Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
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Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Izgleda da ce u svabiji porez ici gore,da se mogu namiriti Invadersi..Svabiju ce godisnje Invadersi kostat i20 milijardi Ojra..
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Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
a ja mislio da će biti u njemačkoj niži porezi jer ovi će kao donjeti prosperitet, odmah će se zaposliti i tako će puniti njemački proračun pa će ovi spustiti poreza za veći standard građana :Dbogomdani wrote:Izgleda da ce u svabiji porez ici gore,da se mogu namiriti Invadersi..Svabiju ce godisnje Invadersi kostat i20 milijardi Ojra..
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Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Patka za naivne i gramzive Svabe..guzicu bi dali Vragu,samo da kapne jos novaca,a izgleda da ce ga jos morati dati,preko poreza.. ...Kako rekoh,prije Invazionog vala,je nezaposljenih u Europi bilo oko 17 milijuna..Kako tu moze nedostajati radne snage..?neoliberalni_placenik wrote:a ja mislio da će biti u njemačkoj niži porezi jer ovi će kao donjeti prosperitet, odmah će se zaposliti i tako će puniti njemački proračun pa će ovi spustiti poreza za veći standard građana :Dbogomdani wrote:Izgleda da ce u svabiji porez ici gore,da se mogu namiriti Invadersi..Svabiju ce godisnje Invadersi kostat i20 milijardi Ojra..
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Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
[size=34]UK to accept up to 20,000 Syrian refugees – PM David Cameron[/size]
Published time: 7 Sep, 2015 14:51Edited time: 7 Sep, 2015 15:20
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Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron. © Carl Court / Reuters
Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to accept 20,000 refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries over the next five years in response to the escalating crisis in the Middle East and North Africa.
Speaking to the House of Commons, Cameron said Britain must “fulfill its moral responsibility” to respond to the crisis, adding the country had been moved to act by the “heartbreaking images” of fleeing refugees.
Cameron said the cost of resettling the refugees would be absorbed by the UK’s foreign aid budget for the first year, in order to relieve the pressure on local councils, which would be responsible for the cost and organization of resettlement.
Because Britain is not part of the Schengen agreement, it would not take refugees making the perilous voyage across the Mediterranean, but would resettle refugees already living in camps in countries near Syria, he added.
Labour's Sir Gerald Kaufman said that Germany took in 10,000 refugees in one day, saying Cameron's target figure was too small.
"What sort of comparison is that?" he said.
The prime minister’s announcement followed a revelation that RAF drones had been used in Syria to kill British nationals fighting for Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
Cameron said under current protocol, military action could be taken immediately if a direct threat was posed, and permission from the House of Commons sought afterward.
"First, I am clear that the action we took was entirely lawful. The Attorney General was consulted and was clear there would be a clear legal basis for action in international law" Cameron explained.
"We were exercising the UK’s inherent right to self-defence. There was clear evidence of the individuals in question planning and directing armed attacks against the UK."
Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, was killed on August 21 in Raqqa, alongside two other militants, Cameron told the House. He said the strike was a direct target and no civilians had been injured.
The clandestine military action defies the Commons decision taken in 2013, which voted against airstrikes in Syria.
In a speech addressing both the refugee crisis and the UK’s counter-terror strategy, Cameron said the country must take a“comprehensive approach” and tackle both the consequences and causes of the crisis, including “stabilizing the countries where refugees are coming from.”
This included action in Syria, Libya and other unstable countries in North Africa and the Middle East.
The announcement comes after Chancellor George Osborne hinted the government is preparing for another vote on military action in Syria.
He said on Sunday: “We’ve got to defeat these criminal gangs who trade in human misery and risk people’s lives and kill people.
“You’ve got to deal with the problem at source, which is this evil Assad regime and the [Islamic State] terrorists.”
The prime minister came under further pressure to order airstrikes on Saturday night, with former Defence Secretary Liam Fox calling the British response to the fundamentalist group “inadequate.”
“Our response is inadequate. The policy of attacking ISIS in Iraq but not in Syria is patently absurd.”
If there is a Commons vote on airstrikes in Syria, it is clear Cameron will argue for action against Islamic State and not against the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad. This course of action would go against the failed vote two years ago, which suggested targeting the regime.
