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Re: Sirija
Sumnjam da će wećeras šta pućat pogotowo ne sa istih brodowa.
Te rakete se neukrćawaju na ho ruk nego malo tehnički složenije a za to treba određeno wrijeme.
Te rakete se neukrćawaju na ho ruk nego malo tehnički složenije a za to treba određeno wrijeme.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
Ne znam jel' već netko stavio, a neda mi se čitati, bio je intervju s Assadom, prekjučer, prilično opsežan.
President al-Assad: New anti-terrorism coalition must succeed, otherwise the whole region will be destroyed
(...)Question 2: Mr. President, some countries, like France, used to have good relations with you, between 2008 and 2010. You enjoyed good relations with President Sarkozy. Why have such people moved to the enemies’ side and started calling for overthrowing the Syrian regime?
President Assad: Because Sarkozy was charged by George Bush’s administration to build contacts with Syria. Those contacts had a number of objectives which aimed in general at changing the political line of Syria. But there was an essential objective that the Americans wanted Sarkozy to achieve. At that time there was talk about how the 5+1 group should deal with Iran’s nuclear file, specifically how to deal with nuclear materials or the radioactive materials which were enriched in your reactors in Iran. I was required to persuade Iranian officials to send these materials to Western countries to be enriched and returned to Iran, without any guarantees of course. That was impossible. It did not convince us, and the Iranian officials were not convinced.
When the West was unable to change Syrian policies, they found an opportunity at the beginning of the events of what is called the “Arab Spring”, an opportunity to attack the states whose political line they didn’t like. That is why the period you are talking about was concerned with appearances. In other words, the West opened up to Syria, but in fact that period was replete with pressure and blackmail. They haven’t offered one single thing to Syria, neither politically, or economically, or in any other field.
Question 3: What you said was about France. How do you read the positions of other countries, like the UK and the USA?
President Assad: Their positions today?
Intervention: I mean that France wanted to intervene through the relationship that connects you with Iran. How did other countries, like the UK and the USA get involved in dialogue with you at that time?
Western countries have one master, which is the United States
President Assad: Yes. When we talk about these states, we are taking about an integrated system. We use the term “Western countries”, but these Western countries have one master, which is the United States. All these countries behave in accordance with the dictates of the American maestro. Now, the statements of all these countries are similar. They say the same thing, and when they attack Syria, they use the same language. That is why when the United States gives the signal, these countries move in a certain direction, but there is usually a distribution of roles. At that time France was asked to play that role, considering the relatively good historical relations between France and Syria since independence. There is a big Syrian community in France, and there are economic, even military, and of course political relations. That is why the best option for them was to ask France, and not any other country. But ultimately, Western officials follow the orders of the American administration. This is a fact.(...)
President al-Assad: New anti-terrorism coalition must succeed, otherwise the whole region will be destroyed
(...)Question 2: Mr. President, some countries, like France, used to have good relations with you, between 2008 and 2010. You enjoyed good relations with President Sarkozy. Why have such people moved to the enemies’ side and started calling for overthrowing the Syrian regime?
President Assad: Because Sarkozy was charged by George Bush’s administration to build contacts with Syria. Those contacts had a number of objectives which aimed in general at changing the political line of Syria. But there was an essential objective that the Americans wanted Sarkozy to achieve. At that time there was talk about how the 5+1 group should deal with Iran’s nuclear file, specifically how to deal with nuclear materials or the radioactive materials which were enriched in your reactors in Iran. I was required to persuade Iranian officials to send these materials to Western countries to be enriched and returned to Iran, without any guarantees of course. That was impossible. It did not convince us, and the Iranian officials were not convinced.
When the West was unable to change Syrian policies, they found an opportunity at the beginning of the events of what is called the “Arab Spring”, an opportunity to attack the states whose political line they didn’t like. That is why the period you are talking about was concerned with appearances. In other words, the West opened up to Syria, but in fact that period was replete with pressure and blackmail. They haven’t offered one single thing to Syria, neither politically, or economically, or in any other field.
Question 3: What you said was about France. How do you read the positions of other countries, like the UK and the USA?
President Assad: Their positions today?
Intervention: I mean that France wanted to intervene through the relationship that connects you with Iran. How did other countries, like the UK and the USA get involved in dialogue with you at that time?
