ur.). - Sarajevo : School (Faculty) of Economics and Business in Sarajevo , 2014. 226-242. Dio CC časopisa: NE Skup: 7th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (ICES 2014) Mjesto i datum: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 13-14.10.2014.
vrlo relevantan znanstveni rad objavljen u BiH
Pinočeto, znaš li ti ovog Mario Bogdanovića (
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Machiavellianism subscale
1. It's not wise to tell your secrets;
2. Generally speaking, people won’t work hard unless they have to;
3. Whatever it takes, you must get the important people on your side;
4. Avoid direct conß ict with others because they may be useful in the future;
5. It’s wise to keep track of information that you can use against people later;
6. You should wait for the right time to get back at people;
7. There are things you should hide from other people because they don’t need to know;
8. Make sure your plans beneÞ t you, not others;
9. Mostn people can be manipulated.
Narcissism subscale
1. People see me as a natural leader;
2. Many group activities tend to be dull without me;
3. I know that I am special because everyone keeps telling me so;
4. I like to get acquainted with important people;
5. I feel embarrassed if someone compliments me. (R);
6. I have been compared to famous people;
7. I am an average person. (R);
8. I insist on getting the respect I deserve.
9. I hate being the center of attention. (R);
Psychopathy subscale
1. I like to get revenge on authorities;
2. I avoid dangerous situations. (R);
3. Payback needs to be quick and nasty;
4. People often say I’m out of control;
5. It’s true that I can be mean to others. (or I enjoy having sex with people I hardly know.);
6. People who mess with me always regret it;
7. I have never gotten into trouble with the law. (R);
8. I like to pick on losers;
9. I’ll say anything to get what I want.
1. It's not wise to tell your secrets;
2. Generally speaking, people won’t work hard unless they have to;
3. Whatever it takes, you must get the important people on your side;
4. Avoid direct conß ict with others because they may be useful in the future;
5. It’s wise to keep track of information that you can use against people later;
6. You should wait for the right time to get back at people;
7. There are things you should hide from other people because they don’t need to know;
8. Make sure your plans beneÞ t you, not others;
9. Mostn people can be manipulated.
Narcissism subscale
1. People see me as a natural leader;
2. Many group activities tend to be dull without me;
3. I know that I am special because everyone keeps telling me so;
4. I like to get acquainted with important people;
5. I feel embarrassed if someone compliments me. (R);
6. I have been compared to famous people;
7. I am an average person. (R);
8. I insist on getting the respect I deserve.
9. I hate being the center of attention. (R);
Psychopathy subscale
1. I like to get revenge on authorities;
2. I avoid dangerous situations. (R);
3. Payback needs to be quick and nasty;
4. People often say I’m out of control;
5. It’s true that I can be mean to others. (or I enjoy having sex with people I hardly know.);
6. People who mess with me always regret it;
7. I have never gotten into trouble with the law. (R);
8. I like to pick on losers;
9. I’ll say anything to get what I want.
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
hahaha, neda mi se sada googlat jel to taj, ali mislim da :Dglas uhljeba wrote:Gnječ wrote:
Autori: Bogdanović, Mario Naslov: DEVIANT MANAGEMENT VALUES (DARK TRIAD) BY CROATIAN MANAGEMENT STUDENTS Izvornik: 7th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (ICES 2014) - Conference Proceedings / Mehić, Eldin (ur.). - Sarajevo : School (Faculty) of Economics and Business in Sarajevo , 2014. 226-242. Dio CC časopisa: NE Skup: 7th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (ICES 2014) Mjesto i datum: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 13-14.10.2014.
vrlo relevantan znanstveni rad objavljen u BiH
Pinočeto, znaš li ti ovog Mario Bogdanovića (
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
tvrd karakter imaju, zgodnije su od RH(pa i EU prosjeka i to dosta) i to jako koriste , ekstremno materijalistički nastrojene, razmažene su od roditelja, inače ironično ove "vlajke"(iz dalmatinske zagore) su još gore razmažene, jer u "vlaškim familijama", njih se tretiralo kao "princeze"glas uhljeba wrote:
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
u uvodu piše: " The goal of this paper is to stimulate thinking and discussion
around this issue"
vidim da je cilj postignut, stimuliralacija razmišljanja i diskusije around this issue.
around this issue"
vidim da je cilj postignut, stimuliralacija razmišljanja i diskusije around this issue.
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
glas uhljeba wrote:
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
pa jesu takve su ti dalmatinke u prosjeku. a Longi ima pravo ima on dobro zapažanje.