However, those who oppose military action say it is Assad’s bombing of the Syrian people that has caused the most damage and made a bigger contribution to the numbers of fleeing refugees.
A Commons vote could be made a priority after French President Francois Hollande announced he would back airstrikes in Syria. He had previously only backed them in Iraq.[/size]
Published time: 7 Sep, 2015 14:51Edited time: 7 Sep, 2015 15:20
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Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron. © Carl Court / Reuters
Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to accept 20,000 refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries over the next five years in response to the escalating crisis in the Middle East and North Africa.
Speaking to the House of Commons, Cameron said Britain must “fulfill its moral responsibility” to respond to the crisis, adding the country had been moved to act by the “heartbreaking images” of fleeing refugees.
Cameron said the cost of resettling the refugees would be absorbed by the UK’s foreign aid budget for the first year, in order to relieve the pressure on local councils, which would be responsible for the cost and organization of resettlement.
[size]Thousands of refugees reach Germany after Hungary & Austria surrender to exodushttp://t.co/GdF7pILM5tpic.twitter.com/0J6TBIpE6T
— RT (@RT_com) September 7, 2015
Because Britain is not part of the Schengen agreement, it would not take refugees making the perilous voyage across the Mediterranean, but would resettle refugees already living in camps in countries near Syria, he added.
Labour's Sir Gerald Kaufman said that Germany took in 10,000 refugees in one day, saying Cameron's target figure was too small.
"What sort of comparison is that?" he said.
The prime minister’s announcement followed a revelation that RAF drones had been used in Syria to kill British nationals fighting for Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
Cameron said under current protocol, military action could be taken immediately if a direct threat was posed, and permission from the House of Commons sought afterward.
"First, I am clear that the action we took was entirely lawful. The Attorney General was consulted and was clear there would be a clear legal basis for action in international law" Cameron explained.
"We were exercising the UK’s inherent right to self-defence. There was clear evidence of the individuals in question planning and directing armed attacks against the UK."
Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, was killed on August 21 in Raqqa, alongside two other militants, Cameron told the House. He said the strike was a direct target and no civilians had been injured.
The clandestine military action defies the Commons decision taken in 2013, which voted against airstrikes in Syria.
[size]‘Step towards normality’? #Austria plans to shut emergency corridor for#refugeeshttp://t.co/TNUXRzxiFWpic.twitter.com/qiB97HCmmj
— RT (@RT_com) September 7, 2015
In a speech addressing both the refugee crisis and the UK’s counter-terror strategy, Cameron said the country must take a“comprehensive approach” and tackle both the consequences and causes of the crisis, including “stabilizing the countries where refugees are coming from.”
This included action in Syria, Libya and other unstable countries in North Africa and the Middle East.
The announcement comes after Chancellor George Osborne hinted the government is preparing for another vote on military action in Syria.
He said on Sunday: “We’ve got to defeat these criminal gangs who trade in human misery and risk people’s lives and kill people.
“You’ve got to deal with the problem at source, which is this evil Assad regime and the [Islamic State] terrorists.”
The prime minister came under further pressure to order airstrikes on Saturday night, with former Defence Secretary Liam Fox calling the British response to the fundamentalist group “inadequate.”
“Our response is inadequate. The policy of attacking ISIS in Iraq but not in Syria is patently absurd.”
If there is a Commons vote on airstrikes in Syria, it is clear Cameron will argue for action against Islamic State and not against the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad. This course of action would go against the failed vote two years ago, which suggested targeting the regime.
However, those who oppose military action say it is Assad’s bombing of the Syrian people that has caused the most damage and made a bigger contribution to the numbers of fleeing refugees.
A Commons vote could be made a priority after French President Francois Hollande announced he would back airstrikes in Syria. He had previously only backed them in Iraq.[/size]
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Englezi su se dobro sjebali (poput Amerike) primanjem stranaca
Francuzi isto tako. Zasluga tome je kolonijalna i neokolonijalna
politika. Sada vide da nemaju rješenja za to pa nastoje na isti
način sjebati i druge zemlje. Italija već na granici izdržljivosti.
Prvenstveno Njemačku a onda i dalje.
