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Re: Sirija
Turski tenkovi i oklopna vozila su na prvim linijama često ostavljani bez pokrića i ISIL ih je uništavao protuoklopnim projektilima. Povećao se i broj poginulih u redovima takozvane “Slobodna sirijska vojska”, a dio plaćenika je odbio nastaviti borbu. Do 16. veljače je ubijeno najmanje 64 turskih vojnika, a 386 ih je ranjeno. Proturska “Slobodna sirijska vojska” je imala najmanje 469 poginulih i 1 712 ranjenih. Uništeno je desetak turskih tenkova, dok ISIL tvrdi da ih je uništio više od 30, te više od 20 oklopnih pješačkih vozila.
U ovim su se borbama Erdoganovi plaćenici iz “Slobodne sirijske vojske”, koji bi se trebali boriti i protiv Kurda i protiv takozvane “Islamske države”, pokazali beskorisnima. Ne bore se učinkovito, a praveći spektakl od bitke nepotrebno rasipaju municiju:
Kako bi nadoknadila nedostatke, Turska je poslala svoje specijalne snage i sada oko 3 000 turskih vojnika pridružila operaciji. No, ni to nije bilo dovoljno, jer su se gubici gomilali, a napretka nije bili. Još 5 000 turskih vojnika je poslano preko granice u Siriju. Najavljeno je kako Turska planira izgraditi tri upravne zone u Siriji.
Erdogan, nakon Al-Baba, želi zauzeti Raqqu, gdje se nalazi ISIL, ali i Manbij kojeg drže Kurdi. No, misli li on to ozbiljno? Nakon navodnog državnog udara je Erdogan uhitio sve časnike koji mu, po njegovom mišljenju, nisu bili dovoljno odani. Časnički kadar zrakoplovstva je desetkovan. Navodno po zrakoplovu na raspolaganju “ima” samo 0,4 pilota, umjesto dva do tri, kako je normalno. Za obuku novih pilota mu treba deset godina. Ostatak vojske je u nešto boljem stanju, ali čak i ako je druga po veličini sila u NATO paktu, turska vojska nije što je nekad bila. Cijela turska operacija je zapravo opći kaos. Osim toga, nema srednjoročnog plana ili bilo kakve izlazne strategije. Odluke i priopćenja se mijenjaju iz dana u dan.
Dobar link
U ovim su se borbama Erdoganovi plaćenici iz “Slobodne sirijske vojske”, koji bi se trebali boriti i protiv Kurda i protiv takozvane “Islamske države”, pokazali beskorisnima. Ne bore se učinkovito, a praveći spektakl od bitke nepotrebno rasipaju municiju:
Kako bi nadoknadila nedostatke, Turska je poslala svoje specijalne snage i sada oko 3 000 turskih vojnika pridružila operaciji. No, ni to nije bilo dovoljno, jer su se gubici gomilali, a napretka nije bili. Još 5 000 turskih vojnika je poslano preko granice u Siriju. Najavljeno je kako Turska planira izgraditi tri upravne zone u Siriji.
Erdogan, nakon Al-Baba, želi zauzeti Raqqu, gdje se nalazi ISIL, ali i Manbij kojeg drže Kurdi. No, misli li on to ozbiljno? Nakon navodnog državnog udara je Erdogan uhitio sve časnike koji mu, po njegovom mišljenju, nisu bili dovoljno odani. Časnički kadar zrakoplovstva je desetkovan. Navodno po zrakoplovu na raspolaganju “ima” samo 0,4 pilota, umjesto dva do tri, kako je normalno. Za obuku novih pilota mu treba deset godina. Ostatak vojske je u nešto boljem stanju, ali čak i ako je druga po veličini sila u NATO paktu, turska vojska nije što je nekad bila. Cijela turska operacija je zapravo opći kaos. Osim toga, nema srednjoročnog plana ili bilo kakve izlazne strategije. Odluke i priopćenja se mijenjaju iz dana u dan.
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Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
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A program of military assistance to the Syrian opposition in the north-west of the Arab Republic, coordinated by the CIA, has been suspended.