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
pa longi je 100% točan glede toga, 100% , samo treba znati izađi sa njima na kraj(da ne kažem manipulirati) . onda možeš jebavati. a on upire tvrdo po svom, i zato je tako ljutGnječ wrote:glas uhljeba wrote:
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
pa jesu takve su ti dalmatinke u prosjeku. a Longi ima pravo ima on dobro zapažanje.
Guest- Guest
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Jadni Longi.:D
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Jadni Longi.:D
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
moze on biti ljut koliko hoce..ali bez najmanje 100 eura u đepu ako oc ekakvog dobrog komada doli fackat..nista..najmanje 100 eura kako sam rekao......trebqa ljepotu uzdrzavat da bude uvijek lipa i da joj vestid dobro stoji..i sa 20 i sa 40,50 godina..Pinochet wrote:pa longi je 100% točan glede toga, 100% , samo treba znati izađi sa njima na kraj(da ne kažem manipulirati) . onda možeš jebavati. a on upire tvrdo po svom, i zato je tako ljutGnječ wrote:glas uhljeba wrote:
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
pa jesu takve su ti dalmatinke u prosjeku. a Longi ima pravo ima on dobro zapažanje.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100330
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Hehe princeze, istina upoznao sam ih i ono čiste lopuže, samo što su preočite barem meni, to na kraju groteskno izgleda malo se uvlače, pa vrište, podlo uvlače ono dno dnaPinochet wrote:tvrd karakter imaju, zgodnije su od RH(pa i EU prosjeka i to dosta) i to jako koriste , ekstremno materijalistički nastrojene, razmažene su od roditelja, inače ironično ove "vlajke"(iz dalmatinske zagore) su još gore razmažene, jer u "vlaškim familijama", njih se tretiralo kao "princeze"glas uhljeba wrote:
The measurement was conducted in April and May 2013 on the sample of N=150 professional
management students in their second year of studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Split in Croatia. From a total of 150 student subjects, 117 were female and
33 male with age differentiation from 20-29 years.
nešto nije u redu s Dalmatinkama, po ovom istraživanju na temelju upitnika sa 27 pitanja ispada da su poremećene psihopatkinje, narcisoidne i sklone makijavelizmu
onda je longisland u pravu, dobro čita ženske
Posts : 26479
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
najbolej vam je zagorke trazit za zene ako se mislite zenit...nisu u vrhu zenske ljepšote ali nisu ni ruzne bas...a vole slusati...ja sam imao dvije cure zagorke u maldosti i mogu reci da su me najmanje zivcirale...nisu nesto puno trazile a vole izlaziti u susret...sad mozda grijesm mozda netko ima drugacije misljenje o njiam..ali ja sam imao sa njima dobra iskustva a cuo sam to i do drugih koji su imali zagorke za cure ili ih imaju za zene..nisu ni podravke lose...
vuksadinare- Posts : 100330
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
Istina podatne su a longi i đoda moraju ici u Bosnu tražiti ženevuksadinare wrote:najbolej vam je zagorke trazit za zene ako se mislite zenit...nisu u vrhu zenske ljepšote ali nisu ni ruzne bas...a vole slusati...ja sam imao dvije cure zagorke u maldosti i mogu reci da su me najmanje zivcirale...nisu nesto puno trazile a vole izlaziti u susret...sad mozda grijesm mozda netko ima drugacije misljenje o njiam..ali ja sam imao sa njima dobra iskustva a cuo sam to i do drugih koji su imali zagorke za cure ili ih imaju za zene..nisu ni podravke lose...
Posts : 26479
Re: Hrvate se ne može dovoljno uvrijediti da se pobune. Mi smo svakom nasilniku znali reći da
...dobro imaju i bosanke svojih vrlina...manje su zahtjevnije nego recimo su nesto blize dalmatinkama po nekom temperamentu i zahtjevima...ali nisu tako ohole,nadobudne i tako materijalisticki nastrojene kao splicanke,sibencanke...omne su zahtjevne...asilovski wrote:Istina podatne su a longi i đoda moraju ici u Bosnu tražiti ženevuksadinare wrote:najbolej vam je zagorke trazit za zene ako se mislite zenit...nisu u vrhu zenske ljepšote ali nisu ni ruzne bas...a vole slusati...ja sam imao dvije cure zagorke u maldosti i mogu reci da su me najmanje zivcirale...nisu nesto puno trazile a vole izlaziti u susret...sad mozda grijesm mozda netko ima drugacije misljenje o njiam..ali ja sam imao sa njima dobra iskustva a cuo sam to i do drugih koji su imali zagorke za cure ili ih imaju za zene..nisu ni podravke lose...
vuksadinare- Posts : 100330
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