Za ove banana države misle da će im lako uvaliti kvote i to
svake godine. Ipakvidimo da to nećebiti tako lako. Prvo su Slovaci
rekli da ne žele muslimane primati, Madjari slijede. U Poljskoj ih
takodjer slabo ima.
Francuzi isto tako. Zasluga tome je kolonijalna i neokolonijalna
politika. Sada vide da nemaju rješenja za to pa nastoje na isti
način sjebati i druge zemlje. Italija već na granici izdržljivosti.
Prvenstveno Njemačku a onda i dalje.
Za ove banana države misle da će im lako uvaliti kvote i to
svake godine. Ipakvidimo da to nećebiti tako lako. Prvo su Slovaci
rekli da ne žele muslimane primati, Madjari slijede. U Poljskoj ih
takodjer slabo ima.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
A gdje je bošnjačka solidarnost?
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Nach Informationen der dänischen Polizei wurden erste Flüchtlinge aus Dänemark zurück nach Deutschland geschickt.
Sydjyllands Politi
Den første gruppe udlændinge returneret til Tyskland #politidkhttp://t.co/WGu5BuGADi
Danci vratili izbjeglice natrag u Njemačku.
Sydjyllands Politi
Den første gruppe udlændinge returneret til Tyskland #politidkhttp://t.co/WGu5BuGADi
Danci vratili izbjeglice natrag u Njemačku.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Die arabische Halbinsel schottet sich ab
Die Golfstaaten und Saudi-Arabien stellen sich taub gegenüber ihren muslimischen Glaubensbrüdern aus den Bürgerkriegsstaaten. Riad möchte lieber für die syrischen Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen.Stattdessen berichtet die libanesische Zeitung al Diyar, Saudi-Arabien biete für die muslimischen Flüchtlinge, die in Deutschland aufgenommen werden, den Bau von 200 Moscheen an.
Iako se busaju kako su "čuvari oba sveta grada islama"
Saudi odbijaju primiti iti jednog izbjeglicu.
Najnovija ponuda je da će sagraditi 200 djamija u Njemačkoj
kako bi izbjeglice imale gdje moliti.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
SUMNJE SU BILE OPRAVDANE? Makedonska policija tvrdi: 'Među izbjeglicama smo pronašli teroriste iz Sirije, Iraka i Afganistana!'
Sebastian Kurz, austrijski ministar vanjskih poslova, prenio je u subotu na sastanku šefova diplomacija EU u Luxembourgu upozorenje makedonskog ministra vanjskih poslova Nikole Poposkoga da su makedonski organi među izbjeglicama koji su unišli u njihovu zemlju u više navrata identificirali tzv. “foreign fighters”, tj. državljane bilo balkanskih, bilo trećih zemalja koji su se borili kao mudžahidi (branitelji) u talibanskim redovima u Afganistanu, ili u građanskim ratovima u Iraku, Siriji itd.
Potrajat će 20 godina
Ta će plima potrajati dvadesetak godina – tvrdi Washington. Prema tome, umjesto o krizi, moramo razmišljati o fenomenu.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
E sad bi te teroriste upravo pred pobjeguljama trebalo u stilu starog dobrog Grofa Tepeša nataknuti na kolceve...
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Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Neka sd če i Oktober fest jebat će izbjeglice ovim švapskim plačipičkama pijanu majku, jedino još Prusi liče na Njemce ovo sve je Rtel amerikanizirano đubre...RayMabus wrote:Omanji peron za dolaske na minhenskom kolodvoru postao je premalen da primi izbjeglice koje su nahrlile u taj grad. Samu u utorak ih je stiglo više od 2.000.
Većina njih je iz Sirije ili Afganistana, poput Muhammada Atifa Aminija, koji kaže da je od rodnog Afganistana do Minhena putovao 24 dana. "Želio sam pobjeći od bombardiranja", kaže Amini na lošem engleskom. "Vidio sam jednog čovjeka kako umire na granici Irana i Turske. Bio je žedan, a niko mu nije dodao vode".