Photo: Newsmakers / David Burnett[size]
The US has suspended a program of military assistance to the Syrian opposition in the north-west of the Arab Republic, which was coordinated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Reuters news agency reported, citing sources in the opposition’s ranks.
The program was frozen after an attack of extremists that occurred in January, it will be restarted after reorganization, representatives of the opposition said.
A US official source told Reuters that the suspension of aid to the Syrian opposition was not associated with the change of the administration in the US and the coming of President Donald Trump to power. The source confirmed that the reason for this move was the attack of extremists.
Meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the armed opposition and formations of mercenaries in Syria are uninterruptedly supplied with weapons and ammunition from abroad.
He noted that according to estimates of the Russian Defense Ministry, only during the armed conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, illegal armed groups got about 2,450 short-range man-portable air defense systems, 1,750 anti-tank guided weapons, about 650 multiple artillery rocket systems, more than 24,000 mines of various types, and over 600 tons of explosives.[/size]
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A program of military assistance to the Syrian opposition in the north-west of the Arab Republic, coordinated by the CIA, has been suspended.
Photo: Newsmakers / David Burnett
The US has suspended a program of military assistance to the Syrian opposition in the north-west of the Arab Republic, which was coordinated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Reuters news agency reported, citing sources in the opposition’s ranks.
The program was frozen after an attack of extremists that occurred in January, it will be restarted after reorganization, representatives of the opposition said.
A US official source told Reuters that the suspension of aid to the Syrian opposition was not associated with the change of the administration in the US and the coming of President Donald Trump to power. The source confirmed that the reason for this move was the attack of extremists.
Meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the armed opposition and formations of mercenaries in Syria are uninterruptedly supplied with weapons and ammunition from abroad.
[size]“So, for example, the war has been continuing in Syria nearly six years. And, all this time, groups of the armed opposition and formations of mercenaries have been uninterruptedly supplied with ammunition, weapons and other physical resources, which are necessary to conduct active combat operations, from abroad,” Shoigu said on Tuesday at a lecture at the opening of the 2nd All-Russian Youth Forum ‘International military-political and military-economic cooperation: current trends’ in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
He noted that according to estimates of the Russian Defense Ministry, only during the armed conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, illegal armed groups got about 2,450 short-range man-portable air defense systems, 1,750 anti-tank guided weapons, about 650 multiple artillery rocket systems, more than 24,000 mines of various types, and over 600 tons of explosives.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Strah od Al-Qaede ili dublja promjena politike? CIA prekida dostavu oružja militantima na sjeverozapadu Sirije
Kako ekskluzivno saznaje novinska agencija Reuters, CIA prekida dosadašnju dostavu vojne pomoći za tzv. "umjerene" militante na sjeverozapadu Sirije nakon što su se oni našli na meti napada terorističkih skupina prošlog mjeseca.
Podsjetimo, situacija na sjeverozapadu, odnosno na prostoru provincije Idlib, je poprilično napeta zadnjih tjedana te izbijaju sukobi između međusobno suprotstavljenih militanata. Kako stvari sada stoje izgleda kako bi radikalnije skupine, kao što je Al-Qaeda, mogle potisnuti (ili dodatno asimilirati) skupine kojima je SAD davao vojnu pomoć.
Predstavnici skupina koje su ovog mjeseca prestale dobivati oružje ističu kako smatraju da je ovo samo privremena odluka - zbog straha CIA-e da će oružje pasti u ruke Al-Qaede - te da će oružje nastaviti dobivati kasnije.
No, činjenica je da je američko oružje i ranije redovno padalo u ruke teroristima pa pomoć nije bila obustavljena - zbog toga neki spekuliraju kako bi ovo možda prije mogla biti posljedica promjene vlasti u Washingtonu.
Fol će Ameri prekiniti dostavu oružja " umjerenim koljačima "
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Jund al aqsa - uništila vlastite tenkove i oklopna vozila jer se po dogovoru moraju evakuirati
iz Hame ( Khan Shaykhoun )
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
#Mosul: #US warplanes committed another massacre in Western #Mosul. 49 civilians were killed and 79 wounded today. Massive destruction.