Western countries have one master, which is the United States
President Assad: Yes. When we talk about these states, we are taking about an integrated system. We use the term “Western countries”, but these Western countries have one master, which is the United States. All these countries behave in accordance with the dictates of the American maestro. Now, the statements of all these countries are similar. They say the same thing, and when they attack Syria, they use the same language. That is why when the United States gives the signal, these countries move in a certain direction, but there is usually a distribution of roles. At that time France was asked to play that role, considering the relatively good historical relations between France and Syria since independence. There is a big Syrian community in France, and there are economic, even military, and of course political relations. That is why the best option for them was to ask France, and not any other country. But ultimately, Western officials follow the orders of the American administration. This is a fact.(...)
Posts : 440
Re: Sirija
Ja sutra ne idem radit!!!
Tri put sam ga zvao.
Sutra je praznik.
Ništa ne javlja. samo kaže da pošto gazda nije katolik,onda je 100% da nećemo raditi. Da je gazda katolik,onda možda i bi delali.
Tri put sam ga zvao.
Sutra je praznik.
Ništa ne javlja. samo kaže da pošto gazda nije katolik,onda je 100% da nećemo raditi. Da je gazda katolik,onda možda i bi delali.
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Sirija
jastreb wrote:Ja sutra ne idem radit!!!
Tri put sam ga zvao.
Sutra je praznik.
Ništa ne javlja. samo kaže da pošto gazda nije katolik,onda je 100% da nećemo raditi. Da je gazda katolik,onda možda i bi delali.
Ja sam ionako nezaposlen.
Posts : 29707
Re: Sirija
Rusi imaju owako na ta četri broda dwa reda sa četri otwora ...8 raketa po brodu.
Ewo ih skroz gore na krowu odma iza antene :
3 Buyan M-class corvettes, Grad Sviyazhsk, Uglich, Veliky Ustyug
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
Da,jer si Hrvat.crvenkasti wrote:jastreb wrote:Ja sutra ne idem radit!!!
Tri put sam ga zvao.
Sutra je praznik.
Ništa ne javlja. samo kaže da pošto gazda nije katolik,onda je 100% da nećemo raditi. Da je gazda katolik,onda možda i bi delali.
Ja sam ionako nezaposlen.
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Sirija
EKSTREMISTIČKA sunitska skupina Islamska država (IS) pogubila je na zapadu Iraka 70 pripadnika sunitskog plemena koje je saveznik vlade, doznaje se od plemenskog vođe i UN-a.
Žrtve, pripadnici plemena Albu Nimr, pogubljeni su blizu Tartara, sjeverno od Ramadija, glavnog grada pokrajine Al Anbara, rekao je za AFP plemenski vođa Naim Gaud.
"Žrtve su bili očevi i braća pripadnika policije, vojske i plemenskih boraca koji se bore protiv DAESH-a (arapska kratica za IS)", rekao je.
"DAESH ih je pogubio hitcima iz vatrenog oružja", dodao je.
Hatem al-Gaud, drugi pripadnik tog plemena rekao je pak u telefonskom razgovoru za AFP da su džihadisti IS-a skupili desetke pripadnika tog plemena i ispalili im metak u čelo u blizini Tartara. No nije mogao reći kamo je IS prenio trupla.
UN-ovo izaslanstvo u Iraku potvrdilo je ta masovna pogubljenja. "Ovo nije prvi napad na pripadnike Albu Nimra otkako su se djelatno usprotivili IS-u", potvrdilo je UN-ovo izaslanstvo u elektroničkoj poruci AFP-u.
Iračke sigurnosne snage su uz potporu zračnih udara protudžihadističke međunarodne koalicije pod vodstvom Sjedinjenih Država, u nedjelju počele veliku operaciju zapadno od Ramadija, još više se približivši glavnom mjestu pokrajine Al Anbara koje su džihadisti zauzeli u svibnju.
Sunitska plemena u Iraku su duboko podijeljena glede IS-a koji ih nastoji privući ili pokoriti izmjenjujući 'mrkvu i batinu', ocjenjuju analitičari.
Žrtve, pripadnici plemena Albu Nimr, pogubljeni su blizu Tartara, sjeverno od Ramadija, glavnog grada pokrajine Al Anbara, rekao je za AFP plemenski vođa Naim Gaud.
"Žrtve su bili očevi i braća pripadnika policije, vojske i plemenskih boraca koji se bore protiv DAESH-a (arapska kratica za IS)", rekao je.
"DAESH ih je pogubio hitcima iz vatrenog oružja", dodao je.
Hatem al-Gaud, drugi pripadnik tog plemena rekao je pak u telefonskom razgovoru za AFP da su džihadisti IS-a skupili desetke pripadnika tog plemena i ispalili im metak u čelo u blizini Tartara. No nije mogao reći kamo je IS prenio trupla.
