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Re: Sirija
Yehudi wrote:RayMabus wrote:I još će ih opskrbljiwat :
Druga mjera je raspoređivanje jedne ojačane brigade sekularnih arapskih boraca koji bi se trebali pridružiti Kurdima na sjeveru Sirije. Naravno, SAD bi postrojbama na terenu pružio dodatnu logističku, a vjerojatno i obavještajnu pomoć.
Koji su to sekularni nediljeti.
Stribor- Posts : 1640
Re: Sirija
Nije nego Rusi kao i Amerika u Libiji interveniraju zbog borbe za ljudska prava, a ne da bi nekoga ponizili. Samo mi nije jasno zašto neke države inzistiraju pritom da se napadi ograniče na ISIS, a da se ne tuče Alkaida.AlfaOmega wrote:Znači Putinu nije cilj ponizit Amere i Ćifute, nego sam ISIL?
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Sirija
Mediji: Putin poslao specijalce u Siriju, hvataju vođe ID
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin, poslao je u Siriju pripadnike elitne vojne jedinice Specnaz, koja je pod kontrolom vojne obaveštajne službe, da pronađu i eliminišu džihadiste Islamske države (IS), piše danas britanska štampa.
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Arapski mediji pišu da je Putin naredio snagama Specnaz u Siriji da što pre krenu u potragu za visokorangiranim komandantima IS, a među njima za kalifom Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadijem, za kojeg se pretpostavlja da se skriva u gradu Raki. Kako se navodi, Putin je tražio da mu ih dovedu "žive ili mrtve". Ukoliko budu dovedeni živi - sudiće im se pred ruskim sudovima, a ukoliko oni, posebno Al-Baghdadi, poginu u akciji, Putin traži telo kao dokaz, da se ne bi dogodio slučaj kao sa Bin Ladenom, čija je smrt za Putina još uvek ostala zagonetka. Portparol ruskog ministarstva odbrane, general-major Igor Konašenkov najavio je da će ruske vazduhoplovne snage sada ići pravo na glavno uporište IS grad Raku, ističući da je to njihov prioritet u Siriji.
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Vjerojatno će noćas ovi zbrisati u Khan Seikhun
a čini se da je on na redu sutra.
a čini se da je on na redu sutra.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
je sve će rusi slati najelitnije svoje postrojbe da zagnjoje u siriji da ih oni islamisti ubiju i onda ih mrtve guze
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
putin je napravio nesto sto ni jedan raniji ruski car nije.
da rusija uspesno izvede akciju, borbena dejstva,
a da pritom nema pozadinskog
kopnenog, kontakta sa maticom. to se nece mnogima dopast.
da rusija uspesno izvede akciju, borbena dejstva,
a da pritom nema pozadinskog
kopnenog, kontakta sa maticom. to se nece mnogima dopast.
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Stribor wrote:neoliberalni_placenik wrote:
inače zna li tko čija su ovo TOW oružja koje koriste Allah Snakbari?
Bit će američka. Lipo su obskrbili allahuakbarovce.
ne želim nagađati, budem googlato i uspoređivato TOW sustave
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Koga si ti blokirao? I na čemu? Šta ti bulazniš majkomilaneoliberalni_placenik wrote:AlfaOmega wrote:Ima li ovdje iko da navija za Ćifute i Amere?
Jbt, stid me upetljat se u raspravu, kad vidim što vas je na rusko-iran-assad strani.
pa više manje nitko ovdje ne navija za amere, ali dovoljno je da ja recimo kažem da "sumnjam u uspjeh ruskih zračnih napada" i onda od par vjerskih fanatika odmah napadi da sam islamist itd (pa sam ih morao blokirati)
Posts : 26479
Re: Sirija
mutava baštarda wrote:Nije nego Rusi kao i Amerika u Libiji interveniraju zbog borbe za ljudska prava, a ne da bi nekoga ponizili. Samo mi nije jasno zašto neke države inzistiraju pritom da se napadi ograniče na ISIS, a da se ne tuče Alkaida.AlfaOmega wrote:Znači Putinu nije cilj ponizit Amere i Ćifute, nego sam ISIL? usra, islamski jihad.........nastaviti slijed
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
"prilagode na zračne napade" osim što je glupost, teško skoro nemoguće, jedino ako odeš u brda ili šume, a ovdje toga nema, barem ne dovoljno visokih...neoliberalni_placenik wrote:Yehudi wrote:Syrian and Russian Air strikes also targeted ISIS hideouts in Palmyra city in Homs, destroying 20 armored vehicles, 3 ammunition depots and 3 rocket launching pads, according to the source.
Danasprvi dan kopnene ofenzive -saa- osvojila nekoliko naselja oko Kfar Zita
ali isto su izgubili desetak tenkova ( TOW ) i transportera.