#Mosul: #US airstrikes have destroyed a hospital in #Mosul.
Many civilians were killed or wounded, including children.
Američke zračne snage uništile bolnicu u Mosulu
stradali civili, žene i djeca - 49 smrtno stradalih - 79 ranjenih
#Mosul: #US warplanes committed another massacre in Western #Mosul. 49 civilians were killed and 79 wounded today. Massive destruction.
#Mosul: #US airstrikes have destroyed a hospital in #Mosul.
Many civilians were killed or wounded, including children.
Američke zračne snage uništile bolnicu u Mosulu
stradali civili, žene i djeca - 49 smrtno stradalih - 79 ranjenih
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Yehudi wrote:
Jund al aqsa - uništila vlastite tenkove i oklopna vozila jer se po dogovoru moraju evakuirati
iz Hame ( Khan Shaykhoun )
After his release, lift tens of bodies of fighters victory wetharbr Sham sheykhoun Khan cabinets who executed [ltr]#لواء_الاقصى[/ltr] prisoners in environments
Prije evakuacije Jund al aqsa pogubila desetke zarobljenika, civila ali i svojih suboraca
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
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This map shows the military situation in the Syrian province of Raqqah on February 22, 2017.
Click to see the full-size map
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This map shows the military situation in the Syrian province of Raqqah on February 22, 2017.
Click to see the full-size map
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Operacia zapadmi Mosul (Tal 'Afar)^tfw^tfw
Eroo- Posts : 78946
Re: Sirija
Kurdish-Arab alliance pushes into Deir ez-Zor, expels ISIS from several villages
February 22, 2017 Syria
The Kurdish-Arab alliance of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Tuesday attacked Islamic State’s (ISIS) headquarters in the oil-rich governorate of Deir ez-Zor.
Backed by the US-led coalition’s air cover, the SDF troops were able to expel ISIS militants from more than 15 villages in Deir ez-Zor.
“Dozens of Daesh terrorists were killed in the operation, which came as a surprise for the terror group,” an SDF officer told ARA News, using another acronym for ISIS.
The Syrian Democratic Forces also seized a large deal of ammunition and light weapons after ISIS withdrawal.
“ISIS was forced to withdraw from these villages after suffering heavy losses,” an SDF fighter told ARA News.
The push into Deir ez-Zor comes as part of the SDF-led Euphrates Wrath Operation for Raqqa, which is aimed at isolating the ISIS de facto capital in Syria.
The villages liberated on Tuesday lie about 100km east of Raqqa.
Most of the city of Deir ez-Zor and its countryside is controlled by ISIS. However, pro-regime troops are still holding out in several neighborhoods in the western part of the city and control an adjacent military airport, which has been fortified.
Deir ez-Zor is deemed to be strategic for the Islamic State because it links their Iraqi holdings to Raqqa city -the group’s de facto capital.
Reporting by: Eyaz Ciziri | Source: ARA News
February 22, 2017 Syria
The Kurdish-Arab alliance of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Tuesday attacked Islamic State’s (ISIS) headquarters in the oil-rich governorate of Deir ez-Zor.
Backed by the US-led coalition’s air cover, the SDF troops were able to expel ISIS militants from more than 15 villages in Deir ez-Zor.
“Dozens of Daesh terrorists were killed in the operation, which came as a surprise for the terror group,” an SDF officer told ARA News, using another acronym for ISIS.
The Syrian Democratic Forces also seized a large deal of ammunition and light weapons after ISIS withdrawal.
“ISIS was forced to withdraw from these villages after suffering heavy losses,” an SDF fighter told ARA News.
The push into Deir ez-Zor comes as part of the SDF-led Euphrates Wrath Operation for Raqqa, which is aimed at isolating the ISIS de facto capital in Syria.
The villages liberated on Tuesday lie about 100km east of Raqqa.
Most of the city of Deir ez-Zor and its countryside is controlled by ISIS. However, pro-regime troops are still holding out in several neighborhoods in the western part of the city and control an adjacent military airport, which has been fortified.