UN-ovo izaslanstvo u Iraku potvrdilo je ta masovna pogubljenja. "Ovo nije prvi napad na pripadnike Albu Nimra otkako su se djelatno usprotivili IS-u", potvrdilo je UN-ovo izaslanstvo u elektroničkoj poruci AFP-u.
Iračke sigurnosne snage su uz potporu zračnih udara protudžihadističke međunarodne koalicije pod vodstvom Sjedinjenih Država, u nedjelju počele veliku operaciju zapadno od Ramadija, još više se približivši glavnom mjestu pokrajine Al Anbara koje su džihadisti zauzeli u svibnju.
Sunitska plemena u Iraku su duboko podijeljena glede IS-a koji ih nastoji privući ili pokoriti izmjenjujući 'mrkvu i batinu', ocjenjuju analitičari.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
In 2014 it was one of the Sunni Arab tribes that fiercely opposed the Islamic State.
ISIL declared that Sunni Muslims who fight against their Caliphate are Apostates from Islam who are to be executed.
ISIL declared that Sunni Muslims who fight against their Caliphate are Apostates from Islam who are to be executed.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
Hehe u godinu dana oko 6000 borbenih naleta kontra isila... Kad su ratovali sa Srbima imali su između 800-1200 na dan. A Obama kaže da su ISIL, Ebola i Rusi prijetnja čovječanstvu....RayMabus wrote:
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Sirija
Američki napadi na ISIL su samo fasada ....ono čisto za jawnost kao eto oni se bore protiw toga i tako to ....mazanje očiju.
Eto nešto Kurdima tu pomažu sa tim napadima i ono ok al opčenito gledano oni tu islamsku držawu puno nediraju.
Eto nešto Kurdima tu pomažu sa tim napadima i ono ok al opčenito gledano oni tu islamsku držawu puno nediraju.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
Starhemberg wrote:Cvile po facebooku vehabije s bosanskih brda, koja je to polupismena bagra...
Bošnjački mediji uopće ne objavljuju vijesti, tolika im je gorčina a po portalima muslimani iz BiH prijete džihadom :D
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Sirija
Inače ruske krstareće rakete su put od 1500 km do cilja prešle na visini od samo 50 metara...nema ruska tehnologija, to ti je.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Sirija
Demencija...i to odmah preko Save...epikur37 wrote:Starhemberg wrote:Cvile po facebooku vehabije s bosanskih brda, koja je to polupismena bagra...
Bošnjački mediji uopće ne objavljuju vijesti, tolika im je gorčina a po portalima muslimani iz BiH prijete džihadom :D
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Ne treba cuditi, navijaju za svoje.Starhemberg wrote:Demencija...i to odmah preko Save...epikur37 wrote:Starhemberg wrote:Cvile po facebooku vehabije s bosanskih brda, koja je to polupismena bagra...
Bošnjački mediji uopće ne objavljuju vijesti, tolika im je gorčina a po portalima muslimani iz BiH prijete džihadom :D
Dobro je to tek znati.
Posts : 18912
Re: Sirija
Većina njih ne zna Siriju ni na karti naći... ako su to njihovi...dijagram wrote:Ne treba cuditi, navijaju za svoje.Starhemberg wrote:Demencija...i to odmah preko Save...epikur37 wrote:Starhemberg wrote:Cvile po facebooku vehabije s bosanskih brda, koja je to polupismena bagra...
Bošnjački mediji uopće ne objavljuju vijesti, tolika im je gorčina a po portalima muslimani iz BiH prijete džihadom :D
Dobro je to tek znati.
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
znaju znaju, cak i otici do tamo i stogod pripomociStarhemberg wrote:Većina njih ne zna Siriju ni na karti naći... ako su to njihovi...dijagram wrote:Ne treba cuditi, navijaju za svoje.Starhemberg wrote:Demencija...i to odmah preko Save...epikur37 wrote:Starhemberg wrote:Cvile po facebooku vehabije s bosanskih brda, koja je to polupismena bagra...
Bošnjački mediji uopće ne objavljuju vijesti, tolika im je gorčina a po portalima muslimani iz BiH prijete džihadom :D
Dobro je to tek znati.
Posts : 18912
Re: Sirija
epikur37 wrote:Inače ruske krstareće rakete su put od 1500 km do cilja prešle na visini od samo 50 metara...nema ruska tehnologija, to ti je.
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Sirija
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Sirija
Ya habibi...........direkt pogodak u isis drekavce
prvo arlauču a onda u kuknjavu i cviljenje
Ya habibi...........direkt pogodak u isis drekavce
prvo arlauču a onda u kuknjavu i cviljenje
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
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