Sutra ćemo znati više.
gubici 10ak tenkova su previše za išta...
Kako sam rekao, svi govore Rusi će skršiti ISIL za 3 dana, pa 3-4 tjedna.. pa onda će biti 3-4 mjeseca, pa 3-4 godine i ništa bitno se neće promjeniti.
Sirijska vojska ima svega 80 000 - 100 000 vojnika (kopnena). Totalno nedovoljno za napraviti išta.
Osvojili su izgleda par sela, a izgubili hrpu vojnika i tehnike a nemaju niti jednog niti drugog. Ta njihova kopnena ofenizva će "izvitriti" vrlo brzo.
Rusi ne tuku ISIL a i nemogu ISILu nanjeti gubitke, jer ih Ameri nisu uništili(zato jer se svi kasnije prilagode na zračne napade)
Rusi tuku FSA i vjerujem da su napravili početni kaos, jer ovi iz FSA nisu očekivali da će šibati po njima. I nakon par dana kaosa, ekipa će se prilagoditi zračnim udarima , i onda Ruski zračni napadi neće imati efekta.
Sa druge strane Sirijska vojska je nedovoljno jaka(izgunulo hrpa ljudi) da napravi značajnije promjene.
Nakon par mjeseci će biti situaicja da se ništa značajno nije promjenilo, osim što je vjerojatno još izbjeglica krenulo put Njemačke
Posts : 26479
Re: Sirija
Problem su arapi koji kurčevog kurca znaju, ponajmanje ratovati
Posts : 26479
Re: Sirija
Ej yehudi, a kak to da je Putin dobar sa Hamasom i onim islamistima iz Gaze? Zar i tamo nisu islamisti? Ili i među islamistima postoje kao dobri i loši?
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
niko ovde nije vs amera, generalno. ali vecina jeste protiv vojno maglovitih
ciljeva, punjenja evrope migrantima, sa ciljem da evropa izgubi svoju
prepoznatljivost i postane nesto nedefinisano.
ciljeva, punjenja evrope migrantima, sa ciljem da evropa izgubi svoju
prepoznatljivost i postane nesto nedefinisano.
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Pa ne znam šta bih rekao za prvi čini mi se značajno.
Crvena crta su početne pozicije. Znači po sredini su nešto probili a ovamo
desno pet puta više. Ide se sutra na Kfar Zita. Čak bi je mogli okružiti i zatvoriti
kotao. Sa tri strane je sada izložena.
Last edited by Yehudi on 7/10/2015, 20:27; edited 1 time in total
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
ne, trebali su avijacijom još sravnjivati, osim toga nekoridnirani su, loše koriste tenkove i to 5 godina poslijeYehudi wrote:
Pa ne znam šta bih rekao za prvi čini mi se značajno.
Posts : 26479
Re: Sirija wrote:Stribor wrote:neoliberalni_placenik wrote:
inače zna li tko čija su ovo TOW oružja koje koriste Allah Snakbari?
Bit će američka. Lipo su obskrbili allahuakbarovce.
ne želim nagađati, budem googlato i uspoređivato TOW sustave
A Free Syrian Army 13th Division militant firing a BGM-71 TOW at a Syrian Arab Army target in Homs, Syria.
The weapon was spotted as early as April 2014 in at least two videos that surfaced showing Syrian opposition forces in the Syrian Civil War using BGM-71 TOWs, a weapon previously not seen in use by the opposition.[21] Such a video, showing a BGM-71E-3B with the serial number removed, can be seen in a 27 May 2014 episode of the PBS series Frontline.[22]
In February 2015, The Carter Center listed 23 groups within the Southern Front of the Free Syrian Army that have been documented using US supplied TOWs.[23]
A sudden influx of TOWs were supplied in May 2015, mostly to Free Syrian Army affiliated factions, but also independent Islamist battalions; as a requirement of being provided TOWs, these Syrian opposition groups are required to document the use of the missiles by filming their use, and are also required to save the spent missile casings.[24] Groups provided with TOWs include the Hazzm Movement, the 13th Division, 1st Coastal Division, Syria Revolutionaries Front, Yarmouk Army, Knights of Justice Brigade, and the 101st Division, later on many of these groups have willingly joined or surrendered to "al Nusra front" which is an affiliate of al Qaeda terrorist group and thus their TOWs supplies have come to the hands of this group .[25] "the army of conquest" Islamic battalions which are formed mainly from "Al Nusra front" and " ahrar al sham" widely and decisively used TOWs in the 2015 Jisr al-Shughur offensive
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
AlfaOmega wrote:Ej yehudi, a kak to da je Putin dobar sa Hamasom i onim islamistima iz Gaze? Zar i tamo nisu islamisti? Ili i među islamistima postoje kao dobri i loši?