Deir ez-Zor is deemed to be strategic for the Islamic State because it links their Iraqi holdings to Raqqa city -the group’s de facto capital.
Reporting by: Eyaz Ciziri | Source: ARA News
Eroo- Posts : 78946
Re: Sirija
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After the liberation of the Jund Al-Aqsa area, pro-government forces continued operations against the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist coalition [led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda)] in the western countryside of the Syrian city of Aleppo.
The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) attacked militants in the areas of Rashidin 4 and Rashidin 5. An intense fihting is ongoing there.
If the army and the NDF are able to make gains in these highly defended areas, it will be a major breakthrough which could allow government forces to secure an important areas near the M5 and 60 roads.
Click to see the full-size map
[size=11][size=11] 263 387 0 [size=10]Share0[/size] 0 [/size]
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After the liberation of the Jund Al-Aqsa area, pro-government forces continued operations against the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist coalition [led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda)] in the western countryside of the Syrian city of Aleppo.
The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) attacked militants in the areas of Rashidin 4 and Rashidin 5. An intense fihting is ongoing there.
If the army and the NDF are able to make gains in these highly defended areas, it will be a major breakthrough which could allow government forces to secure an important areas near the M5 and 60 roads.
Click to see the full-size map
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
ISIL u mišolovci. Očigledno raspada po svim šavovima.
Osvojen aerodrom u zapadnom Mosulu.
Osvojen aerodrom u zapadnom Mosulu.
Eroo- Posts : 78946
Re: Sirija
Otkad je Ero dosao na ovaj topic,donio je novu kvalitetu mapa,koje su zivopisnih boja i jako precizne,lake za pregled..
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Usporedio bih Isis sa govnovaljem koji svoje kovno kotrlja ali se ono uvjek na njega skotrlja
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
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On February 23, Turkey-led forces took a full control of the important northern town of al-Bab in the Syrian province of Aleppo. Meanwhile, the Syrian army liberated the villages of Rasm al-Sheikh and Rasm al-Hermel al-Khabaz located north of the ISIS stronghold of Deir Hafer in the same province.
Click to see the full-size map
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On February 23, Turkey-led forces took a full control of the important northern town of al-Bab in the Syrian province of Aleppo. Meanwhile, the Syrian army liberated the villages of Rasm al-Sheikh and Rasm al-Hermel al-Khabaz located north of the ISIS stronghold of Deir Hafer in the same province.
Click to see the full-size map
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Medo u opciji za dimenzije slike u godnje polje upisi bar brojku 1024...ovako ostaje presitno..Ground Biscuits wrote:Usporedio bih Isis sa govnovaljem koji svoje kovno kotrlja ali se ono uvjek na njega skotrlja
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
necu ja nista upisivati nego ti odi na ovaj sajt ako te bas zanima situacija na frontu u siriji,iraku ili donbasu,ima mapa brate koliko ti srce zeli
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
svaka cast,svaka ti dala vode iz bokalapismejker wrote:e vidi kako se to radi....
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Mc.Cain se sastao sa Kozojebima u Siriji,stare su to kolege
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2014 photo shows John McCain meeting with ISIS founder and other terrorist leaders while illegally inside Syria[size]
Originally appeared at VeteransToday
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) made a secret trip to a Kurdish-held region in northern Syria last weekend to speak with US military officials, rebel fighters, and leaders in the region.
On Wednesday, Julie Tarallo, a spokeswoman for McCain, confirmed that he’d made the trip, calling it a “valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.”
View image on Twitter
Tarallo also praised President Donald Trump’s late January order to conduct a a 30-day review of US strategy to combat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), saying that “Senator McCain looks forward to working with the administration and military leaders to optimize our approach for accomplishing ISIL’s lasting defeat.”