Posts : 26479
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Ma tko više vidi ove glasove, kad su medijski prostor zauzela elitistička liberlana banda koja živi u zamkovima po Monaku i Lihenštajnu i odande prima valove emigranata...Yehudi wrote:SUMNJE SU BILE OPRAVDANE? Makedonska policija tvrdi: 'Među izbjeglicama smo pronašli teroriste iz Sirije, Iraka i Afganistana!'Sebastian Kurz, austrijski ministar vanjskih poslova, prenio je u subotu na sastanku šefova diplomacija EU u Luxembourgu upozorenje makedonskog ministra vanjskih poslova Nikole Poposkoga da su makedonski organi među izbjeglicama koji su unišli u njihovu zemlju u više navrata identificirali tzv. “foreign fighters”, tj. državljane bilo balkanskih, bilo trećih zemalja koji su se borili kao mudžahidi (branitelji) u talibanskim redovima u Afganistanu, ili u građanskim ratovima u Iraku, Siriji itd.
Potrajat će 20 godina
Ta će plima potrajati dvadesetak godina – tvrdi Washington. Prema tome, umjesto o krizi, moramo razmišljati o fenomenu.
Posts : 26479
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Oktoberfest??? Alkohol i svinjske kobasice??????!?!?!?!?!?!!! Ajd jos koju godinu a onda hallal.
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14666
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
http://balkans.aljazeera.net/vijesti/bosanac-u-austriji-udomio-50-izbjeglicaalbatros wrote:A gdje je bošnjačka solidarnost?
Posts : 26479
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Vrjedjati vjerske osjecaje alkoholom i krmetinom??? tstststts
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14666
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Šta misliš, pa debilne Švabe će prije ukinuti javno ispijanje alkohola nego povrijediti liberalne aksiome...abraham wrote:Oktoberfest??? Alkohol i svinjske kobasice??????!?!?!?!?!?!!! Ajd jos koju godinu a onda hallal.
Posts : 26479
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Normalno da hoce i trebaju.
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14666
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Za one koji razumiju Njemački.
Uwe Shattauer popizdio radi laži o uzrocima zbog kojih
je toliko izbjeglica itd.
200 000 klikova u Njemačkoj za jedan dan.
Za one koji razumiju Njemački.
Uwe Shattauer popizdio radi laži o uzrocima zbog kojih
je toliko izbjeglica itd.
200 000 klikova u Njemačkoj za jedan dan.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
asila, moras identificirat neprijatelja da bi se borio protiv njega, nije to striktno podjeljeno na liberale ili ljevicare, stvar je da se recimo neki liberali bore protiv migracije a negdje su zacudo i neki ljevicari protiv. Nametnuti svjetonazor je prihvacen od nekih ljudi nezavisno o politickoj pripadnosti ili uvjerenju.asilovski wrote:Šta misliš, pa debilne Švabe će prije ukinuti javno ispijanje alkohola nego povrijediti liberalne aksiome...abraham wrote:Oktoberfest??? Alkohol i svinjske kobasice??????!?!?!?!?!?!!! Ajd jos koju godinu a onda hallal.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Govorimo o prevladavajućem nametnutom svjetonazoru, uzmi samo medije skoro svi su protiv nas, pratiš tok novca, ideologiju i to jew to, ja nisam govorio o lijevici ili desnici, usput to je debilna izmišljotina, postoji mi i oni...prckov wrote:asila, moras identificirat neprijatelja da bi se borio protiv njega, nije to striktno podjeljeno na liberale ili ljevicare, stvar je da se recimo neki liberali bore protiv migracije a negdje su zacudo i neki ljevicari protiv. Nametnuti svjetonazor je prihvacen od nekih ljudi nezavisno o politickoj pripadnosti ili uvjerenju.asilovski wrote:Šta misliš, pa debilne Švabe će prije ukinuti javno ispijanje alkohola nego povrijediti liberalne aksiome...abraham wrote:Oktoberfest??? Alkohol i svinjske kobasice??????!?!?!?!?!?!!! Ajd jos koju godinu a onda hallal.
Posts : 26479
Re: Izbjeglički val zapljusnuo Minhen
Šta kaže tko je kriv?Yehudi wrote:https://www.facebook.com/owe.schattauer/videos/959632207408516/
Za one koji razumiju Njemački.
Uwe Shattauer popizdio radi laži o uzrocima zbog kojih
je toliko izbjeglica itd.
200 000 klikova u Njemačkoj za jedan dan.
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