Morati ćeš njega pitati,nisam mu ja glasnogovornik.
Tko ti je rekao da je sa njima dobar, ja nemam taj dojam.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
The Moderate Rebels: A Growing List of Vetted Groups Fielding BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
The most notable form of direct American support to the Syrian opposition has been the supply of BGM-71 TOW tube launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missiles to rebel groups, vetted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The missiles themselves most likely come from Saudi Arabia’s stockpile, although by law the supply of American-made weapons to a third party must be approved by the U.S. Reports indicate that the TOWs are handed out to groups by the Northern and Southern MOC (Military Operations Command) based in Turkey and Jordan respectively, that are run by Western and Arab intelligence agencies. Groups apply for missiles for specific operations, and small batches are supplied by the MOC as needed. No more than a handful are given to a group at any time. In order to prove the rebel groups are not selling them or giving them away, each launch must be recorded and spent casings returned to the MOC. It is due to these requirements that there is such a wealth of knowledge regarding which groups have been supplied with and fielded these weapons.
While the TOWs themselves are not a super-weapon by any means, and are comparable to other ATGMs that are present in Syria they indicate a visible form of American involvement. Hundreds of missiles have been supplied to opposition brigades, and the program is now a common and devastating fixture on the battlefield. However because each launch must be recorded, a false impression is created that the TOWs are more influential in the war than they actually are. The Syrian rebels have at their disposal a wide variety of anti-tank weaponry, almost entirely captured from Syrian government stockpiles, none of which are required to be recorded and uploaded onto the internet with each launch. These include guided missiles such as the Russian-made 9M113 Konkurs, 9K1152 Metis-M, 9M133 Kornet, Chinese-made HJ-8 (supplied by Qatar) and the French-German MILAN ATGM.
It is said that the supply of TOWs is a test or pilot program to identify trustworthy brigades for further support, such as a train-and-equip program. Despite the safe measures put in place by the MOC, both the Al-Nusra Front and Islamic State have captured a small number of these weapons. Regardless the program seems to not only be continuing but constantly expanding. The following is a list of all rebel groups that have used TOW missiles. The groups approved by the CIA to take part in the TOW program overwhelmingly belong to the FSA, many have recognized the Syrian National Coalition of Opposition and Revolutionary Forces (Etilaf), and all have stated their commitment to letting the Syrian people decide their own future. The strengths of these groups range from several hundred to several thousand fighters.
The most notable form of direct American support to the Syrian opposition has been the supply of BGM-71 TOW tube launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missiles to rebel groups, vetted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The missiles themselves most likely come from Saudi Arabia’s stockpile, although by law the supply of American-made weapons to a third party must be approved by the U.S. Reports indicate that the TOWs are handed out to groups by the Northern and Southern MOC (Military Operations Command) based in Turkey and Jordan respectively, that are run by Western and Arab intelligence agencies. Groups apply for missiles for specific operations, and small batches are supplied by the MOC as needed. No more than a handful are given to a group at any time. In order to prove the rebel groups are not selling them or giving them away, each launch must be recorded and spent casings returned to the MOC. It is due to these requirements that there is such a wealth of knowledge regarding which groups have been supplied with and fielded these weapons.
While the TOWs themselves are not a super-weapon by any means, and are comparable to other ATGMs that are present in Syria they indicate a visible form of American involvement. Hundreds of missiles have been supplied to opposition brigades, and the program is now a common and devastating fixture on the battlefield. However because each launch must be recorded, a false impression is created that the TOWs are more influential in the war than they actually are. The Syrian rebels have at their disposal a wide variety of anti-tank weaponry, almost entirely captured from Syrian government stockpiles, none of which are required to be recorded and uploaded onto the internet with each launch. These include guided missiles such as the Russian-made 9M113 Konkurs, 9K1152 Metis-M, 9M133 Kornet, Chinese-made HJ-8 (supplied by Qatar) and the French-German MILAN ATGM.
It is said that the supply of TOWs is a test or pilot program to identify trustworthy brigades for further support, such as a train-and-equip program. Despite the safe measures put in place by the MOC, both the Al-Nusra Front and Islamic State have captured a small number of these weapons. Regardless the program seems to not only be continuing but constantly expanding. The following is a list of all rebel groups that have used TOW missiles. The groups approved by the CIA to take part in the TOW program overwhelmingly belong to the FSA, many have recognized the Syrian National Coalition of Opposition and Revolutionary Forces (Etilaf), and all have stated their commitment to letting the Syrian people decide their own future. The strengths of these groups range from several hundred to several thousand fighters.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Sirija
Why Is Saudi Arabia Buying 15,000 U.S. Anti-Tank Missiles for a War It Will Never Fight?
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
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