There’s alot of behind here for McCain to be smooching[size]
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is now compiling a “preliminary plan” to comply with Trump’s order. The unusual trip, which the Wall Street Journal said was organized with help of the US military, was the first time a US lawmaker has traveled to the region since American special operations forces began fighting alongside local forces. McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, made a short trip to the Syrian city of Raqqa to speak with Kurdish fighters and US troops about forcing IS out of the region. Mattis also recently made a trip to Iraq to refine the plan ordered by Trump and General Joseph L. Votel, the head of US Central Command, made a trip to Raqqa to aid the review. Votel told the Wall Street Journal that more American troops would be needed to take the city from IS. The current plan, which was formed by the Obama administration, is to take Raqqa from IS. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has objected to US troops working with Kurdish troops to capture the city. At the moment, the Raqqa plan has been suspended, but it may be reinstated once the 30-day review is completed, which would not bode well for US-Turkey relations. During his trip, McCain met with Erdogan in Turkey’s capital to discuss the situation in Syria and current US-Turkey relations. “The change of administration in the United States presents an important opportunity to review and reassess current policy in Syria,” McCain said in a statement released Monday.
In his statement, McCain says that he has discussed proposals to combat Islamic State with Erdogan, including establishing safe zones in Syria and strategies for driving IS out of Raqqa.
During his trip, McCain also met with Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to discuss international relations, just days before a new round of United Nations-brokered talks in Geneva is set to kick off, which are aimed at ending the fighting in Syria, according to the National.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) recently said that McCain has been against Trump because of a “personal dispute,” and said that if McCain was president, “I think we’d be in perpetual war.”[/size]
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2014 photo shows John McCain meeting with ISIS founder and other terrorist leaders while illegally inside Syria
Originally appeared at VeteransToday
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) made a secret trip to a Kurdish-held region in northern Syria last weekend to speak with US military officials, rebel fighters, and leaders in the region.
On Wednesday, Julie Tarallo, a spokeswoman for McCain, confirmed that he’d made the trip, calling it a “valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.”
View image on Twitter
Frank Thorp V
[ltr]Spox confirms: @SenJohnMcCain travelled to Syria this week:[/ltr]
4:27 PM - 22 Feb 2017 · Washington, DC
Tarallo also praised President Donald Trump’s late January order to conduct a a 30-day review of US strategy to combat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), saying that “Senator McCain looks forward to working with the administration and military leaders to optimize our approach for accomplishing ISIL’s lasting defeat.”
There’s alot of behind here for McCain to be smooching
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is now compiling a “preliminary plan” to comply with Trump’s order. The unusual trip, which the Wall Street Journal said was organized with help of the US military, was the first time a US lawmaker has traveled to the region since American special operations forces began fighting alongside local forces. McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, made a short trip to the Syrian city of Raqqa to speak with Kurdish fighters and US troops about forcing IS out of the region. Mattis also recently made a trip to Iraq to refine the plan ordered by Trump and General Joseph L. Votel, the head of US Central Command, made a trip to Raqqa to aid the review. Votel told the Wall Street Journal that more American troops would be needed to take the city from IS. The current plan, which was formed by the Obama administration, is to take Raqqa from IS. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has objected to US troops working with Kurdish troops to capture the city. At the moment, the Raqqa plan has been suspended, but it may be reinstated once the 30-day review is completed, which would not bode well for US-Turkey relations. During his trip, McCain met with Erdogan in Turkey’s capital to discuss the situation in Syria and current US-Turkey relations. “The change of administration in the United States presents an important opportunity to review and reassess current policy in Syria,” McCain said in a statement released Monday.
John McCain
[ltr]Constructive mtg w/ Pres Erdogan 2day- US-Turkey alliance based on democratic values impt to confront global threats …[/ltr]
4:54 PM - 20 Feb 2017
In his statement, McCain says that he has discussed proposals to combat Islamic State with Erdogan, including establishing safe zones in Syria and strategies for driving IS out of Raqqa.
During his trip, McCain also met with Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to discuss international relations, just days before a new round of United Nations-brokered talks in Geneva is set to kick off, which are aimed at ending the fighting in Syria, according to the National.
Zaid Benjamin
[ltr]Saudi crown prince & deputy crown prince meet Chairman of Senate armed services committee John McCain in #Riyadh - State Press Agency[/ltr]
9:30 AM - 21 Feb 2017
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) recently said that McCain has been against Trump because of a “personal dispute,” and said that if McCain was president, “I think we’d be in perpetual war.”[/